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Everything posted by Mina
[COLOR=coral]Now for a little summin from Finding Nemo ^^ *************** Phaedra grabbed anything she could, but her hands slid right off the slippery plants that inhabited the water. The lake was pretty deep and....that was it! Turning around, she churned the water as she tried to swim downwards. If the fisherman couldn't haul her up in time, Tani could do something. As much as she hated it, she had to admit, Moriko and Roya were right: this was the stupidest plan ever. How could a mermaid get caught in a net? Phaedra growled. If ever she got out of this alive, she'd strangle each and every one of those fishermen. The mesh lines tugged at her when she pressed toward the deep. "...old on.." Phaedra heard the bubbly voice. Tani was here at last, finally. Now things looked a little better. Phaedra jabbed her tail at the shapr rocks jutting up. Tani nodded and dove toward the knife like rocks. "Tani has the rock." Phaedra assured the jewels. "I'm doing all I can to keep the fishermen from hauling us in." "Keep it up." came a sarcastic note from the once silent Roya. Tani rose up from the bottom. Clutching the net lines, she tore at them. Phaedra reached her hand out and produced her trident. Three wicked blades and a stone dagger went to work on the mesh untill, each line snapped and Phaedra could wriggle out. "The edge of the town is just half a mile away." Tani said. "Be careful, there are driftnets all through the waters." "No chances this time." Phaedra flung her trident forward. It shot off, marking the safest way throught the river. *************** "That was the most horrible trip I've been on!" Moriko pushed her way out of the star sapphire. "Remind me never to agree with mermaids." "Atleast we're not served on a platter to the High King." Phaedra wrung the water from her seagreen hair. One by one, the group erupted out of their jewels. Phaedra made a point to stay near the water for Roya's claws stuck out longer than usual. "Tani, thank you." the group acknowledged the help of the elf, who still weilded the stone knife. "We'd better continue." Rann said softly, deciding to end the matter that almost killed them. He looked for a moment at Pheadra as if asssesing her. He turned back. "Wait." Phaedra called. Running into the river again, she swept her hand through it. "Let's go." "What the heck was that?" Reena asked as Phaedra rejoined the group. Phaedra grinned. "Tidal wave...sort of."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Omg, that's just...beautiful. I love how you captured the evil I-am-God look. I can never do that. And that is the most niceley drawn deul disk I've seen, of course I haven't seen many but...ya know. o_^ His deuling arm, the fingers part, looks a bit screwey as well as his eyes, but the rest is great.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy][SIZE=1]Silth still stared at the newsboard. What the heck was this? How were they supposed to help in the case? "Why would they choose us?" she asked softly. Joshua shrugged. "Ability level, I suppose. We've advanced very quickly indeed." Silth shouldered her bow. Advancement wasn't the only thing needed for a mission of this multitude. No one knew anything about the kidnappers, so how were they supposed to? The Delta world was massive and even some of the most advanced players haven't seen all of it. Stories of unknown danger and mystery were shrouded everywhere. Precocious creatures dwelled in the Delta world, thriving on bloodlust. What or where exactly they would come up was anyone's guess. "So, are we going?" she asked Joshua. "I mean, it doesn't look like any of our business." "Are you kidding?" demanded Marcus. "We don't find Callipso, we can safely call this home forever. I mean, this place is fun and all, but I don't intend to die here." There was a point. Every player would be trapped here for uncertain eternity if Callipso wasn't found. Already skirmishes and fights were erupting in certain parts of the Delta. "So, when do we leave?" Silth looked at the scythe weilding leader who was deep in thought. It was his desicion after all.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Tall, dark and handsome...yea, I'll shut up. I think the banner is absolutely great. The whole thing just flows. ;D [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I call it a rip-off cause ever since I've seen your art, I've been copying major parts of it. ;~P But how do you color yours? And...ahem, what's cell shading? *ducks a pile of rotten fruit*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Gothic. O.o It's inked very well and I can't see anything wrong with it, unless I wanna nitpick. So awesome! Keep it up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Awesome!! He looks so sad, in a good way, and peaceful. The clothes are dark, but it adds to the atmosphere. I love how you made the windows. Meh, I did a huge rip off of your art yesterday. Now if I could only color it as awesomely as you do...
