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Everything posted by Ben
Okay, here's what happened. I wake up at the castle. I notice Siren is missing. I fly after her, in the form of a hawk. I get attacked by Lacroix, who is riding a dragon and who has several gryphons with him. Siren flies in. She and I kill the gryphons. Lacroix loses his control over the dragon. Siren lures the dragon into a different castle, where it will hopefully be killed. Lacroix goes back to his "home." He sets up anti-magic spells and such. Siren and I return to the castle we ae staying at. Whatsherface, the sprite, sees Siren land and change back to human. She considers saying hello, but sees me in the form of a hawk and is terrified.
I would say I'm slightly above average as an RPG person. I don't post often, but I occasionally get inspiration and post some graet stuff. When I'm not inspired, I tend to just move the story along. Unless, of course, I'm the bad guy. Then I post up a storm and fill the rpg with excitement, surprises, and lots of other things. But, my time online in sparing, so my posts are usually rushed. I rarely get long periods to write.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Um, I'd ask Boba that...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I'll send him a pm.
What don't you understand? I would really hate to cut out such a good part.
*Ben attempts to draw picture of beautiful person. Different person walks by.* Person: Which end are you drawing? Ben: :cross:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Actually there is a way. You can ask for the card number of the card they just played, and you can keep track of how many cards can be in their hand by counting and keeping track of how many cards they play each turn. If they go over their possible limit, they're cheating. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, but have you really memorized the number on very card? It would be very, very difficult to do that. Even if you found an easy way to do it, the match would take forever.
If I said I could save this RPG in one post, would you guys let me? I did sign up after all.
I'm so happy to see that you guys kept this alive while I've been gone, now it's time for a twist to the story. :devil: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben awoke the next morning and immediately cast a spell. The spell, once cast, would locate all the members of his group. Abob was in the tower, making new arrows while eating a squirrel for breakfast. Arily was in the kitchen, cooking in his fire elemental form. Indrid was in the tavern. Ben smiled, Tumini must not have gotten around to using the cure. He searched further, finding Tumini in a tree near the castle and the elves still asleep next to him. But Siren was not to be found. Ben cast the spell again, thinking he had made some error. Again he could not find her. He went to the window, and cast another spell. A falcon swooped out of he sky and landed on Ben's wrist. He spoke to it in its own language, telling it to find Siren. The falcon flew off. After several hours of waiting, Ben began to grow worried. Siren would not have stayed out so long. He knew that she had left to ride the storm the previous night, but he also knew that he ould count on her to be back in time to leave. He decided to take it upon himself to find her. Using his magical powers, he turned into a small hawk. He launched himself into the air, caught the wind under his wings and lifted effortlessly into the air. Before he had gone a hundred yards, though, an arrow whizzed by his left wing. Abob was shooting at him! Ben: < Abob, stop, it's me! > Abob took aim again, apparently not getting the message. Ben flew faster, hoping that he could fly far enough to avoid the arrows. The arrows finally stopped firing and Ben flew easier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a while later, and Ben was still flying, his hawk eyes searching everywhere for Siren. Just then a crossbow bolt whizzed by Ben's head. He pulled up short, searching for the arrows source. No arrow or bolt could reach this far from the ground. Then he saw Lacroix, riding upon a dragon with a crossbow in hand. There were five gryphons flying around the dragon. Lacroix: Here birdy, birdy, birdy. Here Benny, Benny, Benny. Ben would have sworn if he had had lips. This was a very bad