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Everything posted by Muuh Puar
The OtakuBoards Gym Leader Tournament II [REGISTRATION]
Muuh Puar replied to Kei's topic in General Discussion
Friend code: 4040 7932 8264 1. Poliwrath 2. Gallade 3. Machamp 4. Blaziken 5. Heracross 6. Cobalion -
The OtakuBoards Gym Leader Tournament II [REGISTRATION]
Muuh Puar replied to Kei's topic in General Discussion
Hey there! If it's okay, I'd like to join in on this little tourney. And, seeing as it is yet to be taken, I would like to claim fighting type. My Team: 1. Poliwrath 2. Gallade 3. Machamp 4. Blaziken 5. Heracross 6. Cobalion If there are any problems with the line up, please tell me. I'm a little new to actually picking a effective team rather than a team of pokemon I think are cool (... yeah, I'm that guy.) -
[size="1"][b]"WHERE IS MY ARTILLERY!?"[/b] Commander Tremyor shouted through the sounds of blaster fire at the troops. The skirmish was [i]'hell in the streets of Telos'[/i] at this point. The explosion, which was the center of this firefight, was caused by a group of new Sith recruits misshandling some RPGs, resulting in an explosion of a one block radius and the recruits untimely demise. [b]"Useless kids can't do anything right!"[/b] Tremyor muttered. [b]"POKY"[/b] he yelled at one of the troopers bearing Tremyor's symbol, pointing to his helmet, signaling for radio comm. [b]"Poky, where is that strike? I called it in five minutes ago!"[/b] [b]"I've no idea sir,"[/b] Sergent Poky responded. [b]"The kid you sent called in the order, but the response never came. We may be high and dry on this one."[/b] Tremyor sighed. [b]"Please tell me there's something good to report. This bad news stuff's getting old."[/b] [b]"I've actually got three new bits of info you'll like, sir."[/b] Poky replied. [b]"First, we've pushed forward on the right flank and captured an ammo cache. Looks like we've got some grenades and some heavy weapons ready for use."[/b] [b]"Yes!"[/b] Tremyor was ecstatic. [b]"Best news I've heard all day. Get Thrill and the Zebrak's crew over there, My Orders. Stubborn spike-head won't move without higher command."[/b] Poky replied. [b]"Aye sir. Secondly, we've gain more troops from the mild battles around the city. About 200 more soldiers have arrived to help defend this point."[/b] [b]"Good, but the Sith probably have the same thing going on right now. They've also got some of those drop ships coming down, maybe 100 or so men each. Still, all the help we can get. What's the last tid-bit?"[/b] [b]"Well, we've picked up a radio frequency from friendly's. You won't guess who's here."[/b] [b]"No time for games now, kid. Who's got our back?"[/b] [b]"It appears the Truth Forger is on the planet and we've got Captain Sephit and Green on their way here, and a Jedi Knight." [/b] [b]"THANK THE FORCE, COMPETENT SOLDIERS!"[/b] Tremyor shouted. [b]"You keep me informed on the status of the troops, call in some drop ships, and GET MY DAMN ARTILLERY SUPPORT!!!" [/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Precthar Rew darted through the buildings, making her way closer to the main battle. She had her lightsaber out, but the blade itself wasn't readied, to avoid any injury. She kept her mind focused on the fight she was going to face, but she couldn't help coming back to the thought of the Twi'lek who had found her through the force. As she came back to focus for the third time since she had started running, she felt a disturbance in the force. She halted to try to get a better feeling, but she wasn't left with time. From the ally ways, three dark Jedi emerged, all charging her. [b]"DIE JEDI SCUM!"[/b] One of them stopped and screamed. The two others rushed at her, lightsabers at the ready. One of them carried a double-bladed while the other wielded two, one normal and one short. The one wielding the double-bladed saber was first to strike. Swinging the blade at overhead, the sith, now apparent to be a human female with lots of synthetic augmentation, came from the right. Rew threw her blade up to counter the attack, the blades meeting above the sith's head. The Jedi did not hesitate. She threw her blade down, cutting the sith in half, head to toe. The second sith rushing, a zebrak male, hesitated at the sight of the jedi's disregard for being discrete. Rew noticed this and stood in a defensive stance. [b]"Yeild, Sith. I had no intention on killing her, but she left me with no choice. If you lay down your weapons, I will let you leave with your life. I happen to be in a rush."[/b] Rew stated. She was calm, and her defensive stance sent an intimidating chill through the zebrak's spine. He looked back at the sith who had stopped to seek guidance. The first sith took his hood down, revealing himself to be a Twi'lek. He took out his lightsaber, a custom design, with a silver blade. [b]"We do not wield to weaklings. And let's face it,"[/b] he swung his blade around, now holding it in reverse style. [b]"you Jedi are beyond weak."[/b] The Twi'lek locked eyes with the frightened Zebrak and nodded. The Zebrak regained his confidence and turned to fight the jedi. He lunged forward, shoving his blade forward. Rew did not move, but instead stood her ground. Just as the sith's saber came close enough, Rew pushed her saber forward and downwards, forcing the sith's blade to get deflected. The dark jedi stumbled and lost grip of his saber. Rew took this opportunity to strike. She flung her lightsaber upwards, spun it upside down, and thrusted it into the enemy's back. As she was raising up to ready herself for the final sith attack, she grabbed the other lightsaber. She stood up into a fighting stance, expecting the sith to be already charging. However, when she looked up, she found the sith had already fallen. From behind the now dead Twilek came Jecht, decked out in all of his armor. [b]"What? I didn't feel like waiting."[/b] Jecht stated rather calmly. [b]"Besides, we've got orders. We're evac-ing. ASAP." [/b] Rew powered down the lightsabers and dropped the sith's. [b]"You've managed to get a hold of Captain Sephit?"[/b] [b]"Yep. And he's just got us calling in the cargo ships. Let's go."[/b] Jecht turned and drew his minigun forward.[b] "We've got a lot of killing to do on the way back."[/b][/size]
[size="1"]Rew got up. Feeling rather ashamed after such a quick defeat, she quickly regained her focus, remembering something that Trent told her:[i] "Any defeat you walk away from only makes you stronger, and better equipted to stop it from happening again."[/i] She looked around to see if she could see anything that could lead her to the lost troopers. Nothing around the area gave her a clue. In fact, it appeared that the only fighting that happened in the area was the one between her and the Miraluka. She sighed, sat down, and closed her eyes. focusing herself, she tried to reach out to Trent with the Force. But, when she tried to reach out, there was nothing that she could feel. Only darkness. She almost gave up, but she knew that lives hanged in the balance. She began to search deeper and deeper into the darkness, looking for him. Then, she felt another presence looking as well. She thought she had found Trent. As she reached out to the new presence, they appeared to her. It was a red Twi'lek, covered in black tattoos. Rew then realized she wasn't lost in the darkness as well, she was the source. The Twi'lek spoke. [u][i]"Boo"[/i][/u] With that, broke her meditation, gasping. She had never thought one person could have that much power. As she was gathering herself, her communicator went off. [b]"Mistress Rew, come in. This is Laloki. Please, Miss Rew, do you read me?"[/b] Laloki was sounding desperate. Precthar took the radio out and responded. [b]"Laloki, this is Precthar. I am alright. Mostly. Have you been able to contact the others?"[/b] [b]"Yes, Mistress."[/b] Laloki sounded relieved. [b]"The captain and Green went towards the direction of the explosion. They are a bit farther than you if I'm reading the radar right. It's a bit fuzzy."[/b] [b]"Alright. I will head in that direction as well. I shall rendezvous with them there. Precthar out."[/b] Rew clicked the radio off and took off, keeping her lightsaber ready in case she ran into the Miraluka again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trent and Cassi were running at a fast jog, conserving their energy for any battle to come. Since their encounter with the last group, they had yet to encounter the Sith troopers. The duo kept up the pace till they found a scene of a battle that had ended badly for the Sith. Easily fifteen bodies, four were in red armor, no real stray blaster marks. They stopped to investigate. [b]"Man, that's some fine shooting."[/b] Cassi stated, squatting next to a commander, rifling through his things. Trent looked around to see where the blaster marks were. The Sith appeared to be firing up at the roofs. [b]"It was an ambush."[/b] He saied, letting his rifle swing to his waist. [b]"And we've seen this ambush before."[/b] Cassi stood up, holding two cans of bacta. [b]"Wait,"[/b] Trent turned and she tossed a can to him.[b] "You're saying that this was-"[/b] [b]"Commander Tremyor. Man knows what he's doing when it comes to using his surroundings. I'm guessing he's at the skirmish already."[/b] Trent strapped the bacta to his left leg, securing it [b]"Oh yeah, we may win this battle yet."[/b] Cassi said, strapping down her can and retrieving her rifle.[b] "Man knows how to do his battles."[/b] [b]"Captain! Come in Captain!"[/b] Laloki came over the headset, almost shouting. Trent turned on his comm system.[b] "Zane, this is Sephit. What's wrong?"[/b] [b]"There's a transport coming down, fast. It's big sir. I appears to have come down from orbit, most likely from the flag ship. I think it may be the Commander. It's also accompanied by at least ten more troop transports."[/b] Trent was kind of hoping that it was good news this time. No such luck, apparently. [b]"She's not kidding, Cap. Look, two o'clock."[/b] Cassi said. Trent turned to see the ships. Sure enough, almost fourteen carriers, with one bigger one. He recognized this one from experience. It was modded out and he could tell it carried something important. [b]"Zane, get that engine going. We're going to need to get out of here ASAP. We're heading to the Skirmish. Tell Rew to meet us there if you can."[/b] Laloki had not calmed down.[b] "She's already on her way there. You should meet her there. I'll get the engine going and see if I can't get you out of there faster."[/b] [b]"Good. Were you able to get that frequency cleared?"[/b] Trent asked. [b]"Yes, captain. It's ready to broadcast on your command."[/b] [b]"Get ready to activate it, Zane. Time just got cut down."[/b] [b] "Yes, sir. What's the order?"[/b] Trent looked as the ships touched down about a mile away. [b]"Retreat."[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darth V'n couldn't remember when she felt so good. She could only compare this feeling to her first kill. The satisfaction is gave her was one of the most delicious things she had ever experienced. Plus her little scare of some weak Jedi, she was feeling beyond good. She sat in the cargo area in the dark, waiting to arrive at her destination. She felt the ship touch down, and her anticipation was almost insatiable. A voice came over the ships intercom. [b]"We have touched down, [/b]Lord V'n." She smiled. [b]"Good. Open the door."[/b] [b]"Yes, my Lord."[/b] The voice replied. The doors opened up, reveling the chaos of battle almost a mile out. As she stepped out, she was followed by her personal entourage. Three High Commanders, wearing hydraulic-enhanced suits, carrying miniguns. Eight Commanders, all in red and black suits, carrying a wide aray of weaponry. Then, her two favorites, Yuri, the Duros bounty hunter turned Sith lap-dog, and Woarrvoc, her personal wookie warrior. She was overjoyed to see the chaos she was going to join. She turned around to face the cargo hold again. [b]"You have your orders. Just a little tip: Let the havoc guide you. The most rewarding kills are the ones that run."[/b] She turned back around. Out of the cargo hold came over forty dark Jedi, wielding their lightsabers, ran out yelling. They made their way, not into the battle, but into the city. [i][b]"How many do you think will actually make it?"[/b][/i] Yuri asked. Woarrvoc responded with a small growl and a smirk. [b]"He's right,"[/b] V'n said,[b] "Who really cares? Now, let's go have ourselves some fun while this battle's still going."[/b] She lead her small battalion towards the skirmish, grinning.[/size]
[size="1"]Yeah, she's one of my NPC's. She's right above the ship info. Feel free to fight her, just try not to kill her. May need her in the coming battles. [/size]
