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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B][i]And this scorpion thing is getting kind of old, too,[/i] she added to herself.[/B][/QUOTE] Hmm...got a point there...:p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben went over to the wounded reptile. The onrush of cave scorpions had stopped, so he would not be distracted from his work. He set his hand near the wound and closed his eyes. Then he swore. The poison had been in too long. he couldn't just pull it out the same way he had done with Alaris. "What are you waiting for, get the stuff out of me." the clone said gruffly. "It's too far in, I can't pull it out." said Ben. "Then he's going to die?" asked Crystal. "No, but it'll be harder to get the stuff out of him." he said. "And very painful." "I can take it." said the crocodile-clone. "Alright, here goes nothing." he said, drawing in his power. Crystal was watching as he stood there, apparently preparing for what he was about to do. She was reloading her crossbow, then stopped. Ben's eyes were glowing blue...? "Hey, are they supposed to do that?" she asked. [I]"It's a side effect."[/I] Ben replied shortly. Then he raised his hands above his head, gathering an unseen force to them. Then he brought them sharply down, to rest upon Karokku's leg. Karokku bellowed and writhed in pain , but kept his leg in place. Ben knelt, staring at something that Crystal obviously couldn't. Slowly, Karokku stopped moving and Ben's eyes dimmed. Ben stood up and released Karokku's leg. There were glowing blue handprints on Karokku's leg. "So, what now?" asked Karraku, acting as if nothing had happened. A high-pitched shriek answered his question. [I]More[/I] cave scorpions. Their were more this time, infinitely more than the three of them could handle alone. "Running would be a good idea right about now..." said Ben. Crystal smiled sweetly at him. "Flying's even better." Then she flapped her wings and took off. Karokku was looking morose. "I really hate to run away from a fight." he said. "Good, because we're not." said a familiar voice. It was Xythe, and with him were several hundred bat-clones, armed to (and with) their teeth. Blades mounted their wings and they were armed with bows and flaming arrows. Scimitars were beletd at their sides. Crystal was looking at them fearfully. "Those things won't penetrate." Ben said, pointing at the arrows. Xythe smirked. "We know. They aren't supposed to." he pointed. Below the advancing cave scorpions, Ben could see subtle disruptions in the ground. He probed down with his mind. Uksos. Ben grinned. "Good plan." "We thought so." Xythe grinned also, then made a signal with one hand. The bat-clones took to the air. Ben levitated himself and Karokku high above the cave scorpions. Crystal flew up and joined them. "What's going on?" she asked in a puzzled voice. "It gets cold in the caves, and we cave-dwellers love a good fire." said Ben. Seeing the confused look on her face, he continued. "Mole-clones are in the ground beneath the cave scorpions. They're pushing uksos up through the ground beneath the cave scorpions. Ukso are extremely flammable and blow up when lit." "How are they going to light them?" she asked. That's when Xythe ordered his bat-clones to fire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Heh, no pun intended on that last line)
[SIZE=4]*cough*[/SIZE][SIZE=1]Haveanoriginalidea[/SIZE][SIZE=4]*cough*[/SIZE] I usually send reminders to people who sign up for mine. It also helps if you have several people, in the event that some of them can't reply. Other than that...*shrug*
Here's a deck I recently made. I'm not sure if it could be considered a theme, but I figured that I cold get some tips on it here. [B]Tribute Monsters[/B] Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2 Seiyaru Buster Blader Amphibian Beast Summoned Skull [B]Low Level Monsters[/B] Bubonic Vermin x2 Witch of the Black Forest Newdoria Dark Jeroid Lord of D. x3 La Jinn Gearfried the Iron Knight Exiled Force Magician of Faith Sangan Goblin Attack Force Gray Wing Koumori Dragon Man-Eater Bug The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave Big Eye Hysteric Fairy [B]Magic[/B] Pot of Greed Reasoning Mystical Space Typhoon The Flute of Summoning Dragon x3 Scapegoat x2 Banner of Courage Monster Reborn Change of Heart Dark Hole Horn of the Unicorn Stamping Destruction [B]Traps[/B] Needle Wall Jar of Greed Michizure Magic Jammer Fairy's Hand Mirror Waboku x2 Curse of Aging Any comments and/or suggestions would be appreciated. :D EDIT: I took out the Red Eyes and put in another Blue Eyes that I just got.
