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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Is anybody gonna post?:babble:
  2. American Writer, I don't think that would be such a good idea, this story has been going on for quite a while and there are a lot of things you wouldn't understand. You know, I would post, but i'm a little lost still. :blush:
  3. Here's what I got so far, her name will be Liz, as in Elizabeth. Her type of pokemon will be either grass or normal. Need to decide between the two.
  4. Ginny: What are you guys talking about? There's no dust or sun. It's just a dark room. Cera: What are you talking about? I'm roasting alive! Toyagumon: I think it's just another illusion. Ginny? Ginny: Oy, this is getting tiring. Ginny lifts up her shield, a white glow eminates from it. The desert vanishes, and they find themselves in a dark and cold room. Suddenly, the Snowagumons ran toward a corner, the Yurikimibotamons also hopped over. When the others look at the corner, they are surprised to see that it is white with the Crest of Peace symbol on it. The Yurikimibotamon digivolve until they reach Snowagumon's again. All five of them glow. When the glowing fades, the five step out of the corner. Ginny: What was that all about? SA's: We have disabled all the illusions and traps along the way to the Crests. We will have safe passage through here. Cera: Until we get to Ben. At that moment, Toyagumon yelled and fell to the floor, clutching his sides. Slowly, the wings and hammers grew back. Blockmon: Miss me? :devil: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :laugh: Ha ha! I got you guys stuck! :p
  5. KariKamiya, I think the idea is fine except for the barren desert part, the Accursed Temple/Dugeon is under the Crest Temple, no barren desert there. Wait a minute! Keep it there! I have an idea. :devil:
  6. I'm open to suggestions. :flaming:
  7. Well, I think I could make it so the story would keep going, but you would need a new bad guy.
  8. I need your guys' help for the next chapter. I'm going to have two people coming with me, one boy and one girl. The boy is Dave, but what should the girl's name be? And what type of pokemon should she have?
  9. The honesty in that remark astounds me. You people drive me up the wall. I have an idea on how to turn Ben good again, but then the story would probably end. What do you guys think?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]NO EVIL DIGIDESTINED!!!* [/B][/QUOTE] *Looks at her innocently* I didn't do anything. :angel: Got a question, can we have two digimon?
  11. Good bye, come back soon. (preferably in one piece.)
  12. I'm sorry I keep leaving, "Hell Week" isn't over yet. (I also have a nasty feeling that it's not gonna end this week.):(
  13. All the confusion and panic and fear, it's an evil genius's dream come true. :laugh: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angel: No, they don't. And they won't. Ben: Ahhh. Child of Silence, I was wondering when you would get here. Blockmon, make her and the others "comfortable". Blockmon: (grinning evilly) Right. Block Hammer! Ben disappears. Hammers are being built in Blockmon's hands. He takes to the air, knowing he has the advantage there. Darkagumon: Dark Pepper Breath! (:confused: ) The carefully aimed fireball hits the flying block on Blockmon's back. The lego wings fall off. Blockmon falls to the ground with a crash. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben is walking toward the entrance of the Accursed Dungeon. He gets there and holds up his Crest. The wall glows and disappears. There, instead of a pipe, is a spiral staircase. Ben begins to slowly walk down, savoring each step. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The other digidestined have got their hands full with Blockmon. Their attacks can't get through his Block Wall. Each time after they attack, he pops out and throws a hammer at one of them. Tygermon: Double Strike! Lydramon: Rainbow Lightning! The attacks hit the wall, having no effect. Then, Blockmon jumps out and slams his Hammers on their heads. They de-digivolve and lay there, unconscious. He walks over to where his wings lay. He picks them up, and puts them on. Zaltamon jumps at Blockmon, trying to stop him. He punches her out of his way and walks toward the unconscious pair. He takes out his hammers, preparing to beat the two knocked-out digimon. (Brutal isn't he?) Ginny couldn't bear to watch, she just stood there in horror. She didn't want any of this, none of the fighting, the responsibility, the pain. She remembers something. She trys to concentrates on how much she wants the fighting to stop, how much she wants things to be [I]peaceful[/I]. Her shield appears on her arm with a ring like a bell. Ginny: Hold it right there buddy! Blockmon glances at her and snorted, humans were danger to him. Ginny blasts him with her shield. He glows with an intense white light. The wings and hammers slowly disappear. The figure there looked very familiar. Cera: Toyagumon? Toyagumon: The one and only. The Peaceful energy from Ginny's shield restored me, temporarily. We have to move quickly before I turn back! Cera: We don't know where to go! Toyagumon: But [B]I[/B] do. Now let's go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben reaches the bottom of the stairs. He glances with disgust at the corner where the Snowagumons had appeared. It was still pearly white and bore the symbol of the Crest of Peace. He destination was the far room. And nothing was going to stop him from getting there.
