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[B]Solidus Snake:[/B] Thank you for fixing what we talked about. It's better now. [B]Deathbug:[/B] That's great, thanks. ^_^ [B]Solo:[/B] [I]Fantastic[/I] job with the History, and I like how you tied in his special ability to it as well. :D [B]Circeus:[/B] Good job. :) [B]Lynx:[/B] Very well done. :toothy: If anyone else would like to sign up, I'd very much like them to steer clear of Dark Types. We've got 3 already, and one of my characters is going to be the Dark Paladin. Nobody has signed up for any of the four available Leaders yet, so those are still open. Freed, too, is open to be used. Also, nobody has sided with Kione as yet. Heh. Usually there are at least [I]some[/I] people who wish to side with the enemy. :p Here's my sign-ups. [B]Name:[/B] Dark Paladin [B]Nickname/Callsign:[/B] Dain [B]Attribute & Subtype:[/B] Dark Spellcaster [B]Appearance:[/B] I'll get back to this. There's one in my first post, if you're really interested. [B]Affiliation & Rank:[/B] Dark Paladin is the Leader of the Dark monsters. [B]Reports to:[/B] The Council of Six [B]Weapon/s:[/B] Sword of Dragon Destroyer (adjusted) [B]Weapon Ability:[/B] Draws power from all Dragons surrounding the bearer and infuses them with it. [B]Special Ability/Abilities:[/B] By expending some of his energy, the Dark Paladin can negate various spells and enchantments employed by Kione and renegade monsters. The recovery of this energy is accelerated in the presence of Dragons. [B]History:[/B] Dain is an unusual monster in that he is the result of two monsters merging into one. Their histories are different, and therefore so is his. The Dark Magician half of Dain grew up as most Spellcasters did, learning to wield magic and studying its properties. The Dark Magician wanted more, though. He wanted to be a warrior. He wanted to fight. Learning the most destructive spells he could find, he appealed to Freed the Matchless General, who led the Warriors of the land. Freed laughed in his face. The Dark Magician tried to prove himself by challenging Freed to a spar, only to be defeated. Freed took him down without even drawing his sword. "You're not fit to be a Warrior." he said. "Go home and read your books, boy." The Dark Magician left, bruised and embarassed. On the way home from Freed's camp, he was attacked. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Buster Blader part of Dark Paladin grew up in Freed's camp. It was a mobile sea of tents and field foritications that moved whenever necessary. It was also a boisterous sort of place where fights often occurred. Buster Blader grew up among these rough and ready Warriors, learning all that he could from each of them. Eventually he overcame his primary teacher in a fight. Once, and only once, Buster Blader beat Garnecia Elephantis. Buster Blader was present the day that the Dark Magician challenged Freed. And he was also there as he tried in vain to defeat Freed using his magic. With each move he winced. Didn't the fool know that Freed was immune to magic? If he ever hoped to beat him, he'd have to learn to use that flimsy staff. Buster Blader followed the Dark Magician as he slunk home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The two met late one evening. The Dark Magician had set up camp for the night, invoking a Yellow Luster Shield around where he lay. The shield held his attackers away only for a moment before they were upon him. It was a Dark Ruler Ha Des, along with a pack of Twin-Headed Wolves and two Kryuel. The Dark Magician tried to fight them off, but he really stood no chance against them. Fiends thrived on darkness, and their numbers would quickly overwhelm him Then Buster Blader leapt out of the Darkness, shearing the Kryuel into pieces. His attack caught the other Fiends by surprise, which gave him time to dispense with several of them. "Kill the Warrior!" Ha Des commanded. Thw Twin-Headed Wolves obediently began snapping and scratching at Buster Blader, rending large dents in his armor. When they were almost gone, Ha Des stepped in. "Two-Pronged Attack!" he declared, sacrificing two of the remaining wolves to cause substantial damage to Buster Blader. The last wolf was strangled one-handedly as Buster Blader leaned on his sword. Ha Des grinned viciously and held up his hand, enveloping it in an aura of dark energy. "Dark Magic Attack!" Ha Des tumbled forward, having been struck from behind. The Dark Magician stood there, leaning painfully against a tree, bleeding from a dozen tooth-rent wounds. "Dark Piercing Light!" declared the Dark Magician, extending his hand. The Darkness of the forest around them vanished, and Ha Des was temporarily blinded by the overwhelming wave of brightness. Buster Blader seixed upon the moment and plunged his sword through Ha Des's chest. They both slumped to the ground. The two of them sat there, taking shallow, painful breaths. "Thank you." croaked the Dark Magician. Buster Blader said nothing in return. The Dark Magician staggered over to where Buster Blader lay. The monster that had just saved his life was dead, it seemed. "I can save him for you." came a quiet voice from beyond the darkness. "Who's there?" An Illusionist Faceless Mage slithered into the clearing. Its hands shifted unceasingly, and its faces stared blankly into space. "Would you have me save him?" it politely inquired. "Yes, I suppose." replied the naive Dark Magician. The offer of an Illusionist was not to be taken at face value. "So be it then." The Illusionist began to cast a spell, its hands waving in intricate patterns and causing the air to waver as if it were a hot day. The Dark Magician grew dizzy, and fell asleep. When he awoke, he and the Buster Blader were one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign-ups are still open. Those of you who have already joined, feel free to make up a second character if you think you can handle another. If you can't or don't want to, that's fine too. If anyone has any questions or anything, feel free to contact me by PM or on AIM. My screen name is [B]Legoboy1[/B]. Any ideas, especially, I am eager to hear. I'll get into the usage of Trap cards and Spell cards later. We may even be able to perform a few Ritual Summons. ~_^
I once went on something in New Jersey called 'Extreme Velocity.' It was basically a large slingshot with a little sphere in the center of it. The sphere had two seats in it and a video camera pointed at the seats. The sphere is attached to the rope/wire/cable in between the two poles, and people are seated inside, one or two at a time. After a minute or two, you are launched high into the air, beyond the tips of the two poles. It was extremely fun. ^_^ My sister and I went on it together. We got a great (albeit spinning) view of the surrounding area, and chatted idly on the way down. I was laughing just about the rest of the time. And, I got a t-shirt that says "Did it!" on the back. [I]That's[/I] gotten me a number of arched eyebrows and questions. :p
[I]"Fools, all of them." said Alex in the silences of his mind. "They have no idea what we're up to."[/I] [I]"Of course they don't." says a second voice in Alex's head. "We've played it perfectly so far."[/I] [I]"What should we do now?"[/I] [I]"Now we start to get serious. Play Barrel Behind the Door facedown. It will go perfectly with the Graverobber that is already there." [I]"We need a monster to protect us."[/I] [I]Play the Cyber Jar. They certainly won't be expecting that. And as a precaution, play the Mirror Force facedown too."[/I] "I'll play two cards facedown and one monster in Defense Mode. I end my turn."
