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Everything posted by Ben
Name: Ben Age: 14 Gender: Male Digimon: Negaremon Digimon Attacks: Horn on Negation (blows on arm-sized horn and a wave flows out to negate any attacks against him; or the horn glows and he swings it like a sword), Chorus of Weakness (blows on horn and all enemies begin to weaken; can be focused on single enemy to be more powerful) Biomerge name: Raberemon Biomerge Attacks: Tornado Blade (strikes with a skeletal sword rapidly and without ceasing; can throw energy blades; can create tornadoes of dark energy) Insanity Glare (if enemy makes eye contact, they are rendered temporarily mad and will attack anyone: friend, foe, environment, or themself. Appearance: Ben wears back cargo pants and a gray short-sleeved t-shirt with a navy blue band around the neck. His hair is brown and is naturally arranged. (combed with fingers) Soul: Darkness Bio: Ben was a very nice, polite, mild-mannered boy until he received the e-mail from the digital world. His computer was infected by a virus at the time he received it (Ben had not known about the virus) and its arrival caused him to spill some Mountain Dew on his computer tower. Ben, not noticing the spill that was causing sparks to erupt from his computer, opened the e-mail. He was instantly digitized to be taken to the Digital World and his data was attacked by the virus. Also, as he was being transported and attacked (simultaneously) his computer was being scrambled, scrambling Ben's data as well.
I would try lots of counter cards. I.e. Magic Jammer, Seven Tools of the Bandit. And things like simple De-Spell and Remove Trap cards for his continuous things like Dark Door and Gravity Bind. From what you've said he uses several four star monsters as well. Toss in a Four-Starred Ladybug of Doom or two to destroy them. Another thing you might try is Soul Exchange. Sacrifice one of his monsters to bring out one of your strong ones and attack the following turn.
Name: Ben Codename: Klepto Age: 14 Occupation: Sells clown figurines ([url]http://www.streetgangs.com/homies/psychoclowns.html[/url]) Identity: Well known in his home town. Adults think of him as the perfect boy; nice, polite, good manners, etc. etc. The children of the town, however, know better. They see him for what he really is, a mutant and a thief. He is unknown out of his hometown. Legal status: Citizen of the U.S., he has been accused of several crimes but there was never enough evidence to convict him of anything or even link him to it. Group Affiliation: Mutant Brigade. Northern Sector, Ontario Division, Toronto Section, Group Blueberry Eyes: Brown in normal light. In the dark, they turn reptilian (almond shape down the middle)and have the ability to glow. Hair: Mess of brown hair Strength Level: Ben has slightly above average strength for a boy his age who does not exercise. Mutation Type: Body Modification/Telapath Known superhuman power: Can stick to walls due to sticky secretions from the pores of his skin. Secretions dissolve once appendage is removed from the wall or surface in question. If a person sees him, he has the telepathic ability to convince the person that he was not seen. (This ability takes a great deal of effort and is only used as a last resort) Special limitations: Psionic ability cannot be consciously used, it happens instinctively. Personnality: Mixed. Ben can sometimes be the perfect gentleman, as the adults of his community know. At others he is a witty, cynical piece of garbage that nobody really likes. History: Normal life, mixed with thefts that nobody could pin to him. He's never taken anything really valuable, something he wishes to remedy. He steals things for the rush, not their value and has gotten bored of stealing things so easily. He wants a challenge. Special Interests: Locks, security systems, military defense systems and strategies, cameras, and a small study of acrobatics. Other: Has lock-picking materials in a small sack tied to his waist. Carries sleeping gas in a pepper spray-like container. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uh, you seem to have an awful lot of NPC's. It's not going to be easy to keep all fo them straight, especially once you add our characters. :nope:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gpeowyn [/i] [B]joey playing the time wizard as a magic card. [/B][/QUOTE] again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and many more times than I can conveniently post. Oy... Also, Sometimes he plays it as a monster.:p
If anyone needs a villain for his/her stories or RPGs let me know and if I am able and understand the storyline, I will gladly sign up. I am very adaptable and can go with any plot and evil personnality you want me to fit into. If you want a maniacal pillowcase, I'll manage. If you want a clinically depressed Ogre smashing people to pieces, I can manage that. Or if you just want a regular: sinister, twisted sense of humor, omnipresent, always just around the corner, etc., etc. Like I said, let me know. You could send me a PM or just reply to this thread. I look forward to menacing you. :devil:
