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Everything posted by ss2Serren

  1. Ryu: So guys what next on the list? What's the one more thing we have to find?
  2. Ryu looks at Tursi and sits down. Ryu: I just meet you a little while ago and already we are good friends. It would have been nice to meet you in better circumstance but I guess this well have to do. Ryu laughs a lil. Ryu: So I guess we should regroup with the other's or me and you both can take Darko by are self's.
  3. Marvel Superhero: The Incredible [COLOR=green]HULK[/COLOR] Real Name:Robert Bruce Banner Bio: Big and green. You well not like me if i get mad.
  4. Ryu then looks at Tursi and then walks a lil passed her. Ryu: These day i don't know where i'm going. A mouth ago everything was fine. I had a great life friends,and most of all i had my mother. Now everything changed i'm not even human. My so called dad is some demon dude who wants me dead. I just wish everything would go back to the way it was befor. Why is this all happending to me i lost everything i have nothing now.
  5. Then as I was running I then seen an old abandon house I then jumped on top of it with no problem. I then looked up in the sky and one tear fell from my face. " Mom why aren't you here with me?" I then turned away then as I was walking I heard a voice. That kept on saying go back it sounded like my mother. I then turn around and stopped.
  6. My bad i'll just repost it. Sorry :confused:
  7. Ryu then arrived at an old a banded warehouse. He finally came back to his senses. He didn't know where he was. Ryu: Where am I? And how did I get here? Then someone stepped out the shadows. The guy was tall in big. Darko: I see you have arrived it's about time. Ryu: Who are you and why have you bought me here? Darko: I need your help. See your the only one who can help. Ryu you have some extreme power the only thing is you need to know how to control it. See there's a war that is about to begin. See it has already started but it has not really began. Ryu: What does this have to do with me? Darko: I can only have the best the strongest and my own son. By my side. Ryu: No your lying. Darko: Am I? You know deep inside that I'm your father. How do you think you have all that power? Son you have the best of both worlds. You are a demon and a God. I and not even you know the total limit's to your power. Now my son I ask you for the last time well you help me? Ryu: I always knew there was something different. My mom always told my lil bed time story telling me about this day but I would never think it was true. She told me what to do even when this day came. So no I'm not going to help you I would rather die. Darko: I would never think that this would happen. I have to kill my own son. Ryu: What? Darko eye's then turned red then his hands started to glow. He then shot a blast right throw Ryu's stomach then he shot another blast sending ryu throw the building. Sending him into some water near by. Darko: I must have been wrong about you if you where really strong you would have lived throw that. Darko then vanished.
  8. Gojin fell to his knees after hearing the news about his people his planet his home. He felt like nothing in life now matters after his own home planet gone. Even his own little sister is now died and there's nothing he can do about it. Gojin: (his face looking down at the ground) My sister she was so young. I can't believe this my planet all gone. They have to pay THEY WELL PAY!!!! Gojin then got off the ground then into his feet. His face was still looking down. Then energy waves then started to come from around his body getting bigger and bigger after every second. His hair then started to blow left and right then it shot up Gojin's aura then came around blazing out of control destroying everything around him. He then took off at the one of the aliens. The ground under him was just breaking apart. Gojin then flow up in front of one of the aliens he then tryed to punch the alien but the alien the ducked and kneed Gojin in the stomach then grabbed Gojin by the back of his head then throw him into the ground face first. The alien guy was about to step on Gojin's head but Gojin at the last minute then did a flip back to his feet. And did a around house kick to the aliens face. Causeing the alien guy to fall back a lil bit. The alien then flow up in front of Gojin then started punching Gojin in the stomach then he grabbed Gojins hair and started kneeing Gojin in the face he then throw Gojin and shot a ki blast at his back sending Gojin forward throw a rock. Gojin then landed face first on the ground.
  9. Off in some where in the city. All the building and home with in a 3 mile radius. Just blow up into flames fire going every where. Then Gojin walked throw the fire. Gojin: I bet you all that my explosion well be bigger then you guys.. Gojin then flow off to some other building and then started shooting ki blast every where.