An evil figure has entered the Duel Monsters? world, taking command of all of the Dragons in the land. They follow him unquestioningly and are incapable of communicating with any other monsters except by his will. This new figure appears to be the Paladin of White Dragon, dressed as he is in the Raregold armor and riding the characteristic dragon. Underneath the armor, though, is dark clothing that conceals his flesh. In an attempt to put a name to the figure, the monsters dubbed him Kione, which means: ?Someone Who Comes from Nowhere.? Indeed, Kione, it seems, did appear out of nothing. There are no rumors as to his origin or his intent. Kione?s intent became clear very soon, however. Within a week of his entrance into the Duel Monster world, he had built himself a fortress. Or rather, it just appeared suddenly at the pinnacle of Gaia Mountain. The sheer face of the mountain prevented most monsters from reaching the castle, excepting the Dragons, who somehow melded into the very stone of the mountain, to emerge upon the command of Kione. The Dragons began attacking the various cities and communities built by the more civilized creatures. They in turn retaliated, launching sporadic offensives against Gaia Mountain. These attacks were crushed mercilessly by Kione?s trio of Blue-Eyes White Dragons and the overwhelming number of other Dragons under his command. The majority of the Water Monsters joined Kione of their own free will. Being the smallest and weakest of the Six major Attribute monster types, they decided that their only hope for survival in the conflict was to side with the invader. Soon, great waterfalls ran down the edge of Mount Gaia, and mist shrouded it from view. With Dragons and Water monsters both under his command, Kione wasted no time in subduing two of the other six Attributes. The realms of both Fire and Wind fell under Kione?s swift and powerful onslaught. The remaining three Attributes of Dark, Light, and Earth, have joined forces with the surviving forces of Fire and Wind, along with a few loyal Water monsters, to combat the darkness that has befallen their world. Forming a loose alliance, called the Alliance of the Last Cause, the collected power of the Monster World is about to be pitted against that of the outsider, Kione. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]The Leaders of the Attributes:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B][URL=http://store4.yimg.com/I/abctoy4me_1791_70112162]Dark-Dark Paladin.[/URL][/B] The Dark Paladin is a quiet, calculating individual. He rarely speaks, except to give curt orders or quiet threats. His carefully measured manner makes him an adept warrior and strategist, able to react to any and all things. He excels in battle against Dragons, whose very presence infuse him with power. By giving up some of his own power, he is able to nullify Magic.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][B][URL=http://store4.yimg.com/I/abctoy4me_1789_59786846]Light-Guardian Angel Joan.[/URL][/B] Similarly subdued, Joan is the leader of the monsters of Light. As has often been the case with those associated with light, Joan is peaceful. She is often the arbitrator of any disagreements among the council. When she is forced to join in battle, however, she is as fierce a foe as any of the other Six. Though the destruction of another monster brings her sorrow, it rejuvenates her and her close companions, in spirit and in health.[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B][URL=http://store4.yimg.com/I/abctoy4me_1788_172862326]Wind-Harpie Ladies Sisters.[/URL][/B] With their minds linked and their facial expression identical, one can speak with the Ladies as if they were one creature. They never separate, except when making calculated strikes during battle. They are fierce warriors and they strive to take revenge for the destruction of their Realm.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][B][URL=http://www.yugioh-haus.com/images/P3-05.jpg]Earth-Sengenjin.[/URL][/B] Massive and bestial, Sengenjin is merely a figurehead of the Earth monsters. The real person in charge is[URL=http://store4.yimg.com/I/abctoy4me_1788_23909243] Freed the Matchless General.[/URL] In times of trouble, Sengenjin wields his authority as he does his golden mace, but leaves tranquil matters and matters of strategy up to Freed. Sengenjin isn?t very intelligent, but he has a good heart.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B][URL=http://store4.yimg.com/I/abctoy4me_1790_6589461]Fire-Legendary Flame Lord.[/URL][/B] Prone to act rashly, the Legendary Flame Lord is the figure who most often starts any arguments or disputes in the Council. It was this rashness that seriously depleted his forces. He attacked Kione and his forces head-on and was nearly annihilated. The Legendary Flame Lord no longer has much authority, with the loss of the majority of his race. It was his reckless preemptive attack that gave the final three Realms time to react and prepare for Kione?s advance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B][URL=http://yugiohstuff.nstemp.com/images/octoberser.jpg]Water-Octoberser.[/URL][/B] Octoberser is the leader of a small sect of Water monsters loyal to the Confederation of the Last Cause. Normally level-headed, Octoberser can get into a battle-frenzy in a moment?s time. His tentacles provide him with great agility, particularly in water. His abilities with his spear are swift and accurate to an inch. His smooth Caribbean accent sometimes hides his real intentions.[/COLOR] So, there it is, I guess. I?ll unravel more as people sign up, and as the RPG begins. Four of the Six Attribute Leaders may be used as your own character, all excepting Sengenjin and Dark Paladin. Anyone who wishes to be Freed the Matchless should contact me via PM first. If you?re going to sign up as one of the Six Leaders, please provide a sign-up for your character anyways. You can take creative license with them, but please keep the basic part the same. I don?t expect to see Guardian Angel Joan raving at the prospect of a battle. :p I nearly forgot. A sign-up sheet might be helpful. Here?s the set-up. As usual, feel free to add fields. [B]Name:[/B] The name of your character. [B]Nickname/Callsign:[/B] I figured it would get pretty tiring going around and calling each other "Archfiend Soldier" or "Fear from the Dark." This is a name that you would go by in the story. If the card's name is already suitable, like Ryu Senshi, or is something that can be shorted. then it's okay. [I]Example of shortening: Mefist the Infernal General ------> Mefist. Mataza the Zapper ------> Mataza[/I] [B]Attribute & Subtype:[/B] What's your monster's Attribute? What is their Subtype? [B]Appearance:[/B] Pictures are great, if you can get them. If not, feel free to provide a flowing description of every minute detail. Including both would be an astounding feat. [B]Affiliation & Rank:[/B] If you're character is a Dragon, that automatically makes them under Kione's dominion. Water monsters, too, are part of his forces. Rank doesn't matter so much, I just want to get an idea of where they stand in the grand scheme of things. Are they a common footman, some sort of specialist, a Leader, or one of Kione's top men? [B]Reports to:[/B] If you're high up in command, you'll be reporting right to Kione or the Council of Six. If you're not, you'll have to go through an intermediate, like the head of your own squad of monsters. I want to know, who is it that they'd go through? [B]Weapon/s:[/B] If you're character is portrayed with a weapon, mention it here. Additionally, if you want to have an Equip card on your monster, that can be put here. (I'm talking about things like the Guardian weapons; things that have actual form. Not something like United we Stand.) [B]Weapon Ability:[/B] Example: Fusion Sword Murasame Blade would actually fuse to the monster that uses it, and can not be destroyed. Buster Rancher wouldn't be a very mobile weapon, but I can see somebody being able to use it, provided it fits the restrictions of the card. [B]Special Ability/Abilities:[/B] If your monster has an Effect on their card, see if you can make some sort of real world spin-off. If not, then don't worry about it. [B]History:[/B] Tell me what they've been doing up to the point of the conflict with Kione. They could be a farmer, a bounty hunter, a soldier, etc. I think that wraps it up for now. Have at it. ^_^
