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Everything posted by Mina

  1. The only ones I remember by name are Garuda: Spirit of the Wind and Aquerie: Spirit of Water. There are also Spirits of Fire and Earth. According to my understanding, these cards allow you change the position of your opponents monsters after battle phase or something. I forgot. ^^
  2. I don't fence, but I think it's a real cool sport. I'm just not discaplined enough ^^. But I think Solo Tremaine does, I gather he's quite obsessed with swords. ~_^
  3. I haven't watched FF ever, but your pic is great. The text isn't too bad, but fading would really help^^.
  4. Yugi: Alright, let's duel! Panik: We'll take 10 steps and shoot, last one standing wins. Yugi: Uhhh...fine, if we're turning and taking steps, I demand to have a monster to cover my back! Panik: Why? Yugi: Because. *putting on a brave stand*
  5. I think it's supposed to be something like a compatible team. Each one's persona balances the other. ::shrug:: I donno.
  6. Ok...this is gonna be a strange thread. The idea just snapped into my mind so here... If a perfect lifeform was to be created and you were asked to donate a part of yourself, your personality or any physical trait, what would you give? How would this help in making the lifeform perfect? I know there is no such thing as totally perfect, but which of your traits would make it atleast close? Once again, the idea just popped into my mind and it prolly makes more sense to me than to anyone else, if this thread is closed, so be it.
  7. The very first thing I would do is check out the White House comforts ^^.lol -Get elected by telling the people 'what they want to hear'. -Then....clear the 3rd world countries' debts. -Adopt some Eastern arts. -Get idiotic people off the couch and force them to get a job. -Pay the teachers [I]only[/I] if the students learn anything. -Require major companies to provide bus service to their employees to prevent early morning roadblocks. -Abolish checks and balances, claim Florida and California as my private vacation spots. -Attempt to turn gov. into monarchy simply because... -Keep America from sticking its' nose into everyone's business -Give up attempts for Mideast peace. -Have Egyptian designs carved into the Washington Monument. I've always wanted to do this. And I'd come up with a bunch of laws thinking this'd be a piece of cake and then screw up badly, and whine and cry about how hard all this is. As for politics, I think my cabinet should consist of members from every country so I can have everyone's opinion. I'm SO bad at these things. Soon I think I'd have the entire country come down on me cause I'm not even supposed to be prez. I'm not even American.:cross:
  8. I like it, too. It's so very...mysterious. Some suspenseful music in the background would be cool. ^^ Been watching too many Stephen King movies. -.-;
  9. Yea, it is. It was originally a green dragon, I played around Photoshop.^^ -----------
  10. Pegasus: Now get along, you two. I'll be right back. ^^ Bandid Keith: *grinning evilly* Suuuure. :devil: Sam: You wouldn't hit a kid...would you? ---------- Sam: What am I supposed to do? Pegasus: *sigh* Ok, listen. You will be the next in my line to receive the Millenium Eye! I need you to practice being evil first. Attack! Sam: O_o;;
  11. Lemme comment! It's awesome! I've drawn a bunch of Mariks and my best one looked like he was bored/had a bad facelift. :rolleyes: I too LOVE the shading. *goes off to practice*
  12. Name: Sakhi Rishta Gender: Female Age Group: Young Adult Race: Harpy Alliance: Rainbow Alliance Appearance: Attachment. Her hair is black w/ gold streaks and her body coloring is light yellow and purple streaks. Bio: Sakhi was hatched in a powerful mountain kingdom of the Harpies. Her family were strong supporters of the Royals before the huge breakup. Sakhi became princess just after they withdrew the alliance. She doesn't really care about the war unless it affects her and her tribe in any way. She is a mean fighter with a fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee attitude. Sakhi is very smart and also completely unreasonable depending an her mood.
  13. Here's mine. Isis, the Mage Queen 10/4500/4500 Attribute: God Type: Spellcaster/Ritual Effect: This card can only be Ritual Summoned by playing the card Oath of Isis and sacrificing any number of Spellcasters whose level stars equal 10. This card is immune to magic cards and its' attack increases 500 points with every Spellcaster in yours or your opponents graveyard. As long as this card is face up in attack position, you may renew one magic card from the graveyard each turn. Oath of Isis Ritual Magic Desc: Use this card to summon the card Isis, the Mage Queen. You must also sacrifice any number of spellcasters whose level stars equal 10.
  14. Heh...Kaiba is beginning to look somewhat like a sad case.
  15. Mina

    A Legend Reborn...

