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Everything posted by Nessaja
[FONT="Century Gothic"]Dairine was very quiet. Barra was just teasing her, but even though she knew that, she was still mad. They both walked along quietly, until Barra couldn't stand it anymore. "Dairine, I'm sorry. I was just joking." Barra's apology was only met with silence though. He stopped talking, and Dairine could tell she had really hurt his feelings this time. She leaned over and gave him a hug, not knowing how embarrassed it made him feel. "Look, don't apologize. I know you were just teasing me. I've just had a lot on my mind recently. Anyways, it was you that helped me get back together again. So let's just forget it please." Barra nodded and then noticed that Dairine was looking around cautiously.Before he could ask what's wrong though, she motioned to put her armor on for her. He did and quickly, but it was too late. An enemy that seemed to appear out of nowhere cut off Dairine's head. She swore, but the enemy didn't seem to notice. Thinking that he had taken care of Dairine, he slowly went after Barra who was starting to back away. Dairine tried to get herself together quickly, to help out Barra. Unlike her, one slice of the mysterious enemy's sword and he was done for...[/FONT] [B]OOC: Sorry for the short post, just wanted to get things started.[/B]
I'll be posting tomorrow. Sorry, Muuh. I've been a bit busy. Also, does it matter where I start off?
[FONT="Century Gothic"]Uschi feasted on the guards. The 'snacks' that the girl had brought and the generous donation from Malice helped her get her arm reattached and she was soon back on her feet. However, still a bit hungry, the smell of blood got her attention again. She started licking it all up before she realized it was on the girl's body. However, the girl just laughed and introduced herself as Uschi fed. "The name is Rodica Daciana. As I said before, I'm sorry about earlier." Uschi wiped her mouth with her arm. "Don't worry about it. So, you're the werewolf. But apparently not the one we were sent to look for." "Look for?" Rodica asked. But before anyone could answer her question, a large explosion from the next room sent everyone to the ground. A low rumble outside was the answer to the mysterious explosion. "A tank!" Uschi, Malice, and their possible new ally named Rodica cried out at once. Rodica was about to throw a grenade, but Uschi knocked it out of her hand and ducked from the explosion. "What did you do that for?" Rodica asked, angrily. "It's a German tank. We'll have to find another way to take it out. It has to be spared, so that someone else can use it. We'll have to take out the crew inside without harming the rest of the tank." Malice and Rodica both sighed, all of them unaware of the trouble that Xavier, Kurenai and Alex were about to face.[/FONT]
Chiyoko's cluster headache had finally cleared up. And finally, for the first time since it started, she had some clear thoughts. However, her thoughts surprised her. [I]Run[/I] She thought to herself. She wondered where that came from and tried to ignore it, but it was no use. [I]Run! They let Ilya go off alone, they don't care about you or her. Get away and come back for Ilya later.[/I] Chiyoko looked around. Lon looked over at her and she smiled, trying not to act suspicious. Then as he turned around and asked how she was feeling, she picked up Chase's bag and started running. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do without Chase's gun for protection and Lon's survival skills to keep her alive, but by some strange coincidence, she was actually running in the direction that Chase had gone. Her subconscious was probably trying to keep her alive, even while she was taking a big risk like this. Lon shouted after her, but she ignored him and kept running. After running for a bit, everything went black. Chiyoko woke up, not knowing how long she had been out. Her head hurt, but it was because she had bumped it. It wasn't anything to do with her headaches this time. She must have bumped her head while turning around to see if Lon was following her. She decided to look through Chase's bag, but she had to do her business first. Which was a bad idea, because as soon as she started, she heard someone sneaking around. It was definitely a human though, so she had nothing to fear except for Chase's gun. That and the embarrassment of him seeing her empty her bladder. Then she realized that she still had his bag. What if he was angry with her and decided to leave her carcass for the wild dogs? Lon and Ilya wouldn't question Chase if he told them that some animals had attacked her and dragged her off. A shiver went down her spine at the thought of it. She just hoped it was Ilya or Lon who was nearby, and not Chase. That was her only hope at the moment. She had been stupid anyways for running off. Maybe she could apologize to Lon and everything would be okay. If not, she could never go back. Chiyoko continued her business and waited for the person, whoever it was, to show themselves. [B]OOC: Sorry guys for the delay in my post. :animeswea I hope this is okay. Chiyoko is in the city by the way. So she should be close to Chase, but also not too far from Lon if Blonde wants to find her.[/B]
