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Everything posted by ss2Serren

  1. I'm doing to go with [B]Devil May Cry 3[/B] went Dante and Vergil are fighting. I believe they play the music as intro to the game.
  2. I believe my first one was Berserk if not that hajime no Ippo. I remember looking at the anime and once it was finished i was hot and wanted to see more. Then a friend of mine told me that it went further in the manga so then i began to read them.
  3. Name: Adam Rasputin Mutant Name: Titan (Thankx for the name Raiha) Mutant Abilities: He transmute his entire body into solid organic steel. His strength greatly increases upon transformation as does his height and mass.Also he gets stronger with rage. In armored form he is nearly invulnerable, and don't need to breathe or eat. Short Bio: Doesn't know much about his past. He wants to find out who he is and where he's from. Personality: Doesn't talk that much to people. But once you get to know him he's cool to be around. Very easy to get angry if you push the right buttons. Appearance: Has short spiky blue hair. Light blue eye's. Has a superman S tattoo on his left shower to symbol his strength. His 6'7 and very muscular. Mostly like to wear black pants with a white shirt.
  4. I was wondering if any one know any site where i can get some info on the new DBZ game that people said should be coming out some time next month. I seen some pic of it on this one site [url]http://www.db-unlimited.net/games/ps2lsw_screens.shtml[/url] and some at IGM. but i want a site with alot more info. The game looks hot.
  5. ss2Serren


    I agree with you SD Skeletor's voice is annoying. It just not right how you going to have a cool looking bad guy but his voice is wack. I If they would of keep his voice befor that stuff got on his face that would of been cool.
  6. ss2Serren


    Do know about the rest of you guys but i'm happy they brongback HE-Man. I have to say that the show is off the meat rack. :) I really liked it. The action was good. But i wonder if they well make another and better people movie of He-Ma now?
  7. i uset to like playing that game. I hope they make it way better.
  8. Why does it seem like all the strong people loses there tails. Like Goku,Vegeta,Gohan, and Brioly. I wondered if they went SS with there tail would they look different. and ow much stronger would they be.
  9. that moive sucked trust me i know. I have it i got it from Sam Goody.
  10. Name: John Callens Age: 21 Character name: Scarlet Spider Super Power: John the same abilities that Spiderman has. The proportionate strength of a spider. He is able to lift 10 tons. He has the ability to cling to walls and most surfaces. He is extremely agile and fast which make him a difficult target to hit. One of his most important powers is his "spider sense". This sixth sense warns him of any approaching danger Occupation: He works at a coffee house. Weapons: Impact Web Shooters, It is designed to generate multiple tendrils of webbing on impact. Also web shooters Bio: He is a clone from the real Spiderman. Thought to be the real one but later found out he was not. So he made a life for him self. Came up with a new look and a name. Description: (looks like Ben Reilly) Height: 5' 10" weight 165 lbs eyes brown hair blond. ( check attach for costume) Personality: He's a ladys man by day and crime fighter by night and also day. He's a nice kinda guy. Like to make fun of his enemies. He doesn't let people know but he it smart when it comes to science.
  11. I have a question Did they decide on going he GT episode's as well?
  12. The year was 1974. A new top secret organization was working on some new technology. There were only two main people working on it Rien Riki and Laksen Lei. They were experimenting on these power rock's they had found way back. Laksen and Lei's job was to put the power of that big rock into a lil crystal form shape. There goal was to make it so one man could have total control of this power. After 3 years of hard work they had made 4 crystals that they believed where good to test out. They found 4 people to test these new crystal's. After 3 weeks the three of the people died. But the one who survived he gained new ability's. Super speed,strengh,agilty, and also chi power. Even without the crystal the guy still had power's it was one of the advantages. But Riki didn't want to stop just there so he made some adjustment to the power of the crystal. So when a person activates it they gain new ability's (speed, etc.,) and also a special type of armor that is he hard to damage. He wanted all this power for himself he didn't want to share it with no one so he killed his partner Lei. Rien made 3 new prototype crystals, they where made to be the most powerful ones of them all. But it would take time to unlock it's power. So he went to America and gave one of the crystals to a kid and went to Europe and Japan and did the same. It is now 2004. Rien changed his name to AI No. He made a game out of the crystal's. To make him self money he call's it Crystal Fighting. But to be a crystal fighter you have to least be 17 or older. People all over the world fight to see who is the greatest fighter, and if you win the tournament you get 50,000. But for the Ultimate tournament with is held every 5 years if you win you and the rest of your group have two choices