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Everything posted by Nessaja

  1. Nessaja


    [B]OOC: Sorry guys for my absence. The ones that are able to come on the rescue mission, come to the debriefing room. Lunar and Zephyr and anyone else that isn't in a condition to come with us, will have a little surprise waiting for them while everyone else is on this mission. As usual, PM me if you have any questions or post in the backstage thread. Oh and Wolfie, I'll send you a PM about how we will find you. For now, let's get things started. IC:[/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"]Still naked, Uschi entered the debriefing room where Dr. Gereon greeted her. "Ah, hello Little She-bear. I will call the others, and as soon as they come we will get started. However, I am sorry to say that you will be short a few members for today. I am advising Engel and Neith to stay here for further recovery." Uschi just nodded to show that she understood. She would be expected to lead the Geist-Jugend. But could she do it? She was not much of a soldier yet. And even the most experienced soldier would have a hard time leading such a group, considering all of its unique members. She listened as Dr. Gereon made his announcement over the loudspeakers that everyone should report in to the debriefing room. Soon, all of the members of Geist-Jugend, besides Engel and Neith, were all assembled and ready for their orders. Uschi took one look at all of them before speaking. She noticed that Xavier and Alex were as naked as she was, showing that they had not been given time to dress either. She just hoped that she could command enough respect out of all of them, despite being naked. "Okay everyone, we're going on our first mission. It's a rescue mission, but that doesn't mean we won't see much combat. Unfortunately though, we'll be fighting our own men. So try to avoid any casualties. However, anyone who sees us must die. No one must know that we have been there. We don't exist to them, so we're going to try to keep it that way. Also, to make up for two of our members being detained, we'll have Alex join us. If you prove yourself today, Alex, you'll become a full member. Okay, everyone, make preparations to leave, and then we'll all meet at our transportation out of here in the main courtyard. Now, any questions?" Uschi saw a hand come up, but she didn't take notice of who it belonged to. She pointed to the hand and Malice stood up. "Yes, I was just wondering, what's so special about this person that we are rescuing?" Malice asked and sat back down. "Well, according to reports, he is possibly part wolf. If not, we will not make contact with the target. However, if we are seen by the target and he is not someone we will want to rescue, then we will have to terminate him. Okay everyone, you are dismissed. Meet me in ten minutes in the main courtyard and we will head out." Uschi said, saluting everyone as they all left.[/FONT] [B]OOC: Okay guys, suit up and grab your weapons. We'll be heading out now.[/B]
  2. Sorry everyone for making you wait. :animedepr And I'm not hurt, but thanks for caring Wolfie. The bad news is though, my little dog lost his eye recently. So I've been looking after him. So yeah, I'll try to get a post down soon guys. And Lunar, I'll send you a PM to help you with your post. Sorry again about the wait, everyone.
  3. She took one last look at the front page, before shoving it down the tall man's throat. This was the second she had force-fed him. The first was an older front page about Gordon Weaver's death. The tall man that was choking on the newsprint was one Lionel 'Lanky' Dalton. The lady forcing him to eat it was none other than Lady Luck herself. Although Lionel was just a thug, so he had no idea who she was. No one really did yet, but they would find out soon enough. If they lived to tell about it though is all up to them when the time comes. "Now, are you going to tell me what I want to know or are you still hungry?" Dalton choked and vomited, wiped his mouth and gave his reply. "You can go to hell, sister." Dalton was still underestimating her, since she was a woman and much shorter than he was. Although he was taller than most men he came across too. However, Dalton was about to learn that now was not the time for pride. She stepped on his leg again and he cried out in pain. Both of his legs were broken from his first fall. She was tempted to drop him a second time, but she wanted him to suffer a bit more first. Even if he didn't tell her what she wanted to know, she had her other sources. So he wasn't as valuable as he thought. If Dalton knew that, he wouldn't be pushing his luck so much. "Listen, I'm getting sick of all of your chatter. Now are you going to tell me what I want to know or do I have to break your arms too." Lady Luck found out that her younger sister, Josie Rose, was murdered this week. And she was going to give hell to whoever had done that dirty job. Especially since now her baby sister was missing too. She stepped down hard on Dalton's broken leg and pulled at his hair. He sweating hard now. "Tell me what I want to know! Where is my baby sister?! You know Josie Rose was murdered. I don't want her to end up the same way. Who murdered her anyways? You have four chances, Dalton. Tell me or I start cutting off limbs." Dalton almost tell her what she wanted to know, but his pride resurfaced and he spat at her. "With what, that pin cushion?" He asked, looking at her rapier. Lady Luck didn't reply. She just dragged him over to a fire emergency box and used his face to break it open. She then pulled the axe out from inside the case. "Like I said, go to hell sister. Oh and I fucked your baby sister. She was delicious, but screamed a bit too much for my tastes." Dalton laughed. That was it. Lady Luck had had enough. Forget the limbs, forget the suffering. She was too much caught up in her rage to remember her plans. She placed a few strikes on Dalton's body with the axe to stop his laughing and pushed him over the side, the axe still stuck in him. She got out of their quickly. She was back at square one now. Not that she expected to get very far from Dalton. He was one of the smallest fish in the pond. Now she just had to figure out where to look next. She had to get revenge for her sister, Josie Rose, somehow.
