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Everything posted by Muuh Puar
[SIZE="1"]Whistling to himself, Percy walked down the same street he came down. It was a quite desolate area, even though it was full of apartments and shops. Percy thought that it could have been the poor weather that caused people to be staying inside. Would make sense to him. It was cold, dark, and definitely not a happy day. It smelled like rain either just fell or it was about to. While he was thinking this, Tempest had joined him, carrying his trademark smile. Percy stopped whistling. [B]?You know, you look like the Cheshire Cat when you smile like that.?[/B] Percy spat out. He didn?t mean it as an insult. He knew he had to clarify. [B]?Don?t worry, I like him. I like Alice?s Adventures in Wonderland in general. Good story. Even better when you?re so high you can?t read it. I mean... uh... I like... cats??[/B] Tempest?s smile diminished, not to a scowl, but a confused look. Percy saw this and looked away rather quickly. They kept walking on the path that Percy had taken, as it was the most direct. On the way, however, there seemed to be more people. They had come out of their houses for something, it looked like. They looked like they were walking out to the market. Percy made like he was going to call out to one of them, when Tempest stopped him. [B]?It?s no use. They?re like their in a emotional coma.?[/B] He said. Percy looked at him. His usual smile wasn?t on. [B]?I?ve noticed this lack of emotion. It?s not just that, either. Willpower, responsiveness, everything. They?re just walking around. Like zombies.? [/B] [B]?Without the whole eating people bit, right??[/B] Percy jokingly asked. Tempest looked at him. His smile returned. [B]?I don?t know for sure.?[/B] Once he finished, he bolted towards the direction they had arrived into the reality from, laughing. Percy looked around at the people, all walking around in a slow manner. A minor look of horror rose on his face. He took off after Tempest. [B]?DON?T LEAVE ME TO THE HORDES!!!?[/B] He shouted as he ran. The frequency of people had increased for some reason, like a rush hour for food. This created a harder path to navigate. It became impossible for Percy to not run into people. Tempest however, was ahead of the wave of traffic. He was far enough ahead to turn and mock Percy. But, when he turned his head, his laughing smile slowly faded, and he stopped running. Percy caught up to Tempest, placed his hands on his knees, and began to catch his breath. [B]?Look.?[/B] Tempest said aloud, motioning towards the way they just came from. Percy turned his head. He could see the path he had taken to get to where they now stood. It was very evident that he had hit at least 15 people, knocking them down, on his way there. But, instead of facing an enraged crowd of people, or a hungry horde of undead, the people stood up, muttered apologizes, and kept walking forward. The two men knew this wasn?t right. They looked at one another and shared the same stare. It was a physical agreement on a thought: These people aren?t healthy. So, once the crowds had passed them, the two headed for the direction everyone else had headed at a run. They had to get to the others quickly. This news was too odd to not report. ---------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry for the shortness, but I just wanted to get this going. Need to get to the next part/person.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Percy {Last name unknown} [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 23 [B][U]Gender:[/U][/B] Male [B][U]Appearance:[/U][/B] Percy stands at a 5’ 10” and is slim. The rifle he sports is attached to his back via a rifle holster. He sports a black Mohawk. He also wears a grey, tight fitting tank-top, with a leather vest on over it. The vest has no sleeves and only goes down to about his belly button, with a soda bottle cap attached to it with a safety clip. He wears green cargo pants, held up by a studded belt. His shoes are steel-toed boots, in a standard military issue model. A necklace hangs around his neck, with two rings on it. His gloves go up to his mid-forearm, and are a quite remarkable silver color. His skin is quite pale, but he never seems to get a sunburn from prolonged time in the sun. His eyes are also very odd in themselves. When he was born, Percy had green eyes. But after the destruction of the universe, his left eye color has become purple, with his right one staying green. Sum-up- 5’ 10”, slim build, rifle on back, Mohawk, grey tank with leather vest with “Ellie Badge,” cargo pants, studded belt, steel-toed boots, necklace, and gauntlets. Thought I would add this to make it a little simpler to reference. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] Rather normal as far as a person goes, despite his weird knack of talking to things that can‘t really talk back and stimulate an artificial conversation. He’s usually all business, though, wanting to make sure he understands what the plan is before he can relax. But once he’s ironed down the details, he’s pretty laid back. Not much is really known about him because he doesn’t talk about himself. He likes to help others with personal problems, but he’s not always the best person to come to as he often finds he doesn‘t have the personal experience to associate with the scenario. He will make jokes every once in a while, but when it comes down to a mission or task, he’s as serious as a person can be, fixating on his target objective. [B][U]Special Skills:[/U][/B] Percy was once an amazing shot in his own reality. But, after the rift, his aim has seem to become more acute for an unknown reason. He, also, was and still is a great scout and tracker. Even without his new gadgets to help him find his target, he can usually follow a person’s trail from about 2 miles off. His technologies have truly helped him in his perfection of this art, and he hopes to gain more. [B][U]Weapons/Equipment:[/U][/B] [I]-Modified Energy Rail Gun:[/I] After going thru enough parts of the multiverse, Percy came upon this baby at an old abandoned warehouse. It was from an older military base, during some sort of major civil war that almost destroyed the world it was on. He has also found and modified a scope to increase the deadliness of the weapon. The scope has different modes, ranging from Infrared to X-Ray. The gun itself is also modified. The original weapon was an anti vehicle weapon for mid-range by focusing a beam of compressed electrical energy and firing it out of the barrel, piercing thru the vehicle. After a week of messing around with the gun, however, Percy has increased the range one hundred fold. The size of the blast, however is decreased, giving it a more sniper feel, as well as making hitting vital points on targets even more deadly, as the beam still has the same amount of power, just less spread. [I]-Mechanical Gauntlets:[/I] These little babies are also modified. After having a tussle with a very bizarre pseudo-knight, Percy decided to take the gauntlets to mess around with. After he left that universe, he found time and resources to modify them. They are now mainly used for climbing mountains, ripping open tough doors, and getting the top off glass bottles. [B][U]Writing Snippet:[/U][/B] There he was, sitting on a beautiful beach, basking in the sun. He heard his name being called from behind. He looked to see Beyonce making her way over to him in her red, skimpy bikini. She sat on his stomach, pushing the air out of him. They both got a good laugh. They locked eyes. Their lips moved closer. She stopped and spoke. [B]“BRAAP!”[/B] He looked puzzled. [B]“BRAAAAP!”[/B] At that, Percy woke up from his daily nap in the back of his El Camino to see a purple sky instead of what should be a nice, blue sky. Noticing this, he shifted his eyes to the right a bit. There stood a large bird. It opened it’s mouth and let out it’s cry, which sounded just like Beyonce. Well, from the dream. He sat up, looking around. Instead of being in the bed of the car, he was on the ground of what seemed to be a badlands area. [B]“This isn’t where I parked my car.”[/B] Percy turned his head to the left. He didn’t see his car. He saw a set of trees . He turned his head to the right. There were only purple tinted mountains. [B]“Where is my car?”[/B] He looked rather upset by the fact that he couldn’t find his car. He directed his attention towards the bird, which still stood there, looking at him. He now noticed the bird was about six feet tall, with big powerful legs, and a long neck. Reminded him of that movie Up. [B]“BRAAP!”[/B] The bird called. [B]“Oh, so you’re my car.”[/B] Percy had stricken up one of his conversations with the bird. [B]“So, what do you suggest I do?”[/B] [B]“BRAAP!”[/B] [B]“That doesn’t help. I don’t think anyone understands Latin anymore.”[/B] Percy stood up and brushed himself of dirt. [B]“BRAAAP!”[/B] Percy looked behind him. In the distance, there was a city, or so it appeared. He knew that would be his best bet. [B]“Well, the city’s that way. Maybe we could find some sort of repair shop to fix you, or something.”[/B] [B]“BRAAP!”[/B] [B]“I don’t think they would be willing to give a raptor-car bird any cheese. But it’s worth a shot. I guess.”[/B] With that, Percy made his way towards the city. The bird stood there, not moving. [B]“You’re the worst car ever.”[/B] Percy muttered and kept walking. And that’s all that’s really known of his excursions upon the destruction of the universe. No one really has pressed further, as him talking to a bird seems to be a bit much to really get. He has said that this is the same world he got his Rail Gun and his gauntlets, as well as his modifications to the weapons. He fixed the universe by luck, it would appear, and has found his way to the others. OOC: Sorry for not having a picture. I kind of had to make some major modifications to the character on the spot, so I couldn’t find anything that I like that would match the description. And sorry for this being short. I didn't want to overstep any boundries, so I didn't try to go all out, balls-to-the-wall on people. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Yeah, DeLarge, I'm going to have to forfeit the rp. I would love to put up a good fight... but I really lost my connection to my character. It's too hard to write for a character I feel like I don't know. I will let you take me down how you see fit.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B]Name:[/B] Marqwandrium Worthwell AKA ?Guy? [B]Age:[/B] 17 in age, appears to be in his late 20?s, early 30?s. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q85/MuuhPuar/?action=view¤t=T-Pain.jpg"]Guy[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Almost never serious, even in life-or-death situations. The only time he?s been serious is when he?s emotionally hurt. Other than that, he?s always making a joke or just irritating people for the fun of it. [B]Weapons:[/B] He uses what he can find in the fight however he can, including trying to use the opponents weapon. As of late, however, he?s found a katana, which he wields with poor, if any, skill. [B]Powers:[/B] Above human abilities- He?s ?better? than a normal human. Faster, stronger, higher endurance, etc. He?s also quite a bit smarter, despite his very childlike behavior. Also, his abilities cause him to age rapidly, making him appear a lot older than he actually is. [B]Memory/ Aspiration/ Manifestation of Memory:[/B] His memory entails an old woman, telling him that, to find what he seeks, he must go on a journey. He doesn?t remember what he?s looking for, but he distinctly remembered her mentioning challenges that will try to stop him. With that, he set out (he thinks) to find what he?s looking for. His only aspirations is to find out what he?s looking for. The memory has manifested into a stone that he keeps in his pocket, with the words ?To my Guy? engraved into it. [B]Writing Snippet:[/B] ?OH MY-? He almost finished his sentence before he had to duck. He made sure to grab his hat as he brought his body down to avoid the samurai?s blade. While still in a crouched position, he began to run forward, trying to find something he could use to help him. The other warrior, pulled his sword out of the canyon wall, growled and turned to find his opponent. But, to his frustration, all there was in front of him were a cluster of large rocks, in which he knew his opponent had decided to hide behind. The Samurai closed his eyes and focused his energy into his sword. Then, with a swift swipe, the energy coursed forward, made impact with the rocks, and caused an enormous explosion. The dust was heavy, causing the warrior to cover his mouth and squint his eyes. Once the dust parted, he prepared to bask in his victory. But, upon inspection of the rubble of the explosion, there was no body. He gasped at this, taken aback by the fact he wasn?t there. ?Yo, buddy!? The samurai looked to his left, just as Guy had thrown a foot up for a kick. The face and foot collided, causing the samurai to stumble back, loosing his grip on his sword. Noticing this, Guy decided this was time for an attack. He threw an uppercut to the shogun?s stomach, causing him to bend forward. Guy then grasped his head, and with a swift knee, caused the samurai to fall to the ground, loosing his sword as well. Guy quickly picked up the sword and plunged it into the warriors chest. He promptly let go and backed up to watch the warrior. As he struggled to get free, he obviously had suffered a dazing from the knee, as he couldn?t quite get a grip on the sword, let alone even try to find the handle. After a few moments, the samurai stopped , drew in his last breath, and fell limp. Guy waited a moment, as if the samurai was going to get up and keep fighting. But after about ten seconds of silence, Guy fell backwards with a sigh. ?Good game, bro. Hope I never have to do that again.? Guy spoke into the air. He reached into his pocket to retrieve his stone. The held it above his head, inspecting it for anything new, as he often did. He thought about the battle that just happened and how he had just avoided that huge explosion. The Samurai, when focusing his power, had his eyes closed, as Guy had begun to make his way from the rocks. The explosion helped propel him forward as he ran, but he was just out of the eye sight of the warrior when it occurred. As he recollected this, a new idea dawned on him. He raised himself into a sitting position and looked at the body with the sword still encased in it?s sternum. ?Why hello there.? He stood and walked towards the body, took the sword from the warrior, and wiped the blood off. He looked back down at the body. ?Thanks for the gift, kid. I?ll put it to good use.? With that, he walked off, continuing his journey. [B]Judge:[/B] I?m good with judging. Mind you, I might lean towards the underdog sometimes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Yeah, Afro. Why would you do that, man? That's totally not right, broseph. Man, not cool... [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B]?Hey, I?ve got to get something real quick. I?ll meet you guys back at the audience room.?[/B] Bedlam said as he parted ways with Cael, Clockwork, and Feirska, them heading for the meeting, he heading back to their barracks. He had forgotten to get some money, which he needed to get some more Poppy seeds. His plants weren?t really doing so well, so he thought it might be best to grow some more. He had only made it about three blocks when he spotted a familiar figure standing against a wall, waiting for something to do. [B]?Shit? not him.?[/B] He made his way closer to Cephas, who had now seen Bedlam. He straightened up off the wall, and nodded. When Bedlam was right in front of him, Robert joined him. [B]?Heard about Cade. How?s it feel to lose one of your best??[/B] His emphasis was on [I]?your.?[/I] Bedlam, not looking back at him replied, [B]?You must not have anything to do, if you?re following me around. What, your pimp is too busy for you??[/B] Bedlam always tried to insult Robert, for mainly two reasons: 1) to try to piss him off, and 2) to get him to leave. [B]?Ha ha ha. Smart ass. I?m only here to rub it in your face that, now that your buddies? dead, it looks like your team is going to need some help.?[/B] The two of them made their way around the corner, almost half way to the lodgings. [B]?Look,?[/B] Bedlam said,[B] ?if you really want to know, we?re getting some mission info in the audience room. You can go there and see. Now piss off. I was doing okay before your showed your ugly ass up, and you?re fucking killing my mood.?[/B] [B]?Fine, Fabi. I?ll try that.?[/B] With that, Cephas scoffed and left Bedlam to search for the next job that showed itself. Bedlam had to sigh. Not that he didn?t like Robert?s work. He just didn?t like Robert? in fact, he hated him. Mainly his pride. Seemed like the man couldn?t go for three minutes without talking about himself. Lucky for Bedlam, he was only there for two. Bedlam made his way to the barracks. He got into the room, made his way to his cot, and took his money out of his jacket pocket. He had just turned to head out, when he saw someone closing the door behind them. It was a woman. Tall, blonde, beautiful. She looked familiar to Bedlam, so he guessed he had slept with her recently. She had a very coy look about her. [B]?I?ve finally found you again.?[/B] she said, in a very sultry voice. Yep, Bedlam thought, I?m getting some. [B]?I?ve been thinking about the other night, and I don?t think I can have just one dose of you. I need it all.?[/B] Bedlam looked at his watch. Meeting was starting soon. He looked back at the woman. A smile made it?s way to his face. [B]?Well? let?s see if I can give you the right dosage.?[/B] About thirty minutes later, Bedlam made his way out of the room, followed by the woman who?s legs were shaking from the intensity of the last half hour. He closed the door behind her. When he turned back to her, she was almost in his face, with her face formed into a kiss. He looked at her, turned, and left without looking back. He had to make it to the meeting. Besides, he was going to get to feed his addictions today. Not that bad of a day, despite finding a half dead little girl and dealing with the biggest ass in the city. Now, all there was left to do was get extremely high, go to the meeting, pretend to listen to Marcus, then ask on of the others about what had happened in the meeting once he sobered up. That, and he had to make sure Trance didn?t find out what he had just done on her bed. Twice. He made his way to the meeting room. On his way, he passed the hospital. He thought about the girl and decided to make his way to see her real quick. He was already late for the meeting, most likely. He got to the counter and hit the bell that was there. A nurse, a damn fine one with short, pink hair, turned and greeted him. [B]?Hey there hot stuff, how about some sugar??[/B] The nurse laughed. [B]?Bedlam, when are you going to get it? I have a boyfriend. A big biker guy, full of anger, beer, and sperm. Besides, I don?t think you could handle me. What do you need, kid??[/B] This was a game for them. Trisha was an ex-girlfriend of Trances. They stayed on good terms, but they split due to personality reasons. They liked each others. But they had different ways to handling things. Trisha was always kind, unless provoked. Trance was always violent, unless out runned. Bedlam laughed, [B]?I?ll look past the obvious fallacy that you just said and get to the point. Do you know where a little girl is? About 14, had some bullet wounds??[/B] [B]?Oh yes! I remember her, she?s in the ICU, but she?ll be fine in a few days. Wait, how did you know about her??[/B] [B]?Well, being the benevolent soul I am, I saved her. Now doesn?t that make you wanna just cry??[/B] She giggled a bit, [B]?Ah? you really need to keep that pride in check. You?re starting to sound like-?[/B] [B]?Don?t you dare.?[/B] She didn?t need to finish that sentence. He knew what she was going to say. He didn?t feel like punching a woman today. Especially one that would fight back. He asked her to keep him posted on the girls condition and bid his farewell. He needed to get to the meeting. He also needed to smoke himself into a trance. Smoking from his pipe, he kept walking, the smoke falling past him. He tried to think of what the mission would consist of, but all he could think about was the girl. He didn?t even know why. She was stuck in his head, and he couldn?t figure out why. And, try as he may to get her out, he couldn?t do it. He was right in front of the audience room, confused about a little girl and why she wouldn?t leave his head. Then, she seemed to leave. As she left, a rush of happiness over came him. [B]?Yep? I?m ready to go in.?[/B] Bedlam said aloud, very airily and soft. He made his way into the room, ready to get yelled at. OC: Allamorph, I hope I didn't butcher your character. If I did, just tell me, and I'll try to fix it. And for Raiha, I hope you don't mind I added that character for the both of us. You can just ignore if you want. But, if there is a problem, just give me the que.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Still sitting on the bed, Bedlam looked at Trance, then at Feirska?s back, and then forward. [B]?Well, ladies, it?s been fun, but I?m going to jet.?[/B] With that, he hopped off the bed, Feirska looking at him as he jumped up. As usual, Trance didn?t really care. He walked towards Sparhawk, who was now reading a book on anatomy to keep his mind off the news. [B]?Hey, bro, I?m going for a run. You need anything??[/B] Sparhawk just waved good-bye to him. With that, Bedlam headed for the door and made his way to the ?city streets.? Once the door was closed. Feirska turned back to Trance. [B]?Why is he going on a run??[/B] Trance, not getting up or even looking at her, [B]?It?s how he deals with stress and shit. He runs. Now piss off, I wanna take a nap.?[/B] After he got thru the work areas to the usually bustling traffic of the tunnels, he took a hard right towards the sewers and pulled his goggles from his hairline to his eyes and buttoned up his jacket. He always ran in the sewers. It always had an abundance of obstacles to provide a good free-run. That and it gave him an excuse to take a shower, which for some reason, he always looked forward to. He made his way thru the pipes that lead to the sewers. As soon as he step foot into the sewers, he bolted straight, narrowly avoiding the sewage water. He ran as fast as he could, knowing the course he would take this time around. Ever since his terror three nights ago, he knew he had to make a difficult run. And now, with the news of Lazarus? death, he needed the run. He headed straight for about fifty feet, made a right, and kept running, all at full speed. There was a pipe right in front of his path. He usually vaulted over this pipe, but this time around he decided to slide under, as there was enough room to do both. He hit the ground, slid, cleared the pipe, and shot up into a forward lunge, grabbing onto a pole that lunched him right. He remembered that him and Lazarus had once ran this part together, thou Lazarus had some difficulty. Wasn?t his fault, it was his first time. Everyone?s sloppy their first time. Then he remembered an earlier time, where he had just dismounted from the bar. She was applauding. He shook the thought off and ran even harder. After about thirty minutes of this, he began to make his way towards entrance again. He had totally forgotten about his problems, as was his goal all along. He planned to come back to the barracks with a calm domineer, take a shower, and then tackle the situations he needed to with a straight head. He decided to take the shortcut back. He wasn?t but a corner away from his destination when he came across something in his path. It looked like a clump of garbage. He would have credited it with that, if anyone but him had used this sewer as frequently as him. He looked closer to see a dress. And in the dress was a girl, no older than 14. He sighed. [B]?Ugh? there goes all run?s work.?