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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Before we get into the plot, I just want everyone to get an introductory post in. Here's mine...yay... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben stood gazing at the night sky. It was beauitful, yes, but something that his people could not see. They were stuck underground. Not that the clones disliked the caves, on the contrary, they were quite content to live there. There were just so many things that the upper world had to offer. Sunrises, sunsets, plants, animals... Ben sighed. The humans had denied them those things. They had refused to permit the very existence of the clones. Even now, Nero, the Commander of the Armies of New Earth, was rallying his forces to meet the clones in war. Then Ben realized he was not alone. As often was the case, he detected someone before any of his senses were alerted. It was a useful ability, one practically default for a Senser. He sent out a careful probing thought. He encountered a familiar presence. [I]"I should have known it was you."[/I] he spoke in her mind. "Don't do that." said Rena, stepping into the moonlight. "I hate it when someone goes into my mind." "It's not like I looking through anything." Ben said mildly. "Stay out." she said firmly. She walked over to him with the grace that was a part of her heritage. She was a panther-clone, beautiful, strong, and one of the best warriors in all the Dwellings. "You're not supposed to be up here." he said, without much conviction. "Who's going to stop me?" she asked simply. He could not find an answer to that. So they both just sat together, drinking in the beauty of the moon and the night sky.
  2. Still waiting for someone, then I'll start. :D *sings happily* Yay for me, my fourth RPG...:D EDIT: I'm just going to start now, sign-ups are still tentatively open. :rolleyes:
  3. Heh, I've [I]done[/I] both. I definately don't [I]do[/I] both. I've never seen any antagonism between boarders and skiers, myself.
  4. Heh, I thought Hatchet was a great book. I haven't read the other ones though. I imagine that you'd be able to find them at a library or a book store. :p
  5. Heh, sorry to be the bearer of bad news Taki, but only one wolf made the first cut. Status as of now: Taki: [COLOR=red][B]Denied[/B][/COLOR] Kesaki_Inedia: [COLOR=red][B]Denied[/B][/COLOR] terra: [COLOR=green][B]Accepted[/B][/COLOR] Akki Koroshiya: [COLOR=red][B]Denied[/B][/COLOR] Darkmoon: [COLOR=silver][B]Decision Made: [COLOR=red]Denied![/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] Raiha: [COLOR=green][B]Accepted[/B][/COLOR] (humbly, of course) Neoclone-7: [COLOR=green][B]Accepted[/B][/COLOR] aYokano: [COLOR=red][B]Denied[/B][/COLOR] Wondershot: [COLOR=red][B]Denied[/B][/COLOR] Tw34kY: [COLOR=red][B]Denied[/B][/COLOR] Yoda: [COLOR=green][B]Accepted[/B][/COLOR] If you wish to question my methods of discrimination, PM me. And if anyone knows anyone else [I]good[/I] at RP'ing who might have interest in this, by all means, tell them about it. Heh, there'll probably be some more random stuff later on. :whoops: Note: I will pester members of this RPG if they start to slack in their posting. :toothy:
  6. Ben


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]My first and last name pretty much come out to meaning "warrior princess." *waits for the inevitable Xena references*[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] *Looks around, sees no references, :demon:* Can you do that thing where she shuts off someone's airways? :p Hmm..............B...E...N. Short, simple, I like it. :whoops: If I remember correctly, though, it was a misunderstanding that originally got me this name. Heh, some of my friends who are really big LoTR fans call me "Benbo Baggins." :rolleyes:
  7. Heh, did you ever think to give your mom the keys [I]after[/I] you were done in Toys 'R' Us? :p
  8. [B]Name:[/B]Ben [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Race:[/B] Chameleon-clone [B]Special Ability/ies:[/B] Can change skin to match surroundings, can grab things with tongue, can project tongue several feet. [B]Weapons:[/B] Amorphous metal bracelets. *privilage of being RPG's creator* [B]Bio:[/B] Has a chameleon-clone mother and bear-clone father. (Another one of the random things, I just haven't posted it. PM me if you really want to know.) After providing a great service to the Elders, the Owl-Elder gave Ben a pair of bracelets that would connect to his thoughts and react as such. At first it was awakward, but Ben evetually got used to them. The bracelets, drawing as they do from Ben's thoughts, stimulate his brain's production of psychic energies. [B]Occupation:[/B] Senser pretty much in title only. He has the abilities and the rank, but isn't usually called upon to work in missions. He is in a way the "arm" the Elders. [B]Random Stuff about my character:[/B] The bracelets he wears feed off of mental energy, so Ben's mind naturally produces more of it to compensate. This arrangement gives Ben tremendous psychic powers, though he seldom has reason to use them. Heh, truth be told, I adapted the bracelet idea from [I]Witchblade[/I]. :p
