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[I]"Crap! Crap! Crap! [B]Crap![/B]"[/I] Deciperemon jumped behind a tree as the human shot at him. The tree splintered under a barrage of bullets. Deciperemon was breathing heavily. A group of humans, obviously prejudiced against digimon, were trying to kill him. They were armed with guns and knives and Deciperemon didn't really want to deal with them at the moment. If he had had time to set them up, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. But they had caught him by surprise and now he was running for his life. "Feinted Blasts!" he shouted, ricocheting several shots off of nearby trees. He could hear several humans curse as they dodged the attacks or were hit by them. Deciperemon leapt up onto one of the tree's branches and then leapt onto another tree. Maybe by keeping above the humans he could lose them. [I][B]ZOOM![/B][/I] A bullet flew right by his head. "Oh, geez!" exclaimed Deciperemon. He leapt to another tree. "Feinted Blasts!" he called, unleashing a barrage of bouncing attacks. He kept this up until the humans had taken cover, at which time they normally opened fire again. Deci ran. "Why can't they just leave me alone?" he pouted. Jumping from treetop to treetop, Deciperemon noticed a couple of Kuwagamon flying low over the foliage. Looking quickly down at the humans below, and then at the razor-sharp pincers of the Kuwagamon, Deciperemon jumped. He leapt up towards one of the Kuwagamon, landing precariously on one of its legs. Deciperemon grabbed ahold and held on for dear life as the Kuwagamon quickly flew past the humans below. The Kuwagamon noticed its little rider, and halted in midair. The second Kuwagamon ran right into it. The two began to fight, with Deciperemon caught in the middle. Deciperemon blanched. He dodged, jumped, yelled, screamed, punched, kicked, and generally made a ruckus until he finally slipped between the arms and legs of the two insectoid digimon. Deciperemon plummeted towards the ground. "Oh yeah...great idea, Deci. Why don't you just jump from a flying object?" he muttered. Deciperemon landed rather painfully in a large bush, causing a group of Motimon to scatter, gibbering in panic. "Oy....[B][I]OW.[/I][/B]"
Alex idly sorted through his cards. Giant Orc, Goblin Attack Force, Man-Eater Bug...ah! There it was! His Airknight Parshath! Alex sat there, reading the two fantastic effects over again. Glancing at the stats, he frowned. They certainly weren't the best for a five star monster, but the effects far outweighed their inadequacy. "Come on already!" the other duelist urged. Alex started visibly. He had almost forgotten he was in a duel. He looked to the playing field. His opponent had just destroyed Alex's Witch of the Black Forest with his Goblin Attack Force. The duel was tied, 2000 to 2000. Alex pulled his Airknight Parshath from his Deck and added it to his hand. "Are you done?" Alex asked. "Not yet. I'm going to set two cards face-down and end my turn." the kid looked smugly at Alex as if there was no possible way he could lose. "Your move." Alex felt his Millennium Seal activate. The Seal was embedded into his forehead, much like the Millennium Eye had been in Pegasus. The light shone forth, and Alex willed it into dimming. There were Millennium Items nearby. He'd look into it after the duel. "Make your move already!" shouted the impatient duelist. "Okay, okay." said Alex. "Hold your horses." Alex drew a card. Ceasefire, his other favorite card! He looked at the field. His opponent had his Goblin Attack Force in Defense Mode, one monster card face-down, and the two face-down magic or trap cards. Alex had just a Zolga and a Banner of Courage on the field, plus the cards in his hand. He decided to make his move. "I'll set one card face-down." he declared, and played the Ceasefire face-down. "And then I'll sacrifice my Zolga for Airknight Parshath!" Alex's LifePoints doubled, and yet his opponent still looked smug. "Go ahead and attack!" the kid jeered. "Okay." said Alex. "Airknight Parshath, attack his face-down monster." The armored centaur galloped towards the face-down card, which flipped up to reveal a Bubonic Vermin. Just then Alex's opponent activated two Mask of Weaknesses, his two face-down cards. Airknight's attack was decreased by 1400, bringing it down to 700; just enough to destroy it. Airknight's effect activated and Alex drew one card. It was a Harpie's Brother, not really useful right now. The score was 2000 Alex, 1900 Other Duelist. "You've done it now." sneered the kid. "Because you flipped my Bubonic Vermin up, I can Special Summon another one to the field. And as soon as it's my turn, I'll flip it to get another one, and sacrifice them both to bring out this card!" he dramatically turned a card in his hand around to reveal a Garnecia Elephantis. That could cause Alex some problems. "I end my turn." said Alex simply. "Ha! You're done for!" the kid chuckled. "I'll flip up my Bubonic Vermin to Special Summon another one to the field!" "Activate Trap!" Alex said suddenly. "Ceasefire!" "Wha?" The kid looked at Alex stupidly. "Ceasefire flips all monster cards on the field face-up, negating all flip effects. Then it inflicts 500 points of Direct Damage to your LifePoints for every Effect monster on the field. Because there are four Effect Monsters on the Field, your three and my Airknight Parshath, you take 2000 points of Direct Damage. You lose." Sure enough, the duelist's Lifepoint counter drained to zero and the holograms disappeared. He took the kid's Don Zaloog as his prize. The tournament hadn't started yet, and so there were no locator cards to be found. The two had been dueling in a quiet arcade on the outskirts of Domino City. "Now." Alex said. "To find those other Millennium Items..."
