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Everything posted by Ben
Yeah DM, the picture more resembles him than Marik.
Name: Benjamin Waterdike Goes by: Buckshot Benny Affiliation: Desperados Age: 47 Appearance: [url=http://www.hpz.com/bildbearbeitung/cowboy.gif]Benny[/url] Personality: Generally a jovial sort of person, Benny tends to not take life very seriously. Taking risks that he probably shouldn't, he often receives rather debilitating injuries, which he merely laughs off. Biography: Benny was born and raised an outlaw. When a mining incident left him with blurred vision, he was left behind by his family. Money had been scarce of late and they couldn't afford to feed a mouth that was attached to an unworking body. So Benny was taken in by the Desperado's. The outlaws used him to cover their escapes, giving him a shotgun loaded with buckshot. Despite occasional mishaps where a few men caught some of the pellets by mistake, the Desperados grew to love Benny and his optimistic attitude. It was a rare thing given the times and his circumstances. Benny is rarely left unattended, as his poor eyesight often leads him into trouble.
Here's a deck that I made a few days ago. I hadn't really expected it to work that well, but I've somehow not yet lost a match with it. :therock: That's not really saying all that much, though, as I've only dueled about four times with it. [B]Tribute Monsters:[/B] Buster Blader Amphibian Beast Summoned Skull [B]Low-Level Monsters:[/B] Big Eye The Unfriendly Amazon Magical Scientist Karate Man x2 Jigen Bakudan Sangan Don Zaloog Gray Wing Des Lacooda x2 Jirai Gumo Giant Orc x2 Cliff the Trap Remover Cyber Jar Goblin Attack Force Mad Sword Beast Witch of the Black Forest [B]Magic Cards:[/B] Emblem of Dragon Destroyer Last Will Dark Hole Banner of Courage Mystical Space Typhoon Nobleman of Crossout Rush Recklessly Pot of Greed Stop Defense Monster Reborn Change of Heart [B]Trap Cards:[/B] Needle Wall Trap Hole x2 Shadow of Eyes x3 Michizure Blast with Chain Dust Tornado Gift of the Mystical Elf Ceasefire Jar of Greed [B]Fusion Monsters[/B] Punished Eagle x2 Roaring Ocean Snake x3 Fiend Skull Dragon Rabid Horseman x3 Empress Judge What do you think? Any tips or suggestions?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Uncanny amount? I looked at the first 30 RPG topics in A.A. and only 6 of them had any sort of rating on them. That leaves 24 other topics for you to post in that don't contain mature themes. I find that to be far less than an "uncanny amount" and gives you plenty of options. [/B][/QUOTE] I admit that "uncanny amount" isn't all that accurate. :whoops: I apologize, I overreacted. [B][QUOTE]And for another...any RPG with mature content needs a warning. If that warning is there, younger members will be aware not to join those RPGs.[/QUOTE][/B] I wasn't against the warnings, I had just overreacted when I saw that there were several of them that [I]needed[/I] warnings. I was not used to having more than one at any given time. I'm now inclined to believe that, as was said by Semjaza, James, and Shy, it's just a passing phase. Thanks for the clarification. :toothy:
I've noticed recently that there's been an uncanny amount of "mature" or "R" or "PG-13" rated RPG's being produced in the Recruitment and Adventure Arena. I know that some people enjoy those types of things, and that they have every right to create them, but....what happened to everything else? :p I'm just slightly concerned about the younger members here on the boards who may want to write. They may not want to be in RPG's with sex, drugs, and violence, but there isn't really much else right about now. I realize that there's not much the Mods or Admins can do about it, but I just wanted it to be brought to everyone's attention.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rttocs77 [/i] [B]Wow, in terms of moving I have moved a grand total of about... 12 times in my 16.5 year life.... [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, do you want a medal or something? :p I've never moved, not once. :D I like it where I am, nice and cozy (well, it's [I]actually[/I] cold and wet) lots of nice people (if you don't count the majority of the population) good skools (look, I can spel!) and, of course, a McDonald's. *obesity percentage goes up a notch* Oy...tired...:sleep:
O.O.C. I'm picking up where Dregen left off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A large, hulking figure crashed through the bushes and stepped into a clearing, facing Dregen. He raised his hands in supplication. "Calm down, I'm a...well...I'm not exactly a friend, but I'm not an enemy either." Dregen drew his bowstring back further. "Who are you, exactly?" "I'm called Marakuta. I'm a cult-member from The Earth Colony. Who exactly are you?" Dregen would not be convinced so easily. "How do I know that you're a cultist?" he demanded. Marakuta growled and reached into a bag on his back. He pulled something out and tossed it on the ground in front of Dregen. It was the head of a Wind Elder. "Proof enough?" Dregen lowered his bow and stepped closer to his fellow cultist. The brute didn't smell very good, and flies were clearly visible about him. "What do we do now?" asked Dregen. "I'll be damned if I know, boy. I'm going to grab a bite to eat." Marakuta sat down, causing the ground to shudder slightly. He then picked up the Elders head, and started eating.
