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Everything posted by Ben
Ben was beside the Dark Ocean again. He would need some way to spread the Darkness throughout the Digital World. His five new servants would suffice for the initial transfer of the dark energies, but what of those who were infected? How would [I]they[/I] be controlled? The powers of Darkness were not limitless, some sort of reinforcement was required. Ken had used Dark Spires, Rings, and Spirals to obtain control. Ben had used shadows to control his minions so far, all except Bhaumon. Bhaumon was a [B]real[/B] digimon created especially for Ben by the Darkness. In a sense, Ben had the Dark Rings. He had the lowest link in the chain, his dark shadows. But what could he use to keep those shadows empowered? If he were to spread the Darkness effectively, he would need something to bridge the gap between him and the shadows. He sought back through his memories. Or rather, the memories the Darkness had provided him with. His mind raced from image to image, sound to sound, thought to thought. Then he stopped. Ken had used Dark Spires, giant stone obelisks infused with Dark Power. Those had worked fairly well, but they had not been quite enough...He kept searching. A set of polished stones appeared in his mind, each with a golden band around it. [I]"The Destiny Stones. They keep the Digital World from falling apart."[/I] Ben formed an image in his mind. They would be black, of course, the Darkness preferred that. They would also be hard, very hard so as not to be easily damaged. But Ben added a slight improvement to Ken's original ideas on the Dark Spires. Out of the Dark Ocean came his creation. It was large, the size of a Graymon. It had a circular body and a wheel-shaped head. It's arms were thick and ground against the thing's body when they moved. It opened its eyes and groaned. The first Dark Leviathan had been spawned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Dark Leviathan:[/B] Large, mobile Control Spires, basically. They channel the dark power from Ben/the Darkness into the shadows that possess the digimon. They can fight back, though very sluggishly. When destroyed they create a major flux of hazardous energy, an idea brought on by the Destiny Stones. The Dark Leviathans will not be brought to the Digital World until Ben actually has digimon for them to control. [B]The Dark Ones:[/B] The original five digimon Ben took control of. These guys will end up being warlord-ish. When in serious troublem their dark shadow fuses with them to promote them to a higher level. What level they reach is up to you. They do not require the control of the Dark Leviathans. [B]Dark Shadows:[/B] Ben's version of the Dark Rings. He can fling them from his hand or Crest (which is that of Insanity, by the way). For now, Ben and the Dark Ones are the only ones with this ability to infect others. Reminder: Digimon infected with a Dark Shadow will have a shadow over their face in a mournful expression. They will not speak except in moans or groans. They may still attack normally I think that's it for now. Please work on your posts, okay? Also, stay out of the Dark Ocean/World. All right? That's Ben's private little place for now.
Oh my... -.- [B]Kesaki_Inedia:[/B] You need to work on some grammar, please. Also, Redveggimon would have beaten the pulp out of Sam, and the other Veggimon would have torn apart Lopmon, working together or not. Also, your last post about the village; it was pointless, short and had bad grammar. What's up with that?! [B]T Man:[/B] There really isn't anything to your posts. Your grammar still needs work, and your posts are nothing but bad dialogue and a sub-standard form of the "entering the Digital world" scene. [B]Blanko:[/B] You've got some good ideas; things are actually happening in your posts. But, Redveggimon would have beaten the pulp out of Sam, and the other Veggimon would have torn apart Lopmon, working together or not. Please be a bit more realistic. :p [B]Takuya:[/B] I'm glad to see that you're finally psacing things out, but your posts still seem to run from one end to the other, with little or no substance to them. Also, you're skirting around the edges of omniscience, which is a [I]bad[/I] thing. Stop knowing everything, or being incredibly lucky to hear everything from random digimon. Eck...there's more, but I need to move on... [B]Arika:[/B] Another omniscience case. Angel isn't the least surprised that a small monster is suddenly in her room speaking to her. Also, she just generally accepts the idea that she's traveled to a whole new world and there's a large bird that just happens to be waiting to give them a ride? And she's [I]still[/I] not the least bit surprised! [B]Circeus:[/B] Amazing, someone who escaped my wrath...Congrats on being the first... [B]Rei:[/B] Good so far, but try to put a bit more actual activity in your posts, it's mostly dialogue and mundane stuff so far... Another thing, the new Digimon Emperor, Ben, is a relative unknown. Hardly anyone knows about him yet you all portray him as being some huge figure already. Did you all not read the part about there being only [B][I]a few gibbering survivors?[/I][/B] Just about all they're able to say is: "Digi...mon....Emp...emp....emperor!" or something. That brings up another issue: Everyone seem to keep gravitating towards that one village! Why is it that everyone in the Digital World happens to know about it?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just [B]so[/B] frustrated! This is a warning to all of you, the second one for a couple of you. [I]SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT![/I]
Takuya, please read my PM. >_< As for the rest of you, please avoid contact with Ben in the beginning stages. :p He's still coming into power, and you guys are still getting to the Digital World; take it easy for the moment. EDIT: Kesaki, that's fine.
