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Everything posted by Nessaja

  1. [quote name='Neko']Awesome. ^^ I'm totally enjoying this already, and now that the initial group is all in one place, things should be progressing along fairly smoothly...minus the fact that each of us is a varying degree and type of totally whacko. Feel free to have Ilya wake back up in your post if you'd like, Vicky, I don't care how. I'll be looking out for new posts in the story until well past my bedtime. :catgirl:[/QUOTE] I didn't see this, or I would have made her wake up for you. Well, I'll leave it how it is now and let you post. I need to go. I hope my post was okay, Neko. ^^
  2. Nessaja

    Population Zero

    [FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]So far, things kept getting stranger and stranger. Which sounded like a line from a book Chiyoko had read, years ago when she was little. Or no, she remembered now. It was her father who read it to her. Something about 'curiouser and curiouser'. But that didn't sound right.[/I] Chiyoko left the crazy man she had unfortunately ran into. She wasn't even sure if his real name was Chase. If he had lost his mind, he could have just given himself that name because he liked it. She didn't even look back as she headed to the basement. If it wasn't for that fire, and her want for human contact or answers to this strange situation, she would have left him alone. On her way down, Chiyoko gently rubbed the cigarette burn on her left breast. She was just glad he had thrown it at her, and didn't try to hold it down against her. He was definitely a strange man though. Maybe he had been left here alone for years? However, it certainly didn't look that way, judging by his hair and clothes. At first, after her initial nightmare of him being on fire or a demon of some kind, Chiyoko thought he might have been one of the scientists. She shook her said suddenly, as to throw any other thoughts about him out of her head. "I've got to focus. Find out who screamed, and if they're okay." Chiyoko stopped for a moment, frozen in her tracks with fear. [I]"But what if whoever screamed isn't alive? And what killed them is still down there?"[/I] Again, another thought for Chiyoko to shake out of her head. They had to be alive. Whoever it was, just had to be. And more importantly, he or she might need help. If that is the case, then thanks to Chiyoko's fear, no help would have come. Chiyoko picked up the pace and soon made it to the basement. It was dark, but she made up a rat next to a young girl's body. She chased it away and gently tried to wake up the girl. She was breathing and still alive, so there was still hope. Chiyoko sighed in relief and continued trying to wake up the girl. No luck, and she was cold. Chiyoko picked her up and decided to bring her to the fire, although she was a little worried about that strange man there. But maybe he would be gone. Maybe he was really a part of her imagination, and not the other way around like he was telling her.[/FONT]
  3. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]Up goes the second post. I had a little fun here, hope you don't mind, Nessa XD. I need to spell check this one as well but both will be done tomorrow >_
  4. Where does your character fit in right now with the timeline, Kata? I want to make another post, but I don't want to ruin Vicky's character. So I'm trying to figure out where I could go or who I could run into.
  5. Nessaja

    Population Zero

    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]So many dreams. So many, many dreams. Far too many dreams too count, or maybe not enough dreams to remember. Chiyoko wasn't able to tell, wasn't even aware that she was dreaming or how long it had been since she started. Maybe she started dreaming at the start of the project that she agreed to be a part of. Or possibly even before that. Maybe the whole project was a dream. Chiyoko could not be sure, and wouldn't be sure either. Because for now, she is still dreaming.[/I] A birthday party. [I]Her[/I] birthday party. Which one was it? How old was she? She didn't know or care. Perhaps it was all of them. All of her birthdays rolled up into one fantastic party. For it was the most fun that she ever had. But then something strange happened. Something about a doll. She didn't want to share it but then she couldn't get away from that doll. Then the cake was lit, but it wasn't just the cake that was on fire. As the guests laughed, the walls were burning. The presents were burning. They were all burning. Smoke, burning, fire that burned but somehow it was cold. She definitely could smell smoke but the fire was cold. She tried to run but fell out of her chair. Only it wasn't a chair. It was some sort of boat. However there was no water when she fell, it was more like she was being thrown into some new world. [I]Was she being born? And if not, is this what it was like?[/I] Chiyoko came to slowly. She picked some gravel out of her mouth, hair and face and stood up slowly. She nearly toppled over again and caught herself on something. Something her size, that she almost thought was a bed. But her fuzzy mind tried to remind her that it wasn't a bed. It was something else, made for a much longer sleep than beds are for. Then it hit her. [I]Burning. Smoke. She had to get out of here.