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Everything posted by Mina
Winner Time! Winner: Lan21013 Runner up: Deathbug
Could be. ^^ Still, not too many people will consider that other than just a decoration, so there won't be a need for anything like editing. That would be ridiculous.
I would be another random member.lol. I just post in what intrests me and try to come often.
Here's a little something I drew when I was otherwise listless. It is supposed to be the Egyptian Sekhmet, but I'm afraid it doesn't have the feel or look. So here it is anyway.
Ok...but there is something insanely wrong with my computer now, so could someone put this image site in their post? Thanks. [url]http://www.etc.cl/series/yu_gi_oh/imagenes/imagen28_grande.jpg[/url]
Question: Suppose I have Magician of Faith face up on the field in def mode and have already used the effect, then I play "Darkness Approaches" and flip it back facedown. Can I flip it face up on my next turn and use it's effect again? Can I also do it on the same turn?
Slytherin!! I saw that coming. It's only 85%(sadly) me. I really go for the fine arts, even if I don't take a tremoundous intrest in them. I'm also not terribly elegant, but getting there...sorta.
Here are few I dreamed up. Challenger Continous Trap Call any sub-type. As long as this card is face up on the field, any monster with the called sub-type cannot be placed on the field. Sacrifice 2000 LP at your End Phase on the turn this card is played. Ambrosia Equip Magic A monster equipped with this card cannot be sent to the graveyard by result of anything except battle.
Koriboh was sent to the field at that time, so it was Winged Dragon and Polymerization.
Faith waved her staff, clearing what Seiyaryu's wings couldn't of the dust. The odds were somewhat in their favor now, giving hope to the tired warriors. "How far till we find Dark Necrophia?" Seiyaryu pushed forward, pressing on the Dark forces. "You go the wrong way." came a voice. Faith turned to see her attendent, the Holy Shine Soul, behind her. "What?" "Dark Necrophia and Doma are now in near the city's gates." "Say what?!" Faith pushed her hair back and strode up to the fairy. "Then what are we doing here...and Doma is back there too?" "I'm afraid so." said the Soul. "We are receiving some tremondous help from the Earth Realm, they'll keep a clear path for you to get back." The fairy flew off, clearing that path. "Well, backwards." said Melody. Seiyaryu turned back. It was much easier flying back to the broken palace. The walls and battlements bore deep fissures and scars. Faith could see Podys' army along with St.Joans. Quite a lot happened in such a short time. "So we're back." Faith said as she dismounted Seiyaryu. "This will be the last bit of flying I do in some time." "Where's our welcoming party?" called Melody. She looked at Faith, but the Magician was looking back at the crumbling archway to the palace. Vaylkarion stood with Rydia facing the two dreaded creatures. Doma's eyes caught Faith's as she was scanning the group. Both stared for a brief moment in hate and vengence. Both blaming eachother for everything wrong. Faith grasped her staff as a small shiver passed through her. She was going to war....
Tristan: Bakura, you wanna be best friends? Bakura: With you? Why, I'm not included in 95% of the friendship scenes.
Faith waited desperately under the Magical Hats. She knew three of the four hats were occupied with herself, Melody,Kuriboh and Seiyaryu. The fourth one contained the very effective Swords of Revealing Light. If only the Thousand Eyes absorbed the right Hat, things would turn out well. A buzzing hum echoed from the outside. All the eyes must have opened for greenish light was enveloping the area. Faith couldn't move and she was sure, neither could Melody nor Seiyaryu. This was it, the Absorption Force was beginning. Faith closed her eyes. "PleasePleasePlease...." A bright flash exploded outside and arced straight down. They did it, they attacked the Swords! The Magical Hats vanished and the group was free. The Thousand Eyes' Restricts and a significant number of Summoned Skulls were caught in the barricade. "Told ya." Faith said to Melody, a lot more confidently than she actually felt. "You were lucky!" said Melody as Seiyaryu took flight. "If that hadn't worked, I would not only have to do my bit, but also rescue you from those things!" "Me?" Faith asked. "You were the one they would have gone after." "Ladies..." Seiyaryu sighed. "Please face forward and take a look." More enemies were on their way. Red Eyes, Relinquished and Summoned Skulls were the least bit of problems. "Why do they have to make it so hard?" muttered Faith. "It's not fair all of them have wings." "Well, you can't fight them on my wings alone." said Seiyaryu. "Block Attack!" Faith pointed her staff toward the approaching enemies. They froze behind a steel X and crouched into a defensive stance. "That should hold 'em off." "Not for long." said Melody. "How 'bout we get out of here and start on the next batch."