[FONT="Century Gothic"]Uschi led everyone through the old tunnels. They hadn't been used in years, and no one, not even the soldiers who guarded the base where the wolf was being imprisoned, knew about them. No one except for Uschi and the doctor of course. Finally, they reached the last door. "Okay everyone, we're here. Remember, this is a stealth mission. So stay out of sight if possible and only kill our soldiers when necessary." Uschi whispered. She looked at her group. It was a group of great strength and even greater variety. She would enjoy working with all of them. They were like family to her. However, this was no time to get sentimental, so she finished up with her orders. "Now, we should be coming out into a storeroom, so we shouldn't be spotted right away. So everyone just follow me and file into the next room as quietly as you can. Now, let's move out." She ordered, still whispering. Uschi opened the door and moved into the storeroom. She was wearing nothing but her FG42 and a bandoleer of ammo, and she now got the FG42 ready, just in case. However, what she saw next almost made her drop her weapon on the ground. The storeroom was filled with blood and body parts. All of them belonging to German soldiers. Inspection of the hallways that were connected to the storeroom just revealed more dead soldiers. Someone had killed all of the men in this base. Before Uschi could give the order to split out and search the place for signs of the prisoner, something reached out and bit off her right arm, just below the elbow. She gritted her teeth and fell to the floor. She heard her men yell wolf and start to open fire. Someone ran up to her to see if she was okay. However, Uschi was going to need fresh blood to try to heal and reattach her arm. And with all of the dead soldiers, that didn't look like it was going to happen, unless someone volunteered to give her some of their own. She couldn't see who, but some of the group moved out of the storeroom to hunt for what attacked her while the others stayed behind to watch after her. Things were not going as planned. Not at all. [B]OOC: Okay guys, sorry for my long absence. I hope this is enough of a kick to get this RP going again. I'll let you guys decide who went after the attacker and who stayed behind. I'll also let you decide on the volunteer for giving blood. (It won't be a lot, so don't worry.) Well, have fun posting. PM me or post in the Backstage thread if you have any questions or need help.[/B][/FONT]
There, I posted. I hope it's okay, Blonde. Also, I hope that helps you to make your post, Endless. Good luck and have fun with it.
It seemed Luck was on her side tonight. She liked to think that it usually was always on her side, but this was the first time it had helped her when she was not in costume. At least, the first time in a long time. She was just walking alone at first, trying to forget about her other persona. But it seemed that luck had other plans for her. ?Another address?" ?Go here, go to 116 Scarborough Lane. We might already be too late.? Was all that she heard from the inspector and his partner before they drove off. But it was all she needed to hear. The address was not known to her, but she knew it must have been something important. Lady Luck hurried as it started to rain. Thanks to her rather intimate knowledge of the city, she made it to the address rather quickly. Especially since there was no sign of the inspector. She must have arrived before he did. Either that or she was late. But with the traffic he must have to get through to get to this warehouse, she highly doubted it. Taking a look around, the building was obviously abandoned. So either someone was just using this place as a point of reference for a meeting place of some sort, or something was going to happen inside this very warehouse later on. Hearing some sort of a scuffle, she knew it had to be the former. "...You can't leave this alleyway alive." There were two men in the alley. She stood and looked at them as the rain beat down on her dark red hair and her black street clothes. One man was on the floor, and the other was standing above him holding a cane. They were both in costume. She didn't recognize the man who had received the blow, but the gentlemen with the cane was someone she didn't even think existed. She always thought of him as some sort of ghost story that all of the underworld's members tell each other, despite all of the thugs that she interrogated, swearing to her that he was real. Lady Luck had only two words to say. "The Gent..."
Thanks for the heads up, Wolfie. I have a good plan then. Oh and good luck on your move. Anyways, if no one posts by tomorrow, I'll make a post to get things moving again.
I'll be getting my post in tomorrow, hopefully Vicky. Sorry for the long wait. (You too, Blonde. I would do it now but I don't have much time and I have so much stuff to get caught up on. I'd rather not rush any of my posts if I can help it.) So yeah, don't worry guys. I'll be back on top of everything again soon. :animeswea [B]EDIT: Took me longer than I thought, but it's up. I left it open for either Chase or Lon to find her. Sorry for the wait guys.[/B]
Well, what's the rating on this? Also, does the impurity in your character decide what you change into? Thanks for your help, Tetra. ^^
[quote name='Dragons Wolfie']Sweet I just posted so I hope everyone will get back into it now. We've missed you Nessija and I hope the puppy is ok.[/QUOTE] Thanks Wolfie. He's doing a lot better. Also, if no one posts soon, I'm going to make another post and move us onto finding you, Wolfie. I want to get you into the group soon so we can all work together on our first real mission.