[/I] She walked out, towards a door and passing up a fire that was burning both a table and a man but she didn't want to look. Didn't want to stop and think why he wasn't yelling. Maybe he was already dead. However, what she stopped outside stopped her in her tracks. Everything outside looked like a city that wanted to be a part of nature. Or like nature itself tried to grow cities, to please the men and women that lived on this planet. Then Chiyoko remembered. The headaches, her uncle, the project. The project. She stepped back inside and looked for the locker with her name tag on it. She found one that had some of her name on it, but it was empty. She looked over to the man, who she now noticed was not burning but instead was just enjoying the fire. He looked at her and the locker and then back at the locker. After that look, Chiyoko had guessed already what had happened to her clothes. There was nothing she could do about it now, so she decided if she was going to be naked, she would be. At least there was a fire and she was still alive. She sat down opposite the man, not saying a word. Just hoping he wouldn't mind her company.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [B]Name:[/B] Izanami Masa [B] Age:[/B] 15 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i37.tinypic.com/33xa8pe.jpg"]Izanami Masa and her her tattoos (censored nudity)[/URL] [B] Personality:[/B] Izanami is not a born killer, like most of the people she has come across. However, she is also not someone incapable of killing. Thanks to her old lover, and circumstances in her strange life. Izanami will kill for revenge, for money, or just because she thinks it is right. However, she had never been heartless in her life. That was, until she joined the band of seven. Thanks to their influence, her killings have been a lot less black and white recently. She has even taken up a habit that some of her fellow members in the band would possibly look down on her for. Despite all of this though, she seems like a nice, feminine girl outside of battle. [B]Weapon:[/B] A manrikigusari for defense, and two tantos to attack her opponents. [B] Power:[/B] Thanks to four tattoos given to her after her first revival, Izanami has the power to throw her severed arms to attack her foes. She is able to retrieve them thanks to pieces of an obi sash. It is also rumored that she has the power of the goddess that she was named after. However, her powers only work if her tattoos are uncovered. Especially since moonlight gives her a special boost to her powers. [B]How did you decide to join the group?:[/B] When Izanami was only 15 years old, she was forrced to marry a much older man in order to survive. The work was hard and long, but she at least had food to eat. But then one day, when her husband came home drunk, he tried to force himself on her but she refused. Then, when she wouldn't let him have his way with her, he pulled out his wakizashi and accidentally sliced off one of her fingers. He was shocked at first, but then the shock gave way to a horrible, drunken idea. He cut off both of Izanami's arms so she couldn't struggle, and despite her screams he did with her as he wanted to until she died of blood loss. As a wandering spirit, Izanami found a peach garden that she thought was taken care of by an immortal. Eating one of the peaches and hoping for new life, instead Izanami found herself in debt to a demon that owned the garden. He gave her the new life she sought though, in return for what he called a simple task. What he forgot to tell her about this task of hers, is that until it is completed, she is cursed to eat the flesh of her own kind. Izanami joined to get revenge on her former lover. She also joined because she thought it would be a good way to complete the task that the demon had given her. Although, if she can manage to find the demon and kill him, she should be able to be free from that task. So she joined, hoping that either way she could be free to get rid of her lover and to get rid of the task that has been placed upon her.
  7. [quote name='Kenso']You should look into different methods of building arm strength. Not all strength building exercises are designed for bulking up. Maybe talk to a personal trainer or something like that. I'd give you a list of things, but I honestly don't remember right now (as often as I look into starting to really exercise, I'm horrible at getting up the motivation to do it, so I quickly forget...).[/QUOTE] Thanks Kenso. I'll do that. ^^ Hopefully after I work on my upper arm strength though, I can find someone to help me learn how to do parkour. And it might just be because I haven't seen many parkours or freerunners, but are there a lot more guys that do this? Or is it pretty balanced?
  8. I'm surprised that a thread hasn't been posted for this game already. In Mirror's Edge, the future is all about surveillance and control. The government, after major riots during protests, rebuilt the city and started monitoring everyone more closely for the good of everyone. Some people though, called Runners (parkour messengers basically) deliver messages by hand so that the government cannot get to them. You play as a Runner named Faith, who's sister has been framed for a crime she did not commit. Now, with the police after you, you do what you do best. You run. Well, that was a little explanation of the story. Here are some good sites though that should give you a better idea of the game. [URL="http://mirrorsedge.com/"]Official site[/URL] [URL="http://www.on-mirrors-edge.com/"]Fan site[/URL] So what do you guys think of this game? Anyone else excited about it or has anyone tried the demo yet?