  4. Yeah, I'm sorry too Blonde. I couldn't get on the computer, thanks to family outings and such. I'll get my post up today though.
  5. Yeah, my post tomorrow too. Sorry for the wait, Blonde. Also, I like how the RP is going so far.
  6. [quote name='Lunar']:wow: [COLOR="darkorange"]Never ever for never ever? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]My mom loves tea. I kinda like juice. But I much prefer Jumex juice!(fruit nectar)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] XD well, I might one day. But so far, never ever. I don't know why either. I just stay away from Pepsi, Coca Cola, etc. The only one I usually drink like those two is Dr. Pepper, but I'm kind of suspicious of it now that I know it's a mixture of 23 flavors. That's kind of a lot of flavors to mix. What's in there, I wonder? Yeah, I think I've heard of Jumex. As far as juice goes though, anything 100% juice I like. Anything with less juice tends to taste a little strange.
  7. Well, my friends (and you will probably be one of them, Lunar XD) are always surprised that I've never had a Pepsi in my life. I'm all for root beer for some reason though. Not Barqs though. I never liked the taste of that. I mean I'll drink it if I have to (since most places only seem to carry it if I ask for root beer) but I prefer almost any other brand. Besides sodas, anything non-carbonated please. Tea, juice, you name it. :animesmil
  8. Nessaja

    Population Zero

    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]After Lon got up, and told them about Chase's plans to go into the city, Chiyoko got up too. She walked to the door and looked back to Ilya. "Come on, Ilya. Let's go for a walk okay?" Chase didn't even bother to look at Chiyoko, but Lon gave her an almost disproving and concerned scare. Almost as if he was trying to remind her of the danger that is out in the world today. "Don't worry, Mr. Grosvenor. We won't go far." Chiyoko said, trying to reassure his worries. She was surprised though that she had called him Mr. Grosvenor instead of Lon. Maybe being around Ilya was starting to rub off on her. Or maybe she just wasn't comfortable around Lon yet. Whatever the case, Chiyoko had to get outside. The tension in here was killing her. Besides, she wanted to have a chance to talk to Ilya without any interruptions. As Chiyoko stepped outside, she looked back. She then noticed that Ilya had been naked this whole time and had probably left her labcoat turned into makeshift blanket inside of the lab. She was possibly trying to make Chiyoko a bit more comfortable. Either that or she had realized how warm it was outside and decided to leave it behind. Regardless, she seemed a little more comfortable around Chiyoko now and that made Chiyoko happy. She didn't know Ilya much yet, but she didn't seem to be the one to take a naked walk with a girl that she had only met recently. She was glad that she had started to form a bond between one of the survivors. Especially the only other girl in the group. "So, Ilya. Do you really not remember anything about being frozen?" This question though, seemed to cast an unsettling look on Ilya's face. So Chiyoko quickly changed the subject. "Hey, why don't we lay down on the grass right there? It's nice and warm out anyways." Chiyoko suggested, picking a good spot on the grass and laying down. Ilya followed her example. After stretching and enjoying the sun, Chiyoko made an offhand comment about how nice the sun felt. Ilya, agreed politely. "Anyways, Ilya. I just wanted to let you know that I don't know what's out there for us. In that city I mean. I just wanted to let you know that I will be here for you. We girls need to stick together anyways and" Chiyoko tried to lighten the mood by joking around with Ilya. However, at one of the worst possible times, her cluster headaches struck again. She sat up and grasped her head in pain. Ilya tried to help Chiyoko up by taking her hand but Chiyoko just pulled her hand back quickly. "I'm...sorry. Just...get someone please." Ilya ran off but Chiyoko didn't notice. Normally she had to be alone when her headaches attacked, but so Ilya didn't worry she asked her to go bring someone. Hopefully this would only be another short attack. Someone came running over with Ilya, but Chiyoko was in too much pain to notice who it was.[/FONT]
  9. Yeah I can make a post today, Vicky. I can have it up in an hour or two if that's okay. I'll PM you with the details. Also Neko can always make a post later on explaining what happened if she wants to. Oh and about the website, maybe ask someone else to update it for you? [B]Okay, I made my post. I hope it's okay guys. Sorry if I didn't portray your characters very well.[/B]
  10. Yeah, Alex can come. I forgot to ask you though, is he in the Geist-Jugend himself or should we get him to join up? Because Uschi can outfit him with everything he needs (uniform, weapon, etc.) if he's going to come with us. [B]Also, if anyone else is confused. After everyone is informed about the mission by Dr. Gereon, we'll all leave our cells and meet in the debriefing room. There we will learn about our rescue mission and make any plans we might have before starting out to rescue Dragon Wolfies character. If you have any questions, just ask here or PM me.[/B]
