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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Sorry I haven't posted. I'm just waiting for some background information from one or both of the RPG's creators. The info you gave me, Patronus, was rather limited, and so I sent a PM to Arcadia looking for enlightenment. She has not, sadly, replied to said PM. v.v I'd [I]really[/I] like to know something about the Nexus before I do my first post. But if you'd rather not say, or don't want me messing with it, or something, [I]please let me know[/I] so I can come up with something else. :p
  2. "*smacks lips* Definitely cheddar."
  3. Hmmm. I guess I could have picked a better picture than this. Sorry about that. >_>;; Siren got this one, for being...appropriate, I guess. Chaos comes in second for being....inappropriate. :p
  4. Heh. It's only by chance that I happened to check up on this. :p I really ought to pay more attention when I've submitted one of these. Anyway, brought to you by WoW: [IMG]http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/screenshots/images/screenoftheday/ss0012.jpg[/IMG]
  5. [B]Name:[/B] Macros Drairthrak [B]Age:[/B] 44 [B]Race:[/B] Black Mage [B]Location:[/B] Victoria [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/mt/Dragonsite2/images/Necromancer.JPG]Macros Drairthrak[/URL] [B]Spells/Weapons:[/B] [IMG]http://www.bynoon.com/images/cane11.jpg[/IMG] The staff is slightly taller the Macros himself, and has a slim blade concealed within it. The place of separation is roughly a third from the top of the staff, with the blade continuing down almost the length of another third. [COLOR=Purple][I]Factus Umbra[/I] (To become shadow):[/COLOR] Macros melts into his shadow, making him immune to all physical harm and all but the most potent light magic. His speed and agility also are greatly increased; he can dart and flow through the darkness he is part of. Lesser degrees of this spell may be used, to provide that critical burst of speed that determines life or death, or to add a temporary aura of shadowy concealment. [COLOR=Purple][I]Levo Inferi[/I] (Raise Dead):[/COLOR] Macros can call forth the dead beings of an area to serve him. This can either be in the form of physical remains or past spirits. This spell requires him to focus intently upon it, or he will lose control of the summoned thing(s). Macros can also set up a ritual with which to summon. The ritual takes longer, but allows for greater control and requires less magical effort cast and to maintain. [COLOR=Purple][I]Paciscor Periclitatus[/I] (Perilous Compact):[/COLOR] At the risk of tainting his soul, Macros can allow himself to be possessed by an unnamed creature of darkness. The beast's spirit is transferred into Macros, and temporarily transforms him into a demonic figure of immense power. Macros has only cast the spell once, and the power drove him nearly mad with desire once the spell wore off. It was a high, a rush; an incredible sensation. He wants to feel that power again, but fears the endangerment to his soul. [B]Biography:[/B] (Sorry, I am such a procrastinator. >_>) "Give in, Macros." Macros was panting heavily, and was soaked to the bone with sweat, blood, and the rain. His cloak was singed and burned, despite its obvious wetness. The fire that caused the damage was of the sort that water had no effect on. He was leaning heavily upon his staff, which alone remained undamaged of all of his possessions. "I [I]will[/I] beat you." Macros replied, and with a groan dragged himself forward. His opponent nonchalantly said two words in the language of power, and Macros found himself knocked off his feet once again. Had he not already been injured and completely worn out, he might have been able to stop the flippantly cast attack. As it were, though, he [I]was[/I] tired and worn out. And he knew it. Macros knew that there was no way he could beat Orcalaph. "You may have years more of scholarly study than me." gasped Macros. "But I've more knowledge of the ways of the world. And the secrets of its people." Macros fell out of the way of another arrogant attack, laying full out on his side. Orcalaph was playing with him, as he always would. Macros never could seem to overcome him, or even equal him. It was that which drove him into the studies of darkness. Orcalaph was nearly the epitome of light; a diplomat, a magical scholar, and a warrior. A paladin, one might venture to say. But he knew nothing, [I]nothing[/I], of the people. Macros was the one who went to the people. He shared their pains, and their sorrows. Then he grew bitter. That Orcalaph should be the heralded one, and not him, was a mix-up. Some sort of cruel joke played by higher powers. Macros was pouring out his soul to the people, while Orcalaph lived the high life with grandeur. Even as he