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Everything posted by Ben
*takes out special defibrillator* Don't you die on me! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben's thoughts raced as he walked out of the Elders' Chamber. He now had the backing of the Elders, which meant he was in command of the Leaders. He had proposed the idea, thus he would see it through. But who would be best suited to face he scorpion-clones, and then the humans beyond them? And what of the toxins that the humans were using? They would undoubtedly affect the clones as well. Ben pondered these questions as he quickly followed Rena. Rena roared and several other cat-clones responded to her call. They proceeded through some rituals that Ben did not understand, and then looked to Ben. "What now, oh glorious leader?" asked Crystal somewhat impishly. "I want you to go back to your people, gather as many as you can and bring them down here." he paused, speculating. "By the time you return, we should already be engaged with the humans." "What about this?" she asked. In her hand she held the amorphous key that the Owl-Elder had given to her. It writhed about in her hand. Ben noticed something new about the key. It was actually almost a key. Though it still squirmed, it held roughly the shape of a large key. Before its shapeshifting had been almost totally random and it possessed no actual shape. Ben reached out his hand slowly to take the key. It's edges became a bit more defined. He stretched his hand even further. The key lost its shape and oozed over the edge of Crystal's hand. Ben pulled his hand back. The key once again gained its transitional shape. Puzzled, Ben said. "You hang on to it for now. Just go get us some help." he turned. "Rena, you'd better go with her, just to be safe." "I can take care of myself." asserted Crystal. "Best not to take chances." replied Ben quickly. "The humans could be anywhere." He nodded. "You'd better get moving, or they'll leave you behind." Rena had already taken off, with her troop of cat-clones following. Crystal shook her head in agitation and took off after them, spreading her wings and gliding over the heads of those clones in her path. Ben looked down at his bracelets, and then thought back to the key's reaction. "There [I]has[/I] to be a connection." he murmured.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]*LMAO at thread title* Heh, Arnie quotes eh?[/B][/QUOTE] I was hoping that [I]someone[/I] would recognize it. :toothy: Thanks for not disappointing me. [QUOTE]That'd be interesting... give us something to do the summer before senior year, eh Ben? Doesn't sound like much of a job though, it'd give us many more bills than paychecks...[/QUOTE] I was thinking of it more as a last-ditch lifestyle, not as a job. :p Heh, I doubt we could convince OB-ers to support us in our cause, anyways. :p
Sheesh, there sure are a lot of Sacred Hearts around. :p The one that my dad works at is in [B]Groton, Connecticut[/B]. It's a shame, though; I sure would have liked to meet all of the people who lived near a Sacred Heart. :toothy: I really don't know what I'd like to do when I get older. I like to write, but I'm not sure that I could ever write anything that I could live off of. I'd like to do something that involves food, like my dad. My dad, and about three of my uncles work with food in some form or another; my mom and aunt have both been waitresses at major restaurants, and cooking is another thing that I enjoy doing. It's a shame that knives make me slightly nervous. I just can't picture myself doing something like my mom does. :whoops: I've also given some thought to acting, but that's more of a fantasy than an actual goal. I've only been in one play, and that was in third grade. :) I don't know if I have the discipline to make myself memorize lines, or the courage to get up in front of people and say them. I get nauseous just thinking about giving an oral report. :p But acting would be a neat thing to do, I think. If all else fails, I'll leave home and wander the States searching for OB members. :toothy:
Heh, the idea that I may get a life is quite unthinkable at this present point in time. I can picture me being here in ten years.
My dad's name is Turner, and he is the "Food Service Manager" at Sacred Heart School, my old elementary/middle school. Basically, he orders the food for the kids' breakfast and lunch, and then he cooks and distributes it. Not only does he have to order the food though, he has to buy the plates, napkins and utensils as well. He maintains a kitchen staff of two other people and serves about 400 kids every day. My mom's name is Joann and she is a Certified Nurse Midwife. :sweat: I actually don't know too much about the details of her job, as it involves some things I may not want to know too much about. I know that she takes care of pregnant women, though, and that she delivers babies on a regular basis. So, what do your parents do? Do you plan on following in their footsteps? If not, what [I]do[/I] you want to do?