    Tara stood on the shrine terrace and looked down consideringly. The moon showed bright and full, lighting a small trail out of the accursed village. Now, what would these miserable people think when they find her gone. Some would probably accuse her of betraying them and others would would go along. In any case, Tara hoped they'd enjoy their early rain, it would be something to remember. With some final thoughts, she vanished with the passing breeze. ------------- Where was she now? Tara stopped for a moment when the wind dropped her off. She was sure that this wasn't her village...so what was it? In the distance was a castle of some sort. Tara had a thought it once belonged to the royal family, but she smiled when she thought about who was living there now. Her surroundings were once a village, but now all that remained was a few charred heaps on a cliff area. Tara smiled again. "Serve them right." she thought unreasonably. Now to get out of this place, whatever it was. Tara took another breeze; it was a weak one, dropping her off about half a mile. [I]Now[/I] where was she? 'I must really start to get out more.' she thought wearily. But she couldn't go back now, her feelings toward her former village forbade her. Some scars had never healed, but Tara had always kept pride as a weapon. Sometimes it was a hard weakness.
  16. Mina

    A Legend Reborn...

    Tara lounged listlessly on the plush coushins. All around her lay various objects, her playthings. She looked with contempt at her surroundings; her walls shimmered brightly with intricate murals, her furniture dazzled while showing off all its? fine making. Sheer material blew elegantly in the soft breeze and Tara herself was clad in muslin so fine it could be pulled through a ring, yet she despised her life. Her name, Nayan Tara, ment Seer of the Stars and that was what she was, a seer and priestess. Tara remembered just what everyone thought of her in days past; her parents had been disappointed she was a girl and being a problem child, her village had shunned her as a cause of bad luck. What did they think of her now? They loved her. They loved her powers to be more exact, her vast abilities that made her one with the wind. Travelers, merchants and even pirates came from far and wide simply to look upon Nayan Tara, Seer of the Stars, and receive her blessing. They bought their most precious belongings as gifts and Tara never really accepted them, she simply gave a hallow thanks and threw the gift aside for later. Still despite all the attention, Tara never forgot the past and the shallow excuses for humans her people were. She looked out her spotless window now and felt the calm breeze, the breeze which prevailed only over her temple. They wanted rain now, did they. The villagers wished upon their Priestess an early rain and that was what Tara intended to give them, but she secretly named a price. The land burned hot and humid the next day. The heated winds, in their quest to fill the coulds with water, they preyed relentlessly on every drop of water. The more water, the more rain was all Tara offered as an explanation. She was leaving soon, anyway.
  17. Yugi: Through the power of my M.Puzzle, I shall create the greatest being this world has seen!!!...No Tristan, you?re in the way!!! Tristan transforms into present ?thing?. Yugi: I don?t suppose you are gonna be my faithful servant, huh? ------------- Tea: An? the power of love and friendship shall overcome..... Yugi: NOW, is your chance! Tristan: Yes, my Pharaoh ::growl:: ------------- Millenium Eye? Oh please, check [I]this[/I] out.
  18. Meh...alright, time for a winner! Winner: Deathbug (you song was just SO creative ^^) Runner-up: Solo.
  19. [B]Name:[/B]Nayan Tara [B]Age:[/B]17 [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Affiliation:[/B]Evil [B]Power:[/B]Wind magic [B]Weapon:[/B]Bow and arrow,dagger [B]Occupation:[/B]Priestess of the wind gods. (if allowed) [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment. [B]Bio:[/B] From birth, Tara was a kind of 'problem child'. Her parents were disappointed that she was a girl, so she didn't really have much parental care and because of her problems she was thought to be a cause of bad luck. But as she grew, her destiny became clear and she began to train under the old Priestess of the Wind. So her powers grew and matured until she was given her new name, (Seer of Stars). Tara still remembers the attitudes of the villagers and even though she does help them, she still uses her powers destructively due to boredom and malice.
