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Everything posted by Mina

  1. Mina

    Two Worlds

    [COLOR=coral]Nayan walked out of the the room. "I really didn't understand at first." she said. "But now, I wish I could just be her and not have to worry about wether these powers came to the right person." "How could that be us??" asked Keiko. "I mean, can we shed the human disguise?" "The human disguise is a great necesity." Arika whispered. Her eyes were glazed over. "We can't reveal our true selves to the humans, it'll fall apart again." "What will fall apart?" Keiko asked Arika as the other two stared on. What was Arika talking about? "The worlds will go to war again, we might not help them this time." Arika continued. "Corvus rises, but we cannot battle again on this Earth. We will defeat them elsewhere....back home. Rakksha will gather once again!" Jack and Nayan looked at each other. "Corvus..." said Jack. "Is that some kind of star or planet?" "And what was the other one? Rakksha or something?" Everyone looked at Arika for an explanation. She looked at everyone in confusion. "What the heck was I doing? I said something, but what?" [/COLOR] "
  2. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Ok, I'm not sure if this is allowed or not, if it isn't i'll delete it myself. I wanna know, when did all you awesome, way more talented than me artists discover your ability to draw? I began drawing since prolly 3rd grade. My friend drew this peacock looking thing once (it was crude), but I made a simple reproduction and added stuff on to it. After that I began drawing other stuff like houses, people and places. They all sucked, but that was only in my prime. Now I'm much better and still developing. Your story?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I have on accident hurt my sis's eyes about 3 times. It wasn't anything serious, but some came EXTREMELY close...yeah. My 3yr old cousin came to visit and he is an enormous hurricane. Me not knowing my strength, attempted to drag him into the bathroom to brush his teeth and dislocated his arm. Luckily, it happened a lot to him and was able to fix it in 2 mins. Scary when you do that though. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=coral]"Sure, I can do it." Phaedra replied. She looked at Roya and winked. "Don't worry, you won't be fish food." The cat gave her a dirty look. "Don't even joke! It's bad enough I'm doing this!" **************** Phaedra breathed deeply. Her hands were on Rann's shoulders and white ligh was flowing into her arms. Rann winced as he began to sink down tot he ground. Every part of his body felt heavy and incomplete. He was weak, his soul was in another's hands now. A plain silver bracelet fell tinkling to the ground. Roya, Moriko, Eavan and Tani stared. "That would be Rann?" Phaedra nodded as she held up the bracelet. In the light of the sun, an image of Rann flickered for a moment and diasppeared. "Who's next?" Reena stepped forward. "Me...I guess. It looks painful." "Probably is." Phaedra replied indifferently as she placed her hands on Reena. Her soul surged toward her immediately. Against Phaedra's sea softened skin, Reena's fiery soul felt like a whip. Soon, the dragongirl was a reddish jewel on the bracelet that held Rann. Phaedra winced inwardly. Hopefully, that was the end. "Now...what about the kitty cat?" Phaedra smiled again.[/COLOR]
  5. Mina

    Delta Rebellion

    [COLOR=navy]"Well, it is kinda sick." Silth said as she trudged behind her group. "And this is supposed to be the most dangerous sector." "Not really." Joshua said. "If you keep a good watch, you'll be alright." He talked absently, glaring at the path in front of him. "Good watch." Silth muttered. "Not exactly your strong point, is it?" Keiran drawled. "Perhaps you didn't dream as much..." "I'm working on it." Silth answered, not at all phazed. She was used to others commenting on her habit of prolonged daydreaming. "I bet....woah!" Keiran stopped just short of running into Marcus, who stopped short of Lalo in front of him. Joshua held up the line as he was standing absolutely still. Silth looked upwards and strained to hear. Every leaf on every tree seemed to be rustling in response. To what? Silth's braids bounced softly as a sharp breeze hit them from every side. "Someone's here." Her hand went directly to her bow as the other reached for a keen arrow. She knew the tohers were ready with their own weapons. "Any idea what it could be?" asked someone. "It's very fast." Joshua commented. "Just my luck." muttered Marcus. "First all this crap and now something else. If that thing is not worth more than a hundred times my age in points, I'm warping outta here." "There seemes to be more than one." Silth said pointedly. "Soo, there should be more than enough."[/COLOR] ************ Pleeeese tell me if I did anything wrong. I was so confused while posting this.