[size="1"] [b]â??Keep down!â?[/b] Trent yelled out. The Sith leader was now issuing orders to his troops, telling them to take up more spread out and tactical positions. Blaster bolts came flying from both sides of the street, nearly missing their targets. Cassi came down from a barrage of fire, laying down to reload. [b]â??Okay, this is getting really old. Canâ??t you just lob a frag over there and finish this?â?[/b] she said to Trent over the com piece. [b]â??Theyâ??re too spread out!â?[/b] Trent replied, blind firing too keep the Sith suppressed. [b]â??Besides, Iâ??ve only got one frag left. Canâ??t afford to waist it.â?[/b] He withdrew his rifle and reloaded. The two commandos were trying to figure out their next move, surveying the building they were in. Cassi pointed to the back of the room. [b]â??There,â?[/b] she stated. Trent looked around to see what was there. A small door way, leading out of the building, blocked only by a very loose door. Trent looked back at Cassi, who was now firing, to keep the Sith from trying to advance. [b]â??Iâ??ll be back. Keep them pinned down.â?[/b] Trent said, and with that, sprang up and rammed the door with his body. His gun ready, he checked his where he was. It seemed to be a back ally, leading to where they needed to go. That is, if it wasnâ??t blasted to hell about five blocks down. It could get them farther without detection, but not forever. Then he noticed something else. On the building, there was a ladder leading to the roof. [b]â??Hm, thatâ??s convenient.â?[/b] Trent climbed up the ladder and went prone as he hit the roof. He crawled his way to the edge to see the battle. Everyone was still pinned down. Cassi was firing to the left of the door way, where there was one soldier that was clearly visible to Trent. He smirked and drew his gun. Then a voice rang out. [b]â??THE ROOF! TAG THE ROOF!â?[/b] The Sith leader had seen him. Trent let a bolt loose before he slunk down into full cover, hitting the left-most trooper. In the chaos, the trooper on the leaderâ??s right was firing up at the roof, giving Cassi a clean shot. She fired, hit him right in the heart, and then kept firing at the leaderâ??s position. Trent got to his knees to get a better shot. He waited for Cassi to run out of shots. Once she was done, it was a waiting game. A few seconds later, the leader began to make a break for it, into the ally ways of the buildings and shops behind him. [b]â??Oh no you donâ??t.â?[/b] Trent whispered. He let a shot out, hitting the Sith leader in the back of the neck. Trent climbed down the front of the front of the building, landing with a thud. Cassi came out of the building, still reloading. [b]â??Nice shot. Whatâ??s the next call?â?[/b] Trent didnâ??t know what would be the best course of action would be. Trent signaled for them to move forward and watch for enemies. [b]â??Canâ??t tell. Precthar â??s out there. We need to find her before we get off this planet. No way of communicating with her. It could take a while to contact her.â?[/b] Just then, a huge explosion rang out. There was a dust cloud to the north-west. Both commandos took cover. [b]â??What was that?â?[/b] Cassi yelled. They rose after a few seconds. Trent needed to know what was going on. [b]â??Captain to Truth Forger, read me?â?[/b] [b]â??Truth Forger reads you captain. You okay?â?[/b] Laloki was still at station. [b]â??Yeah, weâ??re all right. Ran into some trouble, but it wasnâ??t anything we couldnâ??t handle. What was that explosion just now?â?[/b] [b]â??Well, no radio contact, so I donâ??t know who it was, but the sensors are picking up some serious activity where that explosion was. Iâ??m guessing thereâ??s a skirmish there.â?[/b] Cassi spoke up. [b]â??Where thereâ??s a battle, thereâ??s troopers.â?[/b] Trent nodded to her. [b]â??Copy that. Weâ??re heading in that direction. Weâ??ll keep you posted. Sephit out.â?[/b] Trent rose from cover, followed quickly by Cassi. [b]â??Letâ??s go save some lives.â?[/b][/size]
[size="1"]Lilt, if you wanna fight an about average Jedi knight, I have one running about. If you wan to fight her for a bit, have her run away, it would be fine. Idk, though. Just an idea.[/size]
[size="1"]Alright, the new post is up. This is pretty much just so that we can entertain ourselves with some DC writing. Auditions are still open, but They will be looked at a bit more carefully. The new post is pretty long, but it's easy to navigate: 1st part- Teen Titans in San Francisco 2nd part- Metropolis action 3rd part- Gotham action Whatever pertains to you, find what you need and work with it.[/size]
[size="1"]9:27 P.M. in the Titan Tower in San Francisco, all the Titans were winding down from a busy day of training and study. The Titans were all in the main hall, which was a very sizeable room. It had just about everything they could need. A kitchen, a dining area, and an entertainment center, with the latest and greatest tech. At the entertainment area, Cyborg and Changeling sat on a blue, denim couch, playing X-Men VS Street Fighter. Falcon was at the dinner table head, reading a detective story. It was a series he had enjoyed since he was a kid. [i]â??The Adventures of Question.â??[/i] He had read them all, but that didnâ??t stop him from enjoying the suspenseful tales of one of the worlds greatest detectives. Miss Martian and Wonder Girl were at the other end of the table, reading the latest gossip magazine. It was another good day at the Titan Tower. Then, the alarm goes off. The warning screen took over the game taking place on the television. [b]â??Crap!â?[/b] Changeling yelled. The other three had put their literature down to see what was the matter. Falcon rushed to the console in the kitchen area. [b]â??I was just about to take you down!â?[/b] Cyborg scoffed a bit. [b]â??Yeah, in your dreams, B. Yo, Falcon, whatâ??s the deal?â?[/b] Miss Martian was now floating above her chair. Wonder Girl had her hand on her lasso, ready for whatever was about to transpire. Falcon hit three buttons and a small counter with 02:00 on it popped up. [b]â??Thereâ??s a bomb in the tower!â?[/b] Falcon yelled, backing away from the console a bit. [b]â??Weâ??ve been sabotaged.â?[/b] [b]â??Is there no way to disarm it?â?[/b] Miss Martian asked as she made her way next to Falcon. [b]â??No time. We need to get out of here. Now!â?[/b] Falcon ran back to his chair to retrieve his staff. [b]â??Titans, evacuate!â?[/b] With that, they all made their way out. Miss Martian lead the way. Wonder Girl, Falcon, and Cyborg followed closely, while Changeling turned into a raven and caught up with the Martian. They finally got to the front door after about thirty seconds of running. When Changeling got to the door console, he typed the code in, but nothing happened. [b]â??Well,â?[/b] Changeling began, [b]â??unless someone changed the code without me knowing, weâ??re locked in here.â?[/b] Everyone but Falcon stopped as Falcon went to the console to make sure. [b]â??Heâ??s right. Itâ??s jammed.â?[/b] Everyone looked at Cyborg, the house tech, for his advice. He just raised his right arm and turned it into a cannon. [b]â??Good thing Iâ??ve got the secondary password.â?[/b] He pointed the cannon at the door and everyone backed away from it. The cannon whined as it charged. [b]â??BOOYA!â?[/b] Cyborg yelled and unleashed the energy in the cannon, blasting a massive hole in the door. The Titans made their way out of the tower and got into the street. The tower was on the outskirts of San Fran, so they didnâ??t really have to worry about the explosion doing much damage except disturbing the peace. They made it about one hundred meters from the building before if finally exploded. They all turned to see their home burn. They all had a different idea going thru their heads. Falcon began to figure out who could have done this, while Wonder Girl did the same, but with a bit more [i]â??phyicalsâ??[/i] results to ensue. Cyborg had an expression that could only be described as sad on his face as he watched the tower fall to pieces, along with his newly upgraded room and the car he had spent months reworking after a run in with Dr. Light. Changeling had grown more serious in nature as he tried to snap Mâ??gann out of her fear instilled trance as she gazed into the fire. Wonder Girl was the first to speak up. [b]â??Alright, who in Hades did this!?â?[/b] This caught everyone but Falcon off guard and they all came back to reality. [b]â??I honestly have no clue.â?[/b] Falcon stated, still looking down at the ground in wonderment, [b]â??but two things are sure. First off, whoever this was, they must have been very good. They got in without triggering our alarm system. And secondly, this was too easy to escape from.â?[/b] The others looked at Falcon with bewilderment. [b]â??If they were really trying to kill us, the timer would have been in the seconds, leaving us the only options of out the window or staying in, either of which would end badly for us.â?[/b] He looked up at the flames with a look of realization. [b]â??But if they didnâ??t want to kill us, they must want something else from us.â? [/b] [b]â??You got that right, little birdie.â?[/b] A womanâ??s voice came from behind the Titans. They all turned to face whoever this newcomer was. When they turned, however, they were met with a small explosion, knocking them all back a bit. Falcon, Wonder Girl, and Changeling all got back to their feet in a fighting stance, while Miss Martian floated two feet from the ground, and Cyborg kept one knee down and his right arm at the ready. When the dust cleared, they saw two figures. One was still surrounded by smoke, but the other was walking forward, exposing themselves. It was a girl, about seventeen or eighteen in age, with blonde hair, light blue eyes, a slender and fit build, a tank top, and jean shorts on. She wore a grin of guilty pleasure on her face. Falcon extended his staff and raised it to point at the girl. [b]â??Listen, I donâ??t know who you are or who you work for, but Iâ??ll tell you this much: We will take you down if need be.â?[/b] Wonder Girl intruded in the conversation. [b]â??Need be? By Hera, Iâ??ll smack this bimbo across the county for blowing up my house!â?[/b] and with that, She charged. Wonder Girl was at the girl, ready to strike, when the girl caught her fist and quickly overpowered her. [b]â??Allow me to introduce myself. Iâ??m called Powergirl.â?[/b] She raised her leg, let go of Wonder Girlâ??s fist, and gave a swift kick to the stomach, sending Cassandra flying backwards. Powergirl grounded herself again and brushed some hair out of her face. [b]â??And this is someone who I know youâ??ve heard of. Heâ??s a recent friend of mine.â?[/b] She mockingly leaned closer and shielded her mouth in the direction of her partner. [b]â??Heâ??s not very social, but heâ??s fun when you get to know him.â?[/b] With that said, the other figure ran at the Titans. When he broke the dust barrier, the Titans could see who this man was. And they couldnâ??t believe it. It was someone in the Red X suit that Nightwing had donned back in the first Titan team, when he had some emotional issue going on. The suit was stashed in the archive room of the tower. This Red X made a b-line towards Falcon, throwing a small red X-star at him. Falcon dodged the ninja star and went in to strike. As he did, Red jumped up, kicked Falcon in the back, propelling both lads in the opposite direction. While in mid air, Red threw another X, this time, at Cyborg. This X hit Cyborgâ??s arm and soon let out a small electrical shock, incapacitating him. As he tried to struggle against the X, Cassie and Gar went for Powergirl. Wonder Girl, now enraged, was yelling at the top of her lungs. Changeling took the form of a triceratops and continued his charge. Powergirl rushed to Changeling and grabbed him by the horns and raised him to slam him down again. Changeling, who knew this tactic, had this planned out. When Powergirl had him vertically above her, Gar changed into a squirrel, slipping thru Powergirls arms, and then he jumped off her back. Powergirl, caught off guard by this, had little time to react as Wonder Girl charged at her and landed a harsh left hook to the cheek. The impact sent Powergirl flying, but while still in mid air, she stopped herself. Changeling had changed back into himself and was right beside Cassie, looking in shock. [b]â??She can fly!? Manâ?¦â?[/b] Powergirl, visually now angered, let out a small laser blast from her eyes, which Wonder Girl barely reflected the shot, almost hitting Gar in the process. [b]â??LASERS!? What is she, Superman!?â?[/b] Falcon had been combating Red X while the other two were fighting and Miss Martian was helping Cyborg. Once she had taken the X off his arm, Cyborg was back up and ready to fight. He stood up again, only to be hit by Falcon as he went flying into him. As they both stood up, Falcon looked at Mâ??gann while Cyborg went to fight Red X. [b]â??Mâ??gann, go get help. We need back up. We can hold them off for now, but we canâ??t beat them without help.â?[/b] Miss Martian nodded and took off towards the city to get back up. Her only thought was Obsidian. He was the only one in town that could stand a chance. Falcon watched as she flew off, then focused back on the battle at hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The intersection of 3rd and Greene in Metropolis. An ambulance is tending to six people caught in a traffic accident, the police are taking statements, and everyone else is congratulating Static on a crisis averted. Static had prevented two of the cars from hitting each other head on at 50 mph, while pulling one away from a crash course into a building. Everyone was cheering as he finally landed from his metal disk to check the damage done. [b]â??Thanks kid. Ya did good.â?[/b] a cop patted Virgil on the back. [b]â??Now let us handle the rest of this.â?[/b] The cop went to his car to get a notepad, but Static decided he wouldnâ??t take the officerâ??s advice, just cause he called him [i]â??kid.â??[/i] Virgil knew he was just a teen, but he was still one of the most active heroes in Metropolis in the last two years. He decided to check out one of the stores next to the crash site. He walked in to praise from the other customers. It was a simple Ma-&-Pa convenience store, with fun little products here and there. Static made his way to the back where the soda was. He was browsing the selection when two girls came up to him. He recognized them from his school. They always gave him crap in class. [b]â??Hi.â?[/b] one of them pitched in. The two girls were pretty popular at school. The one who spoke kind of acted as the voice of the other. Both, however, tended to use Virgil as the butt of a joke. [b]â??That was pretty awesome out there. I mean, itâ??s nothing really new, butâ?¦ uh, wellâ?¦â?[/b] She was being awkward. Made Virgil feel a little more powerful than usual, and he could defy gravity. He could easily abuse his hero allure right now, but he thought it wasnâ??t worth anything but self satisfaction. [b]â??Nice work out there.â?[/b] the girl continued. [b]â??I mean, like wow. Iâ??m a big fan of yours. I was- we were wondering ifâ?¦â?[/b] Virgil went for a Coke, and turned to the girls. [b]â??Sorry ladies, but Iâ??ve got stuff to do.â?[/b] He headed to the front counter, bought his Coke and with a [b]â??See ya,â?[/b] he left the store. He couldnâ??t wipe a smile from his face as opened his soda to take a sip. But, just as he was about to take the first drink of a fresh soda, from across the street, a person was flung thru a store window into the street. Static put the top on his soda and ran to check on the person. When he got to the person in the street, he recognized them of the bat. It was the Red Arrow. The once Teen Titan by the name of Speedy, Red Arrow was all that was left of the Green Arrow legacy. What he was doing in Metropolis was beyond Static, but that could wait. [b]â??Speedy, you okay?â?[/b] Static went to help up the archer. Speedy groaned and got to his knees. [b]â??Yes and no.â?