[B]I'll rework my log to have Julie leave her child back on the colony though. I didn't think about it at first, but having her child with her on the Elpis II will probably be a problem.[/B] [FONT="Fixedsys"]NAME: Julianna Lothar AGE: 27 POSITION: Communications Officer COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER'S LOG - DAY 1: LOG NOT FOUND - PLEASE CONTACT SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR SYSTEM REBOOTED, LOG FILE FOUND. OPENING FILE... This is Julianna Lothar, Communications officer on the Elpis II. After saying all of my goodbyes, and leaving my daughter with my mom, I'm finally ready to go out and help find a new home. The captain seems very determined and makes me feel like there might be some hope to this mission after all. Sometimes though, I'm envious of the creatures that my mother used to tell me about. The ones that lived in water so deep, no sunlight could get down there. If only we could be more like them. However, we can't, so that's why we're off in the first place. I'm no Mission Specialist, but I'm going to do my best aboard the Elpis II to help out. This mission has to work, there's no other choice. I should go meet the rest of the crew members soon. I was introduced to them before we boarded, but there wasn't much time to chat. So far the only one I've really spoken to is the captain. Speaking of which, there he is. LOG ENDS[/FONT]
Glad to see that it is up, Blonde. I can't promise my sign up posted by tomorrow, but I'll do my best to get it up by the day after. I think I'll aim for communications officer. I've already got some inspiration for a character in that position.
[quote name='Vicky'][size=1]I'm free tomorrow so I'll try and get a post up but I haven't even had a chance to read yours and DeLarge's yet XD. Bah feckin' humbug![/size][/QUOTE] XD same here, Vicky. Blonde: Don't worry, I'll get caught up and do my best to get a post up tomorrow.
[quote name='Mr. Blonde']I'll post again if it floats your boat, but I was giving neko or nessaja a chance to get something in.[/QUOTE] Thanks, Blonde. I was thinking of getting a post in, but I knew Neko wanted to post too. So I'll wait until she's posted and see what I can come up with. And I can't wait to see the surprise either. =P
I'm interested in joining. I have a question though. What kind of positions are you looking to fill? (Navigator, Security Officer, etc.) Sorry if that sounds too much like Star Trek, I just can't think of any better names for the positions that would be filled on a ship like this one.
[B]Name:[/B] Dairine Siofra [B]Age and Gender:[/B] 102, Female [B]Race & Class:[/B] Undead, elf, former member of the royal guard [B]Alignment:[/B] Unlike most undead, or as most people picture undead, Dairine is not evil. In fact, she is good and wishes to side with the elves as she once did. However, it is not known yet whether they will trust someone who was brought back by a necromancer or not. [B]Company:[/B] [URL="http://i40.tinypic.com/f013f5.jpg"]Barra Oilill[/URL] (Ignore the bumps on his chest, they were padding he put in one time to disguise himself to get past some guards.) A friend and longtime companion of Dairine. Barra is an elf as well, but unlike Dairine, he is not undead. However, he did leave the elves when he heard of her death. He went searching for her until he finally found her body. Then when she came back as one of the undead, he followed her once more. He is the only one that knows who brought her back to life, but he never wants to tell her why or who did it. Besides confrontations on that subject, he gets along very well with Dairine. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i40.tinypic.com/jv0u8i.jpg"]Dairine after a battle[/URL] Her appearance has changed very little after becoming an undead, which gives her a clue that a very powerful necromancer brought her back to life. Since usually most necromancers who are not well trained in their arts can only bring back undead that look a bit more rotted. The only difference between her old appearance while being alive, is that sometimes pieces fall off of her. Besides that though, her looks haven't changed much at all. [B] Personality:[/B] Dairine is very determined, not ever taking no for an answer unless she absolutely has to. Besides that, she is very protective of Barra, has no sense of shame for anything she does, and loves to do battle. However, becoming an undead has changed her just slightly. She tends to give up sometimes, which really surprises Barra. Besides that, she is still the fierce warrior that she used to be before her death. As for Barra, he is a bit feminine, embarrassed for Dairine when she does something without shame, and has very strong feelings for her. For reasons he doesn't like explaining, he loves her even more now that she is one of the undead. Weapons/Magic: Barra carries a bow and arrows for Dairine, in case she needs to fight long range battles. He carries a dagger though for his defense, and he has no magic powers that Dairine knows of. (Although, he might have one or two secret powers he has never told her about before.) As for Dairine, she carries a large broadsword, but she rarely uses it because of the size. Most of the time she uses her large cleaver, since it is a better size, she uses it for her short range battles. As for magic powers, she only has a power that is shared by most undead. The ability to detach and reattach