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Sir Drift-a-lot

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Everything posted by Sir Drift-a-lot

  1. I just got done watching Clannad~After Story~ episode 8. I loved it. Miyazawa is so cute, and Tomoya is amazing, Sunohara makes me laugh, as always. What really got to me was when [spoiler]Tomoya decides to fight the boss of the opposing gang in place of Sunohara (who was mistaken as Miyazawa's older brother) and Tomoya got all beaten up.[/spoiler] And I knew that [spoiler]Miyazawa's brother was dead. [/spoiler] I guessed it when they said [spoiler]that Miyazawa's brother was in the hospital[/spoiler]. =P I love Clannad~After Story~.
  2. [SIZE="2"] I prefer to watch anime/movies in their original language, so it's subs for me. I don't like most anime dubbing, the voices just don't seem to fit, in my opinion. There are some anime that I like better in dubs, but normally I prefer subs. =P [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial"]Well now, seeing as I am becoming a big fan of Monster I figured that I should haul my lazy butt over here and make a post. I started Monster at the insistence of Shin, and thank God I listened to him! Though, I had been meaning to watch it for a log time. Right now I'm on 19, and from what I gather it's the starting of a big arc. So far most of the episodes I've seen were background episodes, so that a body can get the feel of the anime and the characters. The story is very intriguing so far, and I have become very fond of Anna and Tenma. I hope to watch more very soon.[/FONT] [/SIZE]
  4. Well, This is Driffter from TheO. I figured I might as well get myself an account on here. Really though, the only reason why I got the account today was because of [U]Shin's[/U] birthday. Otherwise I'd have procrastinated till next year. Now the Triplets are united on the OB too. xD Anyway, I am a complete and utter n00b. So teach me the ways of the OB.
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