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Everything posted by KawaiiSakura
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] *high fives* You got good taste as well. As for me, I've been listening to a good bit of [b]August Burns Red[/b] recently. A punishing metalcore band with a positive message from Syracuse, NY. Particularly enjoying the songs "Your Little Suburbia Is In Ruins" and "Barbarian". Along with them, I've been listening to more of [b]The Fall of Troy[/b]. I picked up their album [i]Doppleganger[/i] today along with [b]Oceano[/b]'s album [i]Depths[/i] (though they are kind of standard deathcore to me, and don't offer much of anything that's new). Just got done downloading a butt-load of vintage [b]Brand New[/b] and [b]Taking Back Sunday[/b]. I also listened to [b]The Devil Wears Prada[/b]'s new album [i]With Roots Above And Branches Below[/i] from front to back today. Good album, great. Even as a Buddhist, I really enjoy them (same goes for Christian outfit [b]UnderOATH[/b]). It was a good day in music.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Black"]Old school brand new is the way to go. I just recently started getting into them. TBS is good but I heard their preformance levels have been sucking recently live. They played a free show in my town but of course I had to work- but a lot of people said they just weren't up to par. underOATH is where the love is at. I enjoy them but besides the fact they are a "religious" band. btw. have you noticed the new devils wear prada cd seems a bit more hardcore-ish? I think I'm diggin it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="2"]Well I don't have any gaming systems, but my boyfriend has a ps3 and he is pretty much a hardcore gaming kid (he got top 10% in killzone 2, ohh how much I love my nerd
[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Black"]Hmm. Well I work at blockbuster, so I get to watch millions of movies for free. Right now I have the notorious in my pile of movies to watch, and then for tv series I have Curb your enthusiasm, and 30rock season 1. and then I just finished Seigi no Mikata. If you like asian drama, you have to see, so good
[quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"][u] Bro, Ashleys Here,[/u] By Attack Attack! And you know what, its not that bad! Thanks Zen![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE="2"]Attack Attack is amazing. I'm heartily in love with them. Right now? The new devil wears prada cd. & Aside from that cd, I'm inlove with the song "Gettin Mine" but Al Kapone from that show 5 dollar cover, the only ep I've seen though is the one with the song in it. uhh. yes I'm aware I have really odd taste in music.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well when I was a kid I had a dream car, then I got it. Right now I own a Mazda Mx-5. Now I am pretty much obsessed with Mazda cars. (I'm all about imports, sure I enjoy some american muscle but imports makes my knees wobbly [only thing I can't stand, no offense, is mustangs (usually the people who own them here are complete tools.) I give them respect because I love cars but at the same time I just cant stand the people who own them.] but! My dream car right now is a Mazda speed 3 hatchback in white. That's my next car, and I want to mod it sooo bad... but tastefully, no ricers puhlease.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="2"]Ahh. Well, my car is a bit of a mess. Let's see... a pair of heels, jeans, extra shirt (pretty much a whole outfit) 2 magazines, a towel?, jumper cables, that's all in the trunk. inside? well I have a two seater so I try to keep it at a minimum. I have a coke bottle that I haven't taken out cause I want the coke code from it but keep forgetting to grab it. I have cds, scissors, duct tape, 2 extra pair of sunglasses.... and... I think that's all...[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote]My inner old school nun wants to whack your knuckles with a ruler for typing like that. In fact she wants to do that whenever she sees that type of grammar and spelling[/quote] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]You are telling me. I don't understand how I could of typed like that. I'm a journalism major now, I've made my life around correct spelling and writing. To this day, I can't [U]stand [/U]people who type like that. Guess that's what happens when you are only 14 and going on the internet.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Tahoma"]oh man. I must be so old. I joined in 2002. It is now 2009. I am 21 years old. well in two days. So do the math! Buttt... I had a lot of good memories, I doubt anyone really remembers me (because I really don't remember too too much and I only had 16 posts) but I met some really great people here. Ohhh the old days. plus, when I was younger, I tlked lyke dis sometimes. like u kno? oh man I must have been such a noob. haha
lol spirit week..I only did it because I wanted to get extra credit..^_^ and get ungrounded lol but homecoming is here..tomorrow is the big game and then the dance on saturday which I cant go to since I dont have a date and meh boyfriend is all the way in texas which is the part that sucks the most I wish he lived here ^_^ but n e ways.. we did this little war games against the sophmores..the sophmores one which was gay because we yelled much louder than they ever did n e ways tomorrow is the game I cant wait I wanna go hang out with my friends I never pay attention to the game O_o;; - Lily (otherwise known as DeathKnight's gf O_o;;)
ridiculous weather (global warming?)
KawaiiSakura replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
in IL itz been around 80* out o.0 itz nice to have warm weather, since I havent seen it in awhile..but O.O;'; -
Anime Girls Topic Only: Cutest guy from any anime?
