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Everything posted by Nessaja
[CENTER][IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/rwqqmp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/mcukk8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Unknown to almost everyone except to key persons in the military, there exists a division of the Hitler-Jugend that deals solely with paranormal situations. This group is known as the Geist-Jugend. The group is comprised of those who have supernatural gifts or are supernatural creatures themselves. Only members fourteen to seventeen years old are picked, because anyone older than this cannot see the paranormal without the help of special crystals which are very hard to manufacture. Brunhilde Eckehard, is only one of the members of this group. Our story starts on her, and the rest of the Geist-Jugend's, very first mission. To stop all supernatural entities that would stand in the way of the German army and to obtain any powers or relics that can aid their country along the way. The year is 1939, in Potsdam, Brandenburg. The Geist-Jugend has just been created, and is in need of more members. It is Brunhilde's and her fellow members mission to enlarge the group, after their training is completed. But who or what will they discover along the way?[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/vxc9d5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Okay everyone, you will all play as a member of the elite Geist-Jugend group. As I mentioned before, a group to deal with the supernatural and paranormal forces in the world. Some of you however, don't have to start out as members but can join later. Or you can even be an enemy of the Geist-Jugend if you want (I'm not sure if that will work though, so PM me or talk to me in the backstage thread if you want to sign up as an enemy.) Also, some of you can be older than 14-17 but you either won't be able to see the enemies that we are fighting, or you will need to get a hold of a special crystal to see them. If you have any questions, PM me please or talk to me in the backstage thread. Also, as long as you are not too powerful, feel free to be a vampire, werewolf, psychic, etc. [B]Also, this will be a mature RP with violence, language, and possible sexual situations.[/B][/FONT] [B]Name:[/B] (Your name. You can be any nationality, as long as it makes sense.) [B]Code number:[/B] (Any set of numbers, as long as it has VSB before it.) [B]Age:[/B] (14-17, unless you have you want to be a bit older.) [B]Weapons:[/B] (Keep them realistic to the time period please. So no futuristic weapons. Just any swords, guns, or knives that would have been used during world war two.) [B]Appearance:[/B] (Picture or description are both fine) [B]Personality:[/B] (How you react to your fellow members and to the world) [B]History:[/B] (How you joined the group or just your character's history, if you are not yet a member.) [FONT="Century Gothic"]I'll post my sign up later, after we get some other sign ups.[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Chiyoko was worried about Ilya, but she didn't say anything further since she seemed to be deep in thought. It was strange though, that she had no memories of being put in the cryostasis. Did the whole procedure damage Ilya's memories, even though the doctors said nothing like that should have happened? Or was that really a bad fall and Ilya had been in a coma when her parents agreed to put their daughter in the project? Chiyoko shook her head at Chase's sarcastic remark, especially since it didn't seem to get through to Ilya as being sarcastic. "Leave her alone, Chase." Chiyoko said quietly, silently trailing off since he didn't seem to be listening. It didn't seem to be such a good time for scolding anyways. The dogs' growls were getting louder. It seemed that Chase was right about all of the animals hearing Ilya. More dogs were coming, or it at least sounded like that was the case since the growls seemed to be getting more frequent. "There's got to be..." Chiyoko stopped mid-sentence, as she tried to think. There had to be some way off this roof. Chiyoko didn't expect Lon to come to their rescue again, especially because of the way he had talked to her earlier. But she didn't want to tell either Ilya or Chase about that. Ilya didn't need more things to worry about, and she had a feeling Chase wouldn't even care. Or if he did care, he wouldn't show it. Chiyoko started walking around, causing Chase to ask her why she was so restless. "I'm not going to just sit here. There's got to be a way out of here." Chiyoko sighed. Things weren't looking good. Sure they could just wait it out, but who knew how long the dogs would be there. Also, they had to get down and get something to eat soon. Thanks to her headache, Chiyoko had left before she got a chance to eat any of the lion. Her stomach rumbled, but it wasn't loud enough to be heard over the growl of the dogs. They had to get out of here soon...[/FONT]
Okay, I'll post then. Thanks Kata. (I need a new nickname for you. :animeswea ) I'm also wondering if Day 1 of our adventure will be starting soon. I'll try not to move things along too much though, so we can start it soon.
Is that a yes, Fighter? If so then thanks. :animesmil I finished my sign up, if anyone wants to take a look at it before deciding on if I can join or not.
