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Everything posted by FerMansion1989
Hai!! I need help, when i in the tail cave(i forget it name but it a level one dungeon) I Have Beat The 3 Penguin And I got The(Hish!! I Forgot It Name i but when i beat the 3 penguin by use my sword to has same it picture card Heart,.....)There are threasure come.i got that ........ When igot that....I must go in the door yes?It say ''turn aside with the spined one with the shield".That all but i test it ,it could not open. can Someone Help Me!!!!
Thanks to help me Jcgoudy and kuja Iwas Trade MY scent seed to power barchelet.I can can go fight the level three monster but when i go in there(Level three monster)I break up the The thing like crystal with my sword,When i want to go to the next door i cant go there,(there are 4 rooms in that circle)I cannot go to the center door and left door.i can go to one and that two door. please help me tcgoudy and kuja.
i was at the cresent island,i see the scent seed at there(future) how can i have it?because iwant to trade it to power bharchelt. please help me.
thank For Help Me jcgoudy! but i have more to ask you,i give rafton the cheval rope and he says you must have the island chart,and the chart is at the someone weirid guy floating in the air(like a ballon). and i saw the ricky,he say he want find he gloves.And when i go to the weirid guy there i cannot let her down . how i must let the guy down to the ground. please help me.
Hello I need help? On Oracle Of Age,I was In The Past(I going There with Harp Of AgeS)I was Defeat the Monster On The Wing Dugeon And The Three Say You Must Haft The Raft. But I saw The Rafton He Say(he Must Have The Rope That Would not Decay In Water. The Fellow Name Cheval He Was NEver Finish His Work. Then, How CAn I have the raft please tell me!
thanks for reply! Now We Have Four Elite Four! Now Much Have a One!
Pokemon Colour: There Are Many Colour On That Pokemon ,Tell Me Its Colour If Your Really Know That Pokemon colour! Lugia Suicune Ho-oh Mew Entei Raikou Bayleef Nocwl Venusaur
Frist! Go to ecrutak city ,and go to pokecenter and when your see the [pokecenter] see it up thre is the house ypu must fight the kimono girl and talk to the old man :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :tasty:
Ok! This My Poke'Battle Coloseum. :Chose Your Favourite Pokemon(In Crytal,Gold,Silver,Red blue) :Type Your Pokemon Moves(But Must Is Usually Moves When It LEvel Up And Up)Only Four. :When You In Battle Chose Your Favourite Pokemon In The Upper) :When You Wins,You Must Challenge Another Trainer. :When You Lose,You Must Out And You Can FiGht Back. Ok!!!! Now I MUst Chose The Elit FOur:Who Want To Be Elite Four!Tell me. Gyarados:hydro pump,dragonrage,thrash,leer. meganium:solarbeam,razor leaf,growl,vine whip. Typhlosion:FlameWhell,ember,leer,slash Feratagilar:hydropump,watergun,slash,scary face dugtrio:dig,sand attack,megatidude,slash Pidgeot:sky attack,mud slap,sand attack ,razor wind that's all okay. who Want To challenge me!!!! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :laugh:
Togepi Is My Favorite To,But Not SO Much. Because it Normal Type Moves Is Weak Againts The Rock Type Moves Like Sudowodoo,Golem,Steelix,Onix, Dugtrio,ANd Machamp. :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :devil: :devil: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
Ok! Can You all Tell Me You Favourite Pokemon!And Why You Like That Poke'mon My Favourite Is Charizard,Blastoise,Venusaur,Zapdos,Articuno,Molters And Mew. 1.Charizard Power Is To strong And Cool. 2.Blastoise Hydro Pump Is strong Than The Bubblebeam,WaterGun. 3.VeNusaur Solarbeam Is To Smart Than The Giga Drain,Absorb. 4.Zapdos Electriciti Power Is strong Than The raichu,Pichu And all Pokemon Electric. 5.articuno Ice Beam Too strong BEcause It Can Causes A Frozen. 6.moltres Fire To cool , The Fire Blast Attack. 7. Mew I like It because it pschic power and cuit Ok That all, I hope You Wiil Teel me Ypur Favourit POKe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your all are to cool! thank for answer. But i have more question for you all. 1. cater pie has what move 2.on the crytal version, the daycare man will give we what? 3.how to wake up snorlax? 4. on gold version, where we can find the card of poke flute>? Okey, That all. new question will coming in next time!!!!!!!
heh? You Koolaid what about this? 1.tell me there are total version of pokemon? 2chicorita envlove there times? 3.on crystal version,on the kanto city, the power plant isnot work properly and thre a guy was stoled something on that power plat,and he say he hide it on the gym leader on cereluan city,inside water how we can have it.!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you can not answer it you is stupid! he he
I like Ash Because His Pokemon REally COOL! With HIs Pokemon Bulbasaur,Charmander, Squirtle,Pidgey and Butterfree. And I Like Gary ! His Nidoky Such a Stronger He Can Defeated The Koga Ninja Master:wigout: :cross: :cross: :cross: :cross: :
Hey! If You Can Answer my Question You Is The Poke Master!! Question: 1.What Level Metapod Evolve To ButterFree? 2.On Yellow Version,Yes Or Not Pikachu Evolve Into Raichu? 3.What Is The LegenDary bird?(tell it Name) 4Grass Weak againts on What Type? 5.How To Find The Missingno? 6.On what level Charizad Will Learn His Last Power(Fire Spin)? 7.How To Catch MewTwo? 8.Where We can Found THe All Hm(Flash,Surf,Fly,Strengh And Cut)? 9.What Level Bulbasaur Envlove Into Ivysaur And Envolve Into Venusaur? 10.Where We Can Find Mew? Answer This All Question OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!