I love getting mail as well. :D There's something undefinably neat about seeing my name on an envelope, written by somebody else, to [I]me[/I] of all people. Having someone that's outside my usual group of friends greet me is an incredible event. It makes me feel like I actually exist in the eyes of others. Signing onto OB and seeing PMs in my box is a nice little treat too. Just to have an ongoing conversation with someone else brightens the time I spend at my AIM-less computer. :) Having people sign my MyOtaku Guestbook is pretty nice too. ;)
Heh, I still love it Solo. :D I can't wait for the next chapter. I really hate to nitpick, but there's a typo in one of [I]my[/I] dialogues. :drunk: [QUOTE]??which allows me to summon to Giant Orcs and a Witch of the Black Forest.? [/QUOTE] After "summon" it should be two, not "to". Sorry. It just bugged me. :sweat:
O.O.C. Sheesh! We're not going to have much of a story if you guys win this soon. Solo, Concitomon is already in the Digital World. He's built a fortress in the side of a mountain, with lots and lots of Minions in and around it. And this goes for the rest of you too: [B]Concitomon is supposed to be unknown.[/B] He's just come back to the Digital World after about a thousand years. [B]No one has any clue who he is.[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Concitomon watched as the hordes of Digimon advanced on his mountain fortress. He looked around him. Minions numbering somewhere in excess of ten thousand stood ready, with hundreds more pouring out of the portal every second. "Fools." he murmered. Concitomon lifted himself into the air. He looked down upon the advancing armies and spoke in a voice that carried to all corners of the battlefield. "I abjure you, you Digimon. Begone from here, else I shall unleash the fury of my armies and of my will." There was a unanimous bellow of defiance from the assembled armies. "As you wish!" Concitomon roared. The Minions dotting the mountain opened fire on the army, and the assembled masses at the base of the mountain charged, brandishing their swords. The Digimon again roared their defiance and charged also. "Magical Imbalance!" Concitomon conjured a large orb of unstable energy and hurled it at the center of the enemy charge. BOOM! Digimon were hurled in every direction and a cloud of digidust obscured the sky. Concitomon gathered his magic energy in the palm of his hand, then struck it with his staff. Sparks of magical energy shot out and destroyed whole flocks of flying digimon. More fell under the rain of fire from the mountain. "YOU CAN NOT WIN!"
Before Ben could answer, the doors around the room opened and the Leaders filed in. They all bore a badge of their office: A four-pointed star with their race's coat of arms emblazened in the center. Some had it on their wings, some on their arms, some on their chests. "Why have we been summoned?" asked the Elephant Leader. "Prepare your troops." snapped the Elder abruptly. "This Council has decided to go to war." "We'll go at once." the Elephant Leader replied. The Leaders filed out of the room. Ben turned to follow them. "Just where do you think you're going?" demanded the Elder. "There are certain details that need to be worked out. Details that you don't need to know and wouldn't understand anyways." He turned his back on the Elder and walked out. Alaris walked up beside him. "I must go prepare my soldiers." he said. "I'll meet up with you later." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any ideas on who (which races?) should attack the human's underground base? It's the one guarded by cave scorpions.
Shorty, please don't post multiple times in a row. I've got a question about Shadow of Eyes. If you use it on an opponent's monster, can that monster attack that turn, even though it was [I]forced[/I] into Attack Mode?
Shiv watched as the others used their various powers to go over the dge in the most show-offy manner they could manage. He grinned. This would be fun. Shiv ran to the edge and leapt off, cackling madly. The fall was several hundred feet, and the ground below was strewn with rocks. Coming up on the others who had already begun their descent, he began to spin. His hands lit up with light-energy, and it traveled down his body. He grew closer to the ground. Hannah leapt out of the way, so as not to be struck down. CRASH! Shiv plunged through the rocks and the ground, embedding himself several yards below the surface. Still spinning, he cleared away the surrounding earth and leapt out of the hole. He was still chuckling. "This is going to be [I]great.[/I]" he exclaimed.
Shiv stepped into view of the two other metahumans. His purple hair waved slightly in the wind, and his hands were covered in a purple haze. They slowly formed two glowing blades. "Who are you?" Shiv asked. "I am Distortion, this is Revel." replied Gen quietly. Shiv narrowed his eyes. "Metahumans?" Gen narrowed his eyes and suddenly Shiv's hands returned to normal. Shiv shook them. They remained normal. He screwed up his face in concentration; still nothing. Looking up, he glared at Gen. "All right, fix it. I know you did this." he demanded. "Before I do that, who are you, and what are you doing here?" said Gen. "I'm Shiv. I'm here because I followed Static. He flew off to that stupid T-shaped thing, so I kind of thought I should stay back a bit. It looks too super-hero-ey for my liking." replied Shiv. Gen narrowed his eyes. "Why were you following Static?" "Because I wanted to slice him into little itty bitty pieces." cackled Shiv. Lina glanced at Shiv, and then at Gen. "You should call Luthor. He may be interested."