"There's nobody in the Capital." said Ben. "They've all retreated somewhere." "Where?" Alaris asked with a puzzled frown. "That's just it, I don't [I]know[/I] where." said Ben. "How can you not find them? You're supposed to be the pre-eminent Senser of the Dwellings." said Alaris. "Please don't talk about things you don't understand." replied Ben with a pained look. "It's not that simple." "Should we help her?" asked Alaris, pointing at Rena. "She'll be fine." said Ben. "She's trapped, you know." pointed out Alaris. "She'll manage." said Ben confidently. "It's about to sting!" said Alaris urgently. "If it'll make you feel better, go and help her." he looked around. "I'm going to help that crocodile-clone." Alaris was already running towards the cave scoprion, his sword in his good hand. Rena was encased in the cave scorpion's legs, just as Ben had been earlier. But rather than calling out for help as Ben did, she put her legs to its stomach and kicked. Alaris blinked. She had just tossed the cave scorpion into the air with her legs. To do that a clone would have to have legs like an ox. In his dumbfounded pause, Alaris failed to notice that he was directly in the path of the cave scorpion. Crystal did, however and shoved him out of the way. He landed painfully on his shoulder. The cave scorpion, slightly dazed, advanced on Crystal, who was on the ground in front of it. Crystal aimed her crossbow, fired and then rolled out of the cave scorpion's path. The bolt went ight into the scorpion's mouth, tearing through its gullet and several other organs. It collapsed.
Ponyta and Rapidash?
Being now at close range, Ben changed his bracelets. They were blades now, short swords on the end of his arms. He parried away the scorpions pincers as they lashed out to crush him and slashed the beast across the face. It shrieked in pain and lashed out again, this time with its stinger. Ben again knocked it away, then leapt onto the creature's back. He drove his blade through the scorpion's head. The armor, though thick, could not protect well against a thrust. The creature shuddered, then collapsed. Ben turned to see Xythe, in a blood frenzy, tearing apart the body of the scorpion he was fighting. His first attack had apparently severed several vital organs, as the scoprion was already dead. They wouldn't get any further help from him for a while, Ben surmised. "Ben!' called Crystal. Ben turned. Unnoticed, Alaris had engaged the third scorpion unaided. Unable to bear watching his fallen comrade be torn apart, he had placed himself between the scorpion and the corpse. Getting between a cave scorpion and food was [I]not[/I] a good idea. Ben watched helplessly as the scorpion's tail arched over head and lashed forward. Alaris, occupied as he was with the deadly pincers, did not see the tail coming and was struck in his left shoulder. He crumpled to the ground. Ben ran to help. Before he had covered half the distance, however, another figure darted out of the shadows. It was Rena. She dove beneath the cave scorpion and clawed at the base of its tail. It severed, and the scorpion was left with little to defend itself from the attack from below. It back up, in an attempt to get and Rena with its pincers. Thsi maneuver was anything but helpful, as Rena merely tore up every inch of thick skin that passed her. The cave scorpion shuddered and fell, just as Rena darted out from beneath it. There was blood on her lips. "[B]Does everyone here have to drink blood?![/B]" exclaimed Crystal. "Quiet!" barked Ben. "I'm trying to concentrate." Ben was kneeling over Alaris, pulling the venom out of the wound. It was not an easy task. The poison had traveled some distance into the bloodstream and therefore was difficult to remove. He strained. He identified the cells of the poison and gently pulled at them with his mind. The poison emerged from the pores of Alaris' unconscious body, glowing a bright blue. Then Ben set his mind to restoring the wound in Alaris' shoulder.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]*takes page out of Ben's book*[/B][/QUOTE] Yes! I've affected someone in some way! :D For that I shall grace your RPG with my presence. :p Digimon sign-up [B]Name:[/B] Bhaumon (my newest fic-digi) [B]Level:[/B] Rookie [B]Attacks:[/B] Severe Fist [B]Digivolutions:[/B] (Can I just post them as I use them? They're not quite finished >.
Telekinesis..is it real or just a big fake?
Ben replied to eX_mErcAnerY's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]But I could use her point of view to tell you, with all seriousness, that pink elephants fly around in the clouds each day. Would you believe it? No, probably not. We do live in a world based on certain natural rules/laws. It's very easy to shrug something off and say "Oh well, you just don't get it because you're thinking in a three dimensional way". It's easy because it requires no effort, no logic and no reason. And no evidence. With that standard, I could create dozens of threads about all sorts of things that I could claim to be true, but which I most likely have zero evidence of. I could go on, but I'm sure you know what I mean here. ^_^[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I had some small hope that you wouldn't point that out. :p -
Telekinesis..is it real or just a big fake?