  10. Gojin was in the air just got done killing one of the guys. He then looks at his fellow patners. Gojin: Hey guys lets just finish this, it's getting boring now. Then as Gojin was about to say more one of the fighters then came in front of Gojin then punched him in the face sending him crashing into a mountain. Then outside of the mountain little rock started to float into the air. Then a big crack then split the mountain into. There was a bright flash then right after that the hole mountain blow up into piece. Gojin was standing there with his aura out of control. Gojin: (in anger) Who did it? Who hit me while i wasn't looking? Then one of the guys steep up and smiled and said he did. Gojin then powered up to his full power level. He then took off at the guy pulled his hand back then with all his force he then punched the guy breaking his jaw. The force that Gojin hit the guy with it sent the guy backward. About to hit a mountain but Gojin then appeared behind him then kneed the guy in the back.The dudes back arched on Gojins knee. Gojin then knocked the dude to the ground. Then held his arm into the air then powered up a ki blast. He then released it, the blast was killing all the people that got in it way. It then hit the guy who was on the ground killing him and also causing a big crater in the ground. Gojin: Looks guy they are really making me mad lets just finish this. Gojin then takes off fighting more guys.
  11. Gojin is still laying while the attack just began. He was looking at the sky. As Gojin was laying down two warriors then stood above him. Gojin then opened his eyes slowly and looked at the two warriors. Both of the two warriors shot a ki blast at Gojin while he was laying down. As the smoked cleared Gojin was not there on the ground. He then appeared behind the to guys then grabbed them by the neck and slammed there heads together. Gojin: Bout time the attack began. Then as he was about to fly and fight other one of the guys grabbed Gojin by the leg. Gojin: You guys never learn. Gojin then raised his hand in front of the guys face then powered up a lil bit then shot a ki blast into his face. Then Gojin took to fight the other's.
  12. Gojin finally lands on the planet with the other's. His pod door opens Gojin comes out and looks around for the other's. He see's the rest of the group then he takes off to them. Cruiz: Seems like i'm not the only one who is late. Gojin: So guys did i miss anything? Suzuku: Not yet we didn't start the attack. Gojin: Good Gojin then just lays down on the ground and waits.
  13. Name: Gojin Age: 17 Race: Saiya-Jin Weight: 145 Height: 5'11 Bio: He was born and rased on the street.He thaught himself how to fight. Frieza saw him fight just once then after that she gave him i mean he gave him a misson. After Gojin compeleted that one mission Frieza been giving him missions ever since. Apperance: looks just like trunks from the cell saga with the sayjin armor Disposition: Like Trunks Power Level: 20,000
  14. Serren hears what Andrew said over the scouter.So he slows down and then turns around back into the direction of where Andrew is at. He flys off to help Andrew full speed but then on his way he encounters two nameks warriors. Then get in front of Serren causing him to stop.One of the nameks get into his fighting stance. Namek Warrior: Are you the one who killed are namek brothers? Serren: Maybe i am and if so what are you going to do about it? NW: Will then you well have to pay for what you did to them. Serren: I have no time for this. I'm going to make this quick. Serren then landes on the ground then powers up to his full power his green aura surrounding his body. The nameks then also land on the ground. Then they both started to power up and then grow in power and in mass. Then Serren's sounter then read 15,745 for both of there power levels. Serren: This can't be you can't be stronger than me. Serren then grabbes his scouter then crushes it in his left hand. Then as the two nameks where looking at him he then also strated to forum a ki blast in his left hand then he released it. One of the namek warrior then pimped the blast away like it was nothing.Then both of the nameks then took off at Serren. The two nameks both started punching and kicking at Serren with incredible speed. Serren was doing his best to try to block but he didn't stand a chance.One of the nameks then kneed Serren into the stomach then the other elbowed him into the back of his neck. Sending him crashing into the ground, then the nameks putted there hands together then forumed a ki blast.Then waited intill they gather all the energy they need.Then once then saw that Serren was getting up then shot a blast at him. Serren just stood there waiting for the blast to hit him. Serren: *thingking to him self* Thats right do all those ki attack and wast your power then i'll kill both of you. Once the blast was about to Serren then released a ki blast of his own but he shot it to the ground to blast him up into the air. The two namek wanted for the smoke to clear to see if Serren was still there. But once the smoke had all left there was no sign of him. They both was looking for him but there was no sign. Then Serren appeared behind them he grabed both of there heads then smack then together. He then focussed on one of them he punch the namek into the stomach then held his hand against the namek's stomach then shoot a blast right throw blood going all on Serren's face he just smiled. He still wasn't done he grabbed that namek by the head and slam it into his knee then. Flow down to the ground holding the namek with his arm he then throw the namek into a big rock.he throw the namek so hard then when the namek hit the rock he cracked the rock in half. Serren: That takes care of your friend now it your turn. Serren and the namek both took off at each other.Both throw a punch then there fist then collided.The namek then kicked Serren in the side of his ribs sending Serren fling to a side of a mountain. The namek then appeaered in front of Serren then Serren released a ki blast right in front of the nameks face. The namek blocked the blast Serren grabed the namek and throw him to the mountain then started to punch him into the stomach then upper cut him into the mountain. Serren then moved back from the mountain then his arua came arround his body then powered up his most powerful attack. Serren: Time to say good bye. RAZ IN KEN ATTACK. Then a red blast shoot from Serren hand then blow up the namek inside of the mountain and also blowing up the mountain. Once all the damage was done there was nothing left but wide open space. " That well show them nameks never to mess with a sayin. Now i need to go help Andrew but i don't know if i'm going to be much help i wasted alot of my power on that attack. Then Serren took off back to go help Andrew. Once he went over a small mountain he then saw Andrew from a far distance then flow even fastrer.
