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Everything posted by Mina

  1. Okies then. ^^ This Ch 2. The poem is very cheesy, so don't dwell on it. ------------------- Sword of Storms Chapter 2- The Clue for the Sword. The caverns of the Underworlds gleamed brightly with the veins of rich minerals slashed across the walls. Rocky cliff edges jutted out towards a red sea of flames. Horrifying statues reared up along the walls and dilapidated columns. The tunnels echoed terribly with the keening wails of tortured spirits and starved beasts. Rath Shrazon stood contemptuously over the crumbling cliffedge overlooking a deep pit which pulsed a sickening green aura. Screams rose and fell from all sides of the dark hall, but did not penetrate the calm shell of the General. He was deep in thought. What was the chance of him succeeding in his mission? How well had he seen the odds when he had accepted this mission? Rath hated to lose. Folding his draconic wings close, he studied his options. ?So serious.? a sensuous feminine voice rang out behind the General. ?What are you so flustered about?? Rath?s cold black eyes softened as he beheld the woman. She stood smiling coyly in a purple and silver robe. Her luxurious white hair dropped till her feet and her fierce golden pupils glowed in her perfectly shaped eyes. The woman walked forward with fluid grace. She smirked at the pit of pained souls and turned back to her consort. Wrapping her jeweled arms around Rath?s neck, she pressed her head against his chest. ?You will find the Sword of Storms.? she whispered. ?You will rise even higher, perhaps rule the Underworld itself.? Rath slipped on arm around her waist and pushed her hair back with the other arm. ?I know I?ll find the Sword, Umbriel.? Rath said softly, enjoying her touch. ?I have you by my side.? Umbriel exhaled sharply, looking at Rath. He was so handsome. Born in the Underworld itself, he had jet black hair that reached his mid-back and black eyes. He was clad in black armor, his sword hung by his side and dark red cape fell over his leathery bejeweled wings. Suddenly Umbriel felt degraded, like she had betrayed. She loved him so and she leapt at this opportunity to be by his side during a campgain. ?I don?t know where it is hidden.? Umbriel said. ?Lord Drannonair won?t care. But I don?t know where the Sword is.? ?No one does.? Rath said. ?I should know they certainly wouldn?t let you know once you betrayed them.? Umbriel closed her eyes. She had been a Celestial Goddess, and like them all, she wanted to win the war for the Gods. That is, until Rath showed up. He had sweapt her away at first sight. She knew she could never get over this forbidden affair. Rath?s feelings were mutual. She was the only one who had ever touched his loveless heart. Seeing as how Rath could never leave the Underworld, Umbriel joined him in the bitter realm. The Celestials were outraged. They had banished her soul to the Underworld, denying her the gate to heaven forever. Now all she had was Rath. She hugged him tighter. ?I?ll help you, Rath. Even if it costs my life.? ?You have my gratitude, darling.? whispering softly, he pulled her close. ------------------------------------------- Ralis groaned as she pulled her sleep pack across the floor. She laid it out, a plain feather matress, a soft pillow and a wollen blanket, all decorated with Leyundra?s crest, signifing the Temple?s property. ?You?re staying here tonight?? asked Lysa, another student in the temple. Ralis rather disliked the snobby girl. She had come here from a neighboring village in which her parents were high nobility. She groaned at the simplest assignment and was forever ranting about the smallest things. ?Yes.? replied Ralis. ?If you have a problem, you may take it up with Madam Fiyona.? She smiled as Lysa blanched. Madam Fiyona was more than godly figure and she knew how to put idiots in their place. ?Well, don?t expect me to make room for you here.? Lysa sniffed obnoxiously. ?I was here first.? ?Where do I sleep?? demanded Ralis, on the edge of irritation. ?Try over there.? Lysa pointed to a space near the window on the far end of the sleeping hall. Ralis frowned. The window space was the coldest and most uncomfortable spot especially in autumn. Lysa was arranging her own things along her space. Remembering her lesson is cordiality toward guests, Ralis carried her own things toward the window. ?Don?t forget this piece of trash.? Lysa called unkindly. Ralis turned in time to see the girl fling a small object across the floor and out the door. ?My mirror!? Ralis leapt after the artifact. The polished mirror slid playfully on the waxed marble floors untill it stopped at the altar of Leyundra. Ralis snatched it up at once. She smoothed the mirror over. It was the only personal item she had brought from her family?s house. How dare that snobby outsider do such a thing? She sighed and looked up at Leyundra. Why, goddess? Ralis sat down at the figure?s feet. Wait till she was priestess...she would never allow this piece of slime to enter the grounds. She sighed. She propped her back on the the giant sword....and to her surprise, the sword moved with her weight. Ralis turned back, feverently hoping not to have broken anything. The sword was still turning, bright letters could be made out. Using all her lessons, Ralis read: Leyundra?s blade, The Sword of the Storm, Rests to awaken In a Celestial form. The Lord of Death, Seeks the fabled blade. The Dark will rise, The Celestials fade. The blade will rise In a tempest storm From a humansoul To kill Darkspawn. Sacrifice shall be his fate, His dark past he shall learn. Truths falling into light, He her love shall earn. Writing about the Sword of Storms? Ralis gasped once, her anger at Lysa gone forever. ?Madam Fiyona!? Ralis scrambled up at once. ?Madam Fiyona!?
  2. God...I am laughing so much. and I just had surgery too. :sweat: On with Pegasus. Him I HAVE to see.
  3. Mina

