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Everything posted by Ben
What City And State Do You Live In? (FOR REAL!!)
Ben replied to DigiFan's topic in General Discussion
My parents Told me not to give out information like that to people I don't know. *looks at Location* :bluesweat heh heh...oops.:p -
Name: Lennod Neb (for lack of imagination) Age: 23 Species: Zabrak Gender: Male Jedi Status: Knight Weapon: Light Whip, Jedi Battle Armor Other Possessions: A picture. (see Bio) Description: Typical Zabrak. He's humanoid, but has horns. Can endure extreme pain like the rest of his race because of their "Strength of Will." Biography: Lived peacefully on Iridonia with his family during his childhood. Growing up, he met a girl Zabrak whome he fell in love with. Since he was somewhat shy, he did not outright tell her that he loved her, but was very hopeful that she knew. Before he finally could tell her, she was killed in a incident involving the Sith on his planet. To say the least, Lennod was devastated. He had lost the one person he truly loved (he hated his family) and was not even sure if she knew of his love for her. He now carries around a picture of her with him, and seldom speaks. Other: Lennod prefers not to kill people. Rather he dismembers body parts, eliminating most threats without destroying their lives. In his eyes, pain is better than eternal slumber.
Kilda left the room quietly, appeased by her husband's words. His wife's words stung him slightly. True, she had a right to be angry. But it was not entirely [I]his[/I] fault. That mercenary Hallucin...She had some sort of power that he did not yet comprehend fully. He felt guilt about betraying Kilda, yet there was something forcing the guilt down to the depths of him, seeming to lessen its potency. [COLOR=darkred]"She is manipulating me."[/COLOR] he said quietly to himself. This revelation did not come as much of a shock. He had seen her around others. They always seemed to wish to de her will. Either out of fear, or obvious lust, that depended on the person. But he, Jeric? Succumbing to a hireling's magic? [COLOR=darkred]"No longer."[/COLOR] he said, again to himself. He pledged that he would not take up with Hallucin again. He made this pledge not out of love of Kilda, nor out of ill will towards Hallucin, but out of some obscure motive he did not yet know. Then, wishing to get a closer look at the progress of his troops, he magically lowered himself down to the sand below.
Big difference David. Style is totally different. But...yay! You're gonna do it! :D
Falkner Arrives ?Very impressive.? an unknown voice said. Ben looked up and saw a boy on a Pidgeot. The boy motioned with one hand and the Pidgeot swooped down and landed on the roof. The boy recalled his pokemon. ?My name is Falkner.? he said ?and I heard that you want to battle me.? ?Yes, I do.? Ben agreed ?Are you ready?? ?In a minute,? he said ?I was just looking at your cubone.? ?You?re not surprised?? Ben asked incredulously. ?Oh, I was Ben, I was. When I saw your cubone, I nearly fell off my Pidgeot.? Ben laughed. If he thought Torch was different, just wait till he saw the others. ?What?s so funny?? Dave asked. ?Some of my cubones are even more strange than Torch.? he explained. ?Then let?s see them.? Falkner demanded. ?You can see them when we battle.? Ben said. ?Then let?s battle!? Falkner said, his eyes gleaming. The Bird Battle ?Go Hoot-hoot!? Falkner said as he released his pokemon. ?Go, Squirt!? Ben said as he let out the tiny cubone. Ben noticed that the two pokemon were almost equal in size, with Squirt a little larger. Falkner was just as stunned as Dave had been. Ben again used that to his advantage. ?Mega Punch!? Squirt charged at Hoot-Hoot, holding one fist back. ?Fly!? Hoot-Hoot hopped up into the air and dodged the punch. ?Water gun!? Squirt shot a stream of water at Hoot-hoot, a direct hit! Hoot-hoot fell to the ground, it?s wet feathers too heavy to fly. ?Fury attack!? ?Bone thrash!? Ben?s plan worked. Every time that Hoot-hoot tried to peck at Squirt, he slapped it away with his bone. ?Wing attack!? Hoot-hoot began to run toward Squirt, its wings extended. ?Bite!? Squirt bit one of Hoot-hoot?s wings and didn?t let go. ?Now, Seismic Toss!? Squirt grabbed onto Hoot-hoot?s wings and began to spin. Faster and faster they spun. Then, Squirt released. Hoot-hoot went sailing over Falconer?s head and over the side of the building. Falkner ran over and recalled his pokemon. ?Go Dodrio!? Falkner yelled as he released the three-headed bird. ?Squirt, return.? Ben said as he recalled his pokemon. ?Go, Freeza!? From the look on his face, Ben could tell that Falkner was worried. He knew that his flying type pokemon were weak against ice types. ?Icy wind!? Freeza extended his right arm and a freezing cold wind blew from it. In the wind were large and small chunks of ice. ?Agility!? Dodrio jumped out of the way and began to run all around the roof, attempting to confuse Freeza. ?Freeza, fire an Ice Beam at the floor!? Ben said. Freeza charged up and ice beam and fired it at the floor. A layer of ice covered the entire roof, also several ice spikes had grew up out of it. Dodrio slipped on the ice and crashed into one of those spikes. CRASH! Bits of ice went flying. Dodrio tried to stand up but continued to slip. ?Freeza, Ice Punch!? Freeza began to run toward Dodrio, not slipping a single time. Then, blue energy began to build up around his hands. He punched the two outside heads, then fired an ice beam at the middle. However, the ice beam did not stop at the head, it continued down Dodrio?s body until the whole thing was frozen solid. ?Dodrio return!? ?Freeza return!? ?Go Pidgeot!? Falkner yelled as he released the magnificent bird. ?Go Hitmonbone!? Ben said as he released the muscular cubone. Nurse Joy had requested that Hitmonbone wear boxing gloves so as not to damage his hands any further. ?Fly!? Pidgeot flapped its wings a couple of times and took off. ?High Jump Kick!? Hitmonbone took a few steps back. He got a good running start and leapt into the air, foot extended, at Pidgeot. ?Quick attack!? Before Hitmonbone could deliver his kick, Pidgeot disappeared. He reappeared behind Hitmonbone and tackled him. Hitmonbone crashed into the rooftop, making a fair-sized crater. ?Bone club!? Hitmonbone jumped into the air and slammed Pidgeot into the roof, making the previous crater deeper. ?Now, Thunder Punch!? Hitmonbone powered up the electricity on the front of his glove and slammed it into Pidgeot. The large bird shrieked as the energy surged through its body. Then it slumped to the ground.
I actually hadn't heard of it. But now that I have, I'll have to see about entering. I probably won't do it, just because I can't seem to do well against people I don't know. I tense up, you know? Anyway, how did you say ou heard about it?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeh [/i] [B]He means expand on your character during the RGP, make in-depth posts, and make them make sense. Also, when the RPG's posted up, i'm making a world map for it, and Logan's gonna expand on the plot, so it'll be eaiser to start off, and it'll make more sense. [/B][/QUOTE] Sweet... And Logan, sorry about all the confusion about the posts. :p
Ah. Okay, what kind of thing should I write about?
The Evil Sorcerer Jeric. Age: 756 Specialty: Using the Book of the Dead, he can preform many spells. Bio: Unknown. Muahahahaha! :devil:
That's what I thought...
"Another wanna-be villain, eh?" said Ben, interrupting the whole fight. The digimon were still struggling. Ben was sitting atop one of the few standing buildings left in the village. Saffire looked up at him angrily. "What do you mean?" "What I mean is that you're trying to be the anti-hero. You're trying to be a shady good guy." said Ben. "In the Digital World, things like this don't matter. Nobody cares about your background, your personality, or whether or not you can change your clothes and look cool." "Why are you stalking me?" demanded Seth. "Stalking you? I'd never even thought about it, actually. This time you just happened to be in the wrong place at the time I came to call." replied Ben. "As for you." Ben said, looking back at Saffire. "I would suggest you get out of here. I may have a soul of Darkness but I do not yet wish that you good tamers are destroyed just yet." "Why are you telling me this?" asked Saffire. "So that when he," Ben nodded towards Seth. "is finally out of the way, I can have the pleasure of destroying you all myself." "I've had just about enough of you and your pompous attitude." said Seth. With that, Neodevimon dove at Ben one of his claws reaching for him; pulsing with dark energy. "Attack Snatcher!" said Ben's digimon, Deciperemon. Deciperemon leapt out of the roof just in front of Ben and caught Neodevimon's attack. He began to drain energy fromt he attack and grow stronger, sort of like when uploading a defeated opponent's data. Neodevimon leapt back, surprised and alarmed. A [I]Rookie[/I] had just absorbed his attack. He tried again. "Stun Claw!" he said, striking right where Deciperemon's heart would be. "Attack Snatcher!" said Deciperemon, again absorbing the blow. Deciperemon felt an odd change in him as he became immune to the poison now coursing through him. "Feinted Blasts!" Deciperemon began rapidly firing beams of dark energy from his hands. This time [I]all[/I] of them were real. "Take him down! He's just a Rookie." said Seth. "Good point." said Ben. "We better even the odds a little then, shouldn't we?" With that, he stood up and held up his digivice. A shadow flew from it into Deciperemon who began to glow with an eerie purplish light. The thing emerging from the light was a very menacing shape. "Now would be the time for you to exit." said Ben to Saffire. "Your digimon has been poisoned, and there is a healer not far from here. That way! Go! Run!" She picked up her now de-digivolved digimon and rushed in the direction Ben had pointed. "Now that she is out of the way..." said Ben. "Take shape, Contramon." Ben's digimon had finished taking form. He was a purple-colored figure, human in shape. It had eyes that burned blue and a dark mist swirled arund his body. "Guilty Claw!" said Neodevimon. He lunged at Contramon. "Mirrored Mind." said Contramon, keeping his place in the air in front of Ben. Neodevimon struck at him, lightning-fast attacks that were blocked or deflected just as quickly. The fight continued until Contramon used his second attack. "Undetected blow!" Neodevimon was suddenly hurtled back as a massive sphere of energy suddenly erupted from Contramon's chest. Neodevimon got up and resumed his attack on Contramon. "Undetected Blow." This time fists appeared out of various places from Contramon's body, striking the off-guard Neodevimon and slamming him forcibly into the ground. He did not get up. "And you thought I was a coward..." chuckled Ben. "I only seek to help you Seth. But if I must, I [I]will[/I] destroy you." Then he left the village with Deciperemon following shortly after.
The god cards are only banned at official tournament stuff. If they're just dueling another duelist for fun, there are no rules stopping them from putting the gods in. For that matter, in an unnoffical duel, there are no rules concerning limited cards. Other than the rule of only having three of a particular card.
Would offering monsters from your hand as Tribute for a Ritual count as discarding them? I'm making a new deck now and I was just wondering.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O.O.C. Do you know what they do? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben smiled as he saw the tamer fly away. That was exactly what he had wanted Seth to think. That he was an annoying speck, something unworthy of his trime or effort. An annoyance able to be manipulated. Seth would regret this opinion. Ben was not what you would call honorable...He would take cheap shot at Seth if the occasion demanded it. But that Seth would think that Ben only appeared when his digimon was weakened. He was so naieve! He honestly thought that the enitre world was concerned with him and how powerful he was or could become. The idea made Ben start laughing again. "Let's go Deciperemon I want to follow him."
Ben laughed. Laughed long and hard. His sides were shaking as he laughed at Seth. "Do you really think that your scary talk frightens me?" Ben was quivering with mirth. "You think that I come only after your digimon is weak? That I am afraid to attack you at full strength?" Ben laughed again. "You are so foolish. I show up when you think to get ahead of yourself. You think you are so powerful, yet you know nothing of the power available in this world. Naive tamer." Ben chuckled. "And I suppose you know of this 'power'." spat Seth. Ben laughed again. "That's just the thing! I don't care about power. I don't care about defeating a quick-footed foe. You have your priorities wrong, little tamer." said Ben. "Rather than destroying the weak of this world, you should be fearing the strong." "I am strong." said Seth. "I have nothing to fear." This remark only seemed to goad Ben into laughter more. "As I said before, if you have business with me, spit it out. If not, leave me." said Seth coldy. Ben chuckled. "You're funny when you try to be tough Seth, that's why I like hanging around you." Ben laughed again. "You have no idea about anything..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O.O.C. I would really, really, like to know Neodevimon's attacks...please.
"Watch over me." Klepto snorted. "You'd lose your voice if it weren't lodged in your throat." Siren fired a high pitched note at him. He cried out and covered his ears. He began to change color, as was always the case when he was hurt. He shook his head, stood up, and resumed control of his coloring. "Well, I haven't lost it yet." said Siren sweetly. Klepto rolled his eyes. She thought she was so cool. He would show her. He chuckled. He knew just what he would do. "Are you coming?" asked Siren, as the lift had just arrived. "Yup." said Klepto, walking up from behind her. "Now, remember what Dreamcast said, limit the theft." she said. "Of course." said Klepto. He was busily stowing away the tuning fork he had just taken into his pocket. He had a nytroglycerin tablet he had stolen stuck to his forearm and a can of Graffiti's spraypaint in one of his cargo pockets. This was going to be a fun mission.
"You honestly think that will be enough?" laughed a familiar voice. "You think you're the only one who has been preparing? Maurimon and Sayuri had the advantage over you before and they still do now. You would be better off leaving them alone." "Says you..." replied Seth. He was unsure about what to do. He knew nearly nothing about Ben's digimon, but, his had just digivolved, possibly giving him an advantage. Then he made up his mind. "NeoDevimon, attack!" said Seth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O.O.C. I could've gotten a lot more in this post if I knew Neodevimon's attacks. If someone could tell me, I'll edit the post to write the fight between them.
"A foolish gesture." called Ben. He was standing on the cliff that Hope and Warugreymon had just jumped from. "For now you are my next target. You and your meek Machinedramon." "Leave Meteo alone." says Machinedramon. "Who's going to stop me? You?" Ben laughed. "I don't think so. If Meteo had not told you too, would you have still saved theose two?" Machinedramon did not answer but looked instead at the two he had just saved. As he was a machine, it was difficult to detect any of his emotions. Then he turned at Ben, attacking with his Giga Cannon. "Horn of Negation!" said a voice as yet unknown to the others. Then a digimon, presumably Ben's, floated over the edge of the cliff. It was tall and skeletal. In his hands was an enormous horn, which was now glowing. Ben's digimon struck Machinedramon's attack with his horn, nullifying it. The digimon smirked. "Shall we, Master?" he asked of Ben. "Not yet." said Ben. "We'll surprise them later. Let us go now." The two disappeared again.
Sara did not post all of the story in this thread. *shrugs* It's up to you if you want to make a new RPG. Just please don't copy our ideas, we worked long and hard on them.
One thing all of you criticizing I think are missing, is that he's writing incredible duels. The story may be prety much weak around the duels, but let me ask you this: Have you guys ever tried to write up a duel? It's not as easy as it looks you know.
But if it was a new, original story, there would be no connection to this story. Besides, I'm not sure if you've read the whole thing.
Green Lantern, hands down. :D
Chances are, we won't be making another one. I'm all for it, but three of the original members are no longer here, and the other ones aren't around very often. But maybe we could start something based on it...
"Negaremon, attack." came the order from his partner. "Right. Chorus of Weakness!" called out the digimon as he attacked. Just as Warugraymon and Hope were starting to enjoy themselves in the thrilling descent to the ground below, they were struck by a focused beam of dark energy. Warugraymon suddenly began to feel weaker, and the thrusters on his armor began to sputter and go out. Then he heard the sound of a very old and mournful song that sent shivers down his spine. His armor began to age and rust. He tried to stay airborne, tried to slow his and Hope's descent, but he was just too weak, rendered powerless by the ongoing song of misery. "That's enough. They will not survive the fall." said Ben. "Let's get out of here." Then the two of them vanished.
After Sayuri and Maurimon left, Seth sat upon a rock. He was troubled by what the other tamer had said. Her words attacke the very roots of his vaulted philosophy. "Eliminate the weak, eh?" said an unknown voice. "Perhaps someone ought to eliminate you then." "Who's there?" said Seth sharply. "Do you really want to know?" asked the unknown stranger. "Impmon, go see who it is. Destroy them if necessary." Seth did not like the arrogant tone of this stranger. Impmon began climbing the beach to find the source of this voice, but was sent running back to Seth by a barrage of energy blasts. "Your digimon is still recovering from his last conflict. It was not very wise to send him out to face an unknown foe." said the stranger. Then he appeared to Seth and Impmon. He was of average height, slightly more than average build. He had untidy brown hair and what appeared to be a bluish-gray Impmon at his side. Only his digimon had wings and a smirk on its face. "Who are you?" Seth repeated. "If you must know, my name is Ben. And believe me, your silly philosophy has me quite bored. Destroy the weak? Ha! You're lucky that no one else lives liek that or else you would have been dead a long time ago." answered the tamer. "Why are you telling me this?" asked Seth. Normally, Seth would have ordered his digimon to attack by now, but he couldn't seem to form the words to say it. "It's so hard, isn't it?" asked Ben, seemingly reading Seth's mind. "As for your question. Why am I telling you this? Because I feel like it and there's nothing you can do to stop me from doing it. Goodbye now!" The boy's strange digimon stepped in front of him. Then he held his hands forward and they began to glow. Then he attacked. "Feinted Blast!" said the digimon as he unleashed a flurry of small blasts at Seth and Impmon. The two dodged, but were stil hit by many of the blasts. Strangely, they were not hurt by them. In fact, the blasts seemed to have no effect whatsoever on boy or digimon. The two sat up on the sand an looked around. Both the boy and his digimon were gone.