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Everything posted by dragonflame

  1. ooo gee this is getting nowhere fast !!!! umm...yes...i have a computer again EEEEE liam write me an email please!
  2. OOC: gee arent we a talkative bunch ... i am back out of my 3 weeks of no computer!! so yer hopefully we can get this goin again ?? just maybe?? Jessie: *walks back to Liam* look bro, thanks for that ok, i don't expect you to be superman, you are always there for me and if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be here right now.... Liam: *sighs* i still feel like i have let u down sis. Jessie: *hugs her brother* its ok, look here's the chopper we will be fine now lets go get you fixed up, you look like a wreck... *they climb into the chopper and are on their way*
  3. geeee liam, way to kill me off dood!!
  4. ggrrrr.....wb......grr.....aarrgghh........ok sowwie .... ii am still alive liam, just letting u know oki!! will write soon
  5. OOC: hey liam, if i didnt know any better...i would say we are the only ones posting!!! aannyywwaayyss...i wont be posting for a while coz u know i am lazy and everything..nar i am goin away!! toodles
  6. Jessie walks over to her car and , on her headset, calls for a cleanup team. Telling them exactly what Liam told her, that Abob was out of action. Jessie: *walks over to liam* mebbe i should join hellcat? get my mind off the fact someone just got killed! Liam: good idea, call her. Jessie: dont mind if i do...*calls hellcat on her headset and talks then a car arrives and jessie gets in* *throws her keys to Liam* look after my baby for me will ya ?? the car speeds off and liam is left alone with abob's body waiting for the clean up team
  7. II'MM BBAACCKK....liam cant u read emails..i said rocky not coast !!!! but still...anyways the important thing is i am back and this comp likes me so its awes!! catchas all later...and to raiha: sowwie i wasnt here and didnt let u know i was goin...but i forgot about the cookies thingy..will post when i get this goddamned wb away from me
  8. hhmmm.....information collecting.....i thinks i like the sound of that !!!!
  9. ookk....well as i am an aussie here like out liamc2....i completely agree.....god created **** and ford made it move!!! if u r from texas then u will prolly see our monaro's with pontiac badges!!! as a proud subaru owner i gotta say move over ford and pegeout!!!!
  10. *Liam and Jessie walk off toward the back door..as they do, liam looks back at the car Jessie arrived in* Liam: new car sis??? Jessie: *beaming* u like?? the old one was due for a trade in...and i always wanted a yellow car....god i love porsches Liam: * rolls his eyes * you haven't changed a bit girl!!! Jessie: and i should hope not..
  11. Name: Jessie Cameron Age: 15 Grade: 10 Bio: jessie has been on many missions in the past year. usually out of the country. she doesnt get to see her twin brother, liam, much but when they are working together on a mission the baddies are in for some serious trouble. liam and jessie are the best of mates ever since they can remember. * the roar of an engine being revved is heard and a sports car pulls up in front of the group, a 15 yr old girl steps out* Liam : sis??? i thought u were out of the country on assignment? Jessie: just finished...i have been transferred here to help you on this one
  12. hey Liam...is the offer still up to join???
  13. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    count me in too!!! with liams help i can prolly be more useful ...
  14. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    yer guys, i am happy i coulda been there for about the last umm....well not long but still u know...and i didnt do much..but anyways.. you know what i mean right??? u do know what i mean dont you? ok i am gonna shut up now
  15. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC: ok liam, now we all know u are a good soap writer..... actually i heard that bold and the beautiful were looking for a script writer....mebbe u should call them???..bah u know i love ya mate
  16. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC: yer thats right, blame it all on me...grrrrrr....anyways hereya go, just for you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ayarna: well seems like everyones gone off together.. i spose its been a while since they have been together TOGETHER hey! Liam:*shifts uncomfortably* umm...yer....i spose... Ayarna: you really had me scared back there you know...i thought i'd lost you Liam: lost me ?????? u mean that u would miss me....??*blushes* Ayarna: course..*leans over and kisses him* i really like you Liam....
  17. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC:i am just doin this to see if this comp will post, if it does.....YIIPPYYYY bye
  18. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    lol, yer sumfin like dat, I HAD A CARD FOR U TODAY LIAM !!! DIDNT SEE YA THOU!! GRRRRR anyways will give to u tomorra love ya
  19. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC: gee thanks liam, nice work, this is one thing i am good at ..lol but i aint gonna give u the satisfaction of me actually dopin something .......mwahhahaha how do u feel now ?? HAPPY VALENTINES EVERYONE BYE
  20. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC: IIIII''''MMMM BBBBAAAACCCCKKKK actuall I have been back for a while but not wanting to wreck ur awesum stuff...looks great, keep it up...hey Liam, this should help with our english unit yeh??? lol, catcha later matey
  21. hey Liam, this is the only way i can think to contact u, umm...gimme a call hey. ur get ur but on msn, sumfin anyways catcha later
  22. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC: hey Liam, like that " what you lack in skill you double in strength" dont u ever forget it!!!!! catcha later mate gimme a call hey?? see ya i wont be able to post from saturday till i get back on about the 26th, 27th !! see ya
  23. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC: ok Liam, this ones for you, only coz i have nothign better to do atm, please forgive me if it is completely CRAP but hey, thats what u get when u have some one like me around!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ayarna:*while walking with Liam* shouldnt you be training, you only have a few days... Liam:*stops in his tracks* hang on, can you fight??? Ayarna:*kind of shocked by the question* well, no actually, will I need to?? Liam: probably, if you want I coudl teach you how to use your attacks and how to fight, consider me your personal trainer!! Ayarna:*blushes* you would do that for me?? Liam:of course, now come on, we better start getting you trained up hey?? *they continue walking together with Ayarna pretending she is a kung fu queen on the way back*
  24. dragonflame

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC: sorry , dragonflames head has gone walkabout, will be back in a few days, it is taking a well needed vacation, GGGRRRR@ LIAM for taking me to that movie and scaring the life outta me, thanks alot!!!!
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