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Everything posted by ss2Serren

  1. Ryu is in his room sleeping having nice dreams of digimon.He walks into a field of nothing but flower's everywhere then a digimon jumps out the brushs. Ryu: Hey your a digimon cool.Your Agumon right your the best digimon of them all Agumon:Yea that's right i'am your digimon. Ryu:Way cool. Then as Ryu was about to run to his digimon his alarm clock went off.Ryu then fell to the floor. Ryu: Another boring day man it would be nice to have real digimon. He then gets up then turns off his alarm then get's hs clothes then take his shower.Once he was done he then puted on his clothes then went to his room gets his soccer ball then is about to go out the door but then turns around.Goes to his room looks on his dresser and nothing there then he goes to his closet then throws every thing out into the floor. Ryu: Man where is it?I can't go and play soccer with out it i need to find it.Mom have you seen my gaggles. Mom:There right here dear come and get. They are dirty you need to clean them. Ryu:No mom they are my lucky gaggles i can't clean them cause if i do then all wash all the luck away. Mom:Ok then honey have a good time at your soccer game. Ryu:Mom i always win. Mom: Don't you me yall dear? Ryu: Mom sure the gauge does a lil but every knows i'am the best on the team.Well bye. Ryu then runs quikly out the house then runs to the soccer but as he was on his way there the sky then started to get dark.Then a circle of light then came ot of the middle of the clothes right in front of him.Then a device was just floating in front of his face he then grabed it then started to look at it.But what he doesn't know is that a dark hole was behind him getting bigger and bigger starting to suck him in. Ryu:Man what is this looks pretty cool man wait till everyone sees...What is that? Then as Ryu was about to take off running the hole then was getting more powerful by the second.It then started to suck him in then as he was in it the hole then vanished. Once he opended his eye's there was nothing by him but trees then he heard something in the bushs.All he saw was eye's just looking at him.
  2. We don't have to have two do we?
  3. So when are we going to start this?
  4. *My first digimon rpg.* Name: Ryu Digidestine:Tai Partner:Agumon Crest:Courage
  5. Dante off in his lil apartment sleep.While he is sleep he is having a dream. He see's himself walking in a field as a lil kid.Everything around him is just white.There are kids playin and enjoying them selfs.His mother then comes to the lil boy who is himself she kiss him then startes to cry one tier dropped from her face.The tier was dark red mostly like blood shot red.Then once the tier hit the ground the area around him then went black then all the people that he saw just died.His mother just looked at him then stabed him into the chest then started to laughed in his face.His mother then vanished. then the lil kid then went grown. He was looking him self face to face.Then the other him, eye's turn red then wings strated to grow out his back then he was growning claws.Then once the demon him was in the full demon forum it then clawed his head off then Dante woke up. Dante: AAAAHHHH!!!! Man why i'am starting to have this dreams agian? What does this all mean. *He then looks at his hands only to see that they where monstrous.* What what's going on? *he then startes shaking them and they go back to normal.* I need to find out what is happing to me. Every time this happends i get stronger and stronger what does it all mean.
  6. Dante comes out the house once all the fighting and everything has been done he then looks around to see where everyone was.
  7. Dante: Yet we just meet and we have so much in caiman.I to have sufer cause of the demons they kill my mother in front when i was just a child.They killer her just cause of my father. Well forget about this past stuff are we going into the house or not.
  8. Dante: Well just over here *jumps on top a the roof* It's just down there. *He then starts to jump from rooftop to rooftop. Does a front flip then lands on the ground.* Ok the house is just right over there around the corner.
  9. Dante:Well be 4 i got to you guys i got jumped at some old a banded house where demons just came out the wood works.How bout there?
  10. Dante: Didn't mean nothing by it.Well i'll just fallow you guys.
  11. Dante: Well i just use my hands like i uset to when i first started fighting demons.
  12. Dante:*looks at his guns* Man these are my baby don't matter though i'll just use the sword.Or i can't use that either
  13. Dante: Naw i'am not just a human i'am also a demon.My father was that why i think this demon guy is looking for me.
  14. Dante looks at the two. Dante: I didn't come for no trouble when i was up there on the roof i just over heard you guys talking about demons so i thought you also killed them. Reason why i asked for you guys help cause i was thinking that if you find that demon hide out place then maybe i can get some answer's that i need.From some demon guy who has been trying to find me.
  15. Dante over hears there conversation about demons so he decides to go down there to see if they where also demon hunters.Dante jumps down behind them. Dante: You guys don't know me but i over heard you talking about demons and i wanted to know if you guys are also demons hunters like myself.If you are i was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind my help.
  16. Hour's have gone by and yet nothing has happend yet. Scarlet: Man i can't belive this i been out here for a at least 3 hours i belive it is time for me to go home and get some rest i beat." He then jumps down to a alley and makes sure know one is looking then starts takes off his scarlet outfit then put ob his everyday clothes then walks home to get some rest.