[COLOR=coral]Phaedra dove silently into the moat. Deep inside, she turned back into a mermaid. Water churning around her, she swam forward. Tani was going out on her own and Phaedra wished her the best of luck. She had an inkling the elf didn't trust her, and not too many of the others did either. Yet they gave her the benifit of the doubt by agreeing to her plan. Phaedra half smiled. Well, merfolk weren't known for their complete honesty, that part of the story was true. She continued toward the river. --------- It must be afternoon. The sun speared through the thick black water, turning the inside a blinding white. Phaedra swam through, enjoying the warmth. Suddenly, she was dragged upwards. Frowning, she pulled back into the bottom, but the tug remained. Phaedra froze. The tug didn't feel like waves, riveres didn't have waves. Silvery lines surrounded the mermaid and the jewels that held the others' souls. The lines were organized, woven... "Why aren't we moving?" came someone's annoyed voice. Possibly Roya. Phaedra dreaded the answer, hoping it wasn't true. "I think...were caught in a driftnet." she whispered, tugging at the mesh. "A what?" "Fishermen's nets." Phaedra said. Anger and panic surged up as she saw she was one among many other fish. "We might be the catch of the day."[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]Yay, it begins. I know I signed up as a BlackGato, but I'm gonna start off as Salamon, so i can write about the accident. ------------[/SIZE] Salamon watched wide eyed as Zhuqiaomon's flaming gaze held the ones gathered before the Apex. Her huge ears flopping, she began to run in for a closer look. She was chosen, she was here, so why not indulge? "Watch it." Salamon tumbled. Shaking her head vigourously, she looked at the owner of the leg into which she barreled into. The blue impish digimon gazed back at her. "Accident prone, sorry." she apologized. The digimon said nothing and moved his leg aside. Salamon hurried forward. [I]"I trust you mortals know the reason thou art gathered before the Holy Dwelling."[/I] Zhuqiaomon's voice rumbled like a firestorm. [I]"Thou hast been chosen in order to retrieve the banished crystals that contain the soul of the Ancient Foe."[/I] A low murmuring began among the gathered Digimon. Salamon shivered slightly. Why the heck would these guys choose a little pink clumsy puppy to rest the fate of the world upon? Security issues, she guessed, though she had no idea what they were. [I]"A task of this importance is bound to require thou fledgeling creatures at optimal power."[/I] The Guardian continued and a new voice joined his. [I]"New powers shall be granted."[/I] said the new Guardian, whose voice personified celestial light. [I]"Get ready, loyal soldiers, for gifts beyond measure."[/I] --------------- Sorry if that was too fast.
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]That is a beautifully written piece. Knowing it's based on something true really makes you feel you want to read it and hope it has a happy ending. Keep writing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
How could I forget Firebringer??? *slaps self 3x* That is the greatest book. Some say it was modeled after Watership Down and it's more about deer rather than rabbits. --------- Also look for the books by Mercedes Lackey. They are all pure fiction/fantasy and she writes very well. I've almost read the Black Gryphon series. It has all the magic, magical animals etc. Love it.
Let's see. Assuming you've already read Harry Potter 5, I'll reccomend the Dragonlance series. It's very fantastic and even though I haven't read it myself, I've heard it has a great storyline and imagery. ------------------ 2)Green Rider and it's sequel of which I forgot the name by Kristen Britain. In Green Rider, our heroine, Karigan G?ladheon, is a feisty and independent soul, perhaps even a bit headstrong and hasty. Expelled from school (unfairly, in her opinion), she chooses to head for home on foot, to face her father?s wrath, rather than waiting for it to come to her. Along the way, she encounters one of the mysterious messengers of Sacoridia, a Green Rider. Wounded and near death, he beseeches her to take a vital message to the king. Almost against her better judgement, Karigan swears to deliver the message. With this oath, she finds herself set on a strange and perilous journey, aided only by a mysterious talisman, a nameless, headstrong horse and possibly the ghost of the Green Rider. What Karigan doesn?t know is that an evil long believed to be vanquished from the land has returned and is now hunting her. Pursued by unknown assailants bent on preventing the delivery of the message at any cost, Karigan finds help in the unlikeliest of places. In addition to providing assistance, some of the people she meets also contribute a bit of lighthearted humor to some tense situations. Karigan has reason to be grateful for such respite, because she soon discovers that her task will not end with the delivery of the message. In fact, her ordeal has just begun. I've enjoyed this book Immensely. And I would assure anyone they wouldn't be bored. The heroine is a girl and she really relates to everyone in her actions and thoughts.
