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Everything posted by Xeonn

  1. I may be bias since I don't believe in god and don't like the fact that people in my family try to force me into. If I were to see that as I was walking down the street I'd most likely start to smile. [QUOTE]But what Mr. Blonde said is true too: religions get to advertise all the time. Though I think they could have found another way, it is about time that other groups had a chance to advertise too.[/QUOTE] I agree though it could get a little ugly if someone decided to be "that guy" and started insulting the other religions.
  2. [quote name='Raunsgaard']I somehow feel that in order to actually punish this man (and turn the world into a better place in the end), you need to make people understand and realise that what they did was wrong, once they are aware of what they did and are conscious enough to regret their mistakes, then comes true penalty in that they have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives. If the world is ever going to work that way, I'm not sure, and I somehow doubt it, but I can always hope.[/QUOTE] I completely agree that is how I feel about it too, taking someone's life doesn't teach him or anyone else a lesson its just a cheap way to not deal with him.
  3. Fallout 3 was a good game but I got stuck cause of a bug, Dead Space was good and frightened me a bit. Gears of War 2 was fun but seemed a little like a filler for another Gears. Now I didn't like Grand Theft Auto 4, it got boring fast. Braid looks like found but I never got to play it as for the others I didn't really play them either.I played world of goo on the pc and it was fun, so I guess that it was the best of the wii games so far. Little Big Planet was so much more fun and I think it should have won instead of MGS4. I play some pc games but not really any of the ones on there but Left 4 Dead but that wasn't as good as I thought it should have been. The world ends with you is a great game and I love the fighting with two chars on the top screen and bottom screen thing. From what I heard Patapon was a great game and I'm trying to borrow from my friend to play it. All in all the list isn't that bad out of the choices that were there but I think their could have included some better ones. Braid and World of Goo are great indie games that are a lot of fun and I'm happy to see they won something.
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