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Charlie Bravo

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Everything posted by Charlie Bravo

  1. [quote name='Raunsgaard']Edit: Should you happen to find some controversy between my signature and the message I posted, I must say that I have a split personality, but...[/quote] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"]Well... at least you'll never be bored with yourself. :D On the topic, however, I think that killing your child because you don't want to pay child support is just... wrong on so many levels. I mean how could you take an innocent life for one? For two, how could you take a life that you created into this world? It's crazy that the only logical thought in this man's head would be to kill his son and not let him live. Then again, maybe this man needed to be in jail. Maybe... because of this cruel act, someone will be moved enough to change and a life will be altered for the better. I hope so at least.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"]I have to make it to 400 posts by the end of the year and I'm always up for a challenge, no matter how inexeperienced I may be. Definitely count me in. :animesmil[/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Well i'm glad that this thread opened up because I just took family pics. This is a picture of me: [COLOR="Red"][URL="http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj372/CharlieBravo09/s42430ca115207_41.jpg"]Charlie Bravo[/URL][/COLOR] And this is a picture of my wife, mom, and her 2 sisters from left to right: [COLOR="red"][URL="http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj372/CharlieBravo09/s42430ca115207_51-1.jpg"]Bravo Family[/URL][/COLOR] I love my wife more than a monkey loves [and problably gets tired of] bananas; she feels the same, lol. They all are so beautiful and I cant believe my mother-in-law still looks so nice and she's close to 50. :o[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"]For Christmas, I got [B]'Ninja Town'[/B] for the Nintendo DS and it's suprisingly a great game. I've always been a fan of ninjas and I love how they defend their town from waves of demons. It's a little too 'cutsey' for my particular liking but the gameplay is awesome. Hugs and kisses to my wife for that decision. For her christmas present, I got new underwear and bras from Victoria Secret. So in actuality, I got two presents for Christmas, hehe. :D[/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"]Happy New Years, Happy New Years! It's a great 2009 day and the first of many days to come. I didn't drink but I did spend a majority of 'time' with the Mrs. before I went to sleep. I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and start my first post, lol. 499 more to go. :D[/SIZE][/FONT] UPDATE: I decded to change my Resolution postage to 400 instead of 500.
  6. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"]Meh. I already went to go visit my mother/father/sisters-in-law for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Besides that, I guess I'll keep perfecting playing with Captain Falcon on [B]Super Smash Bros. Brawl[/B] for the Wii. Other than that and checking up on the OB fam', i'll have my annual 'New Year's 'ritual'' with my wife, hehe. Oh, and spending time with the children isn't all bad either. I have a 9 year old and a 1 year old. The youngest is sleep and the oldest won't go. I wish I had a warm storage closet with room for two that wasn't full of junk right now. ... Anyway, Happy New Years to all! UPDATE: Also, I made two new years resolutions that I plan to keep. I placed them in my siggy so that I wont forget.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Century Gothic"]I'll try my hand... [B]Character Information[/B] Name: Montgomery Trois Picture: [IMG]http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj372/CharlieBravo09/untitled-2.jpg[/IMG] Nickname: 'Monty' Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: Monty stands at an even 6"0 and is muscularly thin at 170lbs. He is a handsome black man, a scar over his right eye and toned all over from years of excercising with light weights and constant activity. [B]Details[/B] Motives: Monty's motiviation in life is his curiosity. He believes that there is a purpose for everything and though he can not understand it all, Monty wants to try and understand everything he can. He is a pure hearted man who believes in the best of people and never tries to give up on whomever or whatever he cares about. Alignment: Monty is a good person who works with the Company. Though he has proven to the company that he is a trustworty worker, the Company has not given Monty any information considering their future motives. [B]Powers and Personality[/B] Power: Monty is 'skilled' based on his power of accuracy. It is with this power that he has been able to capture 'special' people for the Company. His power of accuracy has no impact on his reflexes or his fighting ability. His talent is only reliable with ranged or thrown weapons and only within direct eye contact distance. This power is also random; it comes and goes as as it pleases. Personality: Monty constantly absorbs whatever he is interested in, trying to learn everything he can. He is also a good friend to others, but others believe that his happiness is a motive to get close and prey on them in the long run. Regarding work, Monty is dedicated on the mission and has not lost a target as of yet. Just because his great accuracy is random, it doesn't weaken his motivation. Weapon: Accuracy (When it works, it is pinpoint accurate) [B]The History of You[/B] Background Location: Kansas City, Kansas, 1253hrs. "I wonder who's in this envelope?" Montgomery Trois rubbed his 5 o'clock shadow while grabbing a manilla envelope from one of the Company's many unknown associates. His black dress shirt and slacks blended in perfectly with the night; it was his usual attire for work. As he turned away he pressed a small button grasped in his free palm opening the door to his 2007 Dodge Stratus. As he got inside, he threw the manilla envelope on the