[/b] He got to his feet and strung an arrow, pointing at the window he was just thrown from. Static turned to face the assailant, but beyond a foot behind the windowâ??s opening, all he could see was shadow. [b]â??What happened?â?[/b] Virgil tried to see if he could get some insight before more trouble could stir itself up, but he was too late. From the shadowâ??s came a voice. A strong one, slow but booming. [b]â??My apologies, Static, is it? But I really canâ??t have you interfere. Iâ??ve some business with this archer, so I suggest you move along.â?[/b] Red Arrow pulled the string back a bit further. [b]â??Who are you? What do you want with me?â?[/b] [b]â??And what makes you think Iâ??ll let you get away with it?â?[/b] Static pitched in. Then footsteps from the store. Static could feel each impact of the enemies foot with the ground. This was a big man. The footsteps grew louder as a figure made itâ??s way into the light. It was a man. A mammoth of a man. Almost 8 foot. The figure made his way into the light, threw the window, and onto the street. The man was wearing a extremely nice suit with some holes in the chest. His skin was a sickly grey in color. In his right hand, an arrow. [b]â??I apologize for not introducing myself to you before hand. How rude of me. Your predecessor knew me, as did your mentor, Static. Black Lightning.â?[/b] The man stood up straight and cracked his neck. [b]â??I am Solomon Grundy. I am here on request of my current employer and partner. He feels that he may need someâ?¦ [i]â??financial backingâ??[/i] for his plans. His first thought was Mr. Richard Atrocitus to help supply us, but we thought we might need to earn his trust. And thatâ??s where our friend Speedy comes in.â?[/b] Red Arrow let his arrow go, right in between Grundyâ??s eyes. Static couldnâ??t believe what he just saw. And what shocked him even more is what happened next. Grundy reached up, pulled the arrow out of his head, and threw the arrow down, not wincing once. [b]â??They call me Red Arrow, Grundy.â?[/b] [b]â??Red Arrow. Thatâ??s why Iâ??m here. Youâ??re the last â??Arrowâ?? left in the quiver. And Iâ??m sure the man that is running your predecessorâ??s company would like to see you gone.â?[/b] Grundy began to take off his jacket. [b]â??As for you, Static, I donâ??t wish to conflict with you, but if you get in my way, I will not hesitate to smash you into a fine pulp.â?[/b] Grundy then began towards Red Arrow. Red Arrow loaded up another arrow and launched it at Grundyâ??s face, all while backing up. Grundy managed to block the arrow with his for arm, preventing another head shot. When he lowered his arm, Static was right in front of him. [b]â??Letâ??s see you block this, grey man!â?[/b] Static launched a bolt of static electricity, knocking Grundy onto his back. [b]â??Hell yeah!â?[/b] Static shouted. He sent out an impulse to bring his hover plate to him and hopped on once it got there. Grundy got back up, looked up at Static, then at Red Arrow, who was now holding three arrows back, and made a dash down the street. [b]â??Hey, ugly, did you think we were done here?â?[/b] Static shouted at Grundy as he ran. Red Arrow lowered his bow to get a better idea on what Grundy was doing. It only took him a second or two, but when he did, he began to back away. [b]â??Uh, Static. Heâ??s not running from us.â?[/b] [b]â??Then whatâ??s he doing.â?[/b] Static couldnâ??t understand what had an Arrow frightened. Then he saw it. Grundy had made his way to a parked car. He then proceeded to lift it with ease and chuck it at Static. [b]â??Aw man.â?[/b] Static rose above the car as it passed under him, but just as he was regaining his footing, Grundy was already there, airborne and ready to strike. With a swift punch, he sent Static back a good fifteen feet. Red Arrow ran to Static. [b]â??You okay?â?[/b] He pulled back his arrows as Static got back up. [b]â??Yeah, Iâ??m good.â?[/b] Virgil saw the behemoth of a man walking towards them, cracking his knuckles. [b]â??This is going to take a while.â?[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two inmates at Blackgate Correctional Facility were lying in their bunks. It was lights out for about an hour, but that didnâ??t stop the inmates from discussing business. [b]â??You really think so?â?[/b] The inmate on the lower bunk said softly, as to not alert anyone else. The one on the top bunk adjusted himself a bit. [b]â??Hell yeah. Gamble has been taking Dentâ??s old territory ever since he quit the races. I donâ??t think the Penguinâ??s really digginâ?? it. Could be a new street war.â?[/b] [b]â??What about Riddler?â?[/b] The lower inmate asked. [b]â??You think heâ??ll come back? Heâ??s been out for a while.â?[/b] [b]â??Nah, heâ??s out of the runningâ??s too.â?[/b] The upper inmate said. [b]â??I hear heâ??s been in the underground, making strange shows, betting in Rouletteâ??s Meta-brawls, that kind of stuff. Heâ??s keeping it low key. Most of the old school guys are. Itâ??s best thing to do, what with Gordon taking them on at full force.â?[/b] The lower inmate laughed. [b]â??Good thing heâ??s retired. Thingsâ??ll cool down soon. Go back to the old days.â?[/b] The upper inmate turned over the edge of the bunk and looked down at the lower inmate. [b]â??He may be gone, but the new commissioner is bound to keep his policy. It worked too well. This, whatâ??s his name, Paul Turmen, may not be brave, but heâ??s smart.â?[/b] He rolled back over. [b]â??Keep a working slogan so you donâ??t look like a fool for making a failing one. Now shut up. I need to get my sleep. My kidsâ?? are coming by tomorrow.â?[/b] As he finished, a loud noise came from the observation center, located above the cells. Then a loud crash, and a guard came flying thru the window and into the middle of the cell block. All the inmates were now very much awake and alert. They made their way to the bars to catch a glimpse of what happened. Out of the hole created by the flying guard came a blue man, wearing nothing but some baggy cargo pants jumped thru and landed in a crouching position. He immediately sprang up and flung his hands out above his head. [b]â??Ladies of Blackgate Correctional Facility!â?[/b] the blue man shouted. Just as he finished, all the cell doors were unlocked and opened. [b]â??I am Jack Frost, here to bring you good news. Due to over crowding in the prison system from the pesky crackdown on the age old traditions of theft, murder, rape, extortion, and who knows what else, lord knows I donâ??t, you have all received a pardon! Now, they really didnâ??t know what else you wanted, so I thought I would just come down here and let you go find it yourself. The way out is clear and I doubt the guards will care if you leave in an orderly manner, â??cause theyâ??re dead. Now, go and do what you do best: Show Gotham itâ??s true colors!â?[/b] With that, the inmates cheered and made a mad dash to the exit. The inmate on the lower bunk was almost about to run off too, but then noticed that the one on the upper bunk wasnâ??t looking too happy about their timely escape. [b]â??Hey, whatâ??s up? You get to leave, man.â?[/b] The lower bunkmate said. [b]â??Whatâ??s wrong with that?â?[/b] [b]â??I get to leave. So does everyone else.â?[/b] The upper bunkmate replied coldly. [b]â??I need to get to my family. I need to keep them safe from this riot.â?[/b] And with that, he ran past the lower bunk mate, who followed close behind. Jack, however, was still standing in the middle of the cell block. At his right, a purple cloud appeared and out of it a tall woman appeared. [b]â??That was fun.â?[/b] Jack said, rather proud of himself. [b]â??A lot easier than I thought it would be. Then again, Iâ??m used to fighting meta-humans. I guess the normal ones just donâ??t cut it. So, what do you wanna do now?â?[/b] The woman put a finger on her lips and thought to herself. [b]â??Hmmm, I really donâ??t know. We could always go to Arkham early.â?[/b] She said in a soft voice. [b]â??Whoa!â?[/b] Frost was taken aback.[b] â??Grodd told us to wait for his cue. I donâ??t wanna mess with that ape when heâ??s pissed off.â? [/b] The woman walked up to Jack and put her arm around him. [b]â??Oh Frost, you need to take some initiative. Besides you can always say I did it. Of course, if you do, Iâ??ll have to kill you. Besides, we need to get some bigger bait out if we want to hunt big game.â?[/b] Frost asked, [b]â??Bigger game? Like what, Tala?â?[/b] [b]â??Oh, I donâ??t know.â?[/b] Tala said, walking away shyly. [b]â??Crocodiles, penguinsâ?¦ bats.â?[/b] That was all she had to say. [b]â??Iâ??m sold. Letâ??s do it. And besides, you know what they say about the night time.â?[/b] Jack said as Tala opened a portal. [b]â??Itâ??s when all the crazies come out.â?[/b][/size]
[size="1"] Precthar Rew was in the communication room of the Truth Forger, speaking with Senator Organa. [b]â??Senator, we seem to be getting closer to finding out what happened to the masters. I feel the Force is strong in this place. Butâ?¦â?[/b] [b]â??Yes Precthar?â?[/b] Organa edged. [b]â??What is wrong?â?[/b] [b]â??The Power that Iâ??m sensing. Itâ??s not anything Iâ??ve ever felt. Itâ??s intensity. Itâ??s mere presence. Itâ??sâ?¦ darkness. I fear that this is larger than we might have predicted.â?[/b] [b]â??Donâ??t worry. Thatâ??s why the commandos are there. If you -etâ?¦ the-â?[/b] The communication began to fad out. Then, it just vanished. Rew was startled. She stood and made her way to the door. As she exited, Laloki met her at the door, coming from the cockpit. [b]â??Mistress Rew, itâ??s an invasion.â?[/b] Laloki gasped. Precthar couldnâ??t believe what she was hearing. [b]â??Itâ??s as I feared. What does it look like?â?[/b] [b]â??Huge fleet just entered the atmosphere,â?[/b] Laloki explained, [b]â??Theyâ??ve cut all communication on the planet. Iâ??m working on some scans, but it doesnâ??t appear the flagship has landed, meaning there are more ships in orbit. At least a hundred heavy transports have touched down already.â?[/b] As they were talking, Jecht came out of the cabins. [b]â??What are you girls whining about? Did the Jedi break a nail?â?[/b] [b]â??A fleet is invading Telos.â?[/b] Laloki rebutted. [b]â??We need to work out a plan. Whereâ??s the captain?â?[/b] Jecht, now alert with the promise of battle, headed for the cargo room. [b]â??Him and Green went to get supplies. Iâ??ll get them.â?[/b] [b]â??No.â?[/b] Precthar said rather coldly. [b]â??Youâ??ll be needed here to protect the ship. Laloki, get us ready for lift off. Iâ??ll go after them.â?[/b] And with that she opened the hanger door and bolted into the city. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trent and Cassi were positioned behind a store, with heavy fire all around. Cassi quickly popped out, shot an unsuspecting Sith soldier, and got back under cover. [b]â??Well,â?[/b] She said, [b]â??I think that does it for the vacation with the Jedi.â?[/b] A blaster bolt zoomed by her head, causing her to actually jump out to a standing position and fire wildly, hitting three more troopers. She jumped back down to her original position. [b]â??Didnâ??t think weâ??d run into trouble here. We need to push these guys back.â?[/b] Trent said while grabbing a frag grenade. He pulled the pit, stood, and threw it at the adjacent building where a good amount of troopers were. There was a loud bang, some screams, and then nothing. The two commandos took this as their cue. They stormed the streets and made their way down a block before meeting any more resistance. Cassi looked at Trent, who was now on the other side of the street undercover. She saw his hand motion for suppressant fire. She checked her clip then signaled ready. Trent gave the signal and she began to fire. To her surprise, Trent didnâ??t move up to better cover, but instead rushed in to the building where the small Sith squad was firing from. Cassi rushed towards the building to supply some assistance, but as she was running she saw in the window that Trent had just stabbed the last one thru the chest with his vibroblade. She jogged into the building to meet with the commander. [b]â??What were you thinking?â?[/b] Cassi yelled at Trent. Trent wiped his blade clean, sheathed it, and took his blaster out again. [b]â??What? It worked on Naboo.â?[/b] He chuckled a bit. Just then, a static sound came from both of their helmets. A voice came thru. [b]â??Captain? Cassi? Can either of you hear me? Anyone?â?[/b] It was Laloki. The captain knew that this was a good chance to find out what was actually happening. [b]â??Zane, this is Sephit. Greenâ??s with me. Whatâ??s the situation? There are troops swarming all over this place.â?[/b] Trent replied. [b]â??Thank the Force. Thereâ??s a huge armada invading.â?[/b] Laloki explained. [b]â??Really? I didnâ??t see that.â?[/b] Cassi interjected sarcastically. [b]â??Not now Green. What else can you tell us Laloki?â?[/b] Trent asked. [b]â??All communication is cut off from the planet. I had to do some hacking to get our frequency cleaned out, but he are clean for at least an hour or two. Until they find out weâ??re functioning. But, I think they have other things going on. Captain?â?[/b] Laloki sounded worried. [b]â??What is it Zane?â?[/b] [b]â??I donâ??t think theyâ??re taking prisoners.â?[/b] [b]â??Thatâ??s great. You all wanted to come here. I wanted to go to Kashyyyk, but no, we had to come here.â?[/b] Cassi stated. [b]â??Howâ??s the crew? Have we got an ETA on when we can get out of here?â?[/b] Trent asked. Laloki regained herself. [b]â??I can get the ship ready for evac by the time you get here, but Mistress Rew went to find you. Jechtâ??s still here. We should be able to hold our own until then. But please hurry.â?[/b] Laloki stated. [b]â??Donâ??t worry, Rew will find us. Laloki, can you patch thru to a local Republic frequency?â?[/b] Trent didnâ??t sound at all alerted by the news that Rew was in the fray. [b]â??Yes,â?[/b] Laloki responded. [b]â??It should be simple enough. It just wont last long once the Sith find out, and it could really put the ship in harms way.â? [/b] Trent hesitated, [b]â??Just make sure you can do it. Iâ??ll give you a signal when we need to transmit. Sephit out.â?[/b] [b]â??Well,â?[/b] Cassi sighed, [b]â??whatâ??s the plan?â?[/b] Trent replied by tapping on his helmet. She got the message. She found some cover and waited for Trent to respond. When he did, it was over the headsets. [b]â??We need to find others. If we can save them, we may be able to keep the city from falling into enemy hands. Now move out. And keep your head down.â?[/b] As they spoke, a small troop of Sith troopers, only seven strong, lead by a soldier in red and black, unlike the normal silver, made their way thru the street next to them. The two commandos were stationed and ready to strike. Then, the Sith leader halted, turned to the building Trent and Cassi were in, tapped his helmet, and shouted [b]â??Cover. Take cover!â?[/b] The troopers tried to run to cover, but Trent and Cassi began to fire at them, hitting three of them before they could hide. The trooper leader immediately fired back once he was under cover, keeping the commandos from firing. The other Sith troopers were well under cover when the leader finally stopped firing and hid. Cassiâ??s spoke up. [b]â??I wish I had my baby right now. This would be so much easier.â?[/b] She stood up, took aim, and let out a blast, hitting a trooper who wasnâ??t paying attention to his cover. She sat back down immediately to make sure no one could fire back. [b]â??This could take a while.â?[/b] Trent groaned. [b]â??Well,â?[/b] Cassi said, [b]â??we can always hope Rew comes by, or somebody else.â?[/b] [b]â??Fat chance on that.â?[/b] Trent opened fire, coming back down just as the Sith leader began to fire. [b]â??Middle of the city, heat of the battle. Could take hours to find us. Besides, weâ??ll be done by then.â?[/b] A sniper bolt soared by his wall. [b]â??Okay, maybe not.â?[/b][/size]