Name: Puppetmon Gender: Male (duh) Age: Unknown Description: A black and gold Puppetmon, basically. Bio: Originally a Toyagumon out scouting for Mina, began to melt in the hot desert. He fell into a canyon/cave/grotto where the Digital Fountain was located. Nearly dead and unaware of his surroundings, he shuffled towards the Digital Fountain and the Guardian of the Fountain (Nefertimon) attacked him. Toyagumon was blasted into digidust, and that digidust was drawn into the Fountain, put back together, digivolved to its Mega form, and supercharged with the Fountain's energy. He has taken control of the Dark Master Puppetmon's house and with it his powers grow stronger. But, the house was not taken without a price. Unknown to him, the old Puppetmon is slowly using the house's energy to rebuild himself...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]OoC: I'm posting this and no one's gonna stop me! :smirk: If you don't like it, tough. Make it work. That's the way we always did it back in the OBs' Golden Age of RPGs.[/B][/QUOTE] That's the spirit! :D OOC: Gotenks, your posts are a little hard to follow. I thought I caught a glimpse of my character in there somewhere, but...:huh: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Puppetmon watched wearily as Suijinmon flew away. He had stopped the Trinity digimon, but only temporarily. Suijinmon would be back. Puppetmon was exhausted, having epxpended much of his energy in his initial attack. Also, he felt........tainted. Like the victory had been won the wrong way. He noticed that he himself was losing the shine that his rebirth in the Fountain had given him. His colors were still not the same as a normal Puppetmon, but they were becoming duller, and darker. He could still feel the energy of th Fountain throughout him, but something subtler was going on deeper within him. He was trying to puzzle through this when he suddenly heard the roar of a great bird. He listened harder. It was a Pheonixmon! He strained himself, attempting to gather more of the situation. There were Masters present, and Haku? No, it wasn't Haku, although the essence seemed similar. It was Fuijinmon! Puppetmon stirred himself from his resting position. The Masters would need help with the Trinity Digimon. The house rumbled as it began its quick journey towards them. Puppetmon, knowing he had time to spare, began to search the house; he knew there was something about it that was hidden to him, some strange powers he did not know of.
O.O.C. Okay, I'm here to work some wonders! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Puppetmon flew as fast as he could. Which was not saying much, since he was more of a hovering sort of digimon. He would occasionally teleport, just to make some serious distance, but flew to keep a better bearing on where he was going. He knew his way to the Spiral Mountain ruins; it was right near the Magical Domain...his old home. He deliberately avoided entering the domain, skirting around its edges instead. He knew that the house would be in the forest and vaguely what it looked like, but other than that he didn't know much else. He tried using the mysterious sense given to him by the Fountain. He sensed great evil. Very great evil. He was sure it was the right place. "[I]It's over there.[/I]" came a small voice. Puppetmon looked around. He couldn't see anybody, and the sense of evil had gotten stronger still. "[I]Go ahead, take it.[/I]" said the voice. "Who are you? Show yourself!" said Puppetmon. From out of the shadows came a hazy figure. It was a Puppetmon, but it seemed insubstantial, like a ghost. "[I]I told you already, my house is over there![/I]" the Puppetmon seemed slightly annoyed. "How..?" Puppetmon couldn't speak. He just nodded. The evil was emanating from the ghost, or whatever it was. But Puppetmon knew the only way he would be strong enough to defeat the Trinity would be with the aid of a Master. Even if it was a [B]Dark[/B] Master. Besides, he thought, the Fountain's energies should protect him. He walked to where the misty figure had indicated. He saw something that resembled an enormous hand sticking out of the moss-covered forest floor. "[I]Reach out to it, I'll see that it works for you.[/I]" came the quiet voice once again. Puppetmon closed his eyes and, like he had been instructed, reached out with his mind. He did not see the ghost behind him smirk with satisfaction. Nor did he see the ghost disperse and infuse itself within the house. But he did feel the power of the house returning. He did feel the seismic activity as the house emerged from its long dormancy. And he could feel the strength of the house as it became totally his.........or so he thought. --------------------------------------------------------------------- "What are we going to do?" Mina asked as Suijinmon felled another couple of birds. Ryouka winced as the Trinity digimon annihilated several Rookies. "Do you know how to use that?" he asked, indicating the lifesource. "Not really." said Mina doubtfully. "Wizardmon