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Everything posted by Ben
Sorry Digifan, I was on vacation. :p Rookie: Bhaumon Attack[s]: Severe Fist Champion: Excedermon Attack[s]: Piercing Blade, Frenzied Assault Ultimate: Kreumon Attack[s]: Storm of Needles, Viper Hook Mega: Maimenmon Attack[s]: Soul Slash, Pain Amplifier Biomerge: Benjimon Attack[s]: Frigid Reception, Quiet Spurn Heh, each name is derived from a word root. Those of you with no time on your hands can look them up. :p
Come on! None of you guys had any ideas for [I]four[/I] days? Sheesh, a guy can't even go on vacation around here anymore... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having realized what the humans were most likely doing, Ben leapt out of the ship, inconveniantly forgetting that he lacked the strength to psychically aid his descent. He dropped like a stone. He tried to muster what power he could, but he knew it would not be nearly enough. Then, he saw a bird-clone emerge from the underside of the Bird-Dwelling, heading right for the caves. Using the finite power he was able to gather, he redirected his fall to be beneath her. When she spread her wings and caught the wind, he lashed out with his tongue and grabbed her by the foot. The two of them, with her wings acting like a parachute, slowed in their descent. The bird-clone was kicking her feet wildly, trying to kick Ben off. Ben could tell that even with the slowing of the bird-clone's wings, their impact would be extremely painful. Not knowing what to do, Ben glanced around frantically. A catapult beneath them fired, it's arm remaining upward. Ben shifted his weight until they were above the catapult. Then he swung the bird-clone up into his arms and launched his tongue at the catapult's arm. He caught it and swung around, landing heavily on the ground, bruised but not badly hurt. He stood up and helped the bird-clone to her feet. "So, what's your name?" Ben asked her. "Crystal." she answered, then punched him in the face.
Heh, actually [I]Ash[/I] used the sprinklers to defeat Onyx, not Brock. You got that part right, but what about Brock's first Pokemon.
I've never had a friend die, that I know of anyway. But I have been seperated from a couple of them. *bitter sigh* It actually got to be about one lost per year. Before pre-scholl I had a friend that I was with almost every day. I still have memories of his house and a Ninja Turtle game. :) He moved to Florida. We visited them several years ago on our trip to Disney. We played that dolphin game, Echo(sp?), I think it was. It was as if we'd never been seperated. Then we left and I had no contact with him once again. We met again at a party a few years ago, hre in CT. We played another video game with our brothers, I can't remember the name of it. :p Now that I think about it, most of our friendship seems to have revolved around video games. :D Take that you video-games-cause-violence people. Then I lost friends, one per year, from first grade to eighth. I'm just waiting to see who won't show up this year. :(
I've got an easy one: How did Ash beat Brock to get the Boulder Badge?
These are hilarious. :D I especially like how in the second one the smiles just kind of creep up on their faces. Keep it up.
I just realized something that would really hurt someone. If they activated Nutrient Z and you used Bad Reaction to Simochi. They would lose 6000+ LP. >_< Too bad I've never had that happen.
Freshman year, hmm...you'd think I'd remember more of it, as it ended for me two months ago. >_< If I recall correctly, the beginning was pretty awkward, but as soon as I got to know some people it turned out all right. Heh, things got kinda into a rut for the remaining portion of the school year. I would really suggest you join some after-school activities groups; well, at least one. You meet a lot of new people that way.
You can salvage that post by putting Ben's dialogue in italics, like he was speaking with his mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The humans drew into a formation, shorter ranged weapons to the front, the more powerful weaponry in back. Their blue uniforms and golden weapons looked very nice, but Ben knew that aesthetics alone wouldn't protect them. He was still watching the humans from aboard the hijacked ship. The humans then began the bombardment. Laser fire peppered the clones' ranks, only to be repelled by Kintar-coated shields. The larger blasts as well were nullified by Klutha shells dipped in Kintar, which a large group of Sensers coordinated. The clones responded with their own bombardment. Arrows and crossbow bolts raked the human forces, sowing death and injury. Ben could hear the cries of pain even at his altitude. Then, the clones unleashed a string of catapults that had been hidden behind their tightly ranked forces. Rocks, burning gobs of pitch, and clusters of uksos were tossed over their heads and onto the demoralized humans. Ben was watching with disbelief. How could the humans be so stupid? This particular strategy of theirs hadn't worked since the clones discovered Kintar, so why were they futiley clinging to it? The clones were enjoying themselves however; they hadn't had any skirmishes for months. Ben walked over to the bird-clone who was flying the ship. "Do me a favor." he said. "Alright." said the bird-clone. "What do you want." "Get in touch with your superiors, have them strike the humans from behind so the infantry can move in." he said. "They get sulky when they can't participate." "Yes Sir." the bird-clone grinned. "I suppose it wasn't very nice of us to keep them to ourselves. Not that the humans are accomplishing anything; all they're doing is keeping us busy." Something clicked in Ben's head. The tactical nature of the attack suddenly became clear. [I]"Rena!"[/I] he called out. [I]"The humans are in the caves!"[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue][i]Ben was nearby, staring at them. Landing like flies, swarming....[/i] Rena: ...bad. Ben: ...nothing we've never seen before. Rena: The children are afraid. Ben: They'll be fine.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ben is in a human aircraft at the moment. :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]I have no compultion to pay any attention to what you have to say. Your opinion does not effect me. Good day. [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you for writing a totally unrelated post in a somewhat decent topic. Indeed, have a good day. Heh, I always read closed threads. Whether to see why someone was banned, why the thread was closed, or what the mods said when they closed it. Their remarks are occasionally funny. :D
Are we going to have a place like The Gardens to acquire our morphs? If not, that would make things terribly difficult. :p Still waiting for confirmation on my acceptance. :D
[B]Name:[/B] Ben [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Favourite Morph:[/B] Polar Bear [B]Personality:[/B] Very quiet. Ben seldom talks much, but when he does it's usually advice. Sometimes it's not the best advice, but he likes to think that he helps others. He absolutely hates speaking in public; it makes him physically ill. He's very supportive of his friends. [B]Background:[/B] He's a first year fencer at school, though he holds no records. He has, however, beaten several opponents with more experience. Outside of the sport, he's actually does not like much confrontation. [B]Appearance:[/B] Medium height and a little overweight.(:p) Ben has brown hair and brown eyes, with a circular scar over his left eyebrow. About the writing, did you want three posts? Or one post three [I]paragraph's[/I] long?