The eyes. They wouldn't leave him alone. There were dozens of them, and then hundreds, and then thousands. [I]Tens of thousands.[/I] Millions. The eyes were watching him, waiting for him to mess up. Uthegiliel Ominihe, one of the last of their clan. One of the few capable of bringing honor to their fallen clan. Uthegiliel felt their eyes upon him. They were all dead now, but their spirits lived on, tormenting him. He was too old. He was so frail, so weak, so pathetic. And it was he who was supposed to advise the clan; to guide the clan heads. The clan hadn't had any real political power for years. They were outcasts, all of them. And the dead ones laughed. Laughed at Uthegiliel. Laughed at his attempts to go on living, laughed as he struggled to get out of bed each morning, but they sneered when he performed his magics. None of them in their lifetime ever accomplished such great feats. None of them took as many risks, none of them worked as hard. But none of them had turned their friend's room into an imitation of Hell, either. [I]"You wrinkled idiot."[/I] a voice cackled in his ear. [I]"You'll kill them all. All the people you've ever known, or thought you knew. They'll all be dead. You will have killed them."[/I] Uthegiliel suddenly found his voice. [I]"No."[/I] [I]"Oh come on now, you really can't do a thing. You're too weak."[/I] Another voice piped in. [I]"No."[/I] [I]"You're a twig! Give up, old man!"[/I] said a gruff voice. [I]"Leave me alone, accursed spirits. I am not a shriveled old Drow anymore."[/I] he could see his hands, his [I]real[/I], physical hands. [B]"I AM STONE!"[/B] With that, the spirits were driven from his mind, and Uthegiliel awoke to the monstrosities he had unleashed. Upon one of his dearest friends, he had called forth the fires of hell and the demons that lived there. Uthegiliel looked with horror upon the chaos. Countless dolls littered the floor, singed and damaged beyond repair. Still more were being torn to pieces by the beasts he had unleashed. Tears slowly trickled down Uthegiliel's face. "STOP!" he commanded. The beasts did not listen, and the fires did not abate. Uthegiliel set his jaw and leapt forward to put things right again. By force.
Alex glanced around as the walls of the labyrinth crumbled away into nothingness. Not too far away, he spotted Lance. Lance saw Alex as well. Despite the severe beatdown he had received in their last duel, Lance smirked. Alex asked him. "Do you dare to challenge me again?" "Hmph. I don't have to challenge you so long as we're in this place. I can just summon monsters as I please. And do you know what? There was one particular card in my deck that I did not get to play: My master's Egyptian God Card! The Winged Dragon of Ra!" "You fool, Konner has the Winged Dragon!" Lance smirked. "That's what he [I]thinks.[/I] Master Marik is the guardian of the ancient artifacts you dolt! He would not let his card fall into the hands of some wanna-be duelist. Konner's card is a [I][B]fake![/B][/I]" he drew a card from his deck. "Behold the [I][B]real[/B][/I] RA!" he shouted and he placed the card down on his duel disk. Clouds appeared out of nowhere to swirl endlessly about the ceiling, which had been significantly raised when the walls disappeared. Lightning crackled and rapid winds raged. Lance glanced up in triumph, only to see the clouds vanish and the rumbling thunder to cease. "What's going on?!" he shrieked. He glanced at Alex. Alex's Millennium Seal was glowing brightly, making it difficult to see his face. "My Millennium Seal has the power to lock the power of other objects, or [I]seal[/I] them. That is what I have done. Ra can not come out so long as I do not want it to." Lance stepped back, suddenly very afraid. He tried to summon another monster. Alex's Millennium Item shone brilliantly and the monster did not appear. Card after card, Lance tried to play, backing away from Alex. Alex slowly advanced upon the hapless Rare Hunter, inexorably drawing closer and closer. "Give me Ra." "Ne-never!" sputtered Lance, clutching at his Deck protectively. "It belongs to Master Marik!" "I won't ask again." Desperately, Lance dove to the ground and rolled. He sprang to his feet and began to run. Alex summoned Mefist again and got on. Alex charged after Lance and rode him down. The dark steed's hoofs crushed Lance beneath it, and his duel disk was sent spiraling away with a flick of Mefist's axe. Alex stepped down off of the horse and retrieved Ra. [B][COLOR=DarkBlue]"With the power of both me and Ra, nothing will stand in our way. Well done, my Guardian."[/COLOR][/B] "Master, Jon has an uncanny ability to know everything at once. (O.O.C. Godmodder!. :p) He will surely know that I now have Ra. How can we keep him from taking Ra?" [B][COLOR=DarkBlue]"I am infusing Ra's card with my power as we speak. No one but you shall be able to touch it once I am done. All else will perish should they touch the card or attempt to unlock its powers."[/COLOR][/B]
"You go." "No, you go." "Why me?" "Because I told you to." "Well, I told you to first." "So? "So what?" "So what does it matter if you told me to go first?" "Does it matter?" "I don't know, does it?" "I asked you first." "So?" "So what?" "So what does it matter if you asked first?" "Does it matter?" "I don't know." "Let's not get caught up in this again. Just cross the line." "No, you cross the line." "Do you even know what's on the other side?" "Not a clue. Do you?" "Nope. That's why you should go." "Why me?" "Because I'm obviously the smarter of the two of us." [I]There was a pause.[/I] "So then, you should go. I probably wouldn?t understand what's beyond the line." "No, because if it's something dangerous, it'd be too much of a loss if I died." "So now I'm expendable? "Yes." "Why don't we both cross the line? If there's any danger, I can shield your body with my own." "You'd do that?" "Sure. I'm the stupid one, remember? That automatically makes me trusting, friendly, and loyal." "Wow. I guess we'll cross together then." "Great!" "Are you sure you can protect me?" "I'll try my hardest." "What if that isn't enough?" "Then you shouldn't have crossed the line." "Are you saying that I shouldn't cross the line?" "No, just that if things turn out bad, you shouldn't have." "And if things turn out good?" "Then it's a darn good thing I brought the smart one along. I sure wouldn't know what to do." "Are we going to cross the line?" "I was just getting to that." "Don't you mean 'we'?" "Right. Let's go." [I]The two cross the line.