  11. Nessaja


    [FONT="Century Gothic"]Uschi smiled at seeing Xavier with Alex. Although the two of them didn't know that smiling was a rare thing for her to do. Although it was a bit rare for any vampire. Maybe this feeling of happiness was a side effect of the serum they gave her. Xavier's question broke her away from her thoughts. "So when do we start the mission?" Xavier asked. "Oh, you heard?" Uschi was surprised that he knew. "Yeah, Alex told me. So when do we start?" Uschi looked at the two of them before answering. They were a cute couple. She then realized that they were both naked, just like she was. However, they didn't seem to notice or mind it though so she didn't either, discovering that they were both in love with each other, she knew they wouldn't bother her about her current state of undress. "I'm not sure, but it will probably be pretty soon. The doctor just needs to check on the others and inform them of the mission. If everyone is in a good condition to go, we'll start heading out. The good news is, we'll be able to feed on this mission it sounds like." Uschi sat down on her cot, thinking about the last time she fed. She then smiled again. However, this was much different than her first smile. It looked like she was planning something evil. "You know, you guys will probably have time to say your goodbyes. Who knows when you will get another chance." She said, smiling evilly. Alex and Xavier both looked a little confused. "You know what I mean. Don't force me to order you. Oh and don't worry about me. I don't mind seeing any 'goodbyes'."[/FONT] [B]OOC: Guys, if you can. Check out the backstage thread and post if you want to leave on this rescue mission or not. I don't want to pull everyone from their cells, if it's too soon or anything. Here's the link. [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59872http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59872"]Geist-Jugend backstage thread[/URL][/B]
  12. [B]Okay guys, just posting it here so everyone can see. I'm thinking of having us go rescue Wolfie's character. However, if you want to stay behind or if you think it's too soon for us to go on a rescue mission, post here please.[/B]
  13. Nessaja


    [FONT="Century Gothic"]Uschi jumped up, surprised at the blood pouring from her cell mate's arms. She hit the intercom button three times, the code signal for an emergency. "This is Dr. Gereon, what's wrong in there?" Uschi was distracted by the worry she had for her cell mate, but she quickly responded to the doctor's question. "It's my cell mate, doctor. He just started bleeding and badly." The doctor swore, and gave instructions to Uschi. "Reach under the cot and get out the medical kit. Someone will be in there shortly to take over, but for now I need you to stop the bleeding and get Xavier's mind off of it." Uschi pressed the intercom signal once to show that she understood, and quickly opened the medical kit. She applied some bandages to Xavier's wounds and tried to stop the bleeding. However, she still needed to get his mind off of all of this. "So your name is Xavier?" She asked. He just nodded. She tried a more drastic method and started to tease him. "Hey, I didn't choose to be naked, so keep your eyes on my face please." He tried to chuckle, but it was weak. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm gay." Xavier answered. Uschi was surprised. She would have never guessed. He didn't seem like the type. "Oh really? I guess I have nothing to worry about then." She said, trying to act sexy before getting back to stopping the bleeding. This got another chuckle out of Xavier. However, their cell door opened and a man in a medical uniform and mask stepped in. "I'll take it from here. You're wanted outside, Uschi." The medic said. Uschi stood up and walked out of the cell. She looked back as the medic tried to help Xavier's bleeding, then she closed the door. She was now under a roof and looking out into a large, open area. There was snow on the ground, and large steel walls enclosing the area. She shivered a little. "Okay, Uschi. This is Dr. Gereon again. I want you to step out from under the shadows and into the sun. Just march around for me and see how you do." The doctor's voice instructed her from an unseen speaker. Uschi took a deep breath. This would practically be suicide, if the doctor's serum didn't work. Closing her eyes, she stepped out from under the little roof. Then, she slowly opened her eyes. Nothing had happened. Well, besides a slight tingle to her skin. She marched around naked, despite the snow, just like the doctor had ordered. "Uschi, forget the test for now. I'm going to have to delay all testing. There is a young man that is going to be executed. I need you and the rest of the Geist-Jugend to go rescue him." Uschi looked around, but still couldn't see the speaker. "But why the Geist-Jugend? Why are we going on a rescue mission?" She asked, not sure if the doctor could hear her or not. "Because he is not a normal young man. Also, you will have to kill soldiers from our own army to get to him. And only you and the Geist-Jugend can do this without anyone knowing who rescued him." Uschi sighed. That explained a lot. Still, this would be a first for the Geist-Jugend. They never did rescue missions, and they especially never killed their own men. She headed indoors to the debriefing room, wondering what the rest of the Geist-Jugend would think of their new mission. [B]OOC: Yeah, it was fine Wolfie. Also guys, testing is over for now. So finish up with whatever recoveries you need to make. (For example, Cheese Master needs to stop bleeding, etc.) We'll all meet up in the debriefing room and plan out how to rescue Wolfie. However, feel free to be kept in a cell for some reason if you want to spend more time in there right now. (For example, Lunar might be told that she's not ready for a mission. Thanks to her reaction with the serum. Same with Zephyr, etc.) If you have any questions though, PM me or post in the backstage thread.[/B][/FONT]