    Two Worlds

    So sorry. You're in now. :sweat:
  4. Nayan smiled inwardly. This was halfway amusing. Miya was still bewildered by her transformation and despite the growing tension of evil in the area, Nayan could afford to set her straight. "This is what you are." Nayan trilled. "Now feel for your foe." Sailor Vega closed her eyes. Nayan felt her searching. "There!" Wing and hand pointed toward a park compound. -------------- "You did well back there." Nayan said as she flew. "It just...happened." Vega gasped. "It was like a...." "Radar?" "That's it." "It's here." Vega said as she skidded to a halt. Nayan took a perch on a tree. Her feathers tingled with the evil aura. "Now Sailor Vega, look for your foe."
  5. This is something of a wierd story. It doesn't start out so interesting. If 'ne one can drop some comments, I'd be glad. ---------------------------- Sword of Storms Prolouge It was a beautiful sight to behold. The lithe blade glowed a crystal blue, the hilt was of burnished gold with Leyundra?s crest, a circle with a two pronged lightning, emblazoned on the hilt. This was the mighty Sword of Storms. During each of its many triumphs, the blade had tasted immortal blood and vast power. The weapon itself was forged from the escence of the most tempest disasters by the Goddess Leyundra, Mistress of Storms. It was the very blade that stopped the Underworld?s dark rebellion in its tracks and tore at its throat with unrelenting force. The blade won the Great War of the Celestial Gods and banished the spawn of darkness back to the Underworld. But soon after its biggest glory, the fabled Sword was lost. Some say the Sword?s unrelenting force was infused within the Gods themselves and yet others claimed the Sword was delibratly hidden from Gods and mortals alike. In any case, the whereabouts of the Sword remained a mystery. Now a strengthening Drannonair, God of the Underworld, seeks to conduct a search for the lost Sword. With its power, he would have the strength to force the Celestials to their knees and establish himself as the Dark God of three worlds. Now as he is still weak, his Generals lead a coup to the human world to hunt for the Sword. If they succeed in finding the fabled blade, the Universe shall bow to its weilder. ----------------------------- Sword of Storms Chapter 1: Story of the Sword Ralis sighed as she waved her rag outside the window. Little dustmotes flew out to the sunlight, dancing in the breeze. This was extremely tedious. She was to be the next priestess of Leyundra the Tempest, but how would she train for it if she was assigned to dust the idols. This was about as interesting as picking the seeds out of the cotton. Ralis set the statue down. It was one of the minor demigods, one of dozens more she had already worked upon. Pushing a few stray ebony hairs from her eyes, Ralis looked toward the main altar. The Goddess stood regally atop a platform of carved silver. Leyundra was an astonishing figure. She stood very tall and was decorated in robes of pale blue and silver and shiningly ornamented in soft lapis lazuli. Her eyes showed vast intelligence as well as a powerful and feral look. Ralis stared on in awe as she had done for all her fourteen years. Unconsiously, she