Name: Alex Hornby Age: 15 Gender: Male Favorite card(s): Ceasefire, Airknight Parshath Bio: Born and raised in Domino City, Alex didn't decide to become a duelist until he saw Odion for the first time. The expressionless way he played reminded Alex of himself, and he saw himself being just like Odion. Quiet, strong, a great duelist. He wan't very good at first and was trampled underfoot by those duelists in the city who had been Battle City participants. is first victory was over one of Espa Roba's younger brothers, who also became duelists. Alex won the Ceasefire from the boy, and knew how potent it was after having it used against him so many times. It soon became his favorite card. Sonn afterwards, he found the Millenium Seal. Description: See attachment. Millenium Item(Optional): Millenium Seal
[I]"Ben."[/I] Ben perked his head up. He thought he had just heard something. [I]"Ben."[/I] Jedgar repeated quietly. Jedgar was no Senser, but he knew that Ben would notice his name being silently repeated. [I]"Ben."[/I] [I]"Who is it?"[/I] Ben called out. "Who's what?" asked several people at once. [I]"Jedgar. Jedgar. Jedgar. Jedgar."[/I] Jedgar repeated. Since he couldn't project his thoughts, he'd have to have Ben pick up on them. [I]"Jedgar?"[/I] Ben said. Jedgar could hear his words in his head. [I]"Yes, Ben. I'm here."[/I] he said. [I]"Tell your friends that I'm coming out. I didn't want to surprise anyone."[/I] "A friend of mine is coming out from hiding." Ben said to the others. "Don't be alarmed." "Oh, that's who you were talking to, isn't it?" said Crystal. "Yes." Jedgar stepped out of the shadows, his bloody knife still in hand. Alaris' eyes went straight to the dagger. It was an interesting design, and it gleamed despite the blood showing on its surface. Crystal's eyes darted to the human belt and weaponry. Rena took it all in. Then she snorted. "Weasel-clone." she quickly identified him. "Pantherborn." he inclined his head. She purred. Recognition of her kind gave her great satisfaction. Alaris was still eyeing the dagger warily and Jedgar did little to put any apprehension to rest. "This is my friend, Jedgar." Ben explained. "I assume he's here to help." "Well, actually, Ben." Jedgar said quietly. "I was looking for the way back to the Capital. You just happened to be nearby." he grinned. "Why are you going to the Capital?" asked Ben. "There have been more human movements recently. I just killed two scouts. Earlier on I saw what must have been a thousand humans, with armored vehicles and the like." "Which way were they headed?" "That way." Jedgar pointed, unknowingly, in the direction of the human base. The very place that Ben and his companions were going. "Oh, [I]damn.[/I]" said Alaris quietly. "What?" asked Jedgar. "That's where we just came from." said Alaris. "We were nearly swarmed under by cave scorpions. We still have no idea how many humans were there in the first place." "We should probably get back and report to the Elders." said Crystal. "What about the Chameleon Leader?" said Ben. "This takes precedence. We need to inform the Elders of what is going on." declared Rena. "We can't fight a major battle with just us, and we can't get more clones without the Elders' consent anyways." "So, let's go then." said Jedgar. He half-turned, and then stopped. "Wait...which way are we going?"
[SIZE=1][strike][quote name='Winter']I said 'you' referring to Boba Fett. I didnt say people. You're powers of assumption however, are quite profound.[/quote] As is your grasp of grammar.[/strike][/SIZE] I hate to echo what a few other people have said already, but I will anyways. Stay by your friend's side. To abandon them when they're in need might crush them, depending on how close you two are. If she recovers, and you've abandoned her, where would that lead? Think about it. I don't know her, so I can't tell. Maybe you can. I know that I personally would like to have somebody to be there for me if I were in such a situation. Leaving someone alone to brood over dark thoughts is no way to help them.