In the US, according to what I've seen, the episode "Joey's Betrayal Pt1" has aired.(Missed the best part while on vacation). That is the newest ep. Next Sat. is Pt2.
OK, according to your last post, Milleniuth is in the cave that leads from the Earth Realm to the Light Realm. The Gate Guardian and Labarynth Tanks are opposite him and are in a faceoff against Milleniuth.
Yes, it's not so surprising. Lots of people I know are into YuGiOh and I think that's staying on the top even with Pokemon Advanced. [QUOTE]But unlike Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh characters are more frightening, more sophisticated, mysterious and more educational. Some of the characters are evil, some good. The luck of the draw is less a part of winning than in Pokemon. Yu-Gi-Oh requires learning strategy and skills such as reading, math and interaction with other players. [/QUOTE] So true.^^
Seiyaryu winged over the first line of defenses. His wings beat like a whirlwind as he paused in the air, facing a lightning barage from the Summoned Skulls. Melody instantly disappeared under her Magical Hats and Faith blocked with Mirror Wall. Then she instantly oblitarated the weakened monsters with Raigeki. "What the heck are we supposed to do?" Melody reappeared from the Magical Hats looking very flustered. Faith ploughed another Raigeki into a Whiptail Crow. "We're supposed to find Dark Necrophia. Or whoever's summoning him. These guys are trying not to make it easy." "And they're succeeding." grumbled Seiyaryu. His jagged fangs clipped the wings of some monster, sending it plumetting down. "There." called Melody. "See that?" She pointed her spiral staff toward a blazing area behind the enemy lines. "It looks like a ritual." commented Faith. "Head straight. But I don't think they'll let us pass easily." And she was right. No more than a wingbeat later, more enemies closed in. Thousand Eyes Restricts levitated eeiriely, their myriad eyes still opening. "Stop them!" Seiyaryu muttered something R rated before shutting his eyes, which were getting heavier with each opened eye. "I won't fly once they paralyze me nor can I fly with my eyes closed." "How exactly?" wondered Faith. She felt the tugging winds of the Thousand Eyes' Absorption Force. "Melody!" she called. "Activate your Magical Hats." This was a huge gamble, but if luck was truly on their side, this would work. "You're going to put Sealing Swords of Light under ONE of them?" said Melody, louder than was needed. "What if those things absorb the wrong Hat?" "You have a better idea?" snapped Faith. "The important thing is for you to survive and perform the Change of Heart. If you don't, not much can be done to help. Yes, I can perform Monster Reborn, but it's a long process and you'll still wake up a baby." "Honestly, next I can possess the three gods themselves and fight the Dark side."
New Stuff: Luminous Mage 6/2000/1900 Light/Spellcaster Effect: When the card "Luminous Spark" is face up on the field, this card cannot be targeted by magic cards. Hecatae, the Tormentress 7/2200/2000 Wind/Winged Beast Effect: If this card is Special Summoned when "Harpy Lady Sisters" is on the field, randomly target one magic card on your opponents field every turn and destroy it. If a face-down target is not a magic card, this card loses 200 attack points. Paradise Lost Normal Magic Replace an opponent's face up field card with one of your own. Supreme Demon Continous Trap As long as this card is face up on the field, all Dark Type monsters on either side of the field that have participated in the Battle Phase must be sacrificed to the graveyard after the Battle Phase. (Includes attacking monsters as well as monsters whose effect is triggered during this Phase.) Betrayal Counter Trap Activate this card when your opponent activates a Trap card. The properties of the opponent's Trap card are applied to both players. The Golden Bridle Continous Magic Control an opponent's monster with the sub-type Warrior which has the highest attack points. If a Warrior type card that is summoned by the opponents has a lower attack power than the card you control, destroy that card.
