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Everything posted by Ben

  1. "Okey-dokey." agreed Ben. (Slimeball) "Let's take 'em out." "Remember the oath." cautioned one of the others. Ben shook his head, grinning. "As if I could really hurt someone." he said, extending his arm. It imemdiately began to sag and droop, losing its consistancy. It fell to the floor with a 'splush' sound, then retreated back to him. "If you can't even keep yourself together, why should we bring you?" asked Kevin. "Shoot me." said Ben. "What?" "You heard me. Shoot me." he repeated. "Or if you don't have anything to shoot me with, throw something at me." "No way." "Why not? I'll insult you if I have to." said Ben, grinning. "That won't be necessary." said Bidall. "Do as he says, Kevin." "You're sure?" Kevin asked uncertainly. "He'll sit there mouthing insults at you until you do, just go ahead." Kevin reached into a pocket and pulled out a small, shiny dart. He through it at Ben at a rate of incredible speed. Milliseconds before the dart made contact, Ben opened a hole in his body and the dart passed straight through. He picked up the dart, then seemingly absorbed it. It suddenly shot straight out of his chest, and would have struck Kevin between the eyes if he had not stopped it with his powers. "Nice reflexes." complimented Ben.
  2. I like using everybody. It's quite satisfying to see my friends' faces when they're sent flying by Peach or Jigglypuff. :D If I'm playing against someone seriously, I use either Link, Samus, or DK. I'm a sucker for projectile and charge up attacks. With Samus I just runa round charging up my gun whilst shooting missiles at the other person. If they get in close I give them a point blank Smash Missile or Charge Beam. If the situation calls for something else, I just smash them. Link is much the same, only there's more hand-to-hand going on with him than with Samus. I'm a big fan of the boomerang, although it really stinks when you go to throw it and it's already gone somewhere. DK is a lot like Samus in the way that I play him. I run around charging up the Giant Punch, then send anyone near me packing. His down and A smash helps a great deal in clearing people away.
  3. Suddenly, bursting through hidden entrances all throughout the room and even from the sand pit in the middle of the floor, came clones. They were all armed and rushed to the aid of the Elders they so loyally served. Humans, still adjusting to the surprise, fell quickly to the weapons of the newly arrived clones. The clones' faces were made indiscernible by the masks they wore. Rena, realizing that she was the reason for those encumbering affectations, stopped releasing her mind-numbing pheremones. Alaris was staggering to and fro because of them, Xythe appeared to be in ecstasy, and Karokku appeared to be holding up against her biological charm. When the humans had all been killed, the clones removed their masks. They were, for the majority, mouse-clones. One was a wolf-clone, however, with a grizzled face and white eyes. He sniffed at the air and made a face. "Clean this place up." he commanded the other clones. They immediately began to remove the human corpses and reverently carry those of fallen Elders. "Who are you?" asked Alaris, slightly light-headed. "I am Doseta." said the clone simply. "That doesn't explain much." growled Karokku. "[I]His rank is somewhat indescriminate. He's in charge of the Elders' messengers.[/I]" Ben's voice sounded in all their minds. "[I]Just go along with whataver he tells you. Crystal and I are on our way.[/I]" "What happened here?" asked Alaris. "How did the humans get past you guys? And the bobcat-clones?" "We were locked in our headquarters and just recently were able to break out. The bobcat-clones were detained." he said the last word with a tone colder than ice. "Who could hold them?" asked Rena, perplexed. "Aren't they supposed to be, like, unstoppable?" "They were captured by fox-clones." Doseta answered. "The shrewdest of us all."