Ben paced his room. Something wasn't right, that much was obvious. He levitated a chair, just to be sure he could. It lifted easily under his influence. He set it back down. He formed a blade on his right hand. The bracelets still responded. Then he looked out the window, to a clone far below. He probed outward with his mind. Nothing. "WHY WON'T IT WORK?!" he yelled, startling those beneath him. He leapt out of the window, catching his tongue on a branch. He swung onto another branch, then leapt to another. Within a few minutes of swinging and jumping he was to the ground. "It's something to do with the humans." he muttered aloud. [I]"But what?"[/I] He probed above ground. He detected several birds and animals, but no humans. He probed further, to the nearest city. Nothing. Ben frowned. Why would a human city be emptied? He traveled to a cave entrance near the city, or at least, near enough that he could see the people walking through the streets. So, he couldn't detect humans either. [SIZE=3]He couldn't detect humans either![/SIZE] Startled by the discovery, Ben quickly turned to re-enter the caves. CRACK! The fox-clone wrung his hand as the lizard-clone collapsed at his feet. "Damn reptile nearly broke my hand." he said to several others, who were hiding nearby. "Now what do we do with him?" asked another. "Take him to the Fox-Elder."
Hmm...I'd like to know more about this Aidan character. I don't think he's Gabumon, in some form, is he? Like everyone else, I'd imagine, I want to hear more about that mysterious thing in the cryogenics tube. :p
T man and Takuya. [I]Please[/I] space out your posts! Not only is it tedious to read in that format, it seems so rushed! And for dialogue, T man, put it one a new line for each new speaker. Also, please work on your punctuation and [B]capitalization.[/B] Example: "Hey, is mom home?" Max asked as he came in. "She's not home yet, but you've got a visitor." his dad said. "Who'd be visiting me this late in the afternoon?" Max wondered. EDIT: I.C. Ben entered the shop with Bhaumon by his side. There was only a small crowd of Digimon present. They all turned in surprise at the arrival of a human in their midst. "What can I do fer ya?" asked the Starmon behind the counter. "I'll have a scoop of black raspberry please." said Ben, sitting down at the counter. "Make mine peach." said Bhaumon, hopping onto a stool. Ben looked at Bhaumon amusedly. "Peach?" he asked. Bhaumon grunted, then glared belligerently around the room. A couple digimon in the corner snickered. Bhaumon stiffened, but Ben put his hand on his shoulder. Then he winked. Bhaumon relaxed. "That'll be free of charge. I've never had a human customer before." said the Starmon. "Thank you." Ben said, then hopped off his stool. Bhaumon jumped off his stool also, careful not to drop his ice cream. The two approached the table of digimon that had laughed at Bhaumon's selection. There was a Meramon a Gotsumon and a Gizamon, all grinning hugely. "What kind of a girly selection is [I]peach?"[/I] the Gizamon guffawed. "The kind that repels stupid." said Ben. Bhaumon thrust the cone in front of the digimon. They instincively shrank back from the quick movement. "I told you." said Ben. The digimon did not look pleased at being insulted. "And who're you?" sneered the Meramon. "There haven't been any humans in the Digital World since MaloMyotismon was destroyed." "The gibbering survivors of my last attack on a digimon village kept calling me the 'Digimon Emperor.'" he replied, buffing his nails on his shirt. "Don't know why they'd do that, though. I'm far better than he was." The Gotsumon laughed. "Yeah right! [I]You,[/I] the new Digimon Emperor?" Ben lifted his Crest and pointed it at the Gotsumon. A small shadow emerged from it, then dove straight onto the Gotsumon's face. His laughter became screams, which became silence. He