  17. Dante then get's up from off the wall. Then shakes his head he looks at his wonds to see how bad they look and they are all gone. "Well being a half demon does have it's good side.Now lets see if there are anymore out there." He looks up then jumps on top of a roof. Then runs and jumps from roof to roof.Looks all over to find some demons and yet fail to find any. "I can't belive this you kill some word get's out and they all leave has to be some out there." But then as he is jumping from to roof top to roof top he starts to hear people talking so he goes there to see what is going on.
  18. Shyguy what i should of put was spiderman has been protecting city as good as he can. But then the old age started to kick in and now he is not a good as he uset to be and he needs some one to take his place. When i first wrote everything i was in a hurry to i won't really thinking.
  19. Dante fallows some deomens into a old abandoned house. Dante: You might as well come out on i know you are here. Then a tall dark figure comes from out of the wall.With hideous face and body and with blood driping off his finger tips. Dante: So i see you decided to show you real forum.For what you did to that lady i going to have to kill you and your friends that are also hiding in the shadows. Demon guy: Wait you are Dante.Why are you killing your own kind you should join us.For there is a war coming and we could use someone with your abilities.We have been looking for you along time now.We are post to bring you back with us if we ever found you. Dante: First off i'am not your own kind. I'am only half a demon.I kill your kind cause they don't desire to live.Now about you having to take me back with you that's not gonig to happend. Demon: That's a shame i guess we are gonig to have to kill you then. Then Dante puts a smile on his face and laughs a lil.Then Dante reached for his guns and was about to shot intill he saw that the walls on the house where moving.He was looking around at the walls then alot of monster's then started to jumped off the walls. Dante:(looked at his guns) Time to goto work boys. He then does a flip over one demon then start shooting him threw the stomach. He then dropped on the floor then started to spin.As he was spinning he was also shoting,shooting all the demons in the legs and ankles.He came to his feet then puted the guns away then grabed out his sword then run a one demon and slashed his head off then one demon then jumpped down from the seiling cutted Danet in the back.Dante then grabed his gun then started to shot throw his coat at also hit the demon. The hole battle lasted about 32mins. Once it was over Dante came out with blod all over him and was barley walking he then fell against a wall and sat there to rest
  20. As scarlet is swing threw the city there is no trouble in site. He then swings with incurable speed towards the ground like he is going to hit it but then swings back up then does a flip and lands on side of a building. Scarlet: My first night and there's one one in sight to fight or nothing come to be somthing gonig on. (his spider sinces then startes to go off.) Well speak of the devil it's about time. He then jumps off the builfing swings down to where he saw that a lady was getting robbed. Scarlet: Hey get away from her. The guys then grabed the ladys wallet then took off.Scarlet then laned right there by the lady. Scarlet: Don't worry i'll get it for you. He then swings up into the air. The guys look behind them but see no one then runs into a alley where it was a dead end. Then guys went to every door to see if it was on lock but then where not.Then one guy thought he heard something so they both looked around and saw nothing.But then in the shadows a figure.A face shrouded in darkness, covered by a concentric web-like pattern.Then the guy pulles out then startes shoting where he saw the figure.But there was no sign of blood. Guy#1: Man what are you shoting at there nothing there man. Guy#2: Dude i know i saw something i just know it. Then a web came down and stuck to the guys gun then pulled it away. Guy#1: I told i saw something i'am going to get out of here man. Then as the guy where about to leave from the way they came in a big spider web just blocked the entrance.The guys then stopped and started to look around. Guy#1:Who's out there? Then a tall well not so tall figure then walked out into the light. The guys stepped back then thought it was just a guy so one took off at scarlet then throw a fist. Scarlet then cought the arm then twisted the guys arm behind his back then karate choped the guy in the back of the neck knocking him out he then threw him into the big web then did a flip over the over guy and grabed him from the back then threw him also into the web. He then went to the guy who took the ladys wallet and got it back. Scarlet: Now you guys don't go no where the cops well be here soon. He then jumped on top of the wall and grabed a camera. Scarlet:Man i hope i got some good pictures of me. He then jumped over the web then jumped on top of a light poll then hung up side down then ended up right behind the lady.The lady then jumped back then saw that he had her wallet. Scarlet: Here you go mama don't worry about those guys you can say there are all tied up.If you don't mind can you call the cops and tell them that your friendly neighborhood Scarlet Spider helped you out. (then thinks to him self) I don't know about that friendly neighborhood scarlet spider thing it don't have a flow with it.I'll come up with another one later. He then takes off and goes onto a top of a building then just waites there for something to happend.
