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Everything posted by Ben

  1. The Sense Leader, a massive shark-clone standing some eight feet tall and weighing over 270 pounds, was worried. None of his Sensers knew this; none could pass his mental defenses and his face was incapable of portraying emotion. What distressed him was that the abilities of his Sensers were somehow being blocked. The whole bunch of them, powerless outside of their own minds. Something must be stopping them, he had reasoned, and it was not built by the clones. The clones had evolved their psychic abilities in the time since they were created. It was a swift evolution, but the clones were not hesitant about that sort of tampering. After all, it was in that way that they themselves had come about. Recently, in the past ten or twelve years, humans had been discovered with psychic abilities. Their powers were largely unsophisticated and unfocused, but were forceful enough that it usually required several talented Sensers to stop one. That, or one very broad stroke of luck. Without the aid of their normal psychic abilities, the Sensers fell back on mostly projectiles. Longbows, crossbows, and assorted other devices made up their main armament. It a Senser could not use his or her powers, their best bet was to pick off their opponent. Those developed in the mind were not always the most stalwart of warriors. The Sense Leader carried in his hands a simple mace, dangling slightly from the end of a long chain strapped to his waist. With his powers, the Sense Leader could redirect the mace as he pleased, and could manipulate it at a speed much greater than momentum alone could achieve. "Grim." said a nearby Senser. The Sense Leader turned sharply and motioned for silence. "Grim" was a nickname he had been given the Sensers. With his cold, dead eyes and passive face, it could only be assumed he was having foreboding thoughts. Grim motioned further up into the tunnel, and pointed to where a clone's ear would normally be. His subordinate nodded; they couldn't chance a human further up the tunnel hearing them. The two grasped each others' wrists, forming a link. [I]"The cave Listeners sent word."[/I] the clone reported. [I]"They're picking up an unknown frequency, something they're uncertain about. Many of them aren't even sure if they are hearing something."[/I] he paused momentarily. [I]"Continue."[/I] [I]"They think it may be some sort of wave that's inhibiting our powers. Those who were certain that they were hearing something contacted the Sighters. There's a large device not far from here. It shows up brightly to those with thermal vision, and the formation of the caves makes it likely that the wave may emanate from there."[/I] Grim thought the idea over. A psychic jammer? Some sort of machine that stopped the Sensers from using their powers... [I]"Let's go and get it."[/I] With that, the two of them broke contact. Grim motioned to the hundreds of would-be Sensers behind him. Time to get their powers back.
  2. [quote name='Charles']If he and his friends go to the police with this story, without any kind of physical descriptions--I don't think there will be much of a point.[/quote] What if this happens several times? What if there are several attempted kidnappings, and nobody speaks up? I think it would be better to let the police know that there is an inept kidnapper running around than to leave them without anything. I mean, what if someone did go to the police about it? Numerous reports, however unfounded they may be, are more weighty than just one.
  3. Ben


    [quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff'](ooohh, remember Ginny, anyone? Lol).[/color][/quote] Always. :) [quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff']I think Devidramon's rants finally convinced me that Season three was the best, and I believe it really is. Like Solo said, the feel was totally different from S1 or S2, and a refreshing change. And the characters all developed quite well, I'd say. The best part was when Myotismon DIDN'T appear. Actually, the best part was the ending. That was absolutely great when Takato, well.... you know, if you saw the last ep. ^^;;;[/color][/quote] Somebody (besides me) actually remembers [I]Devidramon?[/I] O.o Wow. I think the only season I actually saw all of was Season 1. Season 1 did what it was supposed to do, in that it drew people into watching the show. It, more than any other season, contained the aspect of surviving in a dangerous environment. They had to worry about finding food for themselves, protecting themselves from wild digimon, protecting themselves from the environment; all of that. And then toss Devimon into the mix. :p And then all of the digimon with Black Gears. The other Digidestined pale in comparison. (And I'm not even tapping what they did [I]after[/I] File Island.) Season 2, the Digidestined were faced with a similar sort of enemy, but one with a great advantage. Devimon was a digimon, while Ken was human. Would the Digidestined be willing to destroy one of their own kind? Perhaps. But not as readily as they would destroy a digimon. Ken, too, had influence like Devimon did. Black Rings, as opposed to Black Gears. Then eventually the Dark Spirals. The thing that lessens the Digidestined of Season 2, in my opinion, is that they had an escape. They could leave the Digital World almost at will. The Digital Portals were everywhere, and they could escape through one just as soon as the situation required it. Season 1 Digidestined did not have that opportunity. (The ending of Season 2 did seem a great deal rushed.) I guess I can't really say much about the Season 3 Digidestined, as I missed out on most of the series. Including, I'd imagine, the ones most formative to character development. I do know, though, that unlike Season 2, they didn't have an escape route. The Digimon were coming into their world. But but then again, they didn't have to worry so much as finding food or a place to stay for the night. I think I saw one brief advertisement that hinted at Season 4, and that was it. Heh, that is my entire experience dealing with that particular season.