you can upgrade your crystal or get 5.5 million. The tournaments are haled in 3 places Europe, America, and Japan. But the new Ultimate tournament coming up is going to be helped at Ai No place "The City in the Sky." AI No is also making something new. He has got all his the information that he needs now to make the ultimate weapon. He's going to make his own humans born with the crystals inside there body's. Cause now all the power has gone to his head. And the only people he believe that might get in his way are the ones he gave the Hyper crystals. Also the people who has unlocked there power of the crystal. So he is going to have the tournament at his place so all the most powerful people well be there and he can kill them all. Unless he is stopped. The way the tournament work is. When you are in a tournament you fight with a group of 3. So it's 3 on 3. And there are no rules anything goes. You have HP (health points) and CP (Chi power). The fight don't stop Intel every member on your team HP is gone. But you only do group battles in torment. Outside of the tournament you can only do single battles. Singles battler help you get you your HP and Cp. up fast cause after every battle both HP and CP goes up a 1,000. But if you fight someone more powerful then you and somehow you beat them there's no telling how much you HP and CP goes up. You can make up what kinda crystal you have. 2 other people can get the other 2 prototype crystal. But if you do you either have to be at America or Europe. But later we are all going to meet if we haven't in the beginning. If your a crystal fighter you have to be in a group of 3. Oh yea and the crystal is small. You wear it on you hand like a watch,( Basically it's something that looks like a watch with a small crystal in the middle.) What ever crystal you have that's the kinda transformation you do. ex: Since I have the hyper crystal I'll do the Hyper transformation. Oh yea different crystal's feeds off different stuff. For example if you have the Shadow crystal. Your power would be at it's best at night. For the Hyper crystal, that feeds off of the person's adrenaline. The crystal battles are allowed any time and any where. In the begining we are going to do a lot of battle but as the story goes on thats when Al No going to show him self and thats when it's going to get good. Stats: Name: Age: Location: techniques: Appearance: Bio: Rank: Group: Crystal: HP: everyone start's out with 15,000 CP: everyone start's out with 15,000 Moves: My stats: Name: Sho Kirie Age: 18 Location: Tokyo, Japan techniques: Took Karate at for 4 years then Hakkyokuseiken for 5. Appearance: (Look at Attach) Bio: Since he was 10 years old he always wanted to be a Crystal fighter but he was to young. He believed that he was ready sense he had a lot of martial art's training on his belt. One day he saw a Crystal battle right in front of his eye's. AI No was one of the fighter's but Sho didn't know who he was at the time. That crystal battle was one of the best battles Sho has ever seen. He knew that who ever this guy was that this guy was every powerful and he knew how to use his crystal to the max. Once AI No beat his appoint he then saw Sho and walked over to him. He asked him how old he was Sho told him and AI No took off his crystal and gave it to Sho. He didn't say anything to him he only told Sho that he had the Hyper crystal. Once he got that crystal he knew that he was going to be the best but in order for him to be the best he knew he had to fight this guy who gave him the crystal. Sho has did nothing but Crystal Fight and school on the side. He fight's so that one day fight AI No. Rank: # 1 in Japan Group: The Blood Pack (Leader) Crystal: Hyper Crystal Moves: Sacrifice (he transferrers his HP to his CP to gain more power), Destruction (foces all his power to one point of the body then lets it all out)
  13. The [COLOR=green]Hulk[/COLOR] then ran at four of the generals men. He took them all out with one quick swing, trying not to hurt them. [COLOR=green]Hulk[/COLOR] : Look I don't want to hurt any of your men Lee. So if you leave now you might not get hurt. General Lee: The only one who is going to get hurt it going to be you boy. Byron then started to think to himself. He started thinking about all the innocent people around him. What would happened if they got caught up in the cross fire? So he then ran to a van with no one side. He picked it up then slammed it in the middle of the street. He then picked up another van the same size and slammed it next to the other one, in the middle of the street. Then he got some car's and throw them on top of the vans. He made a big road block in the middle of the street so that the fight wouldn't get out of control and then someone would get hurt. [COLOR=green]Hulk[/COLOR] : That should keep you and your men busy Intel I get away. He then leaped into the air, he landed about 5 miles away behind an alley. He saw some clothes hanging off a cord. Just his luck they where his size. He then went back to his normal self. He changed his clothes and put the ripped ones in a trash can. He then started to walk the streets to find a place to sleep.
  14. and here s the link for the game on PS2 [url]http://ps2.ign.com/articles/095/095029p1.htm[/url]
  15. [url]http://filmforce.ign.com/moremovies/objects/479331.html[/url] theres the link for you.