  4. Sorry! I forgot I was in this. >_< Suddenly, they all heard a quiet squelching sound. They looked around, but saw nothing. The room was totally secure. Where was the noise coming from. Then, out of the heating vent came the sound again, louder this time. Suddenly, out of the vent came a large blob of green slime. It quickly took shape, forming a vaguely man-shaped....thing. "Mission!Mission!Mission!Mission!" it exclaimed quickly in a high-pitched voice. In his excitement, large amounts of green spittle flew at those already in the room. "What a creep." someone said. "The name's Slimeball." the thing corrected. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry about the short post, I'm kinda worn out. BTW, Circeus said I could change my character. My new stats are in the Recruitment thread.
  5. Eh, could you explain what you mean by the dialogue, Solo? A PM would probably be good. Onward! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blockmon returned some time later and led the rest of them to a farm owned and operated by a Kunemon. He agreed to let them spend the night in the barn in return for their help the following day. They agreedm and he led them to the barn. It felt strange to sleep on the soft, warm hay after spending so many nights on the cold, rocky ground by the side of the road. They were all quite comfortable, and talked sleepily amongst themselves. Then Blockmon sat up. "Why do they have all this hay?" he asked aloud. "It's not like there are any cows here." They all laughed at that. Then several sleepy voices came from out of the dark. "Hey, quiet down!" "We're tryin' to get some sleep here!" "What's goin' on?" Several Sukamon shambled out of the stalls of the barn. Ben's four digimon started in surprise. The Sukamons' eyes sudden;y brightened upon seeing Ben's digimon. "Hey, a bedtime snack!" one exclaimed. The blue quartet leapt up and prepared to defend themselves. The Sukamons, however, didn't seem to be remotely interested in them. They plowed through Ben's digimon and started eating the hay, chuckling foolishly. Ben's digimon stared for a few moments. Then, one by one, they shuffled to the other side of the barn, and went to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Side Note: Healermon's Hope form is Gemnimon, but he/they is/are a mute, so the name isn't said after digivolution. The attacks are Gemini Punch and Gemini Kick. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blockmon, Healermon, Deciperemon, and Bhaumon woke up the next morning feeling thoroughly refreshed, though a little sore from sleeping where there had been scarce straw. So, after a few minutes of stretching and groaning, they walked out of the barn. They were met by a small Motimon, who excitedly told them to go to the house for breakfast. When they entered the kitchen their nostrils were assaulted by an indescribably pleasing aroma. They wafted over to the table, drooling slightly. The Kunemon who owned the farm shuffled over to the table and deposited a platter of what appeared to be yellowish-green pancakes. The four Rookies looked at each other, then at the food, and then at the expectedly waiting Kunemon. "I made them myself." he said proudly. "I'm sure they're.....great." said Healermon, hesitantly taking one and putting it on his plate. It definitely [I]smelled[/I] good. The others also took single portions and looked at each other rather uncertainly. Slowly, painfully, Deciperemon raised one of them to his mouth and took a bite. His eyes suddenly widened, and he scarfed down the rest of his serving. Then he grabbed another and downed it just as quickly. The others, seeing his euphoria, also began to eat theirs. Their reactions were much the same as his had been and soon their wasn't a single pancake left on the platter. "Those were really good." said Blockmon, sitting back contentedly. "Yeah, they weren't bad for my first try at lichen cakes." commented the Kunemon. "What cakes?" asked Bhaumon; Healermon suddenly disappeared beneath the table and they could hear the sounds of his retching. "Never mind." said Blockmon, cutting off the Kunemon. "I get the feeling that we don't want to know. "Indeed you don't." came Healermon's muffled reply. "Now about that service you agreed to provide me in exchange for staying in the barn, and for breakfast of course." the Kunemon clacked its top legs together in a very businesslike manner. "We'll do whatever we can." replied Blockmon. "Good. Something keeps happening to our crops each night." said the Kunemon with a puzzled frown. "Each night, a large portion of them disappear." "That's strange." said Healermon feebly, coming out from under the table. "That's not the oddest part." said the Kunemon, absently scratching his head. "Wherever the missing crops were, there's some slime and a horrible stench. I personally think it's just a couple of Numemon, but my workers are spooked and they want me to do something about it." "So, what exactly do you want us to do?" asked Bhaumon. "My workers live quite close to the forest and are sure that it's some large and dangerous digimon that's ruining the crops. Iw ant you to go and find it." "And do what? Slap it on the wrist and tell it 'bad boy'?" asked Deciperemon. Kunemon sighed. "I figured that the four of you being, you know, created by Ben, would be willing to destroy the thing." "We're leaving." said Blockmon flatly. The four digimon stood up and made for the door. "You owe me!" said the Kunemon shrilly. "I'll tell everyone about how ungrateful you are!" "Fine." said Blockmon somberly. "We'll do it."