  14. ?Go Hoot-hoot!? Falkner said as he released his pokemon. ?Go, Squirt!? Ben said as he let out the tiny cubone. Ben noticed that the two pokemon were almost equal in size, with Squirt a little larger. Falkner was just as stunned as Dave had been. Ben again used that to his advantage. ?Mega Punch!? ?Fly!? ?Water gun!? Squirt shot a stream of water at Hoot-hoot, a direct hit! Hoot-hoot fell to the ground, it?s wet feathers too heavy to fly. ?Fury attack!? ?Bone thrash!? Ben?s plan worked. Every time that Hoot-hoot tried to peck at Squirt, he slapped it away with his bone. ?Wing attack!? Hoot-hoot began to run toward Squirt, its wings extended. ?Bite!? Squirt bit one of Hoot-hoot?s wings and didn?t let go. ?Now, seismic toss!? Squirt grabbed onto Hoot-hoot?s wings and began to spin. Faster and faster they spun. Then, Squirt released. Hoot-hoot went sailing over Falconer?s head and over the side of the building. Falkner ran over and recalled his pokemon. ?Go Dodrio!? Falkner yelled as he released the three-headed bird. ?Squirt, return.? Ben said as he recalled his pokemon. ?Go, Freeza!? From the look on his face, Ben could tell that Falkner was scared. He knew that his flying type pokemon were weak against ice types. ?Icy wind!? Freeza extended his right arm and a freezing cold wind blew from it. In the wind were large and small chunks of ice. ?Agility!? Dodrio jumped out of the way and began to run all around the roof, attempting to confuse Freeza. ?Freeza, fire an ice beam at the floor!? Ben said. Freeza charged up and ice beam and fired it at the floor. A layer of ice covered the entire roof, also several ice spikes had grew up out of it. Dodrio slipped on the ice and crashed into one of those spikes. CRASH! Bits of ice went flying. Dodrio tried to stand up but continued to slip. ?Freeza, Ice Punch!? Freeza began to run toward Dodrio, not slipping a single time. Then, blue energy began to build up around his hands. He punched the two outside heads, then fired an ice beam at the middle. However, the ice beam did not stop at the head, it continued down Dodrio?s body until the whole thing was frozen solid. ?Dodrio return!? ?Freeza return!? ?Go Pidgeot!? Falkner yelled as he released the magnificent bird. ?Go Hitmonbone!? Ben said as he released the muscular cubone. Nurse Joy had requested that Hitmonbone wear boxking gloves so as not to damage his hands any further. ?Fly!? Pidgeot flapped its wings a couple of times and took off. ?High Jump Kick!? Hitmonbone took a few steps back. He got a good running start and leapt into the air, foot extended, at Pidgeot. ?Quick attack!? Before Hitmonbone could deliver his kick, Pidgeot disappeared. He reappeared behind Hitmonbone and tackled him. Hitmonbone crashed into the rooftop, making a fair-sized crater. ?Counter attack!? Hitmonbone jumped into the air and slammed Pidgeot into the roof, making another crater. ?Now, Thunder Punch!? Hitmonbone powered up the electricity on the front of his glove and slammed it into Pidgeot. The large bird shrieked as the energy surged through its body. Then it slumped to the ground. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry I took so long, no computer access. :p
  15. I am majorly confused. The story is in total disarray. Zero and I keep having arguements that don't get us anywhere. I left for two days and this happens? Remind me not to leave for that long. :rolleyes:
  16. I think that love is something that happens between two people. They meet each other, and gradually spend more time together. They do things together, tell each other about their family, friends, and home. They talk a lot, about nothing in particular. They just like being with each other. TJMO....
