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Everything posted by Ben
If you were only allowed one possesion what would it be and why??? A computer with internet access so I could come here. If the law said that you had to eat bugs to be able to drive would you? Depends on which kind of bugs and if I could cook them first. If you could only choose one, whos life would you save? My own. If a man had a knife to you and said "strip" would you? Well, hopefully a man won't have a knife to my neck and say that, as I'm a boy. If the love of your life came up to you and said they would go out with you, under one condition you get rid of your best friend who would you pick? Toughy, especially since the love of your life would technically be your best friend. If a complete stranger came up to you and said that he was your sibling what would you do? I'd probably say "yeah right" and walk away. If that stranger was proven to be your sibling what would you do? Say "okay" and get on with life If you could chooose one way to die what would it be? Old age. If you had to choose you or your lover to die who shall it be? I don't have a lover. If a persona asked whats more important Friends or lovers what would you say? Friends definately. If you could alter only one thing about society, what would it be? The thing that makes it not work. If you could become the smartest person alive, would you? Too late. If you had the chance to commit any crime and get away with it, what would it be? You can never truly get rid away from guilt. If you had the choice to cheat and pass or not cheat and fail, what would you do? Depends on whether the test was for school or just some fun with friends. If you could ban anyone person from these boards, who would it be? Carren Heart, for stealing my rpg. If you could choose a job you have always wanted or a job that pays $150,000 a year which would you choose? The job that i've always wanted. If you could choose one person from the boards and have them as a sibling who would it be?? Nerdsy and/or Shyguy. If you would choose one person to be a father and one to be a mother to you from the boards who would they be? Tough question, I don't know what anyone here gets paid. If you were bounded to stay in ONE section of otaku what would it be? Either Digimon or Games and Stories. If you had to choose a mansion in the middle of the city, or a shack in the middle of the forest which would you chooose? Mansion probably. If you were dying what would be your last words? Get my book published. If you had to choose one person to kill you who would it be? My sister, that way it wouldn't be a surprise. If you had to choose from a Ferari for 2 years or a hondai for the rest of your life which would you choose? These cars would be free... Don't care much for cars....
Why is it that no one ever joins my rpgs? Okay, one of my rpgs was very popular, but it was taken over by a newbie so it doesn't count.
Name: Ben Bigg Age: 15 Height: 6'5 Weight: 335 lbs (fat) Power: The Blob Good or evil: Good, always willing to help the X-men but not an actual member. Bio: Was born quite small but grew due to a mutation his mother had. Rather than being tiny as she had been, Ben grew to be immense. Normal appearence - Brown hair, brown eyes, a white t-shirt with blue pants. Fighting costume - The Blob's from X-men (the normal X-men) Personality: Doesn't have many problems of his own so he helps out others. He has a need to fight that he can't explain, but is ready to satisfy at any time.
I like nightmares. The only problem is, I never get them anymore. When I was little I had a recurring nightmare and my dad got me an Indian dream catcher. I've only had dreams since then, and when I try to remember them, they slip away...:huh:
David, do me a big favor and tell me your email! I can't pm you, IM, you or even email you! You have isolated yourself!:rolleyes:
[I]Okay, since my other rpg got taken over by a bunch of impatient posters, let me try another.[/I] This rpg is about when light and dark get switched around. The spirits of Light are forced into the bodies of Dark, and the spirits of Dark are forced into the bodies of Light. So, even the most peaceful looking angel could hold the spirit of a demon-beast. And, the most hideous and fercocious looking demon could hold the spirit of a pure angel. Also, the spirits in their new bodies can still practice their own brands of magic. I'll give an example of what info is needed. Name: Ben Spirit: Commander of the Armies of Angels Body: Ben had a long tail endind in a spade-shape, a head like any typical demon with lots of teeth, glowing yellow eyes, extendable claws, and battle wings. Weapon: A staff surmounted by an evil red crystal. Magic: Highest level of all types. Physical Combat: Fair Backround: Ben prefers to use his magic than his fighting. He is only fair at combat because of his studies of magic. Ben is the highest ranking officer in the Light Forces, other than the One. Okay, let me explain something about the magic and Physical combat thing. You can not have highest of both. You can have great combat skill and poor magic, a moderate of both, or you could have a [B]specific[/B] type of combat with an equal skill of a [B]particular[/B] magic.
Excuse me, this was supposed to be [B]my[/B] rpg about angels, not elves or dragons or anything like that! (Okay there might have been demon-dragons) [SIZE=4]WHAT HAPPENED?![/SIZE]
Geez, you guys didn't waste any time starting this thing did you? There's a just a small problem with, all of your profiles. We are not telekinetic beings, we have no psychic powers. We are angels people, angels. Since evceryone seems to want to lift objects, i'll do something else. I'll have the ability to summon objects of light and holiness.