  6. I would say you personally may have little to do with the situation. It would depend on the deck, your opponent, your opponents deck, [B]luck[/B], and then, finally, your ability as a duelist.
  7. Right. Descriptions. :p Forgot about those... Well, there's a picture of Blockmon here: [url]http://www.theotaku.com/digimon/otakumons/set2.jpg[/url] I'm not sure if the link works, though... Healermon looks like Piximon, only he is sky blue, much like Blockmon, and has darker blue eyes. He's bigger than Piximon, a bit bigger than a Betamon. Deciperemon is kind of a Demidevimon/Impmon figure. Has the humanoid body of Impmon, but with Demidevimon's bluish-gray color and face cover/mask thingy. Bhaumon has a body much like Palmon's, buth insead has human-ish hands and reptilian feet. He has the head of a Betamon, with Koromon's ear/antenna thingy's instead of the fins. He's deep, deep blue. EDIT: Next part of the story... The light surrounding Healermon flashed suddenly and disappeared, leaving two small digimon. They were childlike, adorned with golden armor and floppy cream-colored robes. They had tufts of pale hair on their heads and orange horn-like protrusions. "He armor-digivolves and makes [I]them[/I]?!" guffawed Tuskmon. "I could crush them with one stomp." The two small digimon stood up, cheeck to cheeck, and waved their hands in a kind of "bring it on" gesture. Tuskmon charged at them, hurling aside Blockmon and Deciperemon. There was foam on his lips and an insane glare in his eyes. At the last second, the two small digimon split apart, then jumped back in and kicked Tuskmon in the ribs, their feet glowing with a golden light. Tuskmon roared in pain, then turned to face them. He was met by a pair of glowing fists. He staggered back. The two digimon ran at him, leapt into the air, and slammed their once again glowing feet into his chest. They had not said a word the whole time. Tuskmon swiped at them with his claws, but they backflipped to opposite sides of the road. Tuskmon, totally enraged now, charged at the one to his left. The little digimon leapt into the air and grabbed the hand of its partner, who had leapt up as well. They spun once, positioning themselves over Tuskmon, then slamemd onto his back. He did not get back up. The two digimon gave each other a high five and in the instant of their contact, a light flared and Healermon stood in their place. "Okay...what just happened?" asked Blockmon. "Somehow I armor-digivolved and kicked Tuskmon's reptilian butt." replied. "Yeah, but [I]how[/I] did you armor-digivolve?" asked Deciperemon. "Ben isn't here, and he doesn't even have any digieggs." "But we do." said Bhaumon. He limped over. "Look what fell when you de-digivolved." He held out his hand. In it he held a small digiegg. It had the symbol of Hope on it. Suddenly, it shuddered and metamorphosed into a d-terminal. The four digimon stared at it in dumbfounded fascination. Bhaumon hled it out, and Healermon took it. "So, what do we do now?" he asked. "We keep going." said Blockmon. "We don't even know if we're going the right way." pointed out Bhaumon. "I know." replied Blockmon. "But what have we got to lose?" The other three Rookies immediately began to cynically list everything they could possibly think of that they had to lose. "All right! All right! I guess we've got some things to lose. If it makes you feel any better, I'll take a look around from up there." he said, gesturing at the sky. "We'd probably be much happier if you did." replied Deciperemon. "Happy? [I]You?[/I]" Blockmon laughed and leapt into the air. "Find us a place to stay for the night!" shouted Healermon. Blockmon swerved in the air, gave them a thumbs up sign, and took off again. The other three digimon trudged on through the road, absently kicking Tuskmon on their way. Feel free to PM me with any questions or comments. I'd like to know who's reading this so I can elt them know when I update it. Thanks! :D
  8. Would Horn of Heaven work on a god card, i.e. Obelisk or Slifer? And in the CCG, are they actually unaffected by magic and trap cards?