  9. [quote name='Matt'] BTW, something I have been wondering - why is it that in a wasteland, the nearest town after Vault 101 is just a mere 5 minutes away? Wasn't it supposed to be at least a good 15 minutes? That's how I remember it in the old games... and it makes more sense, considering the scenario.[/QUOTE] I never thought of that. Although some towns are a good 10-15 minutes away from each other. And there is a lot of stuff to explore in this game. That's one reason I liked it so much. I always felt like if I kept on going, I would find some cool old building and I almost always did. Besides that though, this is one of the first games that has made me get involved with my character. It's partly because of the story and that makes me feel for the character you play as. But the other part is, I swear one time when I used VATS that my character let out a delighted smirk as it zoomed in on her face as she mowed down a super mutant. I just wish they had put a lot of hours of music in the game though. I was hoping to be able to choose between more than one radio station to hear music, and I wanted to hear hours and hours of old swing, jazz, etc. songs that I haven't heard before. But at least the Xbox guide takes care of that.
  10. Well, I've never tried free running but I've always been interested in it. I have no illness or injury keeping me from doing it either. I just don't know anyone who I could talk to about how to do it and don't know want to hurt myself. Also, I have like no upper arm strength. I excercise my arms of course, just not enough I guess. And I know it's a bit vain of me, but I'm also kind of afraid I'll build up too much arm muscles and look scary. :animeblus Oh and thanks for making this topic. I had forgotten about parkour/freerunning for a while. I just hope I can try it out one day.
  11. [quote name='Metalcore501'] What is it that gets you freaked out in a game, I ask this to everyone? For me its always the ambience of the game, how it sets the mood is key for me. Lots of akward silence, running for your life etc. Like the part in condemed where your chased by that huge grizzly bear, my heart was pounding the entire time.[/QUOTE] Yeah, same for me. That's why I think Fatal Frame 2 is the scariest for me so far. (I know the others are supposed to be scarier, but it is the only one that I've played so far.) But without giving anything away, the ambience in that game is really great. Even if you're not looking at it, the floor boards, the ceilings, almost everything has a great amount of detail to it. And some ghosts have just the right amount of details in certain places. (Like their clothes while leaving their face a bit more ghostly.) Besides that though, your character helps add to that ambience. Since she sometimes hesitates to open doors, and you feel for her because of that. (Or I did at least.) Because if I were in her shoes, I wouldn't be quick to get a door open, or open any door at all if I could. That's the scariest for me so far. Other games have scared me, but it was always just more of one of those 'surprising' scares. Fatal Frame 2 just creeped me out, even when the game was off.
  12. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] :p As an (asian) girl I feel ok admitting that I need girly drinks. Does anyone know if Midori is commonly sold at places?[/font][/QUOTE] Yeah, girly drinks are nice. :P Unless you're a straight guy that's worried about his masculinity lol. (I also like girly drinks, so I'll try to recommend some.) Well, my friends who have gotten drunk on this always end up sick for some reason. But they like gin and tonics, although sometimes they don't put enough lime juice in and it tastes too much like gin. I don't like too much lime though, so I don't know if you like a lot of lime either. A lot of the clear liquors are usually pretty good. I'll ask around and report back. ^^
  13. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]It's open to interpretation. Like most costumes. A mummy could just be a terrible burn victim. A Playboy bunny could be an out of work actress.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I like the way you think, Raiha. XD That is an interesting way to look at costumes. @Chibihorsewoman: Sure, tell us the story behind Robin Da Hood if you don't mind. Halloween stories are fun. And I had no idea you had a daughter. Her costume sounds like it was very cute. How old is she? Working on Halloween though isn't the best. I hope you made the most of it.