would be the one to ask, but he's busy. I hope Puppetmon gets back here soon." "Puny digimon, you cannot harm me!" thundered Suijinmon as he swatted aside a Kiwimon. He was still traveling inexorably towards the lake. Suddenly, Puppetmon rocketed towards him, enclosed in a nimbus of pure digital energy. Suijinmon went flying into the mountainside, sending showers of rock and debris everywhere below. Seconds later, he erupted from the landform, enraged and confused. What could have done this to him? Puppetmon stood in the air, energy seething like heat waves around him. His house was right under him, and from it he drew his power. (OOC.That is not to say the house is merely a battery. It plays a larger role.) Puppetmon entered the head-like portion of his house. He drew about him all of his power and focused it. The house was now totally under his control. Suijinmon blasted towards him at full speed, preparing his attack. The house lashed out and caught Suijinmon in the midst of preparing his attack. Suijinmon was not an ordinary digimon, and certainly not one to be stopped by the swat of a little wooden house/toy soldier. The pent-up force behind the blow, however was more than he was prepared to cope with alone. He flinched and withdrew from the valley. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC. Sorry about that first line. It was a little arrogant, wasn't it? :P
Has anyone gotten any good passwords yet?
Oh, darnit! I have a great idea for a post but not enough time to do it! If you can, try not to do too much with Suijinmon please!
Art Ginny shifts gears (AKA, not cute monsters or monsters period)
Ben replied to GinnyLyn's topic in Creative Works
My art teacher is having us draw pinecones. :P Exercise in futility if you ask me. I've gotten more shapeless blobs and random lines than there are people in my class. I like the switch Ginny. :D Don't stop with the cuties, though! -
OOC: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B]I will be in the RPG as a Digimon. [B]A Digimon not subject to ANY Master.[/B] )[/B][/QUOTE] Ahem! Back off Mina Karusala! He doesn't have to ask your permission anymore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Puppetmon watched the cloud approaching the army of weary digimon. He knew they couldn't take another fight. But could [B]he[/B] take one of the [I]Trinity[/I]? He didn't know, but he knew he would soon find out. He also knew that the Trinity had been infected with something, something evil. The Digital Fountains energies were still pulsing through him, giving him this strange ability to sense things others could not. It was slight comfort. He was in the presence of his former Master. He knew he was supposed to obey her, but he didn't have the compulsion to like the other Magical digimon did. It hurt him to be excluded, but it also filled him with the joy of his freedom. The cloud came closer. He knew he had to do something. So he did. He had heard the stories of the old "Digidestined", minor masters that had protected the digiworld in the past. He had also heard of their victories over numerous evil and powerful monsters. There was one conflict, though, that caught his attention specifically. "Wizardmon." he said. "Yes?" the wise digimon answered. "Do you remember the conflicts of the digidestined?" he asked. "Clearly, why? Is something troubling you." asked Wizardmon. "I seem to remember them defeating a Puppetmon. And that this Puppetmon had a rather special house. My memory fades after that point." he admitted. "Yes, I believe he did possess a rather special house. It was rumored to be impervious to most digimon attacks and that the Puppetmon controlled it with his thoughts." replied Wizardmon. Then his eyes narrowed. "You're not thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?" "You'll find out." said Puppetmon, flashing him a rare grin. "It's too dangerous!" called Wizardmon as Puppetmon flew away. "There is still great evil there!" But Puppetmon had already teleported.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]offgame: Now don't ANYBODY touch my characters! I got them JUST where I want them, okay?[/B][/QUOTE] (Tempting):D OOC: Despite Strenuous objections by Rokas, I have decided to take the matter of the attacking Machine digimon into my own hands. :P Muahahahahahahahaha! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "There are other Masters helping you now. The Vegetation Master has sent forces, along with the Warrior Master, though you may not see him. The tide of the battle is turning." said Puppetmon. "But our losses are too heavy!" said Ryouka, slamming our fist down. Puppetmon, seeing the Master so emotional over the loss of his digimon, decided to do something about it. "Tell your digimon to fall back." said Puppetmon. "We can't stop now," said Ryouka wearily. "We need to keep the pressure on them." "Trust me, they'll have plenty of pressure." said Puppetmon. Ryouka nodded, then he picked up his digivice. "Chase, get everyone out of there." "Everyone?" asked Chase. Ryouka looked at Puppetmon. Puppetmon got a determined look about him and nodded. "Everyone." confirmed Ryouka. Then he turned, Puppetmon had vanished. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The battle was turning ugly. The Machines, leaderless, were attacking anything that moved and wasn't a Machine. The Vegetation digimon were a big help, Cherrymons plowing through and Redveggiemon pounding Machines into scrap metal. But, the Machines had called in reinforcements. MetalTyrannomon were now surrounding the domain and were destroying anything in their way, Machine or otherwise. They had to be stopped. "Puppet Thread!" Puppetmon took control of the MetalTyrannomon, straining with concentration. Then he sent them charging at the last of the Guardromon army, plowing through whole ranks at a time. Metalmamemons tried to shoot them, but Puppetmon yanked on their arms with his Puppet Thread and they ended up shooting each other.Once they had succesfully demolished the Guardromons, he sent them to charging at the remaining Giromons. The Giromons attacked and destroyed Puppetmon's little raiding party. Then they were swarmed under by Floramons. Then Puppetmon set out to take care of the Mekanorimon fleet which was wreaking havoc on the domain.
Puppetmon tensed himself. The first attack had been fired. It was a Pepper Breath from one of the Agumons lining the walls. It struck one of the Guardromon, causing it to take a step back. The Machines stopped and each took a single step back. They all prepared their attacks. Puppetmon began to shower the Machine digimon with his Puppet Thread. Tensely he waited for the signal to attack. When the signal came, in the form of a flare, Puppetmon pulled hard. All the digimon he had roped turned inward and unleashed their attacks. The result was total chaos for the Machine forces. In the confusion, Puppetmon slammed through the Mekanorimon fleet with his Puppet Pummel attack and dropped several of them to the ground with his Yarn Balls. Then he grabbed Haku and tore him out of the Mekanorimon. He did not want the Masters to be harmed, even an evil one. He then teleported himself out of there.
Puppetmon watched as the Machine horde approached the walls of the Reptile Realm. He knew that there was no way the Reptiles could defeat that mass of digimon alone. Even with his help, Puppetmon knew there was no chance of victory without the aid of other Masters. True, there were still a few Bird Digimon around, but their Master was not here to give them orders. Who knew what they would do? "Commence fire as soon as they're in range." Puppetmon told the nearby Reptiles. "Are you going somewhere?" a Tyrannomon asked. "I'll hit them from behind. You guys just make sure to keep them busy enough that they don't see me coming." Puppetmon answered. "Yes sir." replied the assembled digimon. Puppetmon knew he could have teleported himself behind the enemy, but he didn't want to risk getting too close to them accidentally. So instead he flew to around the edge of the opposing force, keeping to the trees. When he was in position he searched for the Machine Master. He felt for the presence of his digivice. When he located the Master, his eyes narrowed. The boy had been to the Fountain. It was worse than he had expected. There was no way that the Reptiles stood a chance. He had to get the other Masters. But, if he left, the Reptiles wouldn't be able to fend off the attack. The decision he faced was agonizing: stay and fight, or go get help?
OOC: His resurrection in the Digital Fountain has given Puppetmon several special abilities, one of which is the teleporting ability mentioned earlier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Puppetmon had seen Vermilimon attack the vehicles. He had seen the human girl fall out and be saved by the Mikemon. He knew that the Animal digimon with him would want to go to her. But he couldn't stay. From somewhere far, far away he heard an alarm. Someone was under attack. They were being attacked heavily. Straining, he used his new-found hearing ability to learn more. It was the Reptile Domain, they were being attacked by the Machines! "Tell your Princess and whoever else is with her that the Reptiles need help!" he told Kyukimon. "I'm going there now!" With that he disappeared. He reappeared in the Reptile Domain, trying to focus his reentrance near their Master. The Master gave off a distinct signal that was easy to pinpoint, probably from his digivice. Ryouka jumped as the Mega appeared next to him suddenly. Before he could call for help, Puppetmon had used Yarn Ball to seal his mouth and Puppet Thread to keep him from moving. "Listen to me, Reptile Master. Your Domain is about to be attacked by overwhelming Machine forces. I detect that the Machine Master is with them. The way I see it, you have two choices: You can stay, fight and lose countless lives. Or you can retreat, find a new Domain, and save lives. Either way, I'll help you." he then released the Master. "We stand and fight." said Ryouka. "Then I'd better get to the walls." said Puppetmon. "Please tell your troops I'm a friend."
