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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Ben

    A Preview

    The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! The book is finished! I don't know when it's getting published though, a few people have to read it first.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Eh...sorry it was so short...I'm pressed for time... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, everbody seems to be busy lately. :confused: Must be the effects of summer.
  3. Is that a good thing? :sick:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]:: offers him a glass of water:: [/B][/QUOTE] *Drinks water.* Thank you. I was parched after waiting for the next part so long. :p
  5. Ben

    A Preview

    Hey Boba Fett, this isn't the new beginning. It's just a preview of the story. This scene actually takes place about halfway of three-quarters of the way through. And the general idea was to get your attention. And Raiha, thanks for the comment, I'll have to keep that in mind. :D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B]My its been a while since you've returned Ben, I'm just checking in.Oh yeah, perhaps you should get F. Flash, or Ricotranzrig to move this into the [b]Sign-up Forum[/b].;) [/B][/QUOTE] Might not be a bad idea. The only thing is, this was put here before the sign-up forum was created, and we've got all the people we need to sign up.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Answer: he did. He said"I know there is goo in you father, the Emperor hasnt driven it from you fully. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes Boba Fett, we all have goo in us. But, as long as it is good goo, we are all going to be okay. :toothy: :sick: (see? Goo!)
  8. Here is a preview of my upcoming book: When Humans are the Enemy. (Yes, I have finally decided on a title.) "We're under attack!" This was the shout that awoke Ben that night. Ben sat up in his bed and saw cave scorpions climbing up the pillars on all sides of the platform. Already clones were fighting back, but Ben could see that many had fallen already. Ben ran over to Ray and Sparnik. Together the three of them attacked a scorpion. Sparnik cut off both of its antenna with his scimitar, and then jumped out of the way of its claws. Ray had a long sword that he used to slice the scorpion's face to pieces. Ben used his bracelets to form blades out of both his arms. He felt the bracelets pulse as psychic energy flowed through them. Ben hacked through the cave scorpions, a burning in his mind and a ringing in his ears. He cut through with his blades, effortlessly shearing through the thick armor of the scorpions. He leapt onto backs, slashing off tails, claws, and antenna. The cave scorpions, deciding that Ben posed the biggest threat, turned their attention toward him. Ben was hard pressed to keep the scorpions back. Ray and Sparnik stood by his side, Sparnik using his scimitar and Ray his long sword. While the scorpions were attacking him, Ben could see the other clones. They were huddled around something at the other end of the platform. When they bolted away, Ben could see that they had rigged a large amount of uksos to a bomb. "Sparnik, Ray!" he shouted to his friends. "Jump!" Sparnik dove off the side, caught the air on his wings and flew down to the sand. Ben and Ray leapt off and caught pillars with their tongues. They climbed quickly downward. A few seconds later they heard an explosion, followed by a wave of fire that scorched Ben and Ray. Their chameleon-clone regeneration systems started up immediately. Fortunately, the scorpions on the platform had been completely engulfed. Down on the ground, there were more cave scorpions. Ben was caught in the claws of one of them upon his arrival on the ground. Ben caught the serrated edges of the claws with his hands, which had been instantly covered with the metal from the bracelets. Ben was slowly being drained of his strength, the scorpion's claws applying almost bone-crushing pressure. Ben could do nothing but watch as the scorpion's tail arched backward to sting. What happened next would be imprinted on Ben's mind for the rest of his life. The Sense Leader, clad in blue, ripped the tail off of the scorpion with his terrible teeth. He held a large mace in his hand, but that wasn't what was most distinguished about him. His eyes glowed blue. He swung the mace hard and Ben felt the shock of impact through the claw. Ben dropped from the scorpion's claw and ran. Ben did not get three feet before he noticed that the cave was filled with Sensers. They all wore the telltale blue vest, and they all had looks of intense concentration on their faces. Ben turned back around and watched as the scorpions began to glow also. They were levitated into the air by the collective power of the Sensers. Then they were flung away, back to their nest. Ben sat down, relief and fatigue seeping into him. His arms burned from holding the scorpion's claw open. Ben took a long drink from his water container. He looked up and saw that the Sensers were moving around, helping the survivors of the combat unit.
  9. I'm not much of a star wars fan, but this story has been drawing me back. Keep going you two, it's great! :D
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]And if you think BFM is gonna lose to Magimon, you got another thing co--:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: [/B][/QUOTE] Do I? You may have more digimon, But I am a genius. :p So there. That and I have another trick up my sleeve.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][color=green]:therock: And you think it isn't hard for me either? *points to OB name*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That is actually faintly amusing. [QUOTE][i] Originally posted by Raiha[/i]Adorable! Really, that's a very cute peice of writing. If I were you, I'd write it down, and hand it over to her, then run. [/QUOTE] Slight problem there. When I gave her a birthday present I did that. *shudders* Took a while for me to smooth that out. Thanks for all your support everyone, I'll see what happens during her last two days of school. (I'm done)
  12. Talk to me on AIM and I'll revive you. Well, Magimon will kick your digimons' butts and you should feel pretty awake then. :p :D
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][color=green]I like the poem, and I think you should tell the girl you like about your feelings for her. It is better to be honest in expressing your feelings towards people than to keep them bottled up inside. Take my word for it![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I know Shyguy, I know. It's just harder for me. :cross:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renamon [/i] [B]Wow that is a really good story. I especially like the part when Ben's arm is cut off [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks a lot. [I]I'm[/I] the Ben in that story. I created him, I wrote about him. He is me! Just wait till later in the story and it gets even better. Oh yeah, Cera. Thank you so much for bringing this back. I'm really glad. When you put it as an attachment though, it's harder to read. I think you should keep it the other way.
  16. While thinking about the girl that I like, this poem formed in my head. I'm not much of a poem writer, but I do enjoy making people laugh, so here goes. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, But you knew that, didn't you? I wrote this poem, Especially for you, Writing quite slowly, Going carefully through. I know this poem is stupid, And bound to make you smile, And with that thought in mind, I could write for a mile. This poem is quite long, And beginning to bore, I'll make my point, On the count of four. One, two, three, four, My counting is done, When I'm with you, I have a lot of fun. I like you a lot, Despite what I say, I'll miss you a lot, When I go away. The girl will probably never receive the poem as I am incredibly shy in real life. :(
  17. I'm back after the long awaited end of school. We still need asar to fix his/her thing then we wait for everyone to check in. David, chill out. I am back for now and as soon as everyone checks in I will start. :D
  18. Ben