  4. Ben


    [QUOTE]Plot Summary for Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) Peter LaFleur is a charismatic underachiever and proprietor of a rundown gym called Average Joe's. The facility's ecclectic clientele of decidedly less-than-average Joes is comprised of: a self-styled pirate; a scrawny nerd who dreams of impressing an unattainable cheerleader; an obsessive aficionado of obscure sports; a dim-witted young man; and a cocky know-it-all who, of course, really knows nothing. Peter's humble gym catches the eye of White Goodman, the power-mullet-sporting, Fu-Manchu-d, egomaniacal owner of Globo Gym, a gleaming monolith of fitness. White intends to take over Average Joe's, and Peter's non-existent bookkeeping is making it all too easy for him. A foreclosing bank has stationed attorney Kate Veatch inside Average Joe's to finalize Globo's takeover of the gym. But Peter's boyish charms win her over and Kate joins his team of social rejects to beat the odds--and their own ineptitude--to try to save Average Joe's. How? A showdown dodgeball competition against Globo Gym. [I]Summary written by Sujit R. Varma[/I] [/QUOTE] I thought this movie was very funny, as well. Most of it was just straight-up physical abuse to the characters; but they presented it in such a way that the movie was just great, in my opinion. [spoiler]Patches's death was great, heh. An Irish man crushed by a large metal sign that said "The Luck of the Irish." And when Lance Armstrong comes up to Peter and asks him why he's not at the tournament.[/spoiler] [spoiler]"Yeah, I almost gave up when I was diagnosed with brain, lung, and testicular cancer. But then I decided to keep trying anyway, and I wound up winning the Tour de France five times. But I'm sure you've got a good reason for quitting."[/spoiler] One of my favorite quotes from the movie can be found in the film's trailer. [spoiler]"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."[/spoiler] [spoiler]"Wha?"[/spoiler] [spoiler][B]POW![/B][/spoiler]
  5. [I]"Wow....that's pretty deep stuff."[/I] Dose thought. Dose was sitting rather precariously on a tree branch above the three other boys. After he had eaten his stolen food and stopped by the grocery store, Dose had started on his way home. Dose lived in the Somnolent Forest, and so he had been taking a nap on the outskirts of the town when the three other boys showed up. He was tired from a strenuous morning of hunting, and the walk from his house to the town was a substantial one. Naps were essential to Dose between the two locations. As the three boys mulled over what the one called Sen said, Dose shifted uncomfortably in the tree. Some manner of bug had crawled down his shirt, and he was trying to get it out without attracting too much attention to himself. The unknown thing bit him, and Dose slammed up against the tree trunk, squashing it. The move had cost him his camouflage, however, as the tree branch he was sitting on snapped, and he fell amongst the three adventurers below. All three had weapons drawn and pointing in his direction by the time he had blinked twice. He grinned sheepishly at them. "I was just wondering if any of you fine gentlemen would like to join me in searching for Lumina and restoring the Kingdom to its valiant power." he said quickly. "No, really, I was."
  6. Pegasus is a cultured billionaire who secretly harbors a desire [spoiler]to resurrect his dead wife, Cicelia.[/spoiler] He plans to take over KaibaCorp in order to acquire the advanced holographic technology that it possesses. He hopes that by using his formidable Shadow Powers (which became powerful by trapping souls in the Shadow Realm) in conjunction with the holographic technology, he can somehow [spoiler]bring back Cecilia.[/spoiler] All of his actions are motivated by that one desire. This may push him to extremes, but he knows what he is doing. Admittedly, he may be warped, by the Millenium Eye and by his desperate quest for reconciliation. Certainly, he is [I]not[/I] gay.
  7. What we do here in an RPG is a sort of collaborative story-writing. Each person has their own character, yes, but in order for the story to progress and use all of the characters, there ought to be interaction between the various characters. If everyone could only use their own character, there might be several separate stories with the same idea in mind, instead of one greater effort. Godmodding in this sense would be making a person's character go against what their description of the character would be. For example, if you made the character Dave, and Dave was supposed to be a calm, quiet guy who never loses his cool. If I were to write a part of the story in which Dave goes on a killing spree, laughing like a maniac, then I would be godmodding. Basically, it is a good idea to use other people's characters in RPGs, as long as it is within reason. That way the story can progress as it should, with everybody's characters working together towards the climax and ending of the story.
  8. [quote name='Ben']Perhaps I misunderstood you,[/quote] Regardless of my new, enlightened view of the topic at hand, I'd just like to point out that I did admit that I was not sure. :p
  9. [quote name='mckaylyn']Your religion should not have to do with anything.[/quote] Pardon me? O_o Your religion should not have to do with [I]anything?[/I] Perhaps I misunderstood you, but your religion should have a great deal to do with something; like, how you live your life. One person's religion is what one person believes, isn't it? (Whether they share that belief with others or not does not directly concern this discussion.) Now, a fundamental part of religion is [I]practice[/I] of what it is you believe. If one does not make anything of their faith, how can they claim that it [I]is[/I] faith? Religion is belief and practice. Your statement contradicts itself. Religion, if it did not have to do with anything, would not be practiced (would it even be believed?) and would therfore not be religion. I can't even fathom what that sort of instance that would be, or could be classified as. [QUOTE]Sharp things are fun...there is a risk in it, that makes people feel that they are in mroe control. Gosh, people who don't understand that should read my mom's old psychology books!!![/QUOTE] Perhaps you missed a chapter of the book. Did you see the part where it says how peope react to other people having sharp objects in their presence? Under those circumstances, people may feel threatened. A person with an affinity for sharp objects (a feeling obviously more developed than that in several other human beings) may be regarded with fear, given that idea. Whether or not somebody understands the intricate nature of the human psyche doesn't really matter. Some people simply [U]do not like[/U] sharp objects. Call it a phobia, if you want. Some people don't like hazardous items that can pierce or tear open their flesh. I am one of them. :p Disclaimer: I'm G.R.U.M.P.Y., so there.