OOC: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Takuya [/i] [B]Keio: I think that I understand what we have to do, but why did we leave Kyukimon behind? Dantu: Size. OOC: Sorry if that was too controling, but Ben had Kyukimon looking for Keio already. I provided the reason for their seperation. [/B][/QUOTE] I knew what I was doing. :p You just messed up my plan, you digi-dummy. :whoops: I guess I'll just have to work from there.:rolleyes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Come with me!" shouted Puppetmon over the roar of thousands of attacking digimon. He flew to the top of the palace, which was out of range for most of the Digimon. He still had to fend a couple off, though. He really didn't want to hurt them, so he threw Yarn Balls and bashed some of them together with his Puppet Thread. When Kyukimon reached the top of the palace, she had two Weregarurumons with her, along with a Centaurumon and an Apemon. "Where are we going?" asked Kyukimon. "And where is my Princess?" "We're on our way now." said Puppetmon. He retrieved his hammer with a Puppet Thread. He imagined himself back in the desert, with the Animal Digimon beside him. [B][SIZE=4]FLASH![/SIZE][/B] He was suddenly there, along with the other Digimon. He could see the Masters up ahead, in some sort vehicles. "There she is." said Puppetmon. "And there [I]you[/I] are!" said a voice from behind them. "Big Bang Boom!" said another voice. The Digimon were suddenly thrown by the Giromon's unexpected attack. Puppetmon recovered quickly, and turned to face the three Ultimates that had snuck up behind them. There were two Giromon and a MetalMamemon. Before the others could recover, MetalMamemon attacked. "Energetic Bomb!" The charged blast hurtled at the stunned Animal Digimon. "Puppet Pummel!" Puppetmon slammed his hammer into the blast, sending energy spurting as the two forces collided. The Machine Digimon got slightly nervous. They were sure they could handle the five Animal Digimon given the element of surprise, but they hadn't seen the Mega and they had lost their elent of surprise. "Chain Saw!" said the two Giromon as the leaped at the wooden-bodied Puppetmon. "Garuru Kick!" said two voices in unison. The Giromon were sent packing. Meanwhile, MetalMamemon had called for reinforcements. Guardromon were suddenly emerging from the ground around them. Battle was joined. Kyukimon slashed at her foes relentlessly, thoughts of her Princess driving her. Centaurumon flew through the crowd with his Jet Gallop, blasting enemies with his Solar Ray. the two Weregarurumon busied themselves with the Giromon, while Apemon was hard-pressed by several Guardromon. Puppetmon was faced by MetalMamemon and three Andromon. "Lightning Blade!" The three Machine Digimon said in unison as they attacked. Puppetmon dodged the attacks, narrowly missing MetalMamemon's Metal Claw as it followed up the combined attacks of the Andromons. "Yarn Ball!" Puppetmon tied up his opponents into one big heap. "Puppet Pummel!" he said. The Digimon were turned to digidust by the barrage. He then turned to the remaining Guardromon. He reached up over his shoulder and removed his crosspiece. He took careful aim. "Puppet Pummel!" he sent the crosspiece flying. It ricocheted off of the Guardromon, turning them all to digidust, down to the last digimon. The crosspiece flew back to Puppetmon. Then something totally unexpected happened.