"Okay, I am officially bored." declared Shiv. He was sitting by the docks after having almost been shipped to China. Ebon just didn't have a sense of humor sometimes... "So, I'm sitting here, not destroying anything. Just kind of staring off into space. Great." Shiv. twitched. Then he carved several nearby crates into splinter-sized pieces. "That's a little better." Just then, Shiv saw Static flying out of the city. Shiv wasn't part of the Metabreed anymore, so he didn't really have a reason to attack Static, but, he shrugged, he was bored. Running as fast as he could, Shiv struggled to keep up with the soaring hero. Tiring out, Shiv hitched a ride on a passing truck, digging his hands into the side with light-energy. "[I]Where [I]is[/I] Static going?[/I]" he wondered.
Accepted people so far: Kaeda-San Ohkami FF7 Vincent Solo Tremaine RioLaskand Please be sure to check out my last post in the Recruitment thread if you haven't already, I've written comments about some of you. [B] Sign-Ups are still open, feel free to tell others about it.[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Concitomon stood above the portal, watching as innumerable swarms of his Minions marched out of the gateway. They had easily overwhelmed all the areas surrounding the portal; their numbers able to overcome any of the disorganized resistance. Concitimon had fused many Minions to create a fortress surrounding the portal. The Minions were small, even more so than the average Rookie. They were basically humanoid shaped, each armed with a small blaster, which would shapeshift into a sword when engaged in melee fighting. A faint movement in the north caught Concitimon's eye. It could just be grass blowing in the wind, or it could be some enemy spy. Best not to take chances for any reason. "Horde of Minions!" he bellowed, sweeping his hands beyond the walls of his fortress. small bricks formed from nowhere and slowly took shape. Piece after piece fit together perfectly, snapping faintly as they connected. Seconds after his short declamation, 150 newly born Minions stood ready to do his bidding. "Go." he said simply. Intimately linked with him, the Minions knew exactly what they were to do. Concitomon had spent ten-thousand years locked away in an alternate, infitine, empty dimension. Time was peculiar in that realm. It passed, but didn't have the effect of aging those in it. Concitomon, to be more specific. Time passed in the Digital World, but not nearly ten-thousand years. A five or ten centuries at most. Concitomon had spent five-thousand years producing Minions. He had been badly defeated in single combat by an unnamed foe. He, of a level higher even than Mega, had been overcome. That one fact drove him into a fierce state of mind. Fore the next five-thousand years, he trained. He honed his powers, focused his skill. Every day he grew stronger, untouched by age but shaped by it's passing. After reaching what he believed to be his peak, Concitomon sought a way to be released. He finally decided that his only means of leaving would be to use his powers to reopen a rift between his world and the Digital World. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, here's what's happening. Concitomon has vast armies of Minions under his command, but is consolidating his position around the portal before he makes any further moves. The Digimon Army is presently engaged with another Minion army, and has nearly overcome them. They don't really have any plans other than to destroy Minions and to figure out a way to stop Concitomon. I'll toss in someone later (think "Gennai") who'll explain everything to them. Here's some info on Concitomon [B]Name:[/B] Concitomon. [B]Level:[/B]He's a DNA of two supercharged Megas; that's the best way I can describe it. [B]Attacks:[/B] Magical Imbalance, Horde of Minions (there are variations to Horde of Minions that will be introduced later) [B]Attack Descriptions:[/B] Magical Imbalance: Concitomon gathers unstable energy into a weak field of energy. He then launches the sphere at his enemies. The field dissolves after a few seconds, causing an extremely explosive flux of energy. Concitomon may create several at a time. Horde of Minions: Concitomon instantly creates 150 Minions out of bricks that he pulls out of thin air. This process only takes a few seconds. [B]Other:[/B] Concitomon has returned to the Digital World to search for his enemy, the one digimon that defeated him all those years ago. He rarely engages in battle since he's returned to the Digital World, believing that that one foe only is worthy of him. If he is somehow damaged, Concitomon may regenerate himself by consuming Minions. I hope I didn't leave anything out. :D Let's begin!