adjusted her blue and silver uniform and smoothed down her hair. ?Admiring your idol?? Ralis turned to the husky voice. It was Fiyona, the current priestess of Leyundra. The girl bowed respectfully to her teacher. ?I was taking a brief rest, Madam.? ?I see.? Fiyona replied softly. ?You?ve done quite a bit of work, my dear. Leyundra would be pleased by your dedication.? Ralis shifted slowly. Wiping her hands on her pale blue tunic, she spoke. ?Well, madam, I can?t say I?m truly dedicated to dusting statues. When shall I learn to do the more important things?? Fiyona folded her hands into her long robes. Her long hair was brushed back and tied neatly in a silver ribbon. Even with her old age, the priestess bore traces of her youthful beauty. ?You don?t think cleanliness in place of worship is important?? Ralis blushed. She had been told many times. No job in the Temple is more important than the other. ?I?m sorry, Madam.? Her green eyes fell upon Leyundra?s right hand, resting upon a tall sword. ?The Sword of Storms.? Fiyona said. ?The greatest weapon of the Gods. It was hidden by Leyundra herself because of its powers.? ?Has anyone found it?? asked Ralis. ?Do tell me the story again.? Fiyona smiled. ?Well, since it is your resting time.? She sat down on the seat beside the altar and Ralis, as befit her rank as student, sat upon the ground attentively. Fiyona began. ?A long time ago, before any of our ancestors were brought to this world, the Gods ruled over many vast territories. Each diety took upon an element and infused himself in it. The Celestial beings all resided in harmony until....? ?Drannonair, god of the Underworld.? said Ralis. ?He wanted to rule the world.? ?Not just this world.? Fiyona said. ?But he wanted all three worlds: World of the Gods, Men and Demons. He lead his group of demons in a rebellion and seemed almost unstoppable until Leyundra came forth.? She paused and looked reverently at her diety. ?Leyundra, created from the storms that forged our world, produced the Sword of Storms. That same Sword banished the souls of Drannonair?s minions to the Underworld and nearly slew Drannonair himself. Horribly weakened, he fled to his Underkingdom and was never seen since.? Fiyona sighed. ?And then, dear, Leyundra hid the Sword. Fearing its power would fall into the wrong hands, she hid it safely. No one has ever found it. Many expeditions have searched, but nothing ever turned up.? Ralis smiled, certainly impressed. What if she was the one who found the Sword? Fiyona stood. ?Well, dear, we must be getting back to our duties. It?s almost evening and time for the Cleansing Ceremony.? Ralis stood and bowed as Fiyona walked away. She picked up another demigod and began dusting his marble face. Yes, what if she found the Sword of Storms? She would be famous in all three worlds, but if experienced trekkers couldn?t find it, what chance did she have? But she was closer than she thought.
  6. Yes, too love the hair and eyes. The nose is fine and the mouth, as I can see it, is there. It is very anime. ^^ The shoulders do look misplaced. The chest area is a bit misaligned, but the shading is better than anything I could do.
  7. It's pretty. ^^ I love violet, so I...luv the banner.
  8. Mina

