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Everything posted by Kyrian72

  1. [center]~[I]I once dreamed about a time when I could walk through my garden and see things growing, but alas like all good dreams this one came to an end. Every morning I wake to see my beloved lands drawing closer to my home[/I]~ [/center] [RIGHT] -The last passage from the Queen's Journal[/RIGHT] Sadly within days of that passage being written the King and Queen vanished, and in their place was a terrible leader, who cared little for the lands he had inherited. Under his rule The People's lands fell into a deep depression and ruin. Families were torn apart, children were forced to live in the streets to do whatever it takes to stay alive. And for the families that weren't separated Monsters, Plagues, and the Dark Lord's guards killed at will. It is finally once again the time for hero's to rise up to the challenge to defeat this impossible enemy. So gather all who dare, you are being called forward to save your lands. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] The People: [COLOR=Blue]The Water People[/COLOR]: These are the people that were turned to when it came to the health needs of the peoples. They used to master in offensive and defensive water magic, but sadly the longer the people suffer the less magic that they have. It is to the point where the only magic they have is to help with wounds during battle. [COLOR=Sienna]The Woodland People[/COLOR]: All the people that hail from the Woodlands have a partial appearance to the animals of the world, be it fox ears, or a wolves tail. Throughout history these people were called on as spies, seeing as they formally had the option to change their appearance to that of the animals they looked like. [COLOR=SandyBrown]The Plains People[/COLOR]: These are the hunters of the lands, the live on the grasslands around the world and have the biggest connection to the earth. The magic is more in their appearance, they are small and light on their feet. Story tellers say that these people used to be able to run with the wind. [COLOR=DimGray]The Cave People[/COLOR]: These people hardly leave their cave lands, instead they choose to spend all their time mining for the pressures metals, and stones that the Dark Ruler needed so much. All the time spent underground has caused these people to hardly be able to see during the day, so to make up for it they wear special blindfolds that help them to see above ground. A long time ago they had had the abilities to be able to dig through solid work just by their minds. [COLOR=Silver]The Mountain People[/COLOR]: These are the only people who have no magic, but they are all the better for it. Their village is forced to used the mined minerals to make the Dark Kings weapons, and in return for their services the Mountain People have learned how to better make thier weapons. Sign Ups: Name: [Be a little creative, Bob is not a good name. This is like an ancient time] Age: [16-40] Land you hail from: [Pick a land] Appearance: [Picture or well written is awesome] Special Powers: [Again all The People have suffered power losses so nothing god like] Weapons: [Pretty basic, what do you fight with] Written Snippet: [Just to give a bit of a feel for the character. Try to make it to the point of your character setting out.] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Name: Mila Age: 19 Land you hail from: [COLOR="Blue"]The Water People[/COLOR] Appearance: [URL="http://www.tokyopop.com/ugc/5/5/0/9/3/u//images/2732333.jpg"]http://www.tokyopop.com/ugc/5/5/0/9/3/u//images/2732333.jpg[/URL] Special Powers: She can heal small wounds, but if she is near a body of water she is able to heal larger wounds,but it is physically draining for her to do so. Weapons: She uses two small daggers. Written Snippet: Mila stared up at her village elder, he is the one that they would all turn to for anything, including when one would be allowed to leave the village. "Mila, I know you feel abandoned after your parents were taken, but you need to find the strength inside of you to go and do what you can for the village." She nodded softly, since her parents capture by The Guards she hadn't spoken much, "I understand." He waved is hand in her direction, signaling her dismissal. She quickly bowed, and stepped out of his hut. She carefully made her way over the lily pads that lead to her own hut. It would only take her a few minutes to gather what she would need for the coming adventure. She stepped off the final lily pad, and stood for a few seconds on the lake shores edge, looking over her village. She was hoping that all her people would still be there when she came back.
  2. Cora sat near the sidelines of the sparing ring. She was watching some of the new recruits practice. That was how she spent most of her time, granted it seemed like it would be boring to most, she loved it. It was one of the few things she knew she was good at. "Hey Cora? Can you show us that one move again?" One of the young ones asked her. She smiled and got her feet, "I suppose so. But seeing as this is the third time I have shown you... are you actually going to pay attention this time?" He laughed, "Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes and stepped into the ring, beckoning one of them forward, "I want you to attack me. Don't worry, you aren't going to hurt me." The young one shrugged and lunged forward. She stood still while she let him wrap an arm around her neck. She let him keep his hand there for a few seconds before kicking his knee, forcing him to the ground. She then brought her foot into his Sternum knocking him back to the ground. "That move works the best when their knee is, obviously, in an easy access area. And it is best to hit them in the sternum because even for a vampire this cause a bit of a shock. You will have better luck with this on a newer vampire, they tend to be slower. I wouldn't suggest trying this one me or the Master. But you get my point." The group of young ones nodded at her, and moved back to their own sparring partners. She moved to the vampire that was still lying on the ground and yanked him to his feet. "You weren't done in by a small kick like that were you?" She said smiling. "You are a good teacher." He muttered, "Besides being very strong." She laughed, "I am not that strong, just very old. I have learned a lot in my days." "Why don't you fight more?" "I don't know, I just never really fought that much before. Now go back and practice." She said shoving him back towards the others. OOC: I hope that was good.... I had to rush it... my friend was treating me... with her big ole dog.
