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"Show 'em yer best indeed!" someone chuckled. Dream Clown cartwheeled in front of the Marauding Captain and stood with one hand, juggling several multi-colored balls in the other. "Just who are you?" the Captain demanded. "Me sir? Why I'm the best entertainer you'll ever have the pleasure of meetin'." replied the fancifully dressed clown. He flexed his wrist, flipped over and landed on his feet. "I'm teh Dream Clown, an' don' you forget it." Flame Swordsman eyed the clown up and down. He was small and rather silly looking. He didn't have any visible eyes, but his face was instead covered by lanky purple hair and a large green nose. "How can you help us?" asked Flame Swordsman. "You're a bit small to do anything..." "Wouldja care to have a go wit' me big sir?" asked Dream Clown. "I reckon I could give you a smack or two of trouble."
[B]1. Walk more often.[/B] I like going for walks, and it helps to relieve stress. Not only that, but it's one of the few forms of exercise I enjoy. [B]2. Pass Arcadia in the MyO popularity standings.[/B] I've got to figure out how to make my site more appealing, so more people will visit it. I need to get a nice background, cool pictures and such. :p [B]3. [I]Earn[/I] my grades.[/B] I get good grades without really trying. I know I can do as well without manipulating the peculiarities of my teachers. I have the feeling that I won't be able to do that much longer. [B]4. Finish, maintain, and/or make a sequel to W.H.A.T.E.[/B] I'd like to get either something conclusive or something revitalizing done with my RPG, When Humans are the Enemy. [B]5. Become more active at OB.[/B] I've been here since V1 and only a handful of people know who I am or even that I post here. I'd like more people to actually know me, or realize that I'm here. There are probably a dozen other things I'd like to do this year, but I think these five will suffice for now.
This is one I've had since I got my laptop. It's a resized picture I found at AnimeShrine.com
I am the middle of five children. Isn't that great? :p My older brother is 19 and a Sophmore in college. He isn't home as much anymore, and when he is he's commenting on the condition of the house. I can't say that he is complaining, but he is just sort of pointing out that we could do more to keep it cleaner. Sometimes it would just push him over the edge into a frustrated rage. He's a pretty easy-going guy now. He plays his guitar a lot, and goes to classes a few times a week. His band plays every now and then, and he apparently enjoys playing in it very much. He's very much into music. He sometimes has trouble controlling his temper, although lately he has been better about it. He used to yell at my older sister pretty much whenever our parents weren't home, and occasionally even hit her. He scared me. My younger brother and sister cringed away from him. I was afraid to get involved or do anything when that happened. But whenever he talked to me at a time like that, he became target practice for my still-developing sarcasm. It was not perhaps the best choice. In order to understand these outbursts, you may need a better understanding of my older sister. She is 17 and a Senior at the same high school as me. I'm not going to even try to compare her to Semjaza's sister (from the sounds of it, no one [B]can[/B]). But, earlier on in life she was a compulsive liar. She would lie about [I]everything[/I] She would blame all of her siblings for whatever she did wrong, whatever she didn't do when she was supposed to; everything. She used to pull us by our hair, too. That was her prime motivational tool. Threats were a regular occurence. Now, she doesn't lie as much. Instead she manipulates. Twists words and preys on my sleep-deprived mother. She gets into arguments with my dad. She knows when she should stop talking; she [I]has[/I] to. There is no way that she does not realize when she has gone too far. She is spiteful and quite often disgusts me. Sometimes though, we can get along. It is not a frequent occurence, but we still have a few things in common that we can talk about. My younger sister and I generally get along well. I think I understand her better than anyone else in our family. She and I have common friends and common interests. She's 11 years old and a sixth grader just getting into the whole middle school thing, and of our family I am the one most recently out of middle school. She's at that stage where she challenges any and all things, though. When she doesn't want to listen to me, she interrupts with a stuck-out tongue and an annoying little grunt. She is frequently in bad moods where she won't talk to anyone or will end up fighting with my little brother over minor things. My younger brother and I get along great. He is ten years old and generally a pleasant little boy. He had a stroke when he was born that affected the left region of his brain. He has limited motor skills in his right hand and until a few years ago constantly kept his right arm bent at the elbow acrossed his chest. He used to be a little brat, though. :p He would throw tantrums whenever he didn't get something he wanted, because he was