her limbs. However, unlike most undead, even her head can come off without her dying. So she is a bit tougher to kill than the average undead. [B] Writing Sample:[/B] "Barra, tell me!" Dairine shouted. Barra ran off and hid behind a tree. "No!" He shouted back. Dairine gritted her teeth. No matter how many times she asked, he just wouldn't tell her the name of the necromancer who brought her back to life. She would have to resort to greater measures to find out what she wanted to know. She drew out her cleaver that she kept for short range battles. Barra backed up and tripped over a tree root. "D-Dairine, what are you doing?" He asked nervously. Dairine didn't answer, she just continued forward slowly. Hoping that she could scare Barra into telling her what she wanted to know. Barra closed his eyes and shielded his face as she slowly lifted the cleaver. However, no blow ever came down upon him. Barra heard Dairine curse and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw made him start to burst out in laughter. "It's not funny!" Dairine yelled. Right before she was going to bring the cleaver down close to his head, both of Dairine's arms fell off. What was worse was since they were so close to a hill, they both started rolling down. Dairine gasped in surprise. She couldn't reattach what she couldn't find. "Barra, come on get up! I need your help!" She yelled, running out after her arms. Barra got up, but before he could help Dairine who had started to run down the hill, both of her legs came off next. She and her legs both went tumbling down the hill. She yelled at Barra from down below and he went to go collect her pieces. When he got down to her body, she was cursing so much he cut off her head and stuffed it in a bag. He laughed to himself, listening to her muffled screams as he looked for her limbs.
[FONT="Century Gothic"]Alabaster tried to move in close with her rapier, but Nero gave her a couple of warning shots with his Beretta as he held his katana in his other hand. Alabaster ducked behind a pillar and soon emerged with her whip. She whipped it around Nero's gun arm, pulling on it to point his pistol to the ground. She then used this time to get in closer and slashed at him with her rapier. However, he blocked and parried her attack with his katana. Alabaster jumped back and put her whip to the side. Nero did the same with his Beretta. "So, Ms. Crowe, this is how you prefer it? Well, it will be such a tragedy to scar a lovely lady like yourself, but if you insist I will help you out." Nero slashed downward as Alabaster used her precognition skills to detect his attack and dodge it. A normal person would have a hard time fighting such a skilled user with a katana, when armed with a rapier. However, Alabaster was far from normal. Their swordfight seemed to go on forever, however it was never more than a stalemate. Nero was a better fighter than Alabaster and given him credit for. She slipped up though, giving him an opportunity to get her against a wall. Alabaster looked him in the eyes as she waited for him to kill her. Their faces weren't very far apart. "Well, Ms. Crowe, I guess this is goodbye." However, Nero did not kill her. He just gave her a kiss and knocked her unconscious. When Alabaster came to, she swore under her breath. Nero was gone, and she was in a different place entirely. He must have moved her. But why? Why not just kill her when she had the chance? Stranger still, she still had her weapons at her side. She grabbed them and stood up. It was time to continue the hunt. Although it was very disappointing, since she had to start all over after getting so close. "Well, that's life." She said to herself, as she continued on her way to look for more leads.[/FONT] [B]OOC: Okay guys, I finally got a post in. Sorry for its shortness and the delay in posting, Endless. Also, I hope this was to your liking, Nero. If not and I didn't represent your character in a good way, let me know and I will edit this post. Thanks. ^^[/B]
[FONT="Century Gothic"]It was another beautiful day in the town of Triton. Blue skies, nice breeze, very little clouds. A perfect day for fishing. Which was great news for everyone in the town, since it was known as a great fishing village. Almost all of the people in town relied on the fish for food and money. Bron Branwen walked to her special fishing spot, with her fishing spear and net. She walked the streets naked so that she wouldn't get her pretty black dress ruined when she swam out to her spot. Her guardian, Fechin had made it for her. Although he was a fisher like most men in the town, his favorite hobby when the fish weren't jumping was sowing. He gave it to her as a gift to try to cheer her up, since she had lost both of her parents. On her way to the water, Bron wished several people a good morning. They weren't surprised at the girl's state of undress, since thanks to her blindness, she often didn't bother to dress herself. So they accepted it out of pity for her. Finally, Bron reached the water. She grabbed on tight to her spear and net and swam to her secret fishing spot. It was a nice patch of rocks where a lot of fish gathered. She started throwing her spear and trying to make a catch. Several fish later, Bron started to reel them in with her net this time. However, after catching quite a few fish in the net, she pulled hard but the net was heavy. Bron slipped on the wet rocks and fell backwards. She