  6. [COLOR=coral]Phaedra looked at the group in turn. They were a small, but powerful assortment. It must have taken something big in order for these different species to be together without conflict. Though, she could be wrong about conflict. "Where is your other member?" she asked Rann. "The other fox demon." "How did you...?" "I swam through the moat as you entered the city." Phaedra replied. "And I can go back that way." ~Lucky for you.~ Roya mumbled. "But what about the rest of us?" asked Tani. "Even with a shapeshifting disguise, the dogs will be able to smell us." "Mermaiden's treasures..." Everyone looked at Phaedra, who was twirling her seagreen hair. She looked at them. "According to stories I've heard, when people die by drowning, the merpeople choose their favorites and preserve their body and souls within material objects." They were staring at her now. What was the point of this? "If I could work such magic, you all could escape by being my jewelry." Phaedra explained. "I would release you all once we're out, but it does take a great bit of magic." "And it's a big risk too." Reena said pointedly. Phaedra nodded. "But I'm the only one not in trouble out here."[/COLOR]
  7. Once again, he looks exasperated, but that is an awesomly awesome piece. Keep it up!! *rants on how she can never be that talented* If you don't mind me asking, how did you do that shadows, the ones on the folds? And the color?
  8. [COLOR=coral]Phaedra walked calmly out of the shop following a bunch of other commoners rushing to gather around some exciting event. Phaedra watched as the commonners began to place bets and taunt at whatever was going on. What the heck could be that interesting? She walked among the people and squeezed her way into the middle. Two people were in the center, a soldier and a young boy. Phaedra's eyes widened. It was that boy at the gate. Where were his friends? The soldier was aiming a glinting spear at the boy's heart and the boy's hand was on his undrawn sword. The pheasants were jeering and prompting the soldier to make his move. Extremely sickened, Phaedra began to walk toward the two. She stopped. It wouldn't do any good. If she wanted to help, she had better do it inconspicuously. She made a slight beckoning motion with her hand and immediately, every drop of water in the marketplace erupted from it's container. Tea flew out of cups, rancid water churned out of the gutters and a great spout of water in the wrathful shape of a swordfish surged onto the crowd from the moat. People screamed in confusion. The soldiers slipped and fell, hurting themselves with their weapons. The boy in the center stared on in half comprehension. "Come on!" Phaedra grasped his shoulders and dragged the boy out of the way as water pounded the market place. Wet and chilled, the two stood in an alley. Phaedra mumbled on about the third time getting wet and Rann stood dripping slowly. "Phaedra." the mergirl introduced herself curtly. "Mermaid, only one of my kind." "Oh..Rann." he held up a soaking hand in greeting. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=coral]It's not that no one reads it. Ppl are just too lazy to post...usually, that's me. ^^ I think your writing is great and very descriptive. Do summore. ^-~[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE]My all-time favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! character[/QUOTE] [COLOR=coral]No Mine!! j/k. Rhys: I absolutely love the picture. The face is a bit misproportioned, but the rest of the body and the color is great. ^-^ [totally jealous][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=coral]He looks exasperated. Ah well, the pic is great just like your other ones. Can't wait for color.