    Who dunnit?

    Who closed my cubone story and why? It was a good story and it wasn't inappropriate. :cussing: Why was it closed? :evil3: And by whom? :flaming:
  19. I am writing a book to get published. It is currently 74 pages long and it's still going. I just thought I'd let you know. Oh yeah, one of my short stories is going to come out in a book being published soon called "Zapped."
  20. I'm back, finally. I like how everyone is enthused, but no one can be evil. Except for *scrolls to look up name* Videl. I like your idea of Ben's evil counter. Now for some individual comments. David- Chill out! Also, learn to type better, I can baely read what you're saying. Videl- Like your idea and I think i'll like how you write. Treble-your info checks out okay, welcome aboard asar-uniquely attractive? Be serious. Nico-you got it backwards. We are angels in demon bodies. Or you could be an angel in some kind of demon-creature's body. As soon as everything is fixed and everyone notices this is back up, we'll start.
  21. I think i'll put off starting this thing since i'm bogged down with homework and have little time on the computer, but when it begins......It will rule!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nico [/i] [B]Name: Nico Spirit: Is half demon/dragon Body: Nico looks like a humanoid girl with bobbed blue hair but with huge claws and dragon feet. Weapon: A blue sword Magic: Uses dark force, only one (in)famous attack: black hole Physical Combat: High attack, low defence, easily possessed. Backround: Mother used to be a great demon soldier, after giving birth to Nico she was captured and possessed by an unknown organisation. Father was struck down by a demon virus, adopted by Killers Inc. [/B][/QUOTE] Excuse me, read the info. We aren't demons, we were angels or mythilogical creatures before, and were forced into demon bodies. Okay, now that that's cleared up, we only need one or two more people to start!:D
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B] *^*^$&)(^*&$*^*&(_*&^%#%^$! NO! NONONONO! Godammit! Whats the same of that japenese Mutant with the fire shooting power......? I'll have his powers. [/B][/QUOTE] I think I know who he is talking about. The guy that was teamed up with the Blob, he could shoot fire animals from his arms.
  24. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! For that, you earned your position as Second-In-Command. Also, when I write, you get to kick butt.
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