  3. I know this is a kind of old thread, but I wanted to respond. Mostly cause I have never had the chance to really see what other gmaers thought of this. Now granted I don't really play hardcore killer games, I think my Silent Hill games are the "worst" in my collection. But I do play video games, A LOT, and listen to the scary music, plus I got the added affect that I plan on studying people like this messed up kid when I get older. I have actually talked to people that blame video games for kids that kill, and only cause of my weird combo of hobbies, I get a little annoyed and want to slap them. Granted people are allowed their opinion, but still. Do we blame Ed Gein on video games? And for people who don't know him, do we blame Hittler(ignoring the fact that there weren't video games around when he was alive)? I personally think that blaming music, and video games, and evil writings, and whatever else you can add to that list is just mean. Granted these things can be a trigger for something that is inside you. But I don't think it can really be a cause.
  4. [COLOR="Blue"]Cora sighed as she watched the others, she was seated with the everyone else, while she waited to report her mission.As usual she was seated alone, she never had the courage to try and join in with others. Even to her it was embarrassing, 200 years old and she couldn't talk to anyone. She had even had problems talking to her leader, although that wasn't much of a surprise. Most people in her situation would have reacted the same way.Or else run screaming out of the room in fear. She giggled softly, she had been tempted to do that as well. Which would have left a wonderful image of her in her leaders eye. She mentally smacked herself. Once she had gotten back to the base she had forgotten about the task set before her by Seraphim. She had been planning on working out the list into finer details. She had a few people in mind. Now she only had to get the courage to talk to them. OC: That was hard... My new goal is to make her talk to someone... I am glad the thread is back alive! Sorry it's short. I ran out of things to say...[/COLOR]
  5. Cora swung the case she held as she made her way around the city. She moved around the crowds of people towards her destination. But while she walked her mind wasn't on the mission, it was on the conversation that had gone between her and Seraphim. He was the last person she would have figured to notice her, much less offer her a position of power. ?[B]Hey![/B]? A human male, snapped at her when she accidentally hit him with the case. She ignored him, her . She quickened her pace a small bit, and left the angered human behind. She was nearing her target, while this late a night it was bound to be closer to empty than during the day, it was still a larger building and would cause some damage. ?[B]Ma'am? We will be closing soon.[/B]? And older woman said near the entrance. ?[B]That's okay. I will be real quick. I just have to drop my friends case off.[/B]? She said with a smile. The woman thought for a few seconds before waving her inside. Cora gave her a quick nod and calmly walked inside towards the middle of the building. She walked to the middle, set the case underneath a table and walked calmly away. Because of how secluded it was inside, no one paid any attention to her. The only person that ever looked at her as she left was the old women, whom she gave a smile to. ?[B]Well that wasn't so hard, which means something will happen.[/B]? Cora muttered as she left the building. She kept her guard up as she crossed the street, she wanted to be at least two blocks away before the bomb blew. Farther than that if she could manage, back to the camp would be better. Maybe she would have the recruits for her new mission by the time she got back.
  6. [B]Name: [/B] Cora [B]Age:[/B] 19th Century [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Species: [/B] Vampire [B]Alliance:[/B] The Harbingers [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q274/butterluver123/AnimeGirl23-1.jpg"][COLOR="Red"][Cora][/COLOR][/URL] She only appears to be 18 or 19 years old, until you look at her eyes. They show that she is older than she looks. She stands at about 5'7”, and she is almost to thin. Her skin is naturally pale, and with her long black hair makes her self-conscience from the way people have treated her about her looks. [URL="http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20outfit/Sasukefirst/cool_outfit.jpg?o=5"][COLOR="Red"][Outift][/COLOR][/URL] The outfit she wears when she is fighting. But when she is relaxing, or just sort of hanging out she normally wears plain jeans and a baggy t-shirt. [B]Personality:[/B] She is really shy, and tries to stay out of everyone's way. But even then she still care's about everyone and tries to do what she can to help. She spends her time, when she is not hunting, with some of the newer recruits. While she doesn't talk to them much, she likes to sit with them and listen to them. [B]Weapons:[/B] She uses a small dagger. And that is only for when she has to make a quick kill. She will normally use hand-to-hand combat when she is fighting someone, and will use her fangs to make the final kill. [B] Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] She can briefly control the moods of people around her. How long it last depends on the strength of will of the person she is trying to control. If the person is weak minded she can hold them for longer, but the stronger minded the person the less control she has. She can make a person experience any emotion. She has yet to let her self test this on another vampire, and doesn't know how it would affect them. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] Cora tip toed across the roof of the house she tried to quietly follow her pray. The bottom of her coat floated around her as dropped off the edge of the of the building. The human she was hunting fumbled in his foot steps as he finally heard his attacker. “[I]Whose there?[/I]” He yelled. She smirked to herself as she moved closer to him, her thin form completely hidden by shadows. As to her normal routine of hunting, she didn't say a word, she just crept closer to her victim and let them feel the loaming cold of death. “[I]Look you. Just come out![/I]” He yelled again, his voice quivering with fright. She giggled, and even to her it sounded childish, enough so to make her roll her eyes. She crept just a little but closer and grinned in delight as she saw him shiver. She had played enough, she was ready for her meal. She quickly stepped out of the shadows and pounced onto her victim. Her fangs ripping into his throat.
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