MY deck Yea, it needs some immense tweaking, so if anyone can drop some comments, I'd be very glad. Tribute Monsters -Hyozanryu -Dark Magician (2) -Holy Shine Soul -Megami -Dark Witch Non Tribute -Flame Manipulator -Man Eater Bug -Magician of Faith -Skull Red Bird -Princess of Tsurugi -Dreamsprite -Maha Vailo -Maryokutai -Stern Mystic -Harpies Brother -Neo the Magic Swordsman (2) -Mystical Elf (2) -Ancient Elf (2) -Trap Master -Mushroom Man #2 -Mysterious Pupeteer -Fiend Reflection #2 -Sorcerer of the Doomed -Giant Germ Magic: -Darkness Approaches -Fissure (2) -Germ Infection (2) -Dian Keto -Book of Secret Arts -Nobleman of Crossout -De-Spell -Monster Reborn -Ookazi -Malevolent Nuzzler -Soul Exchange -Card Destruction -Dark Hole -Sword of Dark Destruction -Remove Trap -Ring of Magnetism Trap: -Ultimate Offering -Reinforcements -Trap Hole -Destruction Punch -Dragon Capture Jar -Two Pronged Attack (2) -Waboku -Castle Walls -House of Adhesive Tape
Frog man: Well, they have bug eyes and they look like bugs. Hmmm which should I eat first?
"I missed you all, too." Mina said vehemently as all her old friends all but piled on top of her. She held her Pixiemon in her arms as she looked across the dwelling. On the far corner, smiling indulgently stood Wizardmon and his brother, Sorcerimon. Mina walked up and resepectfully. Master of the Magical digimon or not, Mina held the two wizards in utmost respect. Wizardmon wrapped his arms around her slowly. "Welcome back." ------------------ The air nipped frostily outside the faceted window. It was forever autumn. "I see the weather hasn't changed." said Mina. She stared out in silence, her eyes slowly blurring. "You're not crying." Pixiemon looked up into her face, watching her overflowing eyes. "Of course not." Mina quickly swiped a hand across her face. "So, what are we to do?" Pixiemon pointed his staff outside toward the mountains. There rose a glittering crystal spire at the distance. "The lifesource?" Mina squinted her eyes. That gigantic chunk of crystal had come in very handy in their last adventure, very handy. Mina remembered its very first power, it saved an irreplacable life. "It's been growing and shrinking all this time." said Pixiemon. "Wizardmon and Sorcerimon are still conducting their research on the thing. Honestly, they don't think of anything genuinely fun ever." Mina smiled. That wasn't surprising news. "So, they find anything?" "I guess." said Pixiemon. "They have some surprise for you. Get ready for another mountain hike." The small digimon shivered and sneezed. Hikes up cold mountains didn' t tolerate him.
I too read only the first volume. I'm looking for more and I love it so much. Very funny!
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by SJchan Mayran[/I] It's a picture of Ryou Bakura chained to an alter thing. [/QUOTE] Eh...nooooo. I kinda like Ryou. ^^; ------------ Another... [B]Apsara 7/2600/2200 Light Fairy/Effect Effect:[/B] As long as this card is face up, all increases in power to Dark type monsters are negated. When this card is sent ot the Graveyard, you may pay 500 LP for each light monster on the field to place it on top of your deck. [B]Divine Conch Normal Magic Effect:[/B]Destroys the opponent's monster with the highest attack power. [B]Cygnus 4/1600/1200 Wind Winged Beast/Effect Effect:[/B] When your opponent activates a continous magic or trap, offer this card from your hand to put the magic or trap on your side of the field.
[COLOR=purple]Sakhi Rishta perched lazily on a protruding balcony. Her subjects, harpies like herself, were around her in a strict bodyguard position. Sakhi opened one violet eye as soon as she heard the mysterious suggestion. This was something that could work. But how to pry Titania away from the human? And how did this human actually feel for Titania? Well, whatever their feelings, this couldn?t go on. Either the King and Queen came up with a reasonable compromise themselves or the Rainbow Alliance would do it for them! As a princess, Sakhi had considerable influence over her vast territories and she put this to good use. Atleast half of the lesser clans had joined her and the more powerful ones eith paired off with the royals or joined the Alliance. Now if only she could exert her mind to think up an idea. The sirens, even though they had a point, only wanted what would later bring a bigger disaster. Well fitting for their snide conniving ways. The harpies, no matter how they were portrayed by the mortals, considered themselves quite refined. True, they thrived on blood, but it was a part of them, they atleast had rules and restrictions contradicting the humans? stories. Sakhi grinned. Only if she could fly to that human and.....well, this certainly wasn?t the time to be thinking about this. She unfurled her purple streaked wings and spiraled down beside the elf spokesman. She scanned the crowd silently and said: ?I think to support this suggestion.? She said softly, although her voice still had a screeching edge. ?It is the best I?ve heard so far.?[/COLOR]
Eh..I wanted to make my own manga, but despite the artistic talent I'm quite proud of, I can't seem to generate an original story line. -_-;;. Someday perhaps...