took his hands away from his face. A mask-like shadow encircled his head, its face a picture of absolute despair. The Meramon and Gizamon leapt back from their table, scared and angry at the same time. The Meramon's face became set and he launched a fireball at Ben. His Crest flashed and engulfed the fireball. Then another shadow sprang out and possessed the Meramon. "Spiral Saw!" said the Gizamon, leaping towards Ben, it's fins spinning. But Bhaumon stepped in the way, his hand glowing a dark blue. "Severe Fist!" he barked, slamming his fist into the oncoming attack. The Gizamon was sent flying into the wall and collapsed in a battered heap on the floor. A shadow engulfed and possessed him. Starmon had watched the whole thing in abject terror. Knwoing that he would be next, after the three others, he made a decision. Having no shop was better than being a slave to Ben's will. "Meteor Shower!" he said, raising his hands overhead. Ben glanced over his shoulder in annoyance. He flipped his hand around, leasing another shadow. It flew into the digimon's face and knocked him to the floor. He was too late to stop the attack, though. Meteors the size of computer monitors were raining down from the sky, shattering through the roof and destroying the shop. Ben concentrated. The Dark Disk suddenly flew to his side and he stepped on. Crouching so as to avoid debris, he sailed out o the building with Bhaumon at his heels. The four digimon ran out as well. Ben circled back, the meteors having ceased. His four new servants stood before him, their faces uniform in their shadow depicted looks of abject despair. "Go now, and rally others."
Ben stood, brooding. The Dark Ocean brought waves of peace over him, though it was peace of body, not of mind. His mind was actually racing, images flashing, bursts of sound, feelings of malice, hate, frustration; all coursing through him. The Darkness was flooding Ben's mind with its own memories; it's own failures. It did this in an attempt to prepare him for any occurence; any sudden change. Through these moments of rapid tutelage, Ben learned that whenever evil became prevalent in the Digital World, it reached out to the Real World for humans to protect it, along with their digimon companions. He saw a boy with large hair, goggles, and an Agumon. [I]"Tai Kamiya."[/I] supplied the dark whisper in his mind. [I]"One of the greater threats to us."[/I] The Agumon suddenly disappeared, and in it's place stood a heavily muscled and armored digimon. He then viewed it destroying two of the Dark Masters, which he had already learned about. Then he saw a pair of boys. One with goggles and a jacket with flames, and another dressed in gray. they were standing beside what appeared to be a massive blue digimon in black and red armor. [I]"Davis Motomiya and Ken Ichijouji. Along with Imperialdramon, in Fighter Mode. Quite a dangerous force."[/I] While he watched, Imperialdramon de-dedigivolved into two smaller digimon, which smiled and ran over to the boys. "But what of the ones [I]I[/I] will face?" asked Ben. [I]"They will be here soon enough."[/I] came the voice softly. [I]"But for now, rest upon this."[/I] Slowly, gracefully, floating down from the sky was what looked like a kite. But upon further inspection as it grew nearer, it was quite easily distnguished from one. It was simply a circle, with four arrows, eaching pointing in a different direction. It was certainly large enough to sit on, so Ben did. His digimon, Bhaumon, suddenly splashed out of the Dark Ocean and onto the disk. His skin ran with rivulets of the Darkness-infused water, and his eyes burned with a light like Ben's. Ben lifted his Crest, the point through which the Darkness aided him. It flashed an eerie purple light, and he was no longer beside the Dark Ocean. Instead, he was beside an ice cream shop. In the Digital World.