[B]Name:[/B] Ilta [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]You Are:[/B] Fresh Agent [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i36.tinypic.com/vrc0vd.jpg"]Ilta at school[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Ilta is one quarter Finnish, and normally a cheerful and open girl. However, thanks to people always staring at her missing arm, she has started to become a lot more shy than she usually is. Her parents tried getting her a prosthetic arm, but she refused to wear it since it looked and felt so fake. The only downside to not wearing it though, is that too many people try to help her out thanks to her disability. It's nice of course to receive help when she needs it, but usually people overdo it so that has also made Ilta go a bit quiet. Now she mostly comes off as a quiet, shy girl to those people who have just met her. In reality though, when you get to know her she is still the same cheerful and open girl that she has always been. However, if she has a job to get done, she shows her serious side until the mission is over. [B]Weapon/Power:[/B] Ilta carries four Glock 17s that fire .45 G.A.P. cartridges. She can fire four pistols at a time, thanks to three invisible arms that come from her back. These arms have a range of ten feet and can lift, crush, or throw things that are normally too heavy for Ilta. Thanks to their strength and range, Ilta can use them on stealth missions to silently take out her opponents or to pull herself up to greater heights. Also, they only become solid when Ilta wants them to be, so they don't interfere with her daily life.
Well, this might sound a little pathetic but I want snow (last year we had our first white Christmas and it was a lot of fun) and I also want our family to be back together. We're only separated by distance though, not arguments or anything like that. So I just hope that everyone can find the time and money to travel to be here in time. Besides that, the usual games and anime that everyone is listing. :animeswea As far as an impossible wish goes though, I want the Mirror's Edge sequel since I think they will probably improve a lot on a good idea for a game.
So is it okay to post my sign up then? Because if you guys think KG will be okay with it, I'll get started right away.
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Chiyoko watched as Ilya walked away. If she could focus on anything besides the pain, she would have felt bad for not being able to explain herself to Ilya. But right now, all she could worry about was her headache. Chiyoko cried out. It felt like someone was slowly hammering a hot nail into her head. She cried out again. It was all she could do to ignore the pain. Well, besides slamming her head into a wall repeatedly. But she had already tried that when she was young, and she swore to herself that no matter how bad the pain she wouldn't do it again. However, that just got her thinking about her old life before the project... [I]"Taro! Taro come here!" Chiyoko's mom cried out. She had just discovered Chiyoko slamming her head into the wall and screaming. Taro, her father ran into the room and stopped her from hurting herself anymore. They took her to the doctor right away. "What's the matter with her doctor? I've never seen anything like this." Her father asked, quietly. The doctor frowned, looked at a chart in his hand and crossed his arms. "I'm afraid that your daughter is suffering from a disease known as cluster headaches. It strikes at regular times for years depending on the person, and will only stop for a week or a few months but that also depends on the person. What is strange though is, this disease should only strike middle aged males that drink and smoke. I cannot tell you right now why your daughter is affected." Chiyoko remembered her mother crying to the doctor, asking him to do something...[/I] Finally, the headache went away. It felt like it took hours, but it must have only lasted for twenty minutes. Ilya wasn't even back yet. Chiyoko headed back to the shelter, almost turning around and going to find Ilya. But more lions were probably out here, and if so she would need Lon's help or she wouldn't get so far. Then again though, neither would Ilya...Chiyoko moved faster and made it into the shelter. "Where are the others?" Lon asked. Chiyoko looked towards the door. "Still out there..." She just hoped that they were still safe.[/FONT]
Neko, you did fine with my character. Thanks for leaving things open for explanation. I'll try to get in a post later today explaining about the cluster headaches and getting back inside the shelter. Sorry for the wait guys. :animeswea [B]EDIT: Also, Chiyoko feels really bad for not going to go look for Ilya.[/B]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Izanami did her best to stumble over to Maia. A difficult task to do without eyes, in a cave like this. "Maia, wait!" She called out. Izanami soon felt someone's arms and face. "Maia, is that you?" Maia nodded, until she realized that Izanami couldn't see her nod. "Yes, it is." She replied. Izanami held Maia close. Which was strange, since she hadn't felt close to any of the band of seven before their new awakening. Maybe she was still affected by the rebirth in strange ways. "I don't know why, but I feel like I won't see you again. Be careful okay?" Maia nodded again, forgetting about Izanami's eyes. "Okay, I will." After their talk, Izanami found a place to sit down so she could face everyone. Some of her serious attitude was coming back to her. She frowned and addressed the rest of the band of seven. "Okay everyone, listen up. The demon we will be fighting is very tricky. She is a demon that pretends to be one of the immortals. Because of this, she is very good at illusions. So when we get there, don't trust your eyes, whatever you do." Izanami sighed and then continued. "One other thing I almost forgot. She will try to trap us in any way she can. So whatever you do, be strong and don't give in to any of her temptations. They can come in any form." Izanami got up and looked for her kimono. She finally found it, but didn't put it on thanks to all of the blood she had on. But if her memory served her, then she would find a place to wash when they finally reached the peach garden.[/FONT]