  16. it's coming out for all 3 new systems
  17. The one that i'm talking about for the PS2 and it's a RPG game. but i can't wait to play with other people online.
  18. Sorry if this is in the wrong section. I wasn't sure if i should put it in the game section or not because it's about the game. But in the other hand This was the section for DBZ relater stuff. But anyways my bad if in the wrong area. I was at [url]www.ign.com[/url] last night and I went to the movie section then I found the Dragonball z. It gave a little info about the movie nothing special. But any ways while I was there. They gave me a link to the game thats coming out next year I believe. They had three clips for the game. The clips where about 1:30 each and out of all three clips together they showed about 10 sec of the game. But out of the 10 seconds I saw the game looks nice. So fare it seems like it starts from the Radiz's saga then to the Cell. But I believe they are going to do the hole DBZ saga. They said you well be able to do the rpg part online with other people if you would like. I think thats pretty cool. It also said that there well be a VS mode. And if I'm right it said there well be up to 50 character to play as. I'm not to sure about that part. But I think it well be pretty cool to play the game with other people online.
  19. Byron ran as fast as he could up the stairs of a New York building. With General Lee and his men right on his back. Byron ran all the way to the top of the building. He ran all the way to the edge. He looked down and barley saw the car's on the bottom. He closed his eye's as the wind blew against his face. Then General Lee and his men where right behind him. [B]General Lee [/B] Son just give it up we have you surrounded. All we want to do is help you. Your getting out of control. [B]Byron[/B] Your trying to help me? I'll like to see the day. If your trying to help why when we where in Virginia you sent some guy to kill me? You must think I'm stupid, the only think you want to do is kill me.Then study me but it's not going to happened. Byron then turned around then opened his eye's. They where a bright green color. Then his muscles started to rip out of his shirt. His body mass then started to get bigger. His skin repletion then was green. [B][COLOR=green]Hulk[/COLOR] [/B] If you want me come and get me. Byron then jumped off the building to the next. Once he landed on the top of the building his body weight caved in the top of the building. He landed on the second floor from the top. Byron then punched out the side of the building. He looked down and then he jumped out of the whole that he created. As he saw him self about to hit the ground he punch both of his hand in the side of the building to slow him down. Once he landed on the ground he was facing the build but when he turned around General's Lee men where there waiting for him. [B][COLOR=green]Hulk[/COLOR] [/B] So you guys want to play like this huh? Well, lets do it. OOC: Sorry for it being so short.
  20. most embarassig moment for me is............ Well i had alot of them but one i can think of now is when i went outside naked to prove to my sister i do crazy stuff. She locked me out then called her finds to come over. and they say me.
  21. Cruizr i know you already started but i was wondering is it to late for me to join?
  22. Name: Byron Bana Age: 19 Height: (normal) 6'6 (Change) 7'3 Super Powers: The Incredible Hulk Bio: At the age of 16. I was at a test site with my father try to understand gamma radiation. I got lose and went wounding off on the test field. At that time I was caught in the heart of a nuclear explosion, victim of gamma radiation gone wild. A year after the accident I found myself changing during times of stress into the dark personification of my repressed rage and fury. I would turn into a beast with incredible strength that increases as I become enraged. At the age of 19 I learned how to turn on my own well. Now all I do is try to help people who are in need of help. Description: tall muscular has light blue eyes and blond hair. Wears black paints and white shirts.(As Hulk) Eyes are green and skin is green very very muscular. Personality: Nice kinda guy, smart when it comes to science, doesn't mind helping people. But also has a bad side that no one wants to get on.
  23. Name: Guy Age: 17 Height: 6'3 Bio: As a baby Guy stayed on Earth with his mother. As he got older he loved studying about Gundam's. He read everything about Gundams and mobile suits that he could. When everything started to happen with the G.E.L Guy's mom sent him off into outer space to live with his father, in one of the space colonies. Once Guy became 13 him and his father and a group of other's then started to work on a Gundam for Guy. Guy had also trained him self to use mobile suits. He had became the best polite in his space colony 4 years later Guy and the other finished the Gundam and now he is now trying to master his gundam so he can go back to Earth to save his mother. Description: (look at Attach) Personality: Has 2. the one that everybody sees is the nice one he's easy to make friends. Always there when u need him. The other the one only comes out when he full with anger. He has so much hated in side that he doesn't show but in this personality he lets it all out. Only time he really show's it is when he is in his gundam. Gundams name: Destroyer (i no it's plan, i'll come up with sum better later) Material: Gundanuim Alloy Gundam's appearance: (look at Attach) Equipment and design features: self destruct Fixed armaments: beam saber , 2 strike claw Optional armaments: 2-barrel beam gun, 3-barrel mega-sonic gun
  24. forgot the Attach file.