A card like Final Attack Orders would screw you over, I think. :p It's a sound concept, surviving until you can use your multiple drawing cards to grab Exodia, but you need less monster cards and more Spell and Trap cards to keep your monsters alive. Or to keep your opponent busy. Raigeki or Dark Hole could effectively destroy any sort of monster defensive you have. So could a Torrential Tribute, for that matter. You need more Spells and Traps, basically. *shudders at the thought of Final Attack Orders*
(I'm continuing on from doukeshi03's last post) Uhtergiliel entered the room behind Arciela, his powerful stone shoulders scraping the doorway lightly. Mazukien had gone off to bed, exhausted at last with exertion and his recent deprivation of sleep. Uthegiliel was tired, as well, but had decided to stay with Arciela for the time being. He didn't trust his memory of the place. Even in his new form, there were some rooms on the estate that he most certainly did not wish to enter. "I apologize for the intrusion Ambassador, a small disturbance required my attention." "It is of no matter," replied Renier. "I was merely....[I]admiring[/I] your servant." "Isn't she nice?" Arciela declared sweetly. "I suppose, for an undead corpse." Renier conceded. "Most Drow are repulsed by the abnormality of the living dead." remarked Uthegiliel. "You don't seem to share their tastes." There probably wasn't any reason to hide the truth from them, and Renier couldn't think of a suitable lie. And so he told them: "In truth, I'm a vampire." Uthegiliel groaned. "I'm going to have to start carrying a mirror and some garlic around with me from now on." "Well, [I]excuse[/I] me." replied Renier. "It's nothing personal." Arciela stepped in. "We just now came back from a rather bad incident involving a vampire." she paused. "If I were you, I'd stay away from the young Drow who has just now come onto my estate." "I'll make an effort to avoid him." he promised. "Now, Lady Arciela, might we begin doing what I came here to do?" "And what exactly is that?" inquired Uthegiliel. "Why, I came to fight in a duel."
This is a casual Deck that has been working well for me thus far. I'd say that it's a pretty standard Beatdown. [B]Tribute Monsters:[/B] Buster Blader Airknight Parshath Great Maju Garzett [B]Non-Tribute Monsters:[/B] Zolga Don Zaloog La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Skilled White Magician Harpie's Brother Slate Warrior Witch of the Black Forest Cobra Jar Second Goblin Giant Orc Giant Orc Giant Orc Goblin Attack Force Exiled Force Man-Eater Bug Skilled Dark Magician Cliff the Trap Remover Sangan [B]Spell Cards:[/B] Monster Reborn Giant Trunade Fissure Dark Hole Change of Heart Harpie's Feather Duster Nobleman of Crossout Pot of Greed Banner of Courage Ekibyo Drakmord Mystical Space Typhoon [B]Traps:[/B] Trap Hole Trap Hole Trap Hole Ceasefire Shadow of Eyes GraveRobber Barrel Behind the Door Waboku Nightmare Wheel Sakuretsu Armor
(I'm introducing a new character here, so pay attention please.) Kione watched as the chameleon-clone squirmed under the force of his mind. He was slowly crushing the freak of nature, bombarding it all the while with images of pain and suffering. Soon, the thing was dead. It's body went limp, and its skin changed into a pale, pale green. The Chameleon Leader was dead. Kione was the leader of group of special forces in the human military. He was twenty-seven years old and had seen more death and destruction than most humans in their sixties. Most of the images had been implanted directly into his brain to desensitize him. Kione was the first successful result in a series of human experiment to further genetic engineering. Certain parts of his brain had been overdeveloped as he was growing in his mother's womb, and upon birth he was affixed with the first of many implants to his brain. This, coupled with myriad substances and hitherto unheard of variances of energy, developed his mind in such a way that he could use his thoughts to do things more than any other man good. Kione was a psychic. The first of the elite force developed. The implants and gene therapy were all designed to enhance those traits that promoted psychic power and its uses. Kione was the first, and so much effort was put into creating him and shaping his mind. He was just as talented as the Sense Leader, and much more powerful. One of his subordinates entered the room. "We have secured the base once again, Sir." he reported. "Excellent. What of the forces that sought to take it over?" Kione demanded. "They have been routed, sir. As soon as we discovered that the fox-clones were against us, things went much smoother. It was a good thing we arrived when we did." "Indeed." murmured Kione. "The clones were no match for our psychic powers. Some few tried to resist, but they were unable to resist the strength of our will." "There will be others, Adams, make no mistake. And we shall brush them away just as you did today." Kione twitched suddenly and put his hand to his head. "Something wrong, sir?" inquired the soldier. "Nothing, just a glitch in an implant." Kione closed his eyes and relaxed. The problem was soon fixed and the pain passed. "It's a shame we couldn't get our powers naturally like the clones do." said the soldier. "These implants are a real pain sometimes." "Yes, but the power they provide more than makes up for it." Kione looked outside at the carnage of the recent battle. Cave scorpions littered the ground, as did the bodies of some sort of armored clone. Something moved outside. An armadillo-clone had survived and was slowly struggling to his feet. The clones was bleeding from his side where a cave scorpion's claw had pierced him. He pressed a bandana to the wound and slowly began limping away, leaning on his sword for support. As he reached the far entrance to the cave, Kione spotted him. With a smirk and a flick of his hand, the armadillo-clone was thrown backwards. Kione lifted the clone with his mind, and then impaled him upon a stinger. "Power is good." Kione whispered softly, and he clenched his fist in front of his face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]"Sense Leader!"[/I] Ben called silently. [I]"What is it, Ben?"[/I] [I]"Something's happening again. My powers are being blocked by something."[/I] [I]"Where are you?"[/I] [I]"Right now I'm on the surface, but I'm heading down to the human base in just a few minutes. Something very bad is happening."[/I] [I]I'll meet you there as fast as I can."[/I] "Okay." said Ben aloud. "Let's get moving!"
