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Everything posted by Ben

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kitell [/i] [B]Obtok and Oreta are in much fear. Obtok: Ben you will pay:mad:! Obtok with his power axe in hand runs up to Ben. Oreta: Obtok nooooooooooooo!!! Ben blast Obtok. Obtok falls dowan with a hole in hes stomech. He is bleeding. Oreta: He will bleed to death! [/B][/QUOTE] Ben: So be it then. The Child of Power will die. He was a nuisence anyway. Oreta Glares at Ben. Ben: Know that if you attack me, you will lie dying beside your brother. Oreta shrinks back. Ben: That's better. Ben begins walking again. He is attacked form behind by, not Oreta, but Saberleomon. Ben falls to the ground as he is tackled by the legendary digimon. Ben stands up and brushes himself off. Then he turns to face Saberleomon. "Solar Ray!" Ben is hit from behind by the attack. Centauromon gallops into view. Cenaturomon: I cannot let you harm the digidestined! I am their guardian and cannot let you continue your evil. Ben: Will you two make it quick, I have evil Crests to gather. Saberleomon: Twin Fang! Saberleomon jumped at Ben, fangs bared and glowing. Centauromon: Jet Gallop! Centauromon ran at Ben, picking up speed and also glowing. Ben grabbed Saberleomon's fangs, the fangs' energy not effecting his hands, and flipped him around and threw him at Centauromon. The two collided into a heap. Ben again continued his slow walk to the Temple. (I had to post something.)
  2. Give me a couple minutes and the story will be back up and running. :D
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]WELCOME, KK!!!!! KK...I know you follow our story. Do you want to jump in some time? I don't think anyone would really mind. And it would be nice to have another poster keeping the story going.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, that might not be a bad idea. You guys [I]still[/I] haven't figured out a way to stop me. :D
  4. Could evryone print in normal, black print please? It's so much easier to read. :)
  5. Toyagumon leaned against a wall and fell through it. Then he shot me in the butt with his Toy Flame to get me down there. :D Ahh the memories. :D
  6. I don't start school for another couple of weeks. :D :D :p :D :D
  7. Let me see, Sylvia, Firewood, Zero, Cloud, Me, and Mike. There were six of us, and I came in late, very late.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Ok, I'll be John, a human wizard that has seen countless ages past by, and is still good looking for his age;) [/B][/QUOTE] Dang, I didn't see that post. :( Can you guys deal with two wizards? Or can I be a bad guy? ;) There are some people that could tell you that I am a very good bad guy.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]I don't know...we could always find it by accident, like you did. [/B][/QUOTE] I doubt it, I was creeping in the shadows, trying not to be seen. Plus, I didn't even find it, it was Toyagumon.
  10. Truth be told, I got bored. :o I didn't need him anymore, and he got in my way. But, if you guys want, I will bring him back later. I really think that you guys will like my idea for bringing him back. :D
  11. I had around 1050 posts.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]All [I]right![/I] Glad it's still going.... Gee, Ben...wasn't that just a LITTLE harsh? Sheesh.... [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, don't give me that. :rolleyes: I'm pure evil now, remember? I'm worse than Ken was, much worse. Without Toyagumon, you guys can't find the secret room! :( I've outsmarted myself.
  13. Mine isn't slow. :p :D
  14. This time i'll be in the story form the beginning, oh joy! Name: Ben Age: Seven-thousand, give or take a few centuries. Magic: The Will and the Word. Backround: Has lived several thousand years, helping questers fulfill their destinies. His magic is referred to as the Will and the Word. He gathers his Will (willpower) and speaks a word to release it. He is ready for anything. He has a little knowledge of healing herbs and plants.
  15. Ben's blast was heading straight toward the Primary Village. All the digimon were shoved out of its way by the aura of force surounding it. Just before It touched the first block, Toyagumon jumped in the way. Toyagumon: No! :mad: I can't let you do this! The blast hit Toyagumon fully. He fell to the ground, barely alive. Ben ran to him. Ben: Toyagumon? Toyagumon (Weakly): Yes? Ben: DIE! Ben blasted Toyagumon into digidust. The others stared as he gathered the digidust and obliterated it. None of them could believe it, he hadn't just destroyed Toyagumon, he had deleted him! Ben: Fool! How dare he get in my way! (Ben turned to face the others) Know that any who get in my way shall suffer the same fate! Then he again began his march to the Crest Temple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You thought I was gonna pull a Ken didn't you?:D Well, Ha! I didn't.:D
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