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Everything posted by Mina

  1. Alright, problem is I have WAY too many cards and my deck is real slow. Could anyone give me a hint on what cards to remove? I?m gonna replace Dark Magician with Wingweaver as soon as I get one and I?m thinking of replacing MoD with Ekibyo Darkmord. Tribute Monsters -Dark Magician (2) -Holy Shine Soul Non Tribute -Rouge Doll -Man Eater Bug -Magician of Faith -Fairy Guardian (2) -Princess of Tsurugi -Man with Wdjat -Maha Vailo -Witch of the Black Forest -Stern Mystic -Bio Mage -Neo the Magic Swordsman (3) -Mystical Elf (2) -Ancient Elf (2) -Trap Master -Cure Mermaid -Mysterious Pupeteer -Giant Germ -Sonic Bird -Relinquished Magic: -Darkness Approaches -Fissure -Germ Infection -Dian Keto -Book of Secret Arts (2) -Nobleman of Crossout -De-Spell -Monster Reborn -Ookazi -Malevolent Nuzzler -Soul Exchange -Card Destruction -Dark Hole -Mystical Space Typhoon -Remove Trap -Black Pendant -Yami -Mask of Dispel -Change of Heart -Stop Defense -Offerings to the Doomed -Black Illusion Ritual Trap: -Blind Destruction -Reinforcements -Trap Hole (2) -Shadow of Eyes -Dragon Capture Jar -Deal of Phantom -Magic Jammer -Waboku -Skull Lair -Gryphon Wings -Robbin Goblin
  2. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Heh..yeah, she isn't too pink.^^ The original color scheme for her a metallic pink and gold, but it never worked out. Once again, I don't like the face too much (looks like play doh) It's cut off prolly cause it was too big. I resized it and it looks extremely scrunched up though.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. Hope this ones lasts ;) Name: Phaedra Age: 250 Sex: Female Race: Mermaid Alliance: Rebellion Weapon: Uhh...a trident Appearance: [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=455905]Behold[/url] Bio: Phaedra has lived among humans for some time now. She never revealed her secrets to them as they told horrible untrue stories of her kind. She is the only merperson she knows and hopes to find more. She is helpful to the humans in some ways. She saves children from drowning, subtly, of course and she has the power to bring some rain if they fail to come on their own. Phaedra, being a mermaid, stays near water and must swim at least once a day to keep her identity and strength. Outside water, she looks like any other human. Phaedra heard of the Rebellion and wants to put an end to human prejudice, so she joins in and conducts some espionage.
  4. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I don't really get sick. I am prolly the healthiest in my family. I do get occasional colds, headaches and cramps, but not too severly. This summer, I randomly woke up with a cold. Yes, in the dead of summer, I have a cold...and I found out a couple weeks later (on July 4th) that it was the start of appendicitis. Tough luck me! :p[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Mina


    [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Ok, once when I was 8 or something, I was staying at my Great aunt's place. One night I slept there, and this was the story next morning. Some thieves tried to break into the house last night by going through the window (everyone keeps windows open in summer). My grea aunt heard them and went down to the main hall with a broom. Then somehow she was able to press the security swith and alert the police who came to arrest the thieves. And all through this, I slept like a log. I don't know what to say.v-v[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Klinanime1 [B]Her shoulders look odd, as does her chin[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]That's why I called it a minor disaster. I can't draw anyone sideways, so I don't know why I even tried.^^ As for the shoulders, I'm still working on how to draw arms in such a sleeve. I'm quite proud of the coloring myself. ^^ I did it with a mix of crayons, pastels and colorpencils. My best combo. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. New work. This was a minor disaster work, the coloring didn't come out right. I tried for a serene expression on her face, I think I succeeded. Crits or comments pleese.
  8. I prolly have no chance, but here are my entries. 1) [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=436882]Dragon's Evening (Drawing)[/url] 2) [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=430865]Sekhmet (Drawing)[/url] 3) [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=455496]Eclipse[/url] All are drawings.(duh) Only the first is colored.
  9. Mina