"Heh heh heh, watch me get that one." Benny cackled, taking aim with his shotgun. The Desperado to whom he was speaking looked to where Benny had indicated. His eyes widened and he shoved the barrel of Benny's barrel upwards. The gun went off with a loud BANG and several Cabalerros fell from the rigging of the Damned Mistress. "Now what'd you go and do that for?" Benny demanded. "Because you were about to shoot a stack of dynamite, you blind coot!" exclaimed the cowboy. Benny frowned. "Oh..." The Desperado was stabbed from behind by a Caballero, and elicited a shrill scream. Benny whirled and fired, blasting the Caballero's arm clear off. The pirate spun and fell to the ground. When he tried to shakily get to his feet Benny smacked him across the face with the butt of his shotgun. "That'll teach you." he affirmed. "Hey, old man." came a voice from behind him. Benny turned quickly. Standing behind him were three Caballeros, each holding a cutlas in his direction. One of them struck him across the hands with the flat of his blade. Benny dropped his gun, wringing his hands. "That hurt, you young'un!" he exclaimed. Just then a group of Desperado's rode by and began firing at the pirates. The pirates turned and (they have guns too, right?) returned fire. Benny reached into his coat and pulled out the sawed-off shotgun he always carried. BANG! Three more Caballero's gone. Benny reloaded his barrel-less shotgun and replaced it in his coat. Then he picked up his other gun, reloaded that, and grabbed his horse. He rode off with the other Desperados to the Damned Mistress.
"What is this petition, Ben?" asked the Elder. Ben could not determine this Elder's race, and the Elders he was most familiar with were not present. "Well, perhaps, Revered Elder, petition is not the correct word. Demand would probably be better." an angry murmur swept the chamber like wildfire. "Your impertenance aside, what is this [I]demand[/I] of yours?" the Elder squinted. "That we take action. That the Leaders mobilize their forces." he paused. "That we actually [I]fight[/I] this war." "And what exactly do you mean by that?" cried one of the other Elders. "I think we've spent far too long just preparing for this war. We're beyond being ready for it, we're perhaps too far beyond getting ready. Perhaps you've forgotten why it is that we fought that war, forty years ago." Several of the Elders blanched; they, at least, remembered what had occurred. Many of them had tears in their eyes as memories long since forgotten resurfaced. Friends, family members, loved ones; the Elders were all suddenly overtaken by memories of ones they had lost in the war. For in truth, no family had been unaffacted. Ben stood before the Elders, subtlely sifting through their minds, willing these images and memories to resurface. Much like the conducting of an orchestra, he tempered the minds that he touched. Some Elders were filled with sorrow, some with regret, and then a good many were filled with righteous fury. The Elders felt once again the zeal with which they had built this nation, the force that had driven them through hard times and times harder still. Once again, they knew what they were fighting for. The Elder who had first questioned them stood unchanged. His mind alone had withstood Ben's influence. Looking around at what he saw in the other Elders, he sneered. "Very well then, Ben. Your "demand" shall be granted. We will go to war." He turned to a mouse-clone standing nearby. "Summon the Leaders."
[B]Code Name:[/B] Shiv(?) [B]Real Name:[/B] Shiv(?) [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Powers:[/B] Can create light-energy weapons. [B]Power Origin:[/B] Metahuman [B]Alliance:[/B] Teen Terrors [B]Description:[/B] [img]http://wester5.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/shiv.gif[/img] [B]Biography:[/B] Was caught in the Big Bang, which resulted in him getting the power to create light-energy weapons. Leaving the Metabreed after a heated argument resulted in him being hung from the back of a cargo ship, he decided to join up with Luthor and the Teen Terrors as an outlet for his destructive nature.