To whoever reads this: I am not remotely surprised that you didn't join, but talk to your friends and see if they might join.
This rpg will be about a group of people with heavenly powers. They were originally angels, but have no memory of their former self. Thus, God granted them each a different ability with which to rid the evil on the planet. Name: Ben Appearance/Age: Ben looks like a seven-year old but acts like a teenager and at timnes ages beyond that. Special ability: To levitate objects, including himself. Worst enemy: Daemons of darkness and shadow. Best against: Daemons of substance. (able to be touched) I'll explain all the Daemon stuff later, after I get people to sign up.
I'm a little hurt that none of you left me anything, but here I go. Member Name: Ben Original Member name: Ben (why change?) Member Since: April 2001, the day before Easter Current Status: Probably still a newbie. Favorite Forums: Digimon, Games and Stories, General Discusion Favorite RPG: Digistory: Entrance of Nightmare, Dragon Slayerz, The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Forest Favorite Threads: All the rpgs entered above Favorite Smiley: :demon: :smirk: Most Memorable Moment: When I first came here and made my first friends: Ginny, Cera, Digimon Creator, and Nintendo-era Quotable Quote: Have you ever met a genius before? Now you have. Words of Wisdom: Words [I]are[/I] wisdom. Wish to be remembered for: My sarcasm, my writing skills, and just for being an all-around friend. Desired Epitaph: Imay not be a genius by normal standards, but by abnormal standards, I'm off the charts. I will.... My two digimon to whoever they wish, (they aren't speaking to me right now so I don't know who that is) My sarcasm to KK, wherever she is, she never could make a point. All my memories to some newbie yet to come, and whatever's left of them to my friends here. Finally, my devotion to the boards to future mods and administrators.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic] I bet you all believed that, didn't ya?[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Not a word of it. :rolleyes:
Kazuya: And now I die, live a warrior should. Ben: No, Kazuya, I have a much better purpose for you, you will stop those stupid girls from ever getting out of here alive. Ben holds his crest up high and an insane laughing fills the air. A black cyclone appears in the middle of the room, from which several shadows come out. The shadows all fly into Kazuya, filling him with his former hate and fury. Ben: Kill them. :demon: Kazuya: Yes......Ben..
Azalea Town The next morning, Ben and his friends woke up late, having slept little the previous night. They pack up their sleeping bags and head for the gate into Azalea Town. When they reach the market, Ben asks a woman with long black hair where the Gym is. "The Gym? It?s over there, it?s that big glass dome." she answers. "Thank you." said Ben. "Are you going to try for a Hive Badge?" she asks curiously. "Because Bugsy, the Gym Leader, hasn?t been beaten since that kid Ash Ketchum came through, about a couple months ago." "Well, I?m sure I?ll get one." Ben says. "Goodbye!" "Wait, are you the kid with the weird cubones?" she asks, looking at his hat. (Ben's hat has a picture of a cubone helmet on it.) Ben sighed. How did everyone know about him? "Yes, I am." answers Ben. Then he walks away. On their way to the Gym, Liz looks at Ben angrily. She doesn?t say anything until a few minutes of walking. Finally Liz talks. "That was rude Ben, very rude." she says. "That woman just wanted to know who you were." "No," Ben corrected her, "she was asking whether I was ?the kid with the freak pokemon? or not." "Well, whatever. It was rude of you just to walk away like that." she replied stubbornly. "Well then, you can just be angry with me for the rest of the day, because it?s too late to do anything now." said Ben. Liz looked at him furiously. She stomped ahead of Ben and Dave. Soon, she was no longer within sight. "I have a bad feeling about that." Dave says. "So do I, but I have a Gym Badge to win right now, so I won?t worry about it." answers Ben. Just when Ben is reaching the entrance to the Azalea Gym, a sign drops down on some String Shot thread. The sign reads: No Freaks Allowed. Under it was a picture of a Teddiursa. Liz had been at work. "Now how are we going to get in?" asks Dave. A web of String Shot covered the entrance. "Not to worry." Ben answers "We?ll use our pokemon." "That?s not what I was talking about, how are you supposed to get in? If the Gym Leader thinks your pokemon are unorthodox, you won?t be able to battle." "That?s okay." Ben says "I?ve got a note from Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny that authorizes my cubones for the Johto League." "You never told me that." says Dave. "You