[/B] He took a quick look at her face to see if it was harmed at all. She was very pretty, but a little too pale. He walked two steps closer and noticed something else. Blood. Her dress was soaked in it. He darted to her and turned her over. She was still breathing, but it was very faint. There was bullet wound in her side. Bedlam picked the girl up in his arms, adjusted her weight accordingly, and began to run back home. [B]?Shit shit shit shit! Hang in there kid! Don?t go dying on me!?[/B] He ran even harder than he did in the course. He had to. A life actually laid in his hands. Thou the others thought nothing of life, he only saw an unavoidable death to be fine. But this one was on his head. He could, no, would save this girl. He made his way to the city door. The doorman opened the hatch and did his usual routine of asking for the ?H.? Bedlam rose his left hand, moved his ring, and showed the tattoo on his ring finger. The door opened and he ran again, but this time to the infirmary. He got there and the doctors brought her into the emergency ward at once. He gave them all the information they asked for, including his barracks number and team. They let him go after almost ten minutes of questions. He got out of the ward, got out his pipe, took a good puff, and headed back to his bunk to get his fix. He needed it this time.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I'll make sure to remember that when I make the list of the people invited to the "Pants Party." lol I'm looking forward to this RP. I'll be looking forward to the other characters as well.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Name: Fabian “Bedlam” Zephyrus Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/a_cradle_song_by_yooani.png"]Bedlam[/URL] [URL="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/?action=view¤t=p4-protagonist2.jpg"]Outfit[/URL] In addition to this, the pipe is kept, while the glasses will be switched to goggles. His 'H' is underneth his ring on his left ring finger. It's quite small in hieght, but kind of wide to discern what it is. Personality: Once a religious boy and self-kept boy, he is now a very social person. He will often attend a party in his down time, picking up women, sometimes multiple at the same party. He is rather arrogant and self-centered, but is always very attractable by the ladies. In all truth, he’s pretty much an asshole that has the way with girls. Short Bio: Being named after the great Fabian Zephyrinus, he started out life in an aristocratic Christian home with a proper father, mother, an older brother, and three younger siblings. He had a steady girlfriend from about 14 until his 24th birthday. On that day, she broke up with him and ran off to another man. This tore him into sexual deviance and drug use after he ran from home. Now, he lives life as if it was never different. Weapons/Special Skills: Occasionally he carry brass knuckles, but he’ll almost always have his butterfly knife. His skills are very fast and long running, as he took track in his earlier years, as well as some minor free running from gymnastics training. His free running is limited to just running and jumping with none of the flair of back flips and such. He also plays guitar. Vice: Bedlam’s vice is lust. He’s been known to have orgies of him and up to 5 women. Thou women are not always on his mind, he would never turn down ‘pleasures of the flesh’ unless something more important needed his attention. He also is attracted to gore, to an extent. He often jokes, “Flesh is flesh. I take it how I can get it.” He also uses opium to calm himself. When he goes to sleep without it, he suffers from night terrors. Writing Sample: It was a cold and dark night. The room was dimly lighted, with the lights dimmed to set ‘the mood’ and the bathroom light on. The door was shut, but the light came out from under the door. In the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror. He was drenched in sweat. The night had gotten the best of him and he had another night terror. He ran the sink, cupped some water in his hands, and splashed his face. He had a night of champions, even for his standards. The terror had just started when one of the girls woke him up. A woman was staring at him. One he knew from a long time ago. What seemed like ages. She was looking at him and laughing. She was hanging onto another man. This seemed to drive him crazy. He couldn’t even tell who this woman was and she was crushing him with a gesture that he can take almost a dozen times a night. But this seemed to irk him. Luckily, he woke up and made his way to the bathroom. He had just damped his face when he reached for a towel in one hand and the medicine cabinet with the other. Out of the cabinet he drew his pipe. He placed it in his mouth and stood up straight, looking into the mirror again. He saw his body and liked what he saw, even with the new scars on his chest, shoulders, and back. His blue eyes were just as fresh as ever. His best asset, some said. He then remembered who the woman was. “Damn, almost lost you, you whore.” Bedlam spoke to the mirror and himself. Then a voice came from the bedroom. “Hey, come on back in. We need a little something before we leave.” A woman’s voice, sweat enough. He closed the cabinet and made his way back to the bed. At the foot he stopped and viewed the scene. Triplets. All blonde, beautiful, and very feisty in the sack. This would be the fourth time tonight. Fifth if he included the time he drilled the ‘innocent one’ so hard she passed out. She was up now, but that didn’t mean she would be for long. He wasn’t going to hold back this time. He took a deep breath of his pipe, blew out the smoke ring of opium, and got to business.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]How should we interact with other characters, combat wise. Anything you might suggest as a best way to do this or a perfered way, Afro? I ask this because I think we need a little more action between the rival characters, in my opinion of course.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Nemo sat at his desk, focusing, concentrating on every move made in this movie. He had been at this only for about 25minutes when a knock came at his door. He picked his face away from the computer monitor, looked towards the door, and, with a huge grin, ran for the door. Once there, he sung the door open at full force, scaring the messenger girl and making her jump up. [I]?Um? Nemo, sir? I have a? a-?[/I] [I]?Message??[/I] The girl nodded in agreement. [I]?Yes, uh, sir. Lord Seraphim would like to have an audience wi-?[/I] [I]?MEETING TIMES!!!?[/I] And at that, Nemo darted down the hall, leaving the girl confused and a little scared that the army she was a part of had someone like that high up in the ranks. He had only made it halfway to the office before changing to his calmer state. He had now slowed to a walking pace, thou it was speedy to ensure that Seraphim would not be displeased. He made it to the hall leading to the office. Unlike his last venture, no one awaited an audience with the mighty vampire. There was, however, a guard at the door. As Nemo made his way towards the door, he went from calm to rather agitated. Before he reached the door, the doorman held his hand out, as if to stop him. [I]?Sorry, but you need a meeting to get in.?[/I] Nemo kept walking, pushing past the guard and opened the door. In the room, Seraphim sat at his office seat, to his side was the werewolf woman Nero had brought back, and across from the vampire, in a seat adjacent to the office chair, sat K. The doorman began to make his way to bring Nemo back out when he was stopped by Seraphim. [I]?Do not worry, he is invited as well. Close the door upon exiting.?[/I] With that the guard exited the room and closed the door, as instructed. [I]?You?re doorman needs better manners. Or a more efficient brain. What do you need us for, Sire??[/I] Nemo?s eyes were a simple red, showing that he was agitated, yet calm enough to settle whatever matter was at hand. He noticed Firenze sniffing the air, noticing a new scent. Her head cocked back in disgust. [I]?Is that sulfur??[/I] she said as her face was scrunched up, investigating more. Nemo looked at her, his eyes becoming a darker red. [I]?Yes it is. Now keep your lychan nose out of our shit, you feral beast.?[/I] Firenze had clearly become insulted and was ready to attack. But she was stopped by Seraphim. [I]?Firenze, please calm down. Nemo, this is Firenze Nuri. She is to join our ranks at my side. She will be a commanding officer.?[/I] Nemo scanned her up and down, raising his lip in distaste, and replied, [I]?As you wish, Lord.? [/I] [I]?My dear, please do not think much of this. Nemo here has a knack of being a bit blunt with some choice words. But, he is a valuable ally, and will serve both you and I well.?[/I] Silvester sat in his chair, waiting for the confrontation to die down. Seraphim continued as Firenze had become calm enough and Nemo had learned that she was his superior. [I]?Now, we must attend to business. As you have seen, the charges that were place around the city got what I wanted: Kain?s attention. At this moment, he has sent out killers to search for me and those who have set the charges.?[/I] K. scoffed a bit, adding,[I] ?Great. You?ve dragged me into the sights of the vampire overlord. This is wonderful.?[/I] [I]?This is why,?[/I] Seraphim continued, [I]?I believe we should begin to move with force soon. This is a bold move, and I believe we have the forces to fight him in a battle in the city, but seeing as we don?t really want to risk that much, I say we lean the odds to our side. Before a war, the overlord of the Vampire Clans will hold a banquet. It?s tradition, and Kain will never break from tradition.? [/I] Firenze looked at Seraphim at this moment, to both monitor his plan and to acknowledge that he had made a discrete credit to their relationship. [I]?I want to ?crash? this party. I?ve set some more bombs for- Silvester, don?t give me that look. I know you hate bombs, but what must be done will be done. Besides, I have another plan for you before this time. Anyway, I want to destroy their moral. The bombs are more powerful this time, and seeing as they are so, they?ll be handled by those I truly trust. One, I want to be set in a biker bar, towards the slums of the city. This is a hangout for those vampires that have little, if any, class. The others? I want in the banquet. I want to hit Kain where it hurts the most. We will also be hitting a couple of main armories and training facilitates. Also, we?ve got reports of a day walker looking to avenge some humans. Thou not a main priority, he can be a threat. You two, I want to keep an eye out for him. Nemo, you will be carrying the present for our biker friends. Also, the new werewolf, Dash, will be going with you, in order for him to earn his colors. While out there, thou, keep an eye out for this Xen. He will be looking for anyone he thinks will have information on us. Including us. But, don?t kill him. I think it would be more fun to have a little plaything to fall back on once this war is won. Now, you will be setting out on my command. When I receive word of the banquet?s time, I will alert Nemo to take Dash to their target. K. I want you to head out as soon as you feel rested and start looking for this day walker. Remember, the light is his ally. With it, he can close any gap while we must lye in wait. Any questions??