[B]Kaeda-San[/B] = [COLOR=green][B]Accepted.[/B][/COLOR] Could you tone down your digimon a bit, though? Dragiymon seems to be too powerful for just a Rookie. [B]Ohkami[/B] = [COLOR=green][B]Accepted.[/B][/COLOR] Could you please put spaces after your periods and commas? I noticed that you didn't do that in your other RPG's, and it makes reading much easier when you do so. [B]FF7 Vincent[/B] = [COLOR=green][B]Accepted.[/B][/COLOR] [B]Solo[/B] = [COLOR=green][B]Accepted.[/B][/COLOR] That's [I]exactly[/I] the kind of character I wanted to be commanding the army. ^_^ [B]bogger3k[/B] = [COLOR=red][B]Not accepted.[/B][/COLOR] [B]Unborn Lord Xion[/B] = [COLOR=red][B]Not accepted.[/B][/COLOR] [B]Takuya[/B] = [COLOR=red][B]Not accepted.[/B][/COLOR] ([B]this has nothing to do with my last RPG[/B]) [B]Inuyashagurl_15[/B] = [COLOR=red][B]Not accepted.[/B][/COLOR] [B]RioLaskand[/B] = [COLOR=green][B]Accepted.[/B][/COLOR] If anyone else would like to join, sign-ups are still open for now. For all of who were accepted, I'll start this up either later tonight or tomorrow, if at all possible. I'll explain much more in the opening post of the RPG, [B]or I might just edit this, check back every so often until the RPG starts.[/B]
[B][SIZE=4]I WANT TO BE IN IT![/SIZE][/B] :drunk: [SIZE=1]Even if it's just a small part not worth mentioning...[/SIZE] :toothy: Heh, I [I]love[/I] it, Solo. [B]Great[/B] job.
[B]Kaede-san[/B] I hadn't originally considered having someone work with Concitomon, but I'll let it pass and we'll see what becomes of it. :D [B]Ohkami:[/B] You'll be sticking to one level for a while, but I'll come up with a way to digivolve later on. :D Fic Digimon are permitted. :toothy: As you might not have noticed, Concitomon doesn't show up in any digidexes either.
[I]Bound in Shadow, Infused with light. These signs mark this world's blight.[/I] This is an excerpt from an ancient text of the Digital World. What it means, or who wrote it, is unknown. It bears a strong resemblance to the Prophecy of Myotismon's resurrection and demise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Concitomon sat in the emptiness of his prison, waiting. His eyes closed, head bowed in concentration, he focused. Energy crackled around him, sparking and leaping about his body. He had retained this pose and focus for hours; building up his power, focusing his strength. Small creatures floated about him, his Minions. He had created them. They served him, and him alone. He had created them all, given them life, given them a purpose. They would mindlessly follow his commands. They stood upon the emptiness that was their master's prison; his place of exile. So they had stood for a thousand years and more, awaiting the time that they would be freed. Concitomon slowly opened his eyes, staring straight ahead. Minions quickly departed from the line of his gaze, retreating to the infinite void behind their master. Concitomon uncoiled into a standing position, though there was nothing beneath him. He brought his arms apart, slowly, carefully. Then suddenly he brought them sharply together and released his pent up energy. "MAGICAL IMBALANCE!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somewhere in the Digital World a small Dorimon was smelling flowers, savoring their sweet fragrance. The In-Training digimon skipped about merrily, enjoying himself immensely. "Why can't all the Digital World be like this?" he wondered aloud. Suddenly from behind him came an impossibly loud eruption, with the word "imbalance" distinctly overlaying it. Turning quickly, the small digimon was blinded by the light of a huge column, rising infinitely into the sky. The light was suddenly ended, discontinued at the source. Dorimon squinted his eyes. Something else was moving towards him. It was small, not much bigger than the average Rookie. "Who are-...." Dorimon stopped mid-sentence. What imerged from the bushes was not a digimon. It had a humanoid shape, but was made entirely of what appeared to be plastic bricks. It was followed first by one, then another, and soon there was a small army amassed behind the first. Dorimon stood paralyzed in fear. From behind the gathering of plastic men came a huge figure. Bigger even than a Greymon, this digimon was clothed in a coarse robe of dark, dark blue, opened at the front to reveal a chest of red and yellow bricks; a sense of evil permeated his figure. The immense digimon gripped a gnarled wooden stick in his hands, and his eyes glowed green. "After ten thousand years, I am free at last." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon reentering the Digital World, Concitomon unleashed his vast armies of minions against the world's hapless inhabitants. Battle has been joined, and a war has begun. The Digital World is in disarray. For every minion lost, ten more take its place. For every digimon lost, the others mourn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, after toying around with an idea for another Digimon RPG, I've finally sat down and written something. I'm still a little shaken after what happened to my last one, so I'm going to impose my usual standards and screen applicants. In other words: Some of you will get in, some of you [B]will not[/B]. For you sign-up, you can be either an officer in an army of digimon, just a plain member of an army, or you can be a rogue digimon intent on destroying as many Minions as you can. Or you can make soemthing up, I'm interested in seeing what you come up with. Let's see... [B]Name:[/B] (remember, you're a digimon) [B]Level:[/B] (Rookie, Champion, etc.,etc.) If anyone's interested in a lower level, contact me via PM and we'll discuss it. [B]Attack/s:[/B] (what are the names of your attack?) [B]Attack Description/s:[/B] (describe that attack) [B]Personality, Biography: (optional) [/B] I'm not too big on Bios or Personalities. As the story progresses, we'll all get an idea anyways. And please, feel free to improvise. I'm always interested in what other people can come up with. :D If anyone has any questions, comments, ideas, please feel free to PM me about anything. I'll post a little more info later explaining the origin of Concitomon and the whole ten thousand year exile thing. :toothy:
Yeah, one question. [I]When's the next part coming?![/I] :D
The answer is yes, it is legal. The card Barrel Behind the Door says: [I]"When an effect that inflicts damage to Life Points is activated (except Battle Damage), switch the damage you receive to your opponent's Life Points."[/I] Immortal of Thunder says: [I]"FLIP: You gain 3000 Life Points. After this card is flipped, you lose 5000 Life Points when it is sent from the field to the Graveyard."[/I] Put the two together and it actually amounts to a great combination.