  10. WHUMP. Deciperemon collapsed on the ground, drenched in sweat and with his chest heaving. Who would have thought that dragging yourself with your arms would be so very difficult? His legs were still pretty much useless, so he couldn't even scuttle along with them. His ankles were both broken, and the bones of his calves and thighs were still vibrating slightly from the shock. Deciperemon propped himself up on his elbow and took a look over his shoulder. He had moved perhaps seven feet from his original position, with two feet attributed to the shift from sitting erect to lying down. "This is hopeless." he groaned. More than ever before, Deciperemon wanted the company of another digimon. Hostile, friendly; it didn't matter. Either one would be of help. "HELLO?!" he called out. "CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME?" Deciperemon cocked his ear to listen, but all he heard was an echo. The Weregarurumon were still out cold; but they probably would not attack him in their condition and considering his. Deciperemon hunched his shoulders and began to pull himself along again. "Whatever happened to the foul-tempered digimon that would recklessly attack anything they saw?" he asked sourly. Everybody was far too soft these days. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O.O.C. Somebody....help me. O_O'
  11. [U][I]OB Character[/I][/U] [B]Name/Codename:[/B] Ben / Witch-King of Angmar [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] See avatar for close-up. See attachment for a body view. [B]Personality:[/B] Ben is quiet, and likes to think that he has good ideas every now and then. He's definitely more of a follower than a leader, and would rather support some greater purpose than further his own ends. Despite his quiet, unassuming nature, however, another feeling lurks; an urge for action, a need for excitement. [B]History:[/B] An Oldie in the best sense of the word, Ben has been a part of the Otakuboards community for over three years. He was very active in the Games and Stories sections of the board, which later evolved into the present-day Adventure Arena. After the transfer from v2 to v3, Ben's activity slowly diminished. Nowadays he sits back and watches, rarely offering any discussion and participating in RPGs as he sees fit. You may not know he's there, but he is. [B]Movie Morph:[/B] The Witch-King from the [I]Lord of the Rings[/I] trilogy. [I][U]Movie Morph Character[/U][/I] [B]Name:[/B] Witch-King of Angmar [B]Movies:[/B] Lord of the Rings [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.legomirk.com/lotrscript2003/540.jpg[/IMG] [B]Powers:[/B] Cannot be killed by any man. Has the ability to sense sources of power. The Witch-King has other, more mysterious powers as well. [B]Annoying Quirk:[/B] Hisses loudly every so often. The hiss is unbearable to all who hear it. That, and he declares "I will [I]break[/I] him/her" whenever the opportunity presents itself. [B]Stereotype:[/B] (?) [B]Personality:[/B] More evil and more arrogant. Assumes a leadership position whenever possible, under the belief that he is invincible. Ben enjoys becoming the Witch-King, as it provides him with a mace and a sword with which to [strike]wreak havoc[/strike] fight the evil Manic's forces. He worries, though, that the Witch-King persona may one day betray his friends and comrades.