never asked." says Ben. Then he winks. "Go Psy Guy!" The glossy-skinned cubone came out and crossed his legs. Then he began to hover with his eyes closed. "Psy Guy, dissolve the web!" said Ben. Psy Guy opened his eyes and his psychic energy is released. The web dissolved. Ben and Dave walked in with Psy Guy hovering next to them. Various bug pokemon flew in to stop them from passing, but Psy Guy had erected a psychic Barrier around himself, Ben and Dave. They came across a very large tree with a ladder next to it. Up in the tree were Liz and a boy with purple hair and hiking clothes. Ben guessed this was Bugsy. "Are you Bugsy?" he called up into the tree. "Yes I am." the kid replies "I?m also wondering why you?re here. I told you, I?m not going to battle counterfeit pokemon." "They?re not counterfeit!" Ben shouts "They are real pokemon! Here, I?ve even got a note from Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny." Ben holds up the note and it is grabbed by a String Shot and brought up to Bugsy. Bugsy opens the envelope and reads the note. Then he looks at Liz. "You told me that they were scientifically made." he said. "This note says that they?ve been in an accident, that?s all." "Well, I just assumed that they were made scientifically, you would too if you saw them." said Liz. "Oh, get out of my tree." says Bugsy and he climbs down after Liz. "Well Ben." he says "this note authorizes your pokemon, so let?s battle!" Bugsy leads Ben, Liz and Dave to a pokemon battle ring in the middle of his indoor forest. Along the way he talks about how great Bug pokemon are, different ways of attacking, and other Bug pokemon related things. The one thing he repeats again and again though, is "nothing can beat a Bug pokemon that?s been trained to move." Ben and Bugsy step into their positions at each end of the battle ring. "This will be a three on three battle, may the best trainer win." says the referee. "Go Spinarak!" says Bugsy as he lets out his small spider pokemon. "Go Babybone!" says Ben as he lets out his small cubone. Babybone runs over to Ben and gives him a hug, then runs back into the ring. "Begin!" shouts the referee. "Spinarak, String Shot!" says Bugsy. Bugsy?s spinarak begins to spit streams of web at Babybone. "Dodge them Babybone!" says Ben. Babybone jumps and flips, twists and turns, and finally jumps in the air to avoid the String Shot. "Now, Charm attack!" Babybone lands in front of spinarak and kisses it on the forehead. The spinarak gets unsure of itself for a second and Babybone hops on its back. The spinarak keeps trying to reach over its shoulder to grab Babybone, but its pincers can?t reach. "Spinarak, use String Shot!" says Bugsy. The spinarak sends a String Shot and swings to a branch, then it turns around and slams Babybone into a tree. "Babybone, get off!" says Ben, but Babybone is stuck to spinarak by a piece of sticky String Shot. Bam! Babybone is slammed again. The spinarak jumps to the ground and shakes Babybone off. Ben recalls Babybone. "It?s like I keep telling you Ben, nothing can beat a Bug pokemon that?s been trained to move." says Bugsy. "Then it?s a good thing I have one." says Ben, who had gotten Bugbone transferred to him this morning. "Go, Bugbone!" Bugbone came out with a twirl of his bone. Bugbone looked at the trees all around him. Ben privately suspected that Bugbone would be sucking the sap out of them later. "Spinarak, Poison Sting!" said Bugsy. With that command, the spinarak let loose a barrage of poisonous needles. "Bugbone, Bone Twirl!" the poison needles sprayed around as they were deflected by Bugbone?s bone. "Now, Twineedle!" Bugbone?s bone splits in half and he stabs at spinarak. Bugsy?s spinarak was hit both times. "Spinarak, show them how you can move!" shouted Bugsy. "String Shot!" Bugsy?s spinarak flips from branch to branch on its String Shot. "Bugbone, Pin Missile!" says Ben. Bugbone takes aim with his bone and fires his Pin Missiles from its tip. Bugbone does his best, but not a single needle hits. Then Ben remembers what Bugsy keeps saying. "Nothing can beat a Bug pokemon that?s been trained to move." Ben smacked himself in the forehead. That?s what was wrong! Bugbone wasn?t moving enough. "Bugbone, Fly!" says Ben. Bugbone unfolds his wings and takes to the air after spinarak. "Spinarak, Tackle it!" said Bugsy. "Dodge it Bugbone!" says Ben. Bugbone flips in midair and Spinarak misses. It hits the ground then fires a String Shot to get airborne again. "Bonemerang!" says Ben. Bugbone throws his bone into the String Shot spinarak is using to get into the air. The String snaps and spinarak is sent hurtling into a tree. Bugsy recalls his knocked-out pokemon. "Go Metapod!" says Bugsy as he lets out the cocoon pokemon. Ben has heard rumors about this Gym, and the Metapod that Bugsy