did pour his soul into the people, so did they pour their bitter and weary souls back into him. He grew to learn their different skills, their little tricks of the trades. And frequently, he would come upon some family, or some old crone or some hermit who, somehow or another, had stumbled upon power or had learned it elsewhere. All were willing to share their knowledge with Macros. So, with little formal tutelage, was Macros taught the powers of darkness. His strength and his power came from the people, and they worked for the people. "So why......why can I not beat him?!" Macros shouted through tears and gritted teeth. "I stand for the right! I stand for the lowly! Why am I not the mighty one?!" Orcalaph raised his eyebrow as he misheard the shout. He then nonchalantly buffed his nails on his tunic, and laughed haughtily. "You, a defender of the [B]light?[/B] That's absurd, considering you're an informal student of the [B]dark.[/B]" "The right...and the light...are not always the same." murmured Macros quietly. And he then resolved to do the unthinkable. [I]"I cast my soul unto the darkness...."[/I] Orcalaph raised his hands again, as if to strike. [I]"Creature of darkness....come unto to me."[/I] Orcalaph's palms glowed with the energy of his holy magic. [I]"[B]PACISCOR PERICLITATUS![/B]"[/I] The sky darkened overhead, and the wind billowed through the grass. The earth rumbled, and the air itself was alive with power. Orcalaph's attack disappeared before he cast it, sucked into an invisible vortex. Alarmed, he surrounded himself in a nimbus of golden light and levitated himself above the chaos. "That [I]fool[/I]. What is he doing?" Orcalaph knew much about dark magic, but he had never heard of anything such as this. Macros fell to the ground for the third time, his magic-seared cloak falling over him, covering him. The wind continued to storm and to blow, and yet the cloak did not move away from the writhing form of Orcalaph's foe, as if it were suddenly a cocoon, sheltering the being inside as it grew stronger. An intense shriek of torment and pain rang out through the storm, and then all was still. The wind stopped, the sky lightened, and nothing moved. Orcalaph lowered himself over the still form of the fallen Macros. With a quick and cautious spell, he tossed aside the cloak obscuring his foe. There was no change whatsoever. It was the same old Macros. Still bruised. Still broken. Dead, it seemed. "Good-bye, cousin." Orcalaph shed a tear at Macros's passing, but said and did nothing more in regards to it. He slowly lowered himself to the earth. [B][I][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Good-bye, cousin."[/COLOR][/I][/B] Macros's still form was instantly upright, his eyes burning in shades of cascading crimson, violet, and green. Orcalaph instinctively leapt back, casting a holy shield into place. Macros obliterated the shield with a single word, spoken in an unknown tongue. Orcalaph fell to the ground, scrambling to reach his sword. But, it was far, far too late. The moment his body touched the ground, hundreds of skeletal arms burst from it, and constricted about him, instantly robbing him of breath and of movement. "The arms of the people you worked so hard to help." Macros said with a cruel irony. He drew in a deep breath, and produced his staff from behind his back, where it had not been a moment before. Orcalaph noticed this, and his eyes darted about frantically. "You have no idea the power I have right now, Orcalaph." Macros's eyes fluttered ecstatically. "You cannot even imagine." Drawing his staff apart, and revealing the blade inside, Macros plunged the weapon through his cousin's forehead, and then permitted the skeletal arms to tear him apart. Finally, having completed his lifelong goal, Macros set off from that place. But within ten steps of his moving, the dark presence left Macros, and he fell to the ground. He felt again the pain of his battle with Orcalaph, and he felt the pain of his soul's struggle just beginning.
  6. The lackluster capabilities of Boba Fett's irreplaceable video card are revealed to OB.
  7. The Axe Effect: Cool Mountain Breeze and Hot Desert Sands
  8. [CENTER] [B]Critical Gambit[/B] The two men sat at the table, eyeing each other suspiciously. There was an aura about them, a quiet mistrust that had been spawned when the game began. Neither moved, except to casually glance downwards once and again, comforted by the items in their hands. Or perhaps worried by them. "....got any threes?" "Go fish."[/CENTER]
  9. Terribly sorry about that, I sort of...forgot I was temporarily in charge of this. >.> I declare Dark Serena the winner, heh.
  10. Everybody say thank you to Juuthena, who PMed me to tell me it was my turn. =p [IMG]http://www.fh-wedel.de/~fi/images/duo35.jpg[/IMG] Have at it, peeps.