  12. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875]While this was happening, my friend (who was my arch nemesis at that time) decided that he didn't want me to be alone inside. So he [i]deliberately [/i]headbutted the metal bar and gave himself a massive bruise...lol. So he was brought inside and he sat next to me, rubbing his head. And the rest is history. ~_^[/color][/QUOTE] Awww, that's sweet. ^_^ I once had to get stitches in my face because of an incident involving a lunch tray. :rolleyes: I remember being excited. I'm pretty sure I had money and I was running up to the snack table to buy fruit roll-ups, which the snack table never, ever had. But they did that day. So, I was running down the aisle between the tables, and I turned to shout something at my friends. When I turned back around, BANG. I ran face-first into the corner of a lunch tray someone was carrying. I just stood there for a minute, my memory is a little fuzzy on the next few moments. I remember one of the lunch room volunteers coming up to me and asking if I was okay. I felt fine, really, and so that's what I told her. She hurried me out of the cafeteria, in the meantime putting several napkins to my face. I watched as the napkins suddenly turned red with my blood. I don't remember panicking, which strikes me as odd. From there, I went to the nurse's office. She took a look at my cut, which was about an inch or so below my eye. She told my mom (who had been called down by that time) that I would need stitches, and that she couldn't do that. I was sitting on a chair to the side of the small room with some paper towels pressed to my face and a box of fruit roll-ups in hand. My grandfather, being the wonderful guy he is, had insisted that my mom take a box from his house to bring down to me. He always had them on hand back then. So, my mom drove me over to Pequot Medical Center. I remember being on the operating table with several people on each side of me. I remember them telling me that I would only get two stitches; one with medicine, and one without. Now that I think about it, those other people might have been there to hold me down. =/ I closed my eyes whenever I saw the doctor lower his hand, and as soon as they were done, I took off. Screw them, I had a box of fruit roll-ups all for myself. :p
  13. Dose walked out of the restaurant, grumbling. 180 Dran per steak?! That was twenty less than last week, which was five less then the week before that. They were cheating him, he knew. 60 more Dran than a loaf of bread? Puh-lease.... That was not to say that Dose's venture into town had been unprofitable. He had managed to get a good four steaks from the scrawny deer. That amounted to....what? Dose paused in the street for a moment. "Carry the three..." he puzzled through it. He knew a great deal about geometry, whether or not he knew it; he could calculate the precise range of a target and the angle and the level of the arc his arrows would take. Multiplying Dran went into a whole different category, somehow. "Seven hundred and seventy." he finally concluded. Dose then counted the Dran in his pocket. Seven hundred and twenty! They had cheated him! "Good thing I left my kama there." he growled quietly. Dose always left at least one of his kama at the restaurant, to give him an excuse to return unannounced. The owners of the restaurants did not think anything of it, besides getting the impression that Dose was a forgetful twit. So, he sauntered back into the kitchen, stealthily liberating half a loaf of bread from the countertop. It took refuge in the sheltered area under his cloak. There was 60 Dran recovered, in and of itself. Then he went to the restaurant owner, a ferret-like sort of woman with pinched cheeks and a thing mouth. "Now what do you want, cherry-hair?" she snapped. "I want the other fifty Dran I was promised." "What fifty Dran?" she demanded. Dose patiently explained the mathematics of the situation to her. She sat there, her face growing sallower. "Seven times eight is [B]not[/B] thirty-seven you clot! It's thirty-two!" Dose frowned at this new development. Then he redid the math and, amazingly, it came out to seven hundred and twenty; just what he had been given. Dose looked up at the woman sheepishly. "Hehe, sorry. I'm not all that good at math." "Get out of my restaurant!" she shrieked in his face, and then spun around swiftly. Dose's kama, of it's own accord (really!) whipped out into his right hand and neatly hooked the purse off of the cranky lady's belt. In it was another three hundred Dran. He took one hundred of it, and then left it on the counter. "That's what I get for putting up with this woman." he excused himself. Dose grabbed the kama he had left. On his way out, almost as an afterthought, he grabbed a glass of milk. Then he walked out into the street, eating his bread and washing it down with fresh milk. "Nod a dab bay's gurk." he mumbled around a mouthful of bread.
  14. Ben watched as Jedgar, Crystal, and his small band of chameleon-clones got back on their feet, slightly dazed from the human's impact. He had been able to ward off the attack with his own powers. Limited as they were in their effect on the environment, within his mind they were still quite potent. The human had been powerful, but his technique lacked finesse. It was akin to bludgeoning someone's mind with his own. Not at all like the more natural, subtle way the clones normally did such things. "Is everybody okay?" "I'm alright." replied Jedgar, absently cocking his head to one side. "I wouldn't want to do that again, though." "No problem here." said Rena, letting the human drop. She dropped the heart onto his back. "A little shaken, is all." replied Crystal. "Good, because we've got incoming." said Ben tensely. A couple of cave scorpions were picking their way through the littered cave. Pausing every now and then to investigate corpses, but, finding they were dead, continued inevitably towards the heat they detected coming from Ben and the others. "Ergh, I [I]hate[/I] these things." grumbled Crystal. "I'm getting tired of them as well." said Ben. "I find them rather entertaining." said Rena, baring her teeth. Ben grabbed her by the arm before she could jump into the fray. She gave him an annoyed look that spoke volumes. He quickly removed his hand. "Let's not precipitate anything yet. We don't know who might be watching." She snorted, but refrained from butchering the oncoming scorpions. "So what do you propose that we do?" "Let us take care of it." he replied. Ben went over to the chameleon-clones and had a hurried conversation with them. The leader of the group nodded, and they all slowly faded into the background. Jedgar turned his head as he heard the chameleon-clones moving away from them. His trained eye could see the slight impressions that they were making upon the ground. Crystal could hear them, too, but faintly. Rena sat down and closed her eyes meditatively. Crystal moved over a bit to where a cave scorpion lay with its stomach cut open. She peered over the top and could see the small pack of cave scorpions moving closer. Their antenna wavered back and forth, searching for some sign of body heat. Suddenly, the sound of swords striking carapace could be heard, and Crystal could see the scorpions get into an uproar. They flailed about, searching for their attackers. Their antenna apparently detected their body heat, however, and the group began chasing the chameleons that Crystal could not see. "The other chameleons will keep them occupied." said Ben, right beside her. Startled and annoyed, Crystal took a quick jab at Ben's head with her fist, which he caught, quite amused. "Don't [I]do[/I] that!" she hissed. "Sorry, it's just fun." he said. She was about to retort, but at that moment they heard Rena's familiar growl and a cave scorpion's distinctive shriek. The shriek was cut off quickly, followed by a contented purring. Ben and Crystal both ran back to where Rena and Jedgar were. Rena was standing in the middle of a cave scorpion, covered with its internal organs and practically glowing with happiness. "What happened?" demanded Ben. "Oh, nothing." she replied, stepping out of the carcass. "Jedgar?" "She drew a scorpion to us by raising her body temperature with some sort of meditation. Then she lifted it up and drove her claws right through it. The whole thing sort of fell apart on top of her." "Lovely." replied Ben, rolling his eyes. Jedgar shook his head incredulously. "What?" asked Rena innocently. "How did you ever get the Caretaker position?" "She probably killed all the other candidates." Crystal said wryly. "Wow, and she's not even from around here." said Ben. "You mean I was [I]right?[/I]"
  15. "I'm not retarded! I'm a very special boy." Whee...