  14. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']I went to a combination Halloween and birthday party since it was my birthday yesterday. So it was first, the birthday bit (which included Indi since it was her b-day too) then a round of watching movies for Halloween and just having fun. All in all, it was a great day.[/QUOTE] Happy birthday then, Rachmanioff. Even though it's a little late. Double birthdays are always fun. One movie I always watch with friends during Halloween is It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. (Yes, I know. Why something like that that's not scary at all, etc. etc. It's just a tradition for us. That's why. =P) @Vicky: I'll be hoping she gives you a call. ;-; I'm glad you had a good night too. For this Halloween, we kind of had a mystery party. What happens is, you don't tell anyone what costume you are wearing and people have to guess who is who. It didn't work out as well as we thought though, since of course most costumes today don't allow for much mystery. Plus most people told other people already who they were dressing up as, so that didn't help either. It was still a lot of fun though. Besides that, I think some guys got on the roof and tried to throw tootsie rolls at trick or treaters. So yeah, it was a fun night too.
  15. [B]Name:[/B] Chiyoko Hasashi [B]Age:[/B] 21 (2085) [B]Status:[/B] Suffers from episodic cluster headaches [CENTER] Despite the moods Chiyoko experiences during her illness, she is usually seen as a dreamer and a girl with much empathy and optimism. However, most of her optimism and empathy is to keep herself from slipping into depression over her sickness and pain. Caring for others is a good distraction for her, but not all of her caring personality is out of selfishness. She likes to observe the situation around her also, before speaking out right away and coming to a decision. Thanks to which, she was labeled as a dreamer. Besides all of this though, she is very strong willed. And if she decides on something, she won't let most people change her mind for her. [B]Chiyoko[/B] [IMG]http://i34.tinypic.com/2vagv4p.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The only distinguishing mark Chiyoko has are tribal tattoos in four very private places, that she got shortly after her twentieth birthday when she was feeling a bit rebellious. It is almost ironic, because Chiyoko's curse, her cluster headache, might have turned out to be her greatest blessing. Since because of her illness, she was eventually accepted into the Sustainable Future programme. Chiyoko's childhood was nothing very special, before her illness. She was a normal kid just trying to make friends. However, when she contracted the cluster headaches, she was finding out that it was harder and harder to keep the friends she had made. A lot of them worried that they would catch it from her, even though she told them over and over again that it was not contagious. (And even if they believed her, their parents would think the same and tell their children not to hang out with Chiyoko.) At least she had her best friends still. After a few bad nights at sleepovers (Chiyoko waking up in the middle of the night in pain, ruining the sleepover for everyone) and after disrupting class rumors started to spread about other illnesses she probably has. So soon, the general thought around the school was that she was a sick child. The rumors got so bad that there was talk of her being taken out of public school and put into a better education program for her needs. Then one day, it happened. The kids at school were being especially mean to Chiyoko that day. They called her all kinds of names and did their best to avoid her when they got bored of name calling. What made things worse though, was her best friend was at home sick so Chiyoko didn't have anyone to comfort her. At lunch, one boy that she never really liked just wouldn't leave her alone. So she surprised him with a punch to the nose. After he was taken to the nurse to stop his nose from bleeding and all of the girls at school stopped chanting at how she was such a guy for fighting, Chiyoko was taken out of public school. Not sure what to do with their child after this incident, Chiyoko's parents received an offer from one of Chiyoko's uncles. He offered to put Chiyoko in the Sustainable Future programme, in the hope that one day they might have a cure for her illness. After a few days of thought, they accepted his offer. Chiyoko's parents hated to see her go, but they knew it was for the best since it was a chance she would be able to live without her illness. Or at least, that is what they thought. Several years later, when Chiyoko turned 21. Her parents talked to her about the idea and she agreed. She didn't know what awaited her, but it would hopefully be better than her constant pain.
  16. Well, I got this game and I was pleasantly surprised. It's a lot better than I was hoping it would be. Just don't play it around anyone who is sensitive to game violence. You can do some pretty gruesome stuff in this game. :animestun (I'm sure there are games that are worse, but this has some stuff in it that I never thought someone would be allowed to put in a game.) Oh and, so how have all of you guys made your character look? My character is a girl and I originally had some spikey mad max-ish armor on her and a welder's helmet, but I found something better. This might sound weird, but I have my character wearing a dirty green dress, that kind of mohawk hairstyle (I think it is called 'unladylike',) and biker goggles. It sounds a little odd I know, but it seems to fit with the Fallout world so far. Basically in the game I look like a post-apocalyptic 1950's housewife. XD So have you guys found any good looks? And I hope you can grab a gas mask in this game. It would really fit the atmosphere. Oh and so far, this game it's easy to just forget about all of the quests and go exploring. I find so many cool buildings and stuff. :o There's not many games where it is just fun to do nothing. Oh and speaking of fun, I've only tried it once but the black widow perk is great when it lets you get extra dialogue options.