    [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I'm gonna be a freshman too in about a week. My friend has a legacy set by half her family in the highschool and I don't. So good thing she and I are friends,ne? The only thing I really worry about are the classes, how hard they're gonna be and stuff. People, I really don't bother anyone too much. I warm up to them if I see they're making an effort to be friends. And once I worried that I'm gonna be just 13 and among other people in highschool, but I seem to have gotten over that.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Changed me.... I'd have to say the artists on OB. Before I came here, I prolly couldn't draw a most basic flower, but after looking at all you people's artworks, I have totally been inspired and came up with my own style of art. Although I'm not as good as some, I'm quite proud of myself. Thankies y'all! Lots of others too have been very helpful-answering any stupid questions and things like that. Though I haven't talked too many times, I wanna thank Solo for patiently listening to my rantings and stuff, so thank you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]I just got Relinquished and the effect wording is driving mr insane. So I have some questions. If you equip a monster to Relinquished and attacked with that monster, do you return it to your opponent since you can only use Relinquished's effect only once per turn or can you keep that monster until it's destroyed? Ok, Relinquished has control of a monster. Can you use Change of Heart, take back Relinquished's protection monster and attack Relinquished with it?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. Grasp of the Dead Continous Magic Effect: Pay 1000 LP before playing this card. As long as this card is face up on the field, your opponent cannot play any card which is maintained by sacrificing LP. If any such cards are already on the field, they are negated.
  13. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]The worst I found were some lice-y looking things in a bag of uncooked rice. Most food I throw away simply looks distasteful. Once I bought peaches from the grocery store and the next day it was full blown with an enormous patch of fungus. I think if I left it long enough, it would have mutated into something. The other time, i won a cake in a cakewalk and no one was really eating it since it was pretty big. I left it on a counter which was next to the garbage can and the next thing I saw was ants having a banquet. I have no idea how they climbed inside the covering.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. I guess I'll do one too. ------------ The rebuilding process went quite quickly as most people from the other realms stayed to help. Faith stood twirling her staff on the steps of her Temple. She missed them, Melody, Vylkarion and all the others. She could see Silistra near the palace gates with the King, planning some new extension, her attendents were taking full advantage of the sunny day. "Well, come now." said an aged voice. Faith smiled at Drail, the Stern Mystic. He held the parchment in which she was supposed to make a record of her journey. She took the parchment and quill and sat down to write. This would be a Chronical to remember.
  15. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1] It looks great, Rhys. It could be better, but since this is your first time, it's ok. I still haven't figured out how to color on Photoshop.:blush:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Real Name: Shilpa Age: 20 Delta Name: Silth Delta Age: 140 Team Name: Alpha Beta delta Class: Warrior Player Rank: 3 Weapon: Bow and arrows Personality: She is kinda like a happy go luck person. She doesn't seem to take anything too seriously. She is kind in her own way and is very intelligent. Picture: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/corona.bmp[/img]
  17. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Looks great! I luv the shading job, but are the gloves supposed to end at his fingertips? The right hand seems to have a full glove, but not the left. Ah well, glad you can draw again. Waiting for the color.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]That's cool! It looks mischevious and cunning-ish. Although I don't understand the pencil.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Ohh, I love toys, although most of the ones I get end up broken. For the Questions: 1. My fave toys were dolls. I loved them because they were glitzy for one thing and the promoting underage sex and such never really comes to your mind when you hand a doll to a child. I liked to play dress up with my dolls because it seems interesting. You've seen your mother do it and it was interesting. 2. It was kind of a treat to have a new toy. I felt really happy when I got them. Still, I don't think I was responsible with them. I didn't really make up stories though. My imagination came mainly out of books. 3. I think toys today are good enough, but some are not up to standard. Some action figures are very brittle and the plastic is so messed up in some that you can't put them together. 4. I don't think the toys promote anything bad. I was very young when I liked Barbies and I still have a few left, but now I see the pointlessness of the dress-up game. I now like the action figures and dragons though I collect them in forms of art and stickers.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Darkmoon, that's simply incredible. It gives off such a beautiful feeling.^^. How many times I've attempted something like that..it simply didn't turn out right. Heh..I practiced on Rhys' banner.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Yea, it's a strange name for this thread. ^_~ These are some of my new banners. I made them when I was somewhat bored and frustrated. They're kinda peaceful to look at, and I sort myself out while making these things, hence my therapy. The first one is a blue lotus, my fave flower. I wanted a cool effect and I don't think I succeeded too much. The second one is made with some sort of lilly. It breathes fire is all I can say. The third...I was going for an autumn look. It's also sort of like a desert. The spiny flower gives it a dry, hot look. Comments? Ratings?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]It's good so far although I think it progressed too quickly. Like Solo said, more adjectives would polish it up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. Mina


    [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]My real name: Manimala means 'Diamond Necklace' or 'Garland of Wealth' (yay! :D) My name on OB: Mina means literally 'Fish', but if you go real deep, it's a name for Pisces.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Mousquitoes...well, since I was very young, I was sensitive to their bites. I mean, if one bit me, I develop an itchy rash by the next day, it won't go away for sometime. Living in a mousquitoe infested area and diagnosed allergic to those things really doesn't work out. Other than that there aren't many insects around. Prolly because of the spiders. Lotsa spiders and frogs. I live by a lake where there are always spiders, frogs and snakes.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Just a little doubt. Would you get Wingweaver in a LON or LOD?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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