[/I] [I]?We have one,?[/I] Nemo stated, in a polite and gentle manner. Firenze looked back at the sprite. She was a bit taken back at the fact that his eyes were no longer red. They had become a gentle whit light. He also wore a small smile. [I]?If we need someone to infiltrate the enemy base, might I suggest Cora? She seems kind and very capable of such a task.?[/I] Seraphim looked at the werewolf beside him and took her hand. [I]?No, that will not be necessary. What I have planned will be? a bit less subtle.?[/I] [I]?So, let me get this straight.?[/I] Silvester readjusted himself in his chair. [I]?We?re supposed to stalk a vampire that has it out for us, until you give us the que, and then we blow up some buildings??[/I] Seraphim nodded. [I] ?You haven?t changed at all.?[/I] OC: Alrighty, I hope that was good enough to help others get their stories going. Just contact me if you don't think so.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][I]?Shadow?? ?Yes?? ?Is this all there is?? ?I hope so.? ?? As do I.? [/I] Nemo woke from meditation. He had pick up the technique when he ventured into China. He did not remember what he was doing there, but only a while after his ?rebirth,? as he calls it. When he was alone. He had found his way to a temple of Buddhists who agreed to teach him the ways of their calmness. It was here he also acquired his new attire. The monks had joked and said that he shouldn?t continue his journey the way he had begun it: naked. These were the only humans he had ever been able to get along with. They seemed to be at peace with him. Even with his more sporadic and energetic moments, they would simply help him, not control. They were the only ones he left alive on his way to Seraphim. He stood up from his sitting position. He took a quick look around his room. Seraphim was kind enough to supply room and board for him after he had agreed to help in the grand exposition of the immortal races and the downfall of Kain. The room was medium sized, compared to the others in the stronghold. He had a simple desk, a couch, a computer, a body-tall mirror, speakers, and other random items a room required. On the desk was Nemo?s journal. He silently debated if he was going to write in it today. He decided not to. He didn?t have the time. Seraphim was going to talk to the werewolf Nemo had ran across on his way back, and he thought it would be best to be there with him. He looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were white light. He straightened up a bit and began towards Seraphim?s office. Neither Seraphim nor Nemo were keen on taking in new blood, thou Nero had brought that estranged woman with him. They carried a similar presence, but all werewolves had the same presence for the most part. The new blood he had encountered, however, was a bit different. He wasn?t like the other lychans he had encountered. This boy, this Dash, was new. Not just a new face, but new at everything. New with his powers. New with his immortality. He hadn?t had the time to gain the hubris that all the other had adapted over the years they had lived. Dash was new, afraid, and impressionable. Nemo had seen an opportunity to gain a better following. The boy seemed like he was looking for a cure more than power. He didn?t know if there was one, but if Seraphim had one, it would come at a price. Nemo had made his way to the office. Waiting at the door, still, was Nero and Firenze, waiting for an audience, as well as Cora, a vampire which kept to herself, for some reason or another. After a moment, Dash made his way out of the office with his suitcase in hand. He looked at Nemo as he walked by, a bit shocked by his eyes. Dash had not seen him without the sunglasses on. His eyes were now blue. As Dash walked by him, he placed his hand on Dash?s shoulder. [I]?Welcome, young blood.?[/I] He let go and Dash made his was towards the door and to his new room. Nemo then turned back to the office. He made his way to the doors, entered, and closed the doors behind him. ?You wished to see us, Lord?? A phone was on the desk. Seraphim had not shown his presence since a few days before the missions took place. He kept in touch and made his meetings in this manner. [I]?Nemo. I have to thank you for finding that boy. He?ll prove to be most helpful. That is why you are here. Please, sit.?[/I] Nemo took a seat at the desk. [I] ?You?ve already been briefed on your next objective, but I?ll expect you to join the others when I give the announcement. You, I need to speak of for another matter. Thou I am fully supportive of your actions last night, I must say we need to keep ourselves unseen to our enemies. You did well, but I must take all caution when it comes to the security of this place. For that means, I have a new request of you. I want you to escort the youngling on his mission. I saw a bit of wandering in his eyes. He might be caught and he might talk. Go with him and show him the ropes, so to speak. But I want him to come back here after you?ve completed your mission. Get in, get out, and get here. Get it??[/I] [I]?Yes, Sire. We understand.?[/I] [I]?Good. Very well. I will see you in the next briefing.? [/I] With that, Nemo stood, made his way to the door, and left the office, closing the door on his way out. Nemo decided he would try to sleep. Thou he didn?t need it, it might help him sort out these voices that have been reoccurring in his mind. He new they were memories, but they had no faces. No story. No relation. Maybe sleep might help. There was nothing. No walls. No ground. No sky. Nothing. No sound. No light. No smell, or taste, or feel. Nothing. He felt nothing. [I]?My love, don?t give in. Don?t let the madness take over.? ?Not again.? ?Son, No!? ?STAR!?[/I] He awoke violently. The dream was too real. He felt emotions he believed he had lost for good. He felt? sad. He had to get his mind off such matters and feelings. He needed something to keep him occupied. [I]?We need to learn Jeet Kune Do.?[/I] He got up from the couch and made his way to his computer. He turned it on, opened up a file that had recently been placed there for his entertainment, and began to learn the style, thru watching the master: Bruce Lee.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Nemo made his way thru the dark alley?s of the city, making his way to the main streets, where the confusion, that was so recently chaos, was most prevalent. He would lose his pursuer in the masses. Something that had saved him in the past. This wouldn?t have worked if he was like his comrades, werewolves and vampires. They gave off a scent that was distinct of the unnatural. Elementals gave no such scent, for the most part. He did, but only if he used his powers. Seraphim once told him that the scent varied as Nemo would. Smokey with his anger, damp with a calmness, bitter with his excitement, and sweet with his lighter side. Nemo made his way towards the front of the crowd he used as cover to view the flame. It appeared to be a bar that was the target. It was in an inferno. Nemo found it beautiful, almost beyond words. Firefighters had not yet responded to the calls to put it out, so the fire was out of control, as humans would call it. But it was quite the contrary. The fire was in control. He feel it around him. The people stood and gawked at the dance of heat energy. It was in control of these onlookers. It?s beauty and destruction had a captive audience. They were under it?s spell. Thou he knew better, he couldn?t blame them. Fire was the perfect unison of chaos and majesty. [I]?Son,?[/I] a man?s voice spoke to Nemo. He looked up to see an older human man, maybe in his 60?s. [I]?This isn?t a good place to be. You should go home to you?re family.?[/I] Nemo was in a calm state. He respected this human. Looking out for his fellow man, as best as he could. The elderly seemed to be the only type of human that he could stand. They were wise and caring for the most part. And those that weren?t were just humorous in his opinion. He looked back at the elderly man, sunglasses still on and complied with his request. [I] ?Yes, of course we will. Thank you, sir.?[/I] He began to head out of the crowd. This would be for the best, he thought. He might even be able to ditch those that had been on his trail for the last couple of minutes. He had only made it almost half way across the block when they attacked him. A werewolf, young, male, lunged at him from an alley to his right. The wolf made contact, grabbed him, and threw him into the alley, quickly making his way back into the alley. Nemo hit the ground hard. He managed to get to his feet quick enough to fight back. But the wolf was standing, apparently blocking his way out in that direction. Then, from the other side, a woman descended, from what appeared to be the roof. A vampire in any sense of the word. She wore a very gothic outfit, leather, strapped, zippers everywhere, and boots that made her five inches taller. Nemo looked back at the Lychan, to see his attire. All this one was wearing was a pair of ripped jeans. No shirt, no shoes, all fur. These two were what humans viewed their races as. Stereo types in stereo. [I]?Well, we?ve got you, you little punk.?[/I] Nemo turned to see the vampire was speaking to him. [I] ?Looks like Aurora was wrong about him. He?s not too scary. Or attractive in anyway at all. Hell, I think I could take him myself.?[/I] She looked at Nemo and scoffed. [I]?But that might ruin my outfit, or worse. My hair! So, I think I?ll let my friend here take care of you.?[/I] At that, the werewolf dashed at Nemo. He was unprepared. The tackle swept him off his feet, into the air for what seemed like a minute, and then slammed into the ground. Nemo?s sunglasses were knocked off at the impact with the ground. His eyes emitted a blue light. He looked up at the lychan and pressed his hands up against it?s chest. Then, he emitted a beam of light onto his attacker that launched him off. The wolf-man hit the ground and started to shake around, trying to remove the ice that had been blasted onto his chest. Nemo stood up. But his eyes had changed. Now, instead of the blue light, there was yellow. [I]?Now, it?s our turn!?[/I] Nemo turned and shouted at the vampire. He shot a bolt of lightning out that hit her directly in the face, knocking her back a few feet. He then turned back to the wolf, smiled, and then ran at him at full speed. The werewolf had only just stood up when Nemo made a full and powerful impact into him, so much so that it took him off his feet. Nemo ran with the werewolf in his grasp into the street he had just left, right into a light post. The crowd that was once mesmerized by the large fire, was now focused on what had happened. Nemo backed up and stared down at the werewolf, who was trying to regain his footing. Nemo raised his hands to his head and spoke. [I]?All guards are??[/I] he shot his hands back out at the lychan, [I]?ENIMIES OF THE REPUBLIC!?[/I] At that, he began to electrocute the wolf. But, he was intercepted by the vampire. She swooped up from behind and kicked Nemo into the building in front of him. He hit the wall and then the sidewalk. He began to get up, cursing in Mandarin. [I]?Damn you! What the fuck are you!?