uses. "Bugbone, we?re going to have to knock it out before it hardens too much or else your attacks won?t do anything." says Ben. Bugbone nods. "Begin!" says the referee. "Bugbone, earthquake!" says Ben. Bugbone stomps his foot onto the ground and the whole Gym shakes. Metapod is caught in the midst of the earthquake, being thrown side to side. "Metapod, Harden!" says Bugsy. Metapod shines as its skin becomes tougher. "Bonemerang!" Bugsy throws his bone at Metapod, but the blow is barely felt. "Harden!" says Bugsy. "Harden!" says Ben. Bugbone?s bone club and helmet harden till they shine. "Jump and Tackle!" shouts Bugsy. Metapod jumps into the air, high above Bugbone, and drops with great speed. "Skull Bash!" says Ben. Bugbone jumps into the air at Metapod. CRACK! The two hit each other powerfully. But, Bugbone is able to endure with its reinforced helmet. Metapod is thrown back by the blow, yet still persisting. "Finish it Bugbone! Bone Rush!" says Ben. Bugbone runs up and pounds Metapod repeatedly with his bone. Metapod can not take any more abuse and is recalled by Bugsy. "I told you Bug pokemon were good." he says. "Now you get to see one of the best in action. Go Scyther!" "Bugbone, you deserve a good rest. Return!" says Ben. "Now, go Rocky!" "That was a good choice." Dave says to Liz. "Scyther?s best attacks are using those blades, and Rocky?s tough skin won?t be affected by them." "Maybe he?s not stupid after all." says Liz. "I thought you liked him." Dave says. "I said he was cute." she says "Cute boys aren?t always smart boys." "All right Rocky, let?s show them what you can do!" says Ben "Rock Throw!" Rocky jumps at Scyther. "Scyther, Double Team!" Scyther appears to multiply, which Ben knows to be an illusion. "Rocky, Rollout!" says Ben. Rocky curls himself into a ball and charges through the illusions of Scyther. When only one is left, Rocky jumps up and pounces on it. "Scyther, Swords Dance!" Scyther throws Rocky off as it begins to spin. "Rocky, Strength attack!" says Ben. To everyone?s amazement but Ben?s, Rocky picks up a large chunk of the ground and throws it at Scyther. Bugsy frantically gives a command. "Scyther, Fury Cutter!" he says. Scyther?s long blades slice through the hard-packed dirt. Dirt flies everywhere. When it clears, Scyther is unharmed, exhausted, but unharmed. "Rocky, Tackle it!" Ben says. Scyther is too tired to move fast enough and is hit fully by the Tackle attack. Bugsy recalls his Bug-Type warrior. Bugsy walks over to Ben and hands him the Hivebadge. Then Bugsy smiles. "That was an awesome match!" he says. Ben, in spite of himself, smiles back. "Yeah," he says, "it was." Bugsy escorts Ben, Dave, and Liz out of the Gym and waves good-bye. "Come back some time and we?ll battle again!" Bugsy calls. "Okay!" Ben calls back, actually meaning it.
Just so that all of you know, the characters in this story are based on my friends. David is one of my best friends and Kevin is one of my others. Kevin punched me when I said he was short) :D
A New Rival Ben, Dave, and Liz are about to step through the entrance of Azalea town. Ben decides to do it slowly, savoring the moment. Suddenly, the city gates close in his face. The city is closed for the night, no one can come in or go out unless there is an emergency. Ben and his friends are forced to camp outside the gates. That night, they decide to let their pokemon sleep outside their pokeballs, as it is a very beautiful and quiet night. "Go Scyther, Crobat, Hoot-Hoot, Spearow, and Doduo!" says Dave as he let?s out his Flying types. "Go Wigglytuff, Azumarill, Clefable, Bellossom, Meowth, and Teddiursa!" Ben and Dave stare at her pokemon. Although they knew that she collected cute pokemon, they hadn?t expected most of them to be evolved. "Go Original, Bulbabone, Babybone, Psy Guy, Squirt, and Freeza!" Ben said as he called out his cubones. All of their pokemon got out and stretched out their sore muscles. "Let?s get something to eat, I?m starved." said Liz. "Good idea." Ben and Dave agreed. Surprisingly, Dave?s Doduo took charge. Liz guessed because that because it had two brains, it could figure out a better and faster way to get food. Teddiursa and Babybone were having too much fun together to pay any attention, so Doduo left them out of the work. Crobat, Hoot-Hoot, Spearow, and Doduo went off to find berries. Wigglytuff, Azumarill, Clefable, and Meowth caught fruit as Squirt, Original, Psy Guy, and Bellossom dropped them from the trees. Scyther was using its long blades to cut the fruit, and Freeza and Bulbabone were off to one side, doing something in secret. When Dave?s pokemon came back with the berries, they gave them to Bulbabone and Freeza. After a while, they had a good deal of sliced fruit. All the pokemon and humans ate their fill and sat back to wait