  11. [IMG]http://fiesta2001.ifrance.com/fiesta2001/la-muse-gueule/planche/21la-muse-gueule.JPG[/IMG] Solo Tremaine on an off-day. :p
  12. Just a quick little snippet before I head off to bed. [quote name='Adahn']Desire and need are closely related.[/quote] Adahn, I [I]desire[/I] entertainment, so I watch TV. I [B]desire[/B] refreshment, so I grab a soda. I do not [B]need[/B] entertainment. I do not [B]need[/B] concentrated sugar in a can. Now, will you argue this by saying soda is not concentrated sugar in a can, or are you going to say something relevent?
  13. [quote name='Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=blue]This is not so easy, but I will do what I can. In the case of the hive mind, every individual has a purpose. Every single bee or ant is useful. They are all a family. The same goes for the pack animals. They will take care of the young and old because they are useful members of the pack. However, when a member of the pack is wounded, or incapacitated in any way, it is abandoned. They take care of their young because of instinct. They are programmed to do so, because their species would die off if they didn't.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] Even if I agreed that that was true, how does it in any way address what I presented? O_o;; You claimed that "every other creature does what is best for the individual" and I disproved it with my examples. You present information that claims that a "family" unit will discard individuals when one becomes wounded or incapacitated. [B]They're still not doing what's best for the individual, they're doing what's best for the pack/herd.[/B] I'm still waiting for an adequate response. [quote name='Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]Any creature that works together in this way does so because it is in a family unit. Our society is not based on this. We have taken into ourselves all manners of people, and the individual's function in society is lessened.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] I think Alex made his point nauseatingly clear with his extended family examples. [quote name='Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]If you want my opinion on what is natural for humans, I would point you in the direction of native tribes. You may call them undeveloped people, but I would say that we are overdeveloped. People were not meant to exist like we do. It is we who exist in the chaotic environment.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] Okay. You're telling us to take a look at native tribes. In Sociology, there are six basic types of societies: Hunting and Food-Gathering; Agricultural; Pastoral; Horticultural; Industrial; and Postindustrial. "Natives" as you loosely use the term, I would categorize under one or more of the first four types. Hunting and Food-Gathering; this sort of [B]society[/B] is pretty much self-explanatory. [B]The members of the society work together[/B] to kill animals for food, clothing, and tools, to name a few things. They forage forage for fruits and vegetables. [B]Pastoral Societies rely on herding, domesticating, and propogating animals for food and clothing to satisfy the bulk of the [U]group's[/U] needs.[/B] [B]Horticultural societies[/B] were the first [B]societies[/B] to use human muscle power and hand-held tools to cultivate gardens and fields. These would be natives that are settled, and grow crops for food. Now, regardless of which category they fit under, they are a tribe. They have their own [B]society,[/B] and [B]society[/B] by its very nature is a [B]grouping[/B] of individuals cooperating to promote that [B]society[/B]. Cooperation is a [B]necessity,[/B] [I]especially[/I] in the "native tribes" you gave as an example.
  14. I remember watching a movie in Health class once about all of the celebrities and such you see in the media who have ridiculously small waists and perfect breasts and flat stomachs. The movie went behind the scenes of a major media magazine (I can't remember which one, it's been two years since I saw the movie >_>). The thing is, they had the people who designed the cover on the video. These people then showed, in front of the camera, how they went and adjusted the pictures they got to make the women look their very best. A little round about the belly? A slight click and drag of the mouse, and it was gone. Breasts not big enough? Click and drag, and boom. "Respectable" size. The other portion of the movie dealt with dancers, and how many of them cut themselves because they needed to vent their frustrations. They were frustrated because they were not thin enough; their instructors told them to lose, like, fifteen pounds when they were already ten pounds underweight and living a diet of water and crackers. *shakes head* Ridiculous stuff.