  15. Ryu then starts to walk off behind Tursi. But as he was walknig he heard a voice speek to him. Darko: Join me. Ryu: Where are you show your self. Darko: Come to me. Ryu: Who are you? Darko:You know who I am the question is do you know who you are. Ryu: Why ask me a question like that. I know who i am. Darko: Who is your father? Ryu: What kinda question is that? That has nothing to do with who i am. Darko: Oh but is does. Come to me and i'll tell you every thing you want to know. Ryu: But how do i get to.... Then as Ryu was about to finish what he was saying his eye's turn red he then turned around jumped on top of a building then took off.
  16. Ryu then looks at Tursi then walks over to the streetlamp. And want to hear what he been waiting to know
  17. As Serren takes off into the air the two namek guards then shot to lil ki blast at Serren. Then Serren held his arms out then grabbed the to ki blast and throw it back at the namek. The nameks then braced them self's for impact. Once the ki blast hit Serren appear right behind them then elbowed both of them down to the ground. Serren: I have to say you both where stronger then what I thought. I didn't know namek had such a high power level. But let me show you the power of a sayjin warrior. Serren then held his hand into the air close together forum a blast. He was gathering the energy around him. Once the blast for ready he released it. Serren: RAZ AN BLASTTTT The blast shot out of Serren's hand full speed going straight to the nameks. Both of them then tried to shot there ki blast to shot it but it keep on going. It then went throw there ki blast then killed the two nameks on contact. Leaving a big crater in the ground. Serren then land on the ground he looked around to find the lil hut put it wasn't there. It looks down on the ground and see piece of the hut every where. Serren: Oh man I hope there was no dragonball here or Andrew would have my head for this. I better keep looking.Serren then takes off
  18. Ruy thinking to himself he get's in front of everybody. Ruy: Ok guys you seem to know about a lot of things and i'm not sure whats going on here. My mom was killed in front of me then i turned into somthing i don't know what but i killed the guys who did that to her. Another what is this God and guardian stuff you guys are talknig about. Cause i would like to no what we are going agaisnt.
  19. Serren flying around sea's nothing but water." Are they sure they got dragonballs here. This place seem like it's a..." Then as Serren was about to finish what he was saying he saw Namek guard a door. "Maybe i spoke to soon." Serren then takes off there way, the guard see Serren coming to they get ready for him. Serren lands in front of them and just looks at them. Then he finally spoke. Serren: Well are the dragonballs? The nameks just looks at Serren and doesn't say anything. Serren: Well i'm guessing since you don't want to tell where they are they must be behind that door. Serren then starts to walk up to the door and a soon as he got into arm distance to the door handle both of the nameks at the same time kicked him into the stomach causing Serren slid backward. Serren: Let see how strong you guys are no for get that. I'm just going to have to find out. Serren then dropped his scouter to the ground and right before it landed Serren was right in front of the two guards. He then grabbed both of the by the necks then throw them up into the air. Serren: Lets do this. Serren then takes off after them.