  16. The forest was quiet. To be cliché, it was even [I]too[/I] quiet. Dose shifted uncomfortably. [I]"This is the Somnolent Forest."[/I] he thought to himself. [I]"It's supposed to be full of dangerous creatures and such. Where the heck are they?"[/I] Dose quickly spun and looked behind him, drawing a kama with his right hand. This had become a habitual for Dose. He feared that he might suffer the same fate as his father; swallowed whole by a Man Eater. A small noise caused Dose to spin back around quickly. A Magician had snuck up behind him, and was now just about to cast a spell. Dose threw the kama at the Magician, but it shrank before it reached him, and simply fell to the ground some feet away. Dose jumped out of the way before the Magician cast another shrinking spell, and then drew his bow from behind his back. The Magician disappeared as Dose knocked an arrow, and then reappeared behind him. Dose was suddenly shrunken to about a foot tall. The Magician hovered in closer to squash him flat. Dose put away his bow and ran, leaping over fallen tree limbs and dodging the Bee Plants that were suddenly all around him. "I think I liked the silence better." he huffed as he carefully sidestepped another stinger. Suddenly, the spell wore off and Dose found himself once again standing higher than the Bee Plants. He drew his kama, and used it to ward off the nearest stinger. He quickly jumped out of the Bee Plants' range, and then drew his bow again. "Crap." he muttered. "I've got to get my kama back." Having practically been raised in the forest, Dose every now and then thought that he shared some sort of special bond with the creatures that lived there. Except Man Eaters, of course. They could never be anything but complete and adorable evil. "Come on now guys, I just want to get through." he said to the Bee Plants. They arced through the air threateningly. "Now, I'm going to take a few steps. Don't sting me." he said quietly. Dose took one step closer to the first plant, and then quickly withdrew his foot as the thing stabbed at him. "You asked for it." he muttered. Dose drew back his bow and fired it beneath the first Bee Plant's pot. The pot tipped over, knocking over the one next to it, and so on and so forth. Soon all of the Bee Plants were writhing around o the ground, unable to get up or sting anything. Dose took a quick glance behind him to be sure there were no Man Eaters, and then he marched past the Bee Plants to retrieve his kama. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Fffffffffft![/I] Dose's arrow sank itself straight into the deer's chest, felling it quickly. The other animals scattered quickly. A squirrel angrily chittered at Dose until its eyes became level with the tip of an arrow. The squirrel turned and bolted. Squirrels annoyed Dose. Dose checked behind him for Man Eaters and then stepped out from his hiding place to retrieve the deer. Dose returned to his small, cozy cabin and prepared the deer for market. He skinned it and took out all the unnecessary organs, and then he carved the meat into thick slices to sell to the restaurant. Venison steaks were growing more and more popular as the chef grew more talented in preparing them. Dose made a good sum of money selling the restaurant meat. Stealing food also cut down on his budget, but that's what Dose did when he entered a well-stocked kitchen. In his eyes, he needed it much more than did the restaurant patrons. And he really wasn't paid enough for his services anyways.
  17. [B]Name:[/B] Dose Entmiss [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Class:[/B] Thief [B]Description:[/B] See Attachment [B]Bio:[/B] Dose lives in a very small cottage in the Somnolent Forest. He is a hunter by profession, and he supplies the Grillin Village restaurant with a good portion of its meat. He does not like to go into town often, as he is a reluctant thief. He does not particularly like stealing, but the occasion often demands that action be taken. Dose grew up in the same small cottage that he currently resides in. He had been raised by his father, and had never known his mother. Presumably, she died. His father had also been a hunter, and an excellent marksman. He taught Dose how to use a bow, and crafted one for him at an early age. Because poor shots don't keep food on the table, Dose's father was excruciatingly careful in training his son. When Dose was fifteen, his father was eaten by a Man Eater. Dose cried over it, as is natural, and then he slew the tiny creature at 300 yards away. It was his single greatest shot, but it did not bring his father back. Dose desires someone to be with, to fill in the gap of his deceased father, but his secluded upbringing makes him nervous around groups of people. [B]Starting Point:[/B] Somnolent Forest [B]Primary Spell/Weapon:[/B] Longbow [B]Secondary Weapon/Item:[/B] Tonfa-Kama [IMG]http://www.bushidocanada.com/images/weapons/tonfa-kama/2204.jpg[/IMG] [B]Items:[/B] Antidote, First Aid, Mint. [B]Spell(s):[/B] [I][B]Arrow Storm:[/B][/I] Dose can fire up to five arrows in one motion. Combined with the speed he has gained with experience, he can have up to ten arrows in the air at a single time. The spell lasts until he either runs out of arrows, or he has let fly four sets of five arrows.
