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Everything posted by Muuh Puar
[SIZE="1"]Hour and fifty minutes. He sat calmly. This two-hour wait was nothing compared to 5 centuries of imprisonment. If it he learned but one thing, that was patience. Nemo assessed his situation. He had his ?supplies,? a pair of sunglasses from his personal stash, an mp3 player that he had taken off some drunken Irishman last week outside of a bar, and a bit of a worried feeling. It was not for the humans that were to be harmed, for he cared not for the safety of humans. It was not of being betrayed. He had only trusted one other person in his long existence, and he could not remember them at all. But he knew that if he trusted a being, they were honest in their actions. He thought it might be for the bounty hunters, but he was told by Seraphim that the hunters were not to be feared, so long as he did his job. It could not be them. Hour and fifty-five minutes. No, he thought, We are not worried for them. We are worried for ourselves. We can do this task easily. Any of us could. But, what if we were caught? Who would they fight? Anyone but our kindness, he begged. People passed him by on their way to bigger better things. At his point, he assessed his location. He had not realized this, but he had aimlessly walked around town, and had ended up in the old town. He sat at a small café, which was not too crowded for this time of night. He remembered little of how he got there. When he was in his energetic state, he really didn?t think of what he was did. He just did. But, now, in a calmer mind, he could think of his next move. He was within fifteen blocks of his target. He looked to the sky. The stars were oddly calming. He remembered laying in a field of grass, holding? something. He looked at the stars. [I]?Beautiful, aren?t they?? ?Beyond words.?[/I] [I]?Beyond words.?[/I] He spoke aloud. These memories had been coming back to him ever since he had meet with Seraphim. They did not trigger them, per say. They merely gave him time to relax, with out trying to find a place to reside without human interference, like this ?rent? thing. What kind of money could we make doing what we want, he thought. He had found a place to rest. And with rest, comes sleep. And with that, dreams. He had only had two so far. One of the night he was created. He could see no faces, smell no scents, feel no surfaces. He only remembered the voices. [I]?Who is he?? ?He looks weak, father.? ?That he does, but give him time.? ?Can I go play now?? ?Yes, yes. Go on and enjoy.? ?Father, I don?t know about this. He looks like he?ll only get in our way.? ?You think that of everything, my daughter.? ?Eh heh, you speak the truth Father.? ?Do not fret. He will grow strong. He will save us.?[/I] Hour and fifty-seven minutes. He thought it odd that he dreamed. Sprites do not need to dream. Perhaps, we sleep so we can remember, he thought to himself. He picked up the suitcase, and left his seat for the door. Pulling the glass door, he made his was out of the café, looked around, and headed west, towards his target. The streets were just as busy as any other night or day. People had places to be and people to meet. [I]?They must learn how to wait.?[/I] Nemo whispered. Passing the pedestrians, he passed quickly and unseen. As he resembled a teen, he could maneuver easily thru crowds. It took him only two minutes to make it too his target. The Artisan Theater. A place to view movies. Many of the teens came here to enjoy the films, company and debaucheries. He made his way to the ticket vender. [I]?One for ?With the Dead?,?[/I] he asked. This movie was one about vampires. He thought it only appropriate to place the ?supplies.? No humans will ridicule our new comrades without punishment, he thought as the acne-ridden female vender gave him his ticket. He headed for the door, just as it opened. A group of teens came out, ready for a night out on the town. They had the look of ?rockers? about them. Band t-shirts, chains on their belts, the works. But one caught Nemo?s eye. He could not think of why, but he could only look at her with awe. She had dark black hair, hazel eyes, and a pale complexion. The group passed him by. He looked at the ground and pondered, who was that? He had never meet her in his life, but he knew thing about her. Her hair wasn?t black, it was platinum. One of her eyes was brown. He had never seen her before, but he felt like he knew her. He looked back at his watch. Two hours and two minutes. Damn, he was running late. Thou, he didn?t need to be on time, but he still felt like he owed it. He went to his theater, 12, took a seat in the back, placed the case, and left. He walked out of the theater and crossed the street, heading towards a bench. As he crossed the street, he felt a familiar change. He sat upon the bench and spread out. Taking a relaxing position. He was to report back to Seraphim, but he felt like watching the place burn. Watching the beginning of this war. But then he felt an odd feeling. He stiffened up and became more alert, as well as agitated. He could feel something was coming. Coming to stop him. He couldn?t help but smirk. [I]?Come, let us begin. I hate to be kept waiting for a fight.?[/I] With that, he faded into the crowd, to await his enemy.