Sign Up Digimon- Way of the Worlds [PG-13 for violent content]
Ben replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[B]Name:[/B] Deciperemon (Deci, for short.) [B]Species: Rare [B]Level:[/B] Rookie [B]Attacks:[/B] Feinted Blasts, Attack Snatcher, Pathetic Countenance [B]Digivolutions:[/B] Deciperemon->Contramon->Mystimon*->Negaremon [B]Appearance:[/B] See Attachment [B]Bio:[/B] Deciperemon is a tricky little digimon who loves to outsmart his enemies. His Pathetic Countenance ability allows him to appear extremely damaged, near deletion, even. Then he turns around and uses Attack Snatcher to drain the energy out of their attacks and send it right back at them with his Feinted Blasts. His legs are very powerful, and allow him to leap high into the air or dart off of trees. Deciperemon traveled a great deal of his life. Digimon didn't like his deceptiveness and he was often chased out of town. He wasn't saddened or discouraged by it; their jeers didn't matter. It was all a part of the game. A game of wits, and he played often. Whether in battle or in disputes, he almost always came out on top. His life was brought up short by a Wizardmon, who managed to defeat him in battle. The Wizardmon had been too crafty, too clever. It was as if he could see Deci's every move before he even considered making it. There was nothing he could have done, and so he fell. The Wizardmon respected Deciperemon enough to let him live, and not to download his Data. Deci would have thanked him; the first gratitude he had ever showed for anyone. But then there was an incredibly loud roaring sound and a bellowing of wind. The worlds were torn asunder, letting loose countless humans into the DigiWorld. Wizardmon was one of the first to fall, shot in the chest by a human's gun. Deciperemon watched as his newfound idol fell, dispersing into countless fragments of data. Deciperemon was torn with indecision. Should he download the Data, or shouldn't he? The Wizardmon had spared him, but would he want Deci to do the same? In the end Deci decided that such valuable data shouldn't be put to waste. He unleashed a slew of Feinted Blasts that distracted the humans and downloaded Wizardmon's data. When he had finished, he ran. -
[QUOTE=StrikeGundam][color=navy]Pretty solid deck, Marik_Duelist, but your deck would benifit from Manju of the Ten-Thousand Hands, which comes out in IOC. It acts as both Senju and Sonic Bird in one.[/color] [color=#000080][u]My Revised Semi-Beatdown Deck[/u][/color] [color=#000080]Tribute monsters(3) 1xGreat Maju Garzett 1xDespair From The Dark 1xSummoned Skull[/color] [color=navy]Non-tribute monsters(21) 2xRoyal Keeper 1xCyber Jar 1xX-Head Cannon 2xMan-Eater Bug 1xMagician of Faith 1xKycoo the Ghost Destroyer 1xBazoo the Soul Eater[/color] [color=navy]1xOpticlops 1xWall of Illusion 1xGiant Orc[/color] [color=navy]1xSecond Goblin 1xBlindly Loyal Goblin[/color] [color=navy]1xPenguin Soldier[/color] [color=navy]1xWitch of the Black Forest[/color] [color=navy]1xMask of Darkness[/color] [color=navy]1xKuriboh[/color] [color=navy]1xGreat Angus[/color] [color=#000080]1xSinister Serpent[/color] [color=#000080]1xZolga[/color] [color=navy]Magic/Spell(13) 1xToken Thanksgiving 1xChange of Heart 1xFairy Meteor Crush 1xHarpie's Feather Duster 1xBook Of The Moon[/color] [color=navy]1xWicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou[/color] [color=navy]1xMonster Reborn 1xOfferings To The Doomed 1xRageki 1xSnatch Steal 1xSoul Exchange 1xScapegoat[/color] [color=navy]1xMystical Space Typhoon[/color] [color=navy]Trap(11) 1xBad Reaction to Simochi[/color] [color=navy]1xCall of the Haunted 1x7 Tools of the Bandit[/color] [color=navy]1xMagic Cylinder[/color] [color=navy]1xSakuretsu Armor[/color] [color=navy]1xRing Of Destruction[/color] [color=navy]1xCeasefire[/color] [color=navy]1xNegate Attack[/color] [color=navy]1xAltar For Tribute[/color] [color=navy]1xJudgement of Anubis[/color] [color=#000080]1xBottomless Trap Hole[/color] [color=#000080]Total=48 cards[/color] [color=#000080]Again, please try to evaluate the entire deck.[/color][/QUOTE] Meh. I'll give my take on this, I guess. :sleep: These are all all just suggestions, mind. I would say that you should ditch the Second Goblin. With just one Giant Orc, it's not worth trying to draw both him and the Orc at the same time. Wall of Illusion shouldn't be needed if you're pounding away at your opponent with powerful monsters. Sinister Serpent is a very good card, but I don't see how it would really help you. Unless you were forced to be defensive, but then the deck's whole purpose would have been defeated now, wouldn't it? Kuriboh isn't really necessary. Helpful, maybe, but in the interests of making your Deck smaller, I'd say take it out. So far as I can see, you've only got Scapegoat that would work with Token Thanksgiving. I'd either take out both, or just Token Thanksgiving. Bad Reaction to Simochi should come out. It's likely that the only LP your opponent will be gaining will be from Snatch Steal. Chances are, if you've stolen one of their monsters, you've got a clearer path to their LP anyways. Altar for a Tribute isn't really necessary. You could take it out and still maintain LP. Well, there's my say. ;)
Cloricus, the individual you say that you quoted seems to be a cynic. Possibly Mark Twain, it sounds like something he might say. One thing that I think may have been pointed out already, most democratic systems we see today are not really [I]true[/I] democracies. The only example of a true democracy that I can think of was the original one that framed the very core of the concept. Athens, Greece. The Athenians [I]all[/I] voted for whatever issue was to be voted on, from what I understand. The resulting decision would have been made in accordance with the majority. The majority of the population would be content. In what we see as democracy, only a little over half of the population puts in their say of what should be done. (This statistic was pulled from the dregs of my memory, if someone [B]knows[/B] the actual numbers, feel free to correct me) People would much rather complain about decisions they didn't like than to vote on them and prevent unfavorable instances from occurring. But since they don't voice their opinion, or act upon it by voting, decisions unfavorable to the majority may occur.