  17. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']That's what it comes down to for me as well. So if someone is considered off based on society and so forth, so long as they aren't a jerk (which isn't gender specific) then I really don't care.[/QUOTE] I agree. That's the only way I try to judge people. Although I've seen the opposite happen a lot. (For example: 'Okay, Guy #1-5 were very nice but after just meeting Guy #6 and seeing how much of a jerk he is, I hate all guys from now on.) Probably not the best example, but I've seen a lot of people who think that such things are gender specific. (If one guy is a jerk, all are jerks, etc.) I guess you could look at slang for another example. If a guy manages to sleep around, he's a 'player'. But if a girl does the same, she's a 'slut'. So yeah, there are some attributes or other things that people do look at as being gender specific. Not true with all people though (like you, Rachmaninoff and that is good.) But I don't like it when people get lazy and label someone some way because of their gender.
  18. Well, this isn't much of a good philosophical reason or a scientific one of why abortion is right and wrong, but what would scare me is the pregnancy. I don't know why, I just have a fear of miscarriages or something going wrong during the pregnancy and it hurting me or having to get a c section or something. But even with those fears, I would still go through the pregnancy if I was given the choice to abort. Not really because there are problems with abortions too (damage to the uterus, etc) but because there are better options for me at least. Like making a family happy who wants to adopt a child. But then again, even though it's rare, I'm not sure what I would do if I got pregnant from rape. I mean, it's a traumatic experience on its own. Both pregnancy and abortion would be adding to the situation for me, thanks to my fears about both of them. But if I chose abortion, I would feel like I was taking the coward's way out I guess. (Not that all women who don't go through the whole nine month experience are cowards, I would just feel that way if I went through with the abortion.) [quote name='TimeChaser'] As to the last part, think a moment about what you're saying: a woman is raped, she's been violated, a physically and psychologically traumatic experience. It's been forced on her, not of her choosing. If that happened to you, would you really want to endure 9 months of pregnancy and then labor?[/QUOTE] This is pretty much what I was trying to touch on. I don't know if I could go through with all of that after rape. But also, I don't know if I could deal with the aftermath of an abortion either. It's a hard decision, especially since there's no third road to take. It's either choice one, or choice two. And if you don't make the choice, your body will make it for you. I think some of the girls on here know how I feel about pregnancy, after reading some of these posts. Also, I'm not speaking out of experience or anything. I have never been pregnant, but some of my friends have been and it just seems easy for me to imagine how it would be since I have the ability to have something like that inside me. If that makes any sense.
  19. Thanks Drizzzt. I just wanted to make sure. Because I was playing one game (I can't remember the title) and you were supposed to have gone back in time to the 1940's, and there was something in the scenery that wasn't used until the 1980's or later. I know it's not a big deal since it was just architecture, but it completely broke the atmosphere of the game for me. So yeah, it wasn't fun. I'll just forget Doom 3 happened, although it doesn't seem too much like Doom now that I've heard more about it. And I'm glad all of those worries are all pretty minor. Thanks again.