[/I] She was furious from the attack on her. Her face had a large mark made from the blot, going from her left cheek up to her forehead. The wolf had finally transformed back into his human form, out of exhaustion, thou he was still on the ground, trying to shake off the shock. Nemo stood, closed his eyes, cracked his neck, and opened his eyes back up, only to have them transformed again. His face had changed in attitude, from playful to a very stern anger. [I]?Who are we? We?re the death of you.?[/I] Nemo then lunged at the vampire, lifting her up off the ground with one hand. Holding her there for a moment or two, she felt his hands burning. Then she caught a scent. Ash. Nemo turned to where the fire that was still raging on behind them and threw the vampire into it. She went into the inferno and screamed in pain. She flew out, still on fire, and back to the street. She began to roll around, trying to put the fires on her out. Nemo then went over to the werewolf. He placed his foot on the man?s chest, picked up the street light, and then impaled that man?s stomach with the light. The lychan began to spew blood from his mouth and gargled in pain. Nemo smiled and made his way towards the vampire. The lychan had died before Nemo had made his way to the vampire. Nemo bent down to the vampire, took her head, and in one, violent pull, removed her head with sheer force. He smirked as her headless body bleed out onto the street. Nemo stood and looked up, feeling very satisfied. Then, he remembered the group of humans. He looked at them. They stood wide eyed at what they had just witnessed. They just saw what appeared to be a teenage boy impale a werewolf and tear the head off a woman. He looked at them and his smirk left his face. It was replaced by a scowl. He reached for his MP3 player, took the ear buds, put them in, and turned his music on. He closed his eyes as the music started. [I]?Take a Bow?[/I] by Muse. He opened his eyes again. Then, with no warning, he raised his hands to the crowd and emitted pure fire out at them. The onlookers were engulfed in flames almost immediately. They began to scream in pain. Nemo?s smile returned as he watch the elderly man struggle to put himself out with no success. He then began to make his way back to the alley to retrieve his sunglasses. The song continued. [I]?You?ll burn in hell, yeah, you?ll burn in hell.?[/I] Nemo responded out loud. [I]?Yes. Yes they will.?[/I] He made his way to his sunglasses. After picking them up, he heard the sirens of the fire trucks. He made his way thru the alley to the other street. He had to congratulate the former owner of this MP3 player. He had good taste. Nemo knew what he had to do. Seraphim had told everyone to head back to the base. So was said, so must be done. Nemo wondered what would happen when Seraphim heard what had happened. Still, he was willing to take the punishment. Less humans were always worth it to Nemo. He had a while to go to get to base. [I]?Good exercise,?[/I] Nemo said out loud, as he made his way thru the city, as it burned on into the night. This was only the beginning, he knew. And now that Aurora was feeding information to lesser beings, he knew that he would have to confront her soon enough. There was more, and better, to occur in the future. He made his way back towards the base, tunes blasting. His soul was on fire. The night embraced seemed to embrace this. He felt something he had felt something that he could only remember from when he met Seraphim. He felt complete.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Ethan heard the bell ring from the school parking lot. He looked back at the large bell tower, then back to the lot, and kept walking. It was a long day of studying, so he seemed to be dragging himself around. He had felt that way all day, since he woke up. He looked at his arms. Over night, somehow, they had gained about double the muscle mass they had the day before. He was starting to think that this, the event when he was a kid, and the facial hair incident were somehow connected. The day he grew a small stubble of beard, he actually fell asleep in class from pure exhaustion. Walking home today was going to be a drag, and him being already tired, it was going to be a fun little trip. He had made it a block away from the school when he heard a voice behind him. [B]?Hey! Ethan!?[/B] He turned to see Hope. She was pretty much his best friend from the time he pushed her dog out of the way of the car in 3rd grade from the time she became hot and was promoted to popular girl. After that, she kept in touch, but was never out of eye shot of her ?evil lackeys,? as he would call them. She was always happy somehow, Ethan noticed. He tried to remember a time when she was angry. When nothing came to mind, he remembered a time when she was sad. Her uncle had just died. One of her favorites. They were in 6th grade, just before her ascension on the social food chain. They were sitting in her backyard, just staring at the stars. She began to cry. Ethan held her. It was that night he almost told her- [B]?Ethan, are you listening to me??[/B] Whoa, he thought, trailed off. She had been talking to him the entire time he was thinking. [B]?Sorry about that. My mind got a little sidetracked.?[/B] He had looked her in the eyes. He almost sunk in. [B]?Heh, it?s okay. I was just wondering if you were doing okay. I saw you in the halls today and you looked, well??[/B] she looked off to the side as she talked, as if she was looking for the words. He answered for her. [B]?Like crap??[/B] She turned back to him. [B]?Yes! Well, no, um? sorry, I?m just a little worried about you.?[/B] [B]?It?s okay, I just didn?t get enough sleep, I think.?[/B] He shrugged his backpack back up to the right position. [B]?And why should you be worried? Is it because I?m not around during lunch? ?Cause that?s for some extra credit. I?m helping some underclassmen with some algebra tutoring.?[/B] She looked at him with a bit of shortness in temper, [B]?And that?s what worries me. You?ve been acting a little, dare I say, ?weird? as of late. Ever since that eclipse. And speaking of that.?[/B] [I]?Here it comes.?[/I] This was going to be rough. She punched him in the arm hard. Thou he didn?t feel it, he didn?t tell her. [B]?Where were you for Jackson?s party? You said you would meet me there, and you never did!?[/B] She raised her fist again for a moment, dropped it, and laughed. [B]?Sorry about that.?[/B] He laughed weakly, his sleepiness kicking back in a bit. [B]?I wasn?t feeling too good, so I stayed at home. I know I should have told you. My bad.?[/B] Hope sighed, [B]?Oh well. It?s too bad you missed it. I was kind of hoping it would be like??[/B] She didn?t finish the sentence. [B]?Like??[/B] Ethan pressed. She turned away from him, towards her house, then turned her head back at him. [B]?Like that night back in 6th grade.? [/B] She smiled and turned back around. [B]?Well, I?ll see you later Ethan. I would invite you to hang out for a bit, but Becca is coming to pick me up for some shopping. Unless you want to come with us??[/B] [B]?Nah,?[/B] Ethan had a hard time hiding his true feelings from coming out in his voice. [B]?I?ve got some homework that needs to get done, ASAP. Good hunting out there, thou.?[/B] She laughed. [B]?Will do. Later Ethan.?[/B] With that she trotted around the corner of the street and towards her house. All he could do was stand there. [B]?Yep,? [/B] he said aloud, [B]?I?m smitten.?[/B] He had walked about three blocks from his house, thinking about that conversation. That, and wishing he had gone to that party, instead of looking at his chin. But then, he realized something odd. He stopped and turned around. There was a decent amount of cars on the street, all parked. But one caught his eye. A black, windowless van. He looked at it carefully. Then he remembered. That van, he thought, was at the school. Then again, when I was talking to Hope. And a couple of blocks ago. His tiredness left in an instant. He turned back and kept his course. He took about fifteen steps before he looked back. When he did, there was a the van still there. But this time, the doors were opening. Two men in black trench coats made their way out of the van. The first out was a bulky, but stumpy Latino man. The next was a tall Asian man. Both of them had faces that defiantly meant business. The men looked at Ethan and started towards him. The taller of the two called out to him. [B]?Ethan Port??[/B] He knew this was bad. So, he did what he always did in a situation where someone was looking for him. He ran. He bolted across the street, away from his house. He looked back quickly. Although he had a large head start on the men, the were catching him, and fast. He looked forward and ran even harder. His only thought was to get away. To run. After a second or two of running at full speed, he noticed everything had become slightly red. He remembered what this was. He read it in a Biology book. This was an adrenaline rush. He smiled. He had just got a secret weapon for a bit. And he was going to use it. He pushed himself even harder, running faster than he had ever been going. He didn?t quite realize it. Everything was slower to him. He looked back at the men. They had stopped running after him. He had won. He stopped and took a breath. The red disappeared and his vision became normal. He couldn?t help but smile. Then, the van hooked the corner. His face went from a smile to shock, in about half a second. He turned and ran again. The van was going about 40 mph after him. He had to keep running. I wish I had that adrenaline rush right now, he thought. And almost as if on command, the red came back. The same sensation of strength returned. The smile made it?s way back on to his face. He ran just as fast as before. He was booking down the street. But, then he tripped up on a bit of concrete that was sticking up. He fell right over it, braced for an impact, and met the ground with his shoulder. Oddly, he didn?t feel anything. Thou he was stoked about his shoulder not hurting, he knew he had to get up. But just as he raised himself, he looked up, and there was the van. It was stopped right by him. This time, the two that chased him were in seats on the other side of the van. Closer to him was a dark toned man. He was wearing sunglasses and smiling. He held out his hand to Ethan. [B]?Mr. Port??[/B] the man said in a deep, but friendly voice. Ethan looked at him. [B]?There?s no need to be worried. We?re the good guys here. Please, we would just like to talk with you.?[/B] Ethan got up, looked at the man, looked down the street both ways, back to the man, and then got into the van. He sat down and buckled up. He looked at the three men in the back with him. All of them were looking at him. The driver was behind a tinted window. Ethan looked back at the man that invited him. [B]?Ethan, did you know you were going about 29 miles per hour??[/B] The man said. Ethan didn?t know what to say. He knew he was going fast. But not that fast. [B]?So, what do you guys want with me??[/B] The man took off his sunglasses and looked into Ethan?s eyes. [B]?Ethan, You?re a very interesting person. I would like to tell you more, but that?ll have to wait. Until then, you should get some rest. This is going to be a pretty long trip.?[/B] Ethan was about to ask another question, but he became tired again. Even more so than before. He looked at the other two men. Then at his lap. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Glad to see this thread is up! Been pretty excited. I haven't seen much of Heroes, so I hope I don't botch up the story. I just need to adjust some of my background info, it it's okay with you, Lrb. Once's that done, I'll get to posting my part.