[B]Card(s):[/B] Dark Cat with White Tail Flip: Select 2 Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field and 1 Monster from your side of the field and return them to their owner's hands. [B]Query:[/B] What if Dark Cat with White Tail is the only Monster on your side of the Field and it is attacked? Do you have to have another monster in order for the effect to work, or would it work just as well in the situation I just described? [B]Card(s):[/B] The Wicked Worm Beast & Spirits [B]Query:[/B] Does the returning to hand effect work even though the card is in the Graveyard? Or does the monster's destruction render it null and void? [B]Card(s):[/B] Malevolent Nuzzler/Horn of Light [B]Query:[/B] Can the cost effect of these cards be activated at any time while they exist in the Graveyard, or only in the instant that they are sent from the field to the Graveyard? [B]Card(s):[/B]Ritual Monsters [B]Query:[/B]If you are getting the required Tribute Stars for the summon from your hand, does it count as discarding, Tributing, or both? That's all for now, there will definitely be more to follow.
[QUOTE]I would say take out the Spring of Rebirth. Because you only have one monster that returns to you hand and this would be a horrible topdeck. Also, maybe add in a Change of Heart, as it's not there. Some combos I used in a burn deck were Snatch Steal and Bad Reaction to Simochi, and Bad Reaction with Eye of Truth. Also, maybe L.Golem and G. Bind in a side deck. All in all good job.[/QUOTE] The Wicked Worm Beast and Fushi No Tori both work with Spring of Rebirth. ; ) Change of Heart didn't really seem to me like it would help all that much, except to launch a monster with Cannon Soldier of Amazon Archer. I may add it in. =/ I don't have Snatch Steal, and I tried using the BRTS and Eye of Truth combo. Those two cards also wound up being horrible topdecks. :p Also, they were both extremely vulnerable to being destroyed. I didn't feel like giving my opponent 1000 LP a turn, you know? Lava Golem I had considered putting in, if I had it. :p Gravity Bind may work, too, but I simply don't have the time to wait for a Deck with Gravity Bind. My duels are typically rushed during my lunch period. :p Thank you for you comments and suggestions. ^_^
Burn/LP Recover Deck [B]Monsters:[/B] Witch of the Black Forest Kinetic Soldier Goblin Attack Force Mystic Tomato The Wicked Worm Beast Giant Orc Giant Orc Giant Orc Princess of Tsurugi Princess of Tsurugi Sangan Fire Princess Skilled Dark Magician Mask of Darkness Fushi No Tori Amazon Archer Magician of Faith Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu Cannon Soldier Slate Warrior Don Zaloog Servant of Catabolism [B]Spell Cards:[/B] Malevolent Nuzzler Malevolent Nuzzler Rush Recklessly Rush Recklessly Monster Reborn Scapegoat Scapegoat Giant Trunade Spring of Rebirth Dark Hole Black Pendant Black Pendant Pot of Greed Shooting Star Bow - Ceal [B]Traps:[/B] Waboku Mirror Wall Ceasefire Just Desserts Nightmare Wheel Magic Drain [I]Cards of Note:[/I] Kinetic Soldier: Duelists in my area are beginning to increase their use of Warrior monsters. KS annihilates them. Giant Orc/Goblin Attack Force: These guys basically just look tough and protect my weaker Effect monsters. Mirror Wall: Probably the weakest monster I'd play alone in ATK Mode would be my Witch of the Black Forest. With Mirror Wall, it'd take a monster with 2200 ATK or higher to destroy it.