Well, banners aren't my thing but I hope one of these are more the size that you are looking for, Lrb. [B]EDIT: Oops. Thanks for telling me, Korey.[/B]
Okay, Vicky. By the way, I'm kind of bending the rules on cluster headaches, so I hope that's okay. (That way my character isn't an annoyance every day at the exact same time.) I thought it would be okay though, since she isn't the usual target for them anyways (in other words, not a drinking and smoking adult male. =P )
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Izanami was handed her two tontos, but she refused to take her manrikigusari. In her current blinded state, it would be too hard for her to use. Besides, these were just farmers. At the Acolyte's explanation of their situation, Izanami's memory had returned to her. But she also had a new reason to fight, she wanted to make sure Sasuki lived to find her daughter. Even though Sasuki had worried about her, Izanami left the caves not bothering to get dressed. The moonlight shining on her tattoos would give her renewed energy anyways. Izanami shot her hands holding her daggers forward in the direction of the noise of the farmers. They weren't trained warriors, so their sneak attack was not unnoticed to her ears. Her tantos sliced several farmers and the screams in fright only served to give her new targets. She listened as the bodies dropped. However, knowing that her fellow members of the band of seven would finish the rest off, she had more important things to worry about. Izanami ran to a clearing far away enough from the battle, but not too far that she couldn't observe anyone coming. She set her tantos down and then shot her arms out again. Soon, after feeling around she found what she was looking for. Izanami dragged the farmer's body to her hiding spot. Upon stripping the farmer of any clothes, she found out it was just a young girl. However, that didn't stop her. Thanks to the demon's curse, her hunger was too great. Her body and face was splattered with blood as she tore into the young girl with her teeth. In order to help her feeding, the demon's curse turned her teeth razor sharp, but only when she had to feed. Izanami made quick work of the farmer, and hid the remains. The only evidence of her meal was all of the blood covering her naked body. She followed the farmers' cries to find her way back to the fighting. Her fellow members of the band of seven were making quick work of them. On her way back, Izanami thought about their current situation. She didn't know who this Acolyte was, but it seemed like they had no choice but to listen to him for now.[/FONT]
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Before anyone could answer Izanami's question, a voice rang out just outside of the cave. "Mommie's coming, baby!" Instinctively, Izanami followed the sound of the voice, It sounded both protective and reassuring. And Izanami needed both protection and reassurance in her moment of weakness. With a little difficulty, she stumbled out of the cave and ran after the voice. "Wait! Please wait!" She cried. Izanami continued to run, lucky enough not to trip over anything since the ground was pretty smooth. The moonlight shone on her naked body, but it could not show her the way in her eyeless state so she continued to stumble in darkness. Then she ran into something and fell dwon on top of it. Searching with her hands, Izanami found that it was the woman that she was chasing and that she was also as naked as she was herself. had she been reborn too? If they were both even reborn. Maybe they were in some sort of hell. The woman helped Izanami stand. I can't see. Who are you? And, I think we should go back. Can you lead me back please?" Izanami asked, as she tried to catch her breath. Izanami held onto the woman, as they moved back to where they had come from. Izanami waited for some answer from the woman explaining about herself.[/FONT]
Yeah, that was his answer. Okay then. ^^ I'll let you guys decide where the demon is and what he/she is like. As for why he has Izanami's eyes, well she kind of promised them to the demon if she would be able to escape. :animeswea EDIT: Also, I'll post now to try to get cheese master back in the cave. It should make things more interesting anyways since Izanami is blind. Also, just in case you guys are wondering why Izanami doesn't really know what's going on. She's just a little confused. (Which is why she doesn't remember the group.) But when everyone posts and everything is explained, it will all come back to her.
Well, I don't mind leaving for a little bit, if it's going to disrupt the main story too much. But yeah, it's up to you guys. Is it okay to have that as a side quest? [B]EDIT: Also, here is my new character pic. Take a look when you guys can. That way, you know what my character and her tattoos look like.[/B] [URL="http://i37.tinypic.com/33xa8pe.jpg"]Izanami and her tattoos (censored nudity)[/URL]
I tried it out after seeing this topic. It seems like an action RPG. (Your character levels and has stats, but the combat isn't turn based.) I didn't do anything except training so far, but it seems like it could be fun. Especially if you're a fan of the show. But even if you're not, it might be a fun game. I'm just not sure yet though if you actually get to explore, or if there is only arena fighting. Also, they did make one for console. I can't remember the name of it, but I always see it for sale in the ps2 and Gamecube sections of any store that sells games.