  17. [QUOTE]We can do it without Ben,He's gay![/QUOTE] What's with this?! :mad:
  18. I am [B]so[/B] sorry it took me this long to ost, i'm going through "Hell week" at my house. *sighs* Zero, why do you always do that? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben creates the image of toyagumon in his mind, slightly modified. Toyagumon had failed to stop the digidestined last time, he wasn't going to let that happen again. Slowly, a shadow crept out of his Crest. It took Toyagumon's shape, only with wings. Ben then put his memories of Toyagumon into it's head. He wanted it to understand who it was. Then, with a brilliant flash, the digimon walked out of the shadow. (See attachment for a picture) Blockmon: I am Blockmon, how may I serve you Ben? Ben: Go and slow the digidestined down, I must reach the Crest Temple. Blockmon: As you wish. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The other are walking along, trying to catch up with Ben. Then a hammer flew out of the air and smacked Zero in the head. Zero: Ow! Then Blockmon flew in to attack. Blockmon: Block Hammer! He brought it down on all of their heads. Gryfmon&Marimon: Wind Clap! Prism Clap! Blockmon: Block Wall! The two attacks hit the lego wall and disappeared. Gryfmon took to the air and sent several Wing Claps at him. He flew around each one with ease, he was now an expert flyer. He took Out his hammers again and slammed then down on Gryfmon's back, wings and was even brutal enough to knock her in the stomach. She fell to the ground and lay there wimpering. Ginny ran over to her. Gryfmon: That didn't turn out the way we wanted, did it? Ginny: Not at all. Marimon was now trying her luck against the powerful rookie. Marimon: Prism Clap! She clapped her hands together frantically, trying to keep him at bay. Her attacks did very little though. If it was impossible for him to dodge it, he simply used his Block Wall. Then he proceded to beat Marimon to a pulp. After she was severely beaten, Blockmon took off and flew back to Ben. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take that! :P
  19. (Why do you always do this Kitell?) Ben glances at his injured arm. It slowly heals. Ben: You annoy me Oreta, I thought that the death of your brother would teach you to leave me alone. Oreta: I will never leave you alone until I avenge my brother. Ben: Or until I decide to stop you. Oreta: You will never stop me. Ben: Oh really? Ben lifts up his staff, but instead of a blast coming from it, a small shadow emerges. It slowly grows bigger until it is twice the size of a human. Ben: Destroy her. The shadow lunges toward her. She strikes at it with her axe, savagely ripping at its dark skin. The shadow however, is not even trying to fend off the attacks. It slowly melts into a puddle at Oreta's feet. Little tendrils of shadow wrap around her, knocking her axe out of reach. Oreta begins to slowly sink into the ground. Ben begins to walk again. Ben: These constant attacks are slowing me down. I must figure out a way to stop them. It's too bad I destroyed that digimon, it was useful to have around. I think i'll bring it back. Ben takes ahold of his crest and concentrates. (Sorry guys, I have to go. Please don't post anything! I ahve to do something first!):(
  20. I couldn't see much of it because I was booted off, but what I saw was pretty funny. :D
  21. I put celery salt on tuna fish salad. Yum! Of course, I put some other things on it too.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B] You look quite good. But I think you looked better with long hair.:) [/B][/QUOTE] I agree, you looked better with long hair. :D
  23. Send me a pm and we'll talk it over. :)
  24. Ben

    Fight Club

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]first on my list is ben 4 the unotherized useage of a brick wall!!![/B][/QUOTE] The rules never said that you couldn't smash people into walls, just that you couldn't use items. :D
  25. What did each Johto Gym Leader use against Ash? I need to know for my fan fic.
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