  25. The Story The year was 1974. A new top secret organization was working on some new technology. There were only two main people working on it Rieko Riki and Shiren Lei. They were experimenting on these power rock's they had found way back. Riki and Lei's job was to put the power of that big rock into a lil crystal form shape. There goal was to make it so one man could have total control of this power. After 3 years of hard work they had made 4 crystals that they believed where good to test out. They found 4 people to test these new crystal's. After 3 weeks the three of the people died. But the one who survived he gained new ability's. Super speed,strengh,agilty, and also chi power. Even without the crystal the guy still had power's it was one of the advantages. But Riki didn't want to stop just there so he made some adjustment to the power of the crystal. So when a person activates it they gain new ability's (speed etc..) and also a special type of armor that is he hard to damage. He wanted all this power for himself he didn't want to share it with no one so he killed his partner Lei. Rieko made 3 new prototype crystals, they where made to be the most powerful ones of them all. But it would take time to unlock it's power. So he went to America and gave one of the crystals to a kid and went to Europe and Japan and did the same. It is now 2004. Rieko changed his name to AI No. He made a game out of the crystal's. To make him self money he call's it Crystal Fighting.But to be a crystal fighter you have to least be 17 or older. People all over the world fight to see who is the greatest fighter in the world and if you win the tournament you get 50,000. But for the Ultimate tournament with is held every 3 years if you win you and the rest of your group get 5.5 million. The tournament are haled in 3 places Europe, America, and Japan. But the new Ultimate tournament coming up is going to be helped at Ai No place "The City in the Sky." Ai No is also making something new. He has got all his the information that he needs now to make the ultimate weapon. He's going to make his own humans born with the crystals inside there body's. Cause now all the power has gone to his head. And the only people he believe that might get in his way are the ones he gave the Hyper crystals. So he is going to have the tournament at his place so all the most powerful people well be there and he can kill them all. Unless we stop him. The way the tournament work is. When you are in a tournament you fight with a group of 3. So it's 3 on 3. And there are no rules anything goes. You have HP (health points) and CP (Chi power). The fight don't stop Intel every member on your team HP is gone. But you only do group battles in torment. Outside of the tournament you can only do single battles. Singles battler help you get you your HP and Cp. up fast cause after every battle both HP and CP goes up a 1,000. But if you fight someone more powerful then you and some how you beat them there's no telling how much you hpand cp goes up.You can make up what kinda crystal you have. 2 other people can get the other 2 prototype crystal. But if you do you either have to be at America or Europe. But later we are all going to meet if we haven't in the beginning. If your a crystal fighter you have to be in a group of 3. Oh yea and the crystal is small. You wear it on you hand like a watch,( Basically it's something that looks like a watch with a small crystal in the middle.) What ever crystal you have that's the kinda transformation you do. ex: Since I have the hyper crystal I'll do the Hyper transformation. Almost forgot Ai No has so much power if your in school and you have a crystal fight it well be excused and battles can happen anywhere. Stats: Name: Age: Location: techniques: Appearance: Bio: Rank: Group: Crystal: HP: everyone start's out with 15,000 CP: everyone start's out with 15,000 Moves: My stats: Name: Sho Kirie Age: 18 Location: Tokyo, Japan techniques: Took Karate at for 4 years then Hakkyokuseiken for 5. Appearance: (Look at Attach) Bio: Since he was 10 years old he always wanted to be a Crystal fighter but he was to young. He believed that he was ready sense he had a lot of martial art's training on his belt. One day he saw a Crystal battle right in front of his eye's. Ai No was one of the fighter's but Sho didn't know who he was at the time. That crystal battle was one of the best battles Sho has ever seen. He knew that who ever this guy was that this guy was every powerful and he knew how to use his crystal to the max. Once Ai No beat his appoint he then saw Sho and walked over to him. He asked him how old he was Sho told him and Ai No took off his crystal and gave it to Sho. He didn't say anything to him he only told Sho that he had the Hyper crystal. Once he got that crystal he knew that he was going to be the best but in order for him to be the best he knew he had to fight this guy who gave him the crystal. Sho has did nothing but Crystal Fight and school on the side. He fight's so that one day fight Ai No. Rank: # 1 in Japan Group: The Blood Pack (Leader) Crystal: Hyper Crystal Moves: Sacrifice,(he transferrers his HP to his CP to gain more power), Destruction(foces all his power to one point of the body then lets it all out)
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