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Everything posted by ss2Serren
Ryu is behind a tree laying down cause he's out of energy. He hears some people by what was his house. He hoped to him self it wasn't more demon but he had to take a chance he got up with all his strength. Then started walking towards them. Once they where in his sight he then started calling out to them. Ryu: (weak voice) Please help me. He said it about you more times but then he pasted out in front of the group hoping they would help.
Adam get's done with his work out and heads to the shower. Once he was done he decided to go looking around for Adrien. He walked around the school and didn't find. Then he remember it was lunch so he then went into the cafateria.When he got there he say Adrien with the new kid. Adam: Sup Adrien. (looks at Suzuku) he y sup dude. So Adrien i heard yall just got done training. I'm surprised that they didn't call me. But i'm happy they didn't i haven't had a good work out in who no's how long. I might be a lil sloppy.
Finally Adam made it to the mansion with his head down low. Once he goes into the mansion he heads to Adrien's room.He walks right in Adrien's room holding his riped shirt not seeing his new roommate. Adam: Man can you believe this.This is one of my best shirts and now it's all tore up.I did all that running and i didn't even get any attack. Man this suck's. He then looks to his side and see's the new guy. Adam: I see you got a new roommate.(looks at the new guy) So who are you?
Adam then saw Adrien pick up Dante so he then started to move faster. Then Xavier spoke to him in his mind. X: Adam when you join up with the rest of the team make sure you don't hurt Sabertooth understood. Adam: I don't mean nothin by this but hurting people is what I do best. X: Please I need for you to listen and I need you to not harm him ok. Adam: Ok i got it. Then while he was running his body then turned into organic steel from head to toe. Once he transformed he ripped out of his shirt.Ran as fast as he could to catch up with the crew.
Adam was on his way to the danger room intill he heard Dante come by and said that they need to catch up with the other. Adam asked no question he then dropped his bag then ran with Dante
As Ryu was heading home he looked up into the sky then started to see smoke. He then started walking faster once he hit the corner he saw that it was his own house. He then ran there as fast as he could once he got there he saw that his mother was still trapped in side. He then walked throw the fire with out a mark on his body.He saw that his mother was traped he then ran the jumped over the fire then grabed his mother then saw that the only exit was closed off.He then saw that the only way out was throw the wall.He then ran to the wall with full force then broke throw it with his mother in his arms. Once they were on the ground he then started to see if his mother was ok. Ryu: Mom please be ok mom answer me. Mom: (she then starts to speak but very softly)Ryu you need to leave this place he's after you now. Ryu: Mom what are you talking about who's after me. Mom: You need to leave and don't come back he knows that you are getting control of your power.He wants you to be on his side he need's (she then startes to fade out more) Ryu:Mom what are you talking about you. Mom: You father. She then dies in his arms."My father but i thought he was dead." Then from behind him three people then started to appear behind him.The one of the guys then started to speak to him. Guy#1: Your wrong buddy your dad if alive and he wanted you. But after seeing what you did to those people at that party he now see the true power you have to now he wants you and all your friends dead. Ryu: (looking down at his mother) Tell me you didn't do this Guy#1: Why did you have to be stupid about this you could of became the most strongest person next to him. He had plans for you but now they all changed.He didn't want anything to happend to you or the people in this place but now since he wants you dead this place is now the whole Earth is a hell hole and this place is the core. Ryu: (still looking at his mom) Tell me you didn't do this Guy#1: Are you still on that ****. Yes i killed you mother. Guy#2: Hey dude we are all in this to we all helped. Then a blue flam then started to rise from his body then all the rocks on the ground then started to flot into the air.His hair then started to rise. Then once he looked up his eye's were red. Ryu: For what you did to my mother you well all pay. Then once he said that his wing's then shot from his back his hair turned blue then eye's pitch black and skin blue. Then the blue flam that surrounded his body then turned black. Guy#1: This can't be he's not post to be that powerful at this age. Ryu then took off at one of the guys he appeared in front of his face kneed him in the stomach then in the back of his neck. He then grabed the guy by the neck then flow up into the air. Once he got real high he throw the guy down to the ground with all his force. Once the guy hit the ground he caused a big crater.Ryu then held his arm out then a blue lighting blot shot off from his arm then to the ground to where the guy was. The bolt of lighting killed the guy on contact. Guy#3: I didn't no he was that powerful i out. The the demon ran off Ryu saw him out the coner of his eye he then appeared in front of him with his hand in front of his face.He then shot a blast throw the guys face then blow up his body. Then as he standed there the number one demon then punch a hole throw Ryu's stomach.Ryu then started to scream out in pain. The guy then kicked Ryu back then shot a powerful blast of his own. Once the smoked cleared he didn't see Ryu so he thought he was dead. Once he was about to leave he then started to feel a some one come behind him slowly then once he turned around Ryu was standing there then his wing's started to glow. Then blue particles then started to go to his wings. The guy couldn't belive what he was seeing then with all the rage Ryu had he then released it on that guy.The all the particles that wing going to his wings it then started to forum a beam Ryu then released it with full force. As the guy was in side the beam he then started screaming out. Guy#1: THIS CAN'T BE HOW ARE YOU SO POWERFULLLLLLLLLLLLL Then Ryu's blast then blow the guy away. Then once he was done he then walked to his mother's body. Ryu: (in a demon like voice) Mother i promise you i well kill him for what he did to you. Then Ryu started to scream out then a blue blast then came out of his body and destroyed everything in a mile radios. Then once he was done he was on the ground pasted out.