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Name: Nemo Age: Created in the 16th Century, brought back in the 20th Century, late 1930's Gender: Male Species: Sprites Alliance: The Harbingers Appearance: Picture is at end. Modifications: No gun, eye are merely glowing colors that reflect the current persona (Ice: blue; Fire: red; Lightning: yellow; Light; white) In Darkness form: Eye's become vacant, emitting black and purple mist from both eyes and mouth. Personality: Ice: Default persona, bored, collected, and calm; Fire: Aggressive and angry; Lightning: Sporadic and energetic; Light: Kind and noble; Darkness: Psychotic and merciless Weapons: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Light: low-level magic and weak hand-to-hand; Dark: chains that extrude from the forearm, becomes completely psychotic and rampages Unique Ability/Special Skills: switches elements in cases along with persona: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Light, Darkness Writing Sample: These entries are that of a worn journal in the possession of the Sprite referred to as 'Nemo.' The pages are withered and the front cover has been written upon in many languages and handwritings. The original text is in German, stating 'This is the Journal of Sophia Treppers.' The name has been crossed out, replaced by 'I, and I alone', which has been written in blood, by appearance. Again, the text has been crossed out, and in it's place, there is 'Us.' The following is written in a quite feminine hand. All is written in German. [B]January 4th[/B]: This is my first journal entry ever. Thou, I do not care to write, my mama told me that it was a good way of helping myself thru difficult times. We celebrated my birthday today, but only because papa must work on my actual birthday. Though I am sad, I understand that he must work. All of Germany must work, to ensure that we stay the most powerful country in the world. Well it is late, and I must wake early tomorrow for school. I will most likely not write in here tomorrow, or the next day. [B]February 16th[/B]: Much has begun to change and I need someone I can speak with. Papa has been sent to continue his research to a location he is not allowed to tell us of. Mom wept, but he told her that all was well, and that he would return as soon as his research was done. He told me that all would be well and he made me promise him to take care of mama whilst he was away. Before he left, held my newly born brother, Adolf, in his hands. He told him he was the man of the house, and he would grow big and strong, just as the one he was named after had. He left a week ago. Mama still weeps every night. [B]April 19th[/B]: The house has gotten better now. We’ve all been able to deal with only communicating with papa thru the Nazi telegramming system. He tells us that he is on the verge of completing his project and will return home soon. On a personal basis, thou I trust in the Nazi party, I do miss my dear Eliza. Her family was sent to a work camp a month ago. But, I believe she will be coming back in a year or so. I mean, what kind of work could they have that would keep her longer? Also, I’ve been asked on an outing tonight. I am getting ready now, but I thought it would be good to write in here. [B]April 23rd[/B]: Strange men have come to the town and started using the old abandoned mansion. They bare the Swastika, so I guess they mean well. [B]May 1st[/B]: The sky is dark today. Almost like night. And it is not even noon. Mama said it would be best if everyone stayed in, so we shall. The party members have brought some strange things to the mansion in the last few days. This might be there doing. I have been called the bravest girl in class on many an occasion. Today, I am afraid. A page has been torn from behind this entry. The following has been written in a childish, thou male hand. It is originally in French. [B]May 13th (Ice)[/B]:"We went out to research our new 'friend.' He has neglected to tell us any of his backgrounds, so we thought we would find something for ourselves. But, to our dismay, humans' knowledge is far more limited that we desire. We found our answer on our way out of the library, thou. A group of children crossed our path, laughing and playing festively. It was then we realized who he was. He was like us, at least in our distaste for humans. And that's all we really need, isn't it? The following has been written in English [B]September 5th (Fire)[/B]: "Last night we found a gang of humans. These pompous idiots thought they had the strength to kill us. Stupid humans! There's nothing we hate more than those moronic beings sticking their noses in my business. We had our fun with them. They burned good." The following was translated from Chinese. [B]December 24th (Lightning)[/B]: "CHIRSTMAS!!!" The following has been translated from Latin. [B]February 20th (Light)[/B]: "We came across a small human being picked upon today. Thou we don't like them, we helped the small one. He thanked us, and we felt great. Something that we haven't felt since... well we can't remember. Tomorrow looks promising. I get to make a cake!" The following is a torn page in the back, not dated. It has been translated from it’s original text, an ancient from of written language used by Sprites of old. It has long been believed to have died out. [B](Darkness)[/B]: "I have decided to commandeer this book. The family it belonged to is no more, so they‘ll have no need for it. This city bores me. Nothing left to pillage. I shall look for my kin. Then, this world will burn."[/SIZE]
Well, seeing as I'm new here, it might be appropriate that start a posting history here. I'm Muuh Puar (just say it as you want to). I'm pretty easy to get along with, as long as you're not too much of an ***. I like to read, listen to music, laugh, and things that mix those things. I'm not too serious, but I can be. They say it takes less muscles to smile than to frown. I avidly support that study. Anything else you want to know about me, just send me a message and I'll be more than glad to answer. And, that being said, I'll just add that I'm glad to be part of this board now.