  15. [QUOTE=Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=blue]The classic debate of law vs. nature has recently sparked my interest.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]For argument's sake, I will take the side of nature.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]We, as a race, go against everything that is natural.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]1. We insist that the weak be put on the same level as the strong, and sometimes place them above us.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]2. We insist that we not center the universe around our own persons, when every other creature does what is best for the individual.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]3. We set our own pleasures and desires aside in favor of the good of others.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]Every law we have comes from custom, and goes completely against nature. It is for this reason that we harm the world in the ways we do. If we were to succumb to what is natural, the world would put itself back in order, and what is natural would be restored to its rightful place.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] We place the weak at the same level or above us because many of us have set codes of [B]morality[/B]. People believe it is not [I]right[/I] to merely trample the weak underfoot. We are cognitive beings, and this is a decision we have made. As for "every other creature" doing what is best for the individual, what about insects? Ants, bees, and termites all operate as colonies. The individual is so incredibly unimportant in those systems. Wolves operate as a pack. They cooperate for the betterment of the [B]whole pack[/B], not just themselves. They hunt together to acquire food. They sleep together to warm each other. They work together to prepare dens for the young. Deer and other herd animals, they tend to remain in groups -- [B]herds.[/B] They do this out of a sense of self-preservation. They do this to protect their young. Fifteen deer stand a much better chance against a small pack of wolves than one deer does. Also, [I]schools[/I] of fish. In schools of fish, the fish remain so close to one another that they sometimes appear to be one creature. If a smaller predator comes along, it will be less apt to attack a whole school of fish than a single one. Cooperation in nature. There you have it. [quote name='Adahn']Every law we have comes from custom, and goes completely against nature.[/quote] Now, isn't the first rule of nature survival? If there were no rules, then anybody could just kill anybody else. The strong (of body [I]or[/I] mind) could massacre the weak as they chose. We form societies and establish customs to protect ourselves [I]from[/I] ourselves. [quote name='Adahn']If we were to succumb to what is natural, the world would put itself back in order, and what is natural would be restored to its rightful place.[/quote] If we were to succumb to what is natural, I'm sure somebody would find and kill you. :p Anyways, if we were to succumb to what is natural, I think we [I]may[/I] go back to chaos and do whatever the heck we please. But eventually, order would reemerge. As I said above, the reason for order and custom is self-preservation, which is natural; our prime instinct.
  16. Mind you, I'm not [I]entirely[/I] sure if I'm right about this, but (as I said before) Heaven is a reward. People who go to Heaven are being rewarded for their good works and life on earth. Believers are reunited with God, and for the first time they are fully in cummunion with him, which gives them the infinite happiness they feel. To (try to) answer your question, Heaven's purpose is to reward those that believe in God and lived their lives in accordance with his teachings. There may be more going on there, but I can't say for sure. >> ...that's all I've got right now. :p
  17. Baron, just what is your point in trying to prove Heaven's redundancy? o_O Those who are there do not sense the redunancy, or they do not care about it. They're happy. [I]Truly[/I] happy. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi]Sure, it might be fun, but its not exactly productive, or useful is it? i.e. It's as redundant as tits on a bull, lol. Surely actually...living, making some sort of difference, some sort of imprint upon the world is worth more than being in Heaven? Things progress in life. In Heaven, nothing progresses. Redundancy.[/QUOTE] If you're in heaven, then in most cases you've had your chance at life, and have done a bang-up job about it. Heaven is your [I]reward[/I] for doing so well in life; it doesn't really need to be productive, does it? i.e. You're brought to a theme park for being a good boy, do you ask yourself how productive it is? As for your other point, I think we spend time talking about life after death because we're curious. People have gone there and come back (a la defibrillators) but you're right, we just don't [B]know.[/B] All that's really happening here is that some people are giving their opinion of what happens after death, and others are questioning it, and/or providing their own. I will address your question about God turning away a good man later. At the present time, I'm not sure of the answer. :p But I know there is one! >>
  18. A Christian or two [I]has[/I] saw fit to reply. You just sort of ignored us. =/ [quote name='Adahn']We're dealing with the Bible, and my theory sure can't be disproven, so it's as viable as any other interpretation.[/quote] I believe we've been disproving it right and left. You've just refused to accept our evidence, or toss it aside as inconsequential. EDIT: Never mind then. [strike]The heretic's[/strike] Adahn's given up.