  9. "You're right, you don't." growled the Sense Leader. "[I]We can tell the difference between robots and, you know, [B]actual minds[/B].[/I] said Ben, within Crystal's mind. She gave him a dirty look but said nothing. The Sense Leader was pacing the room, and Crystal could feel when he momentarily leafed through her thoughts. There was a kind of intrusive nature he had that easily identified his presence. Ben seemed to be more subtle, gentler, even. "[I]Indeed he is.[/I]" said the Sense Leader silently. "Based on what you've told me, I think we'd best prepare." said the Sense Leader finally. "We didn't really tell you anything..." said Crystal. Ben tapped his forehead. "Well, never mind that. What are we going to prepare for?" "War." Alaris stood, patiently awaiting the doors to open. He heard a rattling sound as a massive chain was undone. Slowly, the doors creaked inwards. Alaris walked in, eyeing the inhabitants of the room. They were quite old, some more than others, and all robed in different colors. They were silent, perhaps even apprehensive. "What's going on here?" he demanded. "Move another step, freak, and she dies." said a deep voice from behind him. Alaris spun around quickly to see Rena, unconscious in the arms of a large human in deep brown camouflage. He was holding a gun to her limply held head. Alaris turned around again and saw that from behind each Elder stood another human, fully armed and quite dangerous in a situation like this. Karokku impassively looked around, then swore. Xythe merely laughed. "We'll have a good old time getting out of this." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do me a favor and don't just somehow overpower all the humans pointing weapons at the Elders and Rena. :p
  10. Well, it's the beginnings of one anyway. This story takes place after Digistory: Entrance of Nightmare, so some references may be made that only a few people understand. But hey, it's Digimon, so we're used to unexplained stuff happening, right? Still needs a creative title too. >_< Blockmon, Healermon, Deciperemon, and Bhaumon. These are the names of the digimon created by Ben, the Digidestined with the Crest of Reason, formally the Accursed Crest of Insanity. We find these digimon walking through the Digital World, their friend and creator havng been sent back to the "Real World." The four digimon missed him terribly, but none so much as Blockmon. Blockmon had technically been Ben's first digimon partner. Though not assuredly his first partner, he was certainly the first Ben had created. The bond between them ran deep, and their seperation sapped all the energy from Blockmon, or so it seemed. Deciperemon and Bhaumon were not so close to Ben so did not feel hi absence as keenly. They indeed did miss Ben, but felt that they should remain strong in his absence. They had not spent much time with Ben; Bhaumon only a mere three weeks. Their link with their digidestined child had not yet grown as deep as that which bonded him and Blockmon. Healermon did miss Ben too, but it was in his nature to remain hopeful and not slip into a melancholy state. They were headed towards the Crest Temple, in the hopes that Ben would once again be called to the Digital World. He had been forced by Gennai to surrender up his Crest to be stored at the Temple, lest he be tempted to use its powers in the human world. Surey, they figured, his first idea would be to retrieve the item. The four blue digimon were walking on a well-travelled dirt path, with acres of grass all around. They had been walking for days in silence, and seeemd to be no closer to...well...[I]anywhere[/I] than before. Deciperemon had once pointed this out to the others, but they paid him no heed. One day, thus far as uneventful as the others, they came across a group of five other digimon. Four of them were Gazimon, the fifth, a Tuskmon. They were blocking the road, and looked quite smug about about it. The Gazimon closest to the spoke. "You're not going anywhere, human-borns." he sneered. "What?" asked Bhaumon groggily. "What do you mean?" "You were created by Ben, the kid with the Crest of Insanity." another Gazimon snarled. "Yeah, but it's the Crest of Reason now, he's a good guy." replied Deciperemon. "Yeah right, so why isn't he here with you, [I]helping people?