    Two Worlds

    Luyii Hallucin Khali-Leader of Corvus/Illusionist (Raiha) Matt shindrek- Member of Corvus/Healer (Shado Mage) Luisa Rosario Dominquez- Member of Corvus/ShapeShifter (Sweetreyes) (Spot saved for Lalaith Ril) Talayeh Omoro- Corvus Member/ Elemental (Terra) --------------- Neri Omoro- Rakksha Member/Elemental Wizard (Sage) Jack Sisco- Rakksha Member/Mindreader (T-Man) Orchid- Rakksha Member/Shapeshifter (XxmagentaxX) Kaira- Rakksha Leader/Spellcaster (Arika) Nayan Tara- Rakksha member/Illusionist (Me) Keiko Shima- Rakksha Member/Futuresight (NeoClone-7) ---------------- Open Spots: 2 Corvus members 1 Rakksha Any other lesser followers or minions of either groups. Thanks for signing up. ^^ I'll start this in a couple days. If anyone else wants to sign up, go ahead.
  9. The tail didn't have the effect I wanted it to. :bluesweat: It looks disconnected.
  10. Oooo, that was the best yet! Do keep posting. *waits in anticipaton*
  11. This is my newest piece. It is dragons getting ready for dusk. I think the coloring job went pretty well. I kinda succeeded in producing an evening theme. The pic looks blurry cause I made it too small. Please rate.
  12. Nayan stared at Miya for a moment. The other humans in the room didn't notice her...yet. She looked on meaningfully, shifting her long tailfeathers, marking her as an exotic bird. "Ummm...are you lost?" Miya asked. "From an animal show or..." "I beg your pardon." Nayan grumbled. "I am no ordinary [I]animal.[/I]" The girl took a shocked step back.Nayan fluterred back to the window sill. The girl looked back at her. The question in her eyes was clear: Did you speak? "Yes...." Nayan drawled. She seemed to enjoy the confusion. "I am also a Guardian Beast put in your charge to awaken your hidden powers so that a great evil may be put to rest." The girl remained silent and calculating. "Yes, Miya, there is such a thing." Nayan said softly. "Tell me, have you ever dreamed this would happen?" She dropped the magic mirror on Miya's lap. Perhaps some connection would spark from it.
  13. [SIZE=1][B]I'll be your Beast.^^ Prepare to say hi to Nayan.[/B][/SIZE] Nayan woke up slowly. Peering out from behind a branch she saw the world. People walked everywhere, tall trees and walls enclosed a busy building. It was noisy...after such a long time. Nayan lifted a red gold wing. The sunlight bounced harshly around the pinions. Hopping closer to the throngs of people, Nayan stared on. She had her duty, to discover a Sailor Soldier, bring to a maximum potential. What was the danger, though? Why was she called? "Hmmm?" Directly in front of the beautiful bird, someone had opened a window. More people were inside, young people. Flaring her blazing wings, Nayan fluttered over to the sill. Was that it? A young girl was bent over something. Nayan stared hard, her amber eyes glinting. She felt something deep in her feathers. The girl raised her head and looked out the window, her eyes reflecting the light. Nayan nearly dropped to the ground as she felt the girl. It was power indeed...it was clear and strong like a scale of perfect music. "She has to be the one." Nayan thought. Strong energy was emanating from her aura. Her potential was big. Nayan produced a glowing object in her talons. It was a small mirror, intricately decorated, the glass shining blue. Yes, this girl was to be the one. Sailor Vega.
  14. Wolf God 6/2100/2500 Wind/Beast Desc: This immortal beast reigns over the forests and punishes those who wish it ill. Iron Lance Equip magic Effect: A warrior type monster equipped with this card can only do battle with Warrior type monsters. Diamond Knight Dragon Fusion: Hyozanryu, EvilKnightDragon 8/3200/3000 Light/Dragon/Effect Effect: Any monster cards by the same name as those which are used to fuse this monster are Special Summoned to the field in face up attack mode. When this monster is destroyed, those cards are destroyed.
  15. Heh...hilarious. ^^ I'm dying to see Joey. NY style! ---- I've had this on my mind since I saw that ep where Tea and Yami go on a date. How would Yami know how to pay for their food?
  16. Y.Yugi: Oh for the love of god, just take my puzzle, I can't sit in this position forever! *in pain* oweee. Y.Bakura: I told you to take that excersize class. ------------- Yugi: Ya know, why do we always duel on a tree stump? Y.Bakura: Shadow realm accomodations are....minimal. Y.Yugi: Atleast we got the gameboard at...what? Y.Bakura: $90 Y.Yugi: And who's paying?
  17. Mina