[size="1"]A long time ago, In a galaxy far, far awayâ?¦ [center][b]STAR WARS UNIVERSE IN FLAMES[/b] It is a period of trouble in the Galaxy. The Jedi Council has disappeared, leaving no traces. With no new Jedi to run a council, And no direction to go, The remaining Jedi are lost in their own confusion. To add to this, The Republic has been waging a cold war between itself. Only a few senators have heard the plight of the Jedi, And even fewer care. With all of these events, A dark feeling has taken over everyone. The Republic fears a full blown civil war. The Jedi have divided themselves. Everyone feels the flames or war closing inâ?¦ [/center] [u]Coruscant system, planet Coruscant, Republic City: [/u] [b]â??This is an outrage!â?[/b] Senator Organa screamed. [b]â??There is an obvious presence of a greater threat than a couple of missing credits.â?[/b] Many of the other senate seats began yelling in outrage at her insulting interruption. The Chancellor stood from his seat and held his hands up to demand for silence in the senate, which was giving. Lowing his hands, he spoke to the young Senator. [b]â??Senator Organa, please. We are not upon the matter of your case yet. If you would just wait for us to finish this case, instead of interrupting, we might be able-â?[/b] [b]â??Might be able to waste precious time!â?[/b] Organa yelled again. [b]â??The Jedi have vanished and you act like nothingâ??s happened! Are you all moronic!?â?[/b] More shouting began, but the Chancellor quelled it quickly. However, another human senator rose up to protest the insurgence. [b]â??Oh please Senator,â?[/b] He began, [b]â??The loss of a few Jedi is nothing. Soon there will be more to replace them and act just as high and mighty as the last ones.â?[/b] A small boo came from some seats, while others clapped only to show their approval of his rebutting Organa. [b]â??I donâ??t even know why you are bothering us, the Great Republic Senate, with the business of the Jedi, who I will remind you, have no real say in the going onâ??s of the galaxy.â? [/b] The Chancellor spoke out, [b]â??Senator Groewt, despite my gratefulness of you assistance, I must ask you to step back. Besides, the Jedi have assisted us in our most dire moments. We will not turn our backs on them, but we must make sure our own affairs are in order. Senators, please, go back to your seats and wait.â?[/b] And with that both senators went back to their posts. Organa obviously insulted, left as soon as she docked, telling the other senators at her seat to contact her when she was up. Groewt saw this, smirked and signaled for his assistant. She walked up behind him and leaned in. [b]â??Contact Mr. Lommarr. I would like to speak to him. As soon as possible.â?[/b] The assistant stood and walked out of the senate hall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [u]Deep Space, Outside the Outer Rim Territories, On board The Sovereign: [/u] As he walked down the halls of the flagship, General Thanarr surveyed the troops. All stations were operating at full capacity, with everyone busily working. All guards were diligent, saluting as the general walked by. This was the day he was waiting for. The day he had prepared for, for years. His step and a certain pride to it for this. He came upon his destination. He walked into an enormous room, with only the lights of the server panels and the galaxy lighting it. He came to the center and got to his knees, bowing in front of a shadowed figure. [b]â??Sire,â?[/b] he began, [b]â??all preparations have been made. We are your sword. We shall strike at your whim.â?[/b] [b]â??Good. Rise, Grand General Thanarr.â?[/b] the figure said. The general rose to his feet. [b]â??The Jedi have fallen. Without their masters, they will be lost, confused, sad, angryâ?¦ compromised. They will fall to us, be it our persuasion or our might. They pose no real threat anymore. The only thing left to destroy is the Republic, that which the Jedi stood to defend. It is an ally of the old Jedi masters. It must fallâ?¦ You may begin.â?[/b] General Thanarr bowed, [b]â??As you wish, Master Mosruq.â?[/b] With that, he turned and left the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u]Kashyyyk system, Planet Kashyyyk: [/u] A tribe of Wookiees were living out their daily lives, hunters returned with their trophies, craftsmen built their boxes and other items, the women cared for the children while they played. It was a normal day for them. But, just as the hunters had made themselves comfortable, they noticed the day had gotten darker. This was odd, seeing as it was the afternoon. The lead hunter sent out a scout to the clearings to see what kind of storm was coming their way. The scout walked his way to the clearing to check it out. When he got there, the scout was in shock. He composed himself, ran to the emergency horn at the clearing, and sent out a signal: Attack. The tribe sprang to action, getting their weapons ready for a feud battle. Then a second signal was blown. One from another clearing. It was the same thing. The wookiees became aware that this was a serious problem. The lead hunter told all the hunters and warriors to arm up and prepare for battle. He then ran to the clearing to see what was happening for himself. When he arrived, he saw the scout, just looking up into the sky. When he looked up, he saw just what had frightened him so. A fleet. Enormous. Blocking out the sun. and it was making itâ??s way to them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u]Telos System, Planet Telos-4, above the planet in orbit: [/u] Darth Vâ??n sat at her terminal, waiting for the a transmission. When the transmission came, it was Senator Groewt on the other end. He showed confusion at the Twiâ??lek in front of him. [b]â??What is this? I wanted to speak with-â?[/b] Vâ??n interrupted him. [b]â??You really think he would speak to you directly? Youâ??re dumber than I thought. Now, what did you want. I really donâ??t want to be talking to you.â?[/b] Groewt, a little peeved, spoke. [b]â??Senator Organa is getting suspicious. Sheâ??s trying to get the Senate to agree to a inspection into the JedIâ??s disappearance.â?[/b] Vâ??n laughed. [b]â??Ah, Tiy Organa is young and naïve. No one in the senate will listen to her without proof. But you are stupider than I thought if you think she hasnâ??t already been looking into it.â?[/b] [b]â??What?â?[/b] Gtoewt exclaimed. [b]â??You mean sheâ??s-â?[/b] [b]â??Yes, fatty,â?[/b] Vâ??n said, [b]â??Sheâ??s got a commando squad on it already. They even have a Jedi knight with them. But donâ??t worry your huge jowls. Weâ??ve been keeping track of them. Theyâ??re on Telos-4 right now.â?[/b] Groewt calmed down. He would yell at her for her insults, but he knew Darth Vâ??n had a knack for having a short temper. [b]â??Well then, Iâ??ll send a team to dispose of them.â?[/b] [b]â??No, you wont.â?[/b] Vâ??nâ??s voice was stern. [b]â??the Master has it already taken care of. Besides, the disappearance of the Jedi are the least of the Senates problem. Now, Iâ??ve got to get going. Go for a jog or something. You take up too much the screen.â?[/b] And with that, she hung up. She stood, grabbed her light saber and made her way to the head of her ship. She had an invasion to take care of. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [u]Binary Star System, Planet Tatooine, Urgpuâ??s Palace:[/u] The festivities were at full swing for the night festival. On of the finest bands in the system, tons of guests having a blast, three new dancers for the Hutt. The night wasnâ??t going to be there for maybe a couple of hours, but the party was already off to a huge start. Urgpuâ??s assistant, a Chev man came up to Urgpu. [b]â??Sir, Iâ??m sorry to disturb you, but we seem to have a problem. Our communications have been disrupted. I think there is an invasion afoot. What do you wish to do?â?[/b] Urgpu laughed a bit and responded to his assistant. [b]â??[i]Call up our arms. They would have a field day with this. But letâ??s keep this outside. I would hate to disrupt the party[/i].â?[/b] And with that, the assistant left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Well, this is the initial post. Iâ??m sorry that it took so long to get up here (and if some parts are lacking), but I hope this gives you guys a good start. If you have any questions, that backstage is up and all creators are willing to take any PMâ??s. I hope you enjoy the RP.[/size]
[size="1"]I'm very sorry for the late start up on this RP. I've been dragging my feet on this for a while, but I've started the beginning post and should have it done within the next day. Again, I apologize for the hold up.[/size]
[b]Name[/b]: Trent Sephit [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 30 [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Class[/b]: Republic Trooper [b]Weapon[/b]: Blaster Rifle, Grenades, Vibroblade [b]Character Description[/b]: Born and raised on Manaan, [url="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/357px-Ulicqel-dromaHS.jpg"]Trent Sephit[/url] never really says much about himself beyond that. He tends to be rather strict and direct on the battlefield or when it comes to briefings. However, when on the ship, he will lighten up, make jokes, and become a rather regular guy. He is well trained in combat, with much expertise in ranged combat and tactics, but only limited training in melee combat. His hand to hand training is decent, as he can take on a well trained fighter, but he has been bested in a lot of spars. [b]NPC Company[/b]: [i]Names[/i] -Jecht Ordo -Cassi Green -Laloki Zane -Jedi Knight Precthar Rew [url="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/CloneCommando1600.jpg"]Commando Uniforms[/url] (Ordo & Rew exempt.) [i]Descriptions[/i] -[url="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/Mando_Weaponsmith.jpg"]Jecht Ordo[/url]: Mandalorian human, male, age 35. Carries a minigun and two Mandalorian heavy blasters. As part of the lost and scattered Ordo Clan of Mandalorians, Jecht was a rather successful bounty hunter. But, after being stranded on a planet where no one would give him a job, he decided he would get off the planet and find a new place to call a hunting ground. After his experience on the Truth Forger, however, he decided to stay on for the fights to come. [url="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/216px-Rarckokoo_Athaichoso.jpg"]Ordo's Armor[/url] -[url="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/Crush.jpg"]Cassi Green[/url]: Human, female, age 31. Carries a rocket launcher and a standard blaster rifle. As one of the original crew members to work with Captain Reznor, she has seen Trent grow from a rookie to a fully earned captain. Sheâ??s headstrong and rather arrogant. Sheâ??s a rather violent drunk. -[url="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/Zeltron_Female.jpg"]Laloki Zane[/url]: Zeltron, female, age 28. Carries a sniper rifle, fusion cutter, and blaster pistol. Picked up just before Trent joined in, Zane was the second to last person to join the group. She mainly took care of the ship, but she has also been crucial in the uprising on Naboo with her hacking and reprogramming skills. Before the battle on Felucia, she thought about pursuing a relationship with Trent, but after the turmoil of the loss of so many brothers and sisters, she abandoned such thoughts. -[url="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/Kasstod.jpg"]Jedi Knight Precthar Rew[/url]: Zabrak, female, age 24. Wields a single blue lightsaber. Despite her young age, Rew was considered rather wise in the Force for a padawan. She became a knight only recently and sometimes struggles with keeping her head straight. Often times, she refers to Trent, whom she credits with having more experience with being a leader, to help her investigate and decide where to look for clues. Since her master vanished, however, she has been having nightmares. [b]Ship/Transportation[/b]: [url="http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/TheRevenge_1.jpg"]Truth Forger 3[/url]- Wayfarer-Class Medium Transport with reinforced shield, modified speed capabilities, and clocking tech. [b]Starting Planet[/b]: Telos IV
