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Everything posted by Ben

  1. It was Giltia the D. Knight, and it was an illegal summon because it was a fusion card that he did not fuse to summon. I'll now wait to see if this tangled mess of "If this was right" gets cleared up...
  2. (Seeing as in you never posted that Granecourt had a weapon, skedy, I'm going to assume that he has none other than the supernatural powers of a vampire.) Mazukien slashed the vampire across his perfect face, marring the features for a few moments. Granecourt did a backflip to distance himself from Mazukien and to prepare himself for the conflict. The gash in his face slowly closed, causing Mazukien's eyes to widen in surprise. "I warned you, you fool!" shouted Uthegiliel. Granecourt snarled, and then leapt at Mazukien, closing the distance between them at an impossibly swift move. His feet seemed not to even touch the floor as he was suddenly right up in Mazukien's face, fangs bared. Uthegiliel, seeing his friend in such a frightening position, cast his lance at the undead creature. The blade sank into the vampire's side, conveniently sliding in between Granecourt's ribs. Granecourt was distracted by this maneuver and gave a second's pause. Mazukien used this instant to slam his fist down onto the lance. The resulting leverage caused several of Granecourt's ribs to splinter and break. Granecourt hissed in pain, and roughly shoved Mazukien away, his inhuman strength causing the Drow to fly into the wall. He then yanked out the lance and tossed it aside. Already the wound from the lance was closing. Dazed for a moment, Mazukien stood up and was grabbed roughly by the throat. "You should have listened to your old friend, Mazukien." Granecourt snarled. "You might have lived to finish out this night." Mazukien coughed and then spoke, his voice hoarse. "Don't count me out just yet." Granecourt looked at him suspiciously, and then noticed that he still held his sword tightly in his hand. The sword was glowing, and it had begun to radiate intense heat. Suddenly, it burst into flame. Granecourt recoiled, frantically smacking the parts of his clothes that had begun to smolder. Mazukien followed him, swinging his burning sword. Granecourt continued to bare his fangs, but knew that he would light up like a match should the flames touch his ancient decaying skin. Mazukien tried to hit him, he really did, but Granecourt was simply too fast for him. His vampire blood gave him incredible agility, perhaps moreso than the young Drow could handle. And it seemed as if even Uthegiliel had abandoned him. Granecourt, sensing Mazukien's nervousness at being alone, slammed his hand into Mazukien's forearm, knocking the sword from his grasp. With a vicious cry, he struck a mighty blow to Mazukien's chest, sending him reeling over the oak table. "And now you die, Mazukien!" he sneered. [I]"Stone bind!"[/I] Uthegiliel had appeared with a newly formed golem, this one only the size of a man, and in a man's shape too. He had his hand on the golem's chest, focusing his mind on the feel of the rock, and encasing Granecourt within it. Granecourt struggled as the thin sheet of rock quickly overtook his body. His body was grotesquely distorted as the bind was completed. "It will not hold him for long!" warned Uthegiliel. His golem hefted something in its hand. It was a long wooden shaft. "If we can pierce his heart with wood, it will paralyze him." Before the golem could get near enough, however, the stone figure shattered, and an enraged Granecourt bellowed at them. "You can not kill me! I am of the undead!" Mazukien quickly grabbed up his sword and cast it end over end at Granecourt. The force and speed drove the blade straight through Granecourt's shoulder and into the wall. Uthegiliel and his golem rushed forward. Granecourt futilely struggled to get free from the wall, but the blade was firmly planted. He extended his arms to ward off the golem's thrust. Uthegiliel flicked his wrist and the legs of one of Mazukien's chairs suddenly became miniature, arrow-shaped golems. They launched themselves straight at Granecourt and pinned his arms to the wall. The golem plunged the wooden shaft straight into Granecourt's undead heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Where are we going?" asked Mazukien. "We haven't killed him." "We're bringing him into the city. There is a necromancer there that I think might have some interest in the body of an undead." replied Uthegiliel. They were riding alongside his golem, which firmly held the wooden stake in Granecourt's chest. He was not going to be moving on his own anytime soon.