so used to [I]getting[/I] what he wanted. We let him stay with my aunt after school a few months, though, and pretty much cured him of that. She would not give in to his tantrums, and he learned to get what he wanted without resorting to them. He was at a loss back then. He couldn't speak to well, and sign-language was difficult for a young child with only one fully functional arm. He is the happiest person I know sometimes. I can not think of a single person that he does not like, as soon as he gets to know them. He's very affectionate and will often give kisses or hugs to whoever is around him. He is probably one of the reasons that I have so many friends that are younger than me. I sought to understand him better, and thus grew to like the same things he did. I'm proud to say that I understood him best. He and my youngers sister sometimes go at odds with each other. Usually it's a struggle for the TV, which is usually resolved with it being unplugged and neither of them getting to watch anything. Eh...that's pretty much all that I can think of for now. But of course, since I was born I was a perfect little angel. :angel:
:sweat: Sorry! I was waiting for your PM! [B]Name:[/B] Grojek Urkuhi [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Race:[/B] Orc [B]Homeland:[/B] Northern Angaband [B]Swear fealty to:[/B] Sauron [B]Lineage:[/B] N/A [B]Weapons and Armour:[/B] Leather jacket overlaid with patches of armor and chain mail scavenged from dead enemies and allies. A rare and valuable dwarven helmet for his head. Crude Orken leg armor. A small curved shield with multiple spikes at the end used as a second weapon. Basically a beaten piece of metal sharpened on one side is used as his weapon. It is filed to a point and has spikes on the bottom of the handle. [B]What kind of magic do you use:[/B] Does not die naturally. (That's true of all orcs and elves) [B]History:[/B] Bred by the dark lord Sauron to serve his evil purposes. He is mindlessly devoted to Sauron, but will not hesitate to kill his Orc comrades. Grojek was bred the first of a few select Orcs whose minds and bodies were to be accelerated beyond those of other Orcs. The resulting advancement puts him constantly at odds with his peers. [B]Personality:[/B] Tries very hard to remain level-headed, as he has seen many of his Orc peers slaughtered by humans when taken by feral rage. Sauron did breed within him an abiding hatred for all things living, but not so much that his special intelligence would be overcome. However, when the battle frenzy overcomes him, he is a force to be reckoned with. At 6' he is a terrible sight for humans to behold advancing upon them.
Oh, I'm tempted to take the Gravekeepers, but I think I'll just stick with this guy: [B]Name:[/B] Dream Clown [B]Kingdom:[/B] The Kingdom of Man [B]Skills:[/B] When he successfully blocks or deflects an attack, he can unleash a powerful spark of magical energy. (I was kind of trying to play off of his effect) [B]Personality:[/B] Fairly light-hearted and goofy. Mockery is great fun to him, as is a good fight. He is a Warrior, after all. [B]Anything else we should know:[/B] He's very acrobatic and attacks with explosive juggling balls.
Two Giant Orcs to bost our low-level force; also makes good Necrofear fodder as Deathbug pointed out.
Much appreciated Christmas gifts: An alarm clock (that will never wake me up) Two large Lego sets (meh, I'll be done all too soon) $Money$ An M&M radio......thing. A USB mini hub. (so I can hook up multiple bits of hardware to my laptop) A Yu-Gi-Oh Tin (Great, it's Gearfried, the only one I [I]didn't[/I] want....:p) A box of Mike & Ike's (Whoo! More candy!) The first Redwall book (I'm looking forward to reading it) Eragon (another book I'm looking forward to reading) A Jumpdrive Secure (it's like 100 floppy disks worth of memory in a little keychain) Pajama pants (mmm...soft and warm) Three generic t-shirts. A 5-game set (includes chess, checkers, and backgammon) Some reflective gear and a small flashing light. (nighttime walks, yay!) Yu-Gi-Oh: The Falsebound Kingdom (not nearly what I expected, but not too bad) $40 worth of those golden Sacagawea coins. A membership to the U.S.F.A. (United States Fencing Association) And a word game called [I]Wise and Otherwise.[/I] (Sounds like fun; put simply, you're given half of an old adage and you have to write what you think is the correct answer) I think I received more than that, but as I'm peering around my room I don't see anything else. So....yeah....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]I know for sure Yugi's can't be over 12 and he would be the first 12 year old with a voice that deep. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure that they are all in High School. Not totally, since I can't remember where it says that, but that would make them each at least 13, I think. Besides, Mai can drive. :p Me personally, I would like the Rod and Eye in combination. The Rod to control people, and the eye to see what they're thinking if they can't be controlled; or vice versa. What would you [I]not[/I] be able to accomplish like that? ......besides, as Deathbug said, understand girls. :whoops: No guy can do that.