time for an attack by Lacroix. Ben turned away and flapped like crazy. While he was in a creatures body, his powers were severely limited. He would have to fight as he was. The gryphons flew after him, beating at the air around them. They were quickly gaining on him, their large wings propelling them forward. Ben dove, as was natural to the hawk body. Diving, however, did not seem to be easy for the Gryphons, they sped down clumsily and Ben pulled up. He flew behind one and began tearing at the tendons connecting it's wings with his beak and talons. The beast fell, it's wings mangled at their base. Ben screeched at another and the beast stopped moving. With its wings immobile, the beast fell and landed in a forest. Ben had cast a spell, focusing it through the screech. Ben was beginning to tire when a great gust of flame roasted the other gryphons alive. It was Siren! The great dragon Lacroix rode on bellowed a challenge and flew straight at Siren. The instinct of a dragon to kill others in its territory overrode what little control Lacroix had been given over it. Lacroix vanished, leaving Ben to deal with the enraged dragon. Siren was more intelligent than the dragon, being a human in her true form, bu the other dragon was larger and had thicker scales. There was a good chance that Siren would be torn to shreds. Ben: < Siren, I don't think you can beat it. > Siren: < I've figured out a way to deal with real dragons a long time ago, just watch. > Siren dove, her aerodynamic dragon body hurtling toward the ground. The other dragon followed, slightly slower. Ben followed also, he did not see how diving would help. He soon found out. Siren had led the dragon to a castle. Siren pulled out of her dive and zoomed away, above the castle. But the larger dragon could not pull out of its dive in time so instead it landed in the courtyard of the castle. It immediately forgot about Siren and set about to eating livestock. Ben: < Clever, but what about the people in the castle? > Siren: < It's a big castle, it should have enough people to kill the dragon. >
If you could be eneyone on Otaku Boards, who would you be?
Ben replied to anime goddess's topic in General Discussion
If I could be another guy, I would probably be Shyguy. Just because I would. If I had to be a girl, I would either pick Cera or Ginny. Cera because I would still be able to make witty remarks, and Ginny so I could have a job and drive. :p -
I don't know much about Star Was, but I do know a good amount about tactics. (All those years of Warcraft and Starcraft) Name: Kaan Age: 35(?) Species: Humanoid Weapons: Poison Gas Grenades. Kaan has developed an immunity to them from his years of using them. Force Powers: He can convince people or animals that they did not see/sense/smell him. Vehicles: A mobile command base with heavy armor and shields. The base relies on a fleet of small fighters to defend it. Bio: Has travelled the galaxies for years, providing guidance to anyone who can pay enough to get it. He has gained years of experience from his many battles and wars, and has not developed any enemies, due to the fact that no one ever found out who he really is. Description: I think I might be able to find a pic of him, I'll attach it later. Other: He has analyzed every known security system and has developed ways to escape from every one of them. His years of experience extends to many fighting styles as well.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]BEWD is sooo overrated.[/B][/QUOTE] I know it is, my friend thinks it's so great that he's got a BEWD, but when he gets it out I kill it within one or two turns. All the other times when he doesn't get the BEWD, he still loses. One time the moron lost the match to me because he refused to get rid of his Lord of D. to save his Life Points. Altron, the idea of dueling online is interesting, although it would be quite impossible to tell if someone is cheating...:demon:
What was that card that kept all of Bones's zombie monsters from being destroyed? In the episode with the graveyard field. :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]ooc: dude, double-posting is bad enough. Triple-posting is right out.[/B][/QUOTE] No one else was posting and the story was falling behind in the Games/Rpgs pages.
I'm going to Maine for a family reunion. I'm also going to Vermont to stay at my grandparents' condo.