  19. Addressing Baron's and Alex's points on the redundancy of Heaven, Christians believe that in Heaven we will be fully in communion with God, and will have no other wants or needs. It won't seem redundant, as we're all totally enthralled by God's perfection. It's not something I [I]personally[/I] like to think about as I'm here on earth, but then, I've never experienced the feeling of being fully immersed in God's love. I'm sure it has to be better than anything I've experienced, but it is still rather difficult for me to believe. I kind of like life on earth. :p
  20. [QUOTE=Adahn][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen][b][i]Chris·tian ( P ) Pronunciation Key (krschn) adj. 1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. 2. Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings. 3. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike. 4. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents. 5. Showing a loving concern for others; humane.[/i][/b][/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen]I suppose I am a heretic. I'm also a Christian.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [/size][/QUOTE] I'll give you that one, if you want to go by a [I]secular[/I] definition. [QUOTE=Adahn][size=2][/size] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Good job. My stand is different than the Church's. I'm really glad you pointed that out.[/color][/size][/font][/b][/QUOTE] It didn't really take all that much. =/ [QUOTE=Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f][/color][/size][/font][/b] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen][b][i]Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.[/i][/b][/color][/size][/font] [b][i][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f][/color][/size][/font][/i][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]So, what you're saying is that Jesus destroyed death and not hell. Ok then, you've got two choices.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f][/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]1. Jesus destroyed hell and death.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]2. Jesus destroyed death, but he'll re-destroy it at the end of the world.[/color][/size][/font][/b][/QUOTE] Revelations isn't meant to be taken literally, you understand. Not everything is exactly as it sounds. Sin, for example, is often considered to as a "death." Jesus died for our sins. He made it so that our sins can be forgiven; he made it so that our souls could be called into Heaven. The "death" that Jesus destroyed was our inherent sin; Original Sin. In Revelation, might not the death being referred to be physical death? Consider today's Gospel reading, if you would: Lk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38 " Jesus said to them, "The children of this age marry and remarry; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. They can no longer die, for they are like angels;" " When we die, we become "like angels." We "can no longer die." At the end of the world, that is what we become. Physical death may very well be the death that Revelations is referring to; if no one is physically alive, then physical death would indeed be gone. [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Yeah, immortality is eternal life. Being reborn is an immortal soul living many mortal lives. There's a difference.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] I'm just trying to figrue out what you meant when you said that by denying Christ we would not live eternally. In both cases, there is an immortal soul, right? In the first case, you still physically die, and then your soul lives forever because you accept Jesus. In the second, you deny Jesus, and so physically die multiple times, but your soul lives forever, again. How can you say that by denying Jesus we are not living eternally? [quote name='Adahn] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]It's a sort of if-Adam-hadn't-sinned-he-wouldn't-have-died kinda thing. Jesus undid what Adam did and presto, here we are with the opportunity to accept eternal life.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] I think I misinterpreted you somewhere. I thought physical death where I should have thought spiritual death, or something. [QUOTE=Adahn][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen][b][i]1Cr 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.[/i][/b][/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Yay for not knowing much about the bible. If you're married and you accept eternal life, your wife gets it too, and vise-versa. I think I have considered everything, actually.[/color][/size][/font][/b][/QUOTE] So you're saying Christ would force an unwilling soul to have eternal life? =/ Someone who utterly denies him, does not want to have anything to do with him, who would have to be dragged by the hair with nails scraping on the floor; he'd force them to live forever with him? Help, somebody. Please. :p EDIT: *points to Azure's post* What he said.
  21. [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen]First, to both Ben and Boba Fett, I am ignoring nothing. I am merely interpreting everything differently.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] [QUOTE]her·e·tic (hr-tk) n. A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]her·e·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hr-s) n. pl. her·e·sies An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs, especially dissension from or denial of Roman Catholic dogma by a professed believer or baptized church member. Adherence to such dissenting opinion or doctrine.[/QUOTE] There is the Church's teaching, and there is yours, it seems. The two are [B]not the same[/B]. Stop trying to pass your ideas off as Christian. You've little basis. [QUOTE=Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Christ's love saves us from [i]death[/i]. I remember Adam, Adam brought death to man. If Christ has the power to bring men back from hell, then when he died, he destroyed hell, [i]just like I said before.[/i] He has the keys to hell and death.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f][/color][/size][/font][/b] [i]Rev 1:18 I [am] he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.[/i][/QUOTE] Jesus destroyed [B]death[/B] with his Resurrection, he did not destroy [B]Hell.[/B] At least, that's what the [I]Church[/I] teaches. Your stand once again seems to be different. [SIZE=1][strike]Heretic[/strike][/SIZE] [QUOTE=Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f][/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]You people don't want to live forever? Then by all means, deny what Jesus did and keep being reborn. It's your choice.[/color][/size][/font][/b][/QUOTE] So....we don't want to live forever, so we deny Christ, and we are then continually reborn.... I'm not seeing much of a distinction, besides the being reborn. Being reborn implies that you die, as opposed to your supposed immortality. Also, a question. If we accept Christ and become immortal, then what's with the whole heart-stopping-and-brain-shutting down-thing that we call death? [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Yes, I've considered everything. This isn't one person being immortal and seeing everyone die. Everyone can be immortal, including those you love. Tell me that you would rather die than live forever with the love of your life, and I will tell you that you don't deserve to love anyone if you can't love them forever.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] You've considered everything, eh? Well then, what if the love of your life doesn't accept Christ, while you do? Yay eternal loneliness! [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]It is bliss! You get to live forever with those you love, right here![/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] Again, what if they don't accept Christ? Stuck with the eternal loneliness, in an imperfect world. [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]I expect nobody to follow me.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] Then why bother with this entire [B]11 page[/B] thread?