Floating through the sky above the desert that had nearly destroyed him, the rogue Puppetmon watched. He knew he was now free. The fountain had brought him the freedom along with new life. His data had been rearranged, reconfigured, and upgraded. He was a Mega at its peak. Below him, he saw the three Masters, Dantu, Keoi, and Furora, driving through the desert. Puppetmon wanted to repay the Digital World in some way for giving him a second chance. What better way than to save it? And what better way than to unite the Masters? But how did one unite the Masters? He pondered that for a while. Thinking he could gain some insight, he flew lower, hoping to gleam ideas from the conversation of the three Masters below. Unfortunately for Puppetmon, the Masters weren't speaking. The crushing heat of the desert seemed to sap all their energy. There were two girls and a boy. Neither of the girls were Mina, he realized with a twinge of regret. One of them had a Salamon though. Puppetmon figured that one of them must be the Master of Animal Digimon. He remembered going to the Animal Domain once. [B][SIZE=4]FLASH![/SIZE][/B] Suddenly he was floating above the Animal domain. He was not sure what happened, but nothing really surprised him anymore. The place was a hive of activity. There was a Kyukimon standing at the highest point, a palace of some kind. It was shouting orders out to the assembled Animal Digimon. "Find the Princess! Search everywhere!" it shouted. Puppetmon flew lower, he knew where she was. "Super Thunder Strike!" Puppetmon was hit by the Elecmon's attack before he knew it was coming. Soon after, he was being pelted by a wide variety of projectile attacks. He flung several dozen Yarn Balls into the city, trying to get to the Kyukimon. "I know where your Princess is!" he bellowed.
(After numerous PM's sent between Sage and I, we reached an agreement. I will be in the RPG as a Digimon. [B]A Digimon not subject to ANY Master.[/B] ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A toyagumon, one of Mina's scouts, was wandering around in the desert. The heat of the desert had long since fried his brain. He no longer remembered what he was supposed to be doing, and his loyalty to Mina had been completely lost. He stumbled around aimlessly until he came upon a crevice in the ground. He stepped over the edge. After several seconds of falling, he slammed in the floor of the cave. Normally, such a fall would have killed the Rookie. Fortunately the heat had melted the plastic-like substance of his body. He made a loud squelching sound as he hit. Somewhat disfigured, but unable to be discouraged from something that he had no desire to achieve, he shuffled towards the strange glowing fountain in the center of the crevice. "Go no further!" warned the Nefertimon. Toyagumon looked at the new digimon uncomprehendingly. He took another step toward the fountain. "I'm warning you!' shrieked the Guardian of the Well. Toyagumon reached the edge of the fountain. Before Nefertimon could stop him, he dipped his hand in. His hand instantly was restored from its heat-blasted state. Overjoyed, the toyagumon cried out in abject dopeyness. The digimon jumped into the air, about to land in the well. Nefertimon, however, was not about to let the half-witted Rookie jump in the well. She fired her Rosetta Stone, which struck just as the toyagumon hit the surface of the well. The Rookie was turned to digidust by the attack, having been half-dead already. But, the contact with the well had caused it to shine forth, enveloping the digidust. It pulled back together, then changed form to become a digitally enhanced Puppetmon. "Thank You." the empowered digimon said in a hollow voice. The Nefertimon nodded her head, partly out of acknowledgment, and partly out of awe. Then the Puppetmon leapt from the crevice, setting out on its new mission: Save the Digital World.
Master of Magical Digimons name: Ben [any ***. name for this?] gender: male age: 14 appereance: A little overweight, not enough to noticeably hinder him, though. Slightly taller than average, with average build. Brown hair and eyes, wears his school ring on his right hand ring finger. Clothes are an Adidas jacket with a t-shirt depicting a sorcerer underneath and cargo pants with numerous deep pockets. bio: Ben was never popular with anyone but his own few friends, who thought him to be hilarious. Had he wanted to, he probably could have been popular, but he preferred to be alone. One night, while searching the internet for nothing in particular, Ben came across a popup that said: "Looking for Master of Magic, no experience required." So, being the fantasy fan he was, Ben entered and was taken to the digital world, where he met Toyagumon. P.S. If anyone knows of any other Magical Rookies, could you let me know? I've only been able to find, like three. All versions of Toyagumon.:p
Could anyone give me a list of what's left, possibly? Or tell me if I could be a badguy? Ginny can vouch for me. If evil is the way you want me to go, I've got stats and such for my own fic digi's that I could provide, as well as a bio, age, etc.
Masterful :D I absolutely loved it. "Unfortunately not everyone is as gifted with social awkwardness as I am." Marvelous. I have the same gift, but I've never seen it as such. Thank you for being such an inspirationalist. :P Great Job Shy, keep it up.
I have no intention of changing my name. I have no reason to.
I always have a good post pent up somewhere. :D