[/I]" another sneered. "He had to go back home." answered Bhaumon. "More likely the Guardians banished him before he could do anymore evil." rumbled the Tuskmon. "He's not evil." said Blockmon, slowly lifting his head to peer at the Champion. "He's changed now. I saw the Crest change. I saw [I]him[/I] change. He's not evil anymore." "Yeah, right." snapped a Gazimon. "I think I could take two of them." muttered Bhaumon. "I could take one, eh, maybe another half." replied Deciperemon. "What I'm not so sure about is how we're gonna take down the Champion." Blockmon, however, was already moving menacingly towards the offensive digimon barring the road. Healermon followed him. Slowly, implacably, they advanced on the four Gazimon. The Gazimon flinched, then launched their Electric Stun Blasts. A solid wall of bricks suddenly appeared in front of Blockmon, shielding him from attacks. Healermon did the same, using his Team Attack ability. By the time the Gazimon were prepared for another attack, it was too late. Hammers suddenly appeared in the hands of Blockmon and Healermon. "Block Hammer!" they cried in unison. With their new formed weapons, the two of them savagely beat the pulp out of the Gazimon. Blockmon was a blur, his wings beating like a frenzied hummingbird's. He flew around, knocking out teeth and bruising ribs. Healermon was in their too, slamming his hammers onto any of the Gazimon who got too close to Blockmon. When the Gazimon had given up and ran, the Tuskmon remained, stamping the earth and roaring his defiance. "You may have scared them off, but you'll never defeat me!" he bellowed. "Not alone they won't." said Deciperemon quietly. He and Bhaumon stepped up beside Blockmon and Healermon. "Stand aside." The four Rookies demanded together. "Never!" roared Tuskmon. "[B]Slamming Tusk![/B]" Three ofthe four Rookies leapt nimbly aside, avoiding the attack. Bhaumon stood his ground, his arm glowing a multifaceted blue. There was a dark look in his eye and a reckless set to his jaw. "[I]SEVERE FIST![/I]" he barked, slamming his fist into Tuskmon's oncoming charge. The contact of the two attacks caused the air around them to ripple outward, bending the arid grass for miles. Energy spurted from Bhaumon's arm and Tuskmon's horns gleamed. The two stood their for what seemed like an eternity, neither willing nor able to yield. Finally, Tuskmon's charge went through, sending the blue Rookie spiraling through the air. The other three Rookies, shaking off their stunned awe of what had occurred, charged the Champion from their position in the rear. Blockmon flew in, slamming his hammers into Tuskmon's face. Deciperemon ran to the front, pelting Tuskmon's chest with his Feinted Blasts. Healermon was using his Healer Ray on the recuperative Bhaumon. Healermon watched grimly as his friends attacked the massive reptile. Though they were in much better stamina than Tuskmon, and were keeping him in a state of pain, that's all they could do. They lacked sufficient power to finish him off, all except Bhaumon, who was unconscious. Healermon smiled despite what was occurring. Ben had had a soft spot for ceative attacks. Unfortunately, that didn't help them now. The thought of Ben stirred a feeling inside Healermon. It was a feeling of deep and presiding hope. A hope that they would see him again. A hope that they could all be together again. A hope that would help defeat this Champion. Suddenly, Healermon began to glow. He levitated into the air, eyes fileld with wonder. Then he glowed brighter, until the light engulfed him and he could no longer be seen. "Healermon...Armor Digivolve to...!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any comments would be much appreciated, even meaningless ones, as they keep the thread from going onto page 2.