Lacroix, having stopped Ben's assault, jumped at Ben to cut off his head with his remaining saber. Then he twisted in midair. An arrow had been fired at him. More arrows rained down at him. Lacroix, unable to find his unseen foe, fled into the forest. "Release me!" Ben bellowed. Ben unleashed the power of his magic upon the evil tree. It dropped him and its magical essence vanished, making it a normal tree again. Ben released his friends from their captors also. "Who was that guy?" asked Elysan. "What guy?" asked Ben. "He was a short guy with a big knife. He had a bow across his back and a bunch of arrows." said Indrid. "And man can he shoot! He took out about five of them before they knew what was going on. Then he ran in here and sliced the rest to shreds. After that, he ran away and began shooting at Lacroix with arrows." "Abob." said Ben. "A what?" asked Lauren. "His name is Abob. He follows me around a lot, then when I realize he's here he usually joins me. He's the human I was talking about at my house." says Ben. "I'll be back." Ben disappears and minutes later walks back into the clearing with a short man that fit Indrid's description quite well. Although, Indrid had not been able to see the long scar going down his face. Now he did. "You!" shouted Indrid, jumping at the newcomer with his staff held out. Ben stopped Indrid in midair using his magic. He slapped Indrid's staff away with his own wooden one. "I thought this might be a problem." said Ben. "You should have told me he was here." said Abob quietly. "I would have come faster." "To kill him?" asked Ben. "No, to return the favor." Abob said, putting a hand to the scar on his face. "Wait a minute, you two know each other?" asked Tumini. "I gave him that scar." said Indrid. "Why?" asked Lauren. "Because he killed the bartender at my favorite bar." answered Indrid.
Ben walked alone. The others were talking about where they had been and how they met Ben. Ben knew everything about each of them. That's why he had chosen them, he knew what they could do and what they couldn't. He also knew that no force on earth would stop them from accomplishing their purpose. Siren: < Undead ahead. > Siren was flying far above them in her dragon form. Ben used his magic to project his speech to her. Ben: < Are you trying to be funny? > Siren: < No, are you? > Ben: < Forget it. How many are there? > Siren: < Oh, about a horde or two. > Ben: < Liar. > Siren: < Okay, there's only twenty. > Ben: < We'll be there. Now come down here or you'll miss them. > Ben (to the others): We've got a trap coming up. Siren swooped down out of no where and landed. She then transformed back to her normal state. The others drew their assorted weapons and prepared for the attack. They entered a wooded area and had just entered a clearing when they were surrounded by about fifty skeleton soldiers. Ben's band of warriors formed a circle, holding there weapons ready. Ben: I thought you said there were twenty.... Siren: I lied. Ben: Tumini, would you be so kind? Tumini: Right! Tumini flew like a rocket into the undead. They all fell back as she hit them. Then the rest of the warriors attacked the undead. Those with swords hacked through the bones and ancient armor of their dead foes. Indrid was backed into a tree by five skeletons. Indrid: All right, all right, I give up. Indrid sticks his staff in the dirt and backs away from it. The skeletons step forward. Indrid's staff gets struck by lightning and the skeletons are engulfed in electricty. Indrid: Morons. Ben finds Lacroix amidst the chaos. Arily was again attacking him, this time in a rock elemental form. Lacroix had chipped off portions of Arily's face, shoulders, and chest. Arily was trying in vain to stab Lacroix with his small dagger. Lacroix signalled some skeletons and they took over the battle with Arily. Ben stared at Lacroix. Lacroix stared back. In a flash, Lacroix attacked. Ben blocked with his staff, which was magically unbreakable. Lacroix backed Ben into a tree. But, it was not a natural tree. The tree was alive! Its branches grabbed Ben and his companions. They were all stuck. Lacroix stepped over to Ben. Lacroix: Looks like I win. Ben: Looks can be deceiving. Ben looked up and a storm of arrows flew at Lacroix. Lacroix dodged and deflected them. Ben created a fireball to fly at Lacroix. Then he struck with lightning. Lacroix nimbly dodged everything. He flung a saber at Ben. Ben's concentration broke and he stopped his magical assault.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: David Eddings books this time I see...[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Strange, I thought I was the only person who read those books. :p