LOL, that's great. :D I can't wait to read more. :D :D :D
Name: Ben Nicknames: Benny Boy, Benjimon, Benbo Baggins, Benbo, Ben Ben, Klepto, Beatt, Benny Woo, Benna Hair Color: Brown Eye color: Brown Height: Umm....over 5'5 Weight: Don't know/care. Wardrobe: A [I][B]lot[/B][/I] of Earth Day t-shirts. Khakis, cargo pants/shorts. I like lots of pockets. ^___^ Personality: Eh...multfaceted. With adults I'm the very soul of courtesy and modesty. Online I tend to be a bit more arrogant to some people, modest to others. Whether online or off, though, I'm generally friendly. Favorite music: I'll listen to anything impartially. Favorite Bands: None to speak of. Hobbies: Walking, writing, fencing, making sarcastic/cynical comments with [I]some[/I] of my friends. My personal mascot: Bored Guy. I'll have to find a picture of him somehwere. Basically he's a vertical oval with straight lines for the mouth and eyes, plus a sort of top hat.
Instead of nixing the Unfriendly Amazon, you could add in a Solomon's Lawbook or two which would negate the need for it's Tribute; it would also free you from Imperial Order's cost as well.
[B]Name:[/B] Marakuta Faotay [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Colony:[/B] Earth [B]Rank:[/B] Member [B]Allegiance:[/B] Bad [B]Weapon(s):[/B] A heavy stone mace adorned with various animal teeth. [B]Magic:[/B] Marakuta is a master of dispelling and manipulating magic. His magic isn't very sepcific, rather he kind of takes on the magic of whomever he is facing. He is adept at several earth-wielding spells. [B]Appearance:[/B] Marakuta is very large, with dirty, matted brown hair that hangs to his shoulders. He has a brutish face, almost simian in appearance. He has very thick skin, the result of a harsh life in the Earth colony. He wears a large leather jerkin and worn, loose, leather pants. Got a good image of him? Now add a [I]lot[/I] of dirt. [B]Personality:[/B] Marakuta is quite cruel, with a warped sense of humor. He enjoys manipulating his enemies, and the magic they employ. If he cannot outsmart a foe, he generally smashes them with his mace. [B]Bio:[/B] Marakuta grew up in a very rough part of the Earth Colony. Living alone, he grew to be self-sufficient and very shrewd. He learned much about the people of his colony, including several things that they may not have wanted him to know. After some time, his increasing size made him quite conspicuous, making his passive learning slightly more difficult. Seeing his brutish appearance, many thought him to be stupid. Several challenged him to fight, and in the end they were all savagely cudgeled to death. They had thought to outsmart him, since they knew they could not best him in strength. Instead he had outdone them. Marakuta joined the cult in the hopes that he would find opponents more worth his time. [B]Extra:[/B] Marakuta knows how to live off of the land, and will go to great lengths in order to survive. Depriving himself of food and water for weeks at a time, his body has adapted to withstand periodic nourishment withdrawal.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][FONT=arial](I can no longer walk to my lovely Lake Michigan...)[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, no Norse wolves for you. :p I've lived in the same house for the past 15 years of my life. I am 15 years old. The house has not moved, so neither have I. I have lived in Groton, CT (that's Connecticut) for all of my life. Yay! :toothy:
Ben propped himself up against a stone pillar and closed his eyes. He didn't know very much about how to treat burns, with or without his powers. He turned his power inward, focusing it on his body overall, rather than the burns themselves. Ben scarcely [I]knew[/I] anything about burns, but it wasn't his mind that was doing the work at the moment. Prodded by his powers, his body began to heal the burns unconsciously. Small bits of metal and rock began to rise out of the wounds and rolled off of Ben's sides. Dead skin flaked off and disappeared. The wounds healed, leaving only scars behind. Then even the scars disappeared. Ben opened his eyes. The mandibles of a scorpion greeted him. Ben sat up in shock, only to find that it was merely a carcass that had fallen in front of him. Alaris and Crystal hefted it of of him. "Sleeping on the job?" Crystal arched an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? We're not getting paid for this." said Ben, grinning. Rena, meanwhile, was slashing at cave scorpions. "Did any of the humans escape?" Alaris shook his head. "Not after that savage got ahold of them, they didn't. How did she get appointed to a position with [I]children?"[/I] "I have no idea." said Ben, shaking his head. Rena had ripped a scorpion in half from the inside. She emerged moments dripping with its blood and with entrails dangling about her shoulders. She seemed ecstatic at the carnage. "Are there any more?" she called over to them. They all shook their heads. Either out of disbelief or expressing an answer, Rena couldn't tell.
Ben stared at the crumbled walled puzzledly. Then he saw several humans that had been hiding behind the wall, listening to their every word. They turned and fled, dropping a small device in their haste. The four clones raced after them. Ben grabbed the fallen device with his tail, not fully realizing what it [I]actually[/I] was. He flipped the device into his hands, and his eyes widened. The bomb exploded, blinding Ben and severely burning his hands. It had not just been dropped in haste, it had been tossed to ensure escape. Ben was thrown to the ground, burned and bleeding. Rena swiftly chased the group of perhaps five humans, while Crystal and Alaris hesitated betwen helping Ben and chasing after the humans as well. "Go." Ben croaked. "The caves branch apart up ahead; Rena will never be able to catch them all." Still they continued towards him. "Don't worry about me, I'll be alright!" Ben coughed, blood dripping from his lips. "If the humans find out about what's really going on, the fox-clones will be slaughtered." Alaris paused, as did Crystal. [I]"Go!"[/I] Ben commanded, overlaying his command with psychic power. The two immediately turned and ran after the humans, drawing weapons as they went. Ben then turned his attention to his wounds, which had already stopped bleeding. A familiar shriek cut through the stale cave air, along with a clacking of pincers. "Oh, crap..."
Post another Chapter. O_O [B]NOW![/B]
[B]Pegasus:[/B] No, Croquet, no fine wine and cheese today. I think I'll just have a nice and greasy Happy Meal. [B]Serenity:[/B] I'm so glad that I can see again. *walks into a stop sign* [B]Joey:[/B] Serenity....who? [I]Yugi:[/I] Yes! The one card that can win this duel for me! Go, Dark Magician! [I]Duelist:[/I] Umm...that's the Feral Imp. [I]Yugi:[/I] Oh, heh, wrong card. ^_^; [B]Marik:[/B] I wonder if I can make [I]myself[/I] into a Mind Slave.... [B]Bakura:[/B] And then all the Millenium Items shall be mine! Muahahaha- *Ring jumps off Bakura's chest and skuttles away on spider-like legs* Wait! [I]Come back![/I] [B]Solo Tremaine:[/B] Whoah...How'd I get here?