  3. (Does Shy even know that he was appointed to be judging this? :p) Little did Superman know, the British kept Kryptonite in their hats...
  4. "Ow." "Ouchth." "Soft owl wax." King Shinny groaned and sat up. The tree had exploded, sending him, Jeebes, and Ishap flying through the air and into some mud. They all had splinters in all sorts of unmentionable parts, including their backs and necks. Ishap got to his feet and began picking splinters out of his arms. There were a lot of them, though, and he soon got frustrated. "I know!" he exclaimed. "I'll just use magic to get them all out!" "Crap. Thith won't be good Thir." Jeebes [strike]lithped[/strike] lisped. Ishap began to chant. "Heart of furry wart, pitfall of bwee, get all of these damned slivers, out of them and me!" Instantly, the sky lit up with lightning and thunder boomed loudly. The slivers slowly and painlessly removed themselves from the three adventurers and formed piles at their feet. "Whoah. It worked." said King Shinny. Then something rubbed up against his leg. The slivers had formed a wooden sliver snake! The beast hissed, and bit Jeebes in the leg. The leg promptly turned into a well-cooked ham. Other snakes formed from the rest of the slivers and began advancing on Ishap, King Shinny, and Jeebes. Ishap strode up and took a bite out of Jeebes' leg. "I like it a little rarer than this." he complained. Ishap was disappointed. Nothing was going right. First his sliver-removing spell turned the slivers into snakes, and then Jeebes' leg was undercooked. What else could go wrong? "Who's saying that, anyways?" asked Ishap. "The narrator." replied King Shinny, watching as Jeebes sniffed experimentally at his leg. "Hmm, maybe he can be of some use." said Ishap. Ishap waved his hands and the narrator fell out of the sky and into the crowd of oncoming snakes. "Ow! Hey! You can't do that!" the narrator exclaimed. "Let's go now, while the snakes are busy." said Ishap. He spun around quickly and accidently tripped over a bear cub. The cub's nearby mother was not happy.
  5. Straight from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (minus any spelling errors, of course): [FONT=times new roman]"The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross and the difficulty they may encounter from their condition."[/FONT] The Church specifically says that nothing negative is to be done to gay or lesbian people. Anyone who slanders or insults gays and lesbians while claiming the backing of the Catholic Church is a liar. I just wanted to point that out
  6. Inuyasha7271, Your deck seems to be a bit chaotic. You have some dark, light, and warrior monsters, like you said, but there are some cards in there that don't fit any of those. Also, you have three different Field Spell Cards in it. At any given moment, you can only have one in play. Unless you were planning to use your single De-Spell on one of them to play another; it'd be best just to stick to one that helps the majority of your monsters. Here's a Light Deck I came up with a few days ago. Once again, some of the cards in it (like Prohibition) are specifically geared towards people in my area. I should probably sidedeck them, but, eh... [B]Tribute Monsters:[/B] Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2 Airknight Parshath Soul of Purity and Light (Special Summon) Mari the Fallen One Total: 5 [B]Level Four and lower:[/B] Kuriboh Thunder Nyan Nyan x2 Sangan Hysteric Fairy Skilled White Magician Time Wizard The Forgiving Maiden Maha Vailo Guardian of the Throne Room x2 Hoshiningen Neo The Magic Swordsman Witch of the Black Forest Mystical Elf White Magical Hat Total: 16 [B]Fusion Monsters:[/B] St. Joan x2 Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Giltia the D. Knight Total: 4 [B]Spell Cards:[/B] Vengeful Bog Spirit Dark Hole Monster Reborn MetaMorphosis Giant Trunade Terraforming Prohibition Heart of Clear Water Change of Heart Creature Swap Luminous Spark Polymerization Pot of Greed Graceful Dice Block Attack Mystical Space Typhoon Total: 16 [B]Traps:[/B] Gift of the Mystical Elf Imperial Order Pineapple Blast Magic Jammer Ceasefire Light of Intervention Total: 6 [B]Deck total:[/B] 43, not counting Fusions [B]Soul of Purity and Light:[/B] Getting this card out is fairly simple with all of the Light Monsters I use in this deck. 300 ATK points away from my opponent's monsters is helpful, and it comes with a decent attack. [B]Light of Intervention:[/B] As you may have noticed, I don't have any Flip-Effect Monsters in this Deck, so this won't particularly bother me. This, coupled with Vengeful Bog Spirit, keeps me safe from most surprises. [B]Metamorphosis:[/B] I can use it on my Marie the Fallen one to put her in the graveyard and get out my Giltia, who [I]will[/I] receive a Field Power Bonus from Luminous Spark, or a power-up from Hoshiningen. Or I can use it on St. Joan if she is caught in a Nightmare Wheel or powered down by something. Seeing a serene woman turn into a vicious two-headed dragon is rather fun. :p