Adam then walked throw the door's of the mansion. He started looking around did and didn't see anyone. He then walked up to his room then went straight to his room then got some clothes then went to take a shower.Once he was done he then putted on his clothes then headed for the danger room.
(back at school)Adam then starts to think about going to the gym. Adam: You know what sure i'll go. Adrien: Once i said that the cheerleader's was going to be there that changed you mind didn't it? Adam: Yea but the way i see it is when we go to the gym i start to work out.Then after that my body well do the rest. Adrien: Dude your conceded. Adam: Thankx, now lets go. Adam and Adrien then headed for the gym. Once they got in Adam saw that the cheerleader's was by the weight bench.He then putted a smile on his face. Adam: Hey look i'm going over there to lift some weights i'll see you later. Adrien: Don't hurt your self. Adam: I'll try not to. Adam then started to walk by the cheerleader's he took off his shirt to show off his 6 pack and all his other muscles. He went to the weight bench and putted 623 pounds on.All the girl by him was laughing at him thinking that he was just going to hurt him self by showing off.Adam then started to work out like it was nothing he lifted it 34 times and didn't even break a sweat.Then alot of girls started to come around him and started counting for him.
Adam was standing in front of his locker putting away his books.Then some football player's then approached him. FBP(FootBall Player) FBP: Sup Adam? Adam:Who are you? FBP: Me and my buddys are your new friends. Adam: I don't need new friends. FBP: Look are coach wanted us to come to you and ask if you wanted to be on are team cause your a big guy and we could use you on the team.Now befor you answer think about it dude something like this only comes onces in a lifetime. Adam: No that's ok. FBP:What do you mean no. Adam: Lets just say i'am out of you and your buddys league. FBP: See you don't understand if your not with us (then he snaps his finger's and some of his friends comes beside him)then against us.I think we need to teach you a lesson. Adam: No thankx i'm a pretty smart guy already. Then one of the football player's groped his jacket.Adam then saw him about hit him in the stomach so he turned his chest into a organic form of steel. Once the guy hit Adam in the stomach with full force he then broke his own wrist. Adam then picked him up with one arm then pulled him close to him. Adam: Next time you mest with me i won't be to friendly got it? The guy then told him yea Adam then throw him at his other friends causing them to fall. Adam then got the rest of his stuff out his locker then walked away.
i was just looking at my comic cards and the only person and can think you are talking about would b Sunfire,Sunspot or Havok or Cannonball but i think he is takin already
I have been waiting to do a X men rpg Name: Adam Rasputin Age:16 Height:6'5 (While in metal form) 7'1 Powers:Colossus Good Appearance: short blue hair.wears black panties.With a white shirt. X Men costume: Wear's the costume that Colossus wears on X-Men ultimate. Bio: He is the son of Piotr Nikoleivitch Rasputin also knew as Colossus.After his father died cause of the Legacy Virus Adam and his mother moved to America when he was 10. After his mother died he later meet Charles Xavier and moved in.He now is know as the new Colossus to the X Men team Personality: Pretty much laid back.Cool with everybody. Likes to work out alot to make him self stronger.
