1.DragonBall/Z/GT - What isn't there to love about DragonBall? Amazing Fights, Transformations, Adventures. I really love Dragon Ball Z, one of my fave animes growing up. DragonBall was great, good adventures that just made you wanna see it over and over. DragonBall Z was AMAZING, the various fights and transformations, along with the battles,Villians,new characters,Movies and endings are just so pleasurable to watch. DragonBall Gt, Not many people actually like this, but I do. Even though it didn't come from Akira Toriyama's Imagination, the fact that it continued DragonBall was a pleasure to me. Come on guys, it wasn't too bad, Super Saiyajin 4 was pretty cool, and some of the fights and Attacks were cool too! The music is also very good :animesmil
2. Death Note - After watching this anime, i was just like..holy crap. The anime is very interesting and after seeing one episode..you just need to keep watching. The anime just pulls you in, so to speak, it just has a sort of magic to it that makes you want to keep watching.
3. Inuyasha - This Anime puts togeather alot of things i love about anime. The action, the adventure and of course, the romance. Inuyasha, Kagome and friends set out on a journey to find to shards of the Shikon No Tama, also known as the Shikon Jewel. Along the way, the must fight the villianous Naraku, His Minions and alot of other demons and villians. Inuyasha weilds the Tessaiga, made from the fang of his father. Apart from that, the romance. the romance betwine Inuyasha and Kagome just stunned me. It was so romantic, and yet amazing at the same time.
4. Pokemon - Perhaps it's the fact that the series is so incredibly long or that most of my video games are Pokemon ones that got it on this list. Like DragonBall, I grew up watching this anime. It is good, with all the series' of it.
5. Black Cat - The Music is a big part on why i love it, it is also very well done and rather interesting.