    Two Worlds

    Here's mine. Name: Nayan Tara Age: 19 Fraternity: Rakksha Rank: 2nd in command Ability: Illusionist Personal Description: Tara is a tall girl who looks older than she is. She usually wears a light yellow knee length dress with pants of the same color. Over that she wears a gold embroidered purple trenchcoat. Her hair is gold streaked black and her eyes are violet. Her alien form is a gold spirit looking thing. She has no definate form, but is very fluid. Bio: Even while very young, Tara was a very radical thinker. She went against everyones ideas and that earned her a bit of strange reputation. She is friendly with anyone who is nice, but they have to go a long way before she trusts them. Tara discovered her gift for Illusions when she was 8 yrs old. Curiosity served as an impetus and she developed her gift over the years. She often uses her Illusions to relive many people of their pain and they simply wake up thinking it's a dream. Tara has been having memory laspses for some years now and is just beginning to piece them together. She wishes she has someone to confide in even though she can talk to illusionary people. She is in search for anyone like her who can explain.
  18. Mina

    Two Worlds

    Ok, here's where we are: Luyii Hallucin Khali-Leader of Corvus/Illusionist (Raiha) Matt shindrek- Member of Corvus/Healer (Shado Mage) Luisa Rosario Dominquez- Member of Corvus/ShapeShifter (Sweetreyes) (Spot saved for Lalaith Ril) --------------- Neri Omoro- Rakksha Member/Elemental Wizard (Sage) Jack Sisco- Rakksha Member/Mindreader (T-Man) Orchid- Rakksha Member/Shapeshifter (XxmagentaxX) ---------------- Open Spots: 3 more Corvus members 4 Rakksha members including Leader Any other lesser followers or minions of either groups. Thanks for signing up. :D
  19. Mina

    Two Worlds

    Ok...time to sort out some confusion. Sage, I'll take your idea on the combining powers. Futuresight and Timetravel are together and this is how it works. To see the future, you must travel to it. I'll also add the Healing. The 7 powers mentioned: Illusions, Shapeshift, Power of Elements, Futuresight, Healing, Mindmirror, Use of Magic, are one per member. Both Fraternities have the same powers except they are in different versions. Example, a Rakksha member having the power of Illusions might use it to a better degree than a Corvus member. So, how helpful or malevolent your gift is depends on your alliance. ----------- T-Man, please change your abilities. You may have only one of the mentioned. Thanks for signing up everyone. ^^
  20. Millennia Mirror 4/1500/1450 Light/Spellcaster/Effect Effect: You may chose to use one of these effects each turn this card is face up on the field. 1)Look at the top 5 cards in your opponent's deck and replace them in any order. Pay 500 LP. 2)Look through yours or your opponent's graveyard and take all the cards that are destroyed in yours or your opponent's last 3 turns and place them on top of your deck. Pay 2000 LP and discard two cards from the top of your own deck.
  21. Mina