"What do you do when you are attacked near your head?" Grojek demanded of his troops. "Stab the man or elf and bite him!" growled one of the orcs. There was a chorus of agreement. "Wrong!" bellowed Grojek, and swiftly decapitated the orc. "That is what will happen if you don't defend yourself. Death! And no man flesh, besides!" The orcs nodded in agreement; Grojek had a way of getting points through to the orcs. The swift demonstration and threat of no man flesh got their attention. He hefted his shield in his hand. "What is this for?" he asked loudly. "For stabbing the enemies." came one reply, quietly, cautiously. "Right," affirmed Grojek. "But what else?" "For eating off of when the ground isn't dirty enough." cackled a scrawny-looking orc. Grojek shifted his shield and then hurled it towards the orc. It cut clean through the weak armor and came out of the orc's back. The orc folded in half, his forehead knocking into his ankles. The body fell to the ground. Grojek walked over and roughly tore it from the corpse. Another part of his training had begun to show. No longer did the orcs ravenously feed on the dead or injured. Instead, Grojek had trained them to wait, to wait until the battle was over; to not let their guard down at the scent of blood. "You use your shield to defend yourself!" he declared. He pointed at an orc standing bye, armed with a crude trident. "You, attack me!" he ordered. "Not me, Grojek, Commander." he shook his head. "I'm not fighting you." Fffffftt! An arrow flew through the air and struck the orc straight between the eyes. He collapsed. An orc archer had shot at the raising of Grojek's hand, and the connection was obvious. There was an angry murmur from the orcs. He had just killed three of them in under five minutes. Their earlier training had involved much of these demonstrations. Every orc dead served to remind the ones living of the price of failure. The orcs did not like to see others of their kind die, especially when they could not eat them on the spot. ?The price of disobedience.? Grojek snarled. Several orcs stepped forward, eyes narrowed and weapons in hand. They sneered at Grojek and hissed at him. Without warning, one of them hurled a spear at Grojek, who disdainfully brushed it aside with his shield, which he had had reinforced since his arrival in Angband. Three of them rushed him at once, wielding a club, a sword, and an axe, respectively. He held up his shield, the sharpened prongs acting like levers, and twisted the weapons from all of their hands. Then he stabbed them each shallowly in the leg with his sword, spun, and roughly kicked them in the dirt. Slowly, he walked to each one and, as they were writhing about, slowly inserted his sword just next their spines. The first two stopped moving instantly, their heads lolling to one side, paralyzed. The third twitched as his sword went in and was instantly killed. Grojek leaned over and began to carve slabs of flesh from the three insubordinates. He tossed them into the crowd of assembled orcs. "Who do you serve?" he bellowed. "Sauron, Master!" "By whose will do you continue to live?" "Grojek, Commander!" "And who do we kill?" "Men, elves, and dwarves!" "And finally, who's hungry?!" he roared. The orcs rushed to the corpses he had so generously provided through the demonstrations. EDIT: Had a few inconsistant parts and spelling mistakes.
[B]Throwstone Unit[/B] [Warrior/Effect] [I] Offer 1 Warrior-Type Monster on your side of the field as a Tribute to destroy one face-up monster on the field whose Def is equal to or lower than the ATK of this monster.[/I] Does this mean that the Def has to be lower than Throwstone Unit's ATK, or the ATK of the monster that is offered? I think that it's the Tributed monster, but I'm not sure. Your opinions? Another question; Deepsea Warrior's effect is as follows: [I]When "Umi" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by any Magic Cards.[/I] Does this mean that he isn't powered up by Umi? Or is Umi excluded from the effect?
"Idiocy." muttered Uthegiliel. He was now kneeling, his lance to one side. "What is?" demanded Mazukien. "Your little lollipop display." he replied. Mazukien chuckled and sheathed his sword. "Perhaps it was a bit ostentatious." "Uthegiliel, are you alright?" asked Arciela. She was kneeling beside him, one hand draped lightly about his shoulders. "I'll be fine." he replied. "That spell just took a lot out of me. I'll be back to normal in a few days." "It was quite a display, though." she said. "How did you do that? It didn't look quite like a summon, and it couldn't have been a mere shapeshift; not into a body that large." "I'm not quite sure how to describe it." said Uthegiliel. "It was kind of like I was fusing myself with the golem; transferring all of my assets into its body. I got them back afterwards, as you can see, but that part was not for certain." "You didn't know if it would work?" asked Mazukien. "The theory was sound, but that's all it was; a theory. I figured I was as close to dead as I would ever get, and only in my weakened condition would I be able to successfully transfer my aura into the golem." "But what of this?" asked Arciela, referring to his flinty skin. "A side effect. One that I'd hoped would occur. As soon as I recover from the fight with the vampire, I should be more powerful than ever." he turned to Mazukien. "Strike me with your sword, boy. No fancy elements, just hit me." Mazukien's blade quietly slid out of its sheath. "You're sure about this?" he asked. "Yes, quite sure." Mazukien pulled back his arm and then swung the sword forward as hard as he could. Uthegiliel was driven face-first into the ground. He got back up on his knees, muttering swears. "You didn't have to hit me so hard, boy!" he yelled. "Sorry." replied Mazukien sheepishly. "There's no mark." noted Arciela puzzledly. "Exactly." replied Uthegiliel. "My skin is as hard as stone and more." "Did anything else happen?" asked Mazukien. Uthegiliel winked. "We'll just have to see."