[SIZE=1]I'm not going to let this story die.[/SIZE] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suddenly, Alaris and Crystal froze. Alaris tried to move, but found that his body wouldn't respond. Crystal couldn't twitch so much as a feather. Silently they struggled to move as one of the fox-clones began to march towards them. Crystals mind exploded with panic. The fox-clone was walking right towards them and she couldn't move! Alaris was similarly troubled. Then the fox-clone approaching them wavered, and his weapon disappeared. It was Ben. As soon as they saw who he was, Ben released his hold on them. "Sorry I did that, I didn't want you guys to do anything rash." said Ben. "Like what?" demanded Crystal. Her crossbow flitted from her hands over to Ben's. He fingered the taut string on the weapon. "Put one of these into me, maybe." he replied, floating the device back to her with his mind. "Why are you suddenly using all these mind tricks?" asked Alaris. Ben shrugged. "To keep in practice, I guess. I hadn't used them before just because I had exhausted them in the battle. He hovered a few inches above the ground. "I'm feeling much better now though." "What about those other fox-clones?" asked Crystal, eyeing then nervously. They wavered and disappeared. "What fox-clones?" asked Ben innocently. "Don't make me hit you again." she threatened. "Go ahead and try." he challenged, leaning forward slightly. Crystal futiley tried to punch Ben, but found that every time her arm passed some invisible line, it went limp. Puzzled, Alaris stuck his arm through. It fell to his side. He stuck it through again. It again fell to his side. "That's a neat trick." he said. Suddenly, a dark figure leapt at Ben from behind. Ben stepped aside and spun, whipping the figure across the head with his tongue. The would-be assailant fell to the ground, landing easily upon her hands and cartwheeling into a standing position. "Where have you been?" asked Rena. "Here and there." replied Ben, and he told them all what had happened.
O.O.C. Alone, the Leviathans aren't much to worry about. They just provide dark energy for the Dark Shadows that possess the digimon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Slamming Tusk." Tuskmon's shadow moaned. Aquilamon, hopped out of the way of the charge and took to the air. Tuskmon turned, looking for his failed target. Looking up, he was met by several Blast Rings. Tuskmon took several steps back to maintain his balance. "Grand Horn!" Aquilamon dove at Tuskmon and knocked him over. The Dark Shadow inside of him shrieked and disappeared. Tuskmon remained on the ground, his shallow breathing indicating that he was unconscious. Proctimon and William had been watching the fight with a mix of worry and fascination. A large shadow suddenly loomed over them. Suddenly, Proctimon shoved William aside and then leapt out of the way himself. The Dark Leviathan's stone fist struck where the two had been standing just moments before, creating a large cloud of sand. The Dark Leviathan reached out with one hand to grab Proctimon, but was far too slow. "Automnal Time!" cried Proctimon, unleashing his attack on the hulking mass of stone. The attack merely chipped away at the beast's surface. "Blast Rings!" Aquilamon's attack had little more effect than Proctimon's had. The Dark Leviathan slowly marched toward the two digimon, its feet leaving large impression upon the ground. "So, what are we supposed to do now?" asked Kelly. "I don't think we can beat this thing." "We don't have to beat just yet," said WIlliam. "I'm pretty sure we could just outrun it." "And just leave it here?" "What else can we do?" asked William. "Something like this!" came a voice from behind them. "Pit Bomb!" A small winged bomb suddenly struck the Dark Leviathan, causing it to fall backwards and causing a significant fracture in the Dark Leviathan's body. Piximon flew into view, and stopped when he reached the two humans. "I've come to help you two Digidestined." declared the pink puff of a digimon. "Good, because they're going to need it." Suddenly, a small blue digimon dropped from the sky. He lacked the mask of shadow that Ben's other slaves possessed, but there was no doubt that he was evil. His eyes were of the deepest black, and dark energy crackled around him. "Bhaumon." spat Piximon. "One of Ben's flunky's." "His partner, actually." said Bhaumon. "Severe Fist!" Opalescent hues of blue sudddenly swirled around his fist, and he forced it forward, launching the attack right at the two Digidestined. With surprising speed, Piximon let fly another Pit Bomb, which easily nullified the Rookie's attack. Aquilamon and Proctimon both attacked, and Bhaumon just barely managed to avoid the two. Bhaumon's eyes narrowed. "Perhaps you underestimate me..."