Hmm, Arika,i would prefer you had more of a positive Crest, as the powers of Darkness are pretty much totally focused on Ben at the moment. :p And Sara, as long as you [I]eventually[/I] get yourself a Crest, I suppose it's okay that you don't have one now. But be sure that you think of something, we don't want Sorkamon to be all alone when everyone else is going Ultimate. Eh, I might start [I]now...[/I]
Could you people please do this stuff over PM's? :p It's cluttering up the thread. All you really had to do was edit your posts for the Crests, as well. :rolleyes:
Hmm...I think I'll start this sometime tomorrow. No guarantees though, I'll be pretty busy. I've changed my mind about the digivolution thing though; you may now go to Champion whenever it's deemed necessary. I just remembered a new item for the sign-ups: [B]Crest[/B] You'll start off separate, although relatively close together. (I've been in far too many RPGs where some characters never get around to meeting each other. :p) You'll also receive the tag for your Crest. In order to get to Ultimate you'll have to find your Crest somewhere along the lines in the RPG. Please don't do it right away, as that would just be too simple. :whoops: Eh, I'll think of a way to get to Mega, but until I do (or one of you has a good suggestion of how to) [B]No going Mega.[/B] If anyone can think of anything else to ask, or suggest, send me a PM or just contact me on AIM. My screen name is legoboy1.
Ben lay in his bed, brooding. Things had seemed to be coming to a head. Yet, here he was. Lying down. Inactive. Not moving. Not fighting. Just.....existing. It made him uncomfortable, hvaing spent the past few days in the midst of fierce battles. First it was the humans attacking the Bird Dwelling, then it was the cave scorpions, for what seemed like no reason at all. "Ben, dinner's ready." called his female caretaker. Ben was suddenly frustrated. He had been carefully centering his mind around his home, and yet had been unable to tell that his female caretaker had even been in there! It bothered him that his powers were limited. True, he was not the [I]best[/I] Senser there was; the Sense Leader far surpassed him in ability and focus. He merely had more power than the Senser Leader, a larger wellspring from which to draw. The Sense Leader's inability to figure things out bothered him more than his own limitations. "Ben..." called his female caretaker again. "Coming!" he called, hopping out of his bed. Climbing down one of the many vines of the Chameleon Dwelling, Ben wondered what his friends were up to.
Heh, yeah. [B]I'm[/B] Ben. Sorry about that, I probably should have clarified. :p Thank you Circéus for reminding me. I haven't posted a description of Bhaumon. >.< And yes, he's a Rookie. He's got a body like a Sneasel: [url]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:37L9KC2Q8QkC:www.anzwers.org/free/pokewizards/ani215.gif[/url] Except he has normal hands, he's a bit bigger, and more muscular. There's no red fringes on the back and he's got a face like a Betamon's. The ridges on the side his head are backwards, though. He's a darker blue than Sneasal as well.
Kesaki, I got the pictures, you're all set. Rei, just look through the color spectrum again, someone else has already got red. Takuya and I have worked out everything with his character, so I guess we'll start this soon. I'll stress this again, though. [B]Bhaumon is [I]not[/I] to be taken lightly.[/B] I hope that when the RPG starts you'll show that you understand this.
