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About Lassoam

  • Birthday 05/02/1985

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  1. haha I remember the old gokents-- reading this came as a shock, but its a cheeful surprise. way to go man, glad to hear it. And who said tv never does anything good for you?
  2. I've been gone a long while and i'm sorry if this is a commonly asked reoccuring question but i'd still like to know the answer to it regardless - I was curious as to know any approximate dates that Cartoon Network has set for finishing the Buu saga, and if they will continue on with GT. Thanks for the feedback :-)
  3. Not that it was important, but did say Goku/chi-chi/gohan/goten/krillin or anybody else have a last name other than the briefs?
  4. hah nice picture... keep 'em comming and the more cape the more of a namek! wooooo long capes forever! You should make them all majin just to spite that guy :D
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]I just want to remind everyone that it's illegal to shoot guns in the air. What goes up must come down. [/B][/QUOTE] some of us find this out the hardway..... i wish i had you as a father-figure more often Crazy White Boy maybe then my neighbors boat would sail the seas again :worried:
  6. thanks for the advice i guess, but that "earning" was with shells you got from stingrays... and thats just for power levels to shoot the buggard in the water. I'm talking about after you "kill" him that way.
  7. ahh i miss NES... i've been playing on an emulator... all these old games bring back such memories to me. Anyway, i was playing my old favorite game, Jaws, i'm sure you remember it... you're a redheaded diver that shoots white arrows at jellyfish and starfish.... erm "seastars" i guess is what they're called now.... everythings so politically correct. :confused: Well..... point be made, i have no problem playing the normal game.... i just don't understand how to "kill" jaws. I'll have his power drained.... then that boat scene comes up and says something like "strobe" ack.... i could kill the fishy when i was a kiddy. How i wish to remember. So my question(s) is... How do you finish the guy off? and Sometimes i can get the orange sub.... what makes it show up?
  8. hey listen... you can get bootleg ones, or the real thing but in japanese for the psx i know that much. I saw some like korean ones or whatever, and i know there is adaptions. Just go to some underground sites and you might find your ps2 stuff, i havn't looked since August, and the ps2 has been out in Japan longer, you have a shot, its not too likely i fear, but DBZ isn't really a new thing to them anyway, only here is the craze so strong. I hope that helps though, and i'm sorry i don't have any sites for you... ill work on it though.
  9. Very nice Lady M. and in pen too! and as for the re-sizing issue you asked. If the first person that covered that part of your topic didn't help you i may have a few other choices you can take. 1)do you have Adobe Photoshop... if so just go to "image resize" (easy enough 'eh?) 2)i think in bitmap you can just crop out the sides and that makes it slightly smaller... which you could do in photoshop too, but ya kno this is incase you don't have it. oh and nice window frames.... i wish mine were such a pretty type of wood haha :D
  10. did you not see the message above gotanks? the movie was called "Bardock: The Father of Goku" it had his big ugly mug on the cover, and it was all about him
  11. Yeah.... browsing some pictures a while ago i came across Gohan with the Magic Sword in which Trunks had when He defeated King Cold and such with. Well Gohan was also dressed like Supreme Kai... I havn't caught much of the Buu saga before, and what i have seen cartoon network just covered. I was just wondering whats that about, when it comes to pass, and all that little details your hearts would wish to spill. Thanks.:nope:
  12. You guys bring such a sadness to my heart..... i gotta wait till my senior year to watch some silly english dubbed (and edited and made lots worse) end cap to the buu saga! thats an outrage... you sure you can't lie and make it like new years eve? it'll make me feel better at least......:bawl:
  13. alright, i'm kidding, thought i'd start that off first before you bite my newbie head off. I had a serious question though, aside from that false topic, but that got you here now didn't it! I'd like to find out when Cartoon Network realizes its a broken record and shows the other part of the Majin Buu saga....? anybody have that information i'd be very pleased
  14. thanks for your clarification on that, much obliged
  15. Yeah.... i know you're wondering what exactly does "veggys" have to do with Dragonball Z and so forth. Well i wanted to ask a stupid question..... are their names supposed to all be like veggys? like Piccolo = pickle, Kakarott = carrot, Raditz = Radish, Vegita = Veggy etc....? haha oooooh yes :help:
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