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About Sage_of_fire

  • Birthday 04/19/1990

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  • Biography
    I first got into anime years ago with a show you may have heard of called Dragon ball Z, I was five at the time. Since then I watched and read every thing I can get my hands on. I'm a gamer, especially the zelda series. And I work as a waiter...
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  1. I could never find much of the manga, and I've only seen some of the first season, but I'm looking foward to getting some more episodes in my collection.
  2. Ello there, my name is...sage_of_fire. Anyone from a certain zelda forum may or may not recognize me. Anyways, I'm an anime and manga fan (duh) and I live in the DEEP south. Where other anime and manga fans are little to none. So, sensing a lack of community in my anime obsession, I searched and I searched to find something...and here I am.....I'm thinking of having that made into a book and published, whaddya think? Cereally, good to be here. Glad to know that I'm really not the only anime fan in the world.
  3. Probly the most tasteless manga I've ever had the displeasure of reading....and I f-ing loved it. It was hilarious, no other words can describe it....besides throat gagging gory. Very good characters, so deliciosly shallow, and a taste of humor that was simply horrific. So far they're 3 volumes (supposedly it's over) and an "ultimate" volume that's printed larger, in color, and with small tid-bits in the back. Anyone else read it/have an opinion on it?
  4. I was only able to catch one episode while it was coming on spike a while back, but from what I saw it was pretty good. Good animation, sam jackson, what's not to love lol.
  5. Right stuf here too. I've never had much problems out of them, besides a back order or two, but that can't really be helped. They're prices are pretty good (Especially if your in the Got Anime club) and they're pretty quick on delivery, even if you get economic. Good selection, good price, good delivery, good company over all. Highly suggested.
  6. I was watching Desert punk, but finished it. And I'm currently on the third volume of Beck, but I've got a few more on hiatus for the moment being.
  7. My first was I luv Halloween, a very gory manga given but it's funny none the less. Next up was excel saga and....I can't remember the third actually. It's been a while lol.
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