[/I] "Wow. It sure is different here." "Yeah. Just look at all of the machinery." "Do you think that guy could have been telling the truth?" "Maybe. This sure gives his story some credibility." "Hey, heads up. I think that thing's looking at us." "No, there it goes. It's probably just a drone or something." "What's a drone?" "A sort of mindless go-getter." "Would you call me a drone?" "I would if you were just a bit stupider." "What would you call me if I were smarter?" "Dead, probably. I can't stand competition." "Then I guess I'd better not learn anything." "Good idea." "Hey, let's get down from here. I don't like the looks of this place." "Yeah." [I]Some time later...[/I] "Brr. I'm cold." "Yeah. It's pretty chilly without clothes on." "Where do you think we can find some clothes?" "I don't know. Maybe we can make something for ourselves." "All I've seen is scrap metal, and it doesn't look all that comfortable." "Well then, maybe we can make some sort of shelter." "I'd better do it. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." "Good idea. My mind is the only thing keeping us alive right now. Best not to tax it with too much." "Do you think this bar would be able to hold the weight of this thing?" "Yes, I think so. Try it. If it doesn't work, your life doesn't mean much anyways." "Oh, right." "Careful, though. I might need you later." "Okay, I think I've got it." "Good, now shift that one piece right there." "This one?" "No, the other one?" "Shift it which way?" "To the left." "Oh, okay." "Got it yet?" "Not yet, it's jammed against something." "Be careful, those things look sharp." "I'll be okay. I just need to press a bit harder." [I]Several red lights flare to life among the metal.[/I] "Hey, what's that?" "I don't know. You're the smart one, shouldn't you know?" "Yes, I probably should." "Perhaps there's something about it in that notebook that you found." "Oh, I should have thought of that. I'll take a look." "You might want to hurry. This thing is starting to move, and those things you mentioned do look pretty sharp." "Ah, here it is. It's got a picture and everything." "So what is it?" "The notebook says it's a Sentinel. Apparently they're also called "Squiddies." "That's a funny name." "Yeah, but look at how it's legs move like that. It does look kind of a like a squid." "Hey, what's it doing?" "It looks like it's coming towards me. You'd better come over here in case it's dangerous." "Okay. I'll just stand here in front of you." "Watch out, it looks like it's going to whip you." "I don?t think so. It looks more like it will plunge its tentacle through my ches-" "If you were going to say "chest" you would have been right. But then I would have had to kill you anyways. You guessed right when I guessed wrong. We can't have you thinking that you're smarter than me." [I]There was no reply.[/I] "What's this? It looks like it's going to attack me, too. But that's preposterous. I'm obviously the smartest thing around, it wouldn't dare harm me." [I]The Sentinel plunged its tentacle through the being's head, spattering its brains across the ground.[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You see what happens when I'm sick? I write stuff like this.
Deciperemon, seeing that Fladramon was going to be okay for the moment, went into the store once again. His spirits were exceedingly high, and he felt alive with energy. His fingers glowed with power from his recent fight. He twitched absently. Deci decided he'd better get rid of some of this, and quick. He didn't like being this chipper, and the twitching was getting annoying. "Feinted blasts!" he said, knocking over some cans. He set them up again in different places about the room, and then hid in a makeshift fort of old trash bags. He leapt out of the fort, and fired off several Feinted Blasts. They ricocheted around the room, knocking over cans and random other objects. Cereal boxes burst open and fruits squelched as they were struck. Deciperemon leapt up and ran along the wall, firing off more Feinted Blasts and generally making a ruckus. Andromon stepped into the store. "What are you doing in here?" Deciperemon, high on the energy he had attained and the fun he was having, fired off several Feinted Blasts at Andromon. They struck him dead on, causing him to take a step back. Andromon wasn't pleased. "What is the meaning of this assault?" he demanded. "Bring it on, tin head." Andromon's chest opened up. "Gattling Attack!" Two small shark-toothed missiles fired out and began shooting at Deciperemon. Deci ran around the store, dodging and weaving between the aisles and leaping from wall to the ceiling to another wall. It was pretty much utter chaos, and Deci was having the time of his life. The two missiles closed in on him from opposite directions, though, and they collided behind him as he leapt from a wall. He fell to the ground, catching himself on his hand and springing back to his feet. He wiped his brow. "Whoo..." he said, grinning "What a rush." "Lightning Blade!" The attack sailed over Deciperemon's head and destroyed what was left of an old the lobster tank. "Crap...I think he's angry." Deci said t himself. "Maybe this'll mollify him." Deci clapped his hands. "Pathetic Countenance!" Deciperemon was soon covered with bruises and scrapes again, his ears drooped and he acquired an artificial limp. It was a facade, though; in reality he was fine. Deci usually used this ability to lure people into attacking him so he could use Attack Snatcher. He was hoping that this, coupled with an effusive apology, would get him away without any [I]real[/I] damage. "I'm sorry!" he croaked, limping out of the aisle in front of Andromon. "I don't know what came over me. I've learned my lesson. Please forgive me." Andromon looked down at Deciperemon. Deci looked up pitifully, with wide eyes and a bleeding lip. "Very well then. Don't do it again." "Thanks." Deci said, and limped out of the store. Within a few moments, the injuries disappeared and he began to saunter back over to Fladramon. [I]Sucker.[/I]
"Just...wait...a...second..." repeated Ben, slowly pacing. "[I]What to do?[/I]" he repeated silently to himself. Somebody had to go and get more clones. Alaris would be better suited, having a wealth of military knowledge; he knew what was needed. But Ben didn't want anyone traveling alone who couldn't handle a human with psychic abilities. Could Alaris handle them? Could any of them, other than Ben? Ben tried to picture them all in the situation. He could see Rena, hissing and spitting as a human held her against a wall, taking aim with a laser. Ben pictured Jedgar lurking around a corner, only to be discovered by a human's wandering mind and being stunned, then killed. He saw Crystal desperately take a shot at a human, who brushed away the bolt with a thought and fired back at her, killing her. He could not, however, picture Laris being caught in any one of those situations. For some reason, it just didn't seem like it could happen. Ben hoped he was right. "Alright." he said. "Alaris, you go. You know what we need and how to get it." he glanced at the others. He didn't want a repeat of the last time Rena went to the Capital, and Crystal's presence would mean little to anyone there. Jedgar had just arrived, and Ben needed someone he could really count on in case things went wrong. He trusted no one more than he trusted Jedgar. The chameleon-clones would be needed if only for the strength of numbers. Their stealth capabilities were a plus, too. "Do you need anything?" Ben asked. "Just be safe, Ben." he said, and took off. Ben turned to the others. "We don't know what's out there, so let's be careful." In a case of extreme irony, Ben fell to the ground, having taken a laser shot to the shoulder.