for Freeza and Bulbabone?s surprise. When they were finished, Bulbabone passed out what seemed to be purple ice. But, it was actually ice bowls with berry ice cream inside. "Wow!" they all exclaimed. Everyone had some of the delicious ice cream. After a while, the ice bowls melted and they all went to sleep. "All right Victreebell, let?s make sure they stay asleep." says Kevin, hidden in the bushes. His Victreebell nods and sends out a cloud of Sleep Powder over the sleeping pokemon and people. Once the powder touches their skin, it melts into their bloodstream. "That ought to do it. Now, to get the pokemon." Kevin picks up a walkie-talkie. "Lower the net." he says. More Team Rocket members in an above balloon slowly begin to drop a net made out of sticky Spinarak thread down on the pokemon. Just as it is about to touch the first pokemon, it veers to the left and high into the sky. "What happened?!" Kevin demands. "Sorry sir, we were attacked and the balloon burst. We are currently flying toward a large tree." Kevin hears a crash. "Sir, we have hit the tree." says the voice weakly. Kevin groans. "Go Tyranitar!" says Kevin. "If we can?t get them all, we?ll at least get the strong ones. Grab the Cubone next to that kid, the Crobat and Scyther, and the Bellossom." The Tyranitar slowly crunches its way toward the pokemon. Before it could take five steps, it was hit by stars, a stream of water, a jolt of electricity, a wave of fire, a beam of multicolor light, and a black ball of energy. Kevin?s Tyranitar fell backwards. "What the-?!" exclaimed Kevin. Out of the Bushes came a young girl with an Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, and an Umbreon. "Leave my brother and his friends alone!" she said fiercely. "Brother?" Kevin asked. "Yeah, the one with the cubones. I?m his little sister Emily." she said. "She?s got the little part right." Kevin muttered. The second he finished saying this, a star shot from above the Eevee. It hit him right on the forehead. "Ow!" he yelled as he fell backward. "You?ll pay for that! Go Golem, Feraligatr, and Machamp!" Kevin watched as his pokemon charged at Emily?s. "Barrier!" she said. Her Espeon erected an invisible barrier between it and Kevin?s pokemon. Kevin?s pokemon bounced harmlessly off of it. "Machamp, Comet Punch!" The big pokemon walked up to where the barrier was and began punching it rapidly with all four arms. Emily?s Espeon began to sweat as it worked to keep the barrier up. The barrier broke and Kevin?s Victreebell jumped in to attack. "Ice Beam!" Emily yelled. Her Vaporeon fired an Ice Beam at the Victreebell. Kevin?s Victreebell was frozen solid and fell to the ground. While the Victreebell was being frozen, the Feraligatr had jumped forward and Body Slammed Vaporeon. Emily?s Jolteon used Pin Missile and knocked it back. Kevin?s pokemon fell back to regroup. "Faint Attack!" Emily?s Umbreon disappeared and Kevin?s pokemon began to be hit by the invisible blows. A minute later, the Umbreon reappeared next to Emily. "Double Team!" All of Emily?s pokemon began to multiply. "Now, Quick Attack!" Her pokemon all jumped at Kevin?s. Kevin?s pokemon, unable to tell which pokemon were real, began to strike out blindly. Ben, Dave, and Liz woke up and saw what was going on. They sat there, afraid that if they moved, the whole battle would be thrown off balance. "That?s enough!" Kevin shouted. He recalled all of his pokemon except Golem. "Explosion!" he shouted. Kevin?s Golem jumped at Emily?s pokemon, energy crackling around it. BOOM! The Golem exploded just as it touched ground in between the pokemon. When the dust cleared, Emily?s pokemon were all safe, encased inside Espeon?s Barrier. The only thing that kept Espeon standing was the Focus Band it held. "Now, Return!" Emily shouted. Kevin couldn?t believe his ears, she was ordering them to retreat? But, the pokemon were not being recalled into their pokeballs, they were using their Return attack. Ben watched as Emily?s pokemon began to glow a bright pink. Together, they all jumped at the Golem and sent it flying into Kevin. Kevin was thrown into the air. "I?ll be back!" he shouted. Ben looked up Return on his pokedex. "Return, this attack?s power depends on how much the pokemon using it likes its trainer." "I?ve never heard of that before." Dave said. "Me neither." said Liz. "I have," Ben said "it was in one of my pokemon books. Which means you went into my room, Emily." "Yeah, so? You were gone and you owe me a rematch!" she said. "What does that have to do with going in my room?!" he asked. "I didn?t know where you were going," she answered "but that?s not important, I want a rematch!" "Too bad," Ben said "you?re not getting one." Emily walked away pouting. The rest of them went back to bed, with Crobat on guard.
Who the heck is Balticmon?