  11. Very sorry about the short post, just keeping the thread alive. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bhaumon looked around, it was like a heaven, but real. Real to the touch, real to the sight, real to the hearing. There seemed to be a choral song reverberatng throughout the room. "So what's this all about?" asked Bhaumon, trying to sound throughly unimpressed. "Why are we all here?"
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]Ben: Yeah, I kow, the first one was a total failure. I'm hoping this will meet more success. [/B][/QUOTE] I think the last one failed because no one knew what to [I]do[/I]. We just got a vague mission description and were given gadgets for it. Heh, gadgets which I stole. :p
  13. Heh, this seems rather familiar. :D Name: Ben Lonel Codename: Slimeball Age: 26 Occupation: None Identity: He's almost a total unknown. Legal status: Citizen of Canada, clean record. Group Affiliation: Mutant Brigade. Operation Group #4: Solidarity. Eyes: Dark Green Hair: none Strength Level: Ben possesses the normal strength of a man of his age who engage in moderate. Mutation Type: Eh....physical...? Known superhuman power: Is able to extend of warp his body, which is green and very slimy. He does not have any organs anymore, therefore discarding the need for food or money to obtain food. Identifying quote or Special quirk: "Oosh." Special limitations: Liquid nitrogen is a bit of a pain. He's able to extend himself, but cannot retain a very strong measure of solidity when doing so. Others: Has a somewhat high-pitched voice and is always in a buoyant mood. Nothing can keep him down, seemingly. He carries a large, round golden shield when on missions. It is his only possession.
  14. I wouldn't call what I do "stealing", it's more along the liens of borrowing without asking", as I [I]usually[/I] return what I've taken. I've never taken something from an actual store, though I have every confidence in my ability to do so. I can't afford to pay fines in the event that I somehow [I]do[/I] get caught. >_<
  15. Does anyone have anything to say about either one of my decks? :p
  16. Ben was nonplussed. He could see clones everywhere, but when he tried to detect them with his mind, he couldn't. What was going on here? "Alaris, take them to the Chamber." said Ben, I've got to go see someone." [O.O.C. The Chamber is where the Elders meet.] Alaris nodded, although he didn't understand why Ben would be going off on his own. Crystal unobtrusively slipped away from the group to follow Ben. Hopefully he wouldn't be able to sense her since his powers seemed not to be working. Ben walked to the far side of the Capital, with Crystal flying some distance above him. He walked through a doorway and left her sight. She cursed. Wait, was that him coming out again? No, it must have been her imagination. But, she was so [I]sure[/I] that it was him. Again her mind brushed it aside, it was nothing. Annoyed at herself, Crystal magnified her incredible eyesight to its fullest extent. And there he was! Somehow she could seem him, yet there was still that little twinge in her mind telling her that he wasn't there. "Stupid Sensers." she muttered, then she flew lower, lest she lose sight of him again. Ben entered a smaller cave connected to the Capital one. The room was dark, illuminated only by a single shaft of crystal light. Even with that light, though, not all of the room could be seen. Crystal entered quietly and uneasily. The floor was sand, so there was little chance of her making any noise, and her feet were small enough to fit into Ben's footprints, so as not to leave any other marks. "Sense Leader." said Ben. "Yes, Ben?" came a quiet voice, out of the darkness. "I must speak with you. Something's wrong." "I know. We'll discuss it in a moment." "Very well." Ben replied. Just then Crystal felt a large pair of arms grab her. She struggled, then turned to see her adversary. She screamed. What she saw was rows upon rows of teeth and two dead, black eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For those of you who have forgotten, the Sense Leader gets his DNA from a Great White Shark.
  17. I saw a commercial for Yu-Gi-Oh Booster packs the other day and it had a fairly good representation of the Blue-Eyes and Exodia in like...non-cartoon form. They were actually pretty cool looking.
  18. I don't think that Orlando Bloom could pull off being Pegasus. He's got the charm, just not the temperament for a calmly psychotic soul-stealer/genius.
