Name: Teckio Namida (Enemy of Tears), Kamen Rider Velke
Rider description: Teck is a 6' 1-1/2" tall, 192 lb nerd by look, but hides well-toned muscles and raw power to match his brains. His Rider form changes depending on which of his alter egos he allows to take him over, or what power emblem from his friends he uses. His basic form, Neuteros (Neutral) is a dull gray and silver, has no creature base, and is the weakest out of all his forms, while his final, Loderos (Lord), carries a gold/silver color with a King/lion base.
Henshin Device: a special crystal, formed form his own spirit. Drawing a symbol of a five-point star inside a circle, Teck grabs the center of the insignia, and pulls from it the crystal, while a small belt forms around his waist. As he holds the crystal before his face, he says, "Henshin", and connects it. Then, Inserting his fingers into the open whole of the crystal's center, he pulls out small strands of spirit energy and draws a basis of the form he'll take. The sketch, now infused with his spirit, moves toward him and slams into his body. The pieces cover his body, transforming him into his Rider form.
Finishers: Depends on alter-ego possession or power emblem used. His most basic finisher is Ninja Art: Star Five Style: Neuteros Crush. He takes the five blades adorning his body and slides the blades through the crystal's opening, then rushes his enemies, slashing his star-like insignia into their bodies. As he sheathes the final sword into its scabbard on his spine, he throws two fingers above his head, then left, then right of his body, causing the enemies to explode.
MotorBike: Velke Cycle (A Honda that barely runs anymore; he makes it run only in Rider form, using his spirit as catalyst for fuel ignition.)
Weapons: Five Ceremonial Heirloom Katanas left to him by his father. They have since fused with his body (you'll see why soon), and can generate any number of effects.
Story: Teck has managed to escape death three times in his life. Despite this, he had a happy life until he was ten, when a death virus attacked him and almost killed him. In his last moments, five spirits descended from above, giving him a second chance at life while cleansing his body of the virus. Three years later, his best friend turned on him following the death of his girlfriend by thugs. The friend killed Teck's family, and almost killed him when Teck went into a rage and drove him off. Soon after, he discovered the first dregs of his power, in the form of four alter-egos: the ever angry Chiji, the perpetually depressed Kana, the super insane Kamachi, and the one who combined all three formers, the demolitionist Hakai. As he went, he was forced to use his powers in dangerous situations, creating elemental versions of himself. At sixteen, he found the love of his life, Mei, a kind, beautiful girl with a non-violent approach to solving conflict. Unfortunately, this didn't help her, or Teck, when the evil bastard returned and killed her. Teck has since that day been honing his powers in order to keep a promise to his sister that he couldn't keep before, but with a much grander feel: He is now going to use his powers to prevent as many women as he can from shedding a tear or being taken advantage of, and all before he dies.