Alex glanced at his surroundings and snorted. [I]Labyrinth?[/I] Surely they could do better than that. The ceiling hung oppressively over his head. Summoning Obelisk in this place would not be a good idea, he decided. Though Obelisk could undoubtedly destroy the roof as he appeared from his card, the rubble might harm Alex. Alex was expendable, but there was no need to summon Obelisk at the moment anyways. [I]"Find the others."[/I] Obelisk's voice soundede in Alex's mind. Since he had taken Obelisk, Alex's deck had been changed. In place of Airknight Parshath was a new card, Mefist the Infernal General. Alex summoned him and took a spot in front of Mefist on his dark steed. "Let's go." he said quietly. Mefist nodded and drove his heels into the beast's flanks. Alex ran around the labyrinth, seeking his two enemies. After runing back and forht through the maze several times, it became apparent that he was trapped. His section of the maze was blocked off from the rest. A minor annoyance, to Alex. He drew a card from his deck and placed it on his duel disk. "Come forth, Giant Orc!" The massive beast materialized suddenly in front of Alex and Mefist. It held a gigantic bone it its hands and its eyes burned with a primitive evil. "Make us an opening." Alex ordered. The Giant Orc nodded stupidly,a nd then raised its bone high overhead. It brought it down with a thunderous crash against the wall of the labyrinth, causing it to shatter outwards in a cloud of dust and rubble. The Giant Orc disappeared back into its card. Mefist and Alex slowly walked through the new opening, and came out right behind the two thugs, Aeros and Squall. "Well now." Alex said. "What have we here?"
Double-posting, Takuya? :therock: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deciperemon eyed the new digimon carefully. "Then again, we probably wouldn't fit in his mouth." Andromon scanned the two digimon. He got a clear read-out on Fladramon, whom he had seen before. At least, he had seen one, not necessarily this Fladramon. The other one, Deciperemon, was another mystery as the Chronomon had been. [I]No Data[/I] flashed continuously on Andromon's monitor. "Who are you?" Andromon asked. "The name is Deciperemon." Deci introduced himself. "And I'm wondering, would you like to fight me?" Andromon was perplexed. The small digimon was obviously in bad condition, and of a lower power level than Andromon. His arm was in a sling, and dried blood was crusting on his shins and forearms. It would not be very fair for him, an Ultimate, to absorb the beaten Rookie's data. "No, I do not wish to destroy you." he replied. Deciperemon groaned and rolled his eyes. "Why does no one believe that I can take care of myself?" "Maybe because you're beat to a pulp." supplied Fladramon, wincing. "Rhetorical question!" barked Deciperemon. "If you're going to say anything, it had better be ?Fire Rocket,? or one of your other attacks." "As if [I]I'm[/I] in any condition to be fighting." "Why is it that I don't have any data on you?" asked Andromon of Deci. "Probably because I'm one of a kind, baby. I was created by some kid way back when. Back in the time when human partners actually cared. Somehow he hacked into his digivice and changed me from what I originally was. I think it might have been a Gazimon or an Impmon, or something." he sat down. "Come on, how about a Lightning Blade? Just a small one?" "I do not think you could sustain even one of my weaker attacks." declared the Andromon. Deciperemon would have retorted, but at that moment Fladramon slumped over onto the ground, lying in a small puddle of his own blood. "Crap! You, Andromon, press this against his wound!" Deciperemon removed the bag from his back and handed it to the android digimon. "Ill be back in a minute." Deciperemon took off, searching through the woods. His legs ached and his arm screamed in pain, but Fladramon was dying and he didn't want to see what seemed like such a nice guy pass. When he had downloaded Wizardmon's data, Deciperemon had learned quite a bit about herbs and plants and the like. He only hoped he could find the right ones to help his ailing friend. Looking around quickly, he accidentally tripped over something and fell. "Hey, watch where you're going." a scratchy voice sounded. Deciperemon flipped himself over with his good arm and came face to face with a Digitamamon. The egg-encased digimon was irritated, but Deciperemon couldn't be bothered to do anything right now. "Sorry, got to go!" he got up and started to run away. The Digitamamon snarled and attacked. "Nightmare Syndrome!" Deciperemon spun around to try and catch the attack. He cursed silently. It was coming from the wrong angle, and he wasn't ready. He leapt to the side, and the attack demolished a tree. Deciperemon snatched up a few roots from the tree and tucked them in his sling. He grabbed a few flowers along the way as well. "Nightmare Syndrome!" Deciperemon saw the attack coming, but tripped over a bush and could not get out of the way. His eyes widened as he saw doom approaching. "Lightning Paw!" Gatomon appeared suddenly and pounded away the Digitamamon's attack with her fist. "I thought I told you to stay put. " she growled. "Patience has never really been my thing." he replied. "Now take these and get back to Fladramon." he handed her the assorted plants. "Grind them up and mix them with some water, then sort of press it into his wound. It'll numb the pain and keep the wound from getting infected. Patch him as best you can after that." "Nightmare Syndrome!" The tree they had been talking behind disintegrated. Gatomon leapt behind another tree, and Deciperemon sprawled behind a large bush. "What about egg-boy here?" she asked. "I can take care of him, I think." replied Deciperemon. "Yeah right, you'd be better off running." "Fine, whatever." he replied, "Just go already." She departed, the plants tucked in one paw. Deciperemon stepped into the open, and he removed the sling from his arm. It hung out behind him, grotesquely twisted. "I'm right here, yolk-for-brains!" Digitamamon narrowed his eyes and yelled. "Nightmare Syndrome!" The ghoul-like apparition flew out of his face and headed straight for Deciperemon. Deciperemon put his good arm out in front of him and propped up his other roughly facing the attack. "Attack Snatcher!" he cried. An purple nimbus surrounded his hands, and the Nightmare Syndrome flew straight into Deci's incandescent palms. A huge swelling of energy flowed through his body, and he could feel the various bumps, bruises, and scrapes beginning to disappear. With a loud POP, his arm was set back into place, and the pain was gone. After his body was fully recovered, Deci still had a lot of energy leftover. Digitamamon was an Ultimate, and his attack was quite a bit more than Deci needed. "Feinted Blasts!" he said, cupping his hands together. A horde of bright purple energy beams sprang rapidly from Deciperemon's palms and ricocheted around, one after another striking Digitamamon. Digitamamon laughed derisively. "You can't hurt me, my shell is too tough." Deciperemon frowned. "Crap. I forgot about the shell." he jumped up into a tree and aimed his palm at Digitamamon. "Hey, chicken excrement!" Digitamamon turned at the sound of his voice. "Say SCRAMBLED!" Deciperemon unleashed a volley of blasts directly into the open face of Digitamamon's shell. Digitamamon bellowed in pain and ran off. Deciperemon put his right index finger up with his thumb cocked back. He blew off some imaginary smoke. "Oh yeah. I'm back in business."