  7. Uthegiliel sat quietly in his chair, absently sipping at the wine. It wasn't bad, but its age was flea-like in comaprison to his own. Uthegiliel was 4863 years old, and he had seen quite a bit and known many people. The only race he had seen that possessed no reflections were vampires. And Granecourt most certainly was missing on. There was a large mirror mounted on the wall further down the room. Granecourt either did not care that they find out who he was, or he had not seen the mirror. Uthegiliel rose to his feet, motioning for Mazukien to follow him. "We'll be back," he said. "Mazukien and I have private Dra'Coryul business to discuss." "Of course." Granecourt politely nodded. Uthegiliel took Mazukien several rooms away from the vampire, then closed the door behind them. "Granecourt is a vampire." he said shortly. "How can you be sure?" asked Mazukien. "He seems like an ordinary man. A little odd, perhaps, and arrogant,; what makes you think that he's a vampire?" "The mirror in your sitting room. He was sitting right in its path, but he didn't have any reflection! I saw the chair he was sitting in well enough, but his appearence was absent from the mirrors depths!" he said hoarsely. "Calm down, Uthegiliel." replied Mazukien. "So we now know that he's a vampire. What difference does that make?" "Vampires are not like ordinary men, Mazukien." Uthegiliel said solemnly. "They feed off of the living, and they possess incredible strength and speed. They are also of the undead, which makes them exceptionally hard to kill." "I know all of this already, Uthegiliel, why are you making such a fuss about it?" asked Mazukien. "Because boy, you've got to realize that he [I]is[/I] dangerous. You can't just brush him off as some haughty nobleman." "I think you're overreacting. Let's go back now; we wouldn't want to leave him alone with that corpse too long." "Vampires don't feed off the [B]dead.[/B]" Uthegiliel muttered as they walked out.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B][COLOR=#503F86]As they moved over to the Noticeboard, Ben let out a frustrated sigh. ?I?ve still not been voted for Best Female Member yet,? he muttered disdainfully, trying to ignore people who were voting for themselves in every category. He was above that- he was trying to convince [I]everyone else[/I] to vote for him in every single category. It took class to be able to do that.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] *grins hugely* Heh. I love this part Solo. ^_^ You're doing a [B]fantastic[/B] job. Keep it up. :D
  9. In a remarkable display of British discipline, a soldier was told to "die". [SIZE=1]Sources deny that the sound of a gunshot was related to the demonstration, and claim that the timing of the two events was entirely coincidental.[/SIZE]
  10. "That's [I]my[/I] water bottle!"
  11. Uthegiliel stood in his work chamber, eyeing the stones, sand, and earth that littered the floor. What would he do now? He knew that the sight spell worked. But Mazukien had been in trouble, and may need something more substantial than a figure of air and sand to aid him. Uthegiliel picked up a small stone. He caressed it lightly with the fingertips of one hand. Then he dipped his hand into the sand that covered the floor. He began to chant. [I]"Strength of rock..."[/I] Uthegiliel gripped the rock in his hand firmly, concentrating on every aspect. The firm texture, the shape, the unyielding face. Several rocks levitated from the floor, coercing into a jumbled mass in the air. [I]"Flow of sand..."[/I] He slowly released the sand from his hand. An invisible breeze carried the sand around the stones in the air. More of the sand of the room swirled, causing a small cyclones around the stones. [I]"Mana channelled..."[/I] Uthegiliel furrowed his brow as he felt his mana flow out of him and into the pile of stone and rock that floated above him. The materials started to glow, a sickly brown and black. [B][I]"Beast of land!"[/I][/B] The stones and sand suddenly stopped, and then darted together with a resounding crash. Something heavy hit the floor. Uthegiliel could not see his beast because of the kicked up sand. Then he saw the pair of glowing eyes. His creature was alive. It was in the shape of a wolf, made of stone and with joints of sand. It's teeth were jagged, made up of fractured rock and enhanced with a small bit of mana. It's paws were large, easily the size of a man's head. It's tail was more like a panther's; thin and able to be whipped. Uthegiliel climbed on top of his creature, planting his lance in the ground and vaulting lightly upon it. He commanded the beast forward. It trudged out of the room, tail swishing idly. When they reached the front door, the golem smashed away the rocks and sand that barred it. The beast padded out slowly, waiting for a command from its master. "We go that way, to Mazukien."