Ben replied to eX_mErcAnerY's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]"you simply can't accept it because you think it's impossible"...but there's no justification or rationalization there.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Did you ever consider that what you're doing may go along with what she's saying? It seems like you're looking for an excuse, or rather "justification or rationalization" for something you believe is impossible. Just a thought. :whoops: -
Donajel seated himself in the baggage room of shuttle 13. It was a bit uncomfortable, having lumpy bags and packages all about, but it was the only way he could think of to get to New Earth. Truth be told, Donajel didn't even know why he was going to New Earth. He had been doing alright where he was; eating enough and having a decent place to sleep each night. But he had suddenly become gripped with this compulsion, this...need to go to New Earth. Peering out of a small window, Donajel spotted a group of several girls his age. He suddenly regretted that he was could not afford to pay for a cabin seat in the shuttle. He had been forced to stow away in the baggage room. Then he saw someone else following close behind the girls. It was a blue-eyed blonde guy. He was obviously following them. then suddenly, another boy suddenly appeared and bumped into the lead girl. They talked for a moment, then moved out of his sight. Donajel laid down. He might as well get comfortable for the trip ahead. Something covered the small window and the room was plunged into darkness. Donajel did not like the dark. His imagination always painted vivid pictures of horrible monsters whenever he was in the dark. He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, it wasn't dark anymore.
"Who says that we're to run?" says Ben. "Someone who wants to live...?" suggested Crystal. "Fine, you two can leave. Xythe and I can take care of them." said Ben. Then he turned to Xythe. "How many are there?" Xythe screeched. Then he cocked his ears, listening. "Three, and two more further behind...feeding." "If you two plan on leaving, now would be the time." said Ben. The bracelets on his wrists pulsed blue. "What are these cave scorpions? I've heard stories about them, but they sounded greatly exaggerated." said Crystal. "They're bigger than a horse and have very thick armor." said Alaris quietly. "Nearly impenetrable at its thickest parts." "They've also got large pincers and a venomous sting." said Xythe. "Though if you were struck by the tail, chances are the venom won't have time to take effect." "You've got to be kidding me." said Crystal skeptically. Then she screamed, clutching her head. Ben ahd projected the image of a cave scoprion into her mind. Unfortunately, the only memory Ben had of cave scorpions was of them massacring a camp of boar-clones. "Why did you show me that?" she asked, trembling. "Because you needed to know what we're up against. Humans are babies compared to these things." Ben answered quietly. "I think I'd rather get out of here before they arrive." she said. Xythe cackled. "Too late." Three cave scorpions had just rounded the corner, converging on Tarrik's body. "Go for the mouths and undersides if you can." said Ben, then he rushed forward to meet the huge beasts.
Toons are pretty good if properly used. So what if they drain your LP when they attack? If you've got a B.E.T.D., it's a 6:1 ratio of damage. 5:1 for a Toon Summoned Skull. All you need are cards to protect Toon World, that's their primary weakness.
I agree, the violin kinda disappears into the white of the background.
"We're going to stop it, obviously." said Ben, answering Crystal's question. "Just us?" said Crystal skeptically. "Benny here thinks we can." said the bat-clone with a cackle. "We are inclined to be believe Benny." "I'm not." said Crystal flatly. "You'll have to forgive Xythe here." said Ben. "He refers to himself as 'we' most of the time." "We do not!" protested Xythe. "Uh, is he all right?" asked Alaris hesitantly. "He's fine, just a little crazy." replied Ben. Instantly, he detected the words [I]"A little?"[/I] from the minds of everyone in the vicinity. "It's okay Benny." said Xythe. "We admit that we have our faults." "Regardless," said Alaris, cutting through the talking. "What happened to everyone else?! Why are we the only ones here? The Militia should be here fighting already. Instead it's just us and a handful of my forces." "That's a very good question." admitted Ben. "Let me see what I can find." Ben closed his eyes. He felt his mind become seperate from his body, flying through the caves, searching for any hint of the other clones. There was not a trace. He looked deeper...and deeper...until finally he found them. They had fled the Capital and the dwellings. But why? What could drive them out? "Uh, Benny." said Xythe urgently. "What Xythe?" asked Ben, still concentrating on his search. "We are detecting a large number of cave scorpions in the Capital. And a couple of them nearby." They heard a gurgling scream. From around the corner an armadillo-clone flew through the air and smashed into the wall, painting the wall with its blood.
Because I misunderstood the instructions on the registry page. >.>
Another interesting movie I had to watch in health was called "BANG! BANG! You're dead."
What is the worst thing you've done to one of your brothers/sisters?