  21. Name: Dante age: 17 Race: Demon/human Bio: He has the demonic powers of his father and the compassion for humanity of his mother. He dishes out pain to any unfortunate demon that crosses his path or anyone esle. Description: His her is white he wears a long red jacket. Under that he has a black shirt and wears black paints. Weapons: Two custom made for him Ebony and Irory. And a sword that has electricity that flows around.
  22. Raiha you could of started it if you wanted i won't of got mad. So i guess i'll go head and begin. Ben is now just getting out of school.As he is walking about to goto work his friend Brian came to him. Brian: Dude did you hear man there's some guy thats dressed in the spiderman suit man. Ben: Yea i not only heard about i took pictures on it. Brian: Man really dude thats cool so what he look like man.What's his name. Ben:Well i'am not to sure but word on the street is it's Scarlet Spider.Well look i would like to stay here and talk to you about it but i have to goto work. Cause if i'am late again Jonah is going to kill me. Later man. Brian: Ok dude peace. Ben then walls to work then on his way there he stops at a window where everybody were looking at the news.The news guy was talking about the new Spidy and if he is a criminal or a hero. Then startes to show footage of him robbing a bank. Ben: WHAT!! That not m.. I mean that can't by Scarlet He wouldn't rob a bank. Some Guy: Oh yea how you know look at him it's right there in front of you. Your acking like your him why you care? Ben: Cause the last spiderman was a great hero and i no from the past Scarlet wouldn't do nothing like this. Guy: Well yoo would be surprised on what those walk crawler's would do. Ben: Ok then why is he running into a car last time i checked all the spidermen swung across the city not driven. Ben then walks off.10 mins later he get's to the Daily Bugle then soon as he gets there some guy comes to him and tells him that Jonah wanted to see him.He then walks into his office. JJ: You know why you are here? It's cause of that pic of that wanted a be spiderman punk. Ben: Sir his name is scarl... JJ: I don't care if his name is superman you are not his to take pictures of some punk guy in tighs. You know why you are here? It's cause of your cousin Peter he told me that you where a good hard worker so i hired you.Now it seems your going down the same road as him taking these spider picuters. Let me just tell you this i don't want you to take no more pictures on spiderman you got me Parker Ben: Yea i got you sir. JJ: Now go out there an take some picutre on whats going on out there now leave my office. Ben then goes to the top of the building.Then startes to look around to see if anyone is looking then goes in his book bag and takes out his scarlet spider suit. He then putes it on then begins to swing across the city. Scarlet: He said he don't want pictures on spiderman then i won't give him pic on him i'll just give him pictures on Scarlet Spider.
  23. Yea Gt has a ending i have the last episode on my computer. It shows Goku jr and Vegeta jr fighting in some tournament. Then the camra shows Pan she lookd real old then she start to look in the stans and she see Goku there then once she goes there he's gone. Then it shows Goku out front of the tournament doors then start to think back.Then they start to show clips of DB,DBZ,DBGT. Then some dude starts talking i don't no what he is sayin cause it's in *** then while the credits go up Goku jumps in the air then goes into the sky.
  24. Name: Gojin Age: 13 Bio: He is the son of Gohan. He is very much like his father but he likes to do nothing but fight. He fight and trains most of the time tryin to become strong as his dad and then later in life become even stronger. Description: Looks just like Gohan and wears the same thing that he weared in the cell saga but his outfit black. Race:Saiyin/Human Stats: Strength: 25,000 Speed: 20,000 Defense: 20,000 Ki: 15,000
  25. This is a spiderman rpg as you can tell. But it set 25 year's after Peter Park being spiderman.There are new bad guy's old that just won't give up. Peter Park has stopped begin spiderman after the death Ben Rily (Scarlet Spider). So now one had been protecting New York intill now.So just post your stats and join. NAME:John Parker APPEARANCE:Height 5'10, Weight 165 ibs,Eyes Hazel RELATIVES:Cousin to Peter Park ENEMIES: Any bad guy.not yet meet any major enemy's POWERS:super strength, agility and speed as well as a spider-sense to warn him of danger and the ability to stick to surfaces...He also has use of impact webbing he created that engulfs it's victims when there is impact . It is designed to generate multiple tendrils of webbing on impact. and "stingers" that he shoots from his wrists. OCCUPATION:student at collage,freelance photograher,and being the Scarlet Spider Bio:At a young age he had got shot in a alley and he lose alot of blood and would die if he haven't got a blood transfusion.Peter was the only one who could save him at that point of time.So he gave most of his blood to him not knowing if it would have any affect's on him.Later in year's he became very smart in science,and loved to learn thing about the great hero Spiderman and Scarlet spider,who he later found out that spiderman was his cousin. He haven't yet relies how to use his power's to the fullest yet.He is now 17 and he have now master his power's and has deicided to take his cousin's places and be come spiderman ( But instead he becomes Scarlet Spider)
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