  20. Well if you seen the movies played the games then this is going to be very easy for you. It's going to be about people from all around the world going to one tournament to see who is the best. And M Bison trying to take over the world. And a gauge or fighter's coming together and defeat him. Oh yea this takes place like a few years after Ryu and Ken. So I'll say they are in the 40's. Name: Shun Age: 18 Height: 5'10 Weight:210 (muscle) Fighting Style: Karate Bio: He is the son of Ryu and his mother died when he was born.A student of the Shotokan school of karate and also goes to Bethal high, Shun has developed into a pure warrior. He has devoted half of life to perfection of his fighting skills and the other half to school.He test his skills against other fighters at his school when ever he gets a chance. Shun is a strong all around fighter.He has only been beat one time and that's from his father. Personality: Ryu never says much. Rather, he reveals himself through his facial expressions, his body language, and above all else, through his martial arts. Techniques: Hadoken,Shoryuken,Tatsumakisenpuukyaku (Hurricane Kick), And a lil of the Dark Hadou
  21. Name: Serren Age: 28 Race: Saiya-jin Height: 6'5" Weight: 198bs Bio: He is one of the 5 sayjin that Frieza took befor the explosion of Vegeta Description: He looks just like Gohan but a lil more evil.He wears the the sayjin armor Personality: He love fighting people who are stronger then him. He is a layed back kind of person. he can play at times but when it's time to be serious no one is more serious then him. Power level: 15,000
  22. Name: Gojin Age: 11 Race: Saiyan/Human (has a tail) Height: 5'2 Weight: 145 lbs. Bio: He is the son of Gohan and Videl. Appearance: He looks like Goku in the face but as the hair of Gohan in the Buu saga. Hw wears the Same clothes of Gohan. The one from the celll saga. Personality: he likes to play. Stats: 30,000,000 Strength: 8,000,000 Defense: 6,000,000 Speed: 6,000,000 Agility: 5,000,000 Ki: 5,000,000
  23. Adam just getting down with his work out he deicides to go into the billiard room to see whats going on. Once Adam get's there Moon and Seifer are there playing pool. Adam: Hey guys what's up? Seifer you should give up now. You know Moon going to win this game. Seifer: We'll just have to see about that. Adam then walks over to the tv and turns it on. To see what happing in the world and also at the same time he's looking at Moon and Seifer's game.
  24. Hypnotic Charm: subtle psychic ability to win trust. Energy Projectiles: can charge any objects with energy,turning it into an explosive weapon.
  25. This takes place 5 years later after the GT saga. The Z team had stop fighting but they still did there training. Intel one day they where under attack by one person. He defeated the hole Z team by him self but he did not kill them. He told them that they had 1 year to get ready. So what they did was get the dragonballs back together then bong back Goku. Once that year was up the guy came back but he had more people with him together there was a total of 10 of them. But out the 10 only 3 fought the hole Z team not even the master of them fought. In the end the hole Z team got killed. The race that killed the sayjin was the Terran's. The hole time this one man Kain looked after and watched the hole Z team since the beginning. He planned this from the start. The hole reason why he why he killed off the Z team is cause when he was a kid the sayjin race killed his whole race I front of him. So he promised himself and his family and his whole race that he would kill every last sayjin that he meet. OK now about the Terran's. The Terran is the most powerful race. They have been around way beyond sayjin. They had been killing every race to take there power. They grow to the point where there where to powerful. They started fighting there own kind to get more power. The sayjin and other races came together to kill off the Terran race. They waited to when the Terrans started fighting there self's and that's when the plain went into affected. Sayjin's and other fought the hole Terran race and came out on top. Since then there has been no sign of no Terrans Intel now. How strong they are. A normal Terran can beat a super sayjin 1. The power of a super Terran is equal to the power of a super sayjin 2 and so forth. Terrans are just like sayjin but there 2 times better in everything and it takes longer for there ki to go down. One thing they can do is go beyond there power limits but if they hold on to that power more then 10 mins they well become totally weak. And if they stay in there Full power for to long they then start to become weak. When they turn super terran they are big a Broily and hair red eyes dark red. The Terran race have now nothing to worry about the only people they thought that could beat them is now dead. So now they are going to take over the universe. And it's up to a new team of hero's to stop them. Ok so people join up. Oh yea you can start off super sayjin 1 if you want just ss1. then you have to train from there to get to the next level blah blah blah. You can be a Sayjin or a Terran. And there's only going to be aloud 3 half Sayjin half Terran. So there's only going to be 3 people who can be half sayjin half terran. states Name: Age: Race: Weight: Height: Bio: Destruction: Personality: Mine Name: Gojin Age:10 Race: Sayjin/Terran he's one of the three Weight: 145 (muscles) Height:5'0 Bio: haven't thought of anything. Destruction: Has the face of gohan when he was yound but haif like Trunks in Cell saga.He wears the sayjin armor. Personality: Likes to have fun and never turns down a fight no matter how strong a person is
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