Uthegiliel watched quietly as Arciela and Renier began to fight. The two were undoubtedly skilled; although one could not tell from the awkward swings and lunges they used to feel each other out. As soon as they each became sure of the other's competency, the battle grew in intensity. Renier tried time and time again to get closer and closer to Arciela to make better use of his rapier, but she simply grinned and slashed him away with the glaive. The two were obviously close to equal; the spar was a fascinating rarity in those that he'd seen. And yet Uthegiliel felt himself becoming detached from the spar, his mind wandering elsewhere. He closed his eyes. Arciela and Renier continued their contest as Uthegiliel sank deeper and deeper into the lower levels of his mind. Something was happening, something was wrong. Uthegiliel felt panic; he couldn't move, he couldn't control his body. His thoughts were becoming frantic; what was going on?! The panic seeped away as he was drawn inexorably into the darkness within himself. The Dolls peered at him from the doorway. [I]They[/I] could feel something was happening. Arciela and Renier, caught up as they were, were oblivious to the impending event. The floor under them buckled slightly. Arciela and Renier didn't notice. The walls shook violently for a moment. They stopped, puzzled. The floor began to ooze, melting upwards into shape. A four-armed figure of stone and sand. "Uthegiliel?" Arciela asked uncertainly. She looked over to him. His eyes were closed and he did not respond. The beast plunged its hands into the ground and pulled up swords of molten magma that emanated an intense heat. Renier backed away nervously. "Uthegiliel!" he snapped. Several more stone creatures formed from the walls and the ground. Little stone imps, hellish dogs of flaming brimstone, and more demonic lords of stone. The ground began to rupture, buckling upwards as the stone cracked and groaned. Uthegiliel grimaced and inwardly writhed in pain. The spell had gone wrong somehow! Somehow he was losing control of himself, and his powers.
"Master Marik wants Obelisk for his own. Ra and Slifer already failed him at Battle City, but he sees Obelisk as the most powerful God card. And I will win it for him." [I]"Not very likely, fool."[/I] Alex said, his voice overlain with a deeper, more powerful one. [I]"Marik is not the one destined to use Obelisk, Alex is."[/I] "We'll see." replied Lance. He looked at his hand. "I summon Dark Blade in Attack Mode! And, I set two cards facedown." "Well now....what shall I do?" said Alex quietly. "I'll set one monster in Defense Position, and two cards facedown." "Ha! Defending already?" sneered Lance. "I'll tear your defense monster to pieces! Go, Dark Blade! Attack!" Alex smirked. "Congratulations on attacking my Nimble Momonga. I gain 1000 LifePoints, and I set two more Nimble Momongas facedown as well. Finished?" "No, I'll set one monster card face-down in Defense Position." "Excellent...I'll play The Nobleman of Crossout to remove your facedown monster from play. And then, I'll play Change of Heart on your Dark Blade. I'll sacrifice it for my Great Maju Garzett! Attack his LifePoints directly!" "Magic Cylinder!" shouted Lance, activating his Trap. "Barrel Behind the Door." declared Aelx, activating one of his own. Twin cups apeared in the air. Great Maju Garzett's attack flew in one, and then out of the other. The energy flew towards Alex, but was then absorbed by an ancient Egyptian gun. The gun aimed at the Rare Hunter, and fired. Score: Alex: 8000, Rare Hunter: 4400 "Then I'll set one card facedown, and end my turn." said Alex. "I'll play Pot of Greed." said Lance. "I'll activate my second facedown card, Appropriate. This allows me to draw two cards whenever you draw outside of your Draw Phase." said Alex. "Fine. I set one Monster facedown on the field, and then I end my turn." "Good. I'll draw." "I'll play Drop-Off! Send it to the Graveyard!" "Very well, now I play Pot of Greed, which allows me to draw two more cards, anyways." Alex grinned viciously. "Activate Ceasefire, my facedown card!" Lance's Man-Eater Bug is flipped face-up, it's effect negated. Alex's two Nimble Momongas are flipped faceup as well, Lance loses 2000 LifePoints due to Ceasefire's effect. Score: Alex: 8000, Rare Hunter: 2400 "Gve up now, cretin." sneered Alex. "Never, Master Marik desires the card." Lance remained adament. "Fine then. I'll play Fissure on your pathetic bug. And then I'll sacrifice my three monsters.....to summon......[B]OBELISK THE TORMENTOR! ANNIHILATE HIM![/B]"
Deciperemon awoke fitfully. He would open his eyes, and then close them, sleeping for another few minutes. His eyes would open again, and he'd gain consciousness. The ardent smell of ripe bananas washed over him and kept his nose constantly on the alert. A loud noise jolted Deci and caused him to become fully awake. He tried to jump up swiftly, but his joints ached and his muscles were sore. Deciperemon made it about halfway up and then crumpled back down to the floor, his limbs a tangled mess. "Yeah...you most definitely don't want to jump from high places again, Deci..." he groaned. Deciperemon staggered to his feet. The pain was much worse now that he had given his body time to rest. He leaned against a partially collapsed shelf and began to stretch. He stopped rather quickly. His arm, which had seemed to be okay after the fall, was obviously not okay. "Egad...it's...backwards." Indeed, Deciperemon's arm was twisted at a rather odd angle. He experimentally poked it with his other hand. "[I][U][B]OWWW![/B][/U][/I]" Deciperemon gritted his teeth and growled. The pain was intense. He hunched over, careful to keep his arm out of the way. His eyes were pressed tightly closed, and he was lightly swaying to and fro. Deci eventually came to rest beside what was a Help desk. He caught his breath, and then began to search the place for something that could possibly help. He searched shelf after collapsed shelf. Nothing was really left. Nothing that wasn't half-decayed, at least. Deciperemon grabbed himself a small plastic bag holder. It was basically a sack, open on both ends. He tied up the bottom end and slung the thing over his good arm. "What I really need is someone to fight. That'd fix this arm in a jiffy." As controversial as it sounded, the words made sense. Whenever he was harmed, Deciperemon could absorb the attack of another digimon and use it to heal himself. He hadn't seen any digimon since the Motimon ran away when he crashed. Deci limped out of the building, hoping that he could find..........well, [I]something.[/I] "If I get eaten before I have the chance to recover, I'll be most put out."
Alex appeared just as soon as Jon had left. His Millennium Seal flashed, and the Shadow Game was suspended. Konner was held stock-still, oblivious to the arrival of Alex and the stop of the duel. "Welcome to the Shadow Realm, Jagan..." said Alex. "Who are you?" Jagan demanded. "I am called Alex, and I am the Ultimate Guardian of Obelisk." Alex pulled Obelisk's card from his pocket and showed it to the boy. Jagan grew cold, but stood firmly. "What do you want?" "I want you to help me; help me bring back Obelisk." "And why would I want to do that?" Jagan asked. "What's in it for me?" "Well, Obelisk's largest threat at the moment, is the kid who interrupted your Shadow Game." Alex replied. "The one who was lounging about while you struggle for Ra. Join me and I will give you Slifer. If you win Ra from this duel, you will have them both. If you lose this duel, I will save you from the Shadows, and then together we will defeat Jon. As soon as Jon is gone, you can use Slifer to attain Ra." "Why would you let me obtain two god cards?" asked Jagan suspiciously. "You only have Obelisk." "I only [I]want[/I] Obelisk." Alex intensely responded. "He is mine and I am his. Together we will rule the world. With you aiding us, we shall not fail! What say you?" Suddenly, a voice unknown to Alex spoke. (O.O.C That means, [B]not Jon[/B]) "I don't know what [I]he[/I] says. But I challenge you to a Shadow Game!"