[SIZE="1"]Alright, seeing as I've heard nothing from anyone but CaNz, I'm guessing that you aren't interested anymore. I apologize if I've bored you or annoyed you at all about this. That being said, I do plan on continuing. I've still got too much in mind for this RP to let it die because I'm lazy. So if you care to join me, Just PM me or post an audition. As for those who already have a character, you have about one week to get back to me. If you choose not to, there will be no hard feelings at all. But the characters that are left behind will become forfeit to the story, thus they will be inserted whenever I feel appropriate and they will exit the game when I see fit. You can always join back up, but you will need to make a new sign up for a new hero. Well, I know you wont read this, but it needed to be stated. I'm here when you need me, so don't be a stranger when you have questions or complaints.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I've sent out the re-invitations to everyone that posted an character sheet, so I've spread the word. This is just a public announcement. During the time in the grave, I've decided to make some changes to some of the rosters. I'll contact The 10th and Afro about them to get thier opinions on them. Until that time, there's nothing changed in the original posts. I have made a actual timeline, so if you want to see a draft of it or want to pitch an idea, contact any of the three of us.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Hope I'm not too late to join. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Kyle [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/HeartGold_SoulSilver_Silver.png[/IMG] [B]Allegiance:[/B] Protestor (Neutral for the time being) [B]Status:[/B] Freelance Recruit - Chuck [B]Bio:[/B] Born on Cianwood Island, Kyle was weak in comparison to the other kids. At age 10, his life was impacted by two very critical events in his life. His sister met a boy and moved with him to Goldenrod City. A few months after, his father was sailing in a private fishing boat and was attacked by what was declared a pod of Gyarados’. Then, at age 13, Kyle moved in with his sister due to financial problems at home. His brother-in-law would play Kyle’s role-model for the next few years, teaching him about the world in a way that was outside of an island that got most of it’s traffic from the Gym. It was also during this time that he was shown a picture of two women that he would recognize for the rest of his life. In a list of Gym leaders from across the world, there were two women the caught his eye: The Cerulean City Gym Leader Misty, and the Lavaridge Town Leader Flannery. He had become totally infatuated with these women that he had never met before. He returned home to Cianwood after two more years, where his mother greeted him with a new friend. She had bought a pokemon for him to play with. Then, when he was became 17, he started a journey to explore the world. He started in Olivine City and traveled down towards his sisters home. He only spent a few months on this journey and then returned home to take care of his sickly mother. Now, he tends to go about town and help out those who need it, with his duties to his family taking main priority, and his job for Chuck second. [B]Personality:[/B] Kyle has always been a bit of a joker. Never taking a scenario too seriously. The only things he takes seriously is work, battle, and Gyarados. He has an utter hatred for the pokemon and is currently trying to find a pokemon to help battle them. Aside from all this, he likes to eat, sleep, play video games, and just hang out when he’s not busy. [B]Primary Pokemon:[/B] - [U]Hitmonlee[/U]. His first pokemon. His mother bought it for him as a playmate, but since then, it has become his best friend. It shares the same personality traits with him and the two have a bond that is almost psychic. -[U]Pinsir[/U]. This was the first pokemon Kyle caught. He acquire it in the Bug Catching Contest in the National Park. At first, it really didn’t listen to any commands, but after Kyle actually challenged it to a fist fight, he started to gain it’s trust. -[U]Steelix[/U]. Was once his sister’s Onix she had as a teenager, traded with a Metal Coat her husband had for a Magikarp. It really liked Kyle when it was an Onix, but now it just disobeys him for the kicks. Thankfully, it’s aggressive nature matches Kyle’s command style for him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"] [B]?Last boarding call for Flight 268, destination San Francisco.?[/B] the woman?s voice echoed in the room. Jason Todd stood up, grabbed his bag, and made his way to the plane. He had his ticket checked and he was clear to get on. It didn?t really surprise him, though. The people of Metropolis really didn?t recognize a man wanted in Gotham. He looked down at his ticket to find his place. It just so happened that he was seated towards the back. Once he got to the row he was in, he noticed there was a handbag in his seat. He looked at the seat next to his, and there sat a rather attractive blonde girl, in her late teens. She didn?t see Todd at first, as she was listening to her mp3 player and texting like a maniac. Todd made a small coughing sound, which, surprising to him, caught her attention. She looked up at him, her mouth opening a bit when she saw him. [B]?I?m sorry. This you?re seat??[/B] She quickly moved her bag out of the seat without him even responding. ?Here, sit down.? Todd sat down in the seat and placed his bag under the seat in front of him. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the girl was still looking at him. Sizing him up in a way. He wasn?t to disturbed by this. He remembered that the girls in school always gawked over him for some reason. They said he was almost as attractive as Bruce Wayne. That, however he resented. He always despised the Wayne name for this sole reason. He never wanted to be in the limelight. He wanted to be in the shadows, stopping evil from harming the innocent. He wanted to be Batman. No. He was supposed to be Batman. No matter what the doctors at Arkham said. It was his destiny. [B]?I?m sooo sorry about that. I?ve never really been on a plane before, you know? Like, it?s really new to me, so, like, it?s hard to get used to.?[/B] The girl was obviously trying to start a conversation with him. Just listening to her mannerisms were painful to Todd. But, he knew he had to talk to her. He had to for two reasons: one, he had to keep from being shady. Not talking to her would produce some problems for him if she was too persistent. His second reason was that he had to be able to deal with these kind of people once he gained his rightful place back in Gotham. [B]?I?m Kairi. It?s, like, nice to meet you, uh??[/B] [B]?Robert Hood.?[/B] Todd said and held out his hand for a hand shake. She shook his hand, giggled, and pulled her hand back. She was taken back by his boldness and sheer maturity, he guessed. Nothing he had gained from the asylum. He?d had it for a while. She looked down at his bag and gave it a very good scan. [B]?Oh my God.?[/B] She exclaimed softly. [B]?You work for Lexcorp??[/B] She had noticed the small emblem on the bag. [B]?Why yes I do.?[/B] Todd was very kind to this girl. If this was any other circumstance, she would have been dead before she could have called out ?You.? However, this was his cover for his trip. He was Robert Hood, an employee of Lexcorp, on his way for a seminar in the San Francisco branch. Just like Grodd told him. [B]?Like, wow! That?s totally awesome! So, like, you?re on your way to a business meeting or something, right??[/B] Todd closed his eyes and remembered his orders. He smiled a bit. As he did this, the pilot came over the speakers and told them they were getting in line to take off. He looked up at Kairi, smile still on his face, and calmly said, [B]?No. This trip is for pleasure.?[/B] She smiled back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in the city, in a quite suburban home, a woman is making lunch. She is a beauty. Blue eyes, black hair down to the small of her back, wearing a purple tank top and blue jeans, and a very early pregnant belly. Despite this, she still gives the feelings of both authority and kindness all in one. She gets done with four sandwiches and brings them into the dining room. She sets them down in the middle of the table. Her sister, a blonde of the same look, only with shorter hair and darker eyes, sits at the table. [B]?Thanks Lois. I was starving!?[/B] She takes one of the sandwiches and begins to eat. Her sister just looks at her in disappointment. She goes to the front door, opens it, and calls out. [B]?Hey, lunch is ready.?[/B] She calls out to her husband and her son. They are playing catch in the front yard. When she yells this, her son drops the ball he was going to throw and darts towards the door. He makes it passed his mother and makes a b-line to the table. Her husband grabs the ball and makes his way to the door. He meets up with his wife at the door frame. They embrace, and he places his hand on her stomach. [B]?How?s she doing in there??[/B] he asks his wife smiling. She smiles back and puts on hand on the side of her stomach and her other on top of his. [B]?Just fine. She?s got your strength. I can feel her moving around a bit. Now come on. Let?s eat.?[/B] She takes his hand and leads him to the table. As they get there, the sister and the son are both laughing at each other. As Lois goes to sit down, the phone rings. She begins to get back up, but her husband stops her. [B]?I?ve got it honey. You just gets some food in you.?[/B] He walks into the living room to pick up the phone. He picks it up. [B]?Kent residence.?[/B] [B]?Clark??[/B] The voice on the other line is a woman?s. [B]?Yes, this is him.?[/B] [B]?This is Selena Wayne.?[/B] [B]?Selena? Wow, what a surprise. How are you??[/B] [B]?I?ve been better Clark.?[/B] [B]?Well that?s a pity.?[/B] [B]?Look, I?ve called to ask a favor.?[/B] [B]?Well, I?ll see what I can do. I mean, I would think that you would be able to get what you needed, but if you need my help, I would be happy to help.?[/B] [B]?You don?t understand. This is ? ?Business.??[/B] His happy tone became stone cold. ?Oh. I see. What do you need?? [B]?I?ve been investigating the disappearances of some criminals. I need you to help me with a lead.?[/B] [B]?I?m no detective but I can see what I can do. Who is it??[/B] [B]?? Luthor.?[/B] He knows what this means. He knows all too well.[B] ?I?ll look into it.?[/B] [B]?Clark. This needs to be done as a civilian. I?ll arrange a meeting with him for you. I?ll contact you later. Good bye Mr. Kent.?[/B] [B]?Good bye Ms. Wayne.?[/B] He hangs up the phone. All he feels in anger. The name gets his blood boiling. [B]?Lex??[/B] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]?Yeah, whatever mom.?[/B] A girl was sitting on a very torn up mattress in a bedroom of a long abandoned apartment, talking on a cell phone. From the room, she could hear her friends messing around in the living area. She was waiting for her boyfriend to come back. She was wearing something that could only be classified as ?slutty.? [B]?No, I?m not coming home tonight.?[/B] Her tone was filled with less respect that it should have been. [B]?I?m hanging out with my friends? I don?t care what you think of them? You couldn?t tell who was committing a crime if they bit you in the ass? Eh, go fall on a knife.?[/B] She hung up and put her phone back in her purse. Just as she did that, her boyfriend came into the room. She turned to him. [B]?Well it took you long enough. You got the stuff?? [/B] He raised his left hand. In it was a bag of booze. [B]?Yeah, I got it. I even got to rough up the clerk for it.?[/B] He put the bag on the bed and walked over to the girl. They embraced and fell on the bed. In the living room, five more kids were drinking, smoking, and breaking things in the house. One of the boys was counting money at a coffee table.[B] ?Man, this was a great idea. I don?t know why I didn?t think of it.? [/B] [B]?Cause Travis is a genius and you?re an idiot.?[/B] A girl met his comment and everyone in the room laughed. The kids continued their activities for about five minutes, then a knock came at the door. Everyone in the living room was silent, with only the sounds coming from the bedroom filling the apartment. The boy at the table put down the money he was counting, picked up a large knife, and made his way to the door. He looked thru to the peephole to see who was there. To his surprise, all he could see was an eye. Looking right back at him. [B]?What do ya want??[/B] The boy called thru the door. The figure blinked, but didn?t move from the door. [B]?I?m here to say hello to Stacy.?[/B] ?[B]Yeah? And who the hell are you??[/B] [B]?Wrong choice of words, Kyle.?[/B] the figure backed up. Kyle was stunned. This guy was wearing a long brown trench coat, a scarecrow hat, and was pale to the point to looking grayish. He was also wearing some kind of make up on his mouth, but Kyle didn?t get a good look at it, for just as he was taking a look at this guy, the freak kicked the door in, breaking the locks and forcing Kyle back about five feet. He hit the ground hard. Everyone in the room was frozen. Kyle looked up at the figure, who now was standing in the door way. The man?s face from his nose up was covered up by the shadow produced by his hat. His mouth looked longer than it should, but Kyle noticed that it was only the makeup he was wearing. It was two black lines starting from the end of his lips, with lines across them. Like stitches. Then, one of the other boys ran at the new guy. He ran at full force, charging with a fist ready. But, before he could strike, the freak stretched his arm out, which was surprisingly long, and, with full force, struck the kid in the throat. The kid hit the ground gasping for breath. Just as the kid hit the ground, the tall man darted into the room, picked up a wooden chair, and, with one fluid motion, broke it over the last boy, who was sitting on a couch. Kyle had seen enough. He wasn?t going to let some crazed cokehead hit his friends like that. He picked up the knife that had fallen with him and got to his feet. [B]?That?s it freak. Now you?re dead!?[/B] Kyle ran at the man, knife readied into a ramming motion. The man turned to Kyle, lowering while in mid turn. When he rose, he Kyle?s main attack and met him with a piece of the wooden chair in the chest. Then, like the move with the chair, the man made a slick motion of grabbing the knife in Kyle?s hand, a kick to Kyle?s chest, exactly where the wood was lodged, and threw the knife. The kick sent Kyle into the wall. He was dead by the time he hit the wall. The knife met it?s target. One of the girls? legs. The boy that had charged the man and had his throat punched was now motionless on the ground. The last girl ran towards the bedroom where Stacy and her boyfriend were, as the boy that had been hit with the chair was just getting back up. The man made his way to the boy. When he got to the boy, the boy looked up, only to be met with the man?s fist. After a heavy punch, the man lifted the boy up by the collar. The boy, dazed from the punch, looked forward to see who this guy was. What he saw truly shocked him. His eyes were sunken in, but bright enough to be seen thru dim shadows now present on his face. The man was smiling. [B]?Paul, Paul, Paul? this is not your day.?