  12. When I was younger, I had chicken pox, too. I itched and scratched and did all of those things you aren't supposed to do. I wound up getting some scars on my back, which I can't really see now anyways, and a nice circular scar on my forehead. It's about the diameter of a pen cap, and only slightly off-center. People who know me seem to have gotten used to it, but whenever I meet someone new, and my hair has been recently cut, they question me about it. Another scar is on my face, a little below my eye. It looks kind of like an open-ended horizontal elipse. I got hit in the face with a lunch tray. Blood. Stitches. And a box of Fruit Roll-Ups.
  13. Uthegiliel sat in a rickety old chair on a balcony overlooking his small estate. Like many of the other Dra'Cryoul, he had taken to living by himself, despite the recurrent meetings at the temple. At the present moment, Uthegiliel could see nothing. Nothing, that is, from his own eyes. He saw instead, through the eyes of one of his golems. It was small golem, only about a half a foot tall, and was made up of swirling wind and sand. While not substantial, the creature was able to channel the spell. The golem was off scouring the countryside, traveling farther than Uthegiliel could in a day's march. It took a great deal of concentration to maintain this form of far seeing, and it was hazardous for his body to be without sight, but the technique had never been done before. Besides, all manner of entrance into his estate was blocked off, sealed by rock, dirt, and sand. Uthegiliel only left his estate when meeting with the other Dra'Cryoul, and when getting food to survive. Suddenly, the golem spotted something. It was a vampire, an ankheg, and Mazukien, another Dra'Cryoul that Uthegiliel was familiar with. Mazukien was in a fierce struggle with the ankheg, and the vampire sat back, merely watching with amusement. A sudden noise broke Uthegiliel's concentration. The golem lost its constitution and fell to pieces. Uthegiliel regained his sight. Walking to the edge of the balcony, he looked down. More wild spiders. The spiders were both a blessing and a curse to Uthegiliel. While discouraging anyone to come to the estate, they did prove a nuisance when they tried to kill him. And, they didn't have to use the door. Uthegiliel sighed and picked up a rock that he had placed nearby earlier. Looking over the edge, he hurled the rock at the group of spiders crawling up his wall. A few of them fell to the ground, dead. The others turned and ran. "Annoying bugs." muttered Uthegiliel, entering his house and shutting the door behind him. Perhaps he'd go and visit Mazukien after he'd rested a bit.
  14. The pounding of a horse's hooves caused C'tar to give pause to his attack. A grey stallion, bewlidered and afraid, was charging through the forest straight towards him. C'tar leapt back, and was knocked to the ground by the orc riding the horse. It was Grojek. "Get on!" he barked at Isen`Tar. Isen`tar quickly leapt onto the horse in front of Grojek. With Grojek's scent further away from it, and an elven rider at the reins, the horse calmed itself. Grojek sat backwards in the saddle, using it to prop his shielf up in front of him. C`tar's elves were not faring well against the creatures of mist. Their blades and arrows passed right through them, causing no effect, and yet the fog-creatures, though slow, could strike with great force. C`tar leapt to his feet and attacked the pair of riders. Grojek parried the blade, and then slapped the rump of the horse with the flat of his blade. C`tar put aside his sword and drew his bow. Grojek had already pulled out a small orken bow, however, and very nearly shot C`tar's fingers off. As Grojek and Isen`tar galloped away, the fog-beasts dissipated, leaving the elves among windrows of dead orcs.