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akki Koroshiya [/i] [B]Name: Toraneko Age:21 Race: No humans! This is to find out from which animal you get your special ability/ies. [COLOR=blue][I]You're supposed to fill this out, not copy it.[/I][/COLOR] Special Ability/ies: Great vision, hearing, smell,strength,see in the dark,balance,has a tail. [COLOR=blue][I] Heh, limit these.[/I][/COLOR] Weapons:Two daggers in his belt and a longsword,claws*retractable*teeth,intellegence,and his tail Bio:[I]post later[/I] [B]Occupation:[I]See Bio[/I][/B] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]Shape up or ship out.[/COLOR] Edit: More random info...:D Yay! The Elders are protected by bobcat-clones. They are small-fast, ninja-like, and very deadly. They can kill a clone or human with no weapons if necessary and are totally devoted to serving the Elders. [I]Nobody[/I] messes with these guys. [B]All[/B] clones are given combat training as they grow up. Both in armed combat and hand-to-hand. Each clone fights with and develops their own style. The Bird Dwelling is a large floating continent that orbits New Earth. It is made undetectable to the humans by some unknown means. The bird-Elders and bird-youngers usually stay here. Military forces are generally seperated by race. The forces are comanded by Leaders and Sub-Leaders, respectively. All Leaders have a five pointed star somewhere on their body. Insect-clone soldiers have little disc-like devices that silence their wings when they fly. The Sense Leader is an emotionless shark-clone with Great White DNA. The Scent Leader is an elderly dog-clone, I'll post the breed later. The Sight Leader is a humorless falcon-clone. The Sound Leader is a teenage bat-clone; he pretty much defines cool. The Detect Leader is a fragile moth-clone. There is a set of practice caves for anyone to practice in. There are special rooms where clones can face a solid, simulated opponent. There are ranges for target practice with bows, crossbows, and any other projectile weapons the clones may have.
  10. I'm not deciding on who's in or out just yet, right now it's some random info you should probably know. BTW, all of what we'll be doing occurs 40 years after the First War. The clones live in a massive underground cave system that is divided into Dwellings, one for each race(i.e. Fox Dwelling) and each major dwelling is different, in accordance to the variety of the races. For example, the Chameleon Dwelling has many tropical plants and trees in it, along with plenty of insects to snack on. The clones do not live in total darkness. The roofs of the caves contain crystal veins that reflect suunlight down into the caves. Any cave without the crystal in it is lit by torches or glowing vegetation. The clones are ruled by a Council of Elders. The Elders make [I]all[/I] of the decisions. They have a vast network of messengers at their disposal to gather information and correspond with others in the caves. The messenger service is primarily mouse-clones. Those clones with extremely powerful senses are usually recruited into one of the Discovery Groups. There are five Discovery Groups: Scenters (wear green vests), Listeners(purple vests), Sighters(red vests), Detectors(gray vests), and Sensers(blue vests). (No, there are no Tasters or Touchers. :p) The first three are self-explanitory (sp). Detectors are usually some sort of insect-clone who are very adept at detecting minute scraps of evidence and interpreting details. Sensers are psychics, basically. They can catch traces of thought/emotion in any given place, possibly able to track the thoughts if necessary. They can also lift objects with their minds, read thoughts and all the other stuff. If you are a Senser, keep the powers limited. And be creative. Moving things and reading minds are not the only things you're capable of doing. The Owl-Elder is the owl-clone mentioned in the Prologue. He, the Fox-Elder, the Chameleon-Elder, the Rhino-Elder, and the Elephant-Elder are the more influential Elders, their races being the more prominent. The Snake-Elder also has a good amount of authority, despite his lack of clones. The Mouse-Elder also has many, many followers, but is too timid to assert his authority. The rarer, less prominent races are represented by Youngers, and are to be addressed like the Elders. (i.e. Dog-Younger) The Elders and Youngers meet in a large Chamber in the Main Clone Dwelling, which may be called the Capital. All sorts of clones live there. There are other non-earth creatures present in the caves. Cave scorpions are like regular scorpions, but are roughly the size of cars and have thick exoskeletons. They are [I]not[/I] to be taken lightly. I think that's enough for now, I'll have more on positions later.