  20. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1] All these gender specific items are ignored - you must have, at one point, worn at man's jacket or bought one if you were a girl, and vice versa?[/size][/QUOTE] I'm guilty of that. Sometimes a jacket designed in a style that I like is made for the opposite gender, but I buy it anyways. Actually, more than just jackets too. (Shirts, shorts, etc) Some of my friends even wear boxers. Nothing as cool though as wearing a tuxedo to a prom. That was impressive, Vicky. =) Which also makes me wonder, why is it so easy for girls to cross dress without judgement? (Besides wearing something that is seen as 'masculine' like a tuxedo.) Nobody gives me a second glance if I wear a guy's shirt for example. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium] As far as gender roles go, I tend to think that much of this is related to society. I always find it kind of funny that despite female liberation in western society, it's the Muslim world that seems to have had the most female presidents/prime ministers! Very interesting, haha. As far as the world being dominated by men or women... well, I think there's still quite a lot of inequality for women. I always hear this phrase "post-feminist world", but I wonder what that really means. Much of the descrimination against women today is far more subtle (although there are overt cases, like women earning less wages for the same jobs as men - that should be totally and utterly illegal if it isn't already - I think it's illegal in Australia but not sure about the U.S. or elsewhere). I often think about Hillary Clinton and what she's been through and I think so much of it relates to her being a woman. I mean, sure, I think she should be criticized as much as any man. Yet so much of that criticism seemed based on her being a "heartless, cold woman". I feel like a lot of these features would be considered assets on a man (efficiency, logic, pragmatism etc).[/font][/QUOTE] I had no idea that they have had more female leaders either. That is pretty funny. And all of the inequality and discrimination make me wonder what it would be like if it was the opposite way. Not much different from today, except a different gender would be discriminated. But what would it be like if certain goverments never had elected a single male leader? Or if some men earned less money than women, etc. I'm not saying I would prefer it, it just seems like a strange thought having grown up as one of the 'weaker sex'. And I agree, Raiha. Hatred against extra body parts like boobs (or having a lack of certain parts in other places) is pretty silly when you think about it. But like you, I don't hate all men thanks to certain people. (Which reminds me, sorry to any of the guys in OB if it seems like this thread was brought up out of such hate, but it wasn't. I just thought it would be an interesting topic, and I'm glad it's proving to be one so far.)
  21. [quote name='Katakidoushi']Apparently the director has signed a three picture deal that will extend the films deep into Dragonball Z.[/QUOTE] [b]'B-But Kami! Surely no one can replace Mr. Popo!'[/b] But yeah, I agree with Mr. Popo. They shouldn't try to cover Dragonball Z. There are too many characters in there, so they'll probably be changing and removing a lot of them.
  22. I was reading through the sexuality thread, and it got me thinking about people who are born as both genders, or the people who just find their gender boring and decide to join the fun on the other side of the fence. Well, I don't know anyone who was born as a hermaphrodite, but people I've met who are transgendered get a lot of hate for it. Why do you guys think that is? Also, let's pretend that the normal genders get hate for being born that way. What would that be like? I know if I got a lot of hate for being a girl when I couldn't choose being that way, I would move. D: Oh and guys, you aren't off the hook. What if we lived in a world dominated by females and the male gender was looked down on? [b]I'm not responsible for any arguments this thread might cause, or any mental meltdowns thanks to my strange choice of topic.[/b] (I need to stop mixing strange dinners with tea and staying up late. @.@)
  23. I was thinking of renting this game, but the lack of a good story kind of makes me wonder if it will be worth it or not. (Although I haven't always played an FPS for the story, or a TPS in this case.) Anyways, the things that make me wonder about the game are kind of small. Maybe some of you guys can help me out and let me know how bothered I would be by them? Well, first off. The creators of the game seem to be trying to push this off as something new. I can't remember who but, one of the staff said that sci-fi horror in games has never been done before. (No big deal though, since I probably misquoted.) So that kind of bugs me. What about Doom 3? Also, the other things are me just being picky. Like, why is there sound in a vacuum? (One review I read said that when you go into a vacuum, the sounds outside of your helmet are muffled.) I mean, I know this is a game about monsters and stuff, but I would have liked it better if the creators had paid more attention to those kind of details. Like no sound in a vacuum, etc. Another one is, why are there bursts of steam in a spaceship? I haven't played the game yet, so I hope that can be explained too. Like why there is any steam at all in a spaceship. The last thing, might be a spoiler. So I'll tag it just in case. [spoiler] So I heard that you have to fight mutant babies at one time. How do babies get aboard a spaceship? Is this a military ship or a hospital ship? I mean, if the ship was out there for that long, maybe they had their own pregnancy ward. But is it a lot of babies that you have to fight? Also isn't that a bit too much like the babies you have to fight in Doom 3?[/spoiler] Also, I guess I shouldn't go in expecting a scary horror game? Because if this isn't as scary as the Resident Evil series, then I don't think I'll be scared since they didn't really scare me at all. Well, thanks in advance guys. I know these are really picky problems, I just want to know if I'll notice them or not or if it will be too fun/interesting to notice. I'm not trying to be anal about it or anything. I just like when people get the little details right.
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