Name: Lord Mandor of the Double-Edged Sword Age: 37 Sex: Male Race: Human Alignment: Resistence Class: Paladin Spells Spell 1: Gracious Aura ? Causes friendly units around Mandor to heal over time ? N/A Spell 2: Aura of Fear ? Friendly units surrounding Mandor are faster and hit harder, but lose their evasiveness ? N/A Spell 3: Reclaiming Loyalty ? Kills a nearby infected friendly unit and renews Mandor?s Health and Mana ? Instant/Cooldown: 1 Hour. Ultimate Spell: Holy Barrage ? Unleashes wave after wave of concentrated Holy Light. The light heals friendly units and damages Undead; enough hits will cause a non-Scourge unit to join the Resistence ? 3 Minutes/Cooldown: 1 Day. Weapon Type: War hammer, and a short sword slung on his back. Character History: (A brief background of your character) Character Motivation: (A summary of why your character gives a damn about the summoning of the Lich King) Character Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll be back to spiffy this up with HTML and finish off the last three parts. I loathe writing Backgrounds.....
Yes, good job. The next question is yours. :D
Nope. ;) Thus the reason I insisted that people wait. There is one more; where is it?
Q: How many ghost are pictured on the Spell card, Vengeful Bog Spirit? And please, for the sake of order, could whoever answers this [B][I]wait[/I][/B] for confirmation, please? We don't need fifty "If this is right"s going around again.
"Oh, but my hands are so very weak..." said Uthegiliel quietly. "What could I [I]possibly[/I] do to defeat such a fearsome creature of the night?" Uthegiliel was slowly pacing around Granecourt, using his lance as a walking staff. His arm was not yet completely healed, and his neck was still at a crooked angle. His body was slowly recovering. But his emotions were still in an uproar. He was angry. He hadn't lived for nearly 5,000 years just to be killed by an arrogant vampire. He had been afraid before, truly, very afraid. But now anger surpassed the fear, consumed it, destroyed it. He was no longer afraid. Painfully looking down at his frail and injured body, Uthegiliel determined that he would never get a chance like this ever again. It was time for the grandest of all his experiments. It was time to test the worth of thousands of years of study and experience. It was time for renewal. It was time to be [I]reborn.[/I] Uthegiliel straightened his body painfully, ancient bones creaking and eyes furrowed in pain. He gritted his teeth and drew a strange set of symbols into the ground with the butt of his lance. He stepped within the signs and began to chant. An bright light began to emanate from the markings. Granecourt sneered at the old Drow he had so nearly killed. Best prevent him from summoning another one of his pathetic golems; rather than waste the effort of dispelling them. He began to walk purposefully towards Uthegiliel, fangs bared and hands still bloodied. There would be much satisfaction in killing the sorcerer. Especially since he had just tried to sell him into eternal undead slavery. Vincent Granecourt was stopped, however, by a crowd of Dolls. The animated corpses surrounded the vampire, closing him in and trying to prevent his movement. He attempted to beat them away with his superior vampiric strength, but found that he was no longer in possession of it. The necromancer smiled at him sweetly. "Accursed sorceress!" he shouted. "Damn you and all of your rotting playthings!" Granecourt tried shoving through the crowd, but there were too many of the Dolls to try and surpass. He kept trying, however. He ducked under arms, kicked the legs out from under some of them, and merely beat others savagely. He eventually reached the outer rim of the mob and broke free. Several golem-wolves snapped at him and bared their fangs. They were pacing around Uthegiliel, who had disappeared into a column of sand, rock, and light. The column had gotten wider, becoming a full fifteen feet in diameter. Granecourt pushed past the wolves, ignoring their terrible teeth and heavy caws embedding themselves within his flesh. Granecourt reached the column and kicked away the wolves, his flesh resealing itself. He smashed his fist into the side of the column, and screamed. "AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH! HOLY LIGHT!" his face contorted in pain. "Blessed Magic of the Sakmeht!" [B][I]"That's right."[/I][/B] came a deep growl from within the column. [B][I]"I learned that two-thousand years ago, before the fall of the Dra'Coryul."[/I][/B] Granecourt stepped back as he began to feel an immense amount of power emanate from within the barrier, cradling the irreparable stump of his right hand. The dust was clearing, and the light was dimming. There was a shockwave of a great magnitude that caused all around to fall to lose their balance and fall. All except Vincent Granecourt, who by sheer strength of will stood standing. What stood before him was not a golem, although it looked very much like one. It was Uthegiliel, and his body was no longer his body. It was made of earth, stone, metal, and sand. Wooden tree limbs jutted out like spines from his back and his eyes burned with cold fire. "I am Uthegiliel Ominihe of the fallen Dra'Coryul, Master of Golems and Sorcerer of Stone! I will no longer be frightened by a mere vampire!" His stone jaw scraped as he spoke, producing a gravelly overtone. "Well then, mighty Drow sorcerer, give me your best sho-" Before he could finish his brash response, Granecourt had been gathered up in one huge hand and was quickly crushed into a mangled mass of flesh and bones. Uthegiliel hurled him into the ground, creating a shallow impact crater. Granecourt quickly pulled himself together. [B][I]"Give him his power back."