Here is another avatar. I don't know exactly what you want as far as the avatar though. Do you want anything specific? Not anything great, but I'll keep trying. [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/2yjovhj.jpg[/IMG]
Okay, I posted. And I hope you don't mind, Drizzt. But the reason that Izanami can't see is because some demon is in possesion of her eyes. So they are the only part of her body that hasn't returned to her. But if you don't want to include a hunt for her eyes, or if it seems too much like a fairy tale or something, she can just be temporarily blind.
[FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]Izanami opened her eyes slowly. Where was she? She tried to sit up but couldn't. Opening her eyes wide in horror, she saw her husband pinning her to the ground. He accidentally cut off her finger with a quick slash of his kaiken. She tried to scream, but no sound came out of her mouth. Even stranger though, was she felt no pain from her missing finger. Her eyes slowly closed again as he severed both of her arms. She opened her eyes again when she heard what sounded like her mother crying. However, she only saw a peach garden. She reached out and ate one of the peaches, even though she wasn't hungry. It was like she had no control over her body. A demon grabbed her by the arm and said something that she couldn't make out. He was yelling but she couldn't hear what he was saying. She could only look into his fiery eyes as he planted four tattoos on her body and threw her from the garden. Her eyes shut once more. The final time they opened, Izanami had a very strange feeling. Which was strange, because she couldn't feel anything before. First, she couldn't see. And second, it was as if her muscles were all coming together from all different directions. Like as if the four winds had brought them on long travels and were just now bringing them back to her.[/I] Izanami fell down on all fours and panted heavily. The sweat was heavy on her naked body. She still could not see, but she knew someone was there. "Who's there?! Where am I?!" She yelled, hoping for some answers.[/FONT]
Okay. I also put some animal furs in there, since he probably keeps some for blankets or insulation or something. Also, Chiyoko will be out of it for a little bit while her attack occurs. Just make sure not to let her go outside of course. However, for reasons she doesn't know. Her cluster headaches aren't lasting as long as they normally do, and there is a larger period of time between each attack. (About a week or so, maybe.) Oh and if anyone wants to post about her headache going away, feel free to have her explain about her cluster headaches. (She is a unique case though, since they usually strike men who drink and smoke. She doesn't drink and smoke though.)
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Thanks to the fire, and Lon's good job at insulation, the inside of the brick building was very warm. Chiyoko removed her jacket. She looked around at all of the animal furs. "Wow, you must have been here for quite some time, Lon." She remarked. He only nodded in agreement as he helped Chase with the lion meat. Then, Chiyoko felt something furry brush against her leg. It was Echota. She kneeled down and petted him as he licked her face. "It's kind of hard to imagine him fighting that lion. He seems so sweet. But then again, he must be very loyal too." Chiyoko got back up and brushed off her knees. She looked over at Chase and Ilya. If it wasn't thanks to Lon and Echota, the three of them wouldn't be standing here right now. "Hey, I've never cooked lion before, but if you want I..." Before Chiyoko could finish her sentence, a sharp pain interrupted her. Her cluster headache was back, and she had forgotten to tell anyone about them. She grabbed her head and paced back and forth. She thought she could hear someone talking to her. "Chiyoko..." Was all she could make out. The pain was too great. She felt something touch her, so she tried to get outside. She had to be alone. She didn't even think of how dangerous it would be to be alone right now, with all of the other growling outside. She just had to get away.[/FONT]
Yeah, you handled my character well, Kata. ^^ I'll post next. Is there anything I should know about the building we'll be staying at so I can describe it?
I'll try to work on some avatars for you at least. Since it's nice to see another Mirror's Edge fan on the boards. :animesmil (Also I was going to make some for myself anyways.) I think I messed up on the border on this one. If so, I'll try to fix it tomorrow and post it with some other avatars. (I hope you don't mind red. I thought of using it for most of the avatars, since it ties into the game.) [IMG]http://i34.tinypic.com/huef0x.jpg[/IMG]
Well, Thanksgiving is going to be different this year for me, thanks to a move. So we won't nearly have as many people over as I'm used to. Also, judging from last year's Thanksgiving which I spent at someone else's house, the food is bland around this time of year. (Over in my new place I call home, at least.) So hopefully I can convince my family to have Thanksgiving at our house. It will be fun anyways to help cook a lot of the food.