  18. [I]"With my neck in your mouth? I wouldn't even think of moving..."[/I] "What am I to do with you?" she asked. [I]"Reprimand me for being careless?"[/I] Rena swatted him in the face with her tail. "What should I do about the injury?" Rena grated. [I]"Eh, just leave it for now. By the time we get to the human place, I should be okay."[/I] he shifted his weight on her back. [I]"I could get used to being carried."[/I] Rena bucked under him and drove her shoulder blades into his back. Ben winced. [I]"Ow."[/I] "Should we get going, then?" asked Jedgar quietly. He had wiped his dagger off in the sand, and it was sitting at his side. "If you think you can keep up." laughed Crystal, taking to the air. Rena took off as well, with Ben riding haphazardly atop her. Jedgar smirked and jogged towards a side passageway. He knew [I]all[/I] the shortcuts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Somewhere in the caves....[/I] "Ah, fear... such an interesting emotional state. Tell me clone, why do you try to reach the Capital?" Jake Peterson was sitting in a sheltered alcove high above the floor of the caves. He had been searching the area with his mind when a clone suddenly intruded itself upon his probing. A pangolin? What in the heck was a pangolin, he wondered. He lost his concentration for a moment while he thought about this, and didn't realize the clone's response until it was too late. "To... kill... you..." Peterson felt the blow as if it had been dealt to his very own head, and he fell from the rocky shelf he had been propped up on. THUD. He landed ungraciously on the stone floor, dying upon impact. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "RESPOND, DAMNIT!" Kione roared into the headpiece. When no reply came, Kione threw the communication device away in frustration. The dampening field that he had set up to keep the clones' powers from detecting them was affecting his powers as well, so he could not locate the scout by using his powers. He smashed a button on a panel in front of him. "Reilly! Get in here!" Instantly an armed soldier stepped through the door and snapped to attention. "Yes, Sir?" "Take a squad of men and find Peterson. We don't want the clones finding him and exploiting his powers. He's not responding by communicator. He probably went and overextended himself. Find him and bring him back. Kill any clones you come across." "Yes Sir!" he saluted smartly and headed down to the barracks. Kione turned back to the window overlooking the battlefield. He picked up his headset again and put it on. "Companies two, six and nine, go and clear the field of debris. That includes all cave scorpion carcasses and the clone filth. Kill anything that's not dead yet with extreme prejudice." He glowered down as several hundred men marched out of the lower levels of the fortress to begin their grisly task. "We want our guests to feel welcome, don't we?" "Yes, Sir." came the crisp reply. Kione marched over to the side of the room and pressed a button on one of the panels. A series of images sprang up on the screen; scenes from the caves being relayed by spy cameras. Nothing was happening, and Kione thought that odd. There had been a mismatched party of clones traveling together just a short while ago. Where could they have gone to? Suddenly, one of the screens crackled and then blacked out. A few moments later, another one went out. Kione depressed a few more buttons. Nothing helped; the cameras were being interrupted or destroyed by something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I hate human technology." said Rena, tossing the final camera to the ground and then stomping on it. "Is that the last of them, Jedgar?" Ben asked. "Yes, I think so." Jedgar looked around the cave, and the stepped carefully into the next one. His eyes, trained to detect inconsistencies, saw nothing out of place. "There's none in here." "Are you sure?" asked Crystal. "We don't want the humans to know what we're doing." "I'm a Detector," Jedgar replied. "I can tell when something isn't right. Those cameras have sharp edges, and they really contrast with the cave walls. It isn't difficult for me to pick them out." "The base isn't far from here." said Ben. "We'll have to be careful when we get there, though. We don't know how many humans there are, and there may still be cave scorpions to deal with." "Let's just hope this Alaris fellow isn't lying down on the job." said Jedgar. "No, I don't think he'd do that."