Ben remained outside after the Owl-Elder and Crystal had re-entered the caves. The sun was setting, and it took his breath away. Ben stood, transfixed, as the sky shifted through vibrant colors of red, purple, gold, and colors for which there are no names. Why had he sent Karokku and Xythe to the Bird Dwelling? From what he had seen, the Bird-Clones used primarily ranged weaponry. Xythe would be better suited to help them prepare for another assault on their Dwelling. Karokku seemed to Ben to be too careless with his life. He took risks that Ben felt were quite extreme. It seemed that he feared nothing, not even death. His presence would cause quite a stir. He had sent Karokku there to take a break, basically. Perhaps that's all he needed. Finished with his musing, Ben looked once again at the sunset. Perhaps, one day soon, his family, his friends, his entire race; perhaps they would see this as well. Smiling sadly, Ben turned and was enveloped once again by the oppressive darkness of the caves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next morning, reports were received that the Bird Dwelling was once again shielded from view and that the Bird-Clones themselves were under extensive training at the hands of Xythe and Karokku. The Elders, Ben, and Crystal were in the Chamber. Doseta's task force had been extremely thorough and effient in the cleaning of the room. "What news of the fox-clones?" asked the Owl-Elder. "A few Scenters reported in late last night. They had been on a fox-clone trail for days." the messenger paused, shaking his head. "They found a pile of Klutha dung with a rather insulting letter." "Have there been any signs of them above?" asked Ben suddenly. "No." replied the messenger. "Although our surface Sighters think that the humans are disposing of some kind of unknown mutagent." "What makes them think that?" asked Crystal. "Well, some oddly shaped trees have been sighted growing near the forest fringes. But it's right by a human production site, so they're pretty sure it's just an effect of some waste." "That reminds me, there's a major decrease in the humans' chicken farms several quadrants over." the clone said. "I'd say we found the fox-clones." said the Rhino-Elder. "Old habits die hard, I suppose." said the Chameleon-Elder. "What are they talking about?" Crystal whispered to Ben. "Fox-clones have an insatiable appetite for chicken." he replied. "It's from generations of real foxes snatching them from farmers of Earth."
Here's somewords of my devising, or that I use a lot and aren't real... Randombling-used when I just ramble on about totally meaningless matters that have nothing to do with the subject at hand. "Oosh"-I think it was originally a mispronunciation of "ouch" but now it's a word on it's own. :D I'm sure I have more, but I must use them so regularly that I don't even consider them uncommon. :p EDIT: How could I forget my very own form of government? feudaristdemonarchy-the lumping of certain fictional prefixes that represent forms of government used to loosely describe the form of government that the Seventy-Five Cent Empire is run by.
I'm so happy that in my long stay here at OB I have affected so many people. :p Heh. I'm not going to list anyone who's affected me. To do that I'd have to copy much of the member list. :whoops: Everyday I scan these boards, reading the posts of many of the individuals here. Your opinions, your ideas, your personal stories, they all help to shape me. I'm sure many of you here don't know who I am, but I'm not particularly surprised by that. :toothy: But I do know you, or at least what you say and how you act here. For those of you who do know me, know that you especially have affected me, and I will never forget what you have done for me. Thank you. Mods and Admins, no thankful praise. Just a request that you keep the place running. ;)
Things of note so far: [B]Kesaki_Inedia:[/B] I can't see the pics, and I've never known a digimon not to end in 'mon' as yours does. Some clarification would be very nice. [B]Blanko:[/B] Eh, I think everything's okay so far... [B]Takuya:[/B] When you type things without seperating them, it makes them seem rushed and hard to read, please work on that. Also, I know how fun it is to be a mysterious neutral guy, but I personally can't stand them. :p Please revamp your application. I can't see your pictures either. And please, no black digivice; that's Ken's. [B]T man:[/B] Capital letters are your friends, T man, don't be afraid to use them. Quick grammar lesson: Use them before a proper noun and at the begininning of a sentence. Everything else seems okay except for the dagger. Please ditch it, at least once you go to the Digital World. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]RPG Notes[/B] As I stated above, I can't [I]stand[/I] neutral characters who are mysterious and have cool written all over them. :p I'm also not overly fond of good guys with a mean streak; you're supposed to be [I]saving[/I] the Digital World, not depopulating it. [B]Shadow Digimon.[/B] Ben commands Shadow Digimon. The forces of Darkness in the Digital World congeal to form digimon at his bidding. These will be sent to attack you regularly. [B]Bhaumon. [/B]He is [B][SIZE=3]not[/SIZE] [/B] to be taken lightly. I can not emphasize this enough. His Severe Fist attack is powerful enough to nullify a Champion's attack and severely hurt a Rookie if it strikes dead on. [B]Digivolutions.[/B] Please act as if digivolution is an unknown thing. As the RPG progresses, more of your forms will become available. [B]Reminders/Quitting:[/B] If the RPG starts faltering in the amount of posts it receives, I will send a PM impartially to everyone as a reminder to post. Should you wish to quit the RPG, PM me and let me know. That's all I can think of for now. If you have any questions just PM me.