[I]Could we tone it down on the action? We haven't even started out yet![/I] [I]starlight, learn to use the Shift or Caps Lock buttons.[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Lacroix, your master is an incompetant fool. He gave you the power to summon creatures from the dark world and you have no idea how to use them." said Ben with contempt. "Perhaps not, but see what my creature does." Lacroix answered. The Wind Warrior stood up, then charged at Ben's assembled companions. They scattered, carefully avoiding the beast's four swords. The two elves begin to fire arrows at the creature. The arrows did not harm the beast, but did succeed in hindering its movements. The beast could not swing its deadly sabres fast enough to stop the lightning fast sword-strokes of Siren, nor the stabs at its stomach by Indrid's magical staff. Tumini flew around the beast, firing her poison darts at random. Arily attacked Lacroix in the form of a water-elemental. Lacroix's sabres did nothing but pass straight through the liquid body. Yet, Arily could not do much with his small dagger as Lacroix's skill was far too great. The group fell back from the Wind Warrior, panting from their exertion. Arily also backed away from Lacroix, knowing he couldn't do anything to the dark elf. Then, before their eyes its wounds became healed except the ones caused by Tumini's poison darts. Though it could manipulate life force, it could not change the effects of poison. However, Tumini was too out of breath to fire anymore. Then the Wind Warrior threw a fireball at the warriors. In the instant it would hit them, it disappeared. Ben stepped forward, holding his staff in hand. But then he began to change. He began to grow thick, shaggy fur and a brutish face. His teeth became yellowed and protruded from his mouth. When he stopped changing, he greatly resembled a troll. But the one thing that made it clear to them that he was not a troll was when foot-long claws erupted from his fingertips. Ben, in this hideous form, ran at the Wind Warrior, bellowing like the beast he had become. He ran between the giant creatures legs, then stuck his claws into the thing's leg. Using the claws, he climbed up the back of the Wind Warrior, tearing large amounts of flesh loose. Then he reached the center of the Wind Warrior's back. Ben jammed the claws straight out the front of the undead creature. The Wind Warrior fell to the ground and disintegrated. Ben turned his still beastly face towards Lacroix. Lacroix vanished into the shadows. "You may have one today Ben, but I [I]will[/I] be back." he said. Ben walked back to the others, transforming as he went. "Wow! Whatwasthat? Whatwasthat? Whatwasthat? Whatwasthat? Whatwasthat? What [I]were[/I] you?" asked Tumini when he reached them. "An algroth. Much like a troll, but with extremely venomous claws. It's a creature I've encountered in my travels." "Cool." said Indrid. "Could you turn into anything else?" "Sure." said Ben. "What do you want me to turn into?" "A cup of beer." answered Indrid. "I'm parched."
A dark evil has awakened in the land. A Dark Wizard by the name of Ikag Grul has come to power again. Many years before Ben had sealed away Ikag's powers in a small gemstone and hurled it into a volcano. Ikag spent the next five years digging into the side of the volcano, thirsting for his power back. Now finally, Ikag has his powers back and he has stolen an ancient elven rune. In a year's time the rune will become tuned to his dark powers and he will be able to use its powers for his dark purpose fully. Using his dark magic and the limited control over the rune he has, Ikag summons horrible creatures to plague the land, the likes of which only Ben has seen before. Ben, sensing the disturbance, has sent a magical call to his close friends so that they might go and stop Itag. and so the story begins.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben is packing his clothes and food for the long journey ahead. He knows it will be dangerous, and he knows that his companions know it. He only wished he didn't have to drag him into it. But, his master had left him a note saying thaat when this day came, he would have to have a company of 7. A sprite zooms in through the open window and starts talking quickly to Ben. "What are you doing? What are you doing? Oh, packing clothes for the journey, good idea, I better do that too!" The sprite zooms away. "Who was that?" asks an elf, stepping out of the shadows. "Ah, Elsyan you're here. That was Tumini, a sprite I've met on my travels, her speed and ability to fly will help us out a great deal in any tight situations." "I thought that's what we're here for." says another elf, stepping through the door. "It's about time you got here Lauren. Where have you been?" asked