  15. [FONT=arial][B]Name:[/B] Uthegiliel Ominihe [B]Age:[/B] 4863 [B]Species:[/B] Drow [B]Rank:[/B] Sorcerer [B]Weapon:[/B] An ordinary lance. [img]http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/kungfusupply/FT_End.jpg[/img] [B]Clan:[/B] Dra'Coryul [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment. [B]Bio:[/B] Having been in the Dra'Coryul clan for thousands of years, it's fall was a great degradation to Uthegiliel. Once living in a huge palace, with servants galore, he was reduced to a minor estate on the outskirts of the Underdark. Even before the fall, though, he was not very well known. He was a magical scientist, experimenting with forces that few others would ever, could ever have though of tampering with before. He was particularly interested in golems, creating and animating them, and finding diverse new uses for them. After the Dra'Coryul's fall from power, his experiments were deemed illegal by a treaty his clan signed with the Cal'Sakmeht. It was against the better judgement of the Cal'Sakmeht that they permitted him to even continue living. Years later, his work with golems and extensive magical study has granted him great magical endurance. After several experiments didn't succeed, but rather turned on him, Uthegiliel decided that magical shielding might be another area to look into.[/FONT]
  16. I had put in Reverse Trap mostly because many of my friends have Magic Cylinder. If I were to attack with Maha Vailo equipped with Malevolent Nuzzler, and they used Magic Cylinder, I could use Reverse Trap to drain 1200 ATK points, thus only dealing me 350 damage. Same for any other monster equipped with one of the Equip cards.
  17. "Now ther's a good idear." chuckled Dream Clown. "All 'o yer meenions are gone." Shadowknight glared at him. Then, with lightning speed, he slashed Dream Clown across the chest. Dream Clown fell to the ground and rolled several feet away. The other four monsters rushed in to aid their fallen comrade, but Shadowknight retaliated with unbridled rage. The Archfiend was in his element, oppressing one weaker than him, and Dream Clown's companions were unable to do anything about it. Flame Swordsman was sent flying with a backhanded fist. Shadowknight threw Dark Witch into Dark Magician Girl, and the two fell into a heap. Harpie's Brother was helping Dream Clown stand. "Care to take anuther shot?" cackled Dream Clown. He was slumped over, hand on his chest. He was glowing with a mysterious orange aura. (His Effect beginning to work) "Fool. You will die!" snapped the Archfiend, raising his swordarm to deliver an overhand blow. Harpie's brother jumped in to deflect the attack, but was beat aside Shadowknight's bone fist. "Yer pretty frightenin, alrite. But I ain't scared 'o yah." taunted Dream Clown. Shadowknight's eyes narrowed. The puny Warrior was just a little too confident. And that orange aura was yet to be explained. He decided that he'd better not risk it, turned, and left. Dream Clown cursed. "Aw c'mon! I was gonna knock yer lights out!"
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sportsguy76 [/i] [B]This is true but Dragon decks remain slow and easliy put to rest...[/B][/QUOTE] Heh, yes, that's generally true. My friend, however, has a Dragon Deck that is one of the better Decks overall that I've seen. I'll have to see if I can get a list of what's in it, to show you. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sportsguy76 [/i] [B]your deck needs to replace its 1800 attackers with the new breeds[/B][/QUOTE] New breeds? Could you give an example? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sportsguy76 [/i] [B]should have more then one MST[/B][/QUOTE] >.< I know. One of the weaknesses of most of my Decks is the lack of M/T removal. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sportsguy76 [/i] [B]and many Cards are ineffective[/B][/QUOTE] Again, could you explain what you mean?