  11. Ben


    In an abandoned amusement park, not far from the edge of town, two lights flashed. One came from the flashlight of a teenager. His name was Kyle. Kyle was in the park on a dare, his friends didn't believe he would do it. The other light was the night watch, a man named Rick, hired to stop kids from doing exactly what it was Kyle was doing. From high upon a roller coaster, Spin Cycle watched them. It was such a fun litle game of cat and mouse. But was the watch the cat and Kyle the mouse? Or were they both prey to an even larger predator? Spin Cycle leapt from the top of the roller coaster, spinning around to slow his descent. He settle to the ground not far from waht used to be a concession stand. Running towards it, he dove into the stand, demolishing the wooden coverings. Rick heard the sound and immediately rushed towards it. "Stupid kids." he muttered to himself. When he reached the stand he looked around. He could see nothing. Then he spotted something. It was a kid! The kid turned to run, but tripped over his own foot. Rick ran over and pulled him to his feet. "You're trespassing on private property, kid." he said. But Kyle was terrified by something behind Rick to answer. Rick, wondering what the kid was looking at, turned around. Spin Cycle stood there, juggling what appeared to be flaming skulls. "Boo!' he said, smashing the skulls into the ground and leaping at the two. Kyle and Rick screamed, stumbling over one another in their haste to get away. Spin Cycle zoomed to the peak of the roller coaster again, this time with Rick and Kyle over his shoulders. He quickly seated them in the front car, secured them tightly, and shoved the cart over the rim of the hill. The two screamed as they went down the ride. Spin Cycle ran alongside them. "Terrifying isn't it?" he asked, cackling. "What's even worse is that the track's broken! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then he stopped and admired his handiwork as the screaming pair flew off the broken track and crashed into the Ferris Wheel. With that he began cackling insanely. He ran down to the concession stand and had a snack of moldy hot dogs and cotton candy sugar. "Odd diet for a Super Villain." said a voice from the shadows. Spin Cycle reacted instantly, speeding over to the source of the voice and dragging it into the moonlight. It was a man, well dressed and refined. "What do you want?" said Spin Cycle. If someone called him a Super Villain, it could only mean they wanted to talk business.
  12. [B]Prologue[/B] In the year 3050, humans began a colony on a nearby planet. (given the advances in technology, [I]nearby[/I] has a whole different meaning) The planet turned out to be so much like Earth that all sorts of Earth animals were brought an released. The humans, in accordance to its similarity, and lack of imagination, called the planet New Earth. The colony thrived and after a few centuries a small country was being born. Scientists from Earth pressured the fledgling government to legalize human cloning. After many, many, long and heated debates the scientists were permitted to clone humans. Many attempts failed, but eventually the process was perfected. They used the clones to work in hospitals, sanitation work, and other essential jobs. After a while, the scientists were not satisfied with their replicas. They wanted clones that were better than their originals. They decided to extract DNA from Earth animals and substitute it for certain segments in the clones' DNA strands, changing small things such as sight, hearing, smell, and other basic senses. The result of their new experiments were clones who could see in the dark, clones that could smell things better than the best hounds, and humans who could hear a pin drop from a mile away. When their experiments were successful, the scientists cloned more, and more, and more of the super-clones. Some of their newer ones were the strength of a rhino, the cleverness of a fox, and even the ability of a chameleon to blend in with their surroundings. However, the clones began to change further. They soon grew to resemble the animals from which their abilites came. Some of them began to take on the character of their animals. The ones with fox DNA became clever and untrustworthy, the ones with mouse DNA became timid, and the ones with rhino DNA became short-tempered and protective. The clones grew increasingly uncooperative. The scientists realized that they had gone too far and decided to destroy the clones. The clones, of course, fought back. Led by a clever owl-clone, they killed their creators and escaped. The human society had not known about these super-clones and panicked. In reality, the clones had no mailce against the humans, they wished to live in peace. But