I've got a short one. It takes some people to get it though. A guy walk into a bar and says: "Ouch!" Repeat with emphasis: A guy walks into a [B]bar[/B] and says: "Ouch!"
Frustrated with its failed attempts at corrupting Ken, the Darkness of the Digital World sought to find another channel for it's evil influence. Ken had been far more successful than any of its other servants, thus the Darkness searched for another human susceptible to its taint. It sent agents to the real world, disguised in human form. They found a number of candidates, but none seemed to have the same imagination or susceptability. Growing agitated, one of the agents struck a human boy, one that had not even been taken into consideration. He had seemed just to...nice. Suprisingly, the human lashed back. Not with his fists, though, but with his tongue. The agent, though vile and corrupt, still felt the bite of the boy's sarcasm. Perhaps the right human had been found... The agent kidnapped the boy and took him to the Digital World. When there, they had the boy design his own digimon to use as he saw fit. The boy failed to disappoint. His digimon, while not vile or evil-looking by any means, possessed a powerful attack and vile digivolutions. Seeing much promise in the new "Digimon Emperor", as he was proclaimed by the digimon who feared him, the Darkness openly supported him. With Ken, Devimon had been sent to mock him for his attempts to control the Darkness. With new Shadow Digimon at his back, and a new enslaving device in construction, the new Emperor sought to rule the Digital World. As it had ofttimes in the past, the Digital World, seeking to protect itself, reached to the real world to recruit Digidestined to protect it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eh, I whipped this up in about 10 minutes, so bear with me. Not everything's perfect or explained, but I'll get around to it. I'll use me as an example. Required stuff: (There may be more, so keep an open mind. Mine's not working right now. :p) [B]Name:[/B] Ben [B]Age:[/B] [B]Digimon:[/B] Bhaumon (description to come) [B]Digimon Attack/s:[/B] Severe Fist (An extremely powerful blue punch, may be projected like Fist of the Beast King) [B]Digivice:[/B]Gray D3 [B]Digivolutions: [/B] (Up to Mega, if you please) No Armor Forms. Mine will be posted as story progresses. [B]Bio:[/B] Eh, I'm not too big on Bio's, just give me some basic information. [B]Description:[/B] What does your character look like? What does your digimon (Rookie form only here) look like? Anything else you can think of for the sign-up just add and star with an asterisk.
[I]"Karokku, wake up."[/I] said Ben, his voice once again chorally overlaid with the power of his mind. Karokku's eyes immediately snapped open. He looked around at everyone around him, then down at his leg. His face twitched, but he gave no other outward sign of surprise. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me?" asked Crystal, exasperated. "We need to know what we're doing next." "Just a second." said Ben offhandedly. Crystal stomped over to where Ben was standing, observing the Snake-Elder removing the shreds of Karokku's bandages. She spun him [Ben] around and kicked him in the stomach. He fell to the ground, gasping for air. "No, not just a second." she said. "I want an answer." "Alright." he croaked. "We're going to send Karokku and Xythe to the Bird Dwelling with an engineer. Hopefully he'll be able to fix whatever it is that hides it." "I suppose that's okay, but what are we going to do about the humans? They're everywhere now. And the fox-clones are helping them, too." Crystal asked. "I don't know." said Ben. "He doesn't know." she said, sinking to the ground. "Great." "But [B]I[/B] do." said the Owl-Elder. They turned to look at him. In his hands he held a large silver-ish key. It looked strangely like the material Ben's bracelets were made out of. "You're going to get some help."