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=coral]"You are late." Phaedra pretended to ignore the voice as she squeezed the water out of her hair. "And you took a great risk." Phaedra turned around and faced the Leader of the Outcasts. "I know, but the doors were guarded and the moat wasn't. There were more humans at the gate than..." "Silly girl." said the Leader. "Those were no humans. They are as unhuman as you are." "Good for them." Phaedra smirked. "But I didn't risk finding out." "Now that's too bad." said the Leader. "They are good and you might have been of some help." "I'm sure." "Anyway, what news from the countryside?" "The men have left to unite under the king and destroy us 'monsters'." Phaedra said in distaste. "They are dispatching small groups to scour areas where our kind has been sighted. They use their influence, rank and all that crap to wheedle information and the King's Imperial Army will follow to finish the job. If we destroy the small groups, we can be safe temporarily." "Like you did in that lake?" the Leader glanced at Phaedra. "How did you...?" Phaedra began. "Forget it. Besides, they were picking a fight with a dragon. Should I have stayed idle while they were implimenting torture?" Phaedra tried to remember what else the man she killed had said. True, she was lying to justify her story. The only way she knew of the dragon was when the men mentioned it and the burn marks were quite enough proof. "You didn't even see the dragon." the Leader said. "Now, if you want to conduct your raids, do so discreetly. We don't want too much attention." "Fine!" "Where will you go next?" asked the Leader. "Around the city." Phaedra replied. "I'll take a tour of the place and tommorrow, I bid bye bye and move on to the Imperial City." With those words, she leapt off her perch and began to walk toward the marketplace.[/COLOR]
  13. Digimon Signup Name: Blackgatomon Level: Champion Attacks: Cat's Eye Beam Digivolutions: Nyaromon>>Salamon>>Blackgatomon>>LadyDevimon>>Lillithmon Alliance: Guardians Bio: Blackgato began travel as a normal Salamon, but during a brief accident while traveling between worlds, she broke her digivice. Even after an awesome fixing job by a Datamon, it was never the same. After a digivolving attempt, the device turned completely black and left her as Blackgatomon. She is mistrusted by most digimon, but is a very hard worker. But due to the accident, her mind is sorta mixed up and she seriously doubts her loyalties.
  14. [COLOR=coral]Phaedra ran along side the bank. The morning light had almost dried her clothes and she was late. She cursed softly as she remembered. The man had said the gates would close at noon. Not that it was a problem-a short swim under the moat would get her directly to the governer's place, but it was better not to be so conspicuous. The small town where she had lived rose up in front of her as she ran. The main road ran right through the marketplace. Phaedra ran along the stalls and booths, ignoring the people. Insanity was the only word used to describe it. She was late, crowds of people were on the main road....a river ran from the reservoir to the countryside. Well, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad after all. *************** She was back in the water again. Her shining fish tail churned the water as she sped forward. A human or two looked among the rocks, but paid no mind to a wrathful mermaid. Fishermen were casting their nets, but Phaedra kept well away. Kammielyn would be her next stop. ---------- Ignore attachment. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=coral]::Stares::It's incredible! I think it came out perfectly. But that's just me, you'll need someone better to actually give you constructive critisizm. Sidenote: How did you color it?[/COLOR]
