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Everything posted by Nessaja

  1. I wish my problem was a missing CD key. I'm missing a whole disc. :animecry: (The game disc, I believe.) Also, why is it that no place seems to sell old PC games? I've been looking for the old Unreal Tournament for a while now, but with no luck. Also, back on topic, be careful with some of those hack sites, Epitome. From my experiences, they have a lot of spyware. I usually get spyware from them for nothing too. Since it usually says I have an invalid keycode when I try something I find online.
  2. Don't worry, they will. I think they're all just recovering from the holidays. By the way, where is the demon clan? Because I could base one of our missions around there.
  3. Okay. Which reminds me, we aren't limited to these weapons. This is just to give some people ideas of the style of weapons we will see. For example, we might run across some American and English weapons but nothing from modern times of course. Also, Wolfie, Uschi (my character) might send you out on a special mission, thanks to your hybrid race, if that's okay with you.
  4. [B]Okay, my sign up is up. However Endless, I'll flesh it out when you answer my question in the backstage thread. Her personality, etc. really relies on what side she is on.[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Alabaster Crowe [B]Age:[/B] 18th century [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Species:[/B] Vampires [B]Alliance:[/B] Bounty Hunter [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i33.tinypic.com/102o0ac.jpg"]Alabaster Crowe[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Some people on the opposite sides might see Alabaster as a traitor and a hypocrite, since she used to feed on humans but suddenly started hunting her brothers and sisters of the night. However, she is doing this for reasons that she only knows. Alabaster is calm and collected, but sometimes a bit proud thanks to her ability to sense danger before it happens. Because of this she can sometimes be seen as being a bit of a risk taker. But really, she just enjoys a challenge. [B]Weapons:[/B] A leather whip and a rapier [B]Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] Alabaster has the power of precognition. However, it is very limited. She can not see very far into the future, so she usually uses it like a sixth sense to detect danger before it strikes her. However, to most people it just seems like she has very fast reflexes. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] Alabaster, after binding her chest and donning her blackest suit, cloak, and long rimmed hat, left to wander the night. Her target tonight was a young woman she had been watching for sometime. Alabaster preferred disguising as a man to seduce the women, instead of the men. To capture a man, she had to dress scantily to play the part and she hated that. At least this way she could cover up. After walking the streets silently, Alabaster finally found her target. She prepared her deepest voice and approached the young woman. "Excuse me miss, but may I ask the time?" The young woman looked up, even though Alabaster's face was covered in shadows. "Hmm? Oh, sure. It's..." The woman's voice trailed off though, as she made contact with Alabaster's eyes. There was no escaping now. "Jezebel, is it? Well, Jezebel. Tonight, you are very lucky. For you will be my final meal. Like the last cigarette that a smoker enjoys before she kicks the habit." Alabaster led Jezebel to a more private location and had her fill of the young woman. She discarded her like an empty bottle of wine and flew off quickly. "Well, now that that is done. It is time to take up the life of a bounty hunter. And I know just the person to talk to." Alabaster did not smile however, she only frowned. The thought of killing her fellow brothers and sisters sickened her, but she believed that it was something that had to be done.
  5. Wolfie: Okay, sounds good. ^^ Okay, here are some of the weapons that you guys might pick up along the way. You don't have to change these to be your normal weapons, and you don't even have to use them at all if you don't want to. Also this is just small arms. We'll find tanks and other heavy artillery later on. And like I said, don't feel like you guys have to use these. This is just a helpful list of weapons that we might encounter. [B] [URL="http://i33.tinypic.com/14jnmm1.jpg"]MP40[/URL] (Submachine gun) [URL="http://i34.tinypic.com/rtn6gp.jpg"]FG42[/URL] (Machine gun) [URL="http://i35.tinypic.com/24qtz05.jpg"]Kar98k[/URL] (Bolt action rifle) [URL="http://i36.tinypic.com/1zfhd3k.jpg"]P08 Luger[/URL] (Pistol)[/B]
  6. I have a question for the Alliance in the sign ups. What is a Rogue, a counter-Rogue, and a bounty hunter? What role do each of them fill? (For example, what side are they on in these clan wars?) And what would the Harbingers be? Are they any of these factions or something else entirely? Thanks for your help, Endless. After I figure this out, I should have my sign posted soon.
  7. Thanks Blonde, that's perfect (I think) for my character. However, she might be only twelve years old. :animesigh So if that's too young, I'll just keep the month and day the same. I kind of wanted to play an older character anyways. Vicky: Yeah, I forgot all about that. I don't even have a costume planned for my character yet. D=
  8. Yeah, that's fine Wolfie. In fact, if you want you can even fight the leaders of the Geist-Jugend to get your own custom uniform. (Just a little argument, to add to the story and your character.) Of course, after seeing your character mad they won't be able to say no. Also I'll edit this post with possible weapons. Let me know what you think when I get them posted. We'll possibly be using them later on in the RP.