  20. OOC: Kiara, the Lady's meeting is at the Castle of Dragonskeep. ************** Sakhi sat quietly as the people in front of her were arguing. Two men on her left were shouting something about murder. Sakhi stood up and went to the Lady's side. "Madam, would you think it best if someone goes and talks with the royal family of the truehumans?" The Lady stared at Sakhi contemplatingly. Sakhi was an old Dragonlord; she looked no older than 18, but had lived for atleast a century. Sakhi could possibly understand the situation. "Some of the older ones." the Lady said. "That are not bent on war should go talk." Sakhi waited. "I don't want you to go, Sakhi Rakshe." the Lady said firmly. Sakhi bowed her head, the Lady probably had a good reason. "You think you can act as an agent?" the Lady asked. "To find any other full grown Dragonlords or potential fledgelings?" "I suppose." Sakhi said softly. "In fact I beleive there are a few in the city." The Lady nodded. "You shall meet other agents as you go...and do you want anyone to go with you for company?" Sakhi shook her head. "No, I beleive I'll be fine. The younger ones can be quite a bother...and the older ones don't know when to stop." Sakhi turned the door handle and walked out demurely.
  21. Another idiotic question by yours truly:Mina. field cards- do they just affect your monsters or your opponents also?
  22. The vast hall of Dragonskeep glittered with blue balls of cold fire. Sakhi took her place among the various Dragonlords and other important groups. The Lady considered everyone with pale amber eyes. After a small smile, she spoke. "Dragonlords," she said. "I cannot hide anymore that you are once again under suspicion of the truehumans." The Dragonlords murmured agreement. They had all begun to face difficulties living among the truehumans. "My sources have led me to beleive that another Fraternity has risen against the Dragonlords." the Lady went on. "And due to that potential weredragons are left undiscovered and their powers gone to waste. The truehumans must trust in us again before another witch hunt is called." "How?" asked one of the dignitaries. "It was difficult before and what could have caused them to hate us now?" "How is right." said another, a fair skinned woman. "It's not like we can do something heroic and they'll trust us again. And still because of the distrust, our dragon halves are losing control on the humans." A man stood up suddenly. His eyes were filled with irritation. "War is the only answer!" he pounded his fist on his chair. "We are Dragonlords and what can the humans do to us?" The people present began to murmur their doubts. Perhaps war was the answer, how else would the truehumans get in control? The Lady spoke as if reading their minds. "Remember Dragonlords, the point is to get the truehumans to trust us and that doesn't mean we fight with them, but ....." The man who spoke of war interrupted. "They'll never do it!" he said bitterly. "Just last week, some damned truehuman and his knights killed my soultwin. Are you saying this isn't war?"
  23. This one incident was stupid for lack of a better word. I'm in science class and we're watching a movie. It was that day that the principal was s'posed to be making her 'rounds', so when she comes in, we're supposed to look like we're doing something constructive. Principal comes in. Sees people lounging on the floor, playing video games etc. Glares at teacher, who is trying to bring order....and then the teachers own cell phone goes off with a random call from her daughter's boyfriend. You can prolly guess what's next. This particular teacher was a former cheerleader who is [B]very[/B] laid back and is ever up to her nose in paper work.
  24. Mia walked quickly down the platform stairs. Her train was just about to leave. "Last call." said the serene recorded voice. "Please board now." [COLOR=sienna]"Wait.."[/COLOR]Mia called. She rushed through the automatic doors just before they shut in. She sighed heavily as she almost fell upon a seat. Why did this always happen to her? Mia slowly scanned the train. There was nobody in sight. This was definately strange....usually there were so many people that finding a seat was hard. She looked at her watch. The time was 2:57 and her train didn't come until 3:00. Mia stood up at once. What if she took the wrong train? Where was she going. [I]Screech![/I] The train jerked into a sudden stop. The world suddenly turned dark. An incessant beeping began to issue from Mia's purse. Her cell phone was flashing image after image. Mia was nervous; hopefully it wasn't somekind of sunspot or some sattelite faliure. A vast shimmering shadow rose before her. [I]Do you wish to help, human?[/I] Help? With what? [I]My home is endangered. To save it, I must have your assistance.[/I] Mia blinked. This obviously powerful creature needed her help? Exactly what was she doing? [COLOR=sienna]?How can I help you??[/COLOR] Mia whispered. [I]You are my human couterpart, as I am your digital counterpart. In a sense you are me.[/I] the sonorus voice said triumphantly. [I]Come home.[/I] The lights suddenly flashed back on. Mia rushed to the window to a very different landscape. Where was she?
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