Some where far into the woods Gojin is in the middle of the lake just playin around.He jumps up into the air then comes down makin himself into a Cannonball like shape.Makes a big splash then comes up to the top of the water. "Man this is fun.To bad i don't have any one to play with." Then his stomach started to grail.He then get's out of the water goes to look for something to eat. He later found himself a apples tree. "Oh yea i guess it's lunch time." He then jumped up into the air then kicked the tree causing it to shack cause of the force.Then all the apple started to fall he then Gojin then vanished into the air.Then as every apple was about to fall down to the ground they all just disappeared.Gojin was behind a rock with his shirt open just eating all the apple's.Then once he was done eating he was about to fall sleep intill he heard some one sream for help. "Oh man what was that?Someone must need some help. I should go and apple then.But then my apple's i don't want to just leave them here." He then grabed all his apple's then took off to the area were he heard the women sream.As he was flying he saw that the lady was surrounded by nothing but some monster looking creatures. He then finished off his apples then landed right in front of the lady. Lady: Young boy what are you doing here get out for you get hurt they well kill you. Gojin:Lady don't worry i been fighting this guy for i don't know how long.I'll take care of them for you so quick you won't believe it Gojin then raised his hand then he started to forum a ki blast then shot a straight throw some a line of monster's. Gojin: Lady there you go hurry throw quick befor they come back. Then the ladys then ran right throw the line that Gojin made. GOjin then looked at the monster's as they then all surround him he just stoud there waiting for them.All of them got realy close to him then a big burst of his arua then surround him he took off. Flow right pasted one monster then the second one he kneed into the stomach then upper cuted him then as the monster was flying up into the air cause of the impact Gojin grabed him by the legs then throw him to the other's.They all surrounded that one hurt creature. Gojin: YOu'r all just like the other's dum. Worried about the hurt one's like all the time.Now it's time to end this. Gojin jumps into the air then both of his hands he started to forum a ki blast. He then focused the two ki balls into one.He then released it the blast at the monster once he it the ground it forum into a big ball on the ground then convered up up the monster then exploded killing them all.He then landed on the ground Gojin: I knew you guys where to weak butter luck next time. Then as he was walking away one appeared in front of him but this one was different he was more bigger and uglier. Gojin: What make you think your not going to turn out like the same way as your friend. He then punched the monster into the stomach but then nothing happened.He then jumped kicked it into the face and there was no reaction.The monster then grabed him by the leg throw him down to the ground then slashed him on his chest.Gojin then jumped back. Gojin:Man this is nothing a lil kid should have to go throw.Lucky there's only one of you. Then as soon as he said that alot lot more then started to come out then surrounded him and all was about to attack him at the same time.
Name: Gojin Age:10 Height:4'9 Weight:98 Race:Human/Sayian Bio:He is the son of Gohan and Videl. They died when he was a lil kid he was rasied by mr Satan. (if he's still alive) Personality: He's alway in a playful mud. Loves to fight he never get's made over nothing always happy. Description:Looks just like Goku but yound and has Gohan's hair style. He wear's a outfit that looks just like that one gohan wore in the cell saga but his is all black.
I would like to be Gohan
Ryu then gets up and looks down at his scares only to see that they won't there. Ryu: What that can't be they are all gone.Man i bet it's late i got to go back home to my mother. Ryu then get and grabs the rest of his stuff and befor he goes he sees Tursi. Ryu: I want to think you for bring me here so i could heal that was nice of you but now i have to go my mother is probley worried about.If there's any way to replay you just let me one.
While he was sleep Ryu was having dreams about what he have done to all those people.He saw it another way instead of them being demons they where just normal people just tryin to get him to go into the pool and he sliped of the clif and came back and killed everyone.Then he woke up screaming,he looked around and noticed that he won't he then same place then some girl came from out the shadows. Ryu:"WHo are you?"
I know maybe no one might join but i was siting down and started to look at Smallville so i was like hey let me start a RPG to might happend to him after smallville.So here it is.This is going to be set in Metropolis there are going to be some enemys old ad new. But if you want to can be a villin or what not. You don't have to be some one off f superman if you don't want to make up your person i don't i just did this for something for me to do and yall to if you join. Just post your stats then start. Name: Clark Kent Age:18 Apperence: looks like the dude on smallville. Power:Superman's powers occupation:a student at M.U.(Metropolis University) Bio: He finished high school.Left home to goto M.U he's stays own at a apartment. And now is lookin for a job SuperHero name:Superboy Apperence in costume: like superboys in the comic.Not the one that looks just like supermans.
Ryu got up from the ground his eye's red blood red.He wasn't in control of his body he was in his demon forum for the first time.His wings shot out his back then flow up into the air then went back to where the party was.Then one of the demons say him and yelled for the others. Black flames then startd to appear from Ryu's body he held his arm into the then a lighting bolt shot from the shy then to his arm he then forum a ball with it. He released it destroying half of them. He landed on the ground then charged it a group of them he fliped over there heads landed behind then speared his wings then flow right throw them slicing them up with his wings.Then his friend hit the coner and saw what was happing when looked at Ryu he asked him to don't do it.Then Ryu's then changed from dark blue to fire red then a energy field came from his body then there was a big explosion.Once the smoke had cleared Ryu was just standing there in his nomral forum. "What have i done?" He then pasted out.
