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Everything posted by Black-Bird90
Aderyn cracked a sideways grin at Natsu and nodded. "Agreed, it's amazing to see you all alive and well....even well enough to bicker." She said, poking Sasuki's shoulder affectionately, even when the woman turned around and gave her a playful glare. She sat back in her seat and peered over the side of the flying chariot, shivering slightly and leaning back in, her eyes going straight ahead as she avoided looking down. "What do you all think Maia's mission is?" She asked no one in particular.
Aderyn took her gloves, squeezing Maia's arm and glaring at Acolyte over her shoulder. Such a sweet, young girl, she fought with as much passion and skill as any but still appeared to remain innocent to death and pain. "Keep your sword up, missy." Aderyn offered as parting advise before turning to Iza to listen to her instructions. "So if we cant see, or trust what we see, how are we supposed to know when we've found who we're looking for?" Aderyn asked, pulling out her sword and swinging it in a slow circle to re-accustom herself to the weight and fit, it had been so long. It seemed like just the other day but it had been much longer and being dead didnt just drop from you like some things. Taking a deep breath, Aderyn stepped into a more complex weave with her sword, twirling it around while listening to Iza and the others talk, she wanted her muscles to get back to what they were quickly. It saved her having to duck to much in battle.
Aderyn had stood by the entrance to the cave and watched, a frown plastered on her face as she watched the destruction of the farmers... just like her family. Tossing her black hair she cleared her frown off her face, giving each gang member a blank stare as they came back into the room and finally following the last one and sitting on a rock close to the back of the cave. She took the fish smiling at Sasuki as she handed it to her, wondering why, even though she'd been dead for years, she wasnt hungry right now. The slimy fish sat in her hands as she stared at it's silver scales, sliding her fingers over them absently. "When are we leaving for Iza's eyes? The sooner we get them back the sooner we can do this job the sooner we can...find a life again." She said, looking from Artimis to Natsu to Acolyte
Aderyn pulled her clothes on, eying her weapons on the ground with a frown but keeping her silence to herself. Once finally dressed she, picked them up, placing their familiar weights where they were supposed to be. The two on her back, the one on her hip, the one on her thigh, they gave her a feeling of peace having them back where they were supposed to be. Aderyn looked up as Sasuki followed Izanami out of the cave, leaving her with Natsu and Artemis. Taking quiet steps in the still darkness of the cave, she walked over to the rock where Natsu still lay. She could hear him breathing, but he wasnt moving and she wondered to whether or not he was finally awake. "Natsu?" She whispered, wondering if he had tried to fight the pull that brought them back to their bodies. Turning partially back to Artemis, she looked at him, her frown easing into a look of puzzlement. "How do you know so much of this Acolyte? Why did he bring us back?" She asked, running a hand through her black hair to clear it from her face.
Aderyn had died just like the rest. She knew they had all died, she'd heard their screams before allowing herself to drift off into the darkness. Thats where she sat, in the emptiness of everything. She didnt hear any thing or see anything or feel anything. She didnt push for life like she knew Artemis would, she didnt let herself think to the women who she counted as sisters as she was not sure where they would find their peace. So she accepted her fate and waited, hoping for resurrection to a happier life. Finally the darkness was broken and Aderyn was flying back through all her memories, the horrible and the happy as her body was put back together around her, making her scream from the pain of her muscles and tendons putting themselves back together with inhuman speed. Finally, the movements stopped, her memories stopped and she focused on breathing and erasing the pain enough so that she could focus on where she was. Slowly, she sat up, taking in the fact that she was slimy and naked and that there were familiar voices around her, yelling and screaming and talking. Artemis was standing and talking to a man, the only dressed man and the only one who wasnt familiar to her. Izanami and Sasuki were in the cave and Sasuki was just getting started on chewing out the unfamiliar man, and little Maia was up and looking confused. Aderyn shook her head then groaned, realizing just how stupid that was as dizziness and pain shattered her brain. Clenching her teeth, she stood and walked unevenly to the group her hand going to her head as she tried to keep her eyes steady. "If I could get my swords back, that would be great." She said, cutting Sasuki off. "And some clothes for that matter."
Name: Aderyn Quickstep Age: 22 Appearance: [URL="http://dark-spider.deviantart.com/art/Lapislazuli-7960335"]http://dark-spider.deviantart.com/art/Lapislazuli-7960335[/URL] Personality: Aderyn is normally a good-natured person, she tends to gamble and take risks and ignore her better judgment but that has improved her ability to live without regrets. There are things that make her angry but she rarely lets her anger out when not fighting as she learned a long time ago that it made her more effective. Aderyn has a short temper but it's short lived and she'll laugh over whatever she was mad about later. She's a hard worker especially at her job but hates the thought of blood money and gambles it to deal with the guilt. Weapon: Double short swords strapped to her back, dagger in both her boots, a longer dagger on her thigh, and a heavier sword that she hardly ever uses at her hip. Power: She can see the future, but only parts that are relevant to people she's met before. She has the ability to see more but it takes a lot of effort and a special ceremony that she has neither the time nor the patience for. How did you decide to join the group?: Aderyn was born in a happy family that lived just outside a forest which sat between two cities. She grew up being cared for by her loving parents with her affectionate older brothers who while still picking on her included her and taught her a lot. They brought her along on all their escapades through and about the forest and whenever one or two of them had any need to go into one of the two cities they brought Aderyn along. Her life was a happy one for 15 years of her life then war broke out between the cities and soldiers came to the small house and hauled off all of her brothers to her parents great grief. Aderyn and her parents made due with their life, bearing it the best they could until misfortune once again visited the house. Soldiers from the other town came, the burned down the house, killed Aderyns father and mother and would have killed her too but She sold her body to them for her life. After that she decided she would learn to use a sword, she would never be at the mercy of anyones weapon ever again. Aderyn quickly joined the nearest band of mercenaries pretending to be a boy, and learned to use any weapon they had, she dedicated herself to besting anyone of the men in the group that challanged her and eventually was the best fighter in the crew. It didnt take long for word to get around that there was a crew of mercenaries who were the best of the best and Aderyn decided that she wanted to join them and that's what she did.
I'll be number 3! This sounds like fun and yet complicated, how are you planning on working it out?