  14. [B]Name:[/B] Bron Branwen [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i34.tinypic.com/23jkbjd.jpg"]Bron, the fair raven[/URL] Personality: Bron was born blind, so thanks to this disability she is usually very quiet unless she feels accepted as a normal person by those around her. However thanks to her blindness, she has learned how to use a flute to bounce sound off of objects so she can get around on her own. Her secret fear though, is to one day be left all alone. Being blind already gives her a small feeling of loneliness, so she would be terrified to find out that she was actually all alone in the world. Power/Weapon: Bron carries a very special weapon with her, that was given to her by her father. He was originally going to give it to his son, but since Bron was his only child he passed it down to her. It is a gun that is able to use the stars in the sky as ammo. She can also store the stars in this gun for a short time, however if she stores them for too long then they will turn into stardust and return to the heavens. Besides her gun, she has the power to turn into a raven to get around to places she normally couldn't reach. However, since she can't defend herself, she is of course very vulnerable in this state. However, the only problem is she doesn't yet know that she has the power to change into a raven. Perhaps a time of trouble will awaken it in her one day...
  15. Nessaja


    [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/rwqqmp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/mcukk8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Unknown to almost everyone except to key persons in the military, there exists a division of the Hitler-Jugend that deals solely with paranormal situations. This group is known as the Geist-Jugend. The group is comprised of those who have supernatural gifts or are supernatural creatures themselves. Only members fourteen to seventeen years old are picked, because anyone older than this cannot see the paranormal without the help of special crystals which are very hard to manufacture. Brunhilde Eckehard, is only one of the members of this group. Our story starts on her, and the rest of the Geist-Jugend's, very first mission. To stop all supernatural entities that would stand in the way of the German army and to obtain any powers or relics that can aid their country along the way. The year is 1939, in Potsdam, Brandenburg. The Geist-Jugend has just been created, and is in need of more members. It is Brunhilde's and her fellow members mission to enlarge the group, after their training is completed. But who or what will they discover along the way?[/B][/FONT] [B]OOC: (Okay everyone, the RP has started. Here is where your characters will start out. However, if you want a different starting location feel free to say so in the backstage thread or by PMing me.)[/B] [B]Cell 3: Tetra of Sound, Drizzt Cell 2: Zephyr, Lunar Cell 1: Cheese Master, myself Outside of base: Dragons Wolfie, (possible other player) Hidden location: Lonley Fighter IC:[/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"]Uschi slowly opened her eyes and sat up. However, this sent a sharp pain in her arm and her head so she lay back down. All of her clothes were missing, and looking over to the side she saw that the boy that was asleep in the cell with her wasn't wearing anything either. She would have blushed if she wasn't a vampire and also if she wasn't in so much pain. [I]"...You might feel a sharp pain in your arms and head, but this is normal. Just try to get some rest before we test out the effects of the serum on you and your friend..."[/I] That's right, Dr. Gereon was testing a special serum on her and apparently on another vampire. It was supposed to cure them of their weakness of the sun. But the scientist had expressed that he would just be glad if it didn't kill the two of them. His lack of confidence worried her, but the pain made her forget all about it. However, as the pain faded she sat up in the cot. This new experimental drug was also being tested on the other members of Geist-Jugend, but the doctor was hoping for different results with all of them of course. If they all survived the tests, it should make them all resistant to their various weaknesses. Uschi stood up and put on her socks and her boots. They were the only clothing that she and the boy were given, since the doctor said that he would need to see the full effects of the sun on their bodies. A light turned on on the wall opposite her, followed by a small burst of static. The static soon gave way though, to an old man's voice on an intercom box below the light. It was Dr. Gereon. "Uschi, we will soon be trying out some marches in about an hour, when the clouds should clear. If your friend is not awake, please inform him of this also. Please confirm that you have received this message." Uschi tried to speak, but that long sleep had made it difficult for her to talk. It seemed like she hadn't used her voice in years. She just gave the doctor a beep to confirm that she had heard his message and sat back down and cleared her throat. She looked over at her cellmate as he started to stir.