the government of the single nation viewed the clones as a threat that had to be eliminated. They sent in their military to subdue the clones. But, they hadn't counted on the clones' comradery. All of the clones, small and large, clever and dim, came together to resist the threat. Thus began the First War. Although they were in almost every way better than the humans, the clones were defeated by the humans' enormous advatnatge of numbers and their lack of technology. The clone resistance fled underground and into the air, nursing their failure and preparing for another major assault. It was no longer about living above ground; it was about revenge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oy, it's been a while since I started an RPG. :p Probably because I've had bad experiences with them in the past. >_< Anyway, here's what you need to sign up... [B]Name:[/B] Ordinary, weird, your choice. [B]Age:[/B] Clones grow and develop faster than humans when they're young, but slow down when they reach maturity. At about 14 they're full grown and considered full members of their society. [B]Race:[/B] No humans! This is to find out from which animal you get your special ability/ies. [B]Special Ability/ies:[/B] Great vision, hearing, smell...etc. etc. [B]Weapons:[/B] If applicable, can include tusks, horns, or claws depending on race. Nothing too high tech please, keep it medieval if possible. [B]Bio:[/B] Optional, you might want to put off on this until I post some of the RPG's peculiarities. [B]Occupation:[B] [I]See Bio.[/I] I'll post mine later, along with the aforementioned peculiarities and possible occupations.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nefertimon [/i] [B]Here's some combos: Bad Reaction to Simochi + Snatch Steal Play Snatch Steal to take control of an opponent's monster, then set Bad Reaction to Simochi. On opponent's next turn, activate it, and opponent will lose 1000 life points every turn rather than gain them. [COLOR=darkblue]What set does that come in? BRtS, I mean?[/COLOR] Trap Cards + Jinzo This combo I really like. When your opponent has 5 non-monster cards face-down on the field (they're probably traps), summon Jinzo. That way, the opponent won't be able to activate those traps, and he/she won't be able to play any Magic cards either, since all the spots on his/her side of the field are filled up. That way, the only way the opponent will get past your monsters is by summoning a monster or activating a monster effect. [COLOR=darkblue]You know, they could have [I]magic[/I] cards face down...[/COLOR] Relinquished + Ring of Magnetism + The Dark Door + Light of Intervention Summon Relinquished and activate its effect. Then attach Ring of Magnetism, which will direct all opponent's attacks at Relinquished. Then summon another monster for attacking. Activate Dark Door, which only allows both players to attack with one monster per turn. Then activate Light of Intervention. Every time an opponent's monster attacks, Relinquished's "defense shield" will be destroyed and opponent will lose life points. And none of the opponent's other monsters will attack, since Dark Door is activated. Then activate Relinquished's effect on the next turn; any monster your opponent plays will be turned face-up. Oh, and you can throw in Gravekeeper's Servant for extra fun. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]If you read Relinquish's effect a little closer, you'll find that [I]you[/I] take the damage as well, so I wouldn't suggest the combo unless used with Relinquished in defense mode.[/COLOR] One move that I'm very fond of doing is playing Fairy's Hand Mirror when my opponent plays Monster Reborn. :demon:
  14. Pegasus? Alive and around? YES! *Does weird little Yu-Gi-Oh happy dance* Really though, I don't think anyone else is going to know. :p
  15. "[COLOR=teal]You must be slipping old boy.[/COLOR]" drawled Lennol as he stepped out from behind a tree, directly in Hiro's path. "[COLOR=teal]I've been following the two of you for several hours now.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=green]Curse you Lennol, had it ever occurred to you to show yourself?[/COLOR]" asked Hiro. "[COLOR=teal]Of course it did." replied Lennol. "I just didn't feel like it yet.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR=orange]Where's Eiko?[/COLOR]" asked Hidetoshi. "[COLOR=teal][I]He's[/I] still two days ahead of us.[/COLOR] answered Lennol, absently scratching his neck. "[COLOR=teal]We'd better keep moving and catch up with him.[/COLOR]"
  16. Ben