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Not at all. Start where ever you see fit. The beginnings are just what's going on in the world. I'm totally leaving it up to you where the character's go.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Ah ha ha... Derp... Well, thank you Endless. To all of you that put in an audition, here's the news: The RP is up and at 'em! I know there's some pretty awesome ones coming out about right now, so just tell me if you aren't going to be posting. I wont feel bad.........:animecry: Nah, don't worry. I'm a big boy, I'll get over it. But, it's up and ready to get some sweet, sweet word loving. To arms, my friends. The War of Strife is on![/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][I][U]*This is the beginning of the Human story*[/U][/I] The council sat at their table. All the heads of the noble families sat at the table, accompanied by their kin and most faithful guards. All eight lords sat at the table looking at one another. Cautiously watching for a hint of betrayal. Then, the lord at the head of the table stood. He was an elderly man. Oldest of all of them. To his right was his captain of the royal guards. He wore heavy, silver armor, even thou he wasn?t in battle, or did he see one anytime soon. The armor had engraved upon it a He had a bow on his back, an iron sword on his left side, and two knives on either hip. Upon the right of the lord, was a young woman, in royal garbs. She was his daughter, and as of late had been a key intellect in the battles against the Lycans and the Vampires. She had long black hair, hazel eyes, and a dark complexion. The old man spoke. [B]?My fellow lords. We are here today to discuss our plans of actions against our common enemies. We have finally be able to stop their offensive attacks. Now would be the best time to take the battle to them. Our men are of high moral. We have more soldiers than we have had since the beginning of the war. And, we are all seeing high profits in crops, taxes, and all around citizens.?[/B] He paused to look at the other nobles. He looked them all over. One by one. Then he sat back down and stared at the center of the table for a while. He looked up and continued. [B]?But, we are men of reason. I know this. The only disputes we?ve ever had has been on who would be the best king of us all.?[/B] A young noble stood and spoke. [B]?There is no dispute there, lord Saylin. We all have agreed that you would lead our people and ourselves into prosperity. The only thing we?ve argued about is who would take your place after your death, Gods forbid your son does not come home safely.?[/B] The other lords all voiced their agreement in the matter at once. Lord Saylin rose his hand to calm the nobles. [B]?I thank you for your kind words, young Bek. You posses much of your father in you. But with that being said, I must return to what I was getting to. We are sensible men. All of us. We can push these creatures back to their city and conquer them. But, I believe we should take an alternate route. I believe we should call for a truce.?[/B] At that, five lords stood to refute this idea. The other two stood and argued against them. They all were yelling. All, but Saylin. He looked down at his ring. The ring he had for so many years. Since his father before him gave it to him. The ring he was to give his son. His son. [B]?Where are you, Keralin??[/B] the lord whispered. [I][U]*This is the beginning of the Vampire and Werewolf story*[/U][/I] [B]?Damn that Score!?[/B] Queen Lavendrake shouted, as she pounded her small desk. In her rage, she took the poor messenger boy, who had merely delivered the news from Nega?s old clan to her, and she tore him in two. Her eyes were red with rage, thou only one eye was visible behind her short, platinum hair. Her long nails were now covered in crimson red blood and bits of flesh. Her eyes darted towards the large man standing next to the door. [B]?You said she could be trusted! That she would help!?[/B] [B]?Yes, I did.?[/B] The large man replied. He was bald, had an eye patch over his left eye, and was build like a tank. [B]?I also told you that she hates vampires. And, seeing as you wouldn?t see her yourself, she wasn?t going to listen to you. Honorable, in my opinion.?[/B] The Queen moved up to him, face to face, in a matter of a second. [B]?I don?t care about that! I couldn?t care less about your Lycan code of honor! I only care about this city and it?s people. We?re dying. Losing this war. And she can?t even see far enough to see that she must help us!? I can?t just leave to fetch some rouge warrior, no matter how much you say she can help.?[/B] She looked into his eye. He could still see her rage flaring in her eye. [B]?I want you to go out and find her yourself. I?ll send you with some of my guards.?[/B] She walked towards her window at the end of the room. At that, the large man stood in attention and began for the door. [B]?And,?[/B] the Queen continued, [B]?Don?t bother coming back without her.?[/B] [B]?Understood, your Highness.?[/B] The lycan man made his way out, saw his comrades and let out a growl of orders. They understood and followed. They all rode out of the city. To find a rouge. [I][U]*This is the beginning of the elf, centaur, elemental, and beast men stories. All will be related to the centaurs and elves, and their actions (sorry for others, but remember, you get to shape what they do and what the other elementals and beast men do, so?)*[/U][/I] The mighty centaur leader, Osiren, walked forward in the forest of the Centaurs. He was enjoying his daily walk. This walk always calmed him down from the turmoil of the Mother Planet. He could think out what was to be done about his visions he was given. He tread softly, past the Druids of the Forest, to the edge of the forest. He looked out, upon the valley and began to reminisce of old days past. Then, from behind him, he heard fast hoof beats. He calmly turned and looked towards the young buck that was heading for him. The young buck arrived to the centaurian leader. He was out of breath from running from the center of the forest to the outer most rim as fast as he could. [B]?Great leader? I-?[/B] the buck began, but was interrupted by Osiren. He placed his hand upon the bucks back. [B]?Calm yourself, seedling. Catch your breath and regain yourself. Then tell me of your troubles.?[/B] The young buck began to relax and breath in deeper. Then he realized something he wasn?t expecting. He had never met the Great Osiren, the legendary warrior that had helped bring down Kel De?Mar over a millennium ago. He had expected a large steed, but not this large. The buck was young in face, but was the size of a regular centaur man. Osiren was almost three times bigger than him. His green skin was flawless, with no scars or bruises. The young man had to take this in too while he was trying to gain his posture and breath. He finally came to his senses. [B]?Osiren, we?ve heard news of the elementals. They?ve began to attack some beast men. Apparently-?[/B] The young buck could not help but sound afraid. Beast men and elementals had been living together since the creation of the beast men. To see them battle one another would be beyond terrifying. Osiren cut him off. [B]?Do not fear, young seedling. I?ve also heard of this beast man that travels with the Sylph. The elementals wish to have her back, but this Isha man, he means right by her. Do not fret. The elementals will not go to war for such a small cause. This is no news to me. The Mother Planet has graced me with a good view of them. As of late, there has been nothing to truly be fearful of. Come, let us make our way back. On the way I?ll tell you of the elf that is coming soon. A princess. She comes to inform us of the Necromancer and Undead status.?[/B] The two made their way back, all the while Osiren spoke of Princess Alexial and her companion, Kirali, the bat woman. They finally made their way back to the dens. From there they parted ways. But Osiren asked the buck his name. He said it was Pomegranate. At that, Osiren asked Pomegranate to come with him to meet the princess, which the buck agreed with great pleasure, galloping off to tell his family the news. Osiren went into his hut. It was small, about the size of a regular druid hut. He sat down in the middle of the hut and began to meditate. I wonder how my friends Dairine and Barra are fairing, he thought. He was graced of a vision of them. [B][I]?Barra, come on get up! I need your help!?[/I][/B] All Osiren could do is laugh. Thou she didn?t know of Barra?s feelings, they still proved to be just as comedic and uplifting as always. [I]*As for everyone else, you get to start yourself off. We?ll be discussing battle?s later. Take this time to really explore your character, your company, some NPC?s of your choice, and others. This beginning is just to get you warmed up for some action later on. Can?t have an epic(ish) story with out a background, right?* [/I][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Hello everyone. I'm very sorry for not posting more frequently, but I've been a little side-tracked as of late. Well, just a couple of things to cover right now, so please bare with me: 1) I've posted my bio. It took me a while to for the story into words from my mind. 2) I've decided to start this thing on the 22nd of January. If anyone has any problems with that, please tell me. This is a quite felxible deadline, so it can change if enough people need it to. But, it wont be too long of a delay or start. I'm thinking at least 3 days before or after this deadline is as far as I'll go. Please tell me of any problems. 3) Just to inform you about characters and character types in this RP. If you feel compelled to create a race that's not on the list or it's been 'Okay'ed, please tell me first. I'll probably okay it, but I would like to know about it before hand. Well, that's it for now. Please feel free to give that imput.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Name: Abel Frett Age and Gender: Male, about 23 Race & Class: Human Necromancer that has no known class among the Necromancer society Alignment: Evil Company: Travels with Baraccus Rahl and Odin at most times and on occasion he travels with his ?experiments? Appearance: Abel has the appearance a man that has been to hell and back. He has short, black hair, that resembles a Beatles? cut. His eyes are what he calls, ?Poop brown,? as any other term would be ?both inappropriate and unnecessary.? With a sleek nose, thin eyebrows, and a modest sized mouth, he would look like any other peasant. He wears a brown cloak, that he also adds a wizards hat to periodically. This outfit was clearly stolen from someone, as it does not fit him properly. The time it was stolen, however can not be quite determined. It has patches and tears at almost every joint, while the hat has seen better days as well. He wears no shoes, so his feet have become a bit disgusting, yet amazingly durable. On his hands, however, he wears two different gloves. On his right, he wears a thick leather glove, one used to tame falcons. On the other, he wears a pauper?s glove, with the fingers missing. The leather glove matches the color of the robes, and the cloth one matches the ruggedness. Personality: Abel seems a little uncaring about what he says at first. But as you listen to him more, you?ll find he?s just plain crazy. Using racial slurs as simple terms, killing people just to get them to do what he wants them to do, eating the people his minions kill, and finding only the most morbid of jokes to be humorous. In short, he?s blown a fuse. He remembers what he was like before, describing that he was a jolly young man, full of hope and deceit. But, as he would say, he craved for something that people couldn?t give him, so, he changed his attitude on life. His personality is quite odd, in a nutshell. He?s has no patience, but has no temper. He simply will do what he has set his mind to. Weapons/Magic: Abel carries no weapon. He has Baraccus and Odin to do that for him. His magic is Necromancy. He shows a powerful adaptation to his power, being able to create a ?Puppet? in almost no time. He also has amazing agility for a non-warrior. He will only use his speed when he does not feel like fighting. When he doesn?t run, he?ll use some remains he always carries with him, or his Necron blasts. These blasts have been used as assault magic by the Necromancers for many centuries, but have only been taught in their military schools. This makes it odd that he knows this spell. Odd and dangerous. Despite his sheer tenacity, he is easily knocked back. The problem is keeping him back. He also has magic he uses when he feels like it. Writing Sample: [B]?Come on! Come on!?