  19. It was later in the evening. Uthegiliel had retired to one of the many apartments of Arciela's estate. His wounds burned both his stony flesh and his soul. The dark magic he had learned from the Nur'Lograin was very potent, and he was lucky to have survived an encounter with the creatures he had brought into being. Uthegiliel took a bowl from a nearby table and placed it on the ground in front of him. He took a few herbs from a pouch at his side, and ground them up in his hands. Uthegiliel emptied his hand's contents into the bowl, and then he poured some water into it as well. He stirred the two substances together, and then muttered a brief spell under his breath. The mixture began to glow. Uthegiliel scooped out a handful of the stuff and smeared it on his chest and arms. The magical substance sank into his flesh and left it steaming. Uthegiliel took the rest of the remedy and drank it. He then lay down to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later that night, Uthegiliel lay in his bed, stirring restlessly. The eyes were back, more sinister and more powerful than ever. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]"Saved your friends, did you? Well, let's see if you can protect them from your next mishap."[/I][/COLOR] [I]"There will be no more accidents."[/I] Uthegiliel said firmly within his own mind. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]"Of course they will. We'll make sure of that."[/I][/COLOR] [I]"What is it that you want with me?"[/I] The voices did not answer for a moment. Uthegiliel's direct question had given them pause. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][I][B]"We want to see you fail, Uthegiliel! You're the last of the elders of our clan. Our new generations are getting smaller in number, and weaker in influence. For this, we blame [B]YOU![/B] You, the greatest of our living descendants. Bring our clan back from the brink, or you shall face HELL."[/B][/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]"I will do the best I can with our clan, as I always have. But I do not wish to continue these little meetings. For this reason, I call upon the magic of the Cal'Sakmeht! Expel these spirits from my mind!"[/I] Uthegiliel's body was lifted off of the bed and began writhing madly in the air. A bright light was growing within him, and steam was flowing from his pores. The magical herbs he had consumed earlier had spread throughout his body, and were now coming into power. His room shone with light, and soon the whole household was illuminated. Slowly, by tens and twenties, the spirits of the fallen Dra'Coryul left Uthegiliel and disappeared into the shadows of the Underdark. When they had all gone, the light went out and Uthegiliel fell onto the bed, causing it to break and splinter.
  20. [I][B]THUD.[/B][/I] [I][B]THUD.[/B][/I] [I][B]THUD.[/B][/I] Grunt. Deciperemon had been able to maneuver himself in the air so that he landed on his feet. The resulting impact with the floor still hurt a great deal, however. His legs collapsed from under him, and he lay down, gritting his teeth in pain and breathing deep through his nose. The three Weregarurumon were out cold, knocked unconscious with their more violent contact with the ground that preceded his own. Deciperemon tried standing up. Pain shot through his legs like electricity, and he was forced to sit back down. "Great. So now I'm stuck." he said aloud. Deciperemon crawled towards the nearest wall and propped himself up against it. He gingerly lifted his left leg and took a closer look. His ankles were bruised, and swollen to about three times their normal size. His foot was bleeding and had a couple pebbles imbedded into it. He carefully started to pick the pebbles out, wincing with pain as he did so.
  21. "Garu Squad? Is that the best you could come up with?" Deciperemon asked disdainfully. "Deciperemon, do not mock them. They outnumber us six to one." said Andromon. "Learn to count, there's two of us." "We're Ultimates, you're not." Andromon replied. "Let's go." said one of the Weregarurumon gruffly, approaching to take them into custody. "Catch me if you can, fur-face." said Deciperemon, suddenly vaulting himself into the air. Three of the Weregarurumon leapt up after him, their limbs every bit as agile as Deciperemon's. The other three remained on the ground and moved in to take Andromon away. The Weregarurumon that had moved just a moment before had been watching as Deciperemon jumped away from him, and in that instant Andromon knocked him down. His chest plate opened up and his two shark missile launched out and blew up against the remaining two Ultimates. Andromon then made a run for it, his bionic legs pumping fast. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Deciperemon, meanwhile, was having a bit of trouble. He hadn't expected the Weregarurumons to be able to follow him to the higher shelves. He was jumping from ledge to ledge as fast as he could, but they were swiftly gaining on him. "Halt!" one of them shouted. "Yeah right." muttered Deciperemon. He sprang off of one wall, and then off of another, so that he was streaming through the center of the narrow cavern, above their heads. They leapt up after him. They stayed there, suspended for a moment, the four of them. Then Deciperemon spun around in midair and unleashed a volley of Feinted Blasts right into their faces. The three of them fell like stones to the ground far below, and Deciperemon began the same descent.
  22. I've got a couple of questions about Ritual Summoning. If I were to summon a Ritual Monster by sacrificing Zolga and another card, both from my hand, would Zolga's effect work? And, if I were to use two monsters (field + field, field + hand, hand + hand) as a Tribute to Ritual Summon a monster, would Precious Cards from Beyond's effect work?