"Odds only prove that there is a chance." If you're going to put something down because the odds are terrible, perhaps you should look at the other side of the coin. If there are odds, then it's not impossible. "Don't do anything stupid." - my family's motto. >_>;; Pretty basic, and yet so many people don't get it. I'm told this every time I leave my house to do something, and haven't forgotten it yet. "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails." Life's not always going to go your way, sometimes you just have to go with the flow. If you don't, you'll wind up going in the wrong direction. "It's difficult to be religious when certain individuals are never incinerated by bolts of lightning." -Calvin and Hobbes. I am very much in agreement with this. :D And it's Calvin and Hobbes, which rocks.
[QUOTE=Inuyasha7271]This is my new deck It is a Dark to Light ratio deck with Warrior, Beast-Warrior, and Pyro Monsters to add force and effect. [U]Monsters Level 5+[/U] Dark Magician Great Maju Garrazet Summoned Skull [U]Level 4 and below[/U] Skilled Dark Magician Dark Blade Witch of the Black Forest Wolf Axeweilder Neo the Magical Swordsman Amazon Archer (2x) La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Battle Ox Great Angus The Stern Mystic Lady Assailant of the Flames Cliff the Trap Remover Crimson Sentry Gearfried the Iron Knight Darkfire Soldier #1 Darkfire Soldier#2 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Mystic Clown Hysteric Fairy Celtic Guardian Mystical Elf Kojikocy Total Monsters: 26 (Tell me what monsters I do not need.) [U]Magic and Spell Cards[/U] Remove Trap Mystical Space Typhoon Last Will Tribute to the Doomed Card Destruction Dian Keto The Cure Master De-Spell Change of Heart Monster Reborn Yami Dark Hole Poison of the Old Man Sogen Sword of Dark Destruction Fissure Lightning Blade Soul Exchange Axe of Despair Total:18 [U]Trap Cards[/U] (2x) Waboku Thunder of the Ruler Enchanted Javelin Hidden Book of Spell Total:5 [U]Side Deck[/U] Shield & Sword Dragon Capture Jar Block Attack Trap Hole Infinite Dismissal Gather Your Mind Sparks Rain of Mercy PigeonHoling Books of Spell Rain of Mercy Bad Reaction to Simochi Dark Core Mass Driver Hinotama Earthshaker Tell me what cards I need and do not need and tell me thoughts on my deck and what cards can make it better also could you rate my deck for me I hope its good.[/QUOTE] I'll take a whack at it for you. :p Monsters I would suggest taking out: Celtic Guardian, Kojikocy, Lady Assailant of the Flames, the Stern Mystic, Gazelle, and Crimson Sentry. Magic Cards I'd take out: Lightning Blade, Sword of Dark Destruction, Sogen Trap I'd take out: Hidden Book of Spell Things that I'd add from the side deck: Trap Hole, and Dark Core. There are some cards you could add that would benefit any deck. You may not have them, but they are: Magic Cylinder, Mirror Force, Raigeki, Pot of Greed, and Harpie's Feather Duster. These are all fairly rare, so it may be difficult to obtain them. They're very useful, however. I don't really know what else to tell you. :whoops:
This Deck is very, very open to suggestions. :p Just don't be rude or abrupt about them, please. i don't like that. >_> Also, chances are that if I don't have a great card like Jonxo or Mirror Force in this Deck, it's because [U]I don't have them[/U]. [B]Tribute Monsters[/B] Airknight Parshath Marie the Fallen One [B]Non-Tribute Monsters[/B] The Unhappy Maiden Amazon Archer Slate Warrior Witch of the Black Forest Giant Germ Giant Germ Poison Mummy Princess of Tsurugi Princess of Tsurugi Princess of Tsurugi Hiro's Shadow Scout Hiro's Shadow Scout Goblin Attack Force Cobra Jar Kuriboh Exiled Force Battle Footballer Sangan Cannon Soldier [B]Spells[/B] Scapegoat Scapegoat Change of Heart Dark Hole Vengeful Bog Spirit Monster Reborn Harpie's Feather Duster Mask of the Accursed Toll Pot of Greed [B]Traps[/B] Waboku Waboku Waboku Just Desserts Just Desserts Fairy Box Trap Hole Trap Hole Trap Hole Nightmare Wheel Gravity Bind Appropriate Ceasefire Magic Cylinder [B]Cards that might seem out of place:[/B] [I]The Unhappy Maiden:[/I] My friend is constantly using his recursion cards to bring back multiple omsters at once; making a large attack force from nothing. This will stall him, I hope. [I]Hiro's Shadow Scout:[/I] My friend also possess Raigeki, United We Stand, and Mage Power. Hopefully these guys will knock them out. Also, lets me draw cards with Appropriate. [I]Appropriate:[/I] He had multiple drawing cards as well; goes well with Hiro's Shadow Scout. [I]Marie The Fallen One:[/I] Meh...I needed another monster, I figured it wouldn't hurt. I could offer it as a tribute for Cannon Soldier or Amazon Archer for an easy Graveyard dump.
I have a question about cards such as Great Maju Garzett, Maju Garzett, and something like Chaos Necromancer. All of their ATKs are indeterminate. Would you be able to search for them with Witch of the Black Forest or Sangan? I seem to remember reading somewhere that you couldn't, but I'm not quite sure. EDIT: I just had a quick thought. Would Barrel Behind the Door work on the second effect of The Immortal of Thunder?
After that many offenses, I'm surprised James let you back. O.o I suggest you be good this time. :p I was banned momentarily during the Otaku Awards, if only in title, by Charles so that I could legitimately be a candiate for Favorite Banned Member. It didn't really work, unfortunately.