There are cards that requires LP or a monster Tribute to keep active, and "If you cannot, this card is destroyed." What I'm wondering is, do they literally mean cannot? Or do they mean, [I]will[/I] not? Mirror Wall is an excellent example. After activation, would it drain your LP until you had less than 2000, or could you choose not to pay the LP in your Standby Phase and let it be destroyed?
RPG Brave Fencer Musashiden: Thirstquencher's Revenge [PG13]
Ben replied to PiroMunkie's topic in Theater
Cane limped out of the forest, bruised and battered from his encounter with the Bee Plants. His sword was sheathed at his side. The Be Plants had thought it was pretty funny to toss it back and forth amongst themselves, to tease him. To mock him. Cane did no like being mocked, but he liked being beaten to a pulp by vegetation either. He had somehow managed to grab his sword and charge out of the patch. He approached the outskirts of Grillin Village. He saw another sign like the one out in the forest. This one had an extra line written on it. [I]"Please apply at the Inn."[/I] Cane shouldered his shield and walked past the Thirstquencher guards that guarded the city. They sneered at him as he passed, dirty and disheveled. Once he was past them a fair distance, they broke into uproarious laughter. "Did you see all of those hearts on his shield?" oe guard asked the other. He was hunched over with laughter "What a sissy." "And the smiles on his breastplate." he pounded the other guard's back with glee and then slowly regained his composure. Cane heard their laughter. He resented it. He wished that he weren't so tired, so weak. [I]"Or what?" he asked himself silently.[/I] [I]"Kill them and be thrown in jail? Now [B]there's[/B] a good idea."[/I] Cane walked over to the Inn and stepped inside. He squinted his eyes to adjust them to the light, and then walked over to counter where a company of kids were gathered. Well, they were more like teenagers; regardless, he was older than them. He seated himself in a chair at the counter, and then let his head fall to the counter top unrestricted. The dull THUD of his contact caused the items on the counter to hop slightly. "Does anyone know a good way to kill a dozen or so Bee Plants at once?" his muffled voice asked. -
I just finished read Ender's Game last night/this morning. I thought it was a very good science fiction book, and from what I hear it continues on in a series. I'll definitely be looking into that soon.
This is beginning to look like a fiend deck, so I'll add: [B]Winged Minion.[/B] Attack: 700 Defense: 700 Effect: Offer this face up card as a tribute to increase the attack and defense of one Fiend type monster on the field by 700 points. Thsi effect applies until the selected monster is destroyed or removed from the field.