  23. [B]Name:[/B] Sengenjin. [B]Nickname/Callsign:[/B] I suppose if you wanted to be affectionate, you could call him Senji...:p [B]Attribute & Subtype:[/B] Earth, Beast-Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] There's one in my first post, if you're really interested. [B]Affiliation & Rank:[/B] Leader of the Earth monsters. [B]Reports to:[/B] Nobody in their right mind really tells Sengenjin what to do. They may suggest it to him, but few dare and try to exert any authority over him. He does meet with the other five Leaders, though, and has Freed report what has been occurring. [B]Weapon/s:[/B] Those various things strapped to his back. [B]Weapon Ability:[/B] Extreme...crushing....power... [B]Special Ability/Abilities:[/B] Is better suited to fight in open terrain, where his weapons are unimpeded. [B]History:[/B] Nobody knows how Sengenjin came to be, except for himself and maybe Freed. He doesn't seem to have a childhood, although his nature seems to hint that he is currently living it. He has an awful temper, and when it is aroused he tends to break thing. Sengenjin has a basic grasp of strategy, and when things don't work out his way, he [I]makes[/I] them go his way. His abundant strength and gigantic weaponry are usually more than enough to overcome any obstacles; like other monsters. When the time came to choose the Leader of the Earth monsters to be sent to the Council of Six, it all boiled down to Sengenjin and Freed. The two of them decided that the first one to reach the place the Council was meeting would be the Leader. At the outset of the race, Sengenjin simply clapped his hand down on Freed's shoulder and buried him up to his chin. "I see you there." he growled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, there's the second of my characters. I'm still waiting for someone to sign up before I start, so I'll explain some things while we wait. Your characters will [B]not be playing cards down.[/B] As you recall, they themselves are living forms that you chose to use from a card. Spell cards will be treated as spells or enchantments would in any other story. Some of the will not be, however. (I plan on the Deal with Dark Ruler to actually [B]be[/B] a deal with Dark Ruler Ha Des in the story) Traps will be used differently also. I'd like to think of them sort of as enchantments laid down sometime before they are used. Trap Holes, for example, will [B]be[/B] pit falls in the ground. They may not destroy a monster, but they will certainly cause them some damage. Something like Mirror Force probably won't be used. Most of the Spells and Traps will be used by the Spellcasters and Fiends. Here's a twist: Kione can use them as if they were cards. He holds out his hand and the image of a card appears, and then the effect is activated. Kione can also summon monster this way, although most of his creatures are already out and about. If you have any questions about what you can or cannot do with these, or if you'd just like to discuss an idea, let me know. ^_^
  24. Deciperemon woke up with a start. Where was he? His eyes frantically darted around the room. This wasn't right! Where was the store? What had happened? [I]What was going on?[/I] He looked to be in some sort of cave, and random wires ran haphazardly across the floors. Deciperemon looked to the end of the corridor-like cave he was located in. There was some small digimon there, talking to another. Deciperemon leapt from his bed, up onto a higher ledge in the cave. He leapt from wall to wall quietly, making as little noise as possible. The ledges ran throughout the complex, it appeared, and were very conveniently placed. Perhaps a bit [I]too[/I] conveniently placed. "You there! Who are you?" demanded an officious-sounding voice. A Garudamon was standing not far from where Deci was. Deci's eyes bulged, and he sprinted away. The Garudamon took to the air, gaining ground swiftly. Deciperemon came to the end of the passage, having jumped from numerous ledges to reach that point. He looked first left, and then right. Seeing no alternative, he ran back along the ledge and leapt up onto Garudamon. Bouncing lightly off of her head, Deciperemon shot himself higher into the air, letting himself reach a higher ledge. He traveled along, entering into a side passageway that Garudamon would never be able to fit into. He walked quietly along, almost afraid. He was in an unknown place full of hostile digimon. The "friends" he had recently been with were not to be found, and he did not know what to do. [I]"Perhaps you could trust them, for a change."[/I] came a quiet voice in the back of his mind. "Did you see that thing? She was ten times the size of me and twice as mean. She would had taken my head off in a minute." [I]"All she did was ask for your name."[/I] "That was the first thing I asked you, too, Wizardmon."
  25. Uthegiliel crushed the head of one of the golems with his massive fist, and then held up his arm to ward off one of the Hellhounds. It bit his arm, molten teeth burning even Uthegiliel's improved body. He grimaced in pain, and then flung the beast into a grouping of them. He leapt into the air and crushed them beneath his feet, tearing the limbs off that stuck out from under him. "Back to the pit that spawned you!" he shouted, hurling the stone frgaments into the blazing inferno. Uthegiliel was then struck down by the four-armed golem, whose flaming swords seared his stony skin. Smaller imps scurried over him, biting and tearing at him with their claws. The multilimbed behemoth raised its arms up again, preparing to strike another blow. Uthegiliel rolled to the side, crushing several of the imps. He got to his feet as swiftly as a man of stone can, and dealt a massive blow to the stony demon's chest. The beast recoiled a few steps, and Uthegiliel delivered another massive blow. The creature cut downwards with one of its blades, sinking it shallowly into Uthegiliel's shoulder and burning him with unholy fire. "Be...be....begone!" Uthegiliel shouted, pushing the beast away from him, and the setting his shoulder against the thing's chest. He pushed with everything he had and succeeded in pushing the creature over the edge of the abyss. Uthegiliel winced as the pain in his shoulder flared up, and then continued wreaking havoc among his unholy golems. He tore them limb from limb with his hands, and he slammed them into the walls, shattering them. Several more of the dogs bit him, inflicting many shallow wounds. One of the larger golems raised its hand to strike Uthegiliel from behind, but Renier threw himself at the beast and caused it to lose its balance. Uthegiliel tore of the head of another golem and threw it into the chest of the first, blowing apart its torso. Arciela's Dolls moved quickly and beguiled the golems into moving towards the deep chasms ripped in the earth. There, they were tripped or pushed over the edge and back into the fires of the underworld. Soon, all the golems were gone, and only fragments remained. Uthegiliel clapped his hands together and incanted a complicated formula in a thunderous voice. He concluded the brief rite by stamping his foot, which caused the floor to shake and the earth to close. "I am so, so very sorry." he said quietly. His body was a mess of dark flame from where the creatures had harmed him, and his chest heaved from his exertions. He sank to the ground, and wept a second time.
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