KawaiiSakura replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
hmm, I would say: Duo Maxwell... he is Cute ^ _ ^ -
kewwwlll I made it to the Spelling bee also ^^' first time going to the Spelling bee o.O anywayz Good luck
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Im in 8th grade and I just got my classes for high school, I just wanted to know. What do you want to be your major? what are you interested in doing? [/B][/QUOTE] oooh....I wanna do something with Computerz..like a Graphic person or I dunno something with computerz or maybe I will be a teacher...o.O I uno...
oliver is a cool play.. haha anywayz Bill Sikes is cool and so iz oliver and stuff ^_~ :D
[FONT=century gothic] CardCaptors is good, ofcourse u can see I like it ^_^ but as for favorite..hmm...Maybe Dash and Water, light..I guess I reallly dont have a fav hmm.. [/FONT]
I have dreams about my thoughts...like if I have been trifling over a matter and dont know the answer to it..I usually have a dream about it...and my problem plays a part in it..and sometime I get the answer to it...Idunno, Dreams are weird weird things.. there just images ur brain makes up, did u know u have bout 3-4 dreams a night and if ur lucky ur able to remember 2 of them..sometimes ppl dont remember any of them..but thatz how dreams are very weird complex images ur brain makes........:babble:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]I won't even be in school for another 23 or so days! And when I do return, it's High School for me...I haven't been to school for so long (I was sick all of December), I can hardly remember what school's like... [/B][/QUOTE][FONT=century gothic] wait a min.........!23 days?!?! highschool!??!?! ur grade level?!?!*iz confuzzled* anywayz...school..school is boring...but without it..I couldnt get to be what I want to be.. anywayz...school is boring..I dun Hate it..but I dun like it..itz just mild...but if everybody loved school..then life would be weird..o.O[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]Have you read the His Dark Materils Trilogy by Phillip Pullman? Err... well they're a Fantasy books, and it involves killing the self proclaimed God, yes THE God up in heavan. But that doesn't happen until the third book, the other two involve a little golden compas that can tell the truth to any questions and a knife that can cut between differnt worlds. It's really good. Oh yeah and the end of the third book has some romacne in it but thats near the very end. Well here are the titles of each book in order The Golden Compas The Subtle Knife The Amber Spyglass [/B][/QUOTE] very good bookz! I luved them! anywayz good bookz...hmm.."the Blooding" is a good book, it iz by Particia Windsor itz about a gurl who accepts a summer job as an Au pair in England, she is desperate to prove to her mother that she can be responsible. At first her life abroad is peacefull, buit maris soon realizes something is strange about the family she works for. When tragedy strikes the household . Maris is frightened, but when she discovers the truth about her employer, the truth about his transformations and his plans for her, she's no longer afraid.Bcuz Maris us beginning to see that being blooded means she will have something her mother can never take away.. pretty good book..that is what waz on the back of the book so u know... hmm..a Book I am reading is The Prince and the Pauper by mark twain..pretty good book..but old english makes it a wee hard to read...but *shrugs* anywayz...:babble: I am gonna check out some of the bookz u ppl have said...I am a bookworm all the way...^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B] [color=indigo]Well I am a pretty easygoing guy and I would do just about anything for my friends (which sometimes gets me screwed over) But If anyone tried to repeatedly tried that with me they would no longer find themselves in my good graces. The next time a girl is taking advantage of you just say "hey, missy, go knit me a sweater" (I think I may have just caused all the girls in the forum to hate me). I think you need to find a cool girl who won't use you, and then let me know where they are all at (I'm generalizing here b/c I do know some really cool girls).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] actually that is pretty funny..and I dont think we hate ya.. o.O but not all gurlz are like that...like me..I wouldnt use ppp...bcuz thatz just wrong :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D*Star [/i] [B] [COLOR=chocolate]O.o Here's another, I didn't make it but its cool, like that burstlaug one.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] haha, that one is Cool and funny ^_^
o.O cool Whipping smile thing ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Why is life so complicated and guys so JERKISH? I just want to know what you think. I've had the worst luck with guys lately. And the guys that I like never like me back...they always like my friends who are a million times better than me...Maybe I should give up. I think humans should be like plants. We should just reproduce asexually by spores or just pollinate. Why be attracted to one another? We could just spew pollen and make babies that way. It'd be a whole lot easier. Oh maybe after high school life picks up. Maybe when I get out of this hell hole I'll meet someone worthwhile. So what do you guys think?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I have been in your shoez b4 so I know how it feelz.. but dont worry, you will find someone when u least expect it.. and about the plants..that would be just weird.. :eek: I think I wouldnt like to be a plant..it would be kinda boring kinda Weird..o.O
Nice Drawing, Wonderfull blend of Colors ^_^