(This chapter was [I]just[I\] finished.) Pineco Problems Ben, Dave, and Liz are traveling along a dirt path on their way to Azalea Town. They come to a small town that was overlooked by a mountain covered with trees. The three decide to buy supplies while they?re there. While inside, hear two men talking. "We?ve got to do something about those Pineco!" one man said. "What can we do? Whenever we get near the forest, they fall and explode!" another said. "Excuse me," Ben said politely "what?s wrong with the Pineco?" "Who are you?" the first man asked. "My name is Ben, and I?m from New Bark Town." he replied. "Oh, the kid with the freak pokemon." the second man said. Ben tried very hard not to hit him. "Please do not call them freaks." he said between clenched teeth. "Okay!" said the man, sensing Ben?s anger "Anyway, every night our town is bombarded by flying Pineco." "So?" Dave asked "what?s the big emergency?" "They explode!" the two men said together. "Oh," Dave said "I can see where that would be a problem." "Part of our town is in ruins because of them." one man sad sourly. "We?re heading through those woods after we get our stuff." Ben said. "Good luck!" the first man said "whenever anyone goes near the forest, the Pineco jump out and explode!" "I?m sure we?ll be fine." Ben said confidently. After they had gotten their supplies, the three of them began to climb up the mild mountain. They were walking for only a few minutes when a Pineco came flying in the air and landed in front of them. Before they could do anything, the Pineco began to glow and exploded. Ben was thrown against a tree, Dave against a rock, and Liz into a bush. Ben sat up and saw that three Pineco had fallen in his lap. He instantly froze. "Hey Ben, where are you?" Dave called. "Over here." he said in little more than a whisper. "Where?" Dave called again. "Here!" He said. "Why are you whis-?" Dave stopped when he saw the Pineco in Ben?s lap. Liz came over to see what was going on. She gasped. "Ben, slowly get up, try not to disturb them." she whispered. Ben slowly began to rise. The Pineco just slid off of him, not doing anything but blinking. When he stood up, the three Pineco hopped away. "That?s weird," Ben said "I wonder why they didn?t explode." Ben looked up Pineco up on his pokedex. "Pineco, the pinecone pokemon. It will explode if threatened or under attack." "That?s it!" Liz yelled "they only explode when threatened or under attack!" "Wait a minute," Ben said "the pokedex didn?t say anything about Pineco flying." "Flying?" Dave asked. "Yeah, the guy in the village said that the Pineco were flying into the town." Ben said. "I don?t know." Dave said. As they continued up the mountain, the attacks of the Pineco came more and more frequent. After the fifth attack, Dave, Ben, and Liz decided to use their pokemon to protect them. "Go Golbat!" "Go Bulbabone!" "Go Azumarill!" When the next Pineco came, Golbat sent it flying with a Wing Attack. When another one came, Bulbabone used it?s Vine Whip to slap it away. When a third one came, Azumarill used its Water Gun and sent it back where it came from. They heard the explosion and then a startled yell. They hurried up the hill and saw a kid their age crawling out of a bush. "Golem! The Pineco weren?t supposed to hit us! What happened?!" he yelled. The Golem shrugged. "What do you mean you don?t know?! You?re the one throwing them!" he screamed at the pokemon. The Golem made some noises that were probably meant to be an apology. The kid sighed and handed the Golem a Pineco from a sack. "I think we scared those kids away, so this time aim for the town." he ordered. The Golem grabbed the Pineco and punched it in the face. The Pineco began to glow as it prepared to explode. The Golem pulled its arm back to throw the Pineco. "Stop!" Liz yelled. The Golem hesitated and the Pineco blew up in its face. The Golem shook itself. "Why should we stop?" the kid asked. "Hmm, let me think," Ben said sarcastically "maybe because you?re destroying the town?" "So?" the kid asked "I destroy the town, who?s going to stop me?" "We are." Ben said, indicating himself, Dave, and Liz. "Yeah, like you can stop me, the leader of Team Rocket." he sneered. "You?re the leader?" Ben asked. "Yeah, I?m Kevin, the Team Rocket boss!" he yelled. Ben, Dave, and Liz all fall to the ground laughing. "What?s so funny?!" Kevin demanded. "Aren?t you a little short to be the leader of Team Rocket?" Dave asked. "Short?! I?ll show you short! Golem, cut them down to size!" Kevin said. His Golem leaped forward to attack. "Azumarill, Water Gun!" said Liz. The bunny-like creature shoots a stream of water at the Golem. "Golem, Rock Throw!" The Golem jumps over the Water Gun and into the air. It is about to land on Azumarill. Azumarill jumps out of the way. "Now, Rollout!" The Golem rolls into a ball and spins toward Azumarill. Before it can react, Azumarill is