  9. Oh I know, it is silly. I wasn't planning on building my character in that way. It was just an example of how it's been done before in other stories. :animeswea And that's a great idea, Blonde. But when does this RP take place by the way? Because I was thinking of having Lady Luck's birthdate be 7-7-77 (but if that would make her far too old, I'll just keep the month and the day the same.)
  10. Okay, I'll try to get my sign up posted by Monday. I was thinking of going for a character a long the lines of the Rocketeer (if you are familiar with that character, Blonde. If not, I'll try to find some information on him.) Not exactly like the Rocketeer of course, but something like it involving believable technology, etc for the time period. [B]EDIT: Actually, I had a good idea. My character will be called Lady Luck. And if it's okay for the RP, she'll just be extra lucky. (There was some sci-fi story where a character was bred to be extra lucky, but I can't remember the name of it.) How does that sound?[/B]
  11. Okay, Neko. ^^ You can continue the heart to heart from there. Mostly because I don't know if Ilya ever had a dog of her own or not. :animeswea (I'll PM you Vicky, about Chiyoko's dog later if you want to add it to the website.) Also, I didn't make Ilya say anything since I don't know how she would react, so I'll let you judge how the heart to heart will go, Neko. Oh and I hope I got it right that Ilya wouldn't be too embarrassed about being naked around Chiyoko. I didn't think so, since they both are similarly dressed (or undressed I guess =P ) and are both girls .
  12. Nessaja

    Population Zero

    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Chiyoko slowly shoved aside the animal skin she was covered up in and yawned. The event with the dogs and the fire seemed like it had happened years ago, after a good rest. Chase didn't seem to be anywhere in sight, but she didn't look for him long after seeing the berries on the floor. They reminded her of how she didn't get a chance to eat that lion. Also, the fear that had chased away her hunger was now gone. She crawled over and picked up some berries off the floor and ate them quickly. She would have grabbed some more, but now that she had something in her stomach, she remembered that they probably had to forage their food out here. Besides, she wasn't the only one who was trying to survive. Speaking of one of those other people, Chiyoko noticed that Ilya was awake. Her lab coat was against a table, probably used as a blanket since Lon didn't bring enough animal skins for everyone, so Ilya was as naked as Chiyoko. Chiyoko didn't notice this though, she just noticed that it seemed like Ilya had been crying. She put down a berry and went over and hugged Ilya. "What's wrong, Ilya?" Chiyoko asked. She hugged her a little closer, and repeated the question. But that still got no response. "It's okay, I know how you feel. You're sad about Echota too? Even though I didn't know him for long, I felt really attached to him. He was a good dog." Still no response, except for a quiet sniffle. So Chiyoko continued. "I guess he just reminded me of this puppy I used to have. Did you ever have a dog, Ilya?"[/FONT]
  13. Thanks Neko. ^^ Yeah, I hope she gets her chance to shine too. Oh and I was thinking, since Chiyoko obviously doesn't know what happened, that she would be mistaken about it and think that Ilya is upset about Echota dying or something like that. So she'll try to sympathize with Ilya, not realizing what really upset her. How does that sound?
  14. Wow, boy my face is red right now. :animeblus Thanks so much for your help, Boo. ^^ Tinypic to the rescue then. =P Oh and forget about resizing them then, Princess. I'll go put one in my banner now. Thanks again.
  15. Oooh, thanks Princess. ^^ Actually, I'm glad that you didn't read my post. XD Because I guess at the time, I didn't really know what I liked. The way yours turned out are great. I'll be using both of them if that's okay with you. (I'll take turns on each one. Switch them out when I get bored or something.) But yeah, don't change them please. I like the colors and everything. And it's a great picture of Ninamori. Thanks again. :animesmil [B]EDIT: OH NO! Actually, there is one problem. I noticed it when I tried to use your banner as my signature. They're both a little 0ver 90kbs, and OB only allows 50kbs signatures. Is there anyway you can resize it?[/B]
  16. Yeah, that was interesting Vicky. XD I saw a side of Chase I kind of expected was there, but it was still surprising to see it come out. Anyways, Thanksgiving was keeping me busy but I can make a post this weekend I think. I just need to know what our plans are. Where are we heading for here? Should I just maybe have Chiyoko try to talk to Ilya maybe, Neko?
  17. [quote name='chibi-master']I am SOOO going to Raiha's for Thanksgiving.:o But I can't decide whether to come late or early. Early: I get freebies, but I make food explode by being near it. Late: I do dishes rather well, but some vultures *stares at other members* may get the food I want for myself... Oh, what to do, what to do...:animesigh[/QUOTE] Well, let me know how it went, Chibi and Raiha. ^^ I hope you guys had fun. Thanksgiving was saved this time for me. We almost bought some pre-made meals at some restaurant for one hundred dollars, but I managed to talk my parents into just cooking since we already had all of the ingredients. (They wanted to save some of it, like the turkeys for Christmas.) A lot more cleaning afterwards, but it was worth it.