I just wait it all out. It's hard and unpleasant, but it all eventually goes away. Of course, shortly afterward something [I]else[/I] comes into being to stress on me.
I see dead people...[B]all the time...[/B] :nervous:
Heh, just shootin' out digimon left and right. ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Speaking of evil," came a voice from above William and Kelly. "Let's see what you think of this!" With that there was a loud roar and the earth several feet away from them exploded. Dirt, grass, and rocks were sent flying; as were the digidestined and their digimon. Kelly shook her head and sat up. William sat up and rubbed his eyes. They both squinted to see what had caused the explosion. It was some kind of black rock. Only it had...arms? and legs? The Dark Leviathen shuddered to its feet, and its eyes lit up a sinister red. It took a step forward; the digidestined cringed. "Blast Rings!" shouted Aquilamon. The circles of energy did close to nothing when they smashed into the surface of the Leviathan. The Leviathan raised its right hand. TSEW! An inky black shadow emerged and flew straight at Aquilamon. The shadow surrounded him, blotting out all light. Kelly's digivice flashed, and a light could be seen inside the shadow. It flashed again, and the light inside grew stronger. It flashed a third time. Streaks of pure white light pierced the shadow and sent in screaming into the sky. The Dark Leviathan, having about as much emotion as the rock it was made of. (That is to say, none) Brought its hands into the air, and then dropped them sharply downwards. Up from the ground came a Tuskmon, and two Kunemon. Each wore identical masks of darkness. "What happened to their faces?" asked William, quickly getting to his feet. "I don't know." said Kelly. "But I think this has something to do with those dark things you were talking about!" "Indeed it does." said the same quiet voice from above them. Then the voice's owner floated into view. He was standing on what appeared to be a disk of dark energy, which swirled endlessly beneath him. He wore a simple gray shirt and black pants. A Tag and Crest encircled his neck and a digivice was clipped to his pocket. "Who are you?" demanded William. "'Ben', 'Digimon Emperor', 'Worse than Ken', I've been called them all." replied the boy. "But I think Master would be nice, too." "You're the new Digimon Emperor?" asked Kelly. "You don't look all that impressive to me." Ben leaned over, his hands held behind his back. "And you don't look all that intlligent. But we all must learn to deal with our faults." he smirked. "Enjoy your time with my slaves." Then he floated higher until they could not longer see him. Then Ben's digimon attacked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope that will keep you guys busy for a while; I don't know when the next time I get on will be. :p
>.< Sorry! I've been having a bit of adisagreement with Takuya that has spanned several days...er...weeks. :p But hopefulle that has now been taken care of. Also, my computer is having extreme difficulty handling OB for some reason. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sam climbed down the rock formation and began walking towards the hazy figures in the distance. As she grew closer, she noticed a large black mound rising out of the ground right behind them. Puzzled, she walked forward. There were several of what appeared to be flat, spiked rocks. Sam took a step towards them. "Sam, stop!" commanded Turuiemon. "What?" asked Sam. "Look up there, near the top of the rock." Sam took a few steps back to see what Turuiemon was talking about. Something flat and round was emerging from the top of the rock. It stopped about half a foot out of the rock. Then it swiveled, and Sam started. The thing had [I]eyes.[/I] Then, from the ground beneath it came legs, and arms. It's limbs groaned as it rose from the earth, sand falling from its body. Then suddenly, the smaller mounds sprang to life. Crabmon leapt from their concealment beneath the sand. Only their faces weren't right. Instead of pointy teeth and grins, there was a mask of black shadow. On the shadow was a frown of blackest despair. "Magic Claw!" said one as it leapt at Sam. "Gauntlet Claw!" shouted Turuiemon as he blocked the attack and sent the Rookie flying. More of the Crabmon emerged from the ground, obviously too many to handle. The large rock-thing was moving towards them as well. "We can take them." said Sam. "Oh...yeah." grunted Turuiemon kickign away a Crabmon. Another pair leapt onto his back. "No problem." Sam looked down at her digivice. "Maybe someone will come to help us."