hit her head and passed out. [I]Bron got up slowly and rubbed her head. She looked at her hand, and was relieved to see that there was no blood on it. So her head wasn't bleeding. But then it hit her. She could see. She didn't know how, but she could see for the first time ever. She turned around quickly to see her village for the first time. What she saw though, shocked her. The whole village was on fire. She swam back quickly, forgetting her net and spear. Bron ran to her house first. It was as she had feared, Fechin was dead. He was covered in blood and his body was cut up badly. Bron started to cry, when she felt someone standing behind her. A tall man, dressed for battle was standing in front of her. However, before she could look at his face he reached out his hands towards her. "You won't be needing these anymore." He said as he pulled out her eyes. Bron screamed and the man pushed her inside of her house and had some men set it on fire. Bron screamed even more as she burned alive.[/I] Bron woke up with a start, sweating badly. So it was all just a dream. She couldn't see, and the village wasn't on fire. She swam back to her house, but took her time. Thankfully, Fechin was there and he wasn't dead. She ran and hugged him. "Woah, what's gotten into you little fish? Missed your Fechin, huh?" He asked. Bron took a deep breath, and explained her whole dream to him. However, Fechin didn't say a word when she finished telling it to him. "So yeah, isn't that silly? Just a bad dream, right?" Still no answer from him. "Fechin, what's wrong?" She asked. Fechin grabbed her by the shoulders. "Listen, little fish. Forget you ever saw all of that, okay? Just forget it and we'll pretend it never happened. And..." Fechin seemed worried. Soft footsteps told Bron what made him sound so worried. It was Bairre, an important man in the village. He was one of the eldest in the village, so his word carried a lot of weight in the town of Triton. "What's going on here, Fechin?" Bairre asked. Fechin tried to convince Bairre that nothing was wrong, but he wasn't easily fooled. He was too wise for that. "I know what's going on. I just wanted to give you the chance to tell me yourself. Since you won't though, I will tell you that I already know what little Bron has seen. I heard the whole thing. And I am afraid, she will have to leave. I am very sorry, Fechin. But you know she can't stay here now." Bron listened as Bairre slowly walked away. She turned to Fechin and started to cry. "Fechin, what's wrong? Why do I have to leave?" Fechin hugged her and let her cry a little while longer. "There, there little fish. It is okay, we will meet again. It's just, something you have to do. I know it is not your fault though, and I have a feeling that you will have an important place in the world soon. So no more tears, okay? The ocean is full enough. It doesn't need to be filled anymore." This got a laugh out of Bron, and Fechin smiled and continued. "Now, you'd better hurry and leave. Don't forget the gift that your father left you. I will pack you some food for the journey." Later, Bron waved to Fechin as she left. She had her dress, food, and flute in her pack. She didn't feel like getting dressed, so she just decided to do it later and make the trip nude for now. The gift that her father gave to her, the family rifle, was slung over one shoulder with her pack. It was going to be a long journey, and a hard one without her Fechin, but she had to be brave for him. So she knew in her heart she would make it on her own somehow. She started to whistle a tune. Things were looking up for her already, now that she had her spirits up.[/FONT]
I'll have my post up later tonight. I'll be taking Triton and making it a city that heavily relies on boats and fishing if that is okay. ^^
Izanami suddenly felt cold. And there was snow falling on her naked body, and deep around her legs. This was most unusual. The weather was nothing like this a little while ago. "What's going on? What happened guys?" Izanami turned her head to look around, forgetting for a moment she still had no eyes. No one responded to her questions. They must have been confused as she was. A low growl told her to jump to the side. She fell deep into the snow. She dug herself out and got back up. This was not good. From what she could smell, there were quite a few polar bears and some yetis here. It looked like wherever Izanami was, she was going to have to fight her way out of here. She threw her arm out and sliced into a polar bear, which let out a cry of pain. "Come on everyone! I don't know what happened, but we'll have to cut down these bears and get out of here." [B]OOC: Sorry for the short post. Just wanted to get the ball rolling again. If we can take care of our enemies, we should be able to find a cave or something to make plans in.[/B]
Yeah, it helped a lot. Thanks. =) I'll work on my sign up tomorrow and PM it to you to make sure it's okay to post. Thanks again for the help. ^^
Go ahead Neko. I don't think I can get a post in on time. :animeswea I'll have more time next week though. (I hope.) Sorry about the absence by the way guys. Like Vicky said, Christmas sucked the life out of me haha.
I was thinking of going for an undead character. I just have some questions. What makes them different from the vampires I guess? If I have anymore questions, I'll be sure to post them. Hopefully I'll have my sign up posted soon. :animesmil