Ben replied to Fyxe's topic in General Discussion
Hmm...I threw a small plastic water gun at my sister. It hit her in the head and she started bleeding. :( She admits she deserved it, however. She was going out of her way to make everyone miserable. Then again, she was the one who pulled my arm out of its socket by dragging me down a hallway. :p -
John Q left me with some questions. Like, [spoiler]what happened to John in prison? What as his son like when he got out? Did the new heart work out all right? Did the kid ever become a body builder?![/spoiler] Gah, so many unanswered questions from an interesting movie. :p EDIT: Spoilers.
No one was big enough to pick on me. :p And it may have been that my presence prevented any other picking on. :D Or maybe my classmates were just too mature. :blulaugh:
"This is [I]too[/I] weird." I said, looking at my friends, who for the most part were now animals. [Yeah, but you understand it a bit better once you try it.] said Matt. "Really? I asked. [Well, no, but try it anyways.] Matt replied, speaking in my mind. I shrugged. Why not? I walked around the barn, looking at all of the animals. Some of them obviously were not from around here, but had by some way or another been brought to this barn. I looked around. A battle morph. Hmmm....What animal here would I want to have in a fight? Then I saw it, sleeping sedately in its large iron cage. The bars were several inches thick, a testament to the beast's strength. A komodo dragon was snoozing right in front of my eyes. I went around to the tail end, not wanting to risk my safety near its teeth and claws. I slowly and carefully touched the tip of its tail, not trusting myself to make any further contact. Then I felt its DNA flowing into me through my finger tip. It was an odd feeling, but one I was sure to have again. Then the feeling ended and I knew that I had gotten the beast's DNA. [Now, morph.] said Matt. "How do I-?" but before I could finish I had begun to change. My face began to elongate, growing more teeth and a sensitive tongue. Then my hands began to change, growing claws and scales. I dropped to the floor as my leg bones rearranged. I felt my midsection becoming larger as I suddenly gained several hundred pounds. A tail suddenly sprouted from my rear and stretched out for several feet. My sense of smell suddenly sharpened and I could both taste and smell all around me. Then I saw the wolf. I let out a low growl and charged it.
The truth hurts, but your teeth can be broken if you lie through them too much. :p Tell them all what happened. It may stir things up at first, but in the end it should be all right. Explain your reasons and base them on what [I]you[/I] think of the people involved, not what you've heard about them. If you actually [I]try[/I] this and it doesn't work, I take no repsonsibility. It was Evil Ben's fault. :shifty:
Terra, I [I]love[/I] your portrayal of my character. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben led Crystal to a small cave entrance hidden beneath a dried up bush. He just barely was able to squeeze in. Crystal slid in quite easily, she being of a slighter frame. Ben cursed softly as noticed he had cut his arm coming in. "Have some trouble?" asked Crystal sweetly. "I fit in quite easily." "Yeah, you really ought to eat more." said Ben. "Why you impuden-" she began, but Ben covered her mouth. She struggled for minute but stopped, seeing what had made him silence her. It was a human, a scout, judging by his light armament. Even as she watched, Crystal quietly removed Ben's hand and drew her crossbow. Taking careful aim, she set the crossbow to her shoulder and fired. The shot didn't kill the human, as her intent had been, but it hit him in the shoulder and knocked him to the ground. He stood up and looked around, frightened and confused. He began walking backwards, closer to the clone dwellings. He winced once, and in that instant, Ben leapt. He tackled the human and they both landed on the floor, grappling. The human managed to somehow get on top of Ben and drew a knife in his good hand. Ben grabbed that hand with his own then launched his tongue into the human's face. The human was knocked off of Ben by the force of the blow and crawled towards the knife. But Crystal was there and she kicked the human in the face. The human flew back and landed, unconscious. Just then a group of armadillo-clones charged in, chasing another human. Ben fired a metal disk from his bracelet that caught the human in the leg, driving him to the ground.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Meteora [/i] [B][color=Blood Red][size=1][i]Are those swords actually sharp? I have always wondered that. Plus it would be pretty cool to do that.[/color][/size][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Nah, the ends of them are squared off and have a rubber cap on them. Heh, that doesn't mean that they're totally humanitarian, though. You can hit someone hard enough to draw blood; someone on my team cut my shin. Also, the foils can snap mid-match; which leaves a jagged edge. :twitch:
[B]Name:[/B] Donajel Medaji [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Element given:[/B] Light [B]Power given:[/B] Healing and light manipulation [B]Description:[/B] 5' 6-ish". Short, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Wears a plain gray t-shirt and tan cargo pants.
I used to play soccer a lot, but I have no desire now to play on my school's team. Now I fence, and it's about as much fun as I had playing soccer. Plus, I get to poke people with a would-be sword. :D