RPG Brave Fencer Musashiden: Thirstquencher's Revenge [PG13]
Ben replied to PiroMunkie's topic in Theater
The Somnolent forest was quiet, and Cane liked that. Nothing but the occasional rustle of leaves and the wind blowing through the trees. Cane unstrapped his shield and strapped it across his back, but loosened his sword in its scabbard. One could not be [I]too[/I] relaxed with monsters about. Cane had been out gathering wood for his father. His father had wanted to make Cane a wooden horse that he thought would get him about faster than just walking on foot. Cane had tried to protest, but his father had threatened to paint even further designs on his armor. Cane looked resignedly at his breastplate, with its twin smiley faces staring into the distance. People didn't really take a warrior seriously who had smiley faces on his chest and hearts on his shield. Suddenly Cane felt a stinging sensation on his left arm. He turned sharply to see another glob of poison come sailing at him. He hopped lightly back, only to be stabbed in the back by the stinger of a Bee Plant. His shield absorbed the blow, but bucked him forward. Cane fell to his knees. Getting up quickly, Cane drew his sword. He had somehow wandered into the middle of a Bee Plant patch. Slowly drawing his sword so as not to alarm the stinging vegetation, Cane looked for the fastest way out. Somewhere off in the distance, he could hear someone shouting. Pinpointing the location, Cane set off at a dead run. The Bee plants stabbed at him quickly, their stingers glancing off of his armor and causing him to stumble. Cane lashed out with his sword, slicing through the stems of a few of them. One particularly large plant struck him painfully in the shoulder. Cane fell, spinning backward sliding the last few feet out of the Bee Plant patch. He slid until his head came sharply into contact with a hastily written sign. Cane lay there for a moment, disoriented. He then slowly got to his feet and read the notice on the sign. [I]"Hero needs help on a quest. Details in Grillin Village."[/I] [SIZE=1]"Who is with me?!"[/SIZE] a voice in the distance asked. Cane checked himself over, and then began walking in the direction of Grillin Village. "Oh, [B]crap![/B]" He had dropped his sword in the Bee Plant Patch. -
I would recommend Duelist of the Roses. It's like Yu-Gi-Oh chess, in a way. You mvoe your Monsters, Magic, and Trap cards around in an attempt to win. You can either corner the Deck Master, as you would get a checkmate in chess, or you can simply eliminate your opponents Lifepoints like in the card game. The animation is much better than in Forbidden Memories, and you are given more and better cards to use. Once you get the hang of the game, it becomes great fun to play. After a while though, I must admit, the game gets a bit stale. It becomes quite easy to defeat some of the characters and about all you end up doing is trying to get cards that you do not yet have by repeatedly beating the pulp out of your opponents. Incidentally, after enough duels with an opponent, you can see how they function; get the ability to predict their moves. So, it's great until you beat it, after that it's just repetitive, you know what will happen and just hope that you'll get the right card in the graveyard slots.
Oh come on! Are you telling me that only three people want to help save the Dekimak kingdom from the toy revolt? Sheesh...heartless people in the Christmas season. Stuff of note: [B]Boba Fett:[/B] Excellent......:devil: Dagger IX1: Very nice, very imaginative. ;) Baron Samedi: You Bio is a little confusing, there seems to be two Rubens, each doing different things. Is your character schizophrenic, or can he bilocate or something? :p Egh, I think we need more interest than this. Talk to other people, drag them in here. It would help if we had a few more people.
20,000....I can manage that in a few years...
"Sit right back down." commanded a creaky voice. "Now." Flamedramon turned at the unexpected command, and was once again overcome with a wave of dizziness. He sat down on the edge of a makeshift bed. Painfully he dragged his head up to view who was most certainly the owner of the voice. He was an old man, or so it seemed. He didn't seem to be human, but looked just so. He had wrinkled wrinkles, lines within lines, and eyes deeply set. "Who-who are you?" asked Flamedramon. "My name is Ophist." replied the man promptly. "I have come to help you." "What c-can you do to h-help us?" stuttered Flamedramon. The pain and dizziness was not getting any better. "Well, for starters, I can do this." the old man reached out and gently touched a crinkled finger to Flamedramon's armored head. Flamedramon's vision suddenly blurred and he began to see a multitude of zeros and ones overlaying everything. While the rest of the world seemed to be composed entirely of white numbers, the figure in front of was not overlayed with that same code. Flamedramon heard a series of bleeps and chirps. Slowly, the dizziness left him and the pain dulled. His sight returned to normal and he looked more attentively at the figure standing before him. "What did you do?" asked Flamedramon. "I'm not dizzy anymore, and the pain is all but gone." The old man shrugged. "I manipulated the system. It wasn't all that hard." "Just what are you?" demanded Flamedramon. "I'm a Programmer." answered the old man. "Or rather, I was. I'm no longer welcome amongst the others." "A Programmer? Others?" it just didn't make sense to Flamedramon. The old man cackled. "Confused, eh? Things aren't nearly so bad as they were a thousand years ago; you'll get over it." "You didn't answer my questions." accused Flamedramon. "You're right, I didn't. But that's because they don't really have any relevance at the moment. All you need to know is that I'm here to help you, and Concitomon hates my guts." Flamedramon flashed a grin. The old man pulled a cane from nowhere and began to walk outside the tent. "So, first thing's first. You'll need a place for your troops to be brought back." Flamedramon pushed aside the flap of the tent and stood back as the old man walked through. "The Primary Village is not too far from here." he said. "You're right, it's not. But it just doesn't move fast enough, it doesn't. You need those troops fast, you don't have time to sit around and wait for their data to be collected that slowly." The old man snapped his fingers. In front of the eyes of about a dozen or so digimon a large pool of water appeared. It did not spring from the ground, or ooze up. It just merely phased into existence. "This pool will collect the data of every digimon who goes into it when they are destroyed. They will be reborn through the pool into their In-Training form." said the old man. Flamedramon had given up trying to understand [I]how[/I] the old man was doing these things. Instead he was wondering just what else the old man would do to help them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't even think about touching that old guy! Just take a dip in the pool and keep moving. Smash a Minion or two; develop charcter. Do something not related to Ophist.