Ben. "Getting Indrid out of the tavern. I think he's drunk." answers Lauren. "I'm not drunk, I just had a little too much to drink." Indrid's speech was slightly slurred. Just then a being of pure fire stepped through the door. The wooden floor crackled as it caught flame. "Alriy! I told you not to use your magic until we need it!" Ben shouted at the flame-being. The flames slowly disappeared and in the place of the flame creature stood a man with a white robe and a horn growing from his head. "Perhaps we should go outside, it's getting crowded in here." says Ben. As soon as they all step outside a dragon appears overhead and lands twenty feet away. Indrid runs toward the creature, magical staff held low. Before he can strike, the dragon transforms into an attractive girl in a green shirt. She slaps away Indrid's staff with her black sword. "Oh, it's you." said Indrid. "I forgot you could turn into a dragon." "Moron." Siren says, shaking her head. She and Indrid go back and join the group. "So who's missing?" asks Alriy. "Tumini the sprite and another human aquaintance of mine. He's going to meet us later." says Ben. Tumini suddenly appeared in front of Ben. "Didn't you see me? I've been flying around you guys for the past five minutes!" "Never mind." says Ben. "We're all here." "Good." says a dark voice. Suddenly an elf dressed in black jumps out and slashes at Indrid and Elsyan with his twin viper blades. Indrid's magicla staff blocks the blow from behind, and Elsyan jumps out of the way just in time. "Lacroix." says Ben. "I see your Master has again sent you after me." "Not just you this time, I'm here for all of you." the ark elf says, disappearing suddenly. "We have no time for this Lacroix." says Ben. Ben throws his wooden staff. The staff twists in midair and eeryone hears a dull thud as it finds its target. Lacroix reappears, the staff sticking out his back. Lacroix disappears. "Where did he go?" asks Lauren. "His Master has called him back to be healed. He will be back. Most likely with some dark creatures backing him up. Let's go."
Starting in Games and Stories today.
If anybody wants to sign up, they need to have all he required info in by 8:30 tonight. After that, we start the rpg.:D
My name would be Donbe Chgro.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by starlight [/i] [B]so can anybody else join up? [/B][/QUOTE] Sure you can! Fill out the info in the first post; name, age, weapons, etc., etc. Just do me a favor and don't be an elf. :p
Okay, things are looking very well. I have comments for each of you. Lauren: You're in. I'll remember to write you in when I start. Kool_aid13: You're in, but I need to know if you want to write yourself in or if you want to start out with me and Lauren. Stormwing: Looks good so far, but I need you to add a few things. I don't know whether you mispelt 'dragon' or if you mean something else. I also need to know whther you want me to write you in at the beginning or if you'll write yourself in. Arikel: I'm looking for warriors, not another magic dude. KabukiOwari: They didn't have ninjas in medieval times. The Harlequin: You've got a perfect badguy description. But not quite "major badguy" material. You can be an underling for the enemy. You can constantly attack us during the story. Jesus Chicken: You're in. I need to know whether you'll write yourself in or if I need to start with your character. Boba Fett: Change the name and your in. :p
Okay, I'm looking for people to join me on a quest. I'm going to be a sorcerer (duh) and I need some people to accompany me. Around medieval times, looking for a variety of people and abilities. Magical items are permitted, magical weapons are also. One thing though, I'm the sorcerer, not anybody else. I will be screening your posts to see whether you can enter or not. After about 4-7 people sign up, I'll start. You can be with me at the beginning, or write yourself into the story; it's your choice so please make your decision known in your post. I'll need your name, what sort of creature, any weapons or items, a description, approximate age, and any special abilities. Name: Ben Type of Creature: Human Sorcerer Weapons or Items: Wooden staff used to focus his powers. Also has an amulet around his neck to magnify his efforts. Description: Ben wears a black robe that does not hinder his movements in any way. It is belted at the waist with a sky blue sash. He is average height and average build; he's nothing special when it comes to his physical state. Approximate age: 24-28. (Ben lost track of time when he began his studies.) Special Abilities: He's got magic, which enables him to do almost everything. [I]Almost[/I] Powerful magic tires him, but does not prevent him from performing minor tasks.