[/B] Abel yelled at the other two. He was about 50 feet ahead of them. Peter and Alma were a long behind him. [B]?He?s a little full of energy today, isn?t he??[/B] Alma asked Peter, swinging her picnic basket from side to side as she walked forward. Peter looked at her and smiled. [B]?Define [I]?a little?[/I].?[/B] he said in a sarcastic tone. Peter and Alma looked into each other?s eyes. The made their way forward towards the picnic area. [B]?Come on! Some one else might have taken it by now, with the pace you two are making!?[/B] Abel was at the two trees that marked the beautiful clearing. The area was a small plain, surrounded by trees and with a stone slab in the middle of the clearing. The grass was always short, somehow, and light green. The coniferous trees all stood a good 25 feet, give or take an extra foot. The meadow was always quite, uninhabited, and usually had no other visitors. It was like a taste of heaven. Peter and Alma caught up with Abel at the stone slab and begun to set up the feast. The got out the servings of chicken and vegetables. And with that, they began their wonderful little picnic. They laughed, they told jokes, they gossiped, they did what all people would do in their situations. [B]?Abel, we?ve got something to tell you.?[/B] Peter said, holding Alma?s hand. Abel looked at them, while still stuffing his face with food. [B]?What is it??[/B] Abel asked, face full of chicken leg. [B]?Well,?[/B] Peter said, [B]?Alma and I have been together for quite sometime, well, about 2 years to be exact.?[/B] He took this break to look at Alma and smile her. [B]?So??[/B] Abel was now sitting back, rubbing his full stomach. [B]?I asked her father for her hand in marriage, as well as ours. But, to our dismay, both of our parents have disapproved of our requests to unite. But, our love knows no bounds. Thou we respect our parents, we must be one in the eyes of our gods. So? We?ve decided to leave on an airship and become wed in the land of the Elves. I only tell you this because you are my brother, and my best firend.?[/B] At this, Abel actually had a reaction that didn?t involve food. [B] ?Wow, guys? That?s great!? [/B] His voice was one of sheer excitement. [B]?I mean, it sucks that I wont be able to see you guys till I become old enough to join the armies, but that is great news! I wont tell your or our parents, but that?s-?[/B] At this point, Abel?s ears couldn?t hear anything but a sobbing cry. Like a woman in pain. This shot him off his rock that he was sitting on. [B]?Holy Gods! Where is that coming from??[/B] Abel was looking around, trying to find the woman to see what she needed. But he couldn?t find her anywhere. He looked back at his brother and Alma. They were looking at Abel as if he were mad. [B]?Abel, are you alright??[/B] Peter asked Abel. [B]?Don?t you hear her??[/B] [B]?Who? There is no one else here but us, brother.?[/B] Peter got up to help Abel come back to senses. But once he did, Abel began to run away. [B]?Abel!?[/B] Peter yelled as Abel ran off into the woods. Abel raced to get to the woman. He needed to help her. But then he started to hear a new voice. Another person sobbing. This time it was a man. Abel stopped to assess the new voice, but then made back to his running pace towards the original voice. The new voice was coming from that direction as well, so if he found one, he would most certainly find the other voice. He raced for almost a half an hour. And almost every two minutes, a new voice emerged, crying, sobbing. This was getting to become too intense for Abel, but he knew he had to stop whatever was causing this sadness. After fifteen more voices joined the original, he arrived at where the voices were coming from: the old Druid graveyard. Once he got into eyes view of the sight, the voices went from the tens to the hundreds. The sobbing of hundreds of people? no. Souls. These people were dead. Long dead. There was no other explanation to this. These souls were weeping. Abel was at a loss. He didn?t know what to make of all this. He shouldn?t be hearing this. This was not normal. He knew that for certain. He didn?t know what to do. So, he did what had lead him here. He ran forward. After about five steps, he tripped and fell. But instead of hitting the ground, the ground let go under his weight. As he was falling, he screamed for his brother. Then, he fell into the darkness. [I][U]8 years later?[/U][/I] [B]?Bring him over here.?[/B] The bigger of the three cultists barked at his underlings, who dragged a small boy into the clearing. The placed him on the stone slab, tied him down, and backed away. The child was screaming at the top of his lungs, struggling to get free of his captors. The three cultists formed around the child, fixed their hoods, and began a dark, evil ritual. They began to chant in unknown languages to the child, a low and grisly language. Many grunts and moans. Still, he struggled, and still, the cultists chanted. This proceeded for five minutes, then, abruptly, the taller cultist un hooded himself and spoke to the others. [B]?I don?t understand. Why has nothing happened? This was guaranteed to be able to bring dark souls to us.?[/B] [B]?Don?t give up so easily.?[/B] A new voice had emerged from behind them. The three cultists turned to greet the newcomer, and the child stopped struggling to see for himself. The newcomer was a young man, about 21 in age. His clothes were quite small on him, his hair and nails very unkempt, and everything else about him was quite grimy and gross, to say the least. [B]?Who are you, and what business do you have disturbing our sacred ritual??[/B] the lead cultist yelled at the man, who stood just at the edge of the clearing. [B]?I recognize that language.?[/B] The new comer seemed to not even care that cultists outnumbered him, or even were hostile in any way. [B]?It?s an old dialect, but I know it. Not Druidish? no. More natural. Oh, it?s Centaurian! Yes, that must be it!?[/B] [B]?Enough!?[/B] The cultists impatience was quite visible in his voice. [B]?What are you doing here!??[/B] The boy looked straight at the leader. He looked him in they eyes, tilted his head to the side, letting his long hair shift, and he grinned. [B]?You asked for evil souls? I?ve come to deliver.?[/B] At that, out of the woods themselves, five creatures that resembled humans emerged and attacked the cultists. The young man began to walk forward and laugh softly. The creatures began to devour the men alive. The shrieks were quite audible and horrific. The sight was almost enough to make the boy vomit. Then, the young man noticed the boy. He walked forward to the boy, looked him up and down on the stone slab. Then he smiled at the boy. [B]?Well then, I guess I get to know the joyful meal along with my friends.?[/B] [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Very good question. I was a little more vauge than I should have been on that one. The Vampires are as we all know them. Nothing special. The Undead are actually zombies, in essence. Just, unlike zombies, they're actually capable of thought and human(well, as much a dead person can display) traits. So... pretty much a dead dude. lol They were going to be listed as "Intelligent Zombies," but that's both sounds stupid and doesn't really help. Well, I hope this helped you. :-)[/SIZE]
No worries. I enjoy seeing more of a variety of races and characters. News: Shadar-kai are a viable selection. If anyone else has anyother ideas, please, do not hesitate to ask me.
[SIZE="1"]Here's the background thread... aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!! Okay, seriously, this is where you should come to talk about anything you need help on. I do plan on posting some things that might make somethings clearer, but I still have to finish it. I'll have it up as soon as I can. But, if you have anyother questions, feel free to ask 'em. Here it is. General stuff: -The races keep to their own. If you wish to have others of another race on your team, keep in mind, you will be hunted by your own kind, as well as theirs. -Necromancers will have to specify what race they were before they were outcasted. -Undead must as well, but can only choose between these races: Human, Elves, Beast-men, and Centaurs. -There are fewer Elvish Necromancers, seeing as they are natural enemies, -Beast-men are humanoid creatures that are able to rally and organize. -Centaurs mainly stay in their forest, but you may travel if you want. Humans: -Can choose to have what power they will. -At war with the Vampires and Werewolves Vampires: -Allied with the Werewolves -At war with the Humans -May only fight during the night -Normal Vampires wither in the sun -Noble blood or Alpha blood are extremely weakened by sunlight, but not killed Werewolves: -Allied with the Vampires -At war with the Humans -Fight during the day and night -Normal Werewolves are only a fraction better than humans -Alpha Werewolves are twice as strong and as fast as humans Elementals: -Alignment varies -Only one element, unless you can explain why more Undead: -Dead beings that have been brought back to life and have colonized. -No need to feast on people, but they do hunt Necromancers: -Cast aside from the world -Can create zombies, mindless versions of the undead, at a whim -Can create Undead using a process much like Frankenstein’s monster, or aged rituals Elves: -Protectors of all that is living -In natural conflict with the Necromancers -Allies with the Centaurs and Beast-men, but do not call on their aid for their conflict with the Necromancers Beast-men: -Communicate with Elves, Centaurs, and creates they resemble -Their allegiance is to whatever they see fit Centaurs: -Secluded and peaceful -Feared warriors, druids, priests, and hunters -Keep to the forest for the most part [/SIZE]