Whoo Hoo! More ten-minute magic from the relative unknown known as Ben! In response to a request from a friend of mine, I?ve developed this RPG. It may not be the best I can do, but it is something for me and him to work on. Okay, this will be fantasy, so there?s got to be a kingdom of some sort.....hmm..... How about the kingdom of Dekimak? Yeah, that?s a good press-random-buttons-on-the-keyboard-until-you-get-a-good-name name. And we need a bad guy too, or some sort of conflict. Umm.....I got it! How about there is a band of evil wizards who are trying to take over the world? [I]That[/I] sounds pretty [B]stereotypical.[/B] *throws the idea away* Uh... What if the kingdom was overrun? Not by mice or invaders or anything. What about.......toys? Meh, it?s as good an idea as any, I suppose. So, the outlying towns of the Dekimak kingdom have been destroyed by the toys of the children that live in them. Your job is to stop them before the whole kingdom is overrun. The problem is, you don?t know how they?re coming alive, how many there actually [I]are[/I], or how to stop them. I?ll think of something to further develop the plot once I see the sign-ups. So, make-up a medieval sort of character. Knight, wizard, warrior, barbarian, archer. Whatever; use your imaginations, they?re good things. Oh, right. A sign-up.... [B]Name:[/B] (duh) [B]Age:[/B] (yeah, you?d better know how to fill this one out) [B]Sex:[/B] (male and female should be the only words I see in this space) [B]Description:[/B] (pictures are nice, if you can get them) [B]Weapon/s:[/B] (you don?t have to have them, but they help when dealing with possessed toys trying to kill you) [B]Spells:[/B] (Wizards and sorcerer-like people can have multiple spells or just the general control over elements and mystic stuff that you guys think of; anybody else should have something basic if they?re using it) [B]Bio:[/B] (Make up the name of some town that you grew up in and piece together something) Above all, [B]be imaginative[/B], please. If you can think of anything to add to the sign-up, by all means add it.
Sign Up Brave Fencer Musashiden: Thirstquencher's Revenge [PG13] (image heavy)
Ben replied to PiroMunkie's topic in Theater
[B]Name:[/B] Cane Atalot [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Class:[/B] I'll go with Soldier, as it's the only unused one. [B]Description:[/B] See attachment [B]Bio:[/B] Born and raised in the Thirstquencher Empire, Cane exemplifies the qualities valued in the army. He is strong, clever, and swift with his sword. His father was a lieutenant in Emperor R. Senic's invading army. It was during the aftermath of the invasion that his father met his mother. Taking a liking to her, he decided to settle in Grillin Village, withdrawing from his army position. Growing up it was discovered that Cane was a voracious eater and would consume anything that appeared remotely edible. This resulted in unusually severe cases of gas. His parents decided it may have been a genetic defect, or a trace of Wizardry in his mother's blood. Cane learned much about warfare and combat from his father whilst he was growing up, though he could not lift the sword until he was 16. Before then, his father taught him the movements with a stick for a sword and a large scrap of bark for a shield. Numerous times in the training Cane was sent into the forest to retrieve a new shield. The threat of monsters eating him alive taught him to be quite swift. A later incident also convinced him not to imitate the mating call of squirrels. As his father reached senility, he convinced Cane that the markings on his breastplate and shield were necessary to obtain victory and any objections would result in him being thwapped in the back of the head. [B]Starting Point:[/B] Grillin Village [B]Primary Spell/Weapon:[/B] A plain sword. [B]Secondary Weapon/Item:[/B] Heart Shield. [B]Items:[/B] Two Mint tablets and an Antidote stem. [B]Spell(s):[/B] Intolerable Belch-after eating large amounts of food (or absorbing Bincholon), Cane gains this ability for a short period of time. Disgusts even the hardiest of tavern-dwellers and causes a person to reel in stupor for a few moments. -
I don't think that would work, shadowfire. When you play De-Fusion, that's a Special Summon, and you can't summon monsters smack dab in the middle of your Battle Phase; that would make the Main Phases almost pointless. But, it [I]is[/I] a quick-play, so I'm not entirely sure what the ruling would be concerning that...*shrug*