  19. I've just one thing to say about yours that hasn't already been said, StrikeGundam. Cyber Jar is Limited; that is, you can only have one. [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by sportsguy:[/I] keep in mind that not many use dragons since they are easy to destory and slow...[/QUOTE] I've begun to see a resurgence of people using Dragons, due to the cards in LOD that directly pertain to them, i.e. Dragon's Rage, Dragon's Gunfire, The Dragon's Bead. But, heh, that's just in my area. Here's one of my more recent Decks: [B]Tribute Monsters:[/B] (1x)Buster Blader (1x)Dark Magician (1x)Great Maju Garzett [I]Total: 3[/I] [B]Non-Tribute Monsters:[/B] (1x)Exiled Force (1x)Sangan (1x)D.D, Crazy Beast (1x)Old Vindictive Magician (1x)Gray Wing (1x)Kuriboh (1x)La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp (1x)Mad Sword Beast (1x)Jigen Bakudan (1x)7 Colored Fish (1x)Skilled Dark Magician (1x)Skilled White Magician (1x)Dark Jeroid (1x)Witch of the Black Forest (2x)Maha Vailo (2x)Mask of Darkness (2x)Jowgen the Spiritualist (3x)Harpie?s brother [I]Total: 23[/I] [B]Magic/Spell Cards:[/B] (1x)Gravekeeper?s Servant (1x)Last Will (1x)Nobleman of Crossout (1x)Horn of the Unicorn (1x)Monster Reborn (1x)Dark Hole (1x)Pot of Greed (1x)Tailor of the Fickle (1x)Mystical Space Typhoon (1x)Change of Heart (2x)Black Pendant (2x)Rush Recklessly (3x)Malevolent Nuzzler [I]Total: 17[/I] [B]Traps[/B] (1x)Ceasefire (1x)Sakuretsu Armor (1x)Michizure (1x)Ordeal of a Traveler (1x)Nightmare Wheel (1x)Reverse Trap (1x)Imperial Order (1x)Horn of Heaven (2x)Waboku [I]Total: 10[/I] Deck Total: 53 This Deck may seem big and slow, but it's specifically geared towards duelists in my area. Please keep that in mind. :)
  20. *is quietly taking notes* :toothy: Heh, very nice DW. Your use of random humor gets me every time. :whoops:
  21. "Traitor." muttered Likid. The Element Brother of lightning frowned from his viewpoint in the sky. Luna had betrayed them, or at least was trying to. Should she decide to defect to their side, she would be a growing thorn in his side. Down in the courtyard, Luna was still anxiously awaiting an answer. The four boys looked at each other, and then at Luna. Yusuke and Kuwabara looked around nervously at the demon wolves, not entirely trusting that they wouldn't attack. Likid decided to play on their uncertainty. Gathering lightning in his hand, he struck just behind the nearest wolf. The beast barked and leapt forward, right at team Urameshi. Hiei acted instantly, darting to the side of the beast, his sword seemingly never leaving his sheath. The beast fell into quivering chunks of flesh. "They won't attack us, eh?" he questioned quietly. "I think you'd better start explaining yourself, miss." said Kurama, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly. Luna looked around helplessly. He demon wolves would never have attacked them, she knew that much. Something was amiss here... Likid stood watching, and waiting.
  22. Move the Magic and/or Move the Trap, wasn't it?
  23. Dream Clown looked at the eight Archfiends and blinked. "Yer mighty big fellers aren't ye?" he said. One of the Vilepawns slashed at him with his swordarm. Dream Clown cartwheeled to the side and drew out several colorful balls, which he promptly began to juggle. The other Vilepawns chased after him as he skipped away, more and more juggling balls appearing from nowhere. The Flame Swordsman and Shadowknight Archfiend came together quickly with a clashing of swords. Dream Clown jumped into the air, tossing the jugglign balls down on the Vilepawns. Upon striking the Vilepawns, the balls detonated. The Vilepawns ran about, trying to dodge the explosive rain. Meanwhile, Dark Magician Girl had run up behind them, and was systematically blasting them to pieces. Meanwhile, Shadowknight had knocked Flame Swordsman to the ground. Grinning viciously, he aimed his blade to hack off the Swordsman's head.