  19. This one has worked fairly well for me. It even beat the deck that I had posted above. [B]Tribute Monsters[/B] Barrel Dragon Wingweaver Dark Magician Judge Man x2 Patrician of Darkness [B]Low Level Monsters[/B] Fushi No Tori Witch of the Black Forest Gravekeeper's Guard Wall of Illusion x2 Hane-Hane Harpie's Brother x3 Crass Clown Sangan The Wicked Worm Beast Des Lacooda Big Eye Giant Soldier of Stone Mysterious Guard Man-Eater Bug [B]Magic Cards[/B] Monster Reborn Change of Heart Black Pendant x2 Spring of Rebirth x2 Magic Reflector Soul Exchange x2 Dark Hole Giant Trunade Malevolent Nuzzler [B]Trap Cards[/B] Dust Tornado Trap Dustshoot Trap Hole x2 Waboku What do you think?
  20. Ben watched as the uksos took to flame and exploded. A massive chain reaction of explosions decimated the cave scorpions, hurling fragments of their bodies everywhere. When it was over, nothing moved except the clones' wings. They all slowly descended to the ground, kicking aside random body parts. "I don't think we'll have much more trouble with them." said Ben. Then he looked at the bat-clones. "Where'd you find them?" "We found them at the Capital, Benny." answered Xythe. "But, I checked earlier, there's no one in the Capital." said Ben, frowning. "They're there all right, sir." said another bat-clone. "No one has left since we heard about the humans coming." "But I [I]checked[/I] it." said Ben, frustrated. He probed to the Capital again and still found nothing. "Are you sure they're there?" Xythe screeched once, then cocked his ears to listen. Several moments later he replied. "Yes, there are still many clones there." "This doesn't make any sense." Ben muttered. "We've got to go to the Capital and find out what's going on."
  21. I'm not sure what you meant by that but I'll try. Fire moves are powered up, Water moves are powered down, Solar Beam only takes one turn to use, and Grass type recovering moves are more effective...?
  22. "Stop blowing holes in my ship!" -[I]Captain[/I] Jack Sparrow "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." -??? "The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions." -???
  23. Name: Ben Idanal Age: 27 Description: 6' Ben's a big guy with brown hair and brown eyes. He generally wears black cargo pants and a gray t-shirt. Personality-wise he's pretty quiet and stays in the background most of the time. Army Ranking: Choose. Type A,B, or C: A Side: Government Bio: He takes great care of his AC and is always prepared to use it, however sparse the opportunities are. He didn't know much about AC's until he was about 20, so he's still a little shaky on some on the aspects of using them. Sex: Male ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Truth be told, I know very little about Armored Core, but I would still like to be part of this.
  24. "Junk Crusher!" Bhaumon dodged the slime attack. The Garbagemon was a terrible shot. But, he [I]was[/I] an Ultimate level digimon. Again he fired his garbage cannon, and again Bhaumon dodged. The deep blue digimon paused to catch his breath. The Garbagemon, misunderstanding what Bhaumon was doing, shouted in triumph and leapt to crush him. Bhaumon looked up quickly. "Severe Fist!" he cried. An aura of dark and light blue swirled on his fist at the sound of his words. He lashed upwards at the attacking digimon. His attack took Garbagemon totally by surprise. It was sent flying into the nearby forest. Bhaumon heard a 'thud' as the Ultimate crashed into a tree. But Bhaumon was no longer interested in the fight. He saw something that caught his attention far more than some brawl with another digimon could. A gigantic crystal castle settling onto the ground, not far away. He raced off to investigate the strange thing.
  25. The purpose I was aiming for was to stall with things like Scapegoat and destroy my opponent's monsters with Needle Wall, Summoned Skull, and Amphibian Beast. While that's going on I bring together my Lord of D., Flute of Summoning Dragon and a Powerful dragon or two.
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