  18. [FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Great sign ups so far guys. ^^ We should be getting some more new sign ups soon though, so after those get posted we'll start the RP. For now, here's my sign up.[/B][/FONT] [B]Name:[/B] Brunhilde 'Uschi' Eckehard [B]Code number:[/B] VSB 16739221 [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Weapons:[/B] A [URL="http://i38.tinypic.com/2a7u26o.jpg"]Fallschirmjagergewhr FG42[/URL], and a [URL="http://i36.tinypic.com/2hzppc9.jpg"]P08 Luger.[/URL] (She puts a bayonet on her FG42 for close combat, however she rarely relies on anything more than her strength and her teeth for close combat fighting.) [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i35.tinypic.com/jso6xy.jpg"]Uschi, the little she-bear[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Uschi is a very mature, and serious girl, despite her age. She seems much older than she really is sometimes, however it might be true since fourteen is only the age that she has stopped aging at. She is however no longer feral, and will restrain herself during feeding, unless the situation calls for no restraint. As the leader of Geist-Jugend, she is cunning and resourceful in battle. But on and off the field she is very protective of her fellow members of Geist-Jugend and will protect them as if they are replacing the family she lost so long ago. [B]History:[/B] When Brunhilde was just a young child, German soldiers burst into her house, and shot both of her parents. They had sources that marked her parents for committing treason. Brunhilde ran out the back door and the German soldiers followed, to try to take her alive. However, they stopped in their tracks when they saw where she was headed. She ran into a part of town that had been abandoned for years because of mysterious disappearances. And the bodies that were found after the disappearances, had strange bite marks on them. The German soldiers returned to base and reported that she had ran into an old building and fell to her death. The strange thing is, it wasn't that far from the truth. Brunhilde ran to the top floor of an old building and tried to lean on some railing, to see if the German soldiers were still following her. However, the railing was too old to support her weight and she fell to the bottom. Dying, a man came to her and gave her something warm and copper tasting to drink. She drank it and he took her with him. She was never seen again by anyone she knew. Years later, a company of German soldiers were attacked by a fourteen year old girl. She seemed much stronger for her age and she killed them with her teeth like an animal. Receiving orders to take her alive, they finally subdued her and gave her the nickname Uschi, or 'Little She-bear'. Brunhilde Eckehard, was now a vampire. She was immediately put in the new Geist-Jugend division for testing and training.
  19. Hi guys. I made myself an FLCL banner and avatar, but I'm not very good at making them. :animeswea So I'd like to see what other people can come up with. I would like it to have [URL="http://www.absoluteanime.com/flcl/eri.htm"]Eri Ninamor[/URL]i in it, but since images are hard to find, any FLCL character will do. As far as text and stuff goes on the banner, Neuvo Rich Princess should be good. Color and design are up to you guys, but I'm fond of reds, whites, blues, and blacks. So some combination of one or more of those colors please, although dark purple would also be good to match her hair. Thanks for reading. ^.^
  20. Thanks Fighter. ^^ I'll make my introduction post then, if that's okay? Or are we waiting on KG?
  21. I could get into this. We're costumed super heroes though, without superpowers right? (Besides godo fighting skills, probably.) Or do we have powers or weapons or what?
  22. This sounds like a great plan for an RP. I'll definitely be looking out for it when it's more than just a rough draft. My only questions are, what does the ark look like? Also, what are these two alien races like? No suggestions yet, but if I think of any I'll let you know.
  23. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"What do you all think Maia's mission is?" Izanami heard Aderyn ask. Izanami thought a moment, but she had no idea what Maia might be doing. "I don't know, but it must be pretty important if that Acolyte guy went with her. All I know is I'll be glad to get my eyes back. By the way, what do you guys think of this Acolyte guy?" Izanami asked. However, everyone either didn't hear her or they were ignoring her. Because not one of them answered her question. Either that or they really didn't know what to think of him, like she did. Who was he? And what was his purpose for bringing them all back to life? Could they trust him? Even though they didn't have a choice? Izanami leaned back and enjoyed the ride as much as she could, since it was a bit crowded. She listened to the others as they argued and teased each other, and wondered when they would reach the garden.[/FONT] [B]OOC: Sorry for the short post, I just didn't want to make this anything else but a journey post. I didn't want to ruin anything by posting about their arrival at the garden.[/B]
  24. I started to cry when I read about Echota. :animecry: I know it sounds silly, but I really liked him. And good post, Blonde. A good cliff hanger too. I wonder how Lon will get out of this situation. Things look pretty hopeless right now.
  25. [B]Okay everyone, here is the backstage thread. Post any questions about the RP here or any suggestions. Also, here is an example picture of the uniforms that the Geist-Jugend wear. [URL="http://i36.tinypic.com/nxvszq.jpg"]Uniforms[/URL] The men wear pretty much the same uniforms, but tailored to fit their body shape of course. If you need more direct help though, feel free to PM me and I'll help you work out a sign up or answer any questions you might have.[/B]
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