[/I][/B] Uthegiliel requested of Arciela. She nodded and unfolded her hands. Like a flock of ballistic ravens, dark shadows flew from her palms into Vincent's chest, causing his eyes to burn and renewing his vigor. He snarled at the thing Uthegiliel had become and leapt at his face. He ravaged the stone countenance with his bare fist, causing slab after slab of stone to fall. Uthegiliel reached up and plucked Granecourt from his shoulders. Then he tore the vampire in half, pulling his upper torso with one hand, and his legs with the other. Then he placed the two parts together on the ground, where they began to pull together. Uthegiliel lifted up his massive foot and crushed Granecourt beneath it. He then lifted his foot, and the golem wolves rushed in to ravage the body. "Uthegiliel!" called Mazukien. The young Drow had finished healing quite a while ago, and was eager to enact his revenge. [B][I]"Very well."[/I][/B] rumbled Uthegiliel. [B][I]"He is yours for the finishing."[/I][/B] Uthegiliel scooped up Vincent Granecourt and fixed him with one last look of pure hatred, and then he tossed him over the wall of the courtyard. Mazukien ran out of the gate. Uthegiliel closed his eyes. He was exhausted. The spell was a very complex one, and very dangerous. No one but him had even tried anything like it before. Instead of merely giving his sight to a golem, he had infused his spirit, his mana, his very lifeforce, into a body of stone. But now the spell was wearing off. He was beginning to diminish in size. Stones crumbled from about his shoulders, and sand sifted through the rocks onto the ground. And yet, when all the materials were done leaving him, Uthegiliel still stood, lance in hand. He leaned on the lance, which could barely support his weight. Uthegiliel was now covered in stone.
This RPG showed some promise, and I never actually got around to posting in it. This post is more of a kick in the rear to get it moving again, I'll post something with a little more substance later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Welcome back OddFencer699* Dinol scanned Hunter-Net, wondering what all of the buzz was about. Some Hunters in Chicago were getting together. He shrugged. Big deal. He read on and his eyes widened. It was a whole vampire nest! Dinol quickly gathered up his things. The call seemed suddenly to be more urgent than before. A whole nest of vampires against two Hunters and a questionably loyal vampire. His help would be appreciated, if not needed. He logged off. It was already after 10:00PM, but Chicago was a large city, and there was sure to be a flight on its way there. He had always traveled light on his mission to protect the innocent, and so he was ready to leave within a half hour. He headed off to the airport, rapier in plain view and cesti dangling on a strap from his bag.
"Proteins..." Ben muttered, shaking his head. "You didn't answer my question." Crystal reminded him. "You're right, I didn't." replied Ben. He stabbed a cave scorpion corpse through the head, just to be safe, and then sat upon it. He closed his eyes and massaged his temples. He had [I]not[/I] been expecting the cave scorpions. "Well?" asked Crystal. [I]"I'm thinking."[/I] he said silently. He was still sitting with his eyes closed, hunched over. The cave scorpions were only really an obstacle that had been overcome. The human base was still there, and should have been taken over by now. [I]"Chameleon Leader."[/I] Ben searched out the commander of the chameleon-clone forces. [I]"Yes, Ben?"[/I] he replied. [I]"Have you taken the base yet?"[/I] [I]"There are a few pockets of resistence left, but the rest is pretty much under our control. The fox-clones were able to take many of them alive."[/I] [I]"Good. Crystal's been dying to get some answers."[/I] [I]"Crystal, sir?"[/I] [I]"The eagle-clone I've been with recently."[/I] [I]"Ah, yes. I remember seeing her, she-"[/I] the Chameleon Leader broke off suddenly. [I]"Chameleon Leader?"[/I] There was no reply. Ben tried to go further into the Chameleon Leader's mind, to perhaps find what had happened, but could not. Something was wrong. Ben sat up suddenly, startling those around him. "Something's wrong!" he said. "We've got to get back to the base, quickly!" "What is it, Ben?" Alaris asked, coming into step with him. "I don't know." replied Ben. He stopped. "Crystal!" "What is it, Ben?" she asked, floating over to him. "Something's happened at the human base, can your bird-clones tend to the injured?" he asked. "I think they can manage, yes." she replied. "Those cat-clones that Rena gathered earlier also seem to be doing a good job." Ben had nearly forgotten about the fierce cat-clones that Rena had called together at the Capital. But sure enough, they had bandages and poultices and such and were applying them as needed. The two lions were the closest definition of "gentle giants" that Ben had ever seen. "I'm coming with you." she said, and then turned to her friend, Sharpie. There was no point arguing with her, so while she was explaining the situation and handing over command to Sharpie, Ben turned to Rena, who was applying a bandage to an armadillo-clone's forearm. "You're awfully good at that." he noted. "It comes from working with little ones." she replied, smiling softly. "The bloodlust is just hereditary."