Warning: This thread may contain mature language, violence, sexual content, the works. If this offends you, please don't stay on this thread. If you can't just leave, please message me about any thing you have a problem. [SIZE="1"]The war has ravaged the land of man for far too long. Before, it was a war of man between man. Their petty differences and needs kept them from finding peace between one another. Only now, that a larger and threat arises to overcome them all, have they decided to rally together. The leaders of their lands are simple minded and tyrannical. They would sacrifice their own men, just to keep themselves alive and rich. But not all is lost in the world of man. I can see those who will shape the future. They are hidden for now, but soon, quite soon, the will bring a new order of men. What shall befall them, I can not see. I only see the few that can shape it, not who will reign supreme between them. My vision of man has been consumed by one in particular. He is one that rides west, to the lands of his origins. On the other front of this war, there is sheer desperation. The Werewolves have had to ally themselves with their former slave masters. After a decade of freedom their only way to survive is to seek help from the Vampire empire. Their king has had to make a unwanted move on his part. Now that humans have hunted his ilk till only one of their 8 mighty cities remains standing. He has had to wage a war in which he knows is not for the benefit of the lands of man, vampire, or lycan. The elements stir as well. They have always been docile, but as of late, some have become more violent, seeking fights. The Beast-men have also been on the move, moving to the edges of the forests and lakes, to provoke a human attack. These hostilities have been not only odd, but… unnatural. The Elves have not been able to find a cause for these attacks. They at first thought it was the doing of the High Shamans and their Necromancy, but in their search, they have told the Centaurs and I of what they have found. These things are far too horrible to even write. We have all agreed, thou, that the Necromancers have no part in the savagery of the elements and beasts. I must leave my noble hosts, these mighty Centaurs, and search for what is causing these oddities. I will first visit the Cities of the Undead. They will know if anything unnatural is causing this unrest. The world is in a dark time. I can only see that heroes will emerge. What their resolve is… I can only hope for the best. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, choose your side. [B]Name:[/B] [Pretty Self-explanatory. Any name will do, so don’t feel too confined.] [B]Age and Gender: [/B][How old your character is and what gender they are… no hidden questions.] [B]Race & Class:[/B] [Your choice between human, vampire, werewolf, elemental, undead, necromancer, elf, beast-man, or centaur. If you choose undead or necromancer, please specify what race they were before they became which race they are now. Also, please choose your class in your race. Is your character a prince, a peasant, an Alpha in their pack, an Elder of the Forest, a High Shaman of the Necromancers, or such. More info will be available on the background page.] [B]Alignment:[/B] [Are they good, evil, self-sufficient, or do they listen to their races’ elders no matter what they say? Your choice.] [B]Company:[/B] [Does your character travel in a group or do they brave the world alone? If they travel in a group, give a brief description of who travels with them, including race and weaponry.] [B]Appearance:[/B] [Just a little description of what your character looks like. The more, the better. If you have a picture, put it up. If you only have words, talk your character up. If you want to do both, totally do it.] [B]Personality:[/B] [A brief description of your character’s personality for the others out there. Wouldn’t do much good if we didn’t know what you were like.] [B]Weapons/Magic:[/B] [Please select a weapon to use. If your character can use magic, please give a brief list of what you can do. Remember, you don’t have to use a weapon or magic right off the bat, and you can always decide to pick up something new along the way.] [B]Writing Sample:[/B] [Please write a small segment in which we can see your character in the world they live in. It can be an action scene, a more tender moment (please don’t do that…), your character speaking with others that will be prevalent in your story, and anything of the sort. This will give everyone a better feel for your character and will help everyone, yourself included, find out what comes next in their story and who will be involved.][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B][I][U]Basic Information[/U][/I][/B] [B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Ethan Alexander Port [B][U]Nickname:[/U][/B] N/A [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 18 [B][U]Gender:[/U][/B] M [B][U]Appearance:[/U][/B] At 6 foot even, Ethan has a short hair cut, coming down to half way in front of his green eyes. He’s skinny, lengthy, and has a calm look about him. His skin is flawless, due to his power, adding to his appeal and his uncanny good vibes. His face is charming, to say the least, but he has bags under his eyes, due to lack of sleep. He tends to wear a black beanie, usually a simple t-shirt, though on colder days, he wears a black hooded sweatshirt, and blue jeans. He has, however, a weird outfit that looks like a scarecrow of sorts, hat included, that he uses when he goes out and looks for things to help with. It is made of patches of brown, orange, and yellow material. Thou it looks a little like a Halloween costume, he has a trench coat that seems goes well with it, as it is a bit torn and patched itself. [B][I][U]Details[/U][/I][/B] [B][U]Motives:[/U][/B] His motives are mainly to do good around the city when he can. But, when he is at school or at a party, he will abuse his power, trying to outlast someone, impress a woman, or merely try to be the life of the party [B][U]Alignment:[/U][/B] Good [B][I][U]Powers and Personality[/U][/I][/B] [B][U]Power:[/U][/B] Natural Hormone control- Ethan's "power" is the fact that he can tap into his hypothalamus and other hormone excreting glands and organs to produce whatever hormone he pleases, such as adrenaline, endorphins, etc. He is also able to emit pheromones on command. But, he can not control the aftermath, in which his body has to make up for his unbalanced hormones. If he has used adrenaline, he will become exhausted, endorphins, and he will become rather depressed. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] At most times, Ethan will be a happier person, always fun loving and energetic. Even when his hormones have begun to effect him, he is able to remain a little more of himself, as he has adapted to being under these influences. He will become more aggressive and conceited when he is under adrenaline, thou, putting him in bad situations. When he is out in the city, he tends to be more quite and stays calm in most situations. When at parties, thou, he will think nothing of becoming the center of attention. [B][I][U]The History of You[/U][/I][/B] [B][U]Background:[/U][/B] A kid from a large town in the west coast, he never really knew what to do with himself aside from do what came natural: What he finds right. His mother had raised him well, as she would tell him often. He wasn’t an outcast in school, he got good grades, got to work on time, never shirked his duities at home, and helped out those in need. Thou he was a little bit of a loose cannon, it was easier for him to control his actions, as his hormones would almost always be in check. He has a close friend that he’s known since the 3rd grade, when he saved her dog from getting hit by a car… by letting it hit him instead. Since he saw her, he felt like he’s been in love, but he frequently will look for other women, as he wants to get her out of his head. He’s never told her, nor does he ever intend to. But, to his dismay, he would do anything for her. They often go out with other friends and find things to do in and out of the city. His father had been involved with the CIA, so his family had money. He frequently carried wads of money and randomly gave it to a homeless person around the city. [B][U]Discovery:[/U][/B] [B]“Ethan! Ethan, honey, you need to get to sleep.”[/B] His mother was yelling from the kitchen at a 11 year old Ethan, who was still up, watching the news. He was waiting to see if the kids that stole his lunch today got arrested. He wanted to see them on TV, being pulled into the cop car, crying, screaming [B]“Why would we do such a horrible thing! He’s smaller than us and needs to be helped, not hurt!.”[/B] It never happened. [B]“Alright mom,”[/B] Ethan said as he turned the television off and headed upstairs to bed. He didn’t know what happened. He knew what was supposed to happen. He knew they were supposed to get caught, get in trouble, get grounded, and then have to apologize to him. It’s what he had to do when he did something he wasn’t supposed to do. But why not those kids? They did this to other kids too, and still, they never got more than a detention. It wasn’t fair. That’s not right, he thought. [B]“Brad, could you go make sure he’s okay?”[/B] his mother asked his father, who was at the kitchen table reading the paper. He looked up at her and said, “Course, dear.” He put his paper down, got up kissed his wife, and headed up to Ethan’s room. He got to the door, knocked the secret knock that only him and his son knew. [B]“Hey bucko. You doing okay?”[/B] he asked when he opened the door. Ethan was already in bed, wearing a sad and lonely face. [B]“Yeah, dad. I’m okay.”[/B] Ethan said in a sad tone. [B]“Ethan,”[/B] his dad said as he walked into the room and took a seat beside Ethan on the bed, [B]“I know how you feel. I remember when I was your age, I had to deal with bullies at school too. They can be a big problem, but you have to remember something: you are better than them. They’ll tell you that your not, cause you’re smaller, you’re weaker, or something else. But, they’re right about that. You’re not better cause you’re bigger or stronger than another person. What makes you better than them, is the fact that you know what you do is right. You will get a better job in the long run, make more money, find a better wife, and have a better life, just cause you believe in something I do. That’s justice son. Now, you get some sleep. You have all tomorrow to play. Night, bucko.”[/B] With that, Brad kissed his son on the forehead, got up, left the room and closed the door. I wish I was bigger, Ethan thought. I wish I was bigger, not to hurt them. Just to help other kids who get their stuff stolen by bullies. He felt an uncomfortable sensation that night, for about two hours. He couldn’t sleep till it subsided. He finally fell asleep. The next morning, Ethan got up and made his way to the bathroom. He got there, closed and locked the door, and began to get ready for the day. He began to brush his teeth, when he looked in the mirror. What he saw was something he couldn’t believe. He had grown what seemed like half a foot over the night. He looked in sheer awe at what had happened. He had even grown a bit of facial hair on his chin! He reached to mediecne cabinet to find something to help him wake up a bit more, but it wouldn’t open. He tried and tried, but it just wouldn’t open. He quickly grew angry, and yelled at the cabinet, [B]“OPEN UP!”[/B] His voice cracked as he did so. A feeling also came over him. One of power. And before he knew what he was doing, he had torn the cabinet off the wall. He fell over, taking with cabinet with him. There he sat for a moment, then he flipped the mirror back to himself. He looked at himself. [B]“What am I?”[/B] he asked aloud. This was the only occurence before the occurance. As the years passed, he always wondered what happened that night. It didn't happen again, so he couldn't only ponder what had happend. The doctor who looked at him that week said it was an irregular and spontanious flux of hormones. He spent the next couple of years as the tallest kid his grade, until high school. He didn't grow in the down time at all. His voice no longer cracked, but he didn't grow any taller or bigger. Then, the eclipse came. The night of the eclipse, he felt a little like that night he had that night so long ago. He spent the night looking in the miirror, wondering. He wondered if he merely thought, would he be able to grow. He thought of growing facial hair that night. The next morning... he woke up with it. [/SIZE]