Deciperemon limped out of the forest and into the remains of what appeared to be a small human town. There were no tall buildings, but lots of rubble and some grass poking up from between the pavement. Deci could smell food. His nose perked up at the smell. The last thing he'd had to eat was a few mushrooms just a few moments ago. Wait...was it mushrooms? And...who was he? Deci looked down at his hands. They were blurry, and he couldn't remember just [I]why[/I] they were there. Deci straightened up. What was he just thinking about? Mushrooms, was it? Something was shouting at him in the back of his mind. Something about mushrooms from the Digital World. Deciperemon shrugged. It couldn't have been too important if he had forgotten it. At the moment, though, his mind was fixed on the smell of food. It was some sort of fruit, he concluded. It was sweet-smelling, and it didn't smell like the manufactured junk food that he so enjoyed. Wait. He liked junk food? Made by humans? Yes. The humans made the junk food. Did that make them good? Well, probably. They made junk food. Deciperemon was, by now, very confused. He couldn't seem to remember anything, and all sorts of questions made him forget just what he had been doing at the time. Ah! Yes, the food. He entered what appeared to be a ruined grocery store, or something. Deci strolled down the aisles. Canned food was scattered about the floor, and the footprints of a large digimon could be seen smashed into the old and ruined tiles. Wait. What was a digimon? Was he a digimon? Yes. That much he remembered. He was a digimon. "Hey...how'd I get here?" wondered Deciperemon aloud. He suddenly was in a store, it seemed. He shrugged, and picked a few blueberries that had grown in the years past. He ate them, and then curled up under a pile of old bananas to take a nap. Maybe after the nap he'd remember something. Deep in his mind, a small voice spoke. [I]Stupid mushrooms of forgetfulness.....[/I]
It was early afternoon. Alex had already been to the KaibaCorp building and gotten Obelisk's card. Kaiba had been waiting for Alex at the front door. With a locked jaw and a stiff nod, Kaiba had given away his most valued card to this kid that he did not even know. But that didn't matter; Destiny compelled him to, and so he did. The second that he touched the card, Alex's world turned upside down. Implacable evil and madness seethed into his mind, utterly twisting and corrupting it. Obelisk was changing Alex to suit his own needs. Alex had marched away from the building, outwardly unchanged. Inwardly, nothing was the same. With Obelisk's almost constant influence, Alex had gone to Rikku's house. He had sensed the others inside, and with his Seal prevented the power of his rival, Jon, the Ultimate Guardian. [I]"You remeber pandora's box? Well consider this it. There is nothing in it but destruction and terror. I can not let you open this chest. If I must, I will have no choice but to send you to the Shadow Realm, until I can safely rehide the chest."[/I] "And how do you plan on doing that with your powers sealed in their Items, Wheeler?" [I]Who are you and why couldn't I sense your Item?[/I] "I am the Guardian of Obelisk, and it is my job to see him once again released from his imprsonment. With my Millennium Seal, I can seal off the powers of all Millennium Items, including yours Wheeler." [I]We will just see about that, as I banish you to the Shadow Real, FOREVER![/I] Alex merely smirked. The Guardian's power meant nothing so long as he possessed the Millenium Seal. And in the midst of his conversation with Jon, the girl, Rikku, was inching ever so slowly towards the box. Alex held his breath as she gently lifted the lid. The room exploded into blue light. Obelisk was truly free at last! Alex felt the card in his pocket burn as it became infused with the [B]full[/B] power of the awesome god. Alex blacked out then, and he felt himself being carried away. [B][COLOR=DarkBlue]"To the Shadow Realm with you. You must keep those fools occupied while I gather my strength. When you return, you will summon me to this world."[/COLOR][/B] [I]"Yes, Master."[/I]
[QUOTE=StarShine]Okay, so he's a demon who can be compared to the Hulk, but is nothing like the Hulk... Alright that clears up my first question, but nobody said what it's suppose to really be about. I was thinking a basic plot line maybe? Or is it just that nobody has any idea what's supposse to happen...[/QUOTE] Well, you could go and see the movie and find out. :p Or if you want, you can check out a trailer here: [url]http://www.apple.com/trailers/[/url]
Yes you can, Nightmare Wheel does not specify that the selected monster has to be one of your opponent's. I have a question about the card [B]Sakuretsu Armor[/B]. The card says: You can only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack. Destroy the attacking monster. Does destroying the monster stop the attack? Or does the attack still go through despite the monster being destroyed? And for [B]Giant Orc[/B], if you play it on hypothetical Turn One, can you turn it back during Main Phase Two of Turn Two? Or do you have to wait until after Turn Two ends, like Goblin Attack Force? The card says: "When this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. This position cannot be changed until the end of your next turn."
Later that evening, Alex lay quietly in his bed. A lot was happening, he knew. He could feel immense forces moving throughout the city; throughout the world. Something was happening. Something to do with the Millennium Items. The Seal in his forehead burned, and Alex squinted with pain. What should he do? Should he try to find the others with Millennium Items? Would he be able to help them? Would they [I]need[/I] his help? [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]Hello, Alex. My faithful warrior. My Ultimate Guardian.[/B][/COLOR] [I]"Who, who are you?"[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"It is I, Obelisk the Tormentor. But do not fear, I am here to help you. For you see, you have already helped me. When the Millennium Seal activated and embedded itself in you those many months ago, you released my powers. You freed me from my chains."[/B][/COLOR] [I]"Obelisk the Tormentor? Isn't that the name of one of the God cards?"[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"It is [I]my[/I] name, Alex. [I]I[/I] am Obelisk, and I am not a mere card."[/B][/COLOR] [I]"What was that you were saying about me being your warrior, or something?"[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"In ancient times, it was your ancestors that served me. Even as the boy, Jon, served as Yugi's Ultimate Guardian and bearer of Slifer; so did [I]you[/I] serve as [I]mine."[/I][/B][/COLOR] [I]"If this Jon kid has Slifer, and was protecting Yugi, how do I fit in? I'm not protecting anybody, and I don't have your card; Seto Kaiba does."[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"Your purpose was unique in that you did not protect any given person. You were [I]solely[/I] my Guardian. Your only responsibility was to serve [I]me.[/I] I have come to reclaim that loyalty."[/B][/COLOR] Alex didn't know why, but suddenly the Seal didn't hurt anymore. It was as if this was what he was destined to do. What Obelisk said made sense, kind of. There was still a few problems, though. And a few questions. [I]"But, I don't have your card."[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"That can and will be taken care of tomorrow. Go to the KaibaCorp building nearest you. I will arrange for Kaiba to be there. He will have no choice but to hand over the card to you."[/B][/COLOR] [I]"I don't think he'll willingly give the card up."[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"Destiny will compel him, even as it did in the Battle City Finals. There, he was forced to play his Blue-Eyes White Dragon in place of me. His Destiny changed the future predicted by the Millennium Necklace. He will again be compelled."[/B][/COLOR] [I]"Another thing, I heard that these Millennium Items have some sort of powers. All mine has done is embed itself in my head and heat up whenever a Millennium Item is around."[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"The Millennium Seal is unique in its powers. All Millennium Items can detect when another is near. The Millennium Seal is the only Item that none of the others can detect; not even the Millennium Ring. Also, it inhibits the powers of the other Millennium Items. If any of the other bearers of a Millennium Item tries to tap into the power of their Item, the Seal traps the powers inside. Even their Yami forms are trapped inside, unable to communicate."[/B][/COLOR] [I]"Which Item does this Jon guy have?"[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"Jon has seven of them. He has the Millennium Scales, Necklace, Rod, Key, Ring, and Bracelet."[/B][/COLOR] [I]"Oh, geez. How am I supposed to do anything with him running around with so many Items? Won't he try to stop me"[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]" Jon will certainly try to stop you from bringing me to this world. But, Your Millennium Seal makes any and all of the powers of his Millennium Items useless. While you are around him, their powers are negated. He has been summoning monsters to this world with their power. Should any of the monsters, even the mighty Slifer the Sky Dragon, come within range of your Seal's power, they will disappear."[/B][/COLOR] [I]"Is that it, then? I go and get your card, and then somehow bring you here?"[/I] [COLOR=DarkBlue][B]"Yes,that is all. For now. Sleep, my Guardian. We have much work to do tomorrow."[/B][/COLOR]