  22. [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Why does Christianity not appeal? I was not raised a Christian, and here I am today, a Christian.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] [QUOTE=Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][color=#556b2f]Christians say, "Accept the truth, and after death, you will go to heaven." I say, "Accept the truth, and you will never die."[/color][/font][/b] [/QUOTE] In the first quotation, you call yourself a Christian, in the second, you make it sound as if you and Christians are two different identities. Which you are, really. It's just as Boba Fett said; you can't pick and choose what you believe and don't believe. You either believe the whole thing, or you don't. You cannot make up your own teaching and call it Christian. What's your choice? Christianity, or Adahnism?
  23. Sorry Sage (and everybody else :p), I think a lot of that time lapse was me and my last post. ^-^;; It should not happen again. Shy and Arcadia, I appreciate the comments immensely. Thank you for the generally positive feedback. :D I definitely did slack off on the race track portion of the post, simply because I don't [I]know[/I] all that much about race tracks, or gambling. Especially not from this time period. Heh, I do much of the same thing in my essays and papers for school. The parts where I know what I'm talking about will be well-written, but I make up some rather bad B.S./filler material. :p And, I know I should proofread my posts for the grammar mistakes and such that you mentioned, Shy. It's a failing of mine to not do that. Whenever I do a big writing project, I'll generally be very glad to have finished writing it, and want to have it totally over and done with. I'll definitely have to work on that from here on in. So, yeah. Thanks again for the feedback. :) EDIT: I strongly recommend to everyone involved in this RPG: Watch the movie [I]Unbreakable[/I] starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson. It's a fantastic parallel to what we're working on here, and a thoroughly engaging film.
  24. [quote name='Charles][I']At least you didn't hit a deer or some other formidable opponent for your vehicle. My brother suffered through an experience like that and the results are both physically and psychologically disasterous.[/I][/quote] [quote name='lea2385']Psychological, especially if you accidently ran over a pet.[/quote] I don't know about you, but I don't have a pet deer. :p
  25. Ben

    hero [PG-LV]

    [B][CENTER]Issue #5: Double[/CENTER] [/B] [I]?If I think about death more than some other people, it is probably because I love life more than they do.?[/I] [I]I killed him. It is my fault.[/I] Larry Friar was plagued by these thoughts for the weeks following the attack on his family?s diner. He was certain now that it was he would had killed the Mafia man. Small things from his childhood came sharply into focus: various insects dying in his hands, friends contracting rare and deadly diseases; his grandmother?s deathbed. Some of these things Larry thought were just coincidence, but now he could never be sure. After the incident, Larry left the diner closed. The police were still coming back every so often to look the place over, and business wouldn?t be very good just after such an incident, anyways. Truth be told, Larry didn?t want to go back to work there. He was afraid to touch anybody, most especially his sisters. It had been two weeks since he last saw any of them. They had spoken on the phone, and the women had tried several times to visit Larry at home, but he refused to let them in. He had become somewhat of a recluse. Larry only ever went out at night now, to walk, when there were fewer people. He wore a pair of woolen mittens whenever he went for these contemplative walks, and long clothes. His feet were covered by sturdy hiking books. He wore a collared shirt of a deep shade of green, with overalls to cover his legs and the rest of his torso. An obscuring scarf and a broad rimmed hat completed his ensemble. Larry went to great lengths to avoid any form of physical contact with people. The walks relaxed him, though, and gave him time to think. All sorts of questions raced through his head, and he did his best to answer them by himself. At first, he tried to think rationally. There was no way he could have killed Evan with just his bare hands, he thought. Not in the position he was in, at least. Then again, he thought; there were others in the city who had unnatural abilities; other people who had mysterious powers that no one else did. The Guardians. The Guardians had powers. ?None of them have powers as awful as mine.? Larry had quietly murmured to himself. Of course, Larry did not know for sure. He actually knew little about the Guardians, other than what the newspapers