knocked out. Liz recalls Azumarill. "Golbat, Supersonic!" Dave?s Golbat releases a high pitched shrieking sound at the Golem. The Golem begins to pound its head on the ground. "Golem return! Go Nidoking and Nidoqueen!" Kevin yelled. The two huge pokemon began to jump up and down trying to reach Dave?s Golbat. "Gust attack!" Dave said. Golbat began to flap its wings madly, creating a small tornado. Kevin?s two pokemon stood their ground, the air attack not remotely affecting them. "Body Slam!" The Nidoking and Nidoqueen jump up and slam Dave?s Golbat between them. Golbat falls to the ground. Dave runs over and grabs his pokemon. Nidoking and Nidoqueen jump in to attack Dave, but are hit by Bulbabone?s Razor Leaf. "Double Kick!" says Kevin. Kevin?s pokemon jump at Bulbabone and kick it hard. Golbat and Bulbabone are both near fainting. "Ben!" Dave says suddenly "I?ve got an idea!" Dave leans over and whispers something in Ben?s ear. "Bulbabone!" Ben says. "Golbat!" says Dave. "Giga Drain!" they yell together. Golbat hops forward and bites Nidoqueen, Bulbabone grabs Nidoking with its vines. They both begin to drain the energy out of Kevin?s pokemon. Nidoking and Nidoqueen struggle, but their resistance slowly weakens. When Golbat and Bulbabone finally let go, they are back at full strength. "Get up!" Kevin screams. Nidoking and Nidoqueen groggily get to their feet. "Now! Hit them with your Take Down!" "No way!" Dave shouts "Golbat, Hyper Beam!" Golbat charges up a ball of energy in its mouth and blasts it at Kevin?s pokemon. They are sent flying back into Kevin and they all are thrown into the sky. "You?ll pay!" Kevin yells as he is blasted away. Golbat flies back to Dave. "Good job Golbat." Dave says. Suddenly, Golbat begins to glow. Its shape begins to change. After it stops glowing, it is a Crobat. "Alright!" Dave shouts "Great job Crobat!" Liz and Ben congratulate Dave and Crobat, then the three of them begin the climb up the mountain again.
Ben and Dave were traveling through a dark forest, scaring away ghost pokemon with Hoot-Hoot?s Foresight. They heard a howl from ahead of them. They stopped and walked more slowly. Suddenly, a Houndour jumped out in front of them. "Go, Torch!" Ben said as he sent out his fiery pokemon. Before he could do anything, the Houndour howled, much louder than before. Torch?s eyes widened and he turned to flee. Ben recalled Torch, wondering why he had been so scared. The Houndour attacked Dave and Ben, forcing them to run. When they got away, Ben looked up Houndour on his pokedex. He checked to see if what happened was an attack. "Roar, a technique that can be used to frighten away other pokemon." "If it scares our pokemon, how are we supposed to get through?" Dave asked. "I can help!" said an unknown voice. Ben and Dave turned and saw a girl come out of the bushes. She was average height and weight, with shorts and a t-shirt on. "I can help you guys," she repeated "But it?s gonna cost you." "What?s your name?" Ben asked "and what do you want for the help?" "My name is Liz, and I?ll take just about anything." she replied. "Okay. My name is Ben, and this is my friend Dave, from Violet City. We?ve got a lot of apricots, will they do?" Dave looked at Ben with horror and began to shake his head wildly. "Apricots? Sure!" she said. Ben handed her the apricots. Dave was making strangling noises. She put them in a pouch on her backpack and sent out a Wigglytuff. "You might want to cover your ears, tight." Liz warned. Her Wigglytuff used Sing, and it rang throughout the forest. Pokemon of all different shapes and sizes began to fall out of the air and trees. After it was done singing, Liz recalled her pokemon. "C?mon, let?s go!" she said. Dave and Ben followed her through the forest. Then they heard a howl, then another, and another. Soon the whole forest was ringing with the howl of the Houndours. They hadn?t fallen asleep. Then a whole pack of Houndour came. Liz looked unafraid. "Go Snorlax!" she said. The gigantic pokemon came out and yawned. The Houndour all roared at it, but it made no sign that it even heard the howls. The Houndour grew agitated that their howls were doing nothing to the Snorlax. Their bodies began to heat up as they breathed fire at Snorlax. "Snorlax, Defense Curl!" Liz commanded. Snorlax rolled into a ball and hardened. "Now, Rollout!" Liz?s Snorlax plowed through the Houndour, knocking them in all directions. Snorlax uncurled and cheered. Then, out of the trees came a large, black blur. It dove right into Snorlax and knocked it over. It was the leader of the pack, a Houndoom. The two pokemon faced each other. Then the Houndoom seemed to disappear, Snorlax began to yell as the unseen Houndoom attacked him again and again. Liz, unable to watch any longer, recalled her Snorlax. The three of them stood there watching the Houndoom howl a victory yell. "Go Original!" Ben shouted. The Original