    Two Worlds

    My latest RPG. Based on an idea I've been playing around with. Prolouge: Before the universe as we know it ever existed, there was another more powerful universe. It had galaxies and planets just like ours and intelligent life dominated every one of them. Soon enough each planet got into a race on developing itself faster than the other. They tested out bold new technology and used every law of the land to their advantage. But then, their advancements turned from benevolent to malevolent as they progressed. Instigated by an evil power-hungry fraternity, an elite group of inhabitants from Seven major planets, the worlds went to an all out war. The war lasted many years and each generation seldom remembered the peace times, to some, war was their sole purpose. Seeing this destruction bought on by petty jealousies, instigation and anger, good inhabitants from the seven major planets gathered together to figure out an end to the war. Considered abnormal and treasonous on their own home planets, these Seven had their own gifts and arcane powers and called themselves the Rakksha Fraternity. Using these gifts over a lengthy period of time, they arrived at a terrible conclusion on how to end the War: Collapse the universe upon itself and rebuild from scratch. They decided to do just that, hoping perhaps the next race would never follow in the footsteps of the horrible past. Of course, the evil Fraternity, Corvus, wasn't having any of that. The good and the bad had their own private magical war in which terrible power was used up. The planets became poisoned and the skies became perpetually dark. And after one final clash in the arcane arts, the seven Rakksha mustered enough power to put their plan in motion. Overnight, the universe destroyed itself. Enormous black holes sprung up in each corner, terminating everything in contact, the poisoned planets themselves caught on fire and destroyed themselves. Every solid bit of the universe was swallowed by the black holes. Fire spread about, cleansing the terrible acts of the people. The world then restarted again as we know it. The Rakksha are reborn into the only planet known to carry life. Earth. Their identities and powers remain hidden. Their true forms have taken human disguises and they subconsciously watch over the world. And like them, the Corvus is also reborn. They still have bits of their memories past and once again seek to dominate the planets. The Corvus also has human disguises and their leader is gathering them up to remind them of their evil destiny. The Rakksha are also beginning to remember the past, but can they do it soon enough to stop the Corvus before it gets ahead too much? ----------------------------------- Wheew! Finished. Characters include 7 Rakksha (good) and 7 Corvus (bad). You may also choose to be the leader of the Corvus or you could choose to be a General/soldier/whatever in the Corvus army. Remember everyone is a human at this point [B]You may have only ONE of these powers![/B] Rakksha powers: -Illusions -Shapeshift (transform into any LIVING thing) -Power of Elements (note: this doesn't mean you can command fire when you're buried in snow. You have to be near that element to control it. To command plants, you must be near some.) -Futuresight (Anyone with this ability can travel back or forth in time for a short time. To see the future, you must travel there. But only short distances, not years forward.) -Spells (any type of magic from sorcery to simple gypsy fortunes) -Mindmirror(can predict anyone?s actions/mind read) -Healing (can heal self or others) Corvus Powers: Same as Rakksha, just darkly potent. E.g. you can use the Illusions skill to trap anyone in his or her worse nightmares/whatever. Sign Up: Name: (This can be a normal human name) Age: (no more than 20) Fraternity: (Rakksha/Corvus) Rank: (Member or Leader. Note there can only be one leader for each group) Ability: (Any of the above, include a small description if you can) Personal Description: (How you look like as a human and true form) Bio: (Basically a human bio. You can also have a short Fraternity bio. Remember, you can?t have too much memory of the past) So, that?s it. PM me if you want to know anything.
  22. Haven't watched the show in years. Hope I still remember^^. I'll be Guardian Beast. Name: Nayan Age:Umm...7 Gender: Female Attack(s): Mach Wind, Talon Sword Description: See attachment. She's more glowy and shinier.^^ Species: Bird of Paradise Personality: Nayan is very independent and loyal. Her beauty is only matched by a very keen intelligence. Sometimes unreasonable, she is very helpful to those she trusts and loves to fly.
  23. Yugi: Come on, Grandpa, why can't we see grandma? Solomon: No! You just can't! Joey: That a'int a Grandma, WOW..look at the.. Solomon: Enough! Get out all of you!
  24. Mina

    Boys Only?

    [QUOTE]I perfer dragons and fiends over the dainty little fairies[/QUOTE] So do I. Ever since I bought my first YGO cards, I've been attempting a dragon deck, but now I'm on to a Spellcaster deck with a couple fairies. (jealous) My sister managed to pull off a winged beast, dragon deck. (jealous)
  25. Mina

    Boys Only?

    I don't know any girls who are into YGO save for my sister and me. Most guys I know are into it and they don't have anything against girls. In fact, I believe they respect the girl duelists as much as the boys. So I don't have too much of a problem in that area, but I don't really appreciate anyone who would cause such a problem. It's a tv show and whether you like it or not depends on you.
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