said. Maybe he should contact them. Maybe they could help. Or perhaps, something could go wrong. They could decide he was too dangerous to have roaming around, and have him locked away. They might try to get him to use his powers for their cause! He realized suddenly. Larry adamantly shook his head. He would never use his powers, even for good. How could he? How could a touch that brings sickness and death accomplish good? It couldn?t. He was doomed to be a walking hazard, an undeserving plague to all of those people around him. Three weeks after Evan?s death, Larry received a letter in his mailbox. The envelope had no marks of regular postage, just his name: Larry Friar. Larry stepped back inside the door to his house and bolted the door shut again. He tore open the envelope, and withdrew the letter from within. Larry gripped the paper tightly upon reading the first line: [I]?I know what you?ve done.? [/I] Larry read on, his eyes never breaking contact with the page. Whoever wrote the letter claimed that he knows all about Larry?s abilities, and threatened to reveal the truth about him. Larry?s worst nightmare was realized. His secret couldn?t get out! [I]?Bring the money to the entrance of the docks at 9 o?clock tomorrow night. If you do not, your family will suffer, and it will be seen to that your diner is destroyed.?[/I] Larry slid numbly into a chair by his fireplace. The letter was surely from the Mafia. They would be the ones seeking recompense. The fire before Larry crackled merrily, but the room still felt cold. $10,000. His family. Their diner. What was he going to do? Where was he supposed to get that sort of money? Even his whole family?s life savings amounted to less than that. Then Larry spied something out of the corner of his eye. Resting on a squat table across the room was a small statue. Hand-carved by a craftsman in Arabia, the wooden artifact depicted an animal; a horse. A horse....the image triggered something in Larry?s memory. He quickly stumped his way over to his dining room table. On the back page of the newspaper was a large ad, promoting Key City?s first race track. [I]Winnings up to $20,000...[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sound and smell of the racetrack filled Larry?s senses as he carefully shuffled about. His hands were determinately deep in his pockets, and he was decked out in his usual protective garb. He was meeting somebody here, one of his regulars at the diner who went by the name of Herman. Herman had always been a bit down on his luck, and so Larry had helped him out a time or two. Herman was glad to return the favor by explaining to Larry how exactly gambling at the race tracks worked. ?Now, you see, you?ve got a trifecta, which is when you guess what three horses will come in first, second, and third. And the exacta, which is just guessing the horses that will come out first and second. Or, you can just pick one horse and bet on it to Win, or come in first; Place, which means it comes in first or second; or Show, which means your horse has to come in first, second, or third. Or if, you?re really up to it, you can bet Across the Board. That way, if your horse comes in first, you can collect the bets for the other two places automatically. Or if it comes in second, you collect the Place and Show bets. If your horse comes in third, you collect the Show bet.? Larry groaned. It was a lot to remember, and he had so little time left. ?Herman, I?m going to need your help placing these bets.? ?No problem, Larry. Just how much cash are you willing to put into play?? Larry had gone to the bank and withdrawn $5,000 from the family?s mutual account. It was nearly all of the money they had, and certainly enough to make Larry feel extremely guilty. The money was resting inside of a stout knapsack slung over his shoulder, and Larry felt its presence very keenly. It made a faint but audible ?thump? with every step he took. ?Come over here, Herman.? Larry motioned over to a spot behind one of the betting booths. When he was sure nobody else was looking, Larry opened the knapsack to show Herman what was inside. ?Good lord.? whispered Herman. He probably hadn?t ever seen as much money in one place before. ?Will you help me, Herman? I need this. My family?s in trouble.? Larry said the last part carefully, not wanting to let Herman in on any of the details. ?You betcha.? grinned Herman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several hours later, Larry walked out of the racetracks with $17,755 in tow. It was more than enough to cover both the ransom demand and replenishing the family savings. Larry felt like he could burst, he was so happy. He had given Herman $2,000 out of gratitude for the inestimable help he had provided. And still, there was plenty leftover! Maybe when this mob stuff was over with, he could refurbish the diner... It was eight-thirty already. He had to be at the docks in under an hour. Larry waved a hearty farewell to Herman, and then set out at a brisk walk. The air became colder as he got closer and closer to the river and the docks. The wind picked up a bit, too, causing Larry to squint his eyes as they began to tear up. He was nearing the entrance to the docks, and it was eight fifty-five according to his watch. He made it, and he had the money. [I]SLAM.