Taylor, I'd think that by now you'd have learned that there is an EDIT button for such a problem. Thanks for being so polite and rule-abiding though. I don't particularly think the poem is [I]bad[/I], but I think you would do better to not write about personal things; they seem to cramp your writing ability. I know, I've tried. >_<
One time when I was playing charades I started slobbering and biting a table leg. I was trying to act out "Taz" >_< It chipped my teeth.
Name: Galthrown Mongloin Age: 27 Sex: Male Race: Goblin Alliance: The Rebellion Weapon: Knives in various places on body, mainly used for throwing. Appearance: Small, with reptilian eyes and pale green face. Body the size of an average 8 year-old, but always hunched over, knees brought almost up to chest. Wears a leather vest and pants studded with metal plates. Is filthy and has ratty hair. Bio: Galthrown grew up alone and despised by humans. He found solice with the members of the Rebellion. They also did not like him, but could not refuse him lest they be called hippocrites. So he lived with them, despised, living with a bitterness in his demeanor and a great resentment in his soul.
Ben was staring in disbelief at the human aircrafts. What had appeared to be antique fighter planes had suddenly shapeshifted into high-tech fighters. Nevertheless, they were a threat that needed to be dealt with. He flew at them, energy rippling off of him like heat waves. He crashed into the first ship, catching glimpses of startled humans and shiny machinary. Then he emerged from the other side, leaving a gaping hole from which humans and broken parts began to fly out. He leapt out of the way as another pair of missiles flew past, nearly hitting him. They detonated harmlessly in the distance. [I]"All you bird-clones, would you mind giving me a hand here?"[/I] he called out silently. [I]"Who are you?"[/I] came a voice. [I]"My name is Ben, I'm an Emissary from the Elders."[/I] he lied. [I]"You need to help me take out that fleet.[/I] [I]"We're busy evacuating."[/I] came the reply. [I]"Evacuating? Grow a backbone and come help me!"[/I] Ben replied fiercely. [I]"I'm just a scout, but I'll see what I can do."[/I] then the voice was gone. Ben swore to himself. What kind of clones were they? Not even [I]trying[/I] to hold off an attack?! He shook his head. Then he continued to tear apart the human ships, dodging missile and laser fire in between. Then, he was suddenly caught in the clamps of some mechanical device. He hadn't enough energy to keep up his shield, so he struggled to gain release from the metal mandibles. Suddenly, the clamps released him. He quickly climbed up them to keep from falling. Then a hatch on the underside of the ship opened. Ben aimed his bracelets, preparing to fire upon whoever or whatever was behind the door. It was a bird-clone...? The bird-clone tossed him a rope to climb up. Ben climbed up to the hatch and found that a hole had been blown open in the roof, and the vessel had been commandeered by a squad of bird-clones. Even as he unsteadily got to his feet, the hole was being covered and the room pressure stabilizing. "We got your message. The Bird Leaders were very pleased to recieve it. They had been arguing with the Swan-Elder since the fleet was seen." he pointed outside. "Our forces are busy bombarding the human fleet with ukso bombs." Ben looked out the window and saw explosions riddling the hulls fot he human ships. Not a few of the human ships had been commandeered and were firing back at the humans. "I'll just rest here if it's alright with you." Ben said. The bird-clone nodded. Ben was aching all over. The efort of maintaining both his flight and his shield had been tremendous. True, he was one of the most powerful Sensers known to the clones, but he still should have license to be tired. He groaned as he suddenly remembered that there was an army approaching the caves. "One battle at a time." he told himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uksos are an explosive plant grown by the clones.