[/B] The man laughed and put the boy onto his knees. Then, once the boy was up right, the man gave a quick knee to the face, forcing the boy?s nasal cavity to shoot up, killing him instantly. The girl with the knife in her leg looked on in shock. She was too scared to even scream. The man looked in her direction. She almost passed out from fear. The man pointed at her. [B]?Sarah, if I were you, I would stay right there. You don?t want to ruin the fun right??[/B] with a chuckle, he made his way to the bedroom. Stacy and her boyfriend were getting into it, when suddenly there came a pounding at the door. Stacy just looked up from under the boy and shouted, [B]?Piss off! We?re busy.?[/B] The pounding kept coming. There was a voice, but they couldn?t hear any of the words it was saying. The boy got up. [B]?Damn it, ignore them.?[/B] Stacy told him as he got up. [B]?Sorry, but if this is my chance for a threesome, I?m not missing it.?[/B] The boy walked up to the door, but just as he went for the handle, the pounding stopped. He stood there for a little longer. Then, from the other side of the door, they hear a shrill cackle. A menacing laugh that brought chills to their spines. Then, thru the door, a head busted thru. The boyfriend jumped back in surprise. The head was the girls and it was obvious that someone was still holding her lifeless body on the other side of the door. She was being shaken. Then a man?s voice imitating a woman?s voice came thru. [B]?Yo, Stacy and Travis, I know you just started, and I?m going to let you finish, but Kyle and Cathy had one of the best interrupted sex moments of all time!?[/B] Then the laughter came thru again. The body was pulled out of the door, which the man then opened. Still laughing, the man walked in and raised his hat. He exposed his face at full to the two. His eyes had black painted around them, which only heightened the frightful eyes that resided on his face. The boyfriend ran at the man, as Stacy rolled behind the bed to get away from the man. As the boy ran at him, the man whipped back a part of his coat and reached behind him. Just as the boy got to him, the man pulled out a small orb, shoved it in the boy?s mouth, and threw the boy into the hallway. The man then turned to Stacy and made his way to her. As she screamed and kicked at him, he walked up to her, took her head, and moved her face in the direction of her boyfriend. Just as she opened her eyes, the boyfriend?s head exploded. She almost vomited in shock and disgust. The man threw Stacy down on the bed. Stacy closed her eyes and began to silently cry, fearing what this man will do to her.[B] ?Oh wow, I was actually expecting some of the Fear Gas. That was a little more violent than I would have preferred.?[/B] She opened her eyes and saw the man had made his way silently to the door, looking down at the headless remains. He turned back to Stacy and smiled a very sinister smile. [B]?Say hello to Ms. Quinnzel for me. Good bye, Stacy Miller.?[/B] The man left the room and made his way back to the living room. There, Sarah was now standing at the same spot she was sitting in, the knife still in her leg. The man walked over to Sarah. She looked for a way out. The only way she saw was behind her. Thru the window. But there was no escape ladder. The man walked up right in front of Sarah and stood still. She was frozen in fear. [B]?I?m terribly sorry Sarah. It?s nothing personal.?[/B] And with that, he kicked her thru the window, down 5 stories. Then, the man walked out the front door, leaving the screams of Stacy to consume the apartment level.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Well, we don't have to come together. We will be working with one another for some events, but not all in one team at once. However, you can team up with anyone you like, whenever you like (as long as the other player knows and is willing to join you). We will be having a critical event soon enough. We just wanted to get everyone rolling before we start up a critical event, so everyone can be on the same page.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I just thought I would bring this up, in case anyone was a little bummed by this. All characters on the list of 'Off-Limits' can be reffered to in your stories, just not interacted with. That will change in time, but as for right now, you can talk about most of them. Just try to keep away from Brainiac, Darkseid, and other extremly powerful DC characters. If there questions on this, feel free to contact me or any of the other creators.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"] The press was restless. Today was a big day, the day when the new face of Wayne Enterprise, the daughter of the late Bruce Wayne, would take her place at the head of the company and address the public. The conference room was busy with small talk about what the day would hold. The press had covered Selena Wayne when she landed down at the airport, but she somehow had avoided detection from them for the last two weeks. Then, the most recent holder of the Wayne fortune, May Pennyworth, came out alongside Selena. The cameras started to shutter and flash like crazy. Selena took the podium and signed for everyone to calm down. May took some papers from her briefcase to hand to Selena, but she just whispered something to May, and May put the papers back. Selena then spoke to the crowd of gossip-hungry reporters and business enemies. [B]?Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, allow me to make this brief. I, Selena Wayne, will be taking control of my father?s share of the business, Wayne Enterprise. This has been a long time coming, as many of the other shareholders have both hoped and feared,?[/B] a small laugh broke out, [B]?and I do hope that I can help Gotham become the titan of a city it should be. A city that more people wish to come to. A city where the children can roam the streets and their parents can feel safe. A city where crime is in control. And, although Wayne Enterprise does not have a direct connection to the Gotham Police Department, I will be donating a very sizable amount to our devoted protectors to further help in their fight against this recent crime spree. Now, I will be taking questions at this time.?[/B] The entire room began shouting and yelling questions, arms raised in the air begging for attention. Selena was rather shocked at the sudden uproar of voices. But, after a moment of surprise, she calmly looked for someone to answer. She noticed a reporter that she had neglected upon her arrival at the airport and decided to redeem his efforts. She gave him a point and the crowd calmed as the reporter got ready to ask his question. [B]?Miss Wayne, you were away from Gotham for twelve years. Where were you during that time??[/B] As soon as the reporter stopped, all eyes were on Selena, awaiting an answer. Selena calmly stood in front of the crowd. [B]?I have been studying abroad and furthering my knowledge of what the world needs. I do believe I now have the resources to help. But, Gotham comes first. I hope it will also cut down on the work load in a way. Leading by example, in a way.?[/B] [B]?Did you live with your mother for that time??[/B] A reporter shouted out. Another one, right afterwards,[B] ?Who is your mother??[/B] The room was met with a loud boom of voices again, all demanding to be heard and answered. Selena had no intention of answering any of these questions. She didn?t want to give her mother away in anyway. She also didn?t want to suggest her father had ties with the former Justice League, which might lead some to investigate into her fathers secret life. She began to shout to get the crowd to quite down. [B]?My mother,?[/B] everyone calmed down enough to listen in. [B]?My mother isn?t a subject I want to talk about. All you need to know is that I have one, Bruce Wayne was my father, and I am here to take his place as the head of this corporation. Now, if you have any other questions, not involving my personal life, ask them.?[/B] About half the hands went down. One quite young reporter looked rather concerned. Selena decided to give him the floor.[B] ?Miss Wayne, how is the donation to the Gotham PD going to effect your company? Will there be layoffs??[/B] Selena smiled. This was actually a question she wanted to answer if it came up. [B]?I will not be using the money from the company. I will be donating my own money on the Enterprises behalf. Wayne Enterprise has always wanted to support our boys in blue, but due to some financial issues in the past, it has been rather difficult. Now, however, I will be trying to make some deals to help the police afford better equipment to better fight crime, and those who take it upon themselves to take the law into their own hands.?[/B] The reporters went into a minor frenzy again. [B]?Does this mean you oppose superhero antics?? [/B] [B]?Do approve of the actions of Xaoc??[/B] [B]?What are your feelings on Batman??[/B] That one stuck with her. All the other voices faded away and she went back to that night. The night the defender of Gotham was gunned down. The night her father was shot. The night her world was changed forever. She quickly snapped out of it, to save face. When she had everyone?s attention, everyone noticed a bit of a scowl. [B]?Let me tell you this straight. Masked vigilantes are the reason this city is so consumed by crime. Sure they fight crime and we see the common criminal cower in fear every once and a while, but what happens when they?re gone? What happens to us when these [I]?heroes?[/I], as you call them, die or go away? The same thing we see here. Crime rises and the people suffer. When the? Batman died?? [/B]she had a hard time getting that out without a problem, [B]?crime peaked in this city. He did help, but when he left, all his help turned to terror. Though it wasn?t his fault, he was the reason this happened. Besides, I?ve heard reports of Xaoc shooting and injuring several officers of the law just last night. Now, what kind of hero would hinder those who are just trying to keep the peace??[/B] The room was silent. [B]?Now is the time we need to take the city ourselves. Keep these people who are above the law in their own crazy minds from doing a job we need to do ourselves. Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you another time. Good bye.?[/B] She walked back out of the room along with May, as the reporters began to shout out more questions. They hastily made their way to the car. May opened the door for Selena, closed the door for her, and made her way to the driver?s seat. She started the engine and they started on their way back to the mansion. [B]?Good job in there, ma?am. I do believe you will be taken more seriously by the fellow stockholders.?[/B] May wanted to help reassure Selena on a job well done handling the press. May recognized many of the reporters as very important people in the press world, so from the stance of a new CEO of one of the largest companies in the world, Selena did rather well. But, Selena was not interested in that right now. She decided to look thru the folder that sat in the back. [B]?That is all the information I could gather on Victor Fries from last night. I do believe that Mrs. Nora D?Anjou would be a good lead to start at, even if she does not have any information on him. It?s interesting that he?s been declared dead for all this time.? [/B]May looked in her rearview mirror at Selena, who was almost completely absorbed in reading all the paper work in the folder. May sighed and asked a question. [B]?Ma?am? Do you really believe what you said back there??[/B] Selena stopped reading and looked up. [B]?May, I do. My father did a great thing, but when he died, this city was flung into chaos.?[/B] She looked out the window. [B]?I want to help this city take control of itself, without the help of heroes. But, until that time, I will be defending those who can?t defend themselves and strike fear into the hearts of those who wish to harm the innocent. Now about Freeze. Do you think you could visit Mrs. D?Anjou for me??[/B] May was relieved to hear Selena say that. [B]?Of course ma?am. What shall I credit my visit to?? [/B] [B]?Tell her you came as my personal assistant to check how she is feeling after her surgery. A check up, if you will.?[/B] Selena was back to the file. [B]?And while you?re there, tell me if you feel anywhere that?s colder than it should be.?[/B] [B]?I beg your pardon, ma?am??[/B] [B]?Anywhere colder. Just tell me if you feel anywhere like that. I?ll look into it later.?[/B] Selena didn?t even look up from the folder. The two arrived at the mansion and Selena got out, as May drove off to see Mrs. D?Anjou. Selena went to get her equipment ready for the night. She needed to be ready incase Victor Fries becomes Mr. Freeze that night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He was sitting outside the bedroom window, watching her. She was looking for something, calling out for assistance. [B]?Francis, where were those ear rings??[/B] She was searching for them for about ten minutes now and she was just now calling for assistance. A man?s voice came from the bathroom down the hall. [B]?I don?t know, honey. I don?t keep track of them. Now hurry up. We?re going to be late for the party.?[/B] He rushed out of the bathroom in a tuxedo and headed straight for the living area. A girl in her late teens came out of another bedroom and leaned against the doorway post of the master bedroom. Eating an apple, she swallowed what she was chewing and spoke. [B]?Hey, Nor, didn?t you put them in that one box? So you wouldn?t forget where you put them??[/B] Nora looked up at the girl, then sat on the bed, reached down, and pulled out a cardboard box. [B]?Oh wow, thanks Kelly.?[/B] Nora looked up and smiled. Kelly just nodded and walked back into her room. Nora then opened the box and took the ear rings out. After the second one, though, she paused and looked into the box still. Her back was to the window, so he couldn?t see what she was looking at. She reached in slowly and pulled out a photograph. He looked closer to see what it was. All he could see was the corner of the photo, but it was all he needed. He knew the photo all too well. She hugged the photo, placed it back into the box, and put the box away. She then headed into the living room to head out to the party they were attending. Something about Wayne Enterprise being under new management. When she left, he turned from the window and pressed his back against the brick wall. The memories of that photo were coming back to him. Of that night. Of the dinner. [B]?Victor, do you really think cryogenics is the best way to go? I mean, you?re a brilliant man. You could do anything.?