"Several, but I just like seeing you flounder around incoherantly." Ben said. Then he grinned. Crystal bit back a retort. He was so infuriating! She attempted to calm herself. "What do you think we should do?" she said between clenched teeth. "I think the first thing we should do is get Karokku taken care of. I think he'll want to come along and he's not much good to us in this condition." "I'm fine." growled Karokku. [I]"Sit down."[/I] said Ben aloud, a choral tone overlaying his normal voice. Karokku sat, his eyes blank. "Doseta, are their any Senser Med Kits around?" "See to it." said Doseta to a nearby mouse-clone. They waited for the clone to return. When he came back he held a leatherbound case. Ben took it and opened it. Inside were several jars and vials, along with syringes. Ben took a needle, stuck it in one of the jars, pulled some of the liquid out, then squirted a bit out the end. "Inject him with this please." said Ben. The Snake-Elder took the needle and injected into one of Karokku's veins. He did not flinch, or make any sign of...anything. He just sat on a pew, staring into space. "I'd better do it, Ben." said the Snake-Elder. "You're not too good at thisss sssort of thing." Ben nodded, then put the needle back into the case and closed it. The Snake-Elder walked quietly over to the motionless Karokku. He knelt, wincing as he did so. Then he held his hands over the wound in Karokku's leg. Alaris and Crystal looked on with moderate curiousity. The wound began to fill with flesh and muscle, regrowing what had been destroyed. Blood could be seen replicating and pulsing through it. Then the skin closed over the wound, and it was no more. "Wow." said Alaris. "That was pretty neat. What was the injection for?" "When the body healsss itssself, it requires cccertain sssubstancccesss. The injection providesss thossse sssubstancccesss. Without it, hisss body would have been drained of them and he may have died." answered the Snake-Elder. "Okay." said Crystal. "Still nobody has gotten and idea of what we do next. Can't somebody think of [I]something?"[/I]
"There doesn't have to be a reason for the fox-clones." said Doseta. "Possibly they got bored." he said icily. "They sold us out." growled Karroku. "They did as they were brought up to do." creaked an older voice. The Owl-Elder walked over to where Ben and his little group were gathered with Doseta. He was very lined, and his wrinkles showed beneath his feathers. He walked with the aid of a gnarled oak cane and had a golden medallion on a necklace round his neck. "We had long ago releasssed them from any conssstraintsss." said the Snake-Elder, walking up close behind the Owl-Elder. "In furtheranccce of their clevernesssss. With no real inhibitionsss, they are able to more freely devissse meansss to aid usss." "They killed half of the Elders!" protested Alaris. The Owl-Elder shrugged. "There were too many of us anyways." They all stared at him in stupefied amazement. "How could this have helped our cause?" asked Ben. "I don't know." said the Owl-Elder. "Only the Fox-Elder would, and he's far gone by now, I'm afraid." he looked sadly to the ground, where the Fox-Elder's corpse lay.
I remember when you and Babygirl wrote a Star Wars story. I hope this one will be as good. :D Great job, keep writing.
For the Horde! Name: Denja SwiftStrike Race: Orc Gender: Male Class: Shaman Appearance: 6' 5" Denja wears the white furs of an orc shaman, along with a dark purple mantle, a mark of his significance in the horde. Weapon: Trident Background Story: Denja was part of the Dragonmaw clan, until it was disbanded rather violently by the Dragonqueen and her offspring. Since then he has wandered around as a hermit, until finally stumbling upon the others of his race, and becoming an influential figure of the Horde. Just before the decimation of his clan, Denja had stolen a dragon egg. Hatching during his journeys as a hermit, the dragon grew. It did not become as large as dragons normally do, but instead remained small and somewhat docile. It is very protective of Denja.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B] ([url]http://www.apple.com/trailers[/url] is a great procrastination source). [/B][/QUOTE] Indeed it is. :D I've been watching the trailor for it for several weeks now and am all hyped up about seeing the movie. I think their portrayel of werewolves is pretty need; not the usually hairy freaks with lots of drool. :p