"I'm not going to tell you anything, freak." sneered the human. His eyes darted about as if he could actually somehow escape with his life. Ben, Rena, and Alaris walked over to where Crystal stood with her crossbow carefully trained on the human's head. "Oh yes, you will." Rena declared ominously. She deliberately unsheathed a single claw and held it before the human's face. With a strike like lightning, she cut off one of the human's ears. The human tensed up, his face contorted in pain, but he refused to cry out. His body shuddered with the effort of maintaining discipline. Ben meanwhile, had been searching the human's mind. His mind raced through the human's, seeing memories, feeling the human's emotions, his thoughts, and his dreams. One thing in particular caught Ben's attention. Long ago, one of Ben's friends had disappeared from the caves. Search parties were formed and sent out, the Discovery Groups even lent a hand. No trace could be found. Delving into this human's mind, Ben saw his friend; Mutak by name, being kidnapped by the humans. Ben went further into the memory. After being cruelly experimented on, Mutak's fate had been left in the hands of this human. Seizing upon Mutak's inbred fear of fire (he was a horse-clone) he had burned him alive. In the blink of an eye, Ben was out. He was quivering with rage and pain. He fixed the human with a look of disgust, then stiffly walked up to him. "Mutak was my friend, you bastard." the human stared at Ben, not understanding what he meant. Ben forced the image of Mutak into the human's immediate consciousness. The human lowered his head as if he had been struck, then raised it again defiantly. "So what? He was a filthy, stinking clone, just like the rest of you. You ought to all be burned alive." "What an interesting idea." murmured Ben. It started slowly, like the swelling of a wave. The human began to sweat. His breathing quickened. Ben's eyes narrowed. The human cringed as blisters formed on his skin. Crystal and the others backed away from Ben and the quivering human. The human cried out as long, jagged lines of black raked his limbs. His flesh smoked and he fell writhing to the ground. He was no longer wet with sweat, but appeared dry and as if it was shriveling. The human painfully crawled to Ben's feet. "Please! No more!" he shreiked. He fell to the ground, threshing around and screaming more. He was still smoking and he now appeared no larger than a teenage boy. Ben raised his left hand, palm up. The human was lifted up, still contorted in pain. Ben spread his fingers apart. The human painfully unwound and hung facing Ben. With a motion faster than Rena's had been, Ben smoothly cleaved off the human's head. It fell to the ground along with the body. "Let's go." said Ben shortly. "Where?" asked Alaris cautiously. "To the Elders. These skirmishes have lasted long enough. It is time to take some real action." "Like what?" demanded Rena. Ben turned around to face her, tight-lipped and grim. "I'm going to take out that underground base, with or without help." With that, he levitated himself into the air, and sped off towards the Capital.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by evanbunnell [/i] [B]Which card allows you to get all of your fusion monsters out, Ben? I know it's kind of a noobie question, but I'm kind of a noobie, so it all fits. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, no worries. :D Magical Scientist allows you to pay 1000 LP to Special Summon a Fusion Monster from your Fusion deck until the end of the turn, with the restriction that the monster be level 6 or lower, and it can't attack your opponent's LP directly. I mainly use it to get a Tribute for another monster. Nathan, I noticed that you added a Don Zaloog and a Raigeki, but what other changes did you suggest? Heh, also, the Deck is only 38 cards when made your way.