passenger side seat. Monty hated having stubble on his chin; looking professional showed the Company that he cared about his job. "Alright... Lets take a look shall we?" Trois reached in the opposite seat and grabbed his envelope, emptying the contents in his free hand. A black and white photo showed a remarkable looking brunette woman with young features and firm looking breasts. "Hmm. I wonder what the Company wants with her?" He thought to himself. He took out the secondary bits of paper and read up on her power, address, and common spots that she likes. "Super strength... aggressive... yadayada." Monty sighed aloud. "I swear, if I had a nickel for every super strong person that the Company gives me... What is this, my initiation? For christ sakes..." Monty started his car and drove off to a common spot that the list gave off: American Brewery, 1605 W. Terrace. At the American Brewery, 0100hrs... Josephine Walker was playing darts, enjoying a dark haired man rubbing up against her butt way more than he should as he was trying to show her how to play. Though her father had taught her everything he knew about the game, she felt like having a little fun with a stranger tonight. She allowed him to carress her thighs and her waist. When he went towards the breasts however, she politely turned around to meet his face. "I have something to tell you." She had said it with a serious look, though her look of flirtation was still there. "Shit." The man said, disgusted based on her look. "You got aids?" "Nono, it's nothing like that." She stated with a slightly offended look. "It's just that..." "You got herpes?" The man said again more curious. "No." "Is it contagious?" "I don't... think so." "Is it a boyfriend?" The man stated, not truly looking at her anymore. "Boyfriend? Why on Earth would you thi-" "Excuse me, Mrs. Walker?" Monty said while touching her shoulder from behind. He knew that he had interuppted. "Am I intruding?" She turned, looking into his light hazel eyes. She was taken aback by his devilish good looks. "Ms." "Oh... well hello. I'm Montgomery Trois from the Department of Helth. I need to talk with you in private for a few minutes." "Shit." The dark haired man stated. "I knew it was aids." "Shut up!" Josephine screamed. Something inside her had snapped not wanting to be embarrassed in front of such a man, and with that, the flirtatious man became silent. Trois however, reached for his weapon and tipped her off that something was wrong. She grabbed his black shirt and flung him like a rag doll across the bar. Josephine turned back to the perplexed man who had once flirted with her. "This is what I was trying to tell you! You shit!" She yelled aloud, so everyone could hear her. "I'm strong! Stronger than I should be!" She picked him up by the throat as she talked. She was through trying to impress anyone. The man, now red in the face from lack of blood flow, gurgled for breath but found none. "Now do you understand?" She said looking into his dying eyes. He shook his head as if the jesture would save his life. Trois, face down on the dirty bar floor 10 feet away, got up slowly to see Josephine grabbing the flirt by his neck, his feet above the ground. "Damn adrenaline. She's not thinking straight." He strained to say above his scrambled thoughts, remembering the notes he read. As he shook off the fatigue and ran to the two, Josephine turned around to hold the dying man close to her face. Trois grabbed his standard issue .45 Desert Eagle. "Try anything and he dies." He knew she was serious, her hand dangerously tight on the man's neck but something happened that he couldn't quite explain at that moment. His mind moved faser than it had ever moved before and his body simultaniously became unusually relaxed. He wasn't nervous or scared regardless of what she said. Time moved slower than expected. It felt like he was at peace with himself. The background dissolved and all audio slowly ceased. Only he and the duo remained. The two then both grew larger in his perception until any shot he wanted to make would've been child's play. Trois pulled the trigger. The round sped the the air towards the duo: the startled woman and the dying man. The bullet grazed the side of the man's neck, puncturing the woman's shoulder and breking her collerbone. As the duo fell to the ground, the man both gasped for air and grabbed his neck in pain thinking that he would die any minute. The woman, however was very calm with all the blood surrounding her. She attempted to get up and fight but the pain kept her floored. She looked up at the approaching figure who shot her. "Get up." Trois said wiping the sweat off his face. "You messed up my Armani shirt."[/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. Hello OtakuBoards. My name is Charlie Bravo and i'm an Army soldier/veteran. You guys may have known me by my past username 'Tekkaman' but i've been off the map for a long time due to a 15 month deployment in Iraq and Ranger School. I didn't make the cut however, but it was a fun experience and something I woundn't recommend anyone else do, including myself (They're crazy, lol). Anywho, for those who don't know me, I love to write and I love to be part of stories; interaction is my 'thing'. I didn't want to go back to Tekkaman because I think that part of me is the past and I want to start anew. I know it'll be hard with a new usename and all but I think i'll make it. My favorite television show is 'Just Shoot Me', and anime wise, it's still 'Tekkaman', lol. I've recently taken a liking to Johnny Bravo as well which served as a stepping stone for the choosing of my new name. I like what you guys have done with the site but I do have one question: Why in the world haven't you guys promoted [B]BKStyles[/B] yet? He joined before me and he's been a huge contribution. At least I hope he has. Anyway, glad to be back. I'll try and be on as long and as frequently as I used to be. To BK and [B]White[/B], I missed you guys and no, I'm not dead. :) UPDATE: Jeez, i've been gone for a while. I'm actually a little lost, lol.
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