Once Ryu and his friends arrived at the party his friends went to the back and Ryu just got in a seat and just sat there just looking around at other people.Then his head started to hurt he fell out the seat a lil and started to hold his head he then ran to the bath shut the door behind him and locked it.He was splashing water on his face once he lifted up his face he looked in the mirror and his eyes then turned red and his face also started to change.He then punched the mirror and broke it.When he looked at his hand he saw the blood just go back into the cut then the cut healed up. "What the hells happening to me?" Then a voice started to talk with him. Voice: Your body is changing.Don't fight it just let it happend. Ryu: What is happing it feel's like my blood is on fire. What are you doin to me? Voice: I'am doing nothing.I'am surprised this wasn't post to happend to you intill your 18.Once your body has gone threw the tranformation you well join my side and together we'll kill everyone who stands in are way. Ryu: i don't know what you are talking about but i'll never join. Now get out of my head. Voice:I was asking i was telling but since you won't it like that i guess this well be your last night alive.To night you die!! Ryu then breaks the door then strates to walk out but he stops and looks around and see's that everyone is looking at him.There eye's then started to turn black then they all turned into there demon forums. Demon: You should of said yes Ryu now you must die. Ryu then run towards the window then jumped threw it then landed on his back then a demon then picked him up with one hand then throw him threw a brick wall.Ryu looked at him self and saw that he wasn't hurt at all but then wasting no time he got then ran off.He ran as fast as he could intill he got to a cliff.He looked down and saw that it was a long long drop to the ground.He then looked behind him and saw that all the demons were right there.Then one stepped out the crowd. Demon:Sorry you had to do this friend we could of became a good time. Ryu: Joe that you? Come on man you know you don't want to do this.Dude just help me out of here. Demon: I would love to but i can't i have to kill you. RAISING THUNDER. Then a black electricity went down his arm then to the ground. Then went under the ground right toward Ryu then it hit him blasting him off the cliff.Then all the demons then looked down there and saw him on the ground with blood coming from his head.
leaving from school and befor he was about to get on his bus some of his friends came up to him and stopped him. Friend: Dude what u doing night? Cause it's friday and you know there mad praty's going on. Ryu: I don't think i can my mom won't let me she likes for me to stay home.Sorry guys maybe next time. Friend: Dude i'am not going to take no for a answer your coming.Look i promise u that you'll be home befor 10.Come on man live a lil bout time for u to go out mess with the ladys.Dude i don't won't ti said gay or nothing but your a hot looking dude.Don't you see all these girls looking at you?Look. *grabs Ryu by the face and turns it so he can see all the girls lookin at him.* Ryu: Ok ok you can let go now.So what if they look that's it but ok i'll go what time are you coming over? Friend: About 6 we'll make it seem like we are going to do huh what's it called again oh yea school work or something.Peace dude i see u at 6 better b ready. Ryu then get's on his bus and goes all the way to the back seats.Then as he looks out the windoow there was a bright flash that only he say and for a slit second he say his face but it looked different he had a face of a demon.He got up to c if anybody saw it but no one was looking his way or thing about him. "Man what the hell was that?I mest be seeing things thats what it is."Once he got to his stop he went in his house and said hi to his mom then went to his room and got some clothes and then took a shower.Once he was done he put on his towel then looked in the mirror and saw that he was more then usual."That funny i don't remember myself ever being this big befor." He then drys up then puts on hs clothes and goes to the din where his mother was. Ryu: Mom some of the guys asked me if i would like to goto a lil get together with them and i kinda told them yea ause i thought you would mind. Mom: Sure you can go i trust you won't do nothing your not post to. Ryu: But me i really wanted.... Wait did you just say i can go?Thankx mom your the best and you know me i never get into truble. Mom: But i want you to be home by at least 10. Understand? Ryu: I'll be here at 9:59 just for you. Then outside the horn blows for Ryu he then gives his mother a hug then goes out the door with his friends to the party.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Carren Heart [/i] [B]Great thanks Lady Katana ! Ooo ss2Serren do we have powers ??? i read the story and it says something about no powers ?? [/B][/QUOTE] Just call me Serren and yea yall have power. i have to look back cause i don't no i puted you don't. But yea like i said you do have powers.