  24. Grojek bellowed like the orc that he was, bashing his fist against his armored chest. Perhaps by this show of barbaric nature he could fool the Elf into thinking he was just another bestial orc of higher rank. Whether or not the ruse worked or not, Grojek couldn't tell. But Turgon spurred his horse onwards towards Grojek. Grojek's Warg bucked beneath him and charged forward to meet the advance. Grojek stood up in his saddle as the two of them grew inevitably closer. At the last minute, as his Warg collided with Turgon's doomed horse, Grojek sprung from his crude saddle and tackled Turgon from his mount. Grojek rolled off of Turgon, coming to his feet quickly and moving in for the kill. He slashed at Turgon's helmed head, but his blade was stopped by one of Turgon's guard. Grojek glissade up the guard's blade and struck him across the face, and then plunged the spikes of his shield into his chest. Turgon had gotten to his feet in the time it took Grojek to deal with the bothersome guard. Grojek yanked his sword from the elf's torso and countered Turgon's overhand attack with his scimitar, wincing as the enchantments of Glamdring burned his dark soul. Grojek tried to stab at Turgon with his jagged edged shield, but his blow was countered by a swift parry by Glamdring. Grojek despised the silver blade, riddled as it was with the blood of his orcs. Turgon advanced on Grojek, slashing at his head and shoulders with the enchanted blade, pale white fire in its wake. The blows themselves did not harm Grojek, he was too well versed with his shield and weapon to take any serious blows, but the fire did. With each stroke, he could feel his strength fleeing. A arrow suddenly shot by Grojek's head. He instinctively turned at the sudden sound and movement. Turgon brought Glamdring down upon his head. CRACK! Grojek fell like a slaughtered deer. Turgon turned away, having defeated his foe. Nearby, one of his guards was engaged in a fight with several orcs. Turgon ran in, parrying the blades of several at once, and then ran his blade through the closest one. Quickly removing his blade, he struck down the others. "My Lord Turgon! Watch out!" cried the guard. An orken arrow struck him down. Turgon turned just in time to run Glamdring through an orc that had come up behind him. Then an orc arrow storm fell upon the elves from their flanks. Turgon took cover under the shield of one of his fallen elves. A bloodthirsty orc, however, had charged in despite the arrow storm and struck Turgon in the side, then falling to the ground with the arrows of his own kind embedded in his chest. Turgon fell to his knees, the gash in his side bleeding profusely. He felt himself being picked up and carried away, just before he slipped into unconsciousness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later that night....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isen`Tar had covered the orcs retreat following the fall of Grojek. Fortunately, the elves had not pursued, their own leader sustaining a minor injury. They had made camp that night several miles from the battlefield, and were enjoying the meat they had taken from the field. The orcs disgusted Isen`Tar. Best return them to Lord Sauron and get them a new commander. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back on the battlefield..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What a nasty little skirmish." remarked Finget the bandit. "There's all sorts of weapons and the like leftover." "Yeah, but what I'd really like to get my hands on is that shiny sword the elf leader had." replied Burt, his partner in crime. "Did you see it when that Orc captain knocked him from his horse?" exclaimed Finget. "That was incredible!" "Yeh, that was pretty neat. I feel bad for the horse though." "I know! Let's say we find that orc and see what he's got. He's likely to have plenty of plunder on him from his past battles!" said Finget. "I dunno, Finget, them orcs are nasty little beasts. Who knows what he could have on him? Probably all sorts of fleas and diseases." replied Burt. "Hey, over here!" called Finget. He was crouched over the still figure of Grojek. "I've found him!" "No way any orc helmet could have taken a blow like the one he took." remarked Burt. "Well then," said a quiet voice. "I'm fortunate that its Dwarven." Grojek sprung up from the ground, bowling over the two thieves. He grabbed a nearby spear, snapped it in two, and impaled the two humans of them it in a few quick movements. That helped relieve some of the pain he was feeling. Grojek growled. His head felt like a mûmak had stepped on it, and his arm was sore from where he had been lying on his shield. Seeing the fires and hearing the barbaric hoots of his orcs, Grojek marched towards them.
  25. Heh, most of the time I can never figure out these things, and now I get two questions in a single day. Heh, yay for me. ^_^ Q.) In the duel with Joey and Yugi pitted against the Big Five in Tristan's body, what were the first three Deck Masters played by the Big Five, and what were the special effects of the first two?
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