    The prison was quiet. It was night and the only sound that could be heard was the dull thudding of Spin Cycle ricocheting off his padded walls, laughing insanely. There were only two guards, the streets being what they were: crime-filled and dangerous. "I can't take it anymore." said one guard. "The bouncing is one thing, but all the laughter is getting annoying." "What are you gonna do about it?" asked the second guard. "Maake him think sad thoughts." said the first guard, pulling out his night stick. "I don't think you should, he's one of them super villains, you know." said the second guard. "Just because he's fast? Hah! I've seen him on the monitors, a coupla' good dogs could run him down." said the guard, placing his palm on the locking mechanism. "[I]Admission granted.[/I]" said a computerized voice. The guard warily walked into the cell, night stick at the ready. Spin Cycle was in the middle of the room, staring at the floor and laughing softly. "Stop the laughing, you freakin' lunatic, it's startin' to bug me." said the guard, holding his night stick threateningly. "Lunatic?" Spin Cycle laughed. "You think I'm a lunatic?" he asked. He began to laugh harder, and louder too, soon the whole room seemed to echo with his laughter. "I [I]said[/I] knock it off!" the guard bellowed, threateningly taking a step towards Spin Cycle. "You wanna know why they call me Spin Cycle?" said Spin Cycle, lifting his head to stare crazily at the guard. "No." said the guard flatly. "Good. I was hoping this would upset you!" he said, beginning to spin in place. The spinning grew faster and faster, until the air about him began to move, growing faster and faster, just as the spinning did. Soon the guard was hurled across the room, despite his best efforts to resist the rushing gale. But, knocking out the guard was not what Spin Cycle wanted. He had decided that now was the time for him to escape and wreak havoc upon the city. He grinned. "This will be fun." he said to himself as he blasted through the roof.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] August 12th. Am I the only one that's happy to go back? It's pretty boring at home, I just come to OB for a while, draw, sleep, and eat. Yesh, very exciting. Our school work is easy, anyway...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Agreed. Although some of my school work [I]isn't[/I] as easy as we think it should be. :p I probably won't be going back til' late August sometime.
  18. Ow....my poor, poor eyes. I admit that it was pretty neat. But...ow. :p
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]You go into a circular...room, for lack of a better term. Everyone stood against the wall, and the whole thing would start spinning, so you were stuck against it. Once you were up against the wall, the floor dropped away, heh.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I've been on one called that, they called it the "Rotor." I've been on the Gravitron too. Yay...
  20. Gonzo and Rizzo together were fantastic. :D
  21. Name: Lennol Edbar Age: 30 Weapon: Bow & Arrows, bow has blades on each end for close combat. Description: Medium build with brown hair and brown eyes. Has baggy, sand brown pants and a navy blue shirt with a wrinkled green vest. Bio: A grizzled veteran of several foreign wars, Lennol has developed a taste for action and fighting. He was roaming through a forest, toting the carcass of a dead boar behind him, when he met Hiro. They talked and Hiro convinced Lennol that life working for him would be more than enough to satisfy his need for fighting.
  22. I probably saw Pokemon first, then Digimon soon after. I remember muttering to myself that it was just a rip-off of Pokemon but was pleasantly surprised. I ended up giving up on the Pokemon craze and becoming a full-fledged digi-fanatic-thingy-person.
  23. LOL, Pirates of the Carribean: Invasion of Zombie Primates. :D
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]4 Tentcles + 2 arms + 2 legs = 8 limbs.[/B][/QUOTE] :p I can't believe I never realized that. I think it's pretty neat how they made the Doc look cool, but he's supposed to be the genius/scientist/nerd villain. He's not supposed to look that awesome. :whoops: I too would like to see the Lizard onscreen.:demon:
  25. Ben


    Name: Spin Cycle Powers: Ability to spin and move rapidly. Has lightning-fast reflexes and can dodge about anything. With great speed comes great force, whatever he hits when moving quickly is demolished. Weaknesses: You would think slippery surfaces would do it, but they don't. He can adapt to those. He needs to keep moving if he stops for too long, he suffers an internal meltdown that takes him about a day to recover from. Description: Think of a voo-doo guy with scraps of armor on him. Bio: Little is known about him, he just recently appeared wreaking havoc. He is believed to be a survivor of a shipwreck who was marooned on an island of demon-worshippers.
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