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I live in Alpharetta too and I must say this place is better than the ones I was in before. When I first came to Michigan, I hung out with my neighbor for a while and soon she didn't want to be friends with me anymore. She didn't say anything bad, but rascism was in there. Then at another school, this group of kids start rumors about me and this girl keeps harrassing me. Due to this, I usually keep very quite and the fact that I don't talk makes people think I'm rude. But yeah, I'm doing much better in Alpharetta.^-^. I have 2 Mexican friends, one French and one African American. They are all very nice and we try to learn more about eachother's cultures. It's quite interesting. I'm not too worried about religion. People who I've told that I'm Hindu don't seem to mind. In fact, they wanna learn more. People should be like that.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Chaos is stores....hmmm. I don't think I caused anything, but I did say a few things. Once I was at the International Farmer's Market and they have this area where they have live fish, lobsters and stuff and I was commenting on how gross they were. Then I realize people have been listening to to evry gory word I produced. :blush: I despise fish. This was really stupid. If I didn't like fish, I prolly shouldn't have been there. Immaturity prevails.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]For those of you who love the Yu-Gi-Oh dragons like I do, this is my newest piece. They were drawn seperately at first then joined. It's Hyozanryu and Evilknight Dragon shaded. I wanted to get Hyzanryu to have cut diamond texture, but it didn't really work out how I wanted. Could anyone give me any tips as to how the shading would go? Thanks. ^-~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I like the banner. The background isn't too bad and the picture looks very fitting. I couldn't really make out the avi at first, but it has a cool expression.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Usually when I write poems, I really really want them to rhyme.I don't feel right if they don't. So when I made this, I made some parts rhyme subconsiously. I'll see about putting them in the right places. ^-^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]It's very detailed. I like the art work, though I am not sure about the story.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Cool story line. I like the characters and how they work with eachother.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Name:Sakhi Age: 20 Gender: Female Class: Wind Blade Magess Weapon Type: Retractable spear Weapon Name: RathMega (darkcloud) Magic: Wind Blades, Flight spells, Dark wind magic, assorted illusions Physical Description: [url=http://www.flowerstorm.net/disa/Pictures/DarkAngel/animedream-1074darkangel-leen.jpg]Here she is[/url] Personality: A kind of powerhungry woman with increasing magic. She is nice in her own twisted way and really inconsiderate. Meanspirited as she is, she will always repay any debts. History: She is trained as a Blade Mage and left with high marks. She seeks power and knowledge to become stronger than she already is. She doesn't have friends, only alliances. She treats mostly everyone like they could be possible psychos, so no one really messes with her.
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I had this huge inspiration to make a poem last night. After wondering long on a topic, I tried this one. It's inconsistent, but I did do this while 75% asleep. The Hatchling Stirring slowly, your eyes open. Darkness within darkness is your first perception. Soft wings beat inside the leather shell. Your beak assaults the roof in hope of light. A blinding messenger hails from above. A breath of cold air heralds your success. You are born.... The Fledgeling Your pinions emrge, Your voice rises, but it is one among many. She gazes at you with indifference. Shadowing love, her eyes bear instinct. Her wings are your roof, Her cry is your sanctuary, In her beak is your mourisment. Your brethren, they see, they fight and leap. They too beg for the mother's morsel. Through the tumbling, the fighting and feathers, rapture comes from elsewhere. A world beyond the nest.... The Hawk Your wings have spread, your talons curved and your eyes are the pride of the Sun. You've mastered the winds, You've made your kill, now it's time for someone else. He rules the mountains with pride and power, He holds your eye in his. You are his dance, his pride, his pleasure. Both know you've found your mate.... Now, my Queen, you made your mark. So many years did you fly. Your hatchlings have flown, found Queens of their own. Your purpose is done, You die.... Comments??[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Dkm, you are talented. ^^. You know how tah draw your dragons. We should talk and you could teach meh. All of you, I'm sure, are really great. Though I haven't seen most of your works, I know some people who I wanna grab lessons from.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I don't think I've ever been physically picked on, but I can't say I haven't faced discrimination. During Middle school and some of 5th grade, there were these people who kept on making bad rumors about me, but I simply ignored them. Now I tell myself who ever does that has definate issues. Now I'm much better and not that picked on.^-^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy]Silth pulled back the arrow and released it. It whined through the air and Silth followed it, releasing more white spores from her hands. Multiplying rapidly, the arrows atruck the vines draped around the trees. The thick whiplike vines shot in every direction until they formed a web of sorts around the group. "Creatures in the Jungle Sector are usually beasts." Silth said. "They will slow down considerably as they try to come through the vines." Lalo grinned. "Good enough." He swun his mace in an arc just as a blade of wind flashed by. Something seemed to have landed in the bushes far away and a strangled cry rose and died. "Let me do this one." Keiran stepped forward, listening intently. [/COLOR]