Ok people this is what the RPG is about. Befor the beginning of time there where 4 Gods who made a planet.They deicided they where going to make life forums to stay on the planet to see how they would live together.If the forum of making the human race demons then started to show up killing all they have created.The Gods saw what was going on so they then made guardians to protect the human race.The guardians job was not only to look over the humans but also to protect the Gods.SO the Gods gave them extreme power.All demons where banished to stay in the pits of hell. But one got out he went to the Gods and told them that he would change his ways and that he never wanted to become a demon.His name was Darko,the Gods told him he would have to take the test of truth so he did so and pasted they then made him a guardian.Later he soon found out about the power the Gods had and he wanted that power so he then fell in love with one of the Gods. She told him all about there powers and there secrets and how to kill them.So knowing this information Darko then went to hell and told his master his plan. The other's Gods found out that Sakura was the God who told Darko there secrets so they stripped her of her God power and turned her into a human.Not only did they do that but they also made it that she could never bear a child.And would stay alive forever to see all the people that she well later love die.Darko soon found out what they did so he then puted his plan into affected. He killed the leader of the Gods and then took her powers and becmae the ultimate demon he was unstoppable.All the Gods and guardians came together and tryed to kill him but it wasn't having.Darko killed them all but befor they died they did a spell that they would come back in the body of humans 10,000 years later more stronger then ever.But Darko tryed to puted a end to that but the only think he did was make it so they would come back but they well not beable to use there powers.After all that was done he then went back to hell and killed his master so now he is control of both heaven and hell.Darko then made demons of even his own they are very powerful.He gave then the ability to look like humans.But they could turn into there demon forum whenever.Darko knew that the Gods ands and other guardians where coming back so he went to Sakura and made to love to her 18 years befor the Gods would come back so when 10,000 year has pass he would have a son already born to take his place just in case.But Darko became so powerful he wasn't worried about the Gods return. Ok 10,000 years has pasted and now the Gods and guardians has now return into the body of teenagers and grown ups.Darko has sent some demons to earth to find the gods and guardians and kill them all.Some has not yet found out who they are.There are 3 gods and 3 guardians every God shoud have a guardian to protect them but you don't need one if you don't want one.So you can choices to be a God,Guardian,Demon, or super human. If you want a guadian just put who u want it to be.And if anybody wants to be Darko go head. Oh yea let me tell you about the powers. It's like fatal fury and street fighter like.I really don't no how to explain to i just puted that.If you a God when you are in your God state your hair white and so is your eyes.And guardian Has some special like armor and what ever there weapon is it holds there power.Last its the demons they turn into there demon forum.Most of the demons work for Darko if you are a demon you don't have to if you don't want. Name:Ryu Shiso Age:17 Race:human/demon/God Apperence:Has long dark brown hair with light blue eye's has a muscular body.wear black pants with a white wifebreater height:6'3 Bio: He is the son of Sakura and Darko.He stay with his mother and doesn't know who his father is. He lives a normal kids life he goes to high school.He knows that he is not like other people but he don't know how.
Name:Gojin Race:Human/Sayjin Age:9 height:4'9 Bio: Is the son of Gohan and Videl.He does nothing but train and hang out with his grandfather Goku. Apperance:Looks just like his grandfather Goku but younger.He wears same outfit as Goku but his is black instead of orange.And wear the blue is on Goku it's white on Gojins outfit.
Name: Ryu Shino age:16 type:guyver powers: guyver powers description:His guyver unit looks like the first one.He wear dark blue jeans has long dark black hair and long sleve black shirt. Bio:He don't really talk to many people.Not really good any nothing but fighting.He saw his mother get killed in front of his eyes by a zoanoid at the age of 5.
Ryu then started to walk around and talk with his new friend Agumon. Ryu: So where i'am anyways? Agumon:You are in the digital world.You and the other are here to help us. Ryu:Me and the other's?If you won't looking i'am the only one here Agumon.How did you find me anyways? Agumon:Well your not the only one here there are lots others.We just have to go and find them all together we are unbeatable. Ohh yea i'am your digipartner.So come on lets go and find them all. Ryu: How i'am going to find some one if i don't know where they are? Agumon: Your digivice well lead us to them lets go. Ryu: Ok lets go.Wait *feels on top of his head.* Where are they i can't go know where with out them. Ryu looks around and found what he was looking for in the bushes.They where a lil dirty but he didn't mind. Ryu: Here we go. Agumon:What are those? Ryu:These are my lucky goggles i don't go know where with out them. Agumon:You don't need them you got me. Ryu:No thats ok i'll keep these for more good lucky.Hey and when i get home i'll get you a pair. Then Ryu and his new friend Agumon where on there way to find the rest of the digidestined.