My name is Benjamin. I'm usually called Ben. [B]Nicknames:[/B] Benbo Baggins: Given to me by members of my fencing team, who are mostly Lord of the Rings fans. I don't quite remember the reasoning; something about harboring the ultimate evil.... Ben Ben: My cousins call me this, I think to distinguish me from my cousin Ben. Benjimon: My dad called me this when I was really into Digimon, he still occasionally calls me this. Lego: A shortened version of my AIM name, legoboy1. Stalin: I took a Genocidal Maniac Quiz and he was the result, so some of my friends call me Stalin now. Benny Boy: A friend of mine refers to me as Benny Boy, a paraphrase of "Yugi Boy". In the Yu-Gi-Oh show, Pegasus often mockingly refers to Yugi as such. Klepto: Back in Freshman year, I stole anything not bolted down. Kleptomania is a condition where a person steals compulsively. Ben Jammin': A friend of mine called me this, it's a parody of my name. Hmm, I'm sure I have more, but I just can't think of them now.
>.> Phew. Thanks Riolaskand, I was hoping that you'd get the idea. Pull back the attack for now. You guys rushed this RPG just a little too much, I think. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Concitomon gazed about at the destruction being wrought below. Hundreds of digimon were being crushed by the boulders that rained down from the mountain. His Minions worked and worked tirelessly, and hundreds more poured from the Portal each second. Concitomon glanced to the left and then to the right. Two armies of Minions, previously unnoticed by the Digimon, advanced from both horizons. Quite suddenly, all the Minions around the mountain stopped what they were doing and retreated. The Digimon army and the other varying factions, battered and beaten, regrouped and looked to the sky, at Concitomon. "I am giving you this one chance to flee. Flee now and do not tempt me to destroy you." Some of the digimon did run, shrieking in terror and crying with despair. Other stood, resolute. Staunch in their devotion, they echoed their earlier cries of defiance. Concitomon sneered and began to gather energy in his hands. The two armies continued to advance from either side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flamedramon leapt atop a Greymon and peered about. His remaining troops, those who had not fled, stood around him. They were battered, bruised, and yet maintained the falsity of hope. There was no hope. The armies coming in from either side and the inestimable power of Concitomon could not be overcome just yet. "Get out of here!" he yelled. The digimon turned to look at him incredulously. "You heard me! Retreat! Fall back! Live another day! We cannot win this fight, but if we leave now, we may not have a chance at another!" The digimon stood looking sullenly around at each other. They knew they were beaten, but they clung to their hope. They all fixed Concitomon with a unanimous look of hatred, turned, and ran. Flamedramon hopped lightly off of the Greymon's head, and ran in the direction of the mountain. "Where do you think you're going?" demanded Renamon, matching his run stride for stride. "To make sure they get away safely." he replied. Concitomon was systematically destroying those flying digimon who refused to surrender. A dozen orbs of magical energy appeared in front of his outspread hands, then dove into a desperate flock of Biyomon, utterly annihilating them. Flamedramon leapt up the craggy mountainside, his powerful legs launching him swiftly past those Minions who sought to encumber him. Renamon followed him, teleporting in short bursts up the mountain. A MetalSeadramon loomed in front of Concitomon suddenly, Minions crawling about him like ants to food. "River of Power!" he called. Unfortunately, a Minion stabbed him in the eye just before he unleashed the attack, causing him to pull back his head in pain. His attack narrowly missed striking Concitomon. Concitomon pulled back his hand and prepared to hurl an orb of unstable magical energy at the disoriented Mega. "Magical Imba-" "Diamond Storm!" Renamon unleashed her attack directly into the swelling orb in Concitomon's hand, causing the orb to detonate and unleash its unstable energy. Concitomon was thrown down to the mountain