Ergh, I know Time Eater is...I think Soul Eater is too. Are there any others?
Being the middle child of five, you'd think that there'd be precedents for me to follow. That doesn't really hold true, though. For some reason or another, my parents treat me differently when it comes to going out, probably since it happens so infrequently. My brother and sister are held on a tight leash, since they usually break whatever curfew they have. :rolleyes: But, since I'm just so innocent and perfect, I can do just about anything I want and stay out until whenever. :D
Ben opened his eyes. It was very dark. He held up his hand, but could not see it. He sniffed at the air. Nothing. He tried to touch something, anything, with his hands, but they were chained to something. He knew it was pointless, but he tried probing outward with his mind. Still nothing. Suddenly, he felt a pair of hands encircle his head. Then there was light. Ben squinted as his eyes were suddenly bombarded with light. He looked around the room. He immediately saw that it was of human construction, as the clones did not possess many of the materials used. He looked behind him, but could not see who had removed the mask. "Sit, Ben." said a quiet voice. The voice's owner sat deeply shrouded in shadow with its back to the fireplace. The fireplace provided the only light in the room. Ben looked outside, it was night. Ben sat, quite unsure of what exactly was happening. The chair was comfortable, exceedingly so by clone standards. It had a low back, and cushioned arms. Artistic designs covered it completely. (O.O.C. Ben doesn't know how he was knocked out, nor does he know who did it.) "Who are you?" Ben asked. "You know me, Ben, if only by sight." replied the speaker. Ben struggled with it. The voice was quite familiar, and yet the impossibility of the speaker's identity stopped him from saying anything. "Fox-Elder?" he said tentatively. The figure steped out of the chair, and candles around the room flared to life. It was indeed the Fox-Elder. He was emaciated with age, his robes flowing quite loosely about him; and yet his eyes bespoke an undying youth. His lips were curled into a smirk and a few of his teeth showed. They were still remarkably sharp. "Yes, Ben. It is me." he replied. "And before you start jabbering about how I'm dead and you saw my body, and all that other garbage, let me set things straight." Ben nodded. "I'm obviously not dead, and neither is this war. The humans are amassing near te Scorpion Caves. That's why there was that major flux of them recently. It was by my suggestion that they do so, as no sane clone will willingly go down there." he paused, grinning viciously. "They took [B]heavy[/B] casualties obtaining a base down there, but firmly believed that it was worth the loss to gain such an unassailable position." "But, then, how are they keeping the cave scorpions away?" asked Ben suddenly. "Remember that report of the disfigured trees you heard about? And the missing sheep?" "How did you-" Ben said, but was cut off. "Never you mind that. There are more important maters to attend to. The humans are keeping the scorpions at bay with a peculiar mixture of those wastes you heard about, and the sheep. They're herding the cave scorpions between us and their base. They have some sort of carriers that they use to deploy their troops into the caves without coming in contact with the cave scorpions." "So, wait, whose side are you on?" asked Ben. "Yours, of course!" the Fox-Elder rolled his eyes. "Why do you think I'm telling you this?" "But, all those Elders you killed!" said Ben. "Euthenasia." "This secrecy?" asked Ben. The Fox-Elder shrugged. "It's the way we do things." "What about the humans?" said Ben. "A means to an end." replied the Fox-Elder. "But [I]what[/I] end?" Ben asked. "The end of this damned war." said the Fox-Elder. "And our new life above ground."