[/B] [B]?It is a very interesting area of science, Nora. I could learn so much from the field. And, once I understand it, I think I could help usher in a new age of healthcare. One where we can stop a disease from running it?s course until we can kill it completely. What is so wrong with wanting to help others??[/B] [B]?It?s not that. It?s just that you get so involved in your work. You deprive yourself from sleep. From eating. You almost killed yourself on your last project. I? I just don?t want to see you hurt yourself like that again.?[/B] [B]?That?s another reason I?m taking this job, Nor. I will be close to home, I wont work for many hours, and most of all, the pay is amazing. It?ll be enough to get us started.?[/B] [B]?Just promise me something.?[/B] [B]?What??[/B] [B]?Just be safe, Victor. If you got hurt in there, I don?t know what I would do. If I lost you-?[/B] [B]?Nora. You will never lose me. That I promise.?[/B] [B]?A picture? On behalf of the company.? [/B] He came back to reality. The last thing he saw before coming back to reality was the photograph taken that night. Of him and Nora kissing. Signed by him the next day: [I]?We?ll never be apart. - Your love, Vic.?[/I] Victor slid to the ground, now sitting on the ground. [B]?My love. I?m sorry. I?m so sorry.?[/B] He would cry if his body could. Just as his emotions were taking over, he noticed something standing on the fire escape on the building adjacent to him. In less than one second, he went from sitting with his arms folded, to standing, drawing his freeze gun, and firing. The person jumped towards the street to avoid the beam of ice. Freeze was one step ahead, already having his gun pointed at where he saw the person was going to land. But, once the person landed, they dived to the side, throwing something as they did. The object hit his gun, knocking it out of his hands and onto the ground. He turned around to retrieve it, but the object, now obviously a Batarang, was lodged in the side, causing the gun to be unusable. Victor turned towards the figure who was now at the entrance of the ally. [B]?So,?[/B] Victor began to speak, in his usual calm, cold voice, [B]?you must be the new Batman figure. The woman. Must say I?m pleased to see your not another Batgirl. The idea of her presence never showed any maturity.?[/B] [B]?I?m a little surprised you know who I am, seeing as you?ve been inside all day.?[/B] The Bat tried to get to the reason they were there, but not too forcibly. [B]?When you are a wanted man, Bat, you must keep your head down and your ears out. Years of life have taught me that. Something you know all too well, I would think. The Batman family always had a knack of being able to get what they wanted, information wise. What do you want with me?? [/B] [B]?I?m here to ask you turn yourself in, Victor.?[/B] Victor?s emotionless mouth became a scowl.[B] ?I have no intention of turning myself over to the police of this wretched city.?[/B] [B]?Not to the police. To Wayne Enterprise.?[/B] Victor, still scowling a bit, [B]?What do you mean by that??[/B] The Bat loosened up a bit. [B]?The stature of limitation on all the crimes you?ve committed in this city are all over. And, since you [I]?died,?[/I] I?m guessing they might of wiped your slate clean. If you go to the new head of Wayne Enterprise, name-?[/B] [B]?Miss Selena Wayne. Yes, I know of her as well. I believe she does not take kindly to your ilk.?[/B] [B]?True, but she can?t deny you. She will try to help her as best as she can.?[/B] Victor was now back to his neutral expression. [B]?Why would she do that? What have I done to warrant such help??[/B] [B]?Victor, everyone in the areas of science has heard of what you did for Nora. With that under your belt, she?ll understand where you?re coming from.?[/B] Victor?s mouth was a little open, but he quickly regained his composure. [B]?What about legal troubles? If I do such a thing as give myself up for experimentations, the police will no doubt come for me.? [/B] [B]?Don?t worry. I?ve talked to an old friend of yours. Well, not a personal friend, but an old business partner. Harvey Dent. He?s willing to defend you in case of such a problem.?[/B] He stood there, no emotion on his face. Either he was thinking of the deal very intently, or he was waiting for the deal to get better. [B]?And what do I give you in return for this generous act??[/B] Mr. Freeze said. [B]?I want all the information you can give me on Gorilla Grodd, specifically what he?s up to now. And also, what he wanted with Jason Todd.?[/B] Mr. Freeze didn?t even flinch. [B]?So, you grant me safe haven and a chance to live a normal life again in exchange for me telling you the whereabouts of a Batman mockery with a knack for killing off his enemies, a highly intelligent and super strong gorilla, and an unnamed partner that must have some kind of authority to attract men like that. I don?t know if the pull is in my favor.? [/B] [B]?Think about it, Victor. You get into Wayne? You?ll be alive again.?[/B] she paused to let him understand. His mouth opened a little. [B]?Nora will find you.?[/B] Victor looked down at the ground. [B]?And that is all I?ve ever wanted. For the last twenty years.?[/B] His voice was soft. [B]?Yes. I will do what you ask. I will give myself in for a new life. What is it you wanted to know in specific? You know of both of them already, obviously.?[/B] [B]?What?s Grodd planning, why would it involve Todd? and who?s this partner Grodd has??[/B] [B]?I regret to tell you I can not inform you of the first two, but I did hear Grodd speaking of his partner and Metropolis. I can only guess that either Grodd has set up a meeting there, or you might want to speak with Mr. Lex Luthor.?[/B] That name caught The Bat by surprise. [B]?Luthor has been on the straight and arrow for years. Ever since Superman vanished.?[/B] Mr. Freeze merely smirked. [B]?Right you are, ma?am. But Lex has never been a philanthropist by nature. He?s only been this way to get what he wants. Something he?s used to doing. But, then again, he might have changed for the better. Still, that?s all I know of such matters.?[/B] The Bat nodded and left Victor in the ally. Victor looked to the sky and smiled. His cold heart felt like it was on fire. His life might come back to him. He might get his Nora back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]?May, can you read me??[/B] Selena was on top of a apartment building about fifteen blocks from where she spoke with Mr. Freeze. She was trying the built in two-way communicator she had installed into the ears of her suit. May?s voice replied. [B]?Yes, ma?am, I am here. Did you manage to convince him to come by tomorrow??[/B] [B]?Yes, I did. He was very willing once I dropped Nora?s name.?[/B] [B]?He must still love her.?[/B] [B]?I think she might love him still as well.? [/B] [B]?What did you manage to find out from him??[/B] [B]?Well, it?s either bad news? or worse news.?[/B] [B]?How so, ma?am??[/B] [B]?He said that Grodd has a partner and he may be in Metropolis.?[/B] [B]?My word. Do you think???[/B] [B]?I do. Victor certainly did. I hope it?s not true, but if it is, we need to look into it.?[/B] [B]?How do you propose we do that, ma?am? You?re booked for a very long. Public appearances, meetings, press conferences. It will be hard for you to get to Metropolis and back.?[/B] [B]?Not hard, May. Impossible. Call Clark. He needs to know. He might be able to investigate.?[/B] [B]?Of course ma?am. Are you on your way back? The party is waiting for you.? [/B] [B]?On my way. May. Over and out.?[/B] With that, Selena shot her grapple gun to the tallest building she could find, hooked it, and swung her way back home. All the way home, she hoped that Grodd and Luthor weren?t working together. If they were, the world was going to be in big trouble.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"] Killer Croc was making his way thru the sewers of Gotham City. To him, it was like a safe haven. Away from a world that shunned him for his appearance. He tended to neglect the fact that he had committed countless crimes and dozens of murders. The pungent smell of a concoction of chemicals and other materials filled his nostrils. Fecal matter, dead critters, trash, rotten food, and all the things that made the sewer his. He decided to head to his hangout he had down the pipes. He hadn?t been there since he was sent to Arkham, about six years ago. He still knew the way to the little portion of sewer that only he and some bums knew about. They tended not to bother one another back in the day. If he was there, they would only come back if they needed to. But as he made his way to the little nook, there were some sounds coming from the area. As he came closer, he noticed that it wasn?t bums there this time. It was kids. Teens, at that. They seemed like they were in some kind of gang or something, dressed in similar outfits. He over heard what they were saying a bit. [B]?Did you see the look on that shopkeeper?s face right before you slugged him? Priceless.?[/B] [B]?Yep? punks.?[/B] Croc muttered. He truly disliked kids. And these kids weren?t really what he called [I]?tolerable.?[/I] [B]?Totally, Kane. You terrified him, man.? [/B]A kid in the back corner, farthest from Croc, smoking a cigarette and holding a rather fragile girl with stars and tears drawn on her face. Croc took the time to notice who was in the room. There was a total of nine. There were the two farthest from him, the boy that originally spoke, a boy standing close to where Croc was with a boom box, two girls dancing with one another, and, who appeared to be the leader, Kane, with two women hanging on him. They had really changed the place. Croc didn?t like it at all. [B]?Hey, he deserved it. Tell me what to do and you get your skull smashed in, ya dig? Now, when?s Pits getting back with the pizzas? I?m hungry here.?[/B] One of the girls leaned further on him. [B]?Maybe I could take the edge off, hm??[/B] The other girl pulled Kane towards her and kissed him. Croc was now waiting for his time to kick them out. Needed to make it right. Less damage, more scare, the more secure his territory would be later. [B]?Teal,?[/B] the star-faced girl spoke to her apparent boyfriend, [B]?why do we have to meet down here??[/B] [B]?There?s no where up on the surface we can get away from the police, babe.?[/B] Teal said, running his hand thru her hair. [B]?Why Star? You think it stinks down here?? [/B] Star looked directly at where Croc was standing. She couldn?t see him, due to the heavy shadows he stood in. [B]?No,?[/B] she said,[B] ?not disgusted. Afraid.?[/B] Kane pried himself from the two women that were almost completely on top of him. [B]?Afraid of what? We messed those bums up, right? Who else would come for a dump like this??[/B] Killer Croc now took his chance. He couldn?t explain how he knew it was the right time, but he didn?t question it. [B]?Get the hell out, punks.?[/B] Croc was in the doorway way now. The kid closest to him jumped back a bit, looking at a towering figure. The girls stopped dancing everyone but Kane and his ladies were standing. Kane moved the ladies and stood up to meet Croc. [B]?Well, well, well. What do we have here? Seems like this thug got lost in the wrong part of the sewers. Do you know who we are, idiot? We?re the Riderz. Upcoming gang around these parts. And who might you be, my unfortunate friend? I only ask so we can carve it on your body when we send it down stream.?[/B] Kane came closer, pulling a knife out of his back pocket. He made his way even closer to Croc. Kane made the motion to stab at Croc, but before he could, Croc had gave him a solid jab in the face, knocking him down to his back. Croc walked up right beside Kane, into the light. Kane?s eyes were wide now. He had just realized who he was fighting. Croc lifted his foot, then brought it down with a heavy stomp. Onto Kane?s head, crushing it instantly. [B]?Croc. Now,?[/B] he lifted his head to the others, [B]?Get out of my hangout.?[/B] The kids didn?t need to be told twice. Everyone made a scramble towards the other exit on the other side of the room. There was a lot of shoving at the door, and when it was all over, Star was left in the room, on the ground, stunned. Croc made his way towards her to get rid of her. But just before he got to her, a figure came from the door and blocked his path. He stopped walking and looked at the new comer. He couldn?t believe his eyes. It was the Batman. But it couldn?t be. [B]?I thought you were dead.?[/B] Croc tried to hide the surprise in his voice, but a little came out anyway. At that, the figure opened it?s cape, revealing a very Batman stance. Just, instead of the normal bat suit, this one was darker, with less gray. And it was very apparent that this was a woman. Croc laughed out loud.[B] ?Oh thank the lord. I thought it was actually him. Just another imitator. Like that Todd kid.?[/B] He began to walk forward again, slowly. The woman spoke. [B]?You must be Killer Croc.?[/B] Croc stopped again. How did this one know who he was? And how did she even know where to look for him? [B]?If your wondering how I found you, it was easy.?[/B] Now he was a little freaked out again. [B]?I?m here to take you back to Arkham, but I need information before that.?[/B] Croc just looked at her confused. [B]?And how are you going to make me talk? You more persuasive than the old bat??[/B] He ran at her, hurling a right hook at her. Just as quick as the punch came, she caught the fist, halting it completely. Croc?s eyes widened in terror. [B]?No, not really.?[/B] she said. Then, she threw his fist down and hit him with a spin kick, which launched him thru the wall and back into the sewers. He got up to his knees and regained himself. Just as he did, he noticed that the woman was already right above him. He looked up. [B]?But I hit harder.?[/B] Then, she picked him up by the vest and threw him downstream. As soon as he hit the water, she ran up to him, punched him in the jaw, stomach, and left temple, all one after the other. If not for his incredible resilience, Croc would be out. But, instead, he was just almost out. The woman picked him up and pinned him against the wall. [B]?Now, I want to know two things. First, how did you get out of Arkham??