by the force of his own attack. He stood up quickly, and indignantly, rising once again into the air. Renamon leapt into the air, preparing another attack. With unsurpassed speed, Concitomon appeared behind her and struck her sharply with his staff. She fell several feet from where Concitomon had just fallen. "Horde of Minions!" he barked, unleashing a storm of his mini-soldiers at her. (O.O.C. Think of Myotismon's Grisly Wing) "Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon poised himself in front of Renamon and launched himself into the teeth of Concitomon's attack. Minion after Minion collided with the aura of forceful fire and disintegrated. Flamedramon plowed through all of them until finally colliding with Concitomon's hand. Concitomon grabbed Flamedramon by the throat, and then hurled him across the rocky mountain turf. "You," he whispered. "You have been a thorn in my side, Flamedramon. Even then, ten thousand years ago, you sought to stop me." "What are you talking about?" groaned Flamedramon as he tried to get to his feet. "It doesn't matter now, because it's over for you!" he declared. "Magical Imbalance!" He hurled another of his deadly orbs at Flamedramon. Suddenly, a wave of energy struck the orb, causing it to rupture before striking Flamedramon. The unstable forces flowed outward blasting Flamedramon over the mountain's edge, and causing Concitomon to draw back as another of his attacks was obstructed. MetalSeadramon soared away from the mountain with Renamon seated atop his back, cradling Flamedramon in her arms.
I guess the armadillo-clones are attacking the humans.... Hmm...might as well keep it all in the family, so to speak. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben looked around at the amassed forces of the Chameleon Militia. They were an elite group, numbering significantly less than the other Militias. They were all armed with short swords and only lightly armoured. Their armor and weapons were made integrated with technology that allowed them to change color just as their bearer did. The Chameleon Leader stood next to Ben, silently dividing his forces into smaller strike groups. The chameleon-clones were almost always used in surprise attacks, the reason for which should be obvious. Ben reached out with his mind, searching out the other Leaders. He was a bit worreid, Alaris' troops were almost already in place. The call to arms was a bit too sudden for some of the Militias, and many were not yet prepared. Continuing his search, Ben came upon a cave rat. He caught a momentarily caught a glimpse of a nest, and then pressed on, an angry chittering in his ears. [I]"Ben."[/I] came a voice in his mind. Ben reacted instantly to the message, shifting his mind to it and following it back to its source. Ben reached its source and found it to be a fox-clone within the humans' underground base. [I]"What do you want?"[/I] asked Ben. [I]"Calm down, I was told to contact you by the Fox-Elder. Tell your troops not to attack the fox-clones. Once you breach the base's perimeter I'll send a message to the others telling them to switch sides."[/I] [I]"All right, I'll be sure to tell the others, too."[/I] Ben had almost overlooked the fact that the other clones would look upon the fox-clones as their enemies. He searched for and found Alaris. [I]"Alaris."[/I] [I]"Ben? What is it?"[/I] came Alaris' reply. [I]"Tell your troops not to harm the fox-clones, remember, they're our allies."[/I] said Ben. [I]"Of course, I should have thought of that sooner."[/I] Ben returned his attention to the chameleon-clones being deployed in their strike groups. "Stop them, quickly!" he said. "HALT!" Roared the Chameleon Leader. His voice echoed throughout the cave, and his tone indicated to those further away exactly what he wanted. "What is it Ben?" he asked. "Tell them not to attack the fox-clones, they're our allies." Ben told him. The Chameleon Leader arched his eyebrow. "You're sure?" he asked. "Positive." said Ben. The Chameleon Leader shrugged. "They won't be able to see us anyways, so I suppose that if you're wrong, it won't be all that bad." he turned. "Do not engage the fox-clones!" he shouted. "The humans are the enemy, as they have always been. New intelligence has been brought to us; the fox-clones are once again our brothers in arms!"
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