[/FONT] [B]OOC: Okay guys, we'll all be doing various tests. So be creative with them and PM me for questions or if you need any ideas on troubles with the serum or any of the tests that you guys might be put through. Also, just so we're not too strong in the game to start out with, the serum might not work at all or it might have negative effects on us instead. Have fun everyone.[/B]
  16. [FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Okay guys, I'm only expecting one more possible sign up. So I'll be expecting to get this RP posted today or tomorrow. Look for a link here and in the backstage thread when the RP is up. Have fun everyone.[/B][/FONT]
  17. [B]Secret Identity:[/B] Lady Luck [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Appearance (in costume):[/B] [IMG]http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/2788/project3tw3.jpg[/IMG] Besides this, Lady Luck is seen wearing a rapier with a small shamrock trinket hanging from the handle. She also has a holster for her Encore. [B]Accessories:[/B] For close encounters, Lady Luck uses her wire-guarded rapier. However, for times when a sword just won't work, she carries a single shot, breech-loading [URL="http://i35.tinypic.com/34i1y74.jpg"]Thompson Encore.[/URL]
  18. I am now a bounty hunter too. However, Endless. If anything is lacking in my sign up, let me know and I will correct it. Thank you.
  19. Well, maybe have her feel remorse or something over all of those feedings? And that's why she decided to be a bounty hunter? That way you could leave in all of the feedings. What do you think? I think I'll join the bounty hunter side too. That way you and Cheese Master won't be alone in that side.
  20. Okay, Endless. That's what I thought. I'll join the other side then. Thanks for your answer. And Lunar, the bounty hunters can be vampires too. They just don't agree with feeding on humans.
  21. Well, I was thinking of joining the counter-rogues. But it seems that everyone is joining the Harbingers. So before I put the final edits in for my sign up, should I join the Harbingers so I don't get left out of a lot of the story? Or should I join the opposite side just to make things different. I would love to hear what you and Omega think, Endless, when you get the chance.
  22. Thanks for the help Zephyr. Also Wolfie, I know how you feel. It helps to have a team if we know each other. (Although don't worry if not everyone posts in here, we'll get to know their characters after the RP starts.) Also I have a question, Wolfie. Do you want to start off with us or at that camp?
  23. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff] Hey, since we're on the subject can we do favorite Christmas memories here or should we do a new thread for that?[/color][/QUOTE] I think that's a good idea. I'm no mod though. And wow, tickets for a church? Is it to raise money or is it just a really big church, Chibi? [quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Garamond"] I get to have REAL FOOD and see my puppies.[/FONT][/QUOTE] What kind of puppies do you have? As for my Christmas plans, some of my family joined the navy recently, so they're getting leave to come join us. We haven't seen them in months (although it seems like years) so it will be great. Besides that, we'll probably go to the mountains, pick out a Christmas tree, and then find a good place for fish and chips. (Don't ask, it's a tradition we started in the Bay Area.)
  24. Okay, Blonde. I'll just keep the month and the day then. As soon as I figure out her costume and accessories, I'll get my sign up posted. Thanks for all your help by the way.
  25. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium] So, I'm kind of amazed that I like Mirror's Edge as much as I do, but I am finding the flaws to be minimal. I mean, really, there are no greater downsides here than any other game. I think it will really come down to whether you enjoy the first person running aspect. If not, you just won't like the game. But if you pick it up and enjoy that aspect, I think this one's really worth getting.[/font][/QUOTE] That's what I've found too. A lot of people seem to forget that the flaws of Mirror's Edge are in a lot of other games out there. I think it's just because it's new and trying things a little differently. For me though, I really like the first person running aspect. In fact, I think I'm spoiled. I keep going back to other games and forgetting I can't run around or jump as high as in Mirror's Edge. All I know is, with the possible level editor and maybe some multiplayer, I can't wait for the sequel.
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