[/B] Croc didn?t say anything. Partly because he didn?t want to, but mainly due to his extremely dazed state. She smashed him up against the wall. [B]?ANSWER ME!?[/B] [B]?An ape. Some ape guy. Don?t remember his name.?[/B] Croc just wanted this to stop. His tough skin had some pretty big bruises and cuts. [B]?Secondly, where are the others that broke out, especially this ?Todd? guy??[/B] The woman pressed him into the wall even harder now. Not enough to cut of his breathing. Just hard enough to make his pain worse. [B]?I DON?T KNOW!?[/B] Croc yelled in pain. She pressed harder. [B]?I went second. The Freeze guy went before me. He went home or something. I really don?t know!?[/B] With that, she let him hit the go. He hit the ground and stumbled into the water. He rose to his hands and knees, then lifted his hands, putting him a kneeling position. [B]?What are you? Who are you??[/B] The woman looked at him, facing him. All he could see was her dark silhouette. [B]?I?m The Bat.? [/B]She reared up and knocked him out with a punch to the face. She turned to check on the girl what was left behind, but she had already left. She knew that it would only be good for her. Help spread the fear again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After delivering Croc to the police department, Selena made her way back to the Batcave. Once she got there, May was already down in the cave, ready to help desuit. She was wearing her normal black pantsuit with white apron and a very pleasant smile on her face. [B]?Welcome back home, Miss Selena. How did it go tonight??[/B] May greeted Selena as she walked up. Taking off her mask only, she walked up to the rack to hang it up. [B]?It went well, May. Easier than I thought it would be. But I guess Croc would talk as long as I wasn?t nice to him. But he did mention something interesting.?[/B] Selena made her way towards the computer. [B]?He mentioned an ape man. I need to look this up.?[/B] She began to search in the archives of prior villains that her father had logged. [B]?Do you think such a character would be in the archives, Miss??[/B] May made her way to Selena?s side to help in anyway she could. But just as she did, the screen stopped. A picture of an ape was up, with a full bio. [B]?Gorilla Grodd?[/B] May read. [B]?Says that he was very frequent enemy of the Justice League. Comes from Ape City.?[/B] Selena was reading aloud, getting the information she needed. May read as well. [B]?A city full on intelligent apes? Sounds like the opposite of Paradise Island, does it not.?[/B] May had a knack of making a little joke here and there. Selena rose from the seat, turning the computer off as she did. [B]?This will take further investigation. But I need more information. I need to find Victor Freeze.?[/B] [B]?Ma?am??[/B] May spoke up.[B] ?I must say, you should be focusing on your public image right now. You have a press conference tomorrow morning at 8:00. I suggest you get some sleep. I will find out what is needed for finding Mr. Freeze.? [/B] [B]?Thank you May.?[/B] Selena took off her costume and put on some pajamas.[B] ?Good night.?[/B] She made her way upstairs to bed. [B]?Good night, ma?am.?[/B] May called back. And as soon as Selena was out of the cave, May turned the computer back on and began her investigation of Mr. Freeze.[/SIZE]
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/Earth53copy-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"]Arkham Asylum’s greenhouse: [B]“Pam, time’s up! Back to your cell.” [/B]The guard yelled down from the doors. She looked up from the plant she was tending and sighed. [B]“Be right there Saul.”[/B] She called back. She looked down at her plant, gave it a kiss, and made her way to the door. She moved up the to guard and held her hands out for the handcuffs. The guard just looked at her. [B]“Pam, do I really need to? Are you going to cause trouble?” [/B] [B]“Not at all Saul. Just wanted to help you keep your job.” [/B]They both chuckled a bit and made their way back to her cell. On the way there her and Saul talked about their days. She spoke of the plants she saw thriving and those that she was eager to see grow up. Saul told her how his wife, a former coworker of Pam, was doing. They shared stories all they way back to Pam’s cell, where Saul said his good night, closed the cell door, and left to punch his time card. She sat down to tend the plants she kept as pets. She hadn’t been working on them for two minutes when she felt a small shiver run down her back. She looked up and saw her room had disappeared, aside from the floor and all things touching it. She wasn’t even in Arkham anymore. She was somewhere else. [B]“Miss Ivy,”[/B] a voice came from her right. She turned her head to see who had just spoken to her. She could only feel wonder when she saw the speaker. It was a very large gorilla standing in a very triumphant stance. She stood and looked at her surroundings. She was in a very large, gray, industrial room. It made her skin crawl to think of such a room, let alone to be in one. [B]“Don’t worry your pretty head too much Ivy,”[/B] She actually saw the gorilla talk this time, [B]“You will only be here as long as it takes for you, and the others, to pick your destination.”[/B] She saw movement behind the gorilla and looked around him to see what was there. They were there. She recognized them all. All like her in her hatred for Batman, when he was alive. Killer Croc was adjusting his vest and stretching. Mr. Freeze was sitting in a chair, obviously waiting for this to all be done so he could get to what he needed to do. Clayface was practicing her transformations in a mirror. A young man she recognized from the news a couple of years back named Jason Todd, was waiting for something to happen. Then there was the Riddler, who had made his way to the gorilla’s side. [B]“Grodd, we really need to be on our way soon. I have so much I want to do.”[/B] Grodd merely waved him off and began to make his way closer to Ivy. [B]“I am very sorry for the poor introductions, Miss Ivy. I am, as Mr. Nigma has already revealed, Grodd. Gorilla Grodd. I come from Gorilla City and I am here to help you.”[/B] He began to guide her to the other side of the room, where very large machines were rigged to do something. [B]“I’ve broken you out of Arkham, as I have done with Mr. Croc and Miss Clayface. It is apparent that new characters have come up to hinder my plans, plus the plans of my partner. This is where you all come in. All the others have agreed to help me by helping themselves. Here’s my deal: I’ll send you to where ever you want to go in the world. Anywhere. That’s it. No strings attached. So, come along. I think I have where you want to go in mind.”[/B] After an hour of all the people taking their turns setting their coordinates and going to their destinations, Pam made her way to the teleporting pad, ready to go. She looked up at Grodd and Jason. [B]“Where are you going kid?”[/B] Ivy asked Jason. Grodd placed his massive hand on the man’s back. [B]“Him? My partner has a special job for Mr. Todd to do. He’ll be coming with me.” [/B] And with that, he hit the switch, sending her away. Todd looked up at Grodd. [B]“Who is this guy? And why does he want me?”[/B] [B]“You will see in time, young man. Tell me, have you ever been to Metropolis?”[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O.O.C.: Alrighty then. I apolgize for being late on this post. Writers block attacked and it was a veyry difficult fight. But I won! Yay me! Okay, this is the beginning. This part is pretty much free roam. Do what you will. Just mind the characters you can't interact with. Other than that, enjoy and let's get this started right![/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Alright, well I have some questions to answer. 1) As for the Justice League thing, that's not going to happen soon. As of this moment, there is no more Justice League. All the heroes are doing their own thing for the time being. But, they will be coming together eventually, so once we're at that part, it's totally okay. 2) The RP should be starting on Friday at the latest. I've been trying to talk to Afro and the 10th for a couple of days, but we've all been busy so it was rather difficult. I'm sorry for the wait. That being said, I hope you'll enjoy this RP. And remember, any questions, just put them up here and we'll get to them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Alright then. So, as Afro posted ealier, there are characters that you can't make contact with. These characters are off limits for some reason or another (e.g.: Batman.... cause he's dead.) But, there also some characters that are in the world, but you will not be able to communicate with/ fight/ etc. until certain key points in the story. These points will introduce the new NPC into the main story, making them available to others posts. These introductions will be done in posts at random points in the story as posts. They will usually appear to help a player thru a difficult fight, so that character will get to add them to thier posts first. The characters this applies to are as follows: - The Justice League line up as posted earlier - The Legion of Doom line up as posted earlier - Braniac - Darkseid - Hal Jordan - Diana (Wonder Woman) - The Red, Black, Purple, or Indigo Lantern Corps. - The Teen Titans (including): Falcon, Cyborg, Miss Martian, Wondergal, Zoom, Changling - Barbra Gordon - Nightwing - Doomsday - Superboy - Deathstroke/Slade - Booster Gold - Ra's al Ghul - Talia al Ghul More may be included as they come up in brainstorming (yes, we still are working on some minor points, but the story's pretty much set). If you have any problems with this, please feel free to contact Afro, The 10th, or I with any questions you may have.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B]Name:[/B] Selena Wayne [B]Superhero Name:[/B] The Bat [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] In costume- [URL="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/?action=view¤t=1250069411212.jpg"]The Bat[/URL] Out of costume- She is tall with black hair, blue eyes, about 6’ 2”, pail skin, and rather slim. She would fit in very well with the Amazonians with her heritage quite visible to anyone who knows of them. [B]Personality:[/B] When with other heroes and out of costume, she is rather serious in her manner and actions. In costume, she tends to be more hot headed and quick to the fight. She doesn’t kill her enemies, but she doesn’t really leave them with the ability to walk away. As Serena, she actually has a very good understanding of many languages, economics, politics, and just about everything that happens in the city, thru her company. She actually is an outspoken activist against the Bat, to help keep her identity safe. [B]Powers:[/B] -Super strength in line with an Amazonian. This allows her to run at very high speeds for a human. -She also is well trained in many martial arts, but prefers to use a more violent approach… so to speak. [B]Equipment:[/B] -She uses the same gadgets Batman used, but some are more updated -The Batmobile is now the Bat Jet, as she’s had both vehicles taken apart and reassembled together. [B]Character Bio:[/B] Selena, after her father’s death, went to live with her mother after the funeral. She was there for 3 years, training with Amazonians, learning their customs, and learning of the outside world that normal people don’t know about. At the age of 16, she made her way out into the world, crossing country and learning what she could. She trained in many forms of combat and she did quite well in a relatively short amount of time. She used her family funds to support her travels, but didn’t expend her travel costs. At age 19, she meet up with Bane, who had learned of Batman’s death. He has had a change in lifestyle, keeping to the wrestling ring now, but keeps to his learning. He then spends a year with her, teaching her everything he knew about the criminal underworld, languages, and just about everything he could. She, in turn, helped him get off Venom, which he was often taking. The two parted ways on her 20th birthday, when she left to go to Metropolis. There, she meet with Superman, told him of her return home, and that she would like to have his blessing to take up her fathers mantle. With his blessing, she made way to Gotham. Upon arrival, she got settled in and started to make her face as the new head of Wayne Enterprise. Soon after she was done with her adjustments to her father’s equipment, she set out to regain the city. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] N/A [B]Supervillain Name:[/B] New Joke [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance (In costume):[/B] He wears a Scarecrow hat, a long brown jacket (which often gets left behind or take off), a tight(ish) brown t-shirt, brown pants, and face paint. His face paint only really highlights his dark sunken eyes and his pale skin. He is also rather skinny and stands at about 6’ 3”. [B]Personality:[/B] Much like the Joker, he has little regard towards human life at times, and sometimes he wont kill someone because he “feels it’s not right.” But, he isn’t like the Joker in the fact that he’s not always looking for a laugh. He’s always up for one, but is more interested in doing what he wants, when he wants it. And, despite this way of life, he is actually successful in most of his endoevors because what he wants at the moment just happens to be the right decision, in most cases. He also teams up with other villains when he doesn’t think he can take on a job by himself. [B]Powers:[/B] -He posses both the Joker venom and Scarecrow gas. He can make both and often uses them when in a bind -He is self trained in Crane style combat, much like the Scarecrow. He is also very agile, able to make his way out of tight situations. He is also trained in Parkour. [B]Equipment: [/B]-Two gas emitting wrist attachments, each emitting different gasses, one Joker venom in gaseous form, and the fear gas in the other. -He also uses grenades that contain the two gasses and some expolsives. All the grenades he has look the same, small, grey, with two eyes and a smile, and this causes him to throw down random grenades, not knowing what they will do.[/SIZE]