O.O.C. Just got back from camping, sorry I wasn't around. :p [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]EDIT: (having seen Ben's post) Thanks, was wondering that! Do you mean the troops are going to stay on the island so that the birds can't help the cave-dwelling clones ...? [/B][/QUOTE] Wrong way around. :whoops: The Bird Dwelling (island in the sky) is soon going to be attacked by human [I]air[/I] forces. They will most likely try to get a foothold on the island and land ground troops. The human army mentioned before is marching towards the caves, to prevent the cave-dwelling clones from helping the bird-clones when they are attacked. Hope I covered everything. >_< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben knew that the Elders should be informed of the matter at hand, but he could already sense the human air forces on their way to the Bird Dwelling, which was in plain sight. Ben knew that the first thing the Elders would do was to have the cave entrance sealed off so the humans could not enter the caves. Gathering his power about him, Ben lashed out at the roof of the cave. Had the situation not have seemed so urgent, Ben might have thought to step out of the cave before he did so. He ran from the cave, small rocks glancing off his back and shoulders. He turned to view his handiwork. The dust cleared and Ben saw that his end had been met; the cave was sealed off. Ben knew that the collapse would in no way hinder the clones. There were plenty of openings in the area for their troops to come out of, and if necessary, mole-clones could burrow a new tunnel out. So, having delayed the action of the human army, Ben set his sights on the Bird Dwelling. Ben concentrated. [I]"Levitate."[/I] He easily lifted himself with his mind. Then he flew towards the Bird Dwelling, noting that there was an odd whining sound in the distance. Suddenly, an explosion sent Ben reeling through the air. When he regained his balance, he set up a mental shield about himself. He was bleeding from several small wounds and his ears rang. Then he saw the source of the whine. There was a small fleet of human ships flying towards the Bird Dwelling. One of the ships must have fired upon him. The whine had been from a rocket fired at him. Another rocket was on its way. Ben fired a metal disk from his bracelet. It tore through the center of the rocket, causing it to explode in the distance. Ben cursed. It was toolate for the cave-dwelling clones to provide any assistance. The humans had arrived.
O.O.C. The human army is [I]not[/I] going to attack the Bird Dwelling. It's there to keep the cave-dwelling clones from helping them. The humans are most likely going to drop troops off on the island.
I know, but in your Bio it states that you live with armadillo-clones. Being one-of-a-kind and having exceptional skill would probably have enabled you to attain Leader status. Besides, it's my RPG and I say you can. :D Sign-ups closed.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B]Then he stopped and admired his handiwork as the screaming pair flew off the broken track and crashed into the Ferris Wheel.[/B][/QUOTE] Heh, oh, Ohkami... They're dead. Also: [QUOTE]It was a [B]man[/B], well dressed and refined.[/QUOTE] :p
Morning had come and gone, and Ben was still at the cave entrance. Ostensibly, he was guarding against human attacks. Really, he was just bored and watching the upper world gave him a relative peace of mind. He got to his feet and was about to return home to the Chameleon Dwelling when he saw it. [I]It[/I] was a large floating island in the sky. What could it be? He'd never seen anything like it before. He sent out is mind, probing for some sort of hint. Bird-clones. He detected thousands of them. What he was seeing must be the Bird Dwelling. But..the Bird Dwelling was supposed to be undetecable..? Ben sent his thoughts out further, closer to the Bird Dwelling. One thought above all else was being shouted across the empty miles. [I]"Help, humans."[/I] Ben ran back into the caves. The Elders had to know about this. They needed to send help. Looking back over his shoulder, he noticed something else in the distance. Turning his head forward and still running, Ben sent out a probing thought at the "thing in the distance." It was a human army. They were marching towards the caves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Random warfare stuff:[/B] Clones have special Kintar-coated shields. Kintar is a special substance found deep in the caves that has been found to reflect laser blasts, which is the humans' primary weapon. The clones usually seal off the cave entrances in times of war, while planning what to do. They resort to secret, camouflaged ones unknown to the humans. Standard upper world tactics are to advance on the humans, shields forward to repel attacks. While advancing there is usally a diversion such as Bird clones dropping explosives from the sky, or mole clones setting bombs under the humans and detonating them. In the confusion, the clones will begin to bomabard the humans with projectiles like arrows, crossbow bolts, and catapault fire. This will inevitably bring the humans close enough to engage in hand-to-hand combat, in which the clones' have an enormous advantage. Any siege weapons, or stronger weapons than their standered laser rifle, the humans have are repelled by a network of Kintar-coated shells moved by a large group Sensers. Underground, the tactics change enormously.
Solo, you're in. Would you rather be the Leader of the Armadillo-clone military, or just a soldier of it?
Well, I didn't wake up to it, but I did stop my house from burning down. I was laying in my bed one night when I thought I smelled something burning. I got up and told my brother, who was babysitting. He went downstairs to his room to check it out. He came running back upstairs to get some water; his desk was practically aflame. Now, had we been thinking, we would have grabbed the fire extinguisher, or even the bucket collecting water from a dripping pipe, which is right in his room. The fire was eentually extinguished and we found out that my brother had left a candle lit in a cup in his room. Heh, the candle had been propped up by some legos.
Change the Bio, please. Then we'll talk. :p