  16. Nice job!^^ It does flow very well and is quite novel.
  17. [COLOR=coral]Phaedra snapped her eyes open. The natural sounds of the forest seemed to have disappeared and were replaced by an arrogant shuffling. It could only be one thing. Humans. Phaedra frowned. Only humans could be that discordant. Sure enough, three of the monsters ran panting toward the edge of the pool. Phaedra crouched behind a huge rock to observe. The men looked worse for the wear from her point. One of them had no shirt and red welts blazed on his neck and chest. While receiving no help from the others, he fell painfully onto the bank and began to scoop the water up onto his burning chest. The other two lay on the reedy ground. "You know, why don't we make camp here?" asked one. He looked at the dusky sky. "Sure." said the other. "It should give Aran some time to heal. Then we can go and deal with that dragon." Dragon? Phaedra smiled. If they thought they were free to trespass on her property and still live to pick a fight with another creature, they were mistaken. She growled as the burnt man dipped his bare body into her pool. Disgusting freak! Still, welcome to my turf. She slipped silently into the waters and limpidly wrapped herself around his legs. The man didn't scream once before disappearing underneath the inky surface. ************** Phaedra swam among the reeds as the water wiped away the human blood from her silver trident. The dead man's body was already being covered by the sand under the pool. She watched contemptuously as his companions ran about calling for him. They froze after a slight ripple in the water. "Get out!" the two words were enough to send them stumbling back where they came from. Phaedra smiled contentedly. Now how to take care of the sword weilding creature idling on the other side of the bank?[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Sorry I'm late.[/SIZE] ********** Phaedra sat lightly at the edge of the glimmering pool, staring at her reflection. A pale face framed by greenish hair stared listlessly back at her. Behind her rose a great forest and beyond that was the town. The pool edge was quieter. No distractions, no human mouths ringing with lies and stories, no petty emotions eating you up...nothing. Stepping slowly down into the pool, Phaedra let her breath come out in even flows. Once in the water, she felt the change. Her clothes fell apart like wet paper and her hair flowed back from her face like long fingers. Her lower body squeezed together and tapered into a flashing tail of a fish. Her eyes adjusted to the green water and translucent fins arced from her long arms. Phaedra breathed. Her nose had no function anymore, but thin slits across her neck rippled in rythym to her breath. She was a mermaid, a child of the waters. It was in this form that she truly felt herself. It was demeaning to have to hide in a pathetic human shell. Phaedra knew-with one command, the waters of the world would rise to shut the humans up. One command could annahilate cities, the cries of the drowning mammals would rise to the heavens as they sank down to the Earth. But this could not be. Mass destruction wouldn't bring her lost bretheren back, if she had any. No, the humans would have to learn from their mistakes, see those others in a different light. Then there would be peace. Phaedra climbed onto the bank. Her eyes burned in the harsh light of the sun. She leaned back against a warm rock and closed her eyes letting her transformation to human go smoothly. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Nice banner. 9/10 The panda is adorable though it looks a bit ghostly. I luv it still. Heck I like all your art.^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I've always wanted a large spacious room with lavender walls and marble flooring. I want a laptop, giant screen TV and a canopy bed.:D For a long time, I wanted a ceiling with the likeness of the sky outside and I also wanted those Corinthian columns.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I dunno what I'd do after I left. I think I could still correspond with some people here, but I'd prolly be up with the current people in my life.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Let's see...my provokation level is pretty high. Usually when people unfairly berate me or does something I don't like. I start to get angry enough to snap at anyone I pass. I usually releive it by drawing sketches (usually a horrible picture of the offender) or simply venting my thoughts to my parrot (luv this bird) poster. It goes away sooner or later. The strangest part is that when this happens, I suddenly see myself as the only sane person alone in a hostile world. But then the thoughts subside. Weird huh?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]::Shudder:: None of those people look like the anime chars. I don't mean they should look dead alike, but they imply don't give off the same feeling. That woman playing Mai, I personally think they should give her more hair. The only one I think would ever work out, atleast by looks, is Emma Watson as Tea.Bloom as Pegasus come in like 2nd. I agree with some people and say let the anime stay and anime.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]It is a Spellcaster Deck. Though the last version had a bit more consistency. Spellcasters are my main monsters and the other ones simply help with LP, M/T removal. Some like Sonic Bird and WoBF are used to bring out Relinquished. The magic and traps in my opinion are M/T and Monster removal except for a bunch of power-ups. I want to get suggestions on what to remove since some cards are somewhat alike, I mean, I can substitute Man Eater Bug for Offerings to the Doomed and achive the same result and better.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Let's see. I once took my doggy on a walk and he started to chase after the girl dogs. After hours of chasing after him, I finally stand in the middle of the street yelling threats and profanity at the animal. You should have seen the passerbys. lol ^-^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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