came out and looked at the Houndoom. The Houndoom dived at The Original, fangs and claws bared. The Original sidestepped the attack and clubbed Houndoom in the side. The Houndoom lunged again, it?s teeth glowing with an eerie blackness. The Original jumped up and slammed Houndoom?s head into the ground. Houndoom jumped up and launched a Fire Blast. The Original twirled his bone around in his hand and cut a hole through the blast. He flew right at the Houndoom and pounded him again and again with the bone. The Houndoom crumpled in a heap on the ground. The Houndour, recovered from Snorlax?s attack, picked up their leader and carried him away. After they got out of the forest, Ben and Dave invited Liz to camp with them. She agreed, partially because she was afraid of being attacked again. They had trouble sleeping that night, due to the fact that they were all afraid of being attacked. But, after Liz?s Wigglytuff sang them a song, they drifted off to sleep. When they awoke the next morning, Ben called out his cubones to feed them breakfast. Liz came out of her tent and looked at his cubones. "So, you?re the kid with the freak pokemon." she said. "The are not freaks!" Ben shouted. "Sorry, that?s just the way everyone is describing them." she apologized. Liz paced around his cubones, looking closely at each one. "Some of them are actually cute." she said. "Would you like to trade? I collect cute pokemon." "No." Ben said. He then went to his pokedex and exchanged Norman for Babybone, Hitmonbone for Psy Guy, and Torch for Bulbabone. Liz went into fits of delight when she saw Babybone. "He?s so cute!" she screamed, grabbing the baby pokemon away from Ben. Babybone playfully bopped her on the head with his bone. She laughed and kissed him on the helmet. Then Babybone licked her on the cheek. Ben was surprised, this was the first time that his cubones had shown affection for anyone other than him. He then made up his mind about something. "Liz, would you like to come with Dave and me?" he asked hesitantly. "Of course I would!" she said. "This little one?s so cute, and you?re not so bad yourself." Dave began to chuckle. Ben blushed slightly, then sighed. It was going to be a long journey. Happy Now?
Ben and Falkner recalled their pokemon. Falkner walked over to Ben and shook his hand. Then he handed Ben the silver Zephyr badge. ?Congratulations Ben, you beat me.? he smiled wryly ?I have a feeling that you?ll be hearing that a lot.? ?Thank you very much.? answered Ben politely. Ben turned to leave but was grabbed by Falkner. ?Your cubones are amazing!? he said suddenly. ?How did you get them like that?? ?I didn?t do much really.? Ben said. He then told Falkner and his trainers about what had happened. By the time he finished, there were a few doubtful looks. Dave stepped forward. ?Falkner,? he said ?maybe I should travel with him to see if his story is true.? ?Good idea Dave,? Falkner grinned ?I think there is another reason though.? Ben and Dave spent the night at the local pokemon center. It turned out that Dave had several other flying pokemon. He had a Golbat, a Scyther, a Doduo, and a Hoot-Hoot. They left Violet City and started to Azalea town, where the next Johto Gym was. Along the way, they found several strange plants growing off of the trees. Ben looked them up on his pokedex. His pokedex said that they were apricorns, and that they could be used to make pokeballs. Ben didn?t pick any, he was happy with the pokemon he had. Dave, on the other hand, called out his Hoot-Hoot to grab the apricorns. Ben saw that it would take Dave most of the day to get as many as he wanted, so he decided to help. ?Go, Fly Guy, go Norman!? Ben said as he threw the pokeballs. The two popped out and looked at Ben. ?Norman, use Swift to knock the apricots down. Fly Guy, go and give them to Dave.? Norman held out his hands and stars shot from them. The stars flew at the trees and knocked the apricots down. Fly Guy and Hoot-Hoot flew around, picking up apricots and tossing them to Dave. ?Dave, got enough yet?? Ben asked. ?Yeah, I think so.? Dave?s voice was muffled but able to be heard. Ben walked around a tree and saw Dave?s arm sticking out of a pile of apricots. He sighed and digs Dave out.
With the very little time I have, I am going to try to post.
Yes I do, it's just that Dave is a flying type trainer, and I don't want both of them to have the same type. :p
Blockmon: Wha-? Why are you all looking at me like that? You look like you're about to pounce. Cera: Toyagumon? Blockmon: Uh, no. This is Blockmon, I can't be changed back anymore. [I]This[/I] is my body now. Ginnylyn (whispering): Can we trust him? Amanda: Why not? He helped us before didn't he? Cera: She's got a point. Ginnylyn: Fine, we trust him.
It's my real name. :D I messed up the whole "User Name" and "Publicly Displayed Name" Then I just decided not to change it because everyone knew me as Ben.