[/I] The sudden loud noise caused Larry?s heart to jump, and he clung ever tighter to the knapsack slung over his shoulder. If need be, he could use it for bludgeoning. Larry squinted, staring through the wind. He didn?t see anything, other than several piles of crates stacked around. There were a few ships in the dock, and they would sometimes be forced sharply against the metal edge of the docks, Larry rationalized. Nothing out of the ordinary. ?Do you have the money?? Larry turned sharply, looking for the source of the voice. He found nothing. ?Where are you?? ?Do you have the money?? the voice repeated, a bit more forcefully this time. ?Yes, yes. It?s here.? Larry replied, still casting his eyes about for the man to whom he was speaking. ?Good.? The voice was right behind him. Larry jumped forward and spun around, coming face to face with the largest man he had ever seen. He was easily nine feet tall, with thickly muscled arms, legs, chest; everything about him was huge. He was dressed in a tight-fitting purple outfit that only accentuated his gigantic muscles. How the beast of a man had managed to sneak up on Larry, or even conceal himself anywhere in the vicinity, was a mystery. One that Larry felt no particular need to solve at the moment. Rather, he was desperately trying to determine the fastest way out of there. ?Yo-You?re the one who sent the letter?? Larry faltered. ?Yes. Give me the money.? ?Who are you?? ?My name is Titan, not that it matters. Give me the money. Now.? Larry reached over his shoulder and placed the knapsack on the ground. Kneeling beside it, he withdrew $10,000 worth of bills and handed them to the super-sized extortionist. Titan placed the money into a rough bag and tied it up. Larry carefully placed the remaining money pack into the knapsack and stood up. ?Well done, Mr. Friar. Well done, indeed.? the brute grinned maliciously. ?Unfortunately, with the inflation the city has been suffering in the past day or so, the price has gone up to $20,000. Or, whatever else is left in the knapsack.? ?There hasn?t been any inflation!? Larry burst out. ?And this money is mine! It belongs to my family!? In what must have been a trick of the light, Titan swelled slightly larger. ?Perhaps you don?t understand, Friar. I told you to give me the rest of that money. And when I tell you something, you do it!? This time, there was definitely no tricks being played with the light. Titan definitely did grow larger, and seemed all the more menacing because of it. At twenty feet tall, he loomed over the piles of crates surrounding them. Whatever material Titan?s clothes were made of, they grew to accommodate his increased size. Larry grimly clung to his bag. ?No.? Titan laughed, his baritone guffaw carrying on the wind. Then, his foot came crashing down, causing Larry to fall over backwards. ?Perhaps you don?t understand, Friar. I could squish you like a bug!? Larry was angry now, and leapt to his feet. He threw off his outer layers, exposing his feverish skin to the biting chill of the night air. ?And I could kill you as soon as touch you!? he declared hotly, taking a step towards Titan?s massive foot. Titan shrank quite suddenly, reducing his target area exponentially. He now stood at about six foot. While still taller than Larry, it was not quite as intimidating. Larry took a step forward and Titan stepped back several steps. ?Perhaps we can make a deal, Friar.? ?I?m through with making deals. I paid you your money, now leave me and my family alone.? Larry snarled. ?Ah yes, your family. I nearly forgot.? Titan sneered. ?When was the last time you saw your brother?? Larry froze. He hadn?t seen nor heard from Timothy in several weeks. With all of the excitement and difficulties concerning the diner, he?d totally forgotten. The way Titan was looking at him, though, Larry knew what had happened. ?Where is he?? ?In the ?care? of my employers and their men. He?s fading fast.? Larry caved in. ?What do you want me to do?? ?If you do this for us, Mr. Friar, you can keep all of the money in that sack and this one, as well as get your brother back.? ?Just tell me what to do.? ?You